How to restore access to a page in contact. How to recover a password on any laptop using various methods

Before reading this article, about why I am online "VKontakte", although I have not logged in or why a friend answers in contact, but he is not online, I suggest that you read the old "Why I am online VKontakte when I am not there"

This is for the sake of completeness.
In this article I will describe what I managed to get out of the correspondence with the support service on this issue, but later the article will be supplemented with fresh facts, because I'm not going to stop there.
There are a few more questions about the "Online" icon in the contact, which will need to be clarified. So I advise you to bookmark this page or subscribe to RSS.

I started a contact support contact in this style:

And a whole list of questions that I wanted answered. After submitting a ticket:

Well, let's wait and 8 hours ... After eight hours, I received a superficial answer to my questions ...

Why did I leave Vkontakte, but I'm online?
Yes, because the VK administration decided to give users 15 minutes so that they can go for tea, beer, cookies, have a quickie with their girlfriend, go to the toilet and so on.
If you have minimized your VK application on your smartphone, then the situation will be exactly the same - all the same 15 minutes online.

How to solve:
If we do not want to hang around for another 15 minutes online "Vkontakte", then simply press the "exit" button and the "online" icon will disappear immediately, that is, your page will go offline instantly. By the way, after that, in order to enter the social network again, you will have to log in (enter your login and password from the page).

My friend writes me "In contact", but he is not visible (offline).
The developers have taken the following action:
If the user listens to music or watches videos in a certain section, then he goes offline. Most likely this is done so that the visitor is not distracted from an interesting activity. And that's right, and that's important.
Of course, you can write to such a user and he will see.
The same applies to dialogues. If you sit in the same dialogue and communicate with another person, then after 15 minutes the online icon will disappear.
Many use specialized applications to hide their presence on the network, for example, such as Kate mobile for Android or an application for Chrome - VKinviz (an application, not an extension)

Social network API "VKontakte"
For a long time, VK has been offering its API for third-party resources. Personally, I noticed that if you try to register with a third-party resource using the API in contact, then in the social network itself it will show that you were online at that time and the last visit time will be the same.

It is also important to carefully read what third-party applications want from other resources, and then think whether to allow access or not!
I will give an example of using the VK API:
I somehow left a comment on the left site through the comment form from "VKontakte", although I unchecked the "Share" box. Then he asked his girlfriend to check when I was "online" and it turned out that just now.
In the same way, third-party sites, through the API you connected, can monitor the page for the number of friends, posts on the wall, and other information needed by the third-party resource.

"VKontakte" redirect or referrer hiding method

Some sites, such as boxes or services to cheat likes and subscribers on social networks, knowing that VK uses a redirect from the site’s internal pages to other sites like, use this link to hide the referrer, that is, the place where the user came from.
For example link:
It starts from, but leads directly to my blog and after going from any site where this link is placed, the user will get to my blog, and in the statistics I will see that he came from a contact.
It is because of this passage through the social network that we find ourselves online for a few minutes (and the time of the last visit changes). But this is only if this browser was previously authorized by VK and was simply closed (without pressing the "exit" button).
Note: Anchor (textual display) of the clicked link can be any and we may not notice that we went through a contact redirect.

I am constantly online from my phone!
1. You sit in your phone browser, read the news on peekaboo (download the file from hares. no, watch porn online ...), and the VK tab is open and hangs in the list of tabs like a dead weight with an open contact page ...
2. We install any heresy from Google Play, which contains viruses, but it meows with cat voices in a funny way or it rains beautifully on the live wallpaper of the screen.
3. They stole the session key and wander around the page sending spam or begging for loot from your friends.

How to solve:

  • Check the smartphone with an antivirus program;
  • End all sessions (Settings-Security...);
  • Remove all suspicious and unimportant applications;
  • Close browser tabs when you close the browser itself!

Settings-Security-Show activity history

Note: To avoid infecting your computer with viruses, and subsequently stealing accounts, do not forget to update the anti-virus program and virus definitions for it in time, as well as install additional programs (

) we have registered with Odnoklassniki and activated our profile using our phone. Over time, you made friends, you found your distant relatives and constantly communicate with them, you joined various groups of your interests and much more. But there are different moments in life. One day it may happen, God forbid, of course, that you cannot log into your profile (account). It seems that you enter everything correctly, but it does not let you. Don't worry, today we'll talk about how to recover your username and password in Odnoklassniki.

If such an unpleasant story happened to you, do not panic. Remember, any problem can be solved by yourself or with the help of the Support Service.

Consider the main reasons for this action.

1) You forgot your username or password.

2) Your account is suspected of being hacked by intruders and therefore it was blocked.

3) The profile was blocked by the Odnoklassniki site administration for violating the License Agreement.

4) You yourself closed (deleted) your account.

Now let's look at how to restore access to your Odnoklassniki account.

In the first and second cases, we will solve our problem quickly and independently. We go to the main page of the site Odnoklassniki and click on the link "Forgot your password?"

We go to the page to restore access to Odnoklassniki.

In order to restore access, you need to specify your login, or email, or mobile phone number. The phone is probably the best tool. Since you can forget your login, you can not use e-mail for a long time and you may not remember it either. And the phone is always with you. Therefore, after registration, it is important to indicate your phone number.

So, enter our phone number and click Continue.

An SMS message with a code is sent to the specified phone. Enter it in our field and click Confirm.

Now we just need to enter a new password. Click Continue.

That's it, we go to our page in Odnoklassniki. Also, a notification comes to the phone that the password for Odnoklassniki has been changed.

If this method did not help you, then most likely your profile has been blocked by the site administration for violating the License Agreement. In this case, you need to contact Customer Support, indicating the following data: last name, first name, age, login, country, city, phone number, email address, link to your profile (if you don't know the link to your profile, ask your friends in Odnoklassniki).

However, the administration warns you that if you deliberately violated the Agreements, then access will not be restored.

For all other questions, you should also contact the support service directly at

And lastly, if you yourself deleted the profile, then the administration in this case will also refuse to restore access to you. Create a new account.

Now you can always restore access to the Odnoklassniki social network.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments. Good luck and good mood everyone!

How to hide videos in VK if there is no pencil? After updating the design, the contact became different from itself). The video is now closed from users in a different way. This article details this.

Hello friends!
Today we are back to the most popular social network in the CIS, VKontakte.
In this article, I will show you how to hide VK videos after the update.
Many of you probably know how to hide videos in VK using a pencil.
For those who do not know, in the old VK, when you hover over a record with the mouse, a pencil appeared, with which you could edit. Show to everyone, to nobody, selectively. Then Vkontakte updates burst out, it changed instantly and the pencil also disappeared).
The new contact does not have this function, but there is a more interesting thing, in my opinion.
We sort by folders, in the end you will not have a mess, there will be a complete order on the page.
In addition, you can make several folders and sort them at your discretion, that is, for comrades, or girlfriends, the best people), with whom you work or study.
In short, close access to those who do not need to poke their nose into your business and personal life).
As they say, closer to the point, let's move on to how to close videos in VK.

How to hide videos in VK after updating

What do we do?
First of all, let's create a folder, one, then follow the same pattern, you can make them at least from 10-ok.
Under different categories, for different visitors to your account.
1. Go to your page in VK.
I will show on the example of my page.
You just repeat after me.

2. Bottom right, you have your videos.
Look for the inscription "video recording" click on it.

3. On the page that opens, select "create an album"

4. Write the name of the album.
I called it "Personal Diary."

5. Here you click on the inscription "all users"

6 On the tab that opens, select:

  • All users - just a folder with a name, any VK user can view the video.
  • Only friends - accordingly, only those who are your friends can watch.
  • 3rd entry - everyone who is in your friends, and strangers with your comrades
  • Only me - completely closed posts, visible only to you.
  • Everything except ... I will tell below).
  • Some friends - choose who can see these videos. For example, you were at a party in nature with 10 comrades, you no longer want anyone to see. Put only them.

If you are only interested in how to hide VKontakte videos, or even not so much, but how to hide VK videos from everyone, then you choose "only me."

What do you mean, all but?
Here, you can choose from a list of your companions who cannot watch.
For example, you quarreled with another (th), you don’t want her (he) to view videos, put her on the list).
In general, everything is quite simple, how to say new, long-forgotten old).

End for today
until we meet again friends!

How to restore a page in contact? The topic is quite extensive, so we will try to answer it step by step.

If you previously deleted access to your page on your own, then the system gives you up to 7 months to think about getting your own account back.

Otherwise, it will be permanently deleted permanently, and you will have to create a new one.

It is also worth noting that the restoration process is free.

Therefore, do not get fooled by any kind of SMS to a short number, paid transactions and other phishing manipulations in order to knock out as many non-cash out of you as possible.

Access process

In order to start the process of returning access, go to the site by entering your username and password. The first can be either an email or a phone number.

Both options are interchangeable, so they work equally well.

You will see the famous "dead dog" above which will be written the end date for the possible recovery of your account.

The "restore page" field is highlighted as a link, and click on it.

A page will open where you will need to confirm your good intentions again.

Restoring a blocked page

What if your page was really blocked by the administration or you completely and irrevocably forgot the authorization password?

To begin with, do not panic and do not make unnecessary gestures - not everything is so scary.

There may be several reasons:

  • blocking;
  • spam on "your" behalf;
  • breaking;
  • Forgot your password.

Take advantage of the free restoration of control, which is located at the link

Based on the information in the screenshot, you must enter either a login, or a phone number, or an email address that you registered with.

Then we move on to the next step.

Now the system asks you to enter your last name. Remember that the moderator can reject various "Crazy", "Star", "Beauty" and other non-surnames, so be prepared for this.

The system will offer you a found page that most likely matches your requirements.

You only need to confirm or deny this information.

The final stage of the procedure is an SMS message to the number that is linked to the page.

Remember that the procedure will not require you to make any monetary "charitable" contributions from the VK service.

If you do not have the required SIM card, or the code does not want to come, click on the appropriate link below.

Note! The recovery process often takes up to several hours, or even days. The fault is either the workload of operators who process links manually, or inaccurate data from your page, which may arouse suspicion among the administration. In any case, you need to be patient and wait your turn.

If for some reason you can’t access the old page, you will most likely have to create a new one, no matter how much you want it.

But if you need an old nosebleed, try complaining directly to support at

If for some reason you deleted your Vkontakte page, and then changed your mind, then you still have a chance to return everything back. The only clarification is that you can restore your page in VK only if no more than 7 months have passed since its deletion.

Immediately one more clarification, if you log in to VK in the usual way to your page, enter your login and password, but nothing happens and a window pops up indicating that your page is blocked, hacked, spam is being sent from it, then this article will not help you . Most likely, a virus has leaked onto the computer during a hack and other actions are needed.

How to recover a deleted Vkontakte page

Recovery may be needed in different cases: if access data is lost, this is a password, login, email and phone number (if it is lost). If you do not have this data, then you need to do otherwise. And in general, it is still possible to restore access to a page, including a deleted one.

How to restore a page in VK after deletion

These actions are possible if 7 months have not passed since the time when you took a rash step and deleted the page.

Your actions are:

  • Go to the page of this social network. You will be prompted to enter your previous username and password. Enter and click the "Login" button.
  • Then another window pops up - you need to confirm your actions and enter the captcha. Enter the code from the image and click the "Submit" button.
  • The following information opens up to your gaze: a page with the inscription "Your page has been deleted." Do not be discouraged, read carefully, it will be indicated at the top: "Restore your page." Before moving on, note that the social network service warns you about the final date of deletion of the page. From the indicated moment (day / month / year), it will no longer be possible to restore access to your page.
  • Wait, another pop-up window with the information "Restore page" will appear soon. You need to click on this information and thus access to your account will be restored.

That's all, just 4 points and access to the Vkontakte page will be restored.

What to do, if…

It happens that the user deleted information from memory when deleting it and cannot remember the login in any way. What to do in this case? If enough time has passed, then you can restore access to your page by entering your phone number.

Another situation is if a person created a new page by entering the same phone number. How to be in such a situation? If the email number is different, then you can restore a previously deleted page.

If the user has forgotten the password, but remembers the login. Then you need to click the "forgot password" button and you will be offered an option to restore access (via email and SMS).

What to do if 2 pages are linked to the phone number at once and both are deleted? The user did not specify his email address and wants to restore the first page. Then you need to restore your page by “Forgot password”, one of the pages will be restored, if the one that is needed is left, and if the one that is not needed is restored, you need to change the phone number in the settings to another. There will be 2 pages, but each has its own phone number. The next step is to rebuild the page.