What does the icon of the mother of God look like. On Saturday of the fifth week of Great Lent, the Orthodox Church performs non-sedal singing to the image of the Most Holy Theotokos

A distinctive feature of the Vladimir icon from other icons of the Tenderness type: the left leg of the Christ Child is bent in such a way that the sole of the foot, the “heel”, is visible.

The characteristic features of the Smolensk Hodegetria include the frontal position of the Infant, a very slight turn of the Mother of God towards the Son. Only the hand of the Mother of God, clearly read against the background of her dark clothes, bears the main semantic load as a kind of indicator of the Path to salvation..

A distinctive feature of the version of the Mother of God of Tikhvin is a slight turn of the mother, the baby is also depicted half-turned with an unusually bent leg and a heel turned outward.

A distinctive feature of the Feodorovskaya Icon is the naked left leg of the Christ Child sitting on the right hand of the Mother of God.

A distinctive feature of the icon "Satisfy my Sorrows" is the image of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms, with a hand propping up her cheek.

The “quick-nosed woman” is a traditional image of the Mother of God with the baby Jesus in her arms, however, this icon is characterized by a peculiarity: the right heel of the baby is facing the worshipers.
"Pochaev icon" A distinctive feature of this icon is a handkerchief in the left hand of the Mother of God. And also a "stack" on a stone (but not always).

Distinctive features of Kazan iconography are the frontal position of the blessing Infant and the image of the Mother of God so that Her hand pointing at the Infant is not visible.

A distinctive feature of the Don Icon is the legs of the God-Child bare to the knees, which are placed on the wrist of the left hand of the Mother of God.

A distinctive feature of the icon "It is worthy to eat" - large shaded eyes, a straight nose, a half-smile on the face.

Kikk icon. Its main distinguishing feature is the complex pose of the Infant Christ sitting in the arms of the Mother of God, whose legs are turned to one side, and the body and head to the other. The Infant dangles legs bare to the knees, sitting in the arms of the Mother of God. Christ is dressed in a short chiton, intercepted by a belt, sometimes the sleeves of a white or translucent shirt are visible from under the chiton. In addition, on the Kykk icon, Christ is no longer depicted as a baby, but as a grown-up lad.

There is no way to write all the differences of the icons, there are a lot of them. All icons of the Virgin are divided into five groups. Tenderness (Eleus) (Baby embracing the Mother of God), Odigidria(The Divine Infant with his hand indicates the path, the direction. Therefore, these icons are also called Guidebooks), Oranta(which means praying). Panahranta(Virgin Mary seated on a throne) , and Agiosoritissa .

From icons type "Tenderness"(or Eleus) most common:

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

Don Icon of the Mother of God

icon "Jumping baby",

icon "Recovery of the dead",

icon "It is worthy to eat",

Igor Icon of the Mother of God

Kasperovskaya Icon of the Mother of God,

Korsun Icon of the Mother of God

Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

Tolga Icon of the Mother of God

Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God

Yaroslavl Icon of the Mother of God.

"Hodegetria" in Greek means "guide".

The true path is the path to Christ. On the icons of the “Hodegetria” type, this is evidenced by the gesture of the right hand of the Virgin, which points us to the Divine Infant Christ.

Among the miraculous icons of this type, the most famous are:

Blachernae Icon of the Mother of God

Georgian icon of the Mother of God

Iberian Icon of the Mother of God

icon "Three-handed",

icon "Quick to Hearing",

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Kozelytsyanskaya Icon of the Mother of God,

Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God

Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

Częstochowa Icon of the Mother of God.

"Oranta" - This is a special type of icon, in which the Infant of God is depicted not in the hands of the Virgin, but in the center at the chest. The Mother of God and the Christ Child are open to us and stretch out their hands in prayer for us. Oranta is translated as "Prayer".

The most famous images are:

"The Omen"
"Inexhaustible Cup"

Panahranta icons . This type is characterized by the image of the Mother of God, seated on the throne with the Christ Child on her knees. The throne symbolizes the royal majesty of the Mother of God.

  • Cypriot;

  • Kiev-Pechersk;

  • Yaroslavskaya (Pecherskaya);

  • Pskov-Pokrovskaya;

  • "Sovereign";

  • "The All-Queen".

And finally Agiosoritissa . one of the types of images of the Virgin without the Child, usually in a three-quarter turn with a prayerful hand gesture.

Hello dear readers. Arriving at the temple, it is important to know the icons and their meaning in order to immediately approach the image you need.

How to pray in front of an icon

Many people think that it doesn’t matter which icon to pray before, because prayer comes from a pure heart. But we offer prayer not to the icon itself, but to the one whose image is depicted on it, because all saints have their strengths.

  1. Stand in front of the shrine, cross yourself to attract God's blessing.
  2. After you have asked for help, that is, you have prayed, kiss the image. By doing so, you express your respect to the Lord.
  3. After the end of the prayer service, it is necessary to cross yourself three times.

Pray with bright thoughts, forgiving everyone who offended you.

Meaning of icons

This is one of the most powerful icons. The Most Holy Theotokos had to endure many torments, which are symbolized by seven arrows. When a person feels bad, he goes exactly to this image. "Seven-shooter" will help in protecting housing, protect from troubles, envious, evil people, from curses, damage, the evil eye of the person who wears her image on his chest.

If it is necessary to reconcile the warring, to bring peace, tranquility, and harmony into the house, then one must kneel before this relic, prayerfully ask for help. They take it with them when they go on responsible business.

At home, she is placed opposite the front door, above half the wall, so that she can "see" the eyes of the incoming person. Before installing the relic, it is necessary to read a prayer service. You may notice: a person with unkind thoughts will stop crossing the threshold of your home.

The Most Holy Theotokos will become a protector from criminals, thieves and any unkind people. Living in this house can be sure that their family is well protected.

Put it on your desktop, it will protect you from quarrels with superiors and work colleagues. If the soul of a person is embittered, then he can come to face, the Most Holy Theotokos will help to return to good thoughts again.


Icon of the Mother of God. The Mother of God comforts, prays for all who stumble, calls to touch the inexhaustible spring of spiritual joy. The purpose of this holy power is hard to overestimate.

The inexhaustible cup will help everyone who turns to it with faith. She proclaims that heavenly help and mercy is destined for all those who ask. It will help heal from drunkenness, drug addiction, those who are passionate about gambling.

The image of the Virgin should be installed at the head of the bed of a patient with alcoholism or drug addiction and pray every day.

There are many cases of healing from drunkenness and other addictions. There is evidence that the relic helped solve housing issues, facilitate the conclusion of transactions for the purchase and sale of apartments and houses.

Parents who release their children into adulthood are required to ask for help by saying prayers in front of the shrine every day.

3. Icon of the Mother of God "HEALER"

It will help to heal a person not only from physical illnesses, but also mental ones. The relic can be recognized by the image of the Mother of God standing at the bedside of a sick person.


Our whole life consists of small joys that we often do not notice in pursuit of an ephemeral dream, forgetting about our loved ones, about words of gratitude. Therefore, many dreams, becoming obsessive, do not allow you to enjoy the new day, and therefore are not heard.

What to pray for at the face of Unexpected Joy

Prayer at the shrine grants:

  • Get spiritual power;
  • Get what you always dreamed of, but no longer believed to get it. It can be someone's forgiveness, repentance;
  • Grants healing of ailments, especially with hearing loss, ear diseases;
  • The Mother of God will help find and return the missing people;
  • A pregnant woman will be helped to endure and give birth to a healthy child;
  • To parents whose children have gone the wrong way, the Mother of God will give them the opportunity to reason;
  • Resolves conflicts, helps to come to a happy solution;
  • At the relic they pray for the preservation of marriage, love and harmony.


The miraculous image of the Mother of God grants healing from hand diseases. Prayers protect from fire, various diseases, sadness and grief.

6. "The Quick Listener"

The writing of the image dates back to the 10th century. If you need quick, urgent help, they kneel before the shrine. They are also asking:

  • about the healing of mental illnesses;
  • about healing from cancer, paralysis, blindness;
  • prayerfully ask for the birth of healthy children;
  • pray for the release of those who are languishing in captivity.


Saint, especially revered in Russia. A prayer service to Seraphim of Sarov helps to heal from pain in the joints, arms, legs, and spine.

Moscow patron. He is prayed to by those whose work is related to weapons, risk to life, as well as athletes and entrepreneurs who open their own business.


Protector from need and poverty. If his face is in your house, then he makes sure that there is prosperity in the family, protects from need. He is worshiped by all travelers, pilots, drivers, sailors and all who revere this saint.

In Rus', a particularly revered image of the Most Holy Theotokos. Before this holy relic, the coronation of kings and the election of high hierarchs took place.

Prayers will help to pacify people who are at war with each other, soften evil hearts, heal from bodily and spiritual weakness and those who have been possessed by a demon.

People have always resorted to the help of the icon of the Holy Mother of God. In what cases it can help:

  • She protects the house from fires.
  • She is asked for help by doctors, military, firefighters, pilots.
  • Miraculous fire helps to cleanse oneself of committed sins and mental illnesses.


Virgin Mary grants:

  • healing the sick,
  • Restocking,
  • Getting rid of the raids of enemies.


She is the personification of purity, purity, therefore, she stands up for young girls, helping them to maintain their innocence and chastity.

Prayers at the image of the Unfading Color help to marry the person whom fate itself sent. Married women can ask for a prosperous family life.

The miraculous face protects and helps women to maintain purity, endurance, good disposition. If with faith you ask for support from the Virgin Mary, then she will surely fulfill your request. The Mother of God will surely help the girls to find a worthy life partner.

When a woman faces severe life trials or she experiences a spiritual shock, then she must kneel at the image of the Most Pure, then life will definitely get better.


Intercessor. She helps everyone who is in trouble or has difficulties at work, as well as in his personal life.

The guide will help you make the right decision, save you from mistakes. Blessing the young before marriage, they also turn to Our Lady of Kazan. The life of the young will be very happy if the wedding takes place on the day of the celebration of the Holy Image.

Spouses can always turn to this image for help. Saint MARY will help anyone who turns to her with any pure request. If the request is negative, then it will not be heard.

How to ask for help

If you pray at home, then you need to pray in the morning:

  1. Before prayer, wash your face, cross your hands;
  2. Leave all annoying thoughts;
  3. Light candles, kneel down, read a prayer service;
  4. Say the request in your own words, coming from a pure heart.


A rare but extremely powerful image that protects the home from evil spirits, the family from outside interference, helps spouses find happiness and love, and everyone else gets rid of despondency and depression.

Place it at the entrance, then it will protect the home from all evil spirits, and from unfriendly guests. Many people confirm that after a solitary prayer in front of this Holy Face, the problems were solved by themselves.


Named in honor of its stamina, undamaged, no matter what disasters, elements and wars the image of the Mother of God, located in the Kiev monastery, has experienced.

A miracle beyond the control of human reason makes this icon a protector in all troubles, illnesses and misfortunes. The icon will avert troubles, fires, will not let dashing people into the house, and will help strengthen family happiness.

Pray at the icon when leaving the house, as well as in solitude. The best place in the house for your Protector is the wall opposite or above the front door.

18. Grieving

The icon of the Mother of God helps people:

  • Gives the necessary benefits to those who need them;
  • Brings comfort in sorrow, will help in difficult life situations;
  • Heals physical and mental illnesses;
  • Protects merchants on long journeys.

Pray to the face, and help will come to you in work, business and family life.


The miraculous icon will help if you pray without fuss and anger in your heart:

  • About the return of lost things;
  • For salvation from slander and slander;
  • On release from prison;
  • On the successful completion of litigation;
  • About assistance during a trip to a foreign country;
  • About those who serve in "hot spots".


A prayer appeal to the Holy Trinity will help to cope with any trials, to find the right path. In front of the shrine, prayers must be read in order to be cleansed of those sins that torment you, do not allow you to live in peace. It is believed that the prayer said at the icon "Holy Trinity" is a direct conversation with God.

Antique icons - the history of icon painting in Rus'

The icon is a relief pictorial image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God or the Saints. It cannot be called a picture, since it reproduces not what the artist has before his eyes, but a fantasy or a prototype that must be taken into account.

The history of icon painting goes back to ancient times and originates in early Christianity in Rus'. This art is multifaceted and unique. And no wonder, since it fully reflects the glorious traditions and spirituality of the Russian people. This is both a cult object for the Orthodox and a cultural national treasure.

There is no strict chronology here, however, it is generally accepted that the first icons in Rus' began to be used in the 10th century, when Christianity was adopted. Iconography remained the center of ancient Russian culture until the 17th century, when in the Petrine era it began to be replaced by secular types of fine art. Despite the fact that Christian churches were present in Kyiv before, it was only after 988 that the first stone church was built. Painting works were carried out by specially invited masters from Byzantium. Sometimes the most important parts of her painting were carried out using the mosaic technique.

Prince Vladimir I from Chersonese brought to Kyiv many shrines and icons. Unfortunately, over the years they have been lost. In addition, not a single icon of that time has survived from Chernigov, Kyiv, Smolensk and other southern cities to this day. However, one can talk about icon painting, given the numerous wall paintings. The most ancient icons in Rus' could be preserved in Veliky Novgorod (on the territory of St. Sophia Cathedral).

By the beginning of the 13th century, the maximum flowering of domestic icon painting was observed near the artistic center of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. However, the invasion of Rus' by Batu had a negative impact on the further development of icon painting. The harmony characteristic of Byzantium was gone from the icons, numerous writing techniques began to be simplified and conserved. But the artistic life was not completely interrupted. Russian masters continued to work in Rostov, in the Russian North and in Vologda. Rostov icons were characterized by significant expression, activity of images and sharpness of performance. This iconography has always stood out for its artistry, subtlety, and refined combination of colors.

But since the end of the 14th century, the entire artistic life of Rus' has been concentrated in Moscow. It was here that numerous craftsmen worked: Serbs, Russians, Greeks. Theophan the Greek himself worked in Moscow. The icons of that time were able to prepare a serious basis for the flourishing of Russian icon painting at the beginning of the 15th century, in particular, the brilliant icons of Andrei Rublev. The increased importance of the master was given to paints and colors. It is not surprising that ancient Russian icon painting is a complex and great art.

In the icons of those times, the most important place was occupied by a variety of purple tones, shades of the heavenly, blue vault (they were used to depict a glow, thunderstorms). Novgorod icon painting of the 15th century was able to preserve the habitual love for light and bright colors. An intense and defiant sense of color was characteristic of the Pskov school. In comparison with the sonorous color of Novgorod, famous tones dominate in it, with great moral tension in the faces of the saints. As for the era of Rublev, its main task was to revive faith in man, in his kindness and moral strength. Artists of that period tried in every possible way to convey that icon painting is an art where every detail has great meaning.

To date, one of the most significant Orthodox believe such icons:

"Vladimir Mother of God". During the appeal to this icon, believers pray for deliverance from the invasions of enemies, for the strengthening of faith, for the preservation of the integrity of the country and the reconciliation of the warring. The history of this icon has its own roots in the distant past. It is considered to be the greatest shrine of the Russian land, which testifies to the special patronage of the Mother of God over the Russian Empire in the XIV-XVI centuries during the raids of the Tatar hordes. There is a legend that this icon was created during the life of the Mother of God herself. The modern Orthodox Church associates any of the days of the three-time celebration of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God with the deliverance of the people from enslavement through prayers that were addressed specifically to this icon.

"Savior Almighty". This icon is often called "Savior" or "Saviour". In the iconography of Christ, this is the central image representing Him as the Heavenly King. It is for this reason that it is customary to put it at the head of the iconostasis.

"Kazan Mother of God". During the appeal to this icon, believers pray for the healing of the disease of blindness, asking for deliverance from enemy invasions. The Kazan Mother of God is considered an intercessor in difficult times. She blesses the young who have decided to marry. The presented icon is also asked for happiness and family well-being. That is why it is often hung by the crib. Today, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is found in almost any church. The image of the Mother of God can also be found in most believing families. During the reign of the Romanov dynasty, such an icon was one of the most revered and important shrines, which allowed it to be considered the patroness of the royal family.

"Savior Not Made by Hands". In accordance with church tradition, the image of the Savior was considered the first icon. There is a legend that this happened during the earthly existence of the Savior. Prince Avgar, who was the ruler of the city of Edessa, was seriously ill. Hearing about the healings that Jesus Christ performed, he wanted to look at the Savior. He sent messengers for a painter to make a portrait of Christ. But the artist failed to fulfill the task, because the radiance came from the face of the Lord so strongly that the creator's brush could not convey His Light. However, the Lord wiped His pure face with a towel, after which His Image was displayed on it. Only after receiving the image was Avgar able to heal from his own illness. Today, prayers are addressed to the image of the savior, as well as requests for guidance on the true path, for getting rid of bad thoughts and saving the soul.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Nicholas the Wonderworker is known as the patron saint of all who are constantly on the road - pilots, fishermen, travelers and sailors, is the most revered saint in the world. In addition, he is the intercessor of those who have been unjustly offended. He patronizes children, women, innocently convicted and the poor. Icons with his image are the most common in modern Orthodox churches.

The history of the discovery of this icon goes back far into the past. It is believed that about four hundred years ago it was found on one of the bell towers of the Church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian in the Vologda region. Then, a peasant who had been suffering from lameness for a long time had a dream in which he had a long-awaited cure for his illness. A divine voice in a dream told him that if you make a prayer near the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, then the disease will leave him, the location of this shrine was also revealed to him.

Twice the peasant came to the bell tower at the local church and told about his dream, but no one then believed his stories. Only on the third time, after much persuasion, the sufferer was nevertheless allowed to go to the belfry. What was the surprise of the local residents, ministers of the Church, when on the stairs, instead of one of the steps, an icon was found, which everyone took for an ordinary perch. It looked like a canvas pasted on an ordinary wooden board. It was washed from dust and dirt, restored as far as possible, and then a prayer service was held to the Seven-shot Mother of God. After that, the peasant was healed of a painful illness, and the icon began to be revered by the clergy along with the rest. So, in 1830, cholera raged in the Vologda province, claiming the lives of many thousands of people. Believing local residents held a procession around the settlement, together with the icon, performing a prayer service to the Most Holy Theotokos. After some time, the number of sick people began to decline, and then the attack completely left this city forever.

After this incident, the icon marked many more truly miraculous healings. However, after the revolution of the seventeenth year, the Temple of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian, where the icon was located, was destroyed, and the icon itself disappeared. At present, the myrrh-streaming Icon of the Seven-shot Mother of God is located in Moscow at the Church of the Archangel Michael.

The very image of the Mother of God is quite interesting. Usually, on all icons, She appears with the Savior in her arms, or with angels and saints, but here the Mother of God is depicted in complete solitude, with seven swords thrust into Her heart. This image symbolizes Her heavy suffering, indescribable grief and deep sadness for her Son during her stay on earth. And this icon was painted on the prophecy of the holy righteous Simeon, cited in Scripture.

There is an opinion of some clergy that the seven arrows piercing the chest of the Virgin represent the seven most important human passions, sinful vices. There is also an opinion that the seven arrows are the seven holy sacraments.

Before this icon, it is customary to pray for the propitiation of evil hearts, in times of epidemics of disease, they also pray for the military, repaying their debt to the Motherland, so that the enemy weapon bypasses them. The one who prays, as it were, forgives the offenses of his enemies and asks for softening of their hearts.

August 13 according to the new style or August 26 according to the old style is considered the day of veneration of the Icon of the Mother of God of Seven. During prayer, it is desirable that at least seven candles be lit, but this is not necessary. At the same time, the prayer of the Long-suffering Mother of God and the Troparion are read.

At home, a specific location of the icon is not prescribed, so it can be placed both on the iconostasis and in any other place, for example, on the wall at the entrance to the main room. However, there are several tips for its location: it should not hang or stand near the TV, there should not be any photographs or images, posters around it.

The seven-shot image is a reflection of the gospel narrative about the arrival of the Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem on the 40th day after His birth. The holy elder Simeon, who served in the temple, saw in the Infant the Messiah expected by all and predicted trials and sufferings for Mary, which would pierce her heart like a weapon.

The icon of the Seven Arrows depicts the Mother of God alone, without the Infant Jesus. Seven swords or arrows piercing her heart (four swords on the left, three on the right) are a symbol of the sorrows that the Mother of God endured in her earthly life. The weapon itself, symbolically depicted with seven swords, means the unbearable mental anguish and sorrow that the Virgin Mary experienced during the hours of torment on the cross, crucifixion and death on the cross of her son.

According to the Holy Scriptures, the number seven symbolizes the fullness of something: seven deadly sins, seven basic virtues, seven church sacraments. The image of seven swords is not accidental: the image of the sword is associated with the shedding of blood.

This icon of the Mother of God has another version of the iconography - "Simeon's Prophecy" or "Tenderness of Evil Hearts", where seven swords are located on both sides of three and one in the center.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows is of Northern Russian origin, associated with its miraculous appearance. Until 1917, she stayed in the church of St. John the Evangelist near Vologda.

There is a legend about her miraculous finding. A certain peasant, who for many years was seriously suffering from incurable lameness and prayed for healing, had a Divine voice. He ordered him to find among the dilapidated icons that were kept on the bell tower of the Theological Church, the image of the Mother of God and pray to him for healing. The icon was found on the stairs of the bell tower, where it served as a step as a simple board covered with dirt and rubbish. The clergy cleansed the image and served a prayer service in front of it, and the peasant was healed.

Before the image of the Seven-shot Mother of God, they pray for the appeasement of the warring, for gaining the gift of patience in case of bitterness of the heart, in case of enmity and persecution.

Icon of the Holy Archangel Michael

Michael is considered a very important person in the heavenly hierarchy, the word Archangel means "leader of the angels." He is the main leader among the angels. The name Michael means "one who is like God."

Archangels have always been considered warriors and protectors of Heaven. Of course, the main patron and defender of the Christian faith is the great Archangel Michael. It is worth noting that the Holy Archangel Michael is one of the most famous angels, he is also called the Archangel, which means that he is the most important of all incorporeal forces.

According to Scripture and tradition, he has always stood up for humanity and will always continue to serve as one of the main defenders of the faith. In front of the icons with the Archangel Michael, people ask for protection from the invasion of enemies, civil war, and to defeat opponents on the battlefield.

The Cathedral of Michael and all the incorporeal forces of heaven is celebrated on November 21, on September 19 the miracle of the Archangel in Colossae is celebrated. Mentions of Michael are first seen in the Old Testament, although Michael is not mentioned by name in the text, it was said that Joshua "looked up and saw a man standing before him with a drawn sword in his hand."

In the book of Daniel, Michael appears along with the Archangel Gabriel to help defeat the Persians. In a later vision, she told Danilo that “at that time (the end of time) Michael, the Great Prince, will protect the people. A time of trouble will come, such as has not been since the beginning of time…” Thus, it can be understood that Michael plays one of the key roles as the protector of Israel, its chosen people, and the Church.

The Fathers of the Church also attribute the following event to Michael: During the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, he walked in front of them, in the form of a pillar of cloud during the day, and at night in the form of a pillar of fire. The strength of the great commander-in-chief was manifested in the destruction of 185 thousand soldiers of the Assyrian emperor Sennacherib, also the wicked leader Heliodor.

It is worth mentioning that there are many miraculous cases associated with the Archangel Michael, the protection of three young men: Ananias, Azarias and Misail, who were thrown into a red-hot furnace for refusing to bow to an idol. By the will of God, the commander-in-chief Archangel Michael transports the prophet Habakkuk from Judea to Babylon to give food to Daniel in the lions' den. Archangel Michael argued with the devil over the body of the holy prophet Moses.

In the time of the New Testament, the holy Archangel Michael showed his strength when he miraculously saved a young man who was thrown into the sea by robbers with a stone around his neck, on the shores of Athos. This story is in the Patericon of Athos, from the life of St. Neophyte.

Perhaps the most famous miracle associated with the great Saint Michael the Archangel is the salvation of the church at Colossae. A number of pagans tried to destroy this church by directing the flow of two rivers directly at it. The archangel appeared among the waters, and, carrying the cross, directed the rivers under the earth, so that the church remained standing on the ground and was not destroyed thanks to Michael. In the spring, the water of these rivers after this miracle event is said to have healing powers.

Russian people revere the Archangel Michael along with the Mother of God. The Most Pure Theotokos and Michael are always mentioned in church hymns. Many monasteries, cathedrals, churches are dedicated to the commander-in-chief of the forces of heaven, the Holy Archangel Michael. In Rus' there was no city where there was no church or chapel dedicated to the Archangel Michael.

On the icons, Michael is often depicted holding a sword in his hand, and in the other he holds a shield, a spear, or a white banner. Some icons of Archangel Michael (or Archangel Gabriel) show angels holding an orb in one hand and a staff in the other.

Icon of the Kazan Mother of God

The most common and revered Orthodox icons in Rus' are the icons of the Mother of God. Tradition says that the first image of the Mother of God was created by the Evangelist Luke during the life of the Mother of God, she approved the icon and informed her of her strength and grace. In the Russian Orthodox Church, there are about 260 images of the Theotokos glorified by miracles. One of these images is the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

According to iconography, this image belongs to one of the main six iconographic types, which is called "Hodegetria" or "Guide". The Old Russian version of this icon, painted by a monk-icon painter in the image of the Byzantine Hodegetria, is distinguished by warmth, softening the regal posture of the original from Byzantium. The Russian Hodegetria has not a waist, but a shoulder image of Mary and the Infant Jesus, thanks to which their faces seem to come close to those who are praying.

In Russia, there were three main miraculous icons of the Kazan Mother of God. The first icon is a prototype, miraculously revealed in Kazan in 1579, which was kept in the Kazan Bogorodichny Monastery until 1904 and was lost. The second icon is a list of the Kazan image and was presented to Ivan the Terrible. Later, this icon of the Mother of God was transported to St. Petersburg and transferred to the Kazan Cathedral during its illumination on September 15, 1811. The third icon of the Kazan Mother of God is a copy of the Kazan prototype, was transferred to the militia of Minin and Pozharsky and is now stored in Moscow in the Epiphany Cathedral.

In addition to these main icons of Our Lady of Kazan, a large number of her miraculous lists were made. Prayer before this image helps in all human sorrows, sorrows and hardships. Russian people have always prayed to her for the protection of their native land from foreign enemies. The presence of this icon in the house protects his household from all troubles, she indicates, like a Guide, the right path in making difficult decisions. Before this image, the Mother of God is prayed for with eye diseases. According to legend, during the miraculous acquisition of the prototype in Kazan, a miracle of insight happened from the blindness of the poor Joseph, who had been blind for three years. This icon blesses the young for marriage, so that it is strong and long.

The celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God takes place twice a year: in honor of finding the image on July 21 and in honor of the liberation of Rus' from the Polish intervention on November 4.

Iberian Icon of the Mother of God

The Iberian Icon of the Mother of God, revered in Rus' as miraculous, is a list from the most ancient icon, which is kept in the Iberian Monastery in Greece on Mount Athos and dates back to the 11-12th century. According to the iconographic type, she is Hodegetria. According to legend, the icon of the Mother of God, saved from iconoclasts during the reign of Emperor Theophilus (9th century), miraculously appeared to the Iberian monks. They placed her in the gate church and named her Portaitissa or Goal Keeper.

In this version of the Hodegetria, the face of the Virgin Mary is turned and inclined towards the Infant Jesus, who is presented in a slight turn towards the Virgin Mary. The Mother of God has a bleeding wound on her chin, which, according to legend, was inflicted by the opponents of the icons.

The miraculous image was well known in Rus'. During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the monks of the Iversky Monastery made a list from the prototype and delivered to Moscow on October 13, 1648. In the 17th century. The Iberian Mother of God was especially revered in Rus'.

The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos of Iberia helps repentant sinners find the path and strength to repentance, relatives and friends pray for the unrepentant. The image protects the house from the attack of enemies and natural disasters, from fire, heals from bodily and mental ailments.

The celebration of the Iberian Icon is held on February 25 and October 26 (the arrival of the icon from Athos in 1648).

Icon of the Intercession of the Virgin

The icon of the Intercession of the Mother of God is dedicated to the great church holiday in Russian Orthodoxy - the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. In Rus', the word "cover" means cover and patronage. On October 14, Orthodox people pray to the Heavenly Intercessor for protection and help.

The Intercession icon depicts the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God, which happened in the 10th century in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople, besieged by enemies. During the all-night prayer, blessed Andrei saw the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God surrounded by angels, apostles and prophets. The Mother of God removed the veil from her head and spread it over the worshipers.

Two centuries later, in the 14th c. in honor of this holy event in Rus', a divine service was composed, the main idea of ​​which was the unity of the Russian people under the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, for whom the Russian land is Her earthly lot.

There were two main types of Intercession icons: Central Russian and Novgorod. In Central Russian iconography, which corresponds to the vision of blessed Andrei, the Mother of God herself bears the cover. On the Novgorod icons, the Mother of God appears in the form of Oranta, and the veil is held and stretched over her by angels.

Prayer before the image of the Protection of the Virgin helps in everything, if the thoughts of the prayer are good and pure. The image helps to overcome our external and internal enemies, is a spiritual shield not only over our heads, but also over our souls.

Icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker

Among the numerous icons of saints in Orthodoxy, one of the most beloved and revered by believers is the image of St. Nicholas the Pleasant. In Rus', after the Mother of God, this is the most revered saint. In almost every Russian city there is a St. Nicholas Church, and the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is in every Orthodox church in the same limit with the images of the Mother of God.

In Rus', the veneration of the saint begins from the time of the adoption of Christianity, he is the patron saint of the Russian people. Often in icon painting he was depicted from Christ on the left hand, and on the right - the Mother of God.

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant lived in the 4th century. From a young age he served God, later became a priest, and then - the archbishop of the Lycian city of Myra. During his life, he was a great shepherd who gave consolation to all those who mourn and led the lost to the truth.

Prayer in front of the icon of St. Nicholas protects from all misfortunes and helps in solving any problems. The image of Nicholas the Wonderworker protects those traveling by land and sea, protects the innocently convicted, those who are threatened with a needless death.

Prayer to Saint Nicholas heals from illnesses, helps in enlightening the mind, in the successful marriage of daughters, in ending civil strife in the family, between neighbors, and military conflicts. Saint Nicholas of Myra helps in the fulfillment of desires: it is not for nothing that he was the prototype of Santa Claus, fulfilling Christmas wishes.

The Day of Remembrance of St. Nicholas the Pleasant is celebrated three times a year: on May 22, spring Nikola (the transfer of the relics of the saint to Bari in Italy in order to avoid their desecration by the Turks), on August 11 and December 19 - winter Nikola.

"Russian icons in high resolution". Album creation: Andrey (zvjagincev) and Konstantin (koschey).

For our readers: a list of icons of the mother of God with a detailed description from various sources.

The search engine is a powerful tool that provides far more results than manually browsing through a list of all icons. The search system searches not only for the main names, but also for rare and little-used icon names. For example, looking through the list, you will not find the “Khilendar” icon, while the search system will not leave you without results, since the Hilendar is a rarely used name for the Akathist icon.

List of all icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This list shows only the names of the icons mentioned in the calendar, as well as locally venerated icons for which photographs were found. The names of icons for which there is not a single image are listed in the list of rare icons of the Virgin.

Icon statuses are explained here.

Miscellaneous (Virgin Mary)

Icons of the Mother of God evoke a special feeling among Orthodox Christians. Photos with the names of the most famous images in Russia are presented on this page.

Through icons, believers turn to the Mother of God with prayers for the strengthening of faith, the healing of diseases, and the salvation of the soul.

How many icons of the Mother of God exist

No one knows exactly how many different images of the Mother of God are written. In the calendar published by the Moscow Patriarchate, 295 names are mentioned.

But according to iconography, the images of the Virgin are divided into only three types: Oranta (looks with arms raised up), Hodegetria (the baby blesses the Virgin), Eleusa (tenderness, clung to each other).

Icons of the Mother of God with photos and descriptions

Below is a list of Holy Faces, the most popular or, on the contrary, little known, whose history or description is very interesting.

"Kazan" Icon of the Mother of God

Celebrated on July 21 and November 4. The miraculous image saved the country in times of unrest, disasters and wars. Its meaning is in the preservation of the country under the shadow of the Virgin.

The most revered image in Rus'. Found in 1579 in Kazan on fire during the persecution of Christians. Married couples bless them, they pray for the healing of eye diseases, for the reflection of a foreign invasion.

Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice"

In 1878, a retired soldier suffering from hard drinking had a vision of St. Varlaam to go to the city of Serpukhov and pray there in front of a certain image. This icon turned out to be the now known "Inexhaustible Chalice".

Icon of the Blessed Virgin "Feodorovskaya"

It is celebrated on March 27, and also on August 29. She is asked for a happy marriage and healthy children.

Possibly written by the apostle Luke. It was located in the XII century in the city of Gorodets. She miraculously moved to Kostroma: she was seen in the hands of St. warrior Theodore Stratilates, who walked with her through the city. Hence the name "Feodorovskaya".

"Sovereign" Mother of God

Celebrated March 15th. The meaning of the image lies in the fact that power over Russia passed from the king directly to the Virgin Mary.

Appeared in 1917 in the village of Kolomenskoye, in the Moscow region, on the very day on which Nicholas II abdicated. The Mother of God, as it were, received the state from the tsar.

"Vladimir" icon

Celebrated on June 3, July 6, September 8. The meaning of the image for Orthodox Christians is in the preservation of Russia from foreign warriors.

Written by the Apostle Luke on the tabletop of the Holy Family. Saved Moscow from the invasion of Tamerlane. Under Soviet rule, she exhibited at the Tretyakov Gallery.

"Tikhvin" Mother of God

This image, according to legend, was written by the evangelist and apostle Luke. He miraculously appeared near the city of Tikhvin. Particularly remarkable among the many miracles revealed in the image was the salvation of the Tikhvin Monastery during the Great Northern War in 1613.


It is named after the miracle that happened to St. John of Damascus. His severed hand was rooted in place by prayer at the image of the Mother of God. In honor of this event, a silver hand was attached to the salary of the image.

"Unexpected Joy"

Celebrated on May 14 and December 22. The meaning of the image lies in the mercy of the Mother of God even to unrepentant sinners, leading them to repentance.

The icon is named in memory of the conversion of one lawless person who, with an Archangel greeting, asked for a blessing for his lawless deeds.

"Blessed Womb"

In the 14th century it was in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin. Glorified by many miracles.


The image is dedicated to the twelfth holiday of the same name.

"Blessed Sky"

Celebrated March 19th. The meaning of the image is that it is in this guise, according to the assumption, that the Blessed Virgin Mary will descend to earth, preparing people for the second coming of Christ.

The image was brought to Moscow by the Lithuanian princess Sofya Vitovtovna at the beginning of the 15th century.

"Joy of All Who Sorrow"

In 1688, the sick Euphemia, a relative of the patriarch, suffering from an incurable disease, was miraculously healed before this image.


Celebrated March 18th. The significance of the icon is associated with the education of the young generation in the Orthodox faith.

This is a Byzantine image known for many miracles. Helps parents and their children.

"Life-Giving Source"

It is celebrated on the fifth day after Easter. Pray for the preservation of prudence and a sinless life.

The icon is named in memory of the holy spring of water near Constantinople. In this place, the Virgin Mary appeared to Leo Marcellus and predicted that he would become emperor.


Celebrated October 30th. In 1841, in Greece, after a prayerful vigil in front of this image, the invasion of locusts was miraculously stopped.

The icon was with the family of Alexander III when their train was wrecked. It was on this day that they began to celebrate the name day of the icon, in commemoration of the salvation of the emperor.

"Key of Intelligence"

Pray for children who have difficulty learning. The icon is locally venerated, located in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Appeared in Russia in the 16th century, akin to the image "Addition of the mind."


The icon was brought to Serbia from Jerusalem by St. Savva in the 6th century.

"Unfading Color"

Means the purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Celebrated on February 3rd. It means the great mercy of the Mother of God to sinners, despite even her Son.

The miraculous deliverance from the robbers who attacked the Vatopedi Monastery on Athos is connected with the image.

"Birth Assistant"

Helps with difficult childbirth.


Locally venerated on Athos. It miraculously manifested itself with a pious icon painter from the city of Iasi in 1863.

"Quick listener"

Athos icon. From her came a miraculous healing of the sight of a disobedient monk.

"Assuage my sorrows"

Celebrated on February 7th. Relieves mental anguish. Many healings have come from her.

Brought to Moscow in 1640 by the Cossacks. She streamed myrrh in 1760.


The meaning is the comfort of the sick. Often decorates hospital temples.


Turning to these icons has always helped Orthodox Christians in difficult moments of life. And now, in the modern world, healings and miracles continue. New miraculous icons of the Virgin Mary appear.

The intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos will continue until the end of the history of the human race.

See also: Catholic iconography of the Virgin Orthodox iconography of the Mother of God- a set of types of images of the Virgin in icon painting and a system for studying them.

The appearance of the Mother of God, in addition to the most ancient images, is known from the descriptions of church historians, for example, Nicephorus Callistus, the monk Epiphanius, etc. The Mother of God is traditionally depicted in certain clothes: a purple maphoria (veil of a married woman covering her head and shoulders), and a blue tunic (long dress) . Maforium is decorated with three stars - on the head and shoulders. The inscription on the icon is traditionally given in the Greek abbreviation ΜΗΡ ΘΥ or ΜΡ ΘΥ (Mother of God).

Icons of the Mother of God are called upon to reveal the entire Mother of God dogmatics of Christianity. Tradition attributes the first icons of the Mother of God to the Evangelist Luke. The oldest images of the Virgin Mary that have come down to us were found in the Roman catacombs and belong to the researchers to the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Mary is most often represented sitting with the Christ Child in her arms (usually in scenes veneration of the magi), or in a pose Orants.

The image of the Mother of God sitting on a throne, with the Child in her arms, is often found in Byzantium, in Russian iconography it is known from the ancient Svenska (Pechersk) icon, attributed to the first Russian icon painter Alipiy, and the new Derzhavnaya, which appeared in 1917. It is to the iconography of the Virgin on the throne that some researchers erect one of the most common types of images - Hodegetria.

Icons of the Mother of God of another common iconographic type - Eleusy (tenderness), are probably not found before the 10th century, but become especially popular in late Byzantine and Old Russian icon painting. The scheme of the Mother of God Oranta has found development in the church painting system, and in icon painting it is known in independent icons under the name The Omen or in complex multi-figured compositions.

Along with Hodegetria, a similar type of icons of the Virgin is distinguished Panahranta which means "All-Merciful". This type is characterized by the image of the Mother of God on the throne with the Divine Infant on her knees. The throne symbolizes the royal majesty of the Mother of God.

Another type of image of the Mother of God is used even less often on its own: this is the so-called " Deesis»an icon depicting the Mother of God without a Child in a prayerful pose and is part of the deesis compositions. Single icons of the Mother of God of this type (as well as the type itself by some researchers) are called Agiosoritissa. In addition, there are many compositions based on liturgical texts and chants, sometimes combined under the general name "akathist icons". In addition to the icons of the Mother of God, Her iconography includes icons of the Mother of God holidays.

    Iconographic type of Orant. Icon of the Great Panagia. Yaroslavl, around 1218

The calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church mentions about 260 revered and miraculous icons of the Mother of God, in general, more than 860 names of Her icons can be counted. For most icons, separate days of celebration are set; prayers, troparia, kontakia, and sometimes akathists are written to them.

Revered Icons of the Mother of God

  1. Abalakskaya (Abalatskaya, "Sign" Abalatskaya)
  2. Augustovskaya
  3. Agiosoritissa
  4. Azov
  5. Akathist Zografskaya
  6. Akathist Hilandarskaya
  7. Albazinskaya (The Word was flesh), Albazinskaya ("The Sign")
  8. Alexandria
  9. Altar (Ktitorskaya, Vimatarissa)
  10. Andronikovskaya
  11. Arapetskaya (Arabian)
  12. Armati
  13. Akhtyrskaya
  14. Atskurskaya
  15. Balykinskaya
  16. Barlovskaya (Blessed womb)
  17. Barskaya
  18. Bugabashskaya
  19. Bakhchisarai
  20. Belynichskaya
  21. Besednaya
  22. Annunciation (Kiev)
  23. Annunciation (Moscow)
  24. Annunciation (Ustyug)
  25. Blessed Sky
  26. Bogolyubskaya
  27. Bogorodsko-Ufimskaya
  28. Borkolabovskaya
  29. In sorrows and sorrows Consolation
  30. Valaamskaya
  31. Valanasian
  32. Vatopedskaya
  33. Vertograd prisoner
  34. Jumping Baby
  35. Recovery of the dead
  36. Byzantine
  37. vilenskaya
  38. Bethlehem
  39. Vladimirskaya
  40. Blachernae (Vlachernetissa)
  41. Volokolamsk
  42. Who enlightened the ecclesiarch
  43. All Who Sorrow Joy
  44. All those who mourn Joy with pennies
  45. All-Tsaritsa
  46. Wutivanskaya
  47. Galichskaya
  48. Gerbovetskaya
  49. Gerontissa
  50. Mountain Unhandled
  51. Grebnevskaya
  52. Greek Andronikova
  53. Georgian
  54. Damascus
  55. Devpeteruvskaya
  56. Degtyarevskaya
  57. Dalmatian
  58. Derzhavnaya
  59. Dolinskaya
  60. Donskaya
  61. Worthy to eat
  62. Dubenskaya Krasnogorskaya
  63. Yeletskaya
  64. Eleusa
  65. Life-Giving Source
  66. Zhirovitskaya
  67. intercessor
  68. The Omen
  69. Iverskaya
  70. Igorevskaya
  71. Jerusalem
  72. Deliverance from the suffering of the afflicted
  73. Kazanskaya
  74. Kaluga
  75. Kasperovskaya
  76. Kozelshchanskaya
  77. Kolochskaya
  78. Konevskaya
  79. Korsunskaya
  80. Kupyatitskaya
  81. Kursk-Root
  82. Lydda
  83. Maksimovskaya
  84. Gracious
  85. mammal
  86. Moldavian
  87. Moldavian
  88. Monevmasiyskaya
  89. Molchenskaya
  90. Montreal Iberian
  91. Muromskaya
  92. Burning bush
  93. Unbreakable Wall
  94. Fadeless Color (Fragrant Color)
  95. Inexhaustible Chalice
  96. Relentless Help
  97. Unexpected Joy
  98. Nicopeia
  99. rejoices in you
  100. firelike
  101. Hodegetria
  102. Ozeryanskaya
  103. Oranta
  104. Ostrobramskaya
  105. Paraclesis
  106. Peschanskaya
  107. Petrovskaya
  108. Pecherskaya-Svenskaya
  109. Pimenovskaya
  110. Pisidian (Pisian)
  111. Podkubenskaya
  112. Assistance to childbirth
  113. Port Arthur
  114. Pochaevskaya
  115. Mind addition
  116. Look for humility
  117. Psychosostriya (Psychosostra)
  118. Ravensbrück
  119. Saydanaiskaya
  120. Svenskaya
  121. Svyatogorskaya
  122. Holy Cross
  123. Holy Mother
  124. Sedmiezernaya
  125. Seven-strelnaya
  126. Quick Hearer
  127. Smolensk
  128. Bread Tender
  129. The guarantor of sinners
  130. Starorusskaya
  131. Passionate
  132. Tabynskaya
  133. Tervenicheskaya
  134. Tikhvinskaya
  135. Tolgskaya
  136. Toropetskaya
  137. three-handed
  138. Fat Mountain
  139. tenderness
  140. "Tenderness" Pskov-Pechersk
  141. Softening evil hearts
  142. Ural
  143. "Assumption" Kiev-Pechersk
  144. "Assumption" Pskov-Pechersk
  145. "Assuage My Sorrows"
  146. Feodorovskaya
  147. Filermskaya
  148. Chalkopratian
  149. Kholmskaya
  150. healer
  151. Czestochowa
  152. Chirskaya (Pskovskaya)
  153. Economist
  154. Yaroslavskaya
  155. Yaroslavskaya (Pecherskaya)
  156. Yakhromskaya

see also

  • Iconography of the Savior
  • Iconography of the Holy Trinity
  • Iconography of the Life of the Virgin


  • Wikimedia Commons has media related to Orthodox Iconography of the Mother of God
  • List of names of the icons of the Virgin (incomplete)
  • From Abalakskaya to Yakhromskaya - lists of all known images of the Mother of God on cirota.ru
  • Kondakov N.P. Iconography of Our Lady
  • List of miraculous and venerated icons of the Mother of God with dates of celebration
  • Collection of icons of the Virgin with a brief description and prayers
  • Icons of the Holy Mother of God

Orthodox icons

» Icons of the Mother of God

Yakhromskaya (Akhrenskaya)

Yastrebskaya (Arakiotissa)
Yaroslavskaya (Pecherskaya)
The Appearance of the Yuga Icon of the Mother of God to the Monk Dorotheus
Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary to St. equal to the apostles Nina
Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to St. Sergius of Radonezh
Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to St. Seraphim of Sarov
The Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to St. Cyril of Belozersky in the Simonovsky Monastery
The Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to the Monk Dositheus
The Appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Pochaev Hill
Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to Cornelius of Komel
The apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Arkhangelsk city in 1919
Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to Athanasius of Athos
The Appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos to the Apostle Andrew on the Kyiv Mountains (Vision to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called Mother of God on the Pechersk Mountains)
Appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Alexander Svirsky
Appearance of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God to fishermen on the lake
Yurovichskaya Merciful
Economist (House builder)
Shestokovskaya (Sheltomezhskaya)
Cholnskaya (Chelnskaya)
Chirskaya (Pskovskaya)
Most Honorable Cherubim And Most Glorious Seraphim
Chernihiv Ilyinskaya
Chernihiv Gethsemane
Czestochowa Tyvrivska
Icon of the Mother of God of Czestochowa, meaning and photo
Che Tya Narechem
Chaynichskaya (Chaynichka Krasnitsa)
Four-part Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos
Tsilkanskaya (Tsiklanskaya)
Tsesarskaya Borovskaya
Caesar's (Caesar's)
Icon of the Mother of God Healer, meaning and photo
Tsarevokokshayskaya (Mironositskaya)
Chalkopratian (Agiosoritissa)
Feodorovskaya (Syzran)
Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God, meaning and photo
Faneromeni (Appeared)

What distinguishes the Orthodox faith from other areas of Christianity? This is the veneration of holy icons. Although they are not rejected in Catholicism and some other denominations, they are so widely recognized only in the Byzantine tradition. By the numerous faces that look from each wall, decorate the altar, it is easy to distinguish an Orthodox church from any other.

There are thousands of officially recognized images, the Mother of God alone has more than 600, and there are also non-canonical ones. But how to navigate in such diversity? This material dedicated to icons and their meaning will help.

What are icons for?

Officially, the dogma (the truth that cannot be doubted) about the veneration of icons was established in 787, at the 2nd Council of Nicaea. Until that time, the use of images had long been practiced in churches. The first images of the Lord Jesus Christ, the saints and the Mother of God are known from the 2nd century.

  • According to church tradition, the first icon painter was one of the evangelists, namely, St. Luke.

The well-known fathers of the Church - Basil the Great, John Chrysostom, John of Damascus - encouraged painters to depict the exploits of martyrs for the faith. But not everything was so clear. For example, Eusebius of Caesarea believed that a person is not able to reflect the divine nature of Christ.

Who is depicted on the consecrated images:

  • Trinity (in the form of angels);
  • The Lord Jesus Christ in His human incarnation;
  • Mother of God;
  • Angels and other heavenly powers;
  • Righteous, martyrs, saints, etc.

Church icons have a very specific purpose. This is not at all an ornament, not a reminder of eternal torment for sinners. Looking at them, believers should remember the prototypes, cultivate in their souls a feeling of love for the Creator, the saints.

How icons were painted

The Orthodox tradition knows hundreds of variants of images of the Virgin. How could the icon painters, who lived long after the earthly life of Christ, know what it looks like? Church historians wrote about it.

The appearance of the Most Pure One fully reflected her spiritual purity: she spoke with discretion, her voice was even and pleasant, anger and indignation were alien to her. Humility shone in her eyes, her heart thought only of God, strove for Him day and night. Medium height, with dark eyes, slightly elongated face, long nose and blooming lips, long fingers. But the main thing that all authors note is that Mary was truly a living receptacle of the Holy Spirit, a Divine chamber, a city of God.

  • The icons of the Mother of God are intended, first of all, not to reflect a portrait resemblance, but to describe in colors her role in the theology of Christianity, her high mission in saving people from eternal damnation. And even more so, they are not intended to fulfill certain human desires. This should be remembered when purchasing another shrine.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is mostly written in the same clothes:

  • omophorion - a wide quadrangular cape covering the shoulders and head, they were worn by married women in Judea, usually purple;
  • tunic - an elongated dress with long sleeves, blue.

Maforium is decorated with three stars, they symbolize the ever-virginity of Mary: before Christmas, after Christmas and at the time of the birth of Christ. The instructions, like those of the clergy, denote service to Christ.

Each consecrated image has its own story, often miraculous. In fact, it does not matter which image to read the prayer before. The Lord penetrates into the very heart of a person, sees any movement of the soul. Therefore, it is important what thoughts come from there, and not how many times bows will be made and prayers will be read.

The icons of the Mother of God are the most revered in Orthodoxy, their names, a brief history, a description of the composition and theological significance can be found below.

The meaning and interpretation of the Icons of the Mother of God


Closely connected with the fate of the Russian state. The acquisition took place in Kazan, on the city's ashes, at the insistence of a local girl. The Queen of Heaven appeared to her in a dream and ordered her to find her image. It happened in the 16th century. Miracles began to happen immediately after the shrine was transferred to the temple - two blind men received their sight. The local bishop Hermogenes, later the All-Russian Patriarch, compiled a story about miraculous phenomena.

It was this pious man who later blessed the militias to fight the invaders. The revered image was sent into battle along with the people's army. Then the Kazan intercessor gained nationwide fame. It is believed that the original was stolen from the monastery in Kazan, where it was kept, at the beginning of the 20th century. The thieves claimed to have destroyed the shrine. But it is quite possible that she was sold and many believe that the Mother of God will still show her face to the Russian people.

  • It is a somewhat smaller version of the "Hodegetria" - the Mother of God is depicted only on the shoulders. She slightly bowed her head to Christ, who is depicted in full face, his right hand blesses the worshipers.

The Kazan Mother of God is blessed by the young after the wedding, and the Kazan Mother of God is often included in triptychs along with the face of the Savior and St. Nicholas.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God - meaning

One of the compositions, whose author was the apostle Luke (not literally, I mean the list from the original, which was once made by the evangelist). Came to Russia from Byzantium, like many other miraculous faces. At first she was in a convent not far from Kyiv, then Andrei Bogolyubsky transferred her to Vladimir (1115), and the name appeared.

The shrine was solemnly transported to the capital at the end of the 14th century. All the townspeople came out to meet her, and at this place is now the Sretensky Monastery (meeting - meeting). Moscow was threatened by the troops of Tamerlane. But quite unexpectedly, they turned around before reaching their destination. This was considered a manifestation of the intercession of the Mother of God.

But even before these events, Vladimirskaya was considered miraculous, it’s not for nothing that she has several days of memory - all testify to heavenly protection from enemies. Now the relic can be seen in the temple-museum at the Tretyakov Gallery. It is a rare case when such an ancient artifact was saved despite wars and revolutions.

They pray for deliverance from ailments, for reconciliation with their neighbors, Vladimirskaya helps to get pregnant and feed the child.

Icon "Blessed Sky"

Appeared in Russia at the end of the 17th century, brought from Lithuania by the wife of one of the Moscow princes. An unusual composition - the Mother of God is depicted in full growth, the sun's rays surround her, on her left hand is the divine Infant. On the heads of Mary and Christ are royal crowns. Heavenly forces in the form of Angels soar around.

Helps with mental anguish, relieves physical suffering. If a loved one has strayed from the true path, they come to pray in front of the "Blessed Sky". It is especially revered in the capital of Russia, since it has long been in one of the cathedrals of the Kremlin.

"Recovery of the Lost"

Dated 17th century. She became famous thanks to the story of a certain monk Theophilus, who made a deal with the devil, but later repented and was forgiven by the Queen of Heaven. True, for this he had to pray relentlessly.

There is also a case when a certain peasant got lost during a snow storm. He was about to die when the locals found him. The horse took the unfortunate man straight to the gate, and people heard a voice in the house that called to meet the guest.

The composition is interesting in that the Divine Infant is depicted in full growth, His bare feet rest on the Mother's thigh. He is dressed in a white shirt (a symbol of the purity of the soul), the Child tightly hugs the Mother of God by the neck. She bowed tenderly to the face of her Son. The Mother of God sits on a throne. The one who prays is seized with a feeling of tenderness when he sees the tender love that binds Mary and Christ.

Before the "Recovery of the Lost" sinners, drunkards, drug addicts are reprimanded. It helps with headaches, relieves the condition of epileptics, saves children from serious illnesses.

"The Tsaritsa"

The famous image from the Vatopedi monastery on Athos became famous in the 17th century. One young man who was fond of witchcraft came to test his "strength". But the Queen of Heaven pushed him away. When the young man came to his senses, he immediately repented.

Known "Vsetsaritsa" and the fact that it provides assistance to cancer patients, especially children. In Russia there is a list specially made on Athos. He stays in Moscow, in the temple of the Alekseevsky Monastery, sometimes being transported to the chapel at the children's oncology center (Kashirskoye Highway). They reproach before the "All-Tsaritsa" those who are carried away by sorcery, black magic, fortune-telling. These are very terrible sins, today, unfortunately, many are addicted to them.

The composition goes back to "Hodegetria" - here the Mother of God also points to Jesus Christ. She sits on a throne in royal attire. Christ is wearing a scarlet cape, a green shirt. In his left hand he holds a scroll, with his right he blesses the faithful. Behind the throne, angels are circling, one folded his hands in prayer, the other raises them in a gesture of greeting.


The prehistory of the appearance remains a mystery - scientists believe that the shrine is at least half a thousand years old. In 1830, it was found in the temple, where it served as a step to the bell tower. During the epidemic, cholera managed to save the inhabitants of Vologda from mass death. Many received from the Mother of God healing from ailments, relief of mental suffering.

A rather rare type of image, where the Virgin is shown alone. It is believed that this is the moment before the birth of the Savior. Seven blades are pointed at her heart. 7 - a symbolic image of fullness, that is, the Mother of God knew suffering and pain in full. The swords represent the spiritual anguish of Mary at those moments when Christ set off on the Way of the Cross, then died for human sins.

It reconciles the warring, it is necessary to pray near the "Seven-strelnaya" before starting a responsible business. It is believed that if hung near the front door, it will protect the home from robbers, unkind people. Clears the mind, uplifts the mood.

"Guide of sinners"

It became famous for miracles at the end of the 19th century, but the icon from the Oryol province was painted long before this event. After the prayer service, a seriously ill boy was healed. An exact copy was sent to Moscow, which began to stream myrrh, then exude healing. The owners gave the shrine to the temple, believing that everyone should have access to it.

Spiritual health is very important for a Christian. When the soul is despondent, the consequences will be a lack of strength, an unwillingness to work and even just live. The Queen of Heaven will help you get out of this dangerous state. They turn to the "Guide of sinners" also to solve family difficulties, in illnesses.

The Blessed Virgin is depicted here waist-deep, the Infant holding his mother by the hand. This indicates a close relationship between God and the entire human race. The Theotokos and Christ have royal crowns on their heads - this shows the influence of the Western style, since the "Guide of Sinners" comes from Ukraine or Belarus.

"Birth Assistant"

The honored face resides in Serpukhov. Where and when the image appeared is unknown. The image, which is rare in composition, belongs to the Immaculata type. On it, the Child is depicted in front of the Virgin, he is enclosed in a certain aura, over which Mary stretches out her hands. The Virgin herself is shown with her head uncovered, her hair loose over her shoulders - just as is customary during childbirth.

The name itself indicates situations in which women seek help from the Holy Virgin. Every mother-to-be asks for relief from suffering during the resolution of the fetus. In addition, many during these hours are tormented by fear of sudden death, excitement for the child. How will the birth go, will the baby be okay? All this is in the hands of God, so women turn to their Intercessor. When a baby appears, they pray for a sufficient amount of breast milk, the health of the newborn.

"Burning bush"

The oldest example can be seen today in the Armory, it dates back to the 17th century.

The bush is a thorn bush, one of the Bible chapters tells how the Lord appeared to Moses in a bush of fire. Symbolically, the fireproof bush denotes the Queen of Heaven, who was able to maintain spiritual purity in the midst of a sinful world.

The composition is very complex, contains many symbols designed to reveal all the prophecies about the Virgin Mary and the Savior. In the center is the Mother of God Hodegetria. On her chest is depicted a ladder leading to heaven, which Jacob saw. The evangelists are symbolically shown in the form of an angel, an eagle, a lion and a calf. There are also Archangels, biblical stories and other symbols. Above all this, the Lord Jesus Christ sits on the throne.

The "Burning Bush" patronizes firefighters, she is asked to protect the home from fire, attacks by thieves, unfriendly visitors. They also pray that the soul does not descend into hellfire.

Icon "Inexhaustible Chalice" - Meaning

It is of Byzantine origin. The exact time of writing is unknown. Until our time, only copies have been preserved, which are stored in the monasteries of the city of Serpukhov. It was there that he turned at the end of the 19th century. a soldier perishing from the sin of drinking wine. He dreamed of an old man and told him to go to the monastery. Although the peasant's legs were already failing, he trudged with the last of his strength to the monks. He managed to find an image of the Most Pure. After the prayer, the soldier received complete liberation from his craving for wine, his legs were healed.

Since then, the afflicted have been drawn to Serpukhov. And today, many men and women who are prone to alcoholism or drug addiction come to the monastery. Many get healed, return to their families, find jobs, and settle down in their lives.

In front of the Virgin Mary stands a cup, in which is Christ. The Mother of God prays with raised hands, both look directly at the faithful. The composition is very beautiful, completely symmetrical and reminds of the perfection of the Lord, of His sacrifice for the whole world. Most often, before the "Inexhaustible Chalice" they ask for getting rid of the obsession with alcohol, drugs and other addictions.

"Fadeless Color"

A very beautiful composition in which the Mother of God holds white flowers. On one of the Greek islands, there is a tradition - on the day of the Annunciation, parishioners bring bouquets of fresh lilies to the temple. They remain in the church until the end of summer, when another great feast of the Mother of God is celebrated - the Dormition. On this day, a miracle happens - dried lilies open their buds again! In memory of the miraculous events, “Fadeless Color” was written.

In Russia, a copy of the Greek image appeared between the 17th and 18th centuries. The iconography is most likely of Western origin. The Blessed Virgin tenderly holds the Christ Child. He raises his right hand in a gesture of blessing. The Most Pure One bowed her head slightly to her Son. In her right hand, the Queen of Heaven holds white flowers (sometimes they depict grapes or scarlet roses, but it was the white lily that the Archangel Gabriel presented to Mary on the day of the Annunciation).

"Fadeless Color" especially patronizes the female sex:

  • girls ask for a good husband;
  • married - about giving healthy children;
  • helps the Most Pure return joy in life;
  • restores peace of mind.

The Blessed Virgin protects the family from strife, averts temptations, helps the girls to maintain purity before marriage.

Icon "Sign"

The first well-known miracle was helping the inhabitants of Novgorod during the siege (1170). The miraculous icon is still kept in the Novgorod Cathedral. It shows the type of image "Oranta" - the Mother of God raised her hands to heaven in prayer, her palms are visible. In this gesture, the Most Pure One, as it were, opens her soul to meet the Savior. Christ is depicted at the level of the chest of the Virgin Mary, he is written in a medallion, on the Lord - the clothes of a priest.

Many cases are known when healing from eye diseases was given through the "Sign". Helps during long journeys, protects from enemies, during conflicts.

Iberian Icon of the Mother of God

Appeared in one of the Athos monasteries at the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries. It is believed that initially the face of the Most Pure One appeared on the board thanks to a miracle - the Virgin Mary washed her face and applied her face. This imprint was sent to Georgia along with the Apostle Andrew - hence the name (Iveria is Georgia). The Athos image was revealed in a pillar of fire. He protected the monks from enemy raids for a long time.

One of the most common types is Hodegetria. The Mother of God with her right hand points to Christ as the only way to salvation. The image is half-length, on the head of Mary is a crown.

Gives relief from bodily ailments. Helps to gain strong faith, returns the lost to the path of righteousness. It protects those houses in which it is located - it is not for nothing that it is also called the Goalkeeper. Protects against fires and prevents theft.

"Bread Conqueror"

A very unusual writing of the Mother of God - she sits on a cloud, blessing the grain field below. The elder Ambrose (Optina Pustyn) blessed this image, the date of creation is called 1890. The lists quickly spread throughout the district - that year turned out to be a poor harvest and the people asked for the intercession of heavenly forces.

The Holy Synod tried to ban the non-traditional image, but it was very popular among the population. In 1993, Patriarch Alexy officially added the icon to the church calendar. They ask the "Controversial" for help in getting rid of the drought, for a rich harvest.

Meaning of other important icons

The Holy Trinity

The most famous composition, written by the righteous Andrey Rublev. He was able to express the most complex theological dogma about the Triune God, using images, perspective, various small details. Each of them has its own deep meaning. It is no coincidence that even the position of the hands, the tilt of the head of each Angel.

Such a shrine should be in a place of honor in any home where there are baptized people. The Lord is the source of life; our existence depends on Him. Daily prayers are read before the faces, and any request can be addressed to Jesus Christ, God the Father or the Holy Spirit:

  • about the success of good undertakings;
  • about the health and well-being of loved ones;
  • about solving everyday problems;
  • about the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the salvation of the soul.

In the form of three Angels, the hypostases of Almighty God are depicted. Rublev captured the Trinity at the moment of the council, where the plan of Redemption is being discussed. In the center, according to the fathers of the church, is the Father, to the left of the worshipers is the Son, to the right is the Holy Spirit. On the table is a bowl, where the expiatory Sacrifice is symbolically depicted.

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

The image of a handsome young man in a raincoat can be found in any Orthodox church. Who is this young man? During his lifetime, he was a doctor - he healed human bodies, and after a righteous martyr's death he became a saint. By his example, he inspired many to accept Christianity. Thus the physician of the body became a physician and spiritual. But until now, believers throughout Russia and beyond its borders pray near the icon at the moment when they are weighed down by illness.

  • Healing can be asked for any ailment, not only bodily, but also spiritual.

The Great Martyr Panteleimon abandoned the brilliant career of a court physician - he was a member of the imperial palace. All in order to help the prisoners, the poor for free - in the name of Christ. Envious people reported on him, the young doctor was arrested, interrogated, then severely tortured. But the saint joyfully endured all the torments, glorifying the name of God. Voluntarily, he lowered his head to the chopping block, his executioners wept. Joyfully departing to heavenly abodes, from there he continues to pray for us sinners.

The healer is depicted with a spoon in his hand - it contains medicines. He is wearing a blue robe (a sign of the innocence of the soul) and a red cloak - a symbol of martyrdom. Panteleimon can be easily recognized by his blond curly hair.

About the icon.

Blessed Matrona of Moscow

One of the favorite saints in the capital, in recent decades has become known throughout Russia. On the image, the old woman stands against the backdrop of the city walls and receives the blessing from Christ, which is sent to her from heaven. Matrona spent her whole difficult life in prayer. She had the gift to prophesy the future, knew how to heal and physical ailments. I never took money for my help.

The blessed old woman herself constantly suffered from various ailments - she was blind, her legs did not obey well, and over time they completely failed. The woman did not have her own corner, she ate what she had to. But she never lost heart and did not grumble at God, who sent these trials. It only increased her love for people. Today, the relics of the righteous are in the Intercession Monastery in Moscow. What do they ask the blessed Matronushka?

  • Assistance in conceiving and having children.
  • About a successful marriage.
  • Resolving financial difficulties.
  • About physical health for yourself and loved ones.

There are no restrictions on requests and there cannot be. Help will be provided in any righteous deed that a person cannot handle on his own.

Reverend Seraphim of Sarov

A well-known elder of the Russian land, who during his lifetime received a visit from the Mother of God. He was not educated, did not write works and did not preach sermons. But everyone knew and loved Father Seraphim. With wise spiritual eyes, he saw through every visitor. But he never condemned, but only instructed with a kind word.

The monk said that the purpose of human existence is to receive the Holy Spirit. For this, the main constancy and faith. Batiushka even compiled a special prayer rule for those who work hard during the day. He himself communicated with the heavenly inhabitants a lot, standing up for the human race.

When the elder was alive, many sought support and consolation from him. This continues even after his departure to the other world. It will help disperse the blackness of despair, gain spiritual strength, and get rid of grave temptations. Saint Seraphim is able to drive away physical ailments. It helps to successfully conduct business - but only to those people who do not try to "cheat" their neighbor.

The miracle worker is depicted in monastic robes, this is a cassock, a black mantle. Gray hair and beard, gaze collected, attentive. In his left hand he holds a rosary - an indispensable attribute of the monks. The right hand is raised in blessing.

Peter and Fevronia

A pious married couple who lived in the city of Murom. Peter was a prince, Fevronia once healed him of a serious illness and became a faithful wife. Legends about the couple have been preserved in church history. Today, the righteous serve as an example to the younger generation. They had patience, wisdom, humility. They brought up children in the Christian faith, and when life began to decline, both devoted themselves to God.

Of course, they are asked for help in marriage: to find mutual understanding, to build relationships based on biblical truths, to raise children so that they become good people. Girls can ask for a worthy spouse, married ladies - a long-awaited heir.

Usually a couple is depicted together, they are in clothes befitting their rank in life. Peter and Fevronia raise their heads to heaven, above them is the image of the Savior.

Saint Nicholas

The image of an old man in the attire of a bishop can be seen in any Orthodox church, so great is the people's love for him. In his hometown, the young priest was known for his kind heart. He quickly responded to any trouble, helped everyone. Over time, he was elected bishop. And then the saint continued to intercede for the poor, unjustly condemned. He built temples, carried the good news to people.

An old man with gray hair is depicted on the holy face. His eyes express both severity and mercy at the same time. The Bishop of the World of Lycia carefully holds the Gospel, his right hand sends a blessing to those who pray.

Nikolai Ugodnik supports in any good deeds, but he especially patronizes sailors and those who travel - it is not for nothing that his face is often placed in cars. It helps to successfully marry off daughters, stop strife, heals ailments.

The image is an integral part of Orthodoxy. They are in temples, houses and even in car interiors. You should not give in to the desire to buy as many icons as possible and hang them all over the apartment. The faces of the Savior, the Virgin and several saints are enough. The number of shrines does not affect the quality of prayer. It is very good if the images of the righteous direct thoughts to heaven, strengthen faith - this is their main task.