How to teach a husband a lesson for indifference and disrespect

When a good film about love ends with a long kiss of the main characters, titles appear, pleasant music, the groom leads the bride to the altar, a little later you can read the inscription “a year has passed”, the couple and the baby are on the screen, everyone is happy ... At such moments you involuntarily begin to envy and dream of creating your own fairy tale, your own family, like in the movies. But in real life, family life is about not only hugs before going to bed and going to the cinema by the hand, but also routine, life, frequent quarrels and frequent scandals. It's good if people have learned to experience these moments without putting their hearts into it. But often, such a serious problem can arise as disrespect for the man of his wife. Why this happens and whether it is possible to teach a man a lesson for disrespect, we will consider in this article.

Causes of male disrespect

Why does a man become so inattentive and rude towards his woman. After all, there is no smoke without fire. There are reasons. The most basic ones are below:

  • I am a getter. The man supports his family, bought/mortgaged an apartment in his name, bought a car. In this house, he is the master and, naturally, there is a desire to dictate his rules to all family members, especially a weak woman.
  • Imperfect wife. A man looks at his mother, grandmother, aunt, who devoted all their time to children, diapers, home improvement, cleaning, ironing and cooking. Modern women are also not deprived of the qualities of a housewife and a keeper of the hearth, but in addition, each tries to fulfill herself, to help her husband earn money (which is not appreciated).
  • Not the way you would like. Men, let's be honest, gossip too. And if one friend's wife is the host on the first channel, the other is the director of a large company, then some disrespect may appear in relation to his own wife, who is a simple manager in the sales department or is completely unemployed.
  • I am like that. Do not forget that there are just such men. They are like this. They care little about the opinion of their spouse, they leave when it suits them, return after midnight, and so on. Why did you have to get married? Well, the age just came up or a comfortable silent girl who will wait and endure.
  • The woman does not respect herself. This is the most important reason. When a woman begins to behave like a slave to her master, the man relaxes. A woman loses face and individuality, becomes a really nice accessory that is at home, a property and a thing. Such a thing is strictly prohibited.

What should not be done?

Do not return evil for evil. The most important thing is not to act like a spouse. "An eye for an eye" and "a tooth for a tooth" are no longer relevant. If you decide to become a reflection of your husband, start being rude, rude, disregard his opinion, leave and not return, you will only aggravate the situation and it will become even worse. Nagging, discontent, a wave of negativity will grow, misunderstanding will lead to quarrels and divorce.

Don't be silent. But there is also the other side of the coin - silence on attacks from a man will lead you sooner or later to depression, constant soul-searching, guilt towards your spouse, because you are not up to the ideal, and so on.

Don't be offended. This is stupid. Men do not react to this, and you will simply waste your nerves.

Go out to talk

Communication. Psychologists advise to bring a man to a conversation. But do not immediately go on the attack and throw tantrums with breaking dishes. Feel free to discuss everything. It is necessary to prepare the ground and choose the right moment. Such a conversation should take place in a calm atmosphere and as frankly as possible.

Care. A really effective method is to become even more caring than before. Cooking, cleaning, washing, arranging pleasant meetings, going to the movies. In general, everything that will evoke pleasant memories and tenderness for you in your man. Then the realization that you are the best woman will come. And perhaps the conscience will speak. And, as you know, the most terrible punishment is self-flagellation.

Indifference. Also, indifference towards a person is very effective. But it works, as a rule, on loving people. If your spouse is dear to you and you are not indifferent to him, only then this method will work.

How to teach a man a lesson for insults?

It happens that disrespect for a woman results not only in inattention, but also an insult to the spouse. Why does this happen? It is immediately necessary to exclude the state of alcoholic intoxication, in which a man may be during these periods. For at such moments a person does not realize himself.

As a rule, they are rude and insult women with a very accommodating character, who definitely will not answer everything that will be said to her. A downtrodden, calm woman who doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

How to deal with it? Don't be silent. It should not be squabbles and assault, no. But it shouldn't be accepted either. Politely and correctly explain to your man that you will not tolerate such treatment to yourself. You have to respect yourself. Only to that woman who respects herself, there will be a similar attitude from a man.

Can you make yourself respect and appreciate? Force - no. This is a purely voluntary action, but you can help your spouse remember the feelings that he had for you before marriage. Just a little female wisdom and love, if there is even a little bit of it left. And any, even a small, light can flare up.