How the planet rotates around its axis. Planets of the Solar System: eight and one. At what speed does the Earth rotate around its axis?

Even in ancient times, pundits began to understand that it is not the Sun that revolves around our planet, but everything happens exactly the opposite. Nicolaus Copernicus put an end to this controversial fact for humanity. The Polish astronomer created his heliocentric system, in which he convincingly proved that the Earth is not the center of the Universe, and all planets, in his firm belief, revolve in orbits around the Sun. The work of the Polish scientist “On the Rotation of the Celestial Spheres” was published in Nuremberg, Germany in 1543.

The ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy was the first to express ideas about how the planets are located in the sky in his treatise “The Great Mathematical Construction of Astronomy”. He was the first to suggest that they make their movements in a circle. But Ptolemy mistakenly believed that all the planets, as well as the Moon and the Sun, move around the Earth. Before Copernicus's work, his treatise was considered generally accepted in both the Arab and Western worlds.

From Brahe to Kepler

After the death of Copernicus, his work was continued by the Dane Tycho Brahe. The astronomer, a very wealthy man, equipped the island he owned with impressive bronze circles, on which he applied the results of observations of celestial bodies. The results obtained by Brahe helped the mathematician Johannes Kepler in his research. It was the German who systematized the movement of the planets of the solar system and derived his three famous laws.

From Kepler to Newton

Kepler was the first to prove that all 6 planets known at that time moved around the Sun not in a circle, but in ellipses. The Englishman Isaac Newton, having discovered the law of universal gravitation, significantly advanced humanity’s understanding of the elliptical orbits of celestial bodies. His explanations that the ebb and flow of tides on Earth occur under the influence of the Moon turned out to be convincing to the scientific world.

Around the Sun

Comparative sizes of the largest satellites of the Solar System and the Earth group planets.

The time it takes the planets to complete a revolution around the Sun is naturally different. For Mercury, the closest star to the star, it is 88 Earth days. Our Earth goes through a cycle in 365 days and 6 hours. The largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, completes its revolution in 11.9 Earth years. Well, Pluto, the most distant planet from the Sun, has a revolution of 247.7 years.

It should also be taken into account that all the planets in our solar system move, not around the star, but around the so-called center of mass. At the same time, each, rotating around its axis, sways slightly (like a spinning top). In addition, the axis itself may shift slightly.

15. The speed of rotation of the planets - what is determined by

All planets rotate around their own axis. However, each of the planets rotates at its own speed. These are the values:

01. Mercury - one rotation around its axis in approximately 58 Earth days;

02. Venus – revolution in 243 days;

03. Earth – revolution in 24 hours;

04. Mars – revolution in 24 hours 37 minutes;

05. Jupiter – revolution in 9 hours 55 minutes;

06. Saturn – revolution in 10 hours 40 minutes;

07. Uranus – revolution in 17 hours 14 minutes;

08. Neptune – revolution in 16 hours 03 minutes;

09. Pluto - revolution in 6.38 days.

The speed of rotation of the planets is entirely determined by only one factor - the rate of heating of its surface layers.

As mentioned earlier, the mechanism of planetary rotation is explained by the emergence of the Repulsion Field in the region of the planet currently facing the Sun. The forming Repulsion Field of the planet meets resistance from the Repulsion Field of the Sun and causes this area to move away from the Sun. At the same time, colder regions of the same hemisphere tend to the Sun. Both of these factors taken together cause the planet to rotate around its axis.

In each of the two hemispheres of the planet there is a parallel, which represents the boundary between the near-equatorial regions, where a non-disappearing Repulsion Field already exists, and the near-polar regions, where there is no such Field, and there is only an Attraction Field. It is at this boundary parallel that the Repulsion Field arises only in the area that is currently facing the Sun. As this region turns away from the Sun, the Repulsion Field gradually decreases and then disappears, only to reappear when this region turns toward the Sun again.

So, it is the speed of emergence of the unstable Repulsion Field at the boundary parallel that determines the speed of rotation of the planet.

Now let's find out on what factors the speed of appearance of the Repulsion Field at the boundary parallel depends. These factors will precisely determine the value of the planet’s rotation speed.

First factor , affecting the speed of rotation of the planets - the distance from the planet to the Sun. Distance is not important in itself. The distance to the Sun informs us about the number of solar particles with Repulsion Fields reaching the planet. The shorter the distance to the Sun, the more solar particles with Repulsion Fields reach the planet, the more the surface layers heat up and the faster the planet rotates. And vice versa, the greater the distance, the fewer particles reach the planet, and the lower the rate of heating of the surface layers.

Second factor – this is the degree of heating of the substance of the region of both boundary parallels of the planet, separating the regions where there is a non-disappearing Repulsion Field from the regions where such a Field does not yet exist. Any planet has two such boundary parallels. The substance whose degree of heating interests us is the entire thickness of the substance that is located under a given parallel, right up to the center of the planet. The degree of heating of a substance means the number of solar particles with Repulsion Fields accumulated by the chemical elements of a given substance. That is, the more solar particles with Repulsion Fields the planet’s matter has accumulated in the region of these parallels, the faster the planet will develop a non-constant Repulsion Field, and the faster the planet will rotate. The more the substance of the planet’s interior is heated, the smaller its Attraction Field. This means that elementary particles from the Sun that have reached the planet and accumulated by the chemical elements of the surface layers (atmosphere) will move more slowly downward, towards the center of the planet. Consequently, the necessary Repulsion Field will be formed by these particles faster.

Third factor – the composition of the planets’ atmosphere and its thickness (if the planet has one at all). The more rarefied (less dense) gases form the atmosphere of a planet, the easier it is for such an atmosphere to begin to produce a Repulsion Field - that is, to begin to emit ether. This is explained by the fact that the lower the density of the gas, the faster, when the chemical elements of this gas accumulate particles with Repulsion Fields, a Repulsion Field is formed in these elements. In the language of modern physics, less dense gases are easier to heat. But denser gases are more difficult to heat. This means that for the elements forming these gases to have a Repulsion Field, they must accumulate (absorb) more particles with Repulsion Fields.

As is known, the most rarefied gases are part of the atmospheres of giant planets. Gases such as helium and hydrogen are very easy to heat, and they quickly begin to emit ether - that is, they quickly develop a Repulsion Field.

Now, if we sum up the three indicated factors and analyze their influence in relation to specific planets of the solar system, we get something like the following.

As you know, the giant planets rotate the fastest: Jupiter - in 9 hours 55 minutes, Saturn - in 10 hours 40 minutes, Uranus - in 17 hours 14 minutes, Neptune - in 16 hours 03 minutes. Jupiter and Saturn rotate the fastest, as you can see. But at the same time, the distance factor is not on their side. Four planets are closer to the Sun than Jupiter, and five planets are closer than Saturn. The distance to the Sun for the other giant planets is even greater. However, even the most distant of the giant planets, Neptune, rotates faster than any of the terrestrial planets. What's the matter? It's all about the combined influence of two other factors - the degree of heating of the planet and the degree of rarefaction of its atmosphere.

The farther a planet is from the Sun, the more the matter in the region of its boundary parallels is heated. And the giant planets, which are further away from the Sun than the terrestrial planets, were formed from solar matter earlier, and therefore experience the warming effects of solar rays longer.

And, of course, the atmosphere of giant planets contains a higher percentage of rarefied gases such as helium and hydrogen, which also contributes to a greater rate of their heating, and therefore a greater speed of rotation.

As for the rotation speed of such terrestrial planets as Earth and Mars, it is less than that of the giant planets, but much greater than that of Mercury and Venus. The Earth rotates around its axis in 24 hours, Mars in 24 hours 37 minutes. The Earth and Mars rotate quite quickly due to greater heating of the substance than that of Mercury and Venus, as well as due to the fairly high degree of rarefaction of their atmospheres.

The rotation speed of Mercury is so low - one revolution per 58 Earth days - due to the fact that the substance of Mercury is very weakly heated (less than that of all other planets), and also because Mercury has practically no atmosphere.

Now regarding Venus. Its rotation speed is 1 revolution in 243 days. So, the rotation speed of Venus would be much greater if it rotated in the forward rather than the reverse direction. This means that with direct rotation, Venus would rotate much faster than Mercury. After all, Venus is warmer than Mercury, and also has a well-defined atmosphere (albeit dense), while Mercury, one might say, has no atmosphere.

It should also be said here that the speed of rotation of Uranus would be much greater if it also rotated in the forward direction, and not in the opposite direction. Currently, Uranus rotates more slowly than the more distant Neptune.

So, the slowdown in the rotation of Venus and Uranus should be explained this way.

And now, in fact, about why Venus and Uranus rotate slower than they could if their rotation was direct and not reverse.

To do this, we should remember that two factors play an equally important role in the mechanism of planetary rotation. Firstly, this is the emergence of a Repulsion Field in the heated region of the planets, which causes this region to tend to move away from the Sun. And, secondly, the desire of the cooled areas of the planet on the night side to move closer to the Sun.

The Sun's Attraction Field is an ethereal flow moving counterclockwise in the direction of the poles and subpolar regions of the Sun (yes, the Sun also has poles). So, that hemisphere of the planet, that side of it, which turns out to be closer to its source in this ethereal flow (i.e., to the Sun absorbing the ether), will experience greater attraction from the magnetic poles of the Sun, since the Force of Attraction, as is known, decreases with distance. This same hemisphere, closest to the source of the Sun’s gravitational field for planets with direct rotation, turns out to be eastern hemisphere (moving from the night side to the day side), and for planets with reverse rotation this is western hemisphere (moving from the day side to the night side).

Accordingly, the second hemisphere of the planet, more distant from the source of the Sun’s Gravitational Field, will experience much less attraction to the Sun, since the Force of Attraction decreases with distance. For planets with direct rotation, this is the more distant hemisphere - the western. But for planets with reverse rotation, this is the eastern hemisphere.

It is in the eastern hemisphere that the planet has a Field of Attraction. Moreover, its magnitude is greatest compared to other areas of the planet, since this particular area was on the night side and cooled the most. It is the eastern hemisphere, due to its greatest desire for the Sun, that causes the planet to rotate.

In turn, the western hemisphere is characterized by a Repulsion Field, gradually turning into an Attraction Field (due to gradual cooling). The Western Hemisphere also tends to move closer to the Sun, but to a much lesser extent.

And pay attention here. For planets with direct rotation, in the western hemisphere, the region where the Repulsion Field disappears and the Attractive Field appears instead turns out to be so turned away from the Sun and separated from the source of its Attractive Field that for this region the shortest path to the source of the Sun's Attractive Field is movement counterclockwise (i.e. continuation of an already existing movement). The planet does not tend to turn back, clockwise.

But for planets with reverse rotation, the western hemisphere is closest to the source of the Sun’s Attraction Field. As a result, the region of the western hemisphere, where the Repulsion Field disappears due to the cooling of the planet and is replaced by the Attractive Field, experiences a significant Attractive Force towards the Sun. So it turns out that the eastern hemisphere of planets with reverse rotation is further from the source of the Sun’s Attraction Field, which reduces its desire for the Sun. And, in addition, the western hemisphere also tends to the Sun. As a result, this tendency towards the Sun from the western hemisphere slows down the rotation of the planet, as it prevents the tendency towards the Sun from the eastern hemisphere.

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Announcement: What is the most basic, earliest factor in the historical hierarchy of development and progress, without which life itself could not have appeared on Earth? I’ll say right away - this factor is the daily rotation of the Earth around its axis! Without daily rotation, life could never have appeared on Earth! But the reason for the daily rotation of the Earth around its axis has not yet been revealed, and scientists still do not know what spun and continues to spin our planet, divine will or a material reason.

There are many unsolved mysteries and mysteries of the universe, and the more we understand the world around us, the more new ideas, mysteries and questions appear. But these new mysteries in the hierarchy of development are more recent, i.e. derived from more important primary forms and laws. And some important primary mysteries have not yet been solved even today. For example, what is the most basic, key factor in the historical hierarchy of development and progress, without which life itself could not have appeared on Earth?

I’ll say right away - one of the most important and greatest factors is the factor of the Earth’s daily rotation. Yes, yes! If there were no daily rotation of the Earth, then life could never have arisen on Earth! And the mystery of the mechanism by which this rotation occurs has not yet been solved. Let's understand some facts: the power of solar radiation when approaching the Earth is huge ~ 1.5 kWh/m2 and without rotation around its axis, one side of the Earth would be heated by the radiation of the Sun, and on the other side cosmic cold would reign! The heat of the Sahara and the cold of Antarctica would be many times stronger! And it was the daily rotation of the Earth that made it possible to make thermal conditions more uniform over millions of years in all regions of the Earth, and this was one of the most important conditions for the emergence of life. Those. The daily rotation of the Earth was the key, main condition for the emergence of life on Earth.

But how did this daily rotation come about? What spun our planet? Today there is no scientific explanation for this mystery! The daily rotation of the Earth itself was scientifically proven by historical standards quite recently, in the period from the 14th to the 16th centuries AD, together with the creation of the heliocentric system of the world and the discovery of the Earth’s rotation around the Sun. Before this, for thousands of years, the idea of ​​the Earth as the immovable center of the whole world prevailed. Understanding the questions raised by the theory of the rotating Earth contributed to the discovery of the laws of classical mechanics.

An experiment clearly demonstrating the rotation of the Earth was carried out in 1851 by the French physicist Leon Foucault. Its meaning is very simple and clear. The plane of oscillation of a pendulum is constant relative to the fixed stars. And in the reference system associated with the Earth, the plane of oscillation of the pendulum rotates in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the Earth, which is clearly visible from the divisions on the circle placed under the pendulum. This effect is most clearly expressed at the poles, where the period of complete rotation of the pendulum’s plane is equal to the period of the Earth’s rotation around its axis, and at the equator the plane of oscillation of the pendulum is unchanged. Currently, the Foucault pendulum is successfully demonstrated in a number of scientific museums and planetariums, in particular, in the St. Petersburg Planetarium and the Volgograd Planetarium.

In recent years, one hypothesis has emerged regarding the origin of the Earth’s daily rotation from the action of global terrestrial winds and ocean currents, but it does not stand up to criticism. After all, water and atmosphere on Earth appeared much later than the appearance of the Earth’s daily rotation. In addition, scientists have proven that ocean currents appeared precisely due to the daily rotation of the Earth, and not vice versa. The influence of the Moon also could not lead to the appearance of the Earth's daily rotation. In addition, the Moon has its own rotation. Other planets of the solar system, as well as the Sun itself, also rotate around their axis. What's causing all this spinning? No answer yet. But perhaps the mechanism for the occurrence of rotation of the planets and the Sun is the same, since the Sun rotates around the center of the Milky Way galaxy, like the planets around the Sun.

By the way, all celestial bodies rotate not in a circle, but in an elliptical Keplerian orbit, which also shifts in space over time:

Also, there is no answer yet to the question of the reason for the appearance of the tilt of the Earth’s rotation axis relative to the plane of the Earth’s rotation around the Sun. This tilt is 66˚33’22” and its presence led to the appearance of seasons on Earth that are extremely important for the Earth’s climate.

The seasons, along with the daily rotation, i.e. the rapid change of day and night, further softened and facilitated the conditions for the emergence of life and the Earth’s biosphere, for the emergence of numerous forms of plants, animals, and humans. Together with the seasons, 5 zones of illumination (or radiation) arose on Earth, limited by the tropics and polar circles, which are divided according to the duration of sunlight and the amount of heat received. Scientists have also noticed that the Earth's rotation axis periodically changes its direction. This is called precession. Every 13 thousand years, the Earth's rotation axis "tilts" in the opposite direction. But huge celestial bodies rotating in zero gravity are ideal gyroscopes that cannot change their orientation in space.

Only long after the emergence of daily rotation, water, an oxygen atmosphere, and then various forms of life, animals, plants, and humans appeared on Earth.

Another important factor for the emergence of life on Earth is the Earth's magnetic field. The Earth's magnetosphere protects all living things from solar radiation. But this factor has long found its scientific explanation. So I'll touch on it very briefly.

The Sun and each planet of the Solar System has its own magnetic field, which creates a special shell around each of these celestial bodies - the magnetosphere. The poles of the Earth's magnetic field are located almost on the axis of the Earth's daily rotation with a slight deviation of 11.5 degrees from it. There are two types of the Earth's magnetic field: constant (main) and variable. Their nature and origin are different, but there is a relationship between them. The formation of a constant magnetic field is facilitated by internal sources of the Earth - electric currents arising on the surface of the compacted core of the Earth due to temperature differences in its parts, which is presumably associated with dynamic processes in the mantle and core of the Earth. They create a stable magnetic field extending over 20-25 Earth radii, which is subject only to slow, “secular” fluctuations. An alternating field is created when interacting with external sources located outside the planet. An alternating magnetic field is approximately 100 times weaker than a constant one and is characterized by regular variations, mainly of a solar nature, and irregular ones (such as magnetic storms). The Earth's average magnetosphere diameter is over 90 thousand km perpendicular to the sun's ray. The Earth is constantly exposed to streams of charged particles (corpuscles) of cosmic origin and radiation from the Sun - the solar wind. The magnetosphere under the impacts of the solar wind is compressed from the side of the Sun and is strongly elongated in the antisolar direction. This is how the tail of the magnetosphere is formed, extended to 900-1050 Earth radii. The magnetosphere is the main obstacle to the penetration of charged solar particles harmful to living matter into the geographic envelope and thus isolates living organisms from penetrating radiation. Cosmic particles can freely invade the atmosphere only in the region of the magnetic poles. At the same time, the magnetosphere transmits electromagnetic waves to the surface of the planet - X-rays and ultraviolet rays, radio waves and radiant energy, which serves as the main source of heat and the energy base for the processes occurring in the geographic envelope.

In the historical context, geographic shifts of the magnetic field and even changes in the polarity of the magnetic dipole are observed. Polarity, when the northern end of the magnetic needle is directed to the north, is called direct (as it is now); in the opposite case, they speak of reverse magnetization of the earth's dipole. Observations of the Earth's magnetic field are carried out by many observatories around the world.

Thus, the rotation of planets around their axis is the most important and most important condition for the emergence of life on planets. Finding out the reason for the planets’ own rotation will make it possible to understand whether there can be many planets like the Earth in the Universe, on which life will also appear over time, or whether the Earth is a unique phenomenon in the Universe. The presence of daily rotation on other planets of the Solar System hints that the reason for the appearance of such rotation on the planets is not an accident, but some as yet undiscovered objective mechanism that is awaiting scientific discovery. And this means that the Hierarchy of the laws of the origin and development of the world is just beginning to be cognized by man.

Additional information on this topic:

Solar system bodies


Distance to the Sun, a. e.

Average period of rotation around an axis

Number of phases of the state of matter on the surface

Number of satellites

Sidereal period of revolution, year

Orbital inclination to the ecliptic

Mass (unit of Earth mass)


25 days (35 at the pole)


9 planets




58.65 days







243 days







23h 56m 4s





24h 37m 23s








9h 50m




1° 18’




10h 14m








10h 49m


5+knot rings


0 ° 46’




15h 48m




1° 46’




6.4 days

2- 3 ?





The geographical consequences of the Earth's daily rotation are:
1. Change of day and night.
2. Deformation of the Earth's figure.
3. The existence of the Coriolis force acting on moving bodies.
4. The occurrence of ebbs and flows.

« About the reason for the rotation of the Earth and other unexplained phenomena.
habar Space scientist
Date: Sunday, 20.11.2011, 19:55

From the school astronomy course, which is included in the geography lesson program, we all know about the existence of the solar system and its 8 planets. They “circle” around the Sun, but not everyone knows that there are celestial bodies with retrograde rotation. Which planet rotates in the opposite direction? In fact, there are several of them. These are Venus, Uranus and a recently discovered planet located on the far side of Neptune.

Retrograde rotation

The movement of each planet obeys the same order, and the solar wind, meteorites and asteroids, colliding with it, force it to rotate around its axis. However, gravity plays the main role in the movement of celestial bodies. Each of them has its own inclination of the axis and orbit, the change of which affects its rotation. Planets move counterclockwise with an orbital inclination angle of -90° to 90°, and celestial bodies with an angle of 90° to 180° are classified as bodies with retrograde rotation.

Axis tilt

As for the axis tilt, for retrograde ones this value is 90°-270°. For example, the axis tilt angle of Venus is 177.36°, which does not allow it to move counterclockwise, and the recently discovered space object Nika has an inclination angle of 110°. It should be noted that the effect of the mass of a celestial body on its rotation has not been fully studied.

Fixed Mercury

Along with retrograde ones, there is a planet in the solar system that practically does not rotate - this is Mercury, which has no satellites. Reverse rotation of planets is not such a rare phenomenon, but it is most often found outside the solar system. Today there is no generally accepted model of retrograde rotation, which makes it possible for young astronomers to make amazing discoveries.

Causes of retrograde rotation

There are several reasons why planets change their course of motion:

  • collision with larger space objects
  • change in orbital inclination angle
  • change in axis tilt
  • changes in the gravitational field (interference of asteroids, meteorites, space debris, etc.)

Also, the cause of retrograde rotation may be the orbit of another cosmic body. There is an opinion that the reason for the reverse movement of Venus could be solar tides, which slowed down its rotation.

Formation of planets

Almost every planet during its formation was subjected to many asteroid impacts, as a result of which its shape and orbital radius changed. An important role is also played by the fact that a group of planets and a large accumulation of space debris are formed nearby, resulting in a minimum distance between them, which, in turn, leads to a disruption of the gravitational field.