How to recover after training. Principles of recovery how to recover quickly after physical exertion

    Success and achievement in any sport depends on three components - nutrition, training and recovery. And if you find a lot of information about nutrition and training in any fitness magazine, then recovery is usually spoken of more than succinctly. “Be sure to recover to avoid” - that’s all the “expert” recommendations.

    But how exactly to recover? What are the criteria for a quality restoration? How does post-workout recovery affect sports performance, can it be accelerated or made more effective? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

    General information

    Before we talk about how to speed up recovery after a workout, let's find out what recovery is from a physiological point of view. Any exercise for the body is stressful. It can be compared to a drunk bottle of vodka, a broken liver during a fight, or other serious damage. The only difference is that with these examples, one organ suffers, but severely. After training, damage is distributed among all organs and systems.

    Recovery, or "supercompensation" is the body's response to the resulting stress. From a survival point of view, the body seeks to adapt to the stresses received in order to make them less stressful. Due to limited resources, processes do not always go as they should.

    There are two types of recovery mechanisms:

  1. Adaptive. This is an ideal case when a person has enough rest, eats a lot and is not nervous. Due to this recovery, his performance improves, adipose tissue disappears, muscles and strength indicators grow.
  2. Optimization. It occurs when the body tries to adapt to the resulting stress, using only internal resources. In other words, in one you will become stronger, in the other - weaker. For example, with intensive drying, the body learns to use adipose tissue more efficiently, but in order to survive, it also seeks to reduce the amount of muscle. You will become stronger, but weaker and smaller.

How long does it take for muscles to recover?

The easiest way to repeat the conventional wisdom is that muscles recover on average in 48 hours from the moment of training. But this is fundamentally wrong and looks like the average temperature in the ward. Muscle recovery time after a workout depends on many factors, including individual ones. Some of them can be influenced, others are beyond our control.

Let's list these factors:

  1. Load intensity. Obviously, if you do light workouts, then the muscles can recover in an hour, since they do not receive serious stress. The reverse is also true: if you have surpassed yourself and set a record in competitions, then you can not approach the iron for a week, or better, two.
  2. Availability of sufficient quantity. Nutrition is an essential part of recovery. It determines whether recovery will follow an adaptation path or an optimization path.
  3. Hormonal background. It is usually associated with the level of the hormone testosterone, which is used as a dope to speed up and increase the intensity of protein production in the body. In fact, growth hormone, peptide hormones, thyroid hormones, etc., also affect muscle recovery after training.
  4. Speed ​​. It depends on it how quickly your body will begin the process of regeneration after stress. The faster the metabolism, the faster the body can cope with the load.
  5. Somatotype. It was from here that the main division into endo-ecto- and mesomorphs began. The somatotype of a person determines how the body and muscles react to stress, which fibers are involved, and how the body copes with stress.
  6. General condition of the body. If you are in a depressed mood or have recently overcome an illness, then you will need an order of magnitude more time to recover between workouts.

How much time does the body need?

How to quickly recover after a workout in the absence of serious stress in the form of overtraining, artificial, dehydration.

The body needs at least two days to fully recover between hard workouts. This is due to the fact that in the process of training the body must reconfigure its systems for a large load:

  1. Increase hormone levels.
  2. Optimize resources for recovery processes.
  3. Establish the work of neuromuscular synapses.
  4. Compensate for a calorie deficit.
  5. Improve the work of the heart muscle.
  6. Eliminate the effects of an adrenaline surge.

Interesting fact: any work with weights in the amount of 70 to 90% of a one-time RM causes our body to produce hormones of the adrenaline group. Partly because of this, people find it easier to work with lighter weights for more reps afterwards. This principle is the basis of the striptease lift training program, in which a person first works with maximum weight, and after each approach reduces the weight load by 5-10%.

Recovery rates

Indicators of body recovery after training are a large set of biochemical processes and characteristics that cannot be determined independently without a medical examination. But some basic indicators can be determined independently.

  • Pulse and pressure. After training at normal intensity for 120 minutes, the heart rate should drop to at least 75 beats per minute (or be below the level of the aerobic zone). If your heart rate after a workout is in a wide range, this indicates overtraining or chronic fatigue.
  • Dream. If the training is carried out correctly, you should not have problems with sleep. As a rule, problems begin with a chronic violation of the training process. The only exception is if you completed your workout less than 2 hours before going to bed.
  • Well-being. If you overtrain or don't recover enough, you will feel worse and worse with every workout.
  • Progress. Possible only with a full recovery. The only exception is the power plateau.

Recovery Acceleration Techniques

Do I need to take something to recover after a workout? With a competent approach using quick recovery techniques, you will not need supportive pharmacology and sports nutrition products. Just look at the table with ways to speed up recovery.

Method/Technique/Factor Effect on the body Effect on muscles
Emotional dischargeEmotional unloading implies active endorphin stimulation. This type of emotional unloading allows you to stimulate the production of hormones of pleasure: and. This, in turn, will reduce the effect of stress on the body's regenerative abilities.Under the influence of endorphin, muscles relax faster, which allows blood to circulate freely in damaged areas, accelerating physical regeneration.
Complete peaceComplete rest is an ideal restorative method, which, due to the modern rhythm of life, is not available to everyone. With complete rest, the body, as well as during sleep, optimizes all resources for a speedy recovery.With complete rest, the recovery processes in the body will be somewhat faster, but the intensity of super recovery, which makes the athlete stronger and more enduring, will be much lower.
Massage is a great endorphin stimulant. In addition, the impact on the lymph nodes and nerve points can significantly improve the efficiency of recovery of the body after stress.Physical impact stimulates blood flow to damaged areas to accelerate recovery processes in muscle tissues.
Increasing protein in the dietAn increase in calories and protein in particular is a kind of stress for the body, so it is important to select nutrients that will not overload the gastric system. An excess of protein allows you to quickly stabilize the work of most systems in the body.Of (which are part of the protein) all muscle tissue consists. The more free amino acids for building muscles, the faster and better they will recover.
Thermal exposureSimilar to massage.Similar to massage.
Increasing the amount of sleepSleep is an integral part of rest and recovery, as it allows you to reboot all systems and direct free resources to a speedy recovery from stress.During sleep, the main and. If sleep is not enough, catabolism will take precedence over anabolism.

Additional incentive

So, it is impossible to radically speed up the recovery processes, but faster recovery after a workout can be obtained through the use of sports nutrition products:

  1. (tribulus, etc.). They increase the natural production of male hormones, which increases the synthesis of building protein. Allows you to reduce recovery time between workouts by 20-25%.
  2. . When used correctly, they accelerate tissue regeneration. It is important to give a full 24 hours of rest when using nitrogen donators, as the nervous and hormonal systems may simply not have time to recover in such a short period.
  3. Adaptogens. Depending on their class, they can affect both tissue regeneration and the general state of the central nervous system.
  4. Vitamin and mineral complexes. Supporting the body with essential trace elements accelerates the recovery of the body.

Which of these should you drink after a workout for recovery? Primarily vitamins and minerals. Nitrogen testosterone donors and stimulators are taken in a course, usually in the morning. And adaptogens - only in accordance with the instructions.

How to understand that the recovery has passed?

To determine that the recovery after a hard workout was successful, you can use one simple sign. This is an emotional state. With the right training regime, you have a desire to get additional physical activity after some time. You will feel more alert and energetic. In addition, you can determine how the recovery after the last strength training went, using the weights on the bar. If you can easily lift weights that seemed unbearable for you in the last workout, then the recovery was successful.

To correctly predict your progress and not overdo your training, keep a training diary that will help determine how well you recovered from the last


From a medical point of view, professional competitive CrossFit does not allow athletes to progress and recover normally after training. But do not forget that athletes often scale the load for themselves. And even if they train 2 times a day, they have the most difficult workouts no more than 2 times a week.

At the same time, CrossFit stars use the entire arsenal of sports nutrition and supportive pharmacology. This makes the body recover faster and better.

Remember the simple rules if you want to fully feel and develop in CrossFit:

  1. Keep a training diary.
  2. Stick to proper nutrition.
  3. Always focus on how you feel: if you think you are not ready to perform a particular WOD today, tell the trainer about it.
  4. Use sports nutrition for recovery.

And remember, recovery is not only about the muscles, but also about the rest of the body's systems. Do not take risks and give your body more time to rest - this will allow you to progress much faster.

If we want to get in good physical shape, what is the first thing that comes to mind? and, isn't it? But is there anything else you don't do? What is stopping you from reaching your final goal? In this article, we will consider another important detail that most people do not attach much importance to. This detail is one of the reasons why people give up when they are close to reaching their fitness goals.

Few people attach importance to what needs to be done after the workout is over. People think that if they exercise and eat right, then there is nothing else that could bring them more impressive results.

Your post-workout actions determine how well you recover to continue fitness activities the next day. Injuries, severe muscle pain, lack of energy and that's what you have to deal with if you do not take action in order to recover faster. After all, the more fully you recover, the better your next workout will be, and the longer you can continue your fitness activities. In the long run, all this will bring much more impressive results.

In fact, it is these actions that can be what determines whether you get results or give up everything without reaching your full potential. If you want to avoid stagnation, then you must pay close attention to the recovery process. Here are a few helpful tips to ensure you have an optimal recovery:

1. Be sure to perform a "hitch". Make sure that the increased heart rate after training returns to normal. Low-intensity exercise such as walking, jogging, and slow pedaling are best. The duration of the "hitch" is determined by the intensity of the workout. The more intensively you practiced, the longer the “hitch” should be. Even if you have little time, still allocate 5-10 minutes for a “hitch”.

2. Maintain the water-salt balance. Environmental conditions determine how much fluid and electrolytes your body needs. The hotter the weather, the more you sweat and the more fluids and electrolytes you need. By the way, you don't have to drink isotonic drinks just because your favorite athletes do. There are healthier options as well. Try drinking water with juice or lime (or both), orange juice, and a pinch of salt. You can add stevia powder to sweeten the drink. Many energy drinks have added sugar, but you don't need it at all. Many people think that they need sugar to replenish their glycogen stores, but this is not at all the case. We will return to this a little later.

3. Knead soft tissues. Use a fitness foam roller, PVC tube, massage stick, or something similar to knead the soft tissue. This process truly works wonders. Kneading aching muscles causes blood flow to microdamages that appear in muscle tissue during exercise. And this, in turn, accelerates muscle recovery. Attention! If you have never performed soft tissue kneading before, this procedure can be quite painful. In addition, special attention should be paid to kneading particularly aching areas. But believe me, the next day you will be glad that the muscles no longer hurt so much.

4. Do exercises to increase mobility in the joints. If you have muscle imbalances or joint problems, then you need to spend some time with rehabilitation or joint mobility exercises to eliminate or at least reduce these problems. To perform such exercises, 5-10 minutes a day is enough.

5. Perform light static stretching. Although static stretching exercises should not be done before a workout, as they reduce the ability of muscles to contract effectively, doing them after a workout is a good way to restore normal muscle length. There are a huge number of such exercises, but at a minimum, each of us should perform at least stretching exercises for the hip flexors and pectoral muscles. Stretching your hip flexors will help release tension in your lower back, while stretching your pecs will improve your posture and relieve you of slouching. Hold the stretch position for 30 seconds or more.

A great way to perform these exercises is the "tension, relax, stretch" technique. To do this, you need to isometrically contract the muscle you want to stretch for about 6 seconds, then relax it and take a deep stretch position for 15-20 seconds. You can repeat this technique 2-3 times per exercise, each time stretching the muscle more and more.

6. Post-workout nutrition. The opinions of experts on this matter are very different from each other, because it all depends on the state of your health and fitness goals. However, the most common recommendation for post-workout nutrition is to take a combination. The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates varies from 1:1 to 1:4. If you train for an hour at a moderately high intensity, then a ratio of proteins and carbohydrates of 1:4 is more suitable for you. This ratio of nutrients is also suitable for those who want to increase muscle mass. But these recommendations aren't always true, so experiment with different ratios of protein and carbs and see what works best for you.

If your goal is the body, and you are not interested in gaining muscle mass, then after training you can take only proteins, especially if you follow a low-carb diet and do short high-intensity workouts lasting less than 30 minutes. Since these workouts are quite short, your glycogen stores will not be completely depleted during exercise and can be easily replenished by the body. In this case, if you consume enough protein after a workout, then you should not worry about losing muscle mass. Once again, this recommendation is not set in stone, and you can try adding some carbs to your post-workout meal (1:1 or 1:2 protein to carb ratio). Experiment a little to see what works best for you.

These are six recommendations that can help you recover faster after training. Keep in mind that small changes can make a huge difference in the long run. Just 15-20 minutes a day will help you drastically reduce muscle pain, restore muscle and joint function, so you can continue exercising and reach your fitness goals.

In today's article, I will tell you how to quickly restore muscles after a workout, why your muscles may not grow and what to do in this case. You will also learn which supplements are useful for recovery, and which are completely useless.

As you know, during training, our muscles are destroyed and only after training, when we rest, they begin to recover. In fact, the recovery process is the key to muscle growth. So guys, if you want to be big and strong, you need to be able not only to train in the gym, but also to relax!

Recovery phases

Alas, but no theory anywhere.

The recovery process is the return of the physical parameters of the body to a normal state with a simultaneous increase in its adaptive capabilities. The process itself can be divided into several stages (phases).

  • Rapid recovery phase

It occurs immediately after training and lasts about 30 minutes, at which point the metabolism changes in order to restore the balance in the body, which was disturbed by the training. This is the expected response of the body to the training load. During the period of rapid recovery, all energy substrates (glycogen, creatine phosphate, ATP) are replenished, some hormones also return to normal and anabolic hormones, which are so important for growth, are released.

  • slow recovery phase

When metabolic balance is restored, the process of repairing damaged muscle fibers begins, protein synthesis comes into play, enzymes and amino acids are restored, as well as water and electrolyte balance. The degree and rate of absorption of nutrients increases.

  • Supercompensation stage

The most important stage for you and me, iron fans, because it is at this moment that the functionality of your muscles exceeds the initial level. It comes in 2-3 for after training and lasts about 5 days. During this period, it's time to “give a thrashing” (train) to that muscle group that has gone through all these stages!

The problem is that a person can't tell by feeling when exactly their muscles are at the highest point of supercompensation, so you have to do it at random.

  • Delayed recovery phase

If you are at this stage, but have not yet loaded the muscle group that was recovering, then the train has already left = (Because in this phase, the functional characteristics of the muscles return to their pre-training state.

I think that any ardent fan of iron, and even an ordinary visitor to the gym, who still goes to the gym to train, and not share stories about exciting Sunday adventures, is interested in the fastest recovery of their muscles.

In addition, without proper recovery, there will be no growth, you will run into a training plateau and, as a result, the desire to train may disappear. So below I will give actionable tips to achieve the desired goal.

Tips for organizing the training process

  1. After each working set, perform light stretching, it will help improve blood flow in the muscles and remove the formed lactate.
  2. After training, devote 5-10 minutes to cool down, stretch, it is also recommended to do a light 10-minute cardio, again to improve blood flow, watch a video or picture with an illustration of how to properly stretch
  3. Train one muscle group once, maximum twice a week, remember I told you about the supercompensation phase? So if you train the same muscle group more often, then you simply won’t have time to recover, which will lead to marking time or even a deterioration in physical performance. Small muscle groups, which include the arms, can be trained 2 times a week, because due to their small relative size, their recovery period is shorter than, for example, those of the legs)
  4. The next day after a hard workout, do a light run for 30 minutes, or a light workout for the same muscle groups, reduce the weight and number of sets by 2 times, such training will speed up recovery

The speed of muscle recovery directly depends on a properly constructed diet, so remember:

Drink more water, it makes the blood more liquid, firstly it will reduce the load on the heart, and secondly it will improve blood flow and metabolic processes in the body

As you remember, after the end of the workout, there is a phase of rapid recovery, so it will be useful to take BCAA tablets (3-5 g), or BCAA in powder form, and taking creatine (4 g) to replenish creatine phosphate is no less important. The effect of glutamine, which is also recommended to be taken after training, is exaggerated, since in our body and without its intake from the outside, this essential amino acid is enough.

20-30 minutes after the end of the workout, take 50-70 grams of slow carbohydrates (cereals, cereals, whole grain pasta), this will help you replenish muscle glycogen stores and restore them faster

Along with carbohydrates, take a protein meal (boiled eggs, chicken breast) or protein, which is a more convenient way, since mixing a shaker is easier than carrying a container of breasts with you, and the liquid form of protein is absorbed much faster.

Protein will help prevent catabolism. But if you do not want to spend money, then it is quite possible to do without protein. Regular protein foods, despite some transportation inconveniences, will be a much better source of protein. And if you live near the hall, then you don’t have to carry containers with you

To make your life easier, here is an example of a post-workout meal:

50-70 grams of oatmeal in water (can be ground into powder, thrown into a shaker, diluted with hot water and consumed as a cocktail) + 30 grams of protein in water. Another option is the same oatmeal + 2-3 boiled eggs without yolks.

Among other things, there are quite simple procedures that will help you relieve pain in the post-workout days and speed up the recovery of your muscles.

  • A hot bath is a good way to relieve muscle tension after a workout, as well as relax your nerves after you squatted with a 140 kg barbell under Rammstein. The optimal temperature for such a bath will be 40 degrees, this temperature will allow you to relax for about 20 minutes, and you don’t need more.
  • Bath or sauna after training (recommended the next day after training) - has an effect similar to a hot bath, also dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow and promotes the rapid removal of lactic acid from the muscles, and also, due to the production of endorphins, reduces muscle pain in post workout days. As with the bath, you should not stay in the steam room for more than 5 minutes at a time and in total no more than 20 minutes
  • Deep massage - the reasons for its benefits are all in the same improvement in blood circulation, I think unnecessary comments are needed. The only thing worth noting here is that it is better to contact a professional massage therapist, so you can get the most out of the massage.
  • One of the most important things is sleep. Because it is in a dream that the body patches all the holes and restores all the systems of the body. Sleep at least 8 hours a day and try to fall asleep before 11 pm, so in the morning you will feel more alert

Here is actually my short article and comes to an end. From the foregoing, we can summarize that there are many ways to restore muscles after training and everyone can choose something for themselves. But besides the optional items, there are those that need to be followed impeccably, such as sleep, nutrition and the organization of the training process, since your sports longevity and health depend on them!

Every rep was hard work! Your muscles burned from the received load and tension! The training was incredibly hard and intense, but it did not help build an ounce of muscle tissue!

The opportunity for muscle growth begins when you finish strength training, and this growth cannot occur without a proper recovery protocol. Muscles don't grow in the gym - they grow after. When you lift heavy weights, the muscles get micro-trauma and undergo a process called catabolism. Immediately after the cessation of physical activity, your body begins regenerative repair, but it needs help.

If you want to get the most out of your efforts in the gym, then you need to focus on post-workout recovery. Follow these 8 principles to achieve the desired results - stay on top.

Push the limits of what's possible

"No pain, no growth!" - one of the most popular phrases in the gym. Going beyond what is possible is good practice, but how far can you go? There must be a measure that will create the necessary stimulus for muscle growth, and not try to reach the point where the muscles are completely destroyed, which leads to painful sensations for many days.

The emphasis should not be on the speed of recovery, but on its quality and productivity. If you constantly push yourself to exhaustion with every workout, this damage builds up over time, and the body spends more energy to eliminate these effects, leaving less energy for building muscle. Train hard enough to push yourself outside of your "comfort zone" - try to get more done than the previous day. By following this principle, you will see solid and constant progress, rather than taking one step forward and two steps back.

Get serious about pre-workout nutrition

What you are directly affects the quality and recovery time. Since assimilation is a long process, nutrition before going to the “rocking chair” also plays an important role. Proteins and carbohydrates that you ate before the start of the training will circulate in the body for some time. Therefore, choose your products wisely. Make sure you're getting high quality lean protein and complex carbs if you're planning on doing an intense workout. Eat 2 hours before your workout to avoid digestive issues.

During strength training, it would be nice to take BCAAs, which will be actively absorbed by muscle cells. And don't forget the portion before bed.

Don't Skip Stretching

Stretching doesn't seem that big of a deal when size is the main goal. But she may be the most underrated player in muscle growth. Not having the necessary flexibility and muscle plasticity, you limit yourself in many basic exercises. For example, if your ankles are too tight, you won't be able to squat deep enough to get the most out of the barbell squat.

Stretching is a great way to reduce muscle tension and soreness during recovery. Take at least 15 minutes after your workout to cool down and stretch.

Protein after workout

"Feed your muscles!" Give them fuel to grow and improve. A portion of protein after exercise is vital. Aim for 20-50 grams of protein after each workout, depending on your weight. For women, 20 grams will be enough, and for men it is better to strive for a larger value.

Whey protein is the most popular protein supplement, and for good reason: it's convenient, mixes easily, and has a fast absorption rate, perfect for taking after a hard workout.

To speed up and optimize your recovery processes, along with fast carbohydrates. These can be foods with a high glycemic index, such as fruits or juices (preferably in large quantities to get 60-100 grams of carbohydrates). They will boost insulin, replenish glycogen levels and energy. Insulin is a powerful anabolic factor that aids in the recovery of muscle proteins.

Eat foods rich in potassium

Potassium-enriched foods are a must-have in your post-workout shake. At the end of intensive training, the potassium stores in the body will be depleted. Potassium, along with other nutrients such as sodium and calcium, is one of the key minerals and plays an important role in muscle energy.

Bananas and potatoes are good sources of potassium. The former goes with just about everything, and mashed potatoes in your first post-workout meal is also a good idea.

quality sleep

Sleep is not just for relaxation. This is a forced "time of inactivity", the body needs to recover. By sacrificing hours of sleep over a long period of time, you make yourself mentally weaker and have a negative impact on the training process. You need to sleep at least 7 hours, and athletes all 9. Find ways to help make changes in the daily routine - go to bed early.

Active post-workout recovery

Rest days give the muscles a break. But some light activity, such as swimming or cycling, will stimulate the recovery process and speed it up. This method is known as "active recovery". Also, a light cardio load after a strength training session will help alleviate by stimulating blood circulation and improving circulation to the muscles.

Reducing stress

The physiological stress received after exercise is a good thing. Chronic stress from other sources, such as deadlines at work or work, can have a significant impact on how you feel every day, as well as how quickly you recover.

The combination of chronic stress and heavy physical exertion in the gym negatively affects your overall well-being and your body's capabilities. Take steps to reduce your stress levels so you can bounce back faster. Do what you really like or make you laugh.

Now you know that recovery is an essential ingredient in achieving any goal in the gym. If you want to get stronger, faster and better, you must combine each of these tips into your daily recovery plan to get directly proportional results from your intense workouts!

Muscle pain, apathy, loss of motivation - not an indicator of your weakness. This is only evidence that the body did not have time to recover from the previous load. After a workout, it is important to give the body the opportunity to rest from stress and recover for the next lesson. The better the recovery, the more likely it is to turn everything gained by hard training into an excellent result. For a quick recovery, you need to follow simple rules on the daily routine and nutrition, as well as use additional funds that will help restore strength and desire to train.

So what helps you recover faster after a workout?

1. Meals during the day

The rate at which your body recovers depends on how you eat. The diet should be balanced, ie. proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements and water must be present in the required proportions and contain enough calories.

What can you eat before a workout

Can't find a snack to your taste? Try one of these ways to quickly refresh yourself.

  • 180 m orange juice + ½ scoop protein powder
  • Greek yogurt + 1 cup berries
  • Blend: 1 cup high-fiber cereals, 2 tablespoons dried fruits, 2 tablespoons nuts
  • ½ nutrition bar
  • ½ turkey sandwich on whole grain bread + fruit
  • ½ sandwich with peanut butter and jam
  • Small cup of cereal with milk and ½ banana

2. Nutrition after training

The body spends energy on physical exercises, which must be restored at the end of the session. Immediately after training, it is worth taking a serving of protein, which will protect the muscles from damage and help the body recover. After an hour, you need to take a portion of carbohydrates and replenish glycogen. Don't forget to drink during and after your workout!

What can you eat after a workout - a sample menu

Not sure what to eat after a tough workout? Try one of these quick fixes:

  • ¾ cup cottage cheese with fruit
  • 600 ml skimmed milk
  • Fruit smoothie with protein
  • 1 sourdough muffin + 2 hard boiled eggs + tomato slice
  • 1 cup chopped turkey on salad with whole grain bread
  • 120g canned tuna + whole wheat pita
  • Greek yogurt with fruits + honey

3. Sleep

The main condition for recovery after a workout is a sufficient amount of sleep. In a dream, there is an intensive restoration of the body as a whole and muscles in particular. The required duration of sleep depends on the individual characteristics of the body and averages 8 hours. Lack of sleep can lead to an increase in the time it takes the body to recover, problems with concentration, and feeling unwell.

4. Warm up and cool down

You should never skip a warm-up - during this time you prepare for training not only the muscles and joints, but also the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Subsequent training will not become a “shock” for the body, and the concentration of lactic acid (lactate) in the blood and muscles will decrease. A hitch helps tired muscles get rid of accumulated hydrogen ions and utilize lactic acid, so the athlete feels much better after training: the muscles will not be so stiff and heavy, the risk of injury will decrease, fatigue will be much less, and mood will be better. Stretching exercises are great as a hitch.

5. Massage

Massage is the best tool for quick regeneration after training. Massage enhances blood circulation in muscles and internal organs, relaxes overstressed and relieves pain in damaged muscles, improves muscle regeneration and recovery processes, enhances lymph flow, activates metabolic processes and eliminates congestion in tissues, improves joint mobility.

6. Bath

A warm bath increases circulation and metabolic processes in the body, and relaxes the muscles. Take a bath no later than 2-3 hours after training, best before bed. Cold baths are less commonly taken for recovery, usually to relieve muscle pain. Blood drains from the vessels, reducing tension in the muscles, and flows again after the procedure, helping to flush out decay products from the body. It is recommended to drink hot tea after a cool bath and cover yourself with a blanket.

7. Bath and sauna

Russian bath and Turkish sauna are one of the oldest ways to get rid of fatigue. The body temperature rises, the heart rate and respiratory rate increase, the flow of arterial blood into the tissues of the body increases, and decay products are excreted. All this contributes to the speedy recovery of the body after physical activity.

8. Contrast shower

A contrast shower has a positive effect on blood vessels, ligaments, and connective tissue. Different temperatures cause alternate constriction and expansion of blood vessels, resulting in improved blood supply to organs and tissues and metabolism. In addition, a contrast shower increases vitality and makes it easier to wake up in the morning.

Which of these methods to use is up to you. You can combine these methods. use the appropriate ones as needed. Remember, the main indicator that the body has recovered after exercise is the strongest desire to return to training as soon as possible!