How to recognize an angel next to me. How to find out the name of your guardian angel. How to celebrate your birthday

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Life goes on

In the following chapters, you will read about how to keep your relationship with your loved ones after their death through spiritual communication. I think you have already seen that their souls want us to continue to live a healthy, happy life, full of meaning. And this is probably the best living monument we can erect in their honor.

Chapter 4
How to know if you really communicate with angels or if it's just a figment of your imagination

The little girl looks into the empty space next to her left shoulder and is definitely talking to someone; from the outside it seems that she is conducting a one-sided dialogue.

Who are you talking to, dear? her mother asks.

“With my angel,” the girl replies meaningfully.

Later, the girl's mother shared with me:

“The most amazing thing is that our family is not very religious, and we never discussed angels in front of her. As far as I know, she has never come across such an idea.

I hear similar stories from many parents around the world. Children are definitely more receptive to hearing and seeing their angels than the average adult. Why is this happening? In my research, I have found that the main reason is that children do not question whether angels really exist or are just their imaginations. They just enjoy communicating with them, not thinking about the reliability of what is happening. Perhaps that's why a study by Dr. William McDonald of Ohio State University found that children had the most authentic mental experiences compared to groups of other ages.

We adults are so concerned about whether angels are our fantasies that we often reject their true Divine guidance! If we would become like children and put our distrust aside for a while, we could experience a deeper and richer experience with God and the world of angels.

However, the left hemisphere of an adult begins to command and requires evidence and evidence. We want to be sure that our lives will actually get better if we do something or dare to make some kind of change.

Fortunately, there are some distinguishing characteristics that allow us to really determine if we are actually communicating with angels or if it only seems to us. For example, when we think about something we want or when we are driven by the energy of fear. The experience of communicating with angels happens to us through the four Divine senses. These are sight, hearing, thinking and sensations. At the same time, each person has all the feelings developed in different ways, but there is certainly one that surpasses all the others in terms of the strength of its perception, it is best developed.

For example, my eyesight is very well developed, so most of my communication with angels is through visual images. Someone is more inclined to listen to their instincts, thoughts or inner voice.

Signs of communication with angels

Emotional or psychic feeling is the most common way for most people to communicate with angels. If you are not sure if you are really communicating with an angel or if it only seems to you, pay attention to the following signs.

Feelings you get when you actually date an angel

As a rule, this is:

Feeling of warmth or tender hugs;

Feeling safe, even if you are warned of a possible danger;

Feeling the aromas of flowers that are not associated with anything or the special smell of a deceased person close to you;

A dent suddenly discovered on a couch or sofa - such as if someone had just been sitting here;

Sudden change in temperature or air pressure;

Feeling of being touched on your head, hair, or shoulder;

Sudden drowsiness or, conversely, a surge of strength and vigor;

A strong sense of the reality of what is happening;

Repetitive and persistent inner urges to decide on a certain change in life or take some kind of action;

Feeling the presence of someone you know, as happens when you are visited by a deceased loved one;

Feeling the naturalness of what is happening, even when everything happens spontaneously.

Real experience of communicating with angels through thoughts

Such meetings can:

Have a basic motive (idea) about how you can solve a problem or help someone;

Leave a feeling of a surge of strength and optimism;

Give you ideas that charge you with positive energy;

Happen like a bolt from the blue or in answer to your prayer;

Require you to take quite human actions and do some work;

Sound sincere and make sense;

Be in line with your natural interests, passions and talents;

Let you know that the person who died and is close to you is nearby, even if you do not see him.

False signs of communication with angels

Feelings that you experience when meeting with an angel is just a figment of your imagination:

Feeling chilly, cold, or tingly;

Feelings of fear or panic;

Sensation of odors that are unpleasant to you (lack of odors);

Feeling of sexual caresses (if this happens, call Archangel Michael immediately to clear the energies!!!);

Feeling the presence of a chilling cold in the room;

Feeling of complete loneliness;

Rapid transition to ordinary feelings;

A persistent feeling of unreality of what is happening;

An instinctive desire to change one's life - out of desperation, and not at the prompting of God;

Feeling of an unfamiliar "presence";

Feeling the desire to relive this experience or meeting again.

When mental communication with angels is only a figment of your imagination

Main criteria:

Communication is casual and very changeable;

The central idea of ​​such communication is a conversation about how you can become rich and famous;

Offensive, brusque tone;

Communication leads to the scrolling of exclusively negative scenarios for the development of the situation;

Consists of depressive or frightening thoughts;

Lack of positive ideas;

Represents the scenario from the category "become the ruler of the world";

Seems deceitful and unhealthy;

Has nothing to do with anything you have ever done or been interested in;

An offer to "bury your head in the sand" instead of looking for ways to solve the problem.

How to Hear Messages from Heaven

The well-worn joke of psychology students that hearing voices is a sign of insanity is known to everyone. However, in contrast to such a statement, many saints, sages and great inventors receive instructions from the Above in this way. For example, before my convertible and I were attacked in it, I distinctly heard a loud male voice warning me about it. And thousands of people have told me similar stories from their lives that they received the same warnings that saved them or their loved ones from danger in the most incredible way, beyond the usual explanations.

The difference between a real Divine voice, the contemplation of an image, and the experience of a hallucination is enormous; it is clear and distinct. I will tell you a little about how the messages of the angels differ from the messages of your imagination. As for hallucinations, scientists offer whole lists of their key differences.

Researcher D. J. West defines the difference between a hallucination and a real psychic experience in this way: “A pathological (painful) hallucination gravitates towards certain, unchanging patterns; occurs repeatedly in the course of the identified disease, but never in other cases. It is also accompanied by other symptoms, especially damage to consciousness and loss of normal perception of reality. Spontaneous psychic experiences (also referred to as ‘paranormal’) are usually accidental and have nothing to do with a disease or known disorder, and certainly are not accompanied by a loss of contact with the familiar environment (environment).” 1
West D.J. Visionary and Hallucinatory Experiences: A Comparative Appraisal. International Journal of Parapsychology, 1960. Volume II. No. 1, pp. 89–100.

Dr. M. D. Bruce Grayson conducted a study of 68 people who were pre-tested and ruled out for schizophrenia. Grayson found that half of the recorded visions were of deceased loved ones, which the subjects could see through their open third eye. 2
Stevenson I. Do We Need a New Word to Supplement ‘Hallucination? The American Journal of Psychiatry, 1983. No. 12, p. 11.

Doctors of Philosophy Karlis Osis and Erlendur Naraldson in their research note that during hallucinations, people believe that the one they see is a real person. When experiencing a psychic experience accompanied by visions, people realize that they are seeing an unearthly being - an angel, a deceased lover, or an ascended master. 3
Osis K., Haraldsson E. At the Hour of Death. third edition. Norwalk, ST, 3rd ed.: Hastings House, 1997.

Heaven can speak to you either through a loud disembodied voice that arises somewhere in space, or a quiet inner voice that sounds in your head. Or you can accidentally overhear someone's dialogue, or maybe, for example, you will constantly hear the same phrase - on the radio, TV, in public transport.

Experience of actual communication with angels (through hearing)

As a rule, it is determined by the following features:

Sentences usually begin with "you" or "we";

There is a feeling that someone is talking to you, even if you hear only your own voice;

It is quite obvious to you the connection between the message and those questions and problems that are bothering you at this moment in time;

You may hear someone calling your name;

You can hear the motives of some beautiful, "ethereal" music coming from nowhere;

You may receive a message about where you should improve yourself, or about how to help others.

Signs of imaginary communication with angels through hearing (or false guidance)

Typically in this case:

Sentences begin with the pronoun "I";

There is a feeling that you are talking to yourself;

Messages are illegible, cryptic and indistinct;

You hear gossip about other people;

You hear insults addressed to you;

You hear loud, unpleasant noise or discordant music;

You are asked to harm yourself or others...

How to See Heavenly Messages

The experience of communicating with angels may include visual images that appear before you in a dream, upon awakening, or in a meditative state. There are many ways to distinguish real images from false ones.

Signs of real communication with angels through vision

Usually these signs are:

Leave a feeling of surrealism; images are bright, colorful, emotionally saturated;

You may see sparks, flashes, colored fog or colored haze;

You feel the spontaneity and naturalness of what is happening;

You see repeated images of a pen, a coin, a bird, a butterfly, a rainbow, a certain sequence of numbers, and so on, and you understand that this is not accidental;

You see self-giving images of helping others...

Signs of deceptive visions (or guidance)

Typically, these signs are:

Dreams seem ordinary and are easily forgotten;

You see worst-case scenarios without getting any advice on how you can prevent them and make a difference;

You get the feeling that the image did not appear by itself, but you forced it;

You are looking for a sign, but instead you are faced with inconsistency or you yourself “force” some signs to manifest themselves;

You see self-centered visions in which you manipulate others ...

Taking all of the above into account

Whenever you receive a message from the angels, you will surely be able to distinguish the real from the false using the guidelines presented in this chapter. You can be absolutely sure: the angels will definitely warn - loudly and clearly - about the possible danger. Information about everyday life may come in a more hidden form, but in the following chapters I will talk about how to increase its intensity and understanding.

All people are endowed with the same ability to communicate with their angels, since they are equally spiritually gifted. It may seem that some have more developed psychic abilities, but in fact this is because some are eager to hear messages and trust their spiritual senses, while others are not.

The only strong block I have found with my students in spiritual development is that sometimes they are too zealous in their desire to experience communication with angels and overexert themselves. When a person clings to something with all his obsession, it probably comes from fear: “What if I can’t see or hear the angel? Maybe I don't have angels?

These are all concepts coming from the ego. There is nothing psychic about them; they are based entirely on fear. And only the higher "I", based on love and living in each of us, is able to communicate with the Divine.

Therefore, the more you can relax, the easier it will be for you to learn to consciously communicate with your angels. Proper breathing will be a wonderful helper in this endeavor, like children's optimism. Only children directly declare: “Of course I have angels! Everyone has them!” – and do not worry about whether their visions are imaginary or real; they simply accept the fact and enjoy what they experience. As a result, it is the children who see and hear their guardian anels. If you also stop worrying about how real your encounters with them are, you will not fall into the traps set by your ego, and you will definitely enjoy the natural and real gifts of your higher self.

The angels say that fear is the natural predator of the psychic. It robs your psyche of creative control and influences your moods, plans and decisions. He takes away your strength. With his submission, the quality of your creative activity is reduced. Do not let fear terrorize you and deprive you of the opportunity to be happy! You are more powerful than any restless force. Your Divine Will can handle any darkness the world has ever seen. The Light of the Creator within you will blind any enemy you wish; all you have to do is focus on that glow within your consciousness.

So instead of doubting our ability to communicate with angels, let's see if we're receiving messages from Heaven and how we can improve our connection! And in the following chapters, I will tell you about ways to increase the quantity and quality of messages received from angels.

Chapter 5
How to feel your angel

When angels or deceased loved ones are near us, we can feel their presence. Many people I interviewed said something like this: “Yes, I felt the presence of my mother; She was next to me last night. And everything that happened seemed so real to me! Too bad it was all just my imagination."

You may tend to underestimate your intuition and not trust yourself. How many times has your gut feeling told you not to get into a certain relationship, not to take on a certain job, not to buy something, or not to travel a certain route? How often have you in situations like this thrown away your feelings and continued to do what you planned, and then regretted it?

Following your higher self is a process that involves communication with angels and deceased loved ones, which should occur with the realization that all your feelings are legitimate and correct, they are laid in you by the Lord. In the case when you need to recognize the presence of a deceased person, you will need the belief that you are able to distinguish this particular person from another.

To be a medium for third parties is the same as for oneself personally. For me, for example, most of these contacts are visual in nature, since my main channel of communication with the Divine is vision. At the same time, many of my works are also based on feelings.

After death, people still retain the energy and physical characteristics of the personality that they were during life. Those who have encountered the ghosts of deceased relatives or loved ones usually say that they look the same as they did in life, only a little younger and radiate more light. I was surprised to find that people who died at an older age have calm energy waves, while those who died at a young age are characterized by active vibrations; besides, women resonate faster than men.

Contact with the dead can be established by relying solely on the senses that these sunlight-like waves perceive. Each person has their own unique "imprint" of personality, behavior, habits and other distinctive characteristics. Have you ever walked into a house and felt the presence of someone else - in the obvious absence of him (or them)? Or suppose you are preparing food in the kitchen and suddenly hear the front door open: without resorting to logic, you can probably determine who has come. Another example: you enter a room and you can immediately determine the mood of those present in it.

In the same way, when your deceased loved ones are near you, they can be identified by the characteristic, unique energy "imprints" that you are able to feel. When I conduct seminars on the work of a medium, 90 percent of my listeners already know who their relatives are next to them - they turn to me only to make sure that their feelings are correct. For some reason, they are unwilling to accept their intuition as the main guarantor of the correctness of feelings until an expert "outside" confirms this.

Can you imagine how hard it is for professional intuitive workers like me? Because in most cases I have no idea about the information I rely on. However, I continue to trust my instincts to voice what I'm told from Above, and in most cases my clients exclaim, "Yes, that's absolutely right!" I spent a lot of time learning how to do it. I spent a lot of time in prayer, communicating with the dead, so that by trial and error I would reach this level of certainty. I hope that each of you can come to the same state of trust in your physical and emotional senses.

The Most Common Ways We Can Feel a Spiritual Presence

Here are the most common options for connecting with your angels and deceased loved ones through feelings:

Feeling the aroma of the deceased's favorite toilet water or another smell characteristic of him;

Sensation of a faint fragrance of flowers or smoke, although there are no flowers or sources of fire nearby;

Sensation of touch, as if someone is stroking your head, hugging, covering, protecting, or pushing;

Feeling that someone is sitting next to you (to the point that you can see a dent in the sofa or in the chair in which the deceased liked to sit);

The feeling of a change in air temperature, a change in atmospheric pressure, or a thickening of the air around your head, or maybe someone is tapping your forehead with a finger.

In addition, you may also experience:

Dramatic climate change;

Sudden surge of euphoria or awe;

Surrealism of what is happening;

A steady feeling of recognizing the spirit of the deceased next to you.

The real presence of angels gives a feeling of warmth, you feel loved and protected, you are comfortable. False encounters make you feel chilly, irritable, and fearful. They may come from the ego or earth-bound spirits. These creatures are afraid to go to the other world, to the Divine light. They are either too attached to their earthly existence, or they are afraid to stand before the Divine judgment and end up in "hell". Thus, these entities remain close to the Earth and can interfere with the happy life of a living person. You can find more information about them in my books The Way of the Servant of Light.

There is one "delicate" topic that I would like to discuss with you. Some Earth-bound spirits like to visit living people for their sexual needs. I have met many widows and widowers who find solace in repetitive intimate relationships with their deceased spouses. But this is a completely separate case. Representatives of the New Age often tell me that they have voluntary sexual intercourse with non-material and unfamiliar entities from another world.

I find such interactions spiritually depressing for living people, as no high-level angels or mentors would ever approach mortals with such requests. Although living women almost always report positive experiences in this area, I continue to receive persistent reports that such activities keep lower level grounded spirits close to us. They can also create barriers, preventing us from entering into a new relationship, just as a potential suitor subconsciously feels the presence of another lover who has already taken his place in the relationship.

Encounters with lower level beings will leave you feeling empty, while real contact will remind you that your angels and deceased loved ones will always be there for you. Suddenly, without knowing why, you will feel an intense feeling of love or joy, or you will have a strong inner desire - you will follow it, and more happiness and magic will arrive in your life. The deceased person will undoubtedly be familiar to you. Most likely, you will determine who this person is, perhaps meeting with him will be accompanied by a feeling of hugs, touches or a change in pressure, or maybe a characteristic smell.

You can use your senses to sort of test your intuition and determine your reaction. For example, you need to urgently move to a new place. You experience conflicting feelings, but reflect on how such a change will affect your loved ones, family, friends and career. Even though many factors are unclear to you, you can "try your future" and better "master" Divine guidance.

When you imagine what will happen if you stay where you are now, listen to your feelings. Does your heart overflow with feelings of relief, sadness, joy, or other emotions? Does any part of your body tense or relax in response to the mental image?

Now compare your emotions and physical sensations with those that you have when you imagine that you have moved? Your feelings are a very accurate measure of the desires of your soul and the will of Heaven, one with the will of the Creator.

Awareness of protection from the guardian angel contributes to peace in the soul, gives confidence in life. There are 2 main theories about the origin of angels. They tend to believe that these are the souls of deceased relatives and spiritual personalities created by God. How to know that you were visited by a guardian angel: 11 signs will help with this.

When and why does the guardian angel come

According to the observations of people and the analysis of events, the guardian angel comes for consolation, support in case of doubt in various issues, warnings against danger. His presence is felt during powerlessness, despair, melancholy, disappointment.

unusual dreams

Every person, regardless of belonging to a particular religion, has dreams. These nocturnal phenomena may simply be the fruit of fantasy, expectations, or events experienced the day before. Among them there are impressive cases, because they take the soul, cause strong emotions - positive or negative. The interpretation of dreams is a special science, accessible only to the elite. Often a dream book helps to clarify the meaning of a dream. Through them, angels can warn of something or simply give a sign of their presence.

The appearance of colored spherical objects

People are able to observe manifestations of special colored balls or luminescence. A theory is known that suggests the movement of angels in time and space through spherical objects. On the made photographs, colored circles, shines are sometimes noticeable, which have nothing to do with the quality of the image. Such manifestations are a sign of the presence of otherworldly forces nearby: often bright ones that protect a person.

Unexpected pleasant fragrance

Pleasant smells that appear out of nowhere are a reminder to people sent from above. It indicates constant observation and readiness to help in difficult situations. The fragrance appears after prayer - both in church and at home. The type of smell varies depending on what exactly the angel wants to pay attention to. The fragrance includes:

  • church incense of candles, lamps, altar;
  • natural aromas of flowers, trees, plants, spices or herbs;
  • pleasant smells of perfume or ready meals associated with a particular person.

Through sweet incense, familiar by smell or not, the guardian angel attracts attention. He makes it clear that he heard a certain request, and intends to fulfill it.

Sudden detection of a white feather

Some consider such a phenomenon trifling. It is believed that the discovery of a feather of white light is a sign of protection and guardianship from the forces of light. An unexpected discovery occurs in the most unlikely places, at a time of greatest need for angelic support. This is the most common method by which invisible helpers draw attention to themselves.

White feathers are used in the manufacture of amulets, amulets that protect against magical effects, the evil eye, and damage. They symbolize:

  • bright deeds;
  • attracting good luck;
  • resolution of long-standing disputes, difficult issues;
  • readiness of the guardian angel to promote good deeds.

Esotericism claims that they dissipate negative energy. It is not surprising that spiritual assistants have chosen this paraphernalia to make themselves known to mere mortals. If a light feather flew into the window or on the threshold of the door - this is a good sign. He leaves no doubt that the spiritual protectors will support, favor. You should beware of feathers of dark colors: they are harbingers of the impact on the soul of black magic.

Observation by a child of objects inaccessible to adults

This often happens with children under 5 years of age. A child of this age is closely connected with the spiritual world. Children's psyche, thinking and aura have not yet had time to change under the influence of the outside world. Toddlers talk and point to specific places where they saw something unusual: glow, movement, bright flashes or voices. None of these phenomena is visually accessible to adults - their consciousness is clouded by worldly thoughts. Psychologists are sure that children at such moments are subject to an altered state of consciousness - an officially known term among scientists.

Animals also react to the phenomena of the other world and see angels. Due to developed intuition, innate or acquired abilities - people are not given to know this. Concrete proof of the reaction of animals to the signals of the invisible world is their behavior in the following cases:

  • Natural disasters, in which they leave in advance to safe places.
  • An impending disaster for the owner of the house or a negative event for a person. Pets do not let their owner out of the house, bark, scratch, jump on the walls.
  • Paranormal activity indoors or outdoors.
  • The presence of a guardian angel nearby, in which they calm down and can focus on a specific point, as if there was a person.

Children react positively to light forces: they smile, behave calmly, stretch their hands towards spiritual beings or point with their fingers. They can even communicate with the angel and tell what he answers them. With the accumulation of negative energy in the house and the presence of demons, the child behaves in the opposite way: he cries, gets nervous, and suffers from insomnia.

Individually Significant Numbers Found in Public Places

Numerology is a separate science on which the universe as a whole is based. All living and non-living objects have their own proportions, weight, age, and parameters that vary over time. All matter is saturated with numerical regularity, starting from DNA molecules, ending with the Cheops pyramids in Egypt. There are numbers that are significant for every person. Through them, angels give signs when a person needs it. The sequence of the number series is determined by:

  • wedding anniversaries, anniversaries;
  • date of birth or death of someone;
  • car license plates;
  • repeating numbers that have a magical meaning.

Numbers can be seen in familiar situations, everyday life, public places, on a computer monitor or just on someone's T-shirt. So the guardian angel draws attention to himself or the event - already held or upcoming.

Unnatural sensations of cold or heat

  • thinking about an important situation;
  • prayer, meditation, turning to your inner self;
  • the need for support from spiritual assistants;
  • heightened sensitivity to reality transsurfing.

There is nothing wrong with feeling hot or cold in the body, and even more so, there is no harm to health. Their form and character are individual. They differ in varying degrees of intensity, are able to flare up spontaneously or increase gradually over a period of up to 5 minutes. We are not talking about entering the astral plane - a change in body temperature simply speaks of the friendly soothing embrace of a guardian angel.

Audibility of voices

Not a symptom of schizophrenia unless diagnosed by a psychiatrist. Only psychics are capable of conducting a straightforward dialogue with spiritual beings. This circle includes a limited number of people, units. The rest are charlatans or mentally ill.

Only a spiritually mature, adequate person is able to recognize the voice of a guardian angel from the speeches of dark forces that want to harm. Believers believe that with the condescension of God's providence, some persons are able to hear quiet voices. They broadcast vital information. They are especially clearly recognized in a calm environment alone with oneself.

The constant feeling of being near a person

The unmistakable feeling of an extraneous presence nearby is one of 11 signs that you have been visited by a guardian angel. Intuition is a subtle feeling that functions in representatives of a healthy lifestyle. This category of people did not clog their body with nicotine, alcohol, narcotic substances and harmful chemical elements found everywhere.

The activity of both hemispheres of the brain allows at least a little closer to contact with spiritual beings during life on earth. Often you can hear from such people that they are not alone, although physically there is no one nearby.

Pleasant tingling in the head

Everything that a person sees, feels, touches, processes his brain. The head is the most important part of the body, so unusual feelings in it with an angelic presence are not uncommon. They can be accompanied by goosebumps, mainly on the limbs and torso. The back surface of the head is subjected to pleasant tingling, reminiscent of the sensations in which soda bubbles enter the nasal cavities.

There are statements that the connection with higher powers is established through the top of the head. Tingling is transformed into heat and vice versa. Such feelings indicate the desire of the guardian angel to communicate.

The appearance of an angel in the sky

Children sometimes spend their leisure time recognizing figures and objects in the form of clouds. There is an opinion that it is possible to see a spiritual person in the sky - moving or frozen. The situation depends on the state of mind and the need for angelic help.

The meaning of heavenly symbolism

Clouds are able to take a certain shape, which shows a familiar silhouette, portrait or other significant symbolism. Such a phenomenon is a sign from higher powers about guardianship and readiness to answer prayers.

The most common symbolism and its meaning:

  • Swan - the imminent acquisition of a life partner, love, happiness.
  • An angel is a harbinger of a joyful event.
  • The dragon is a symbol of longevity in the East, and in the West it means evil forces. It should be determined by the nature and complexity of life situations.
  • Pegasus - success, achievement of short-term or long-term goals.
  • Rabbit - to the appearance of offspring, and for a pregnant woman - a successful birth.
  • Virgo - a complete change in life values, priorities, an early setting of new goals.
  • Flowers - the acquisition of spiritual benefits: love, life satisfaction, spiritual maturity.
  • A rider on a horse is a harbinger of wealth, profit received at work, as a result of doing business or investing.
  • Mountains - indicate obstacles in business, the resolution of which will require patience and perseverance. Passing the tests will be rewarded royally.
  • The cross means the beginning of the fulfillment of one's destiny on earth. It's time to become who you are supposed to be, and higher powers will help you.
  • The Holy Mother of God appeared before the Battle of Kursk, the October Revolution, the Civil War. Therefore, we should expect equivalent events in the future.
  • The eye warns of impending dangers, mass brawls, disasters, and other adverse factors in which you need to have a sober mind and determination.

How to know that a guardian angel visited you: 11 signs of the presence of a patron testify to God's providence. There is nothing ambiguous about recognizing angelic signs in heaven - they are the exact opposite of earthly dullness. Even the scriptures speak of heaven as the residence of god and angels. If higher powers gave a sign in the sky, showing wings, a cross, a silhouette of a saint or other symbols, you should understand the hint and act piously in the future.


Finding out who your guardian angel is by date of birth in Orthodoxy is easy. To determine the nature, gender and age of the patron, as well as the name and get in touch with the divine essence is useful to every person.

In the article:

We determine the nature of the guardian angel by date of birth

Everyone knows what a guardian angel is. But not everyone understands the importance of knowing his name, character, and other details about the heavenly patron. Understanding his temper will help you navigate when you want to get it right, in order to receive help and be able to recognize clues.

To find out what it is, you will need your birth number. Thus, the character of the guardian angel of any person is calculated. This gives a lot of information about an enemy or friend that you cannot find out in other ways.

The second number of the date of birth will tell about the temper of the patron. When born on the nineteenth day of the month, the number that corresponds to the character of the angel is 9, and when on the second day it is 2. Read below the meanings of all ten possible options.

  • 0 - got the keeper from fiery disposition. He is almost omnipotent and can be reborn like a phoenix. It will help in any situation - from minor difficulties to complex and dangerous ones. When he protects, you are lucky.
  • 1 - holy angel. Among all the rest, he is considered an active defender, he will not leave him in trouble. But not everything is so rosy - such angels go to people with a weak energy field, and they need powerful protection from evil.
  • 2 - angel light coloured. In the images they are large white wings - larger than those of other representatives of the heavenly defenders of mankind. They are constantly with those they protect. At birth, an angel kissed you. Kisses take the form of moles and freckles. The Light One keeps in touch with the ward with the help of numerology, dreams and reflections in mirrors. Pay attention to unusual things in your environment more often, and you will be able to detect traces of the presence of a guardian angel.
  • 3 - air. He likes to express himself with the help of rustles and other sounds. Do not be afraid, this is how the angel shows presence and support. But he shows frivolity and absents himself on business, leaving the ward alone. But the latter can call on an angel, and also turn to him with a prayer - he will hear and rush to help.
  • 4 - protection wise custodian. Sends the right thoughts and conclusions from what is happening. The wards are rapidly moving up the career ladder - they know what is needed for this. Such people are prudent, intelligent and carefully think through the situation and consequences. It is better to listen to the advice of these people when you want things to be the way they should be.
  • 5 - metallic angel. Looks like an iron statue. Protects courageous, determined people with a strong character. Appreciates when the ward shows willpower. It helps both physically and spiritually, when you make contact with him, he will save you from any trouble.
  • 6 - rainbow. Such patrons are people with creative inclinations. Representatives of such professions are prone to sudden mood swings - from inspiration to despondency. The rainbow guardian angel helps to disperse longing and get rid of depression, inspires new creative success.
  • 7 - energetic. Active and constantly interacts with the ward. But this guardian angel is distinguished by changeability and resentment. In order not to lose this help, constantly give thanks for everything that happens to you.
  • 8 - acts as a guardian angel the spirit of a deceased relative or close friend. After his death, he became a patron. Such an angel is well acquainted with the character of the ward, merciful and ready to help. To establish contact, honor the memory of him, thank him for his help and read prayers.
  • 9 - at the angel warm character. Kind to the wards and likes to inspire them with optimistic thoughts. The life of the one who is under his protection passes in harmony and happiness.

Are there icons of a guardian angel named after a person

Icon of a guardian angel named after a person - a myth. There is a guardian angel and a saint, in whose honor a name is given at baptism. Both are patrons, but they are different personalities.

This fact, among others, proves the existence of separate prayers to the guardian angel and the saint to whom you wish to turn. Contact them in the morning. The saint has the same name as you, which is given in his honor.

You can turn to any of the saints with the help of prayer. Saint Matrona pray to get rid of infertility. A person has one angel, but there are exceptions, which you will read about below.

Guardian angel in Orthodoxy - find out age and gender

Angels also have an age, and it does not change. It is possible to find out the gender. When you wonder who protects you from life's adversities, sum up the numbers of the day and month of your own birthday. For the date August 8, the calculations are as follows:

0+8+0+8 = 16

In this example, the angel is 16 years old, but how many centuries he has been sixteen in a row is unknown. But he looks his age. To find out the gender, sum all the numbers of the date of birth. In our date example 08.08.1996 the calculations are:

0+8+0+8+1+9+9+6 = 41

Let's bring it to an unambiguous form:

5 is an odd number, the angel is female. When even, the angel is a man. In this example, it turned out that he is a sixteen-year-old girl.

How to find out the name of an angel

When you know the name of the guardian angel, it is easier to get in touch with him.
Those people who are in constant interaction with the heavenly patron are under his protection every second. They cannot be harmed or harmed in any other way. They are lucky in all difficult situations.

The following describes the techniques that are considered acquaintance with the guardian angel. The name might be strange. Do not take it for nonsense, unbelief will offend the essence close to God. Concentrate and pronounce the name - and you will find a secret meaning in it.

First way - mechanical writing. To do this, enter a trance. Put a pen and paper in front of you, enter a special state of consciousness, mentally call the guardian and ask for his name. When everything goes right, the angel will write the name in your hand.

Helps to find out who your guardian angel is by name in Orthodoxy, and meditation. He does not have to answer during it, he will come in a dream, and in a couple of days. When there is no answer, they did not concentrate enough, and the angel was offended by the abundance of extraneous thoughts in his head during such an important acquaintance.

Another way - dream. When , it will be a plus. Call on a protector as you journey through the depths of your own subconscious and ask for a name. When this is not available, ask the question mentally as you fall asleep. Answer it in a dream.

The face of an angel - can you see

In the iconography, the guardian angel is depicted as a young man with white wings, a naked sword and a cross. These images appeared in XVI century Byzantine iconography, samples of which date back to the 11th, do not contain them at all.

It is believed that the face of an angel is hidden from people. You can see him after death - the guardian angel comes to the dying to become the guide of the soul to the afterlife. Therefore, the logical conclusion follows: no one saw them.

But the face of the guardian can be seen in a dream. When, try to call the angel, ask for a name and make contact. It is known from the Lives of the Saints that angels show their faces to people, but this is rare. They prefer to help invisibly.

Where is yours? 👼. Learn to notice them!Angels surround us everywhere, but people often do not notice their presence. Even now, invisible angels are close to you, protecting you from evil. Sometimes they leave signs for us to show they care.

Angels were sent down to Earth to study humanity and guide it along the right path. Angels are usually novice Spirit Guides sent to Earth to learn and heal others. They can be found anywhere and at any time. Often, meeting with angels can change your life.

If you want to know for sure that an angel has visited you, then you must be able to recognize the signs they leave. Here are 6 signs that your guardian angel is by your side right now:

1. Dreams.

The angels often send us when we are asleep because that is when we are most relaxed and receptive. In a dream, a guardian angel may appear to you in human form, often playing the role of a teacher or a wise friend.

Sometimes an angel telepathically sends you certain thoughts and feelings in a dream. Sleep relaxes, so it’s easier for you to hear the message of an angel, which in reality can be blocked due to stress or fear.

As a rule, such dreams are much brighter than usual and remain in memory longer. The images seem more intense, and the words you hear evoke a response in your soul.

The emotions that you experience in such dreams will also be very strong. Usually these are positive emotions, but if a guardian angel warns you of some kind of danger, you may feel anxious.

2. Coins.

How many times have you just walked down the street and suddenly found a coin on the ground? Angels often leave coins for those they guard. This is where the expression “money fell from the sky” came from.

It is believed that if an angel misses you, he will toss you a coin from heaven. If you are sad or uncomfortable, the angels will toss you coins to cheer you up and make you smile.

The coin is supposed to comfort and encourage whoever finds it. Angels have many ways to communicate with us, but this one seems to be the most common.

3. Phone calls.

If a person suddenly calls you, whose support you especially need at this very moment, you can be sure: this is the work of an angel who either reminded him of you at the right moment, or endowed him with clarity and wisdom of mind so that he could give you valuable advice .

Too many coincidences are usually indicative of angelic intervention. Even your loved ones in heaven can help you by setting up chance encounters, throwing up new opportunities, guiding you to new friends, mentors, and life partners.

4. Babies and pets.

Have you noticed that babies sometimes suddenly look at the ceiling and smile or look at a white wall with interest? And the attention of pets is often directed to something invisible. Most likely, they see angels at these moments.

Angels often communicate with you through children and animals. Babies and animals do not have those filters that prevent adults from seeing angels.

They see what adults cannot see. In the presence of angels, babies, small children and animals are visibly relaxed, content and calm.

5. Strange electrical phenomena.

Angels and departed loved ones can communicate with us through unusual electrical phenomena. There are many ways: flashing lights, turning on and off the TV, radio and lights.

Another sure sign is when devices, phones, devices or children's toys suddenly make sounds for no reason, although no one has touched them.

It also happens that angels call you from an unknown number, and when you answer, only interference is heard in the receiver. Most often, these electrical phenomena are signs that angels or your loved ones are trying to get your attention.

6. Messages in the sky.

Angels often leave messages in the sky. It can be rainbows and sun glare. If you are thinking about angels and suddenly notice a rainbow, it is most likely an angel trying to convince you of his presence. This is especially impressive when there is no rain.

Another sign is sun glare. Depending on the light, these messages are usually sent by the angel whose help you need most at the moment.

If you see sun glare everywhere, this may be a message from the archangel Raphael, encouraging you with his presence. Have you seen such signs?

In a difficult situation, even an unbeliever turns to the Higher Forces for help. According to Orthodox ideas, an invisible protector protects everyone from birth to death. The guardian angel invisibly monitors the actions of his ward and tries to protect him from steps in the wrong direction, to guide him on the right path, pleasing to God.

Who are Guardian Angels

Guardian angels are non-material beings, good spirits, set by God for support and guidance. They are beautiful and more perfect than humans. The patron saints were sent to protect the entire universe, they have an influence on animals, people, natural forces and elements, thanks to the special qualities they are endowed with. Defenders vary in their power of event management and their abilities, but they often come to the rescue when doom seemed inevitable. The contact of the ward and the guardian grows stronger if the first one listens to advice, trusts his intuition, and leads a pious lifestyle.

It is difficult to describe what these good spirits look like, because they are incorporeal. Guardian angels are immortal, but their life, like everyone else on earth, depends on the will of God. They never rest, always filled with energy, compassion, forgiveness and kindness, they only care about their caregiver and never lose heart. Their goal is the salvation of man, these defenders escort to God after death and provide their intercession in the face of the Almighty. The calling and role of the holy guardians:

  • ensure a constant spiritual connection of a person with God;
  • to make sure that the requests, prayers and appeals of people are heard;
  • protect from dangers and evil, instruct on the right path;
  • educate the human soul;
  • help him understand the will of God;
  • to pass through space and time and end up in the place where they are needed.

Hierarchy of angels

Angels are divided into 9 different types and are subject to a strict hierarchy. The highest, middle and lowest levels of guardians contain three ranks each. Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones are the closest to the Lord the executors of his instructions. They belong to the highest spiritual beings.

Seraphim are sanctified by burning love for the Almighty. These spiritual creatures are capable of elevating and inflaming lower beings with this feeling, filling them with kindness and light. Seraphim are near the throne of the Most High and are in constant motion. Cherubim have spiritual wisdom, they are the second-ranking heavenly beings. They guard the entrance to the Garden of Eden. Thrones have a third rank. On them, based on the name, the Almighty sits as if on a throne.

Dominations, Forces and Authorities belong to the middle degree of the hierarchy, and the Beginnings, Archangels and Angels belong to the lowest. The last rank is the closest to people. Keepers help to heal from diseases, overcome troubles, overcome difficulties.

Appearance of guardian angels

There are many religions, but their key commandments and dogmas converge. In almost every faith there is a belief that a good person is guarded by invisible good spirits. A guardian is given to an infant at birth and cares for until death. In childhood, babies are also guarded by the angels of their mothers. The Bible says that a person receives a saint at baptism. Therefore, many theologians are of the opinion that a person has at least two guardians. Their strength is determined by the life and thoughts of the ward, his good deeds. There are prayers and appeals to a personal angel to help ask him for something or thank him.

The more active and active a person is in good deeds, the more guardians can appear with him and support him in case of some obstacles. Angels are the bearers of light and goodness. Bad people who have a cruel disposition, bad thoughts, committing criminal acts cannot have angels. They leave him. Such a person remains unprotected.

Number of angels in a person

The question of how many intercessor angels a person can have has been raised more than once among theologians, esotericists and psychics. The pages of scripture do not provide a clear answer, so opinions have diverged over the centuries. There are three main opinions about the number of keepers.

  1. A person has only one angel who takes care of him. He receives it from the Lord at the time of birth or at baptism. The power of the angels of individual people may differ depending on the life that a person leads.
  2. The number of holy protectors depends on the destination and path on earth. The more complex the tasks of a particular individual, the more angels can be given to him in order to realize them.
  3. The angels themselves choose wards, so during a lifetime you can acquire up to 9 angels or not save a single one.

Defining your guardian angel

You can find out who your personal heavenly guardian is by character using your date of birth. To do this, perform simple mathematical calculations. For example, if you were born on 03/24/1978, you need to add up all the numbers. 2+4+0+3+1+9+7+8=34, 3+4=7, number of personal intercessor 7. The meaning of each digit is given below.

1 - your holy protector angel. He is very fast and energetic. Provides protection immediately, even if the person did not have time to ask him for help. However, such patrons often go to energetically weakened people who really need strong support and continuous care.

2 - you are guarded by an angel of light. He is larger than the rest, they are usually depicted with large snow-white wings. According to legend, the protector kisses the baby at the time of birth and freckles or a mole appear on the child's cheeks. The Holy Spirit follows his ward everywhere and often keeps in touch with him, giving advice in dreams and subconsciously. Protected by such a guard, you need to trust your intuition.

3 - air angel. It goes to those who love various minor troubles. The patron maintains contact with the ward with the help of various sounds, light movements of air, fluctuations in curtains and other similar incidents. There is a belief that the air guardian loves to leave a person and go about his business, but instantly provides assistance if the needy turns to him with a prayer.

4 - you are the owner of the angel of wisdom. Usually such people are distinguished by good knowledge and success in studies, sciences, and careers. Wards of wise patrons are able to calculate the situation in advance, draw conclusions from any incidents and make informed decisions. The angel of wisdom is a very reliable adviser in any difficult situation.

5 - metal angel. This is a strong and courageous guardian. Has powerful wings and hurries to help when those in need cry. The more upset and agitated a person is, the more unbearable it becomes. They love strong-willed people with courage and fortitude, provide physical and energy protection.

6 - rainbow keeper. It goes to creative people, art lovers. Helps to reveal abilities and use talent. The rainbow patron has colorful wings, plays musical instruments, and is able to dispel the sadness and sadness of those under his care.

7 - angel of energy. Needs continuous interaction with a person, does not accept if his care is ignored, offended by rude words and unpleasant actions. The connection with the angel is strengthened if the ward is pious, gentle and full of gratitude for the help.

8 - person. Such a guardian is the soul of a deceased ancestor. He is merciful, full of love and forgiveness. You can establish a connection with the patron by honoring deceased relatives and close friends.

9 - angel of warmth. It is distinguished by high moral support, gives optimism, filling the soul with faith in the best. People who have such a protector are calm and happy.

To find out the age of your keeper, use the following numerological calculations. You must add the sacred number 4 to your birth number. For example, you were born on January 18th. 18+4=22. The holy angel has this age for centuries, it does not change.

Some psychics believe that you can also find out the name of a personal intercessor. To do this, you need to go into deep meditation, during which the patron will probably name or even dream. If this did not happen, then the concentration of attention was incomplete. Another way is mechanical writing. The angel will tell you the name himself, if you put a pen, paper in front of you, mentally focus. With the right actions and thoughts, the defender will write it with your hand.

Meeting with the Guardian Angel

Christians believe that you can meet with the Guardian Angel and see him only if you have true and strong faith in God and the rite of baptism and cleansing from sins. To do this, you need to turn to him with a prayer, ask for help and appear in a dream. At this point, you can not be irritated and embittered. It is advisable to stay alone with yourself and plunge into a trance, meditate so that extraneous thoughts do not distract during the ritual, then there is a high probability of seeing your keeper.

You can not ask the intercessor to punish enemies, give privileges or positions and material values. All wishes must have good motives.

Usually the meeting is described as a feeling of warmth and lightness, the presence of an invisible helper or a vision of a shining, golden ball. Very rarely do holy angels appear in human form.

Common myths about angels

Folklore and art endowed angels with new features far from the truth. If we use Holy Scripture as the basis for information about angels, then some ideas about them are false:

  1. Cherubim have baby faces and protect people. This image was created by folklore and art. Despite the fact that they are drawn next to people, these angels do not contact a person and do not help him. They are servants close to the Lord, and have a very specific appearance, it is described in the Book of Genesis in Ezekiel, chapter 1:5-11. Cherubim are similar to humans, but instead of feet they have calf's hooves. Such an angel has two pairs of wings covering its arms, and four faces: in front like a man, on the right - a lion's muzzle, on the left - a bull's, and behind - an eagle. The whole body of Cherubim and wings are covered with eyes.
  2. The angel has a halo. The Holy Scriptures have never indicated that there is a halo over the heads of the guardians. Perhaps the artists presented the rays of light emanating from some biblical heroes in this way. In the visual arts, a halo over the head of Christ began to be depicted in the 4th century AD. e. Then he, as a symbol of kindness, crowned the heads of all the saints.
  3. Cherubim are always kind. Cherubim angels on the ark of the covenant received sacrificial animals. The ceremony was held annually, following the rituals and rules, deviation from them was considered fatal. After the crucifixion of Jesus, it was considered that his blood was enough to satisfy the cherubim forever.
  4. Angels are either male or female. In the Bible, the guardians often appear as men, but they are genderless, incorporeal, and take on the bodily form that is necessary to communicate the will of God.
  5. Guardians have two wings. Biblical descriptions do not mean that angels have a pair of wings. The Seraphim are often described with six wings, while the Cherubim have four.
  6. There is an Angel of Death. As the Bible says, only God has power over life and death. An angel can realize his will and fulfill an order, bringing a person’s soul to the Lord after the end of his life path, but this will be one of many other assignments.


People have different perceptions of guardians. Some see them as relatives who have left them, others see men and women with a shining halo over their heads and with wings.

Theologians believe that these are incorporeal invisible spirits that accompany and protect our world. They are endowed with unlimited abilities and support believers, kind people. Patrons send warnings in case of impending dangers in the form of signs, forebodings and dreams. They cannot be distracted over trifles, they are addressed with prayer in case of need and with gratitude for their care and guardianship.