What are the household signs of Shrovetide in the first place. Maslenitsa - signs, customs, conspiracies. What to do on Shrove Tuesday

Pancake week- a traditional Slavic holiday that always starts on Monday and is celebrated during the week before Lent. The celebration retained in its ritual elements of Slavic mythology. Signs and customs for Maslenitsa came to us from the distant past and have survived to this day.

Signs for Maslenitsa

  1. According to our ancestors, Maslenitsa should be celebrated richly and cheerfully. Do not skimp on treats, because how you spend the holiday, this year will pass.
  2. The more pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa, the richer it will become in the house. If the hostess bakes few pancakes, then there will be no harvest. Each baked pancake was associated with the sun, i.e. the more pancakes you get, the more sunny days you will have. However, too many pancakes can lead to drought. Therefore, a golden mean is needed.
  3. If the hostess’s pancakes turned out to be lush and ruddy, the year will be good and rich in harvest, and if they stick together and don’t work out, then expect trouble.
  4. On Maslenitsa, the mother-in-law must definitely invite her son-in-law to pancakes. If he likes the treat, then the year will pass in peace and love.
  5. In the old days, swings were built on Maslenitsa. Whoever flies the highest will have the largest harvest.
  6. The same applies to downhill skiing - whoever manages to go the farthest will grow the longest flax.
  7. You can not skimp on treats, otherwise you can suffer big losses. It is believed that it is the arrival of unexpected guests that will bring happiness to the house.
  8. If it rained before Maslenitsa, then in the fall there will be a good harvest of mushrooms, and if it was frosty, then the summer will not be very hot.
  9. If you get rid of old things on Maslenitsa, then this year expect new things.
  10. If on Forgiveness Sunday you can forgive old grievances, then open your life to new good and bright events.

Customs for Maslenitsa

  1. Eating the first pancake on Maslenitsa, you need to remember the deceased relatives.
  2. On Maslenitsa, children whistled into whistles made in the shape of birds. In this way, they called back migratory birds that flew away to warmer climes for the winter.
  3. A straw scarecrow of winter is an essential attribute of Maslenitsa. It was installed on a pole and all mass events were held around it during the week, and on Sunday the effigy was burned. This ritual symbolized not only the farewell to winter, but was also carried out in order to get rid of everything unnecessary and bad.
  4. Previously, there was a custom according to which, on the last day of the holiday, the father-in-law invited his son-in-law to visit “finish the ram”, i.e. taste meat dishes for the last time before the start of Lent.
  5. Before sunset on Sunday, they went to the churchyard, left pancakes on the graves of relatives and bowed to the ashes of their ancestors.
  6. It was forbidden to weave and spin on Maslenitsa. It was believed that such actions can disturb the souls of the dead ancestors, who are invisibly next to us during Shrovetide week.
  7. On Sunday, they tried to finish all the food prepared for the holiday or distribute it to the poor.
  8. Shrovetide bonfire is a kind of funeral ritual that served as a kind of invitation for the souls of the departed to a hearty dinner.
  9. On the last day of Shrovetide, people tried to drink less alcohol.
  10. It was necessary to fall asleep on Forgiveness Day before midnight, then in the morning you will always wake up easily.

At the end of the holiday, they went to the bathhouse, because ahead was "Clean Monday" - the day from which Great Lent began.

Maslenitsa came to us from paganism, the people celebrated Maslenitsa even before the advent of Christianity in Russia. Now Maslenitsa is directly tied to the date of Easter, in the church calendar it is called Maslenitsa week (Maslenitsa begins a week before Great Lent), and earlier it was associated with the farewell to winter and the meeting of spring. It is believed that during Maslenitsa a person is cleansed of "heavy" winter energies and prepares himself for everything new. But it is not so easy to get rid of hibernation, here Maslenitsa comes to the rescue, during the celebration of which the energy of winter is expelled and the energy of Spring is called upon. For this, there were certain rituals: they kindled a large fire, made an effigy of Winter, which they burned. The celebration of Maslenitsa can be divided into two parts: the Narrow Maslenitsa and the Wide Maslenitsa

Each day of Maslenitsa has its own name, according to the tradition of the ancestors, and each day has a specific purpose. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday belong to the narrow Maslenitsa, and Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to the wide Maslenitsa, it is during this period that the most extensive festivities take place. Dances, round dances, songs - this means a wide Maslenitsa has begun. If in the narrow Maslenitsa people were doing household chores, then with the onset of the wide Maslenitsa, people began to have fun, and work stopped until Great Lent. And of course, the main symbol of Maslenitsa is pancakes (pancakes were baked throughout Maslenitsa), which symbolize the Sun, but also a funeral meal, since in the old days on Maslenitsa people visited the graves of their ancestors and a prerequisite was to leave on the graves ancestors baked pancakes with their own hands and ask the ancestors to get rid of all kinds of troubles, losses, troubles and diseases in the coming year. It was also customary to treat pancakes not only to their relatives, but also to beggars. People did not forget about the ancient Slavic God Veles, who, according to old customs, had to leave gifts in the forest under the spruce, which would ensure the fulfillment of desires and prosperity in the future. In addition, Maslenitsa is rich in various signs and divination.

In 2015 Maslenitsa is celebrated from February 16 to February 22. The first part of Maslenitsa falls on the waning moon (from February 16 to 18), and the second part on the growing moon (from February 18 to 22). An important day is considered the day of the New Moon, which in 2015 falls on February 18th. From February 16 to February 22, it is good to carry out any purification rituals, both for yourself and your home, and from February 19 to February 22, it is good to carry out any rituals for creation, this is both love and wealth.

Every day of Maslenitsa has its own name: Monday is a meeting, Tuesday is a flirt, Wednesday is a gourmet, revelry, a fracture, Thursday is a ragulay-four, wide, Friday is a mother-in-law party, mother-in-law's evening, Saturday is a sister-in-law gathering, seeing off, Sunday is forgiven day, conspiracy for Great Lent. The most significant days are considered: Monday is the meeting of Maslenitsa, Thursday is the wide Maslenitsa, and Sunday is the farewell to Maslenitsa, among the people this day is called “Forgiveness Day”.

Shrovetide Days:

Narrow Shrovetide.

First day - Monday - Meeting. From that day on, the family began to bake pancakes. Before kneading the dough for the first pancakes, the oldest woman in the house went outside, after the stars had already appeared, and went to the river, lake or just a well, looked into the water and asked for a month to look into the window of the house and blow on dough: “A month you are a month, your golden horns! Look out the window, blow on the dough!

According to tradition, the first pancake was taken out onto the porch and said: “Our honest dead, here is a pancake for your souls!” - and after that they gave to the homeless that he had prayed for the dead relatives.

In the evening, all relatives were invited to the house, and the daughter-in-law was sent to her home in order to come to visit them the next day.

Also on Monday, an effigy was constructed from old and unnecessary women's clothes, which was first taken around the village, while singing and dancing, and which was then placed in the middle of the central part of the city or on the highest point.

Second day - Tuesday - Flirting. On the second day of Maslenitsa, it was customary to visit guests, visit various fairs, where buffoons staged various performances, and also went sledding. It was very common for brides to be seen in order to have a wedding after Lent.

Third day - Wednesday - Lakomki. On this day, very magnificent tables were laid in the houses. On Wednesday, the mother-in-law invited her son-in-law to her and treated her to pancakes. It was believed that if the mother-in-law and son-in-law are on good terms, then this is just a good and old tradition of treating pancakes, and if the mother-in-law and son-in-law were in a quarrel, then this was a good reason for reconciliation.

Wide Maslenitsa

Fourth day - Thursday - Walk around. Walk Thursday. Broad Thursday.

From the fourth day, all housework stopped and the celebration of Maslenitsa began in full force. The most common entertainments were: fisticuffs, sledding, swings, people competed in eating pancakes and other food.

Fifth day - Friday - Mother-in-law evening.
At Mother-in-law's evenings, the mother-in-law went to her son-in-law for pancakes.
Sixth day - Saturday - Zolov's gatherings.

On this day, the daughters-in-law set the tables with various dishes and invited the husband's sisters to the feast. If the girl was not married, then she invited her friends to visit. If the girl was engaged, then she gave gifts to her relatives.

Seventh day - Sunday - Forgiveness Sunday, Seeing Shrovetide. Tselovalnik. On the last day of Maslenitsa, an effigy was burned and all the food that remained after the holidays, the ashes were scattered on the field or over the river. It was believed that the scattered ashes would wake up the sleeping earth. In the evening, a special rite of forgiveness was held in the church, people asked each other for forgiveness and then kissed, this was done in order to begin Great Lent with a pure Soul and heart.

According to old customs, it is customary to sit down at the table on the last day of Maslenitsa seven times, according to the number of days of the holiday. For the seventh time, the family should sit down at the table in full force. The food that remained after dinner was not removed, it was covered with a white tablecloth, and then with sheep's fur, it was believed that there would be no disagreements in the family all year.

Before sunset, people gathered and went to the cemetery, bowed to their deceased loved ones and left pancakes on the graves.

On the last day of Maslenitsa, they drank very little alcohol and it was customary to fall asleep before midnight.

On Monday morning we went to the bathhouse (Clean Monday), Great Lent began.

Signs for Maslenitsa

  • According to the tradition of the ancestors, Maslenitsa should be very rich and fun, people should not skimp on treats, i.e. As you spend Maslenitsa, so the year will pass.
  • If the hostess’s pancakes turn out beautiful and lush, then the year will be prosperous and rich in harvest, and if they stick and don’t work out, then wait for trouble in the year.
  • The more pancakes are baked in the house for Maslenitsa, the richer the house will become, and if the hostess bakes few pancakes, then there will be no harvest. It was believed that each baked pancake was associated with the sun, i.e. one pancake - one sunny day, and the more pancakes, the more sunny days. But at the same time, too many pancakes are also bad, as there will be a drought, and if there is too little, then there will be bad weather and the harvest will not be born, that is, there should be a golden mean.
  • In the middle of Maslenitsa, the mother-in-law must definitely call her son-in-law for pancakes, and if the son-in-law likes the pancakes, then they will live in peace and understanding for a year.
  • Swings were always built on Maslenitsa in the old days. They swung on a swing, and whoever flew the highest, that family and the harvest will be more than others.
  • It's the same with downhill skiing, whoever goes the farthest down the hill will grow the longest flax.
  • If it rained on the eve of Maslenitsa, then autumn promises to be full of mushrooms, and if it is frosty, then the summer will not be hot and the harvest will be good.
  • Whoever skimps on treats on Maslenitsa will go bankrupt in a year. It is believed that it is unexpected guests who bring happiness to the house on Maslenitsa.
  • If you throw out old things on Maslenitsa, then this year there will be new new things.
  • On Maslenitsa, if a person can forgive, then he will be able to let something new into his life.

Customs for Maslenitsa

  • The first pancake on Maslenitsa is always eaten in honor of the memory of deceased ancestors.
  • In the past, there was a custom that is now completely forgotten; the last meat day before the start of Lent.
  • On Maslenitsa, children whistled into whistles that were made in the form of birds, by which they called migratory birds back.

Divination for Shrovetide

Fortune telling by pancakes

  • If the first pancake turned over easily, then an unmarried girl in the house was to be married, and if the first pancake stuck to the pan, then she would sit in girls for another three years.
  • If the edges of the pancake are even, then the marriage will be happy, and if the edges are uneven, then the girl should have thought about whether to marry this person or not.
  • How many holes in the pancake turned out, how many children will be.
  • If the pancake is baked in the middle, then the husband will be faithful to his wife, and if on the side, he will walk.
  • The first pancake turned out beautiful, ruddy - to health, and if pale - then to illness.
  • A thin pancake turned out - the year will pass easily, a thick one turned out - for a difficult year.

On the last day of Maslenitsa, pancakes were distributed to passers-by, and if the first man took the pancake, then the first boy would be born in the family. If all the pancakes were handed out, then happiness awaited the family, and if the pancakes remained, then the girl would sit in girls for so many years.

Divination on the needles

The girls went to the forest and broke various coniferous branches (thick, thin). At midnight, the needles were laid out on the floor, the girls were blindfolded and chose a branch:

  • a thick and dense branch of needles - the groom will be solid;
  • a beautiful branch, but not very thick - the groom will be very handsome;
  • thick bark on a branch - the groom will be provided;
  • peeling bark, and few needles - the groom will be mediocre.

Fortune telling in a pan on which pancakes are baked

Secretly from everyone, take a frying pan in which pancakes are baked and quietly put your mother under the bed with the words: “Betrothed-mummers, come to your mother-in-law to eat pancakes.” Whoever comes to visit his mother in a dream, and she feeds him, he will be your betrothed.

Divination at the Shrovetide Pie

This fortune-telling will help you find out whether a wish will come true or not. Bake the cake, and while the cake is warm, it must be covered with a cloth napkin. Then take a knife and dip it into the Epiphany water. Remove the napkin from your pie and wipe the knife with a napkin with the words: “Just like water from a knife, so thinness from a house. We eat royal and boyar pies. My friend-pie, open the vow to me. Then sprinkle the cake with Holy water, make a wish and stick a knife into it:

  • The knife remains straight - everything will remain unchanged.
  • The knife leaned in your direction - the wish will come true, but you yourself will prevent it from being fulfilled quickly.
  • The knife has deviated from you - the desire will not come true, you yourself create obstacles for yourself.
  • The knife deviated to the right of you - the desire will not come true.
  • The knife deviated to the left of you - the wish will come true.
  • If the knife fell, failure awaits you this year.

Fortune telling on pancakes with friends

To do this, you need to bake pancakes and make the filling: sweet, spicy, salty, fresh, etc. You can add a coin, or come up with associative objects yourself.

  • sweet filling - good luck all year;
  • spicy filling - ups and downs, passion, spicy life;
  • salty filling - tears, unrequited love, vain work;
  • fresh - everything will remain unchanged;
  • coin is money.

Shrovetide conspiracies

Removing damage to Shrovetide

To do this, you need to collect the giver of snow in a basin and roll yourself from head to toe with this snow (moving from top to bottom to your feet), while you need to read the conspiracy: “Passion, passion, come out, pour out of the Servant of God (name). From a violent head, from a zealous heart, from a white body, from red blood, from a clean belly, from hands, from legs, from veins, from lived. It’s not me who drives out the evil eye, but the Mother of God, with her angels, archangels, guardians and patrons every day, every hour, from now and forever and forever and ever! Amen!". After that, we sculpt a little man from the snow, draw a nose, eyes, mouth, navel. Then we write our name in reverse letters on the snowman, and read the plot thirteen times: “You struck three blows with an evil heart, a black eye and a bad tongue. Your punishment will be the same three blows. With a fiery flame, a water surface, airy transparency and an earthly stronghold, I conjure you to leave and return to the one who gave birth to you! I conjure you Dabe fatus ligara estenami tour, narota kafor. Kale-la agas, finished off the retore of the assar. Nominato prostare Deberator equesto libur. Gibula faskat abe kades labegab! I conjure you not to touch the deberator equesto (name), otherwise your brain, your heart and your blood will be filled with these words! After the ritual, the bigfoot must completely melt, pour water at the crossroads and be sure to until the next dawn.

Conspiracy from envy

On the eve of Maslenitsa on Sunday, you need to retire and read the plot three times. “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Mother of God Madam and you, four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian. Save and save me, (name), protect me from a dashing thought, from a devilish thought, from secret destruction, from an evil eye and a blind eye, from an envious eye, who hears and who does not hear, who curses out loud and who writes denunciations. Alatyr stone lies in one place, does not hear, does not see, is not afraid of a knock or sound, does not hide from anyone. That would not have touched me, no sound, knock and word. I didn't worry about any damage. My words cannot be unlocked, not reprimanded. Neither the first of a kind, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen". The conspiracy will protect for the whole year.

Amulet from any witch

On the first day of Maslenitsa, you need to look at the night sky and read the plot three times: “You witches, branded devils, when you calculate the stars in the sky and the grains of sand in the sea, then you can harm me, my house and my people.” After that, it is necessary to pour three pinches of Thursday salt on the windowsill that faces East, and at the front door. When the last day of Maslenitsa comes (best done at sunset), sweep all the salt into a bag and at the same time read the Our Father prayer, bury the farther from home, the better. This conspiracy will help protect you and your home from the evil spells of any witch.

Cleansing the house with snow (only done on the waning moon)

Bring snow into the house, wait until it melts, then add this water to the bucket to mop the floor. I immediately wash everything in the house with this water, while reading the plot: “Water flows along rapids and roads, clean water, melt water. It washes the steep banks, helps me, God's Servant (full name). All my troubles and adversity washes away. I will follow the sun, I will reach the mountain of the Lord. I'll collect melted water, wash my fate and purses and a hut. I will wash away curses and damage, poverty and bad luck, misfortune and dark evil. As the snow lay and melted, how strong it was and the ice came down with water, so from the melted water and my poverty, poverty will come down. Amen". To enhance the effect, you can add consecrated Thursday salt. After cleaning, throw the water out into the street, it is better if it is an intersection. After the water is splashed out at the crossroads, go home and do not look back, and do not talk to anyone. After you come home, immediately light three candles in the house - green for money, pink for love and gold for health.

Ritual for financial well-being (done only on the growing moon)

To do this, it is necessary to collect snow, preferably melting, it is best if this snow lies at the intersection. Be sure to leave a yellow coin as a ransom, bring snow into the house, light a green candle and read the plot: “White snow is melting in the field - water is coming in the river. As I, the servant of God (name), I will go, so I will find a job for myself, for the heart and for the purse very useful. The word knot - you can't untie. Amen.". When the snow melts, you need to take one sip, and pour the rest out the window.

A conspiracy to fulfill a wish

On the last day of Maslenitsa, before going to bed, it is necessary to read the conspiracy: “Light up a clear star, under heaven, to the joy of the baptized world, light up with an unquenchable fire for the joy of the Orthodox. You look into the star, into the house of the servant of God (name). You sanctify, clear star, my house with unquenchable fire. Hear my desire (after these words, you must briefly pronounce your desire). Amen. Amen. Amen". Then cross yourself three times, bow three times towards the East and go to bed. The dream that you will see will be prophetic.

A conspiracy for a husband to be faithful

On the last day of Maslenitsa, over the test, it is necessary to read the conspiracy in a whisper three times: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let the servant of God (name) eat, eat, drink, get drunk, and when he is full, let his homesickness eat him, let him not let him go beyond the threshold, let him yearn for his family, let his lawful wife (name) have mercy. And when he walks the streets, he doesn’t go into other people’s yards, he doesn’t look into other people’s windows. So that homesickness tormented him both in the day-noon and at night-midnight. From now on and forever and forever and ever. Amen". Before serving pancakes, also read the drinking conspiracy three times: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Help me, Lord, let the servant of God (name) drink tea (pronounce the name of the drink that the husband will drink) sip, let the servant of God be sick without me, let the servants of God (name) not be able to watch for an hour without me and without me, minutes pass. No sleep, no breath. From now on, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

Shrovetide is a Slavic holiday that originated in ancient times. It used to be looked forward to. The special signs and customs of the Maslenitsa week made it possible not only to find out what to expect in the near future, but also to influence it.

Maslenitsa is a holiday especially loved by the people. For our ancestors, this was a special time, which was met in a special way. The customs of the Maslenitsa week have survived to this day. Most people think that this holiday, symbolized by the sun, is exclusively pagan, but this is not entirely true. In fact, these days of celebration are used for a truce with relatives and friends, as well as for preparing Orthodox people for Great Lent.

National signs and customs accompany many festivities. As for Maslenitsa, this is a special time that can tell a lot about the life of our ancestors, about ourselves and about our future. This holiday is nothing but a turning point between winter and summer. A rich and cheerful meeting of Shrovetide is one of the key customs. It used to be that as you meet Maslenitsa, you will spend a year.

Folk traditions and customs for Maslenitsa

The most enchanting and spectacular event of this period is the burning of a straw effigy, or, in other words, the funeral of winter. A straw doll, which is a symbol of the passing frosts, was made on the first Maslenitsa day, on Monday. Burning an effigy is an ancient custom that helped people not only drive away the cold, but also free themselves from negativity.

Baking pancakes is a long tradition, and without it Maslenitsa itself would not be Maslenitsa. Pancakes are associated with the hot Sun, capable of melting cold snow with its heat, letting light and warmth into everyone's life. The cult of the Sun among the ancient Slavs was widespread. There is a theory that even the very word "Slavs" means "those who descended from the Sun." The Slavs believed that they were followers of the Sun, which means that they were connected with it and inseparable. The daylight was revered as the Lord of heaven, earth and people, so people tried to appease him. Each housewife kept in her arsenal several secret recipes for making pancakes, which they passed down for many centuries. Everyone was treated to pancakes, because the main thing on Maslenitsa is kindness, generosity and love for neighbors.

From Monday to Sunday in Russia, first preparations were made for the broad Maslenitsa, and then magnificent festivities. This helped people not only to have fun, but also to unite with relatives and friends, find new friends, get to know each other and get married. At this time, young people looked after brides, and young girls secretly arranged fortune-telling for their betrothed.

Each day of the Maslenitsa week had its own meaning. People revered ancient customs and tried to do everything so as not to anger the gods. Festive festivities were not complete without games: “crowd against crowd”, fist fights, sledding from hills, climbing a pole, as well as round dances, songs and ditties were integral elements of the celebration. Everyone always went to visit relatives in order to leave small gifts after themselves in each house.

Parents made wooden or clay whistles for children. This custom refers to the call of spring, because the whistle from a child's toy can be compared to bird trills. For grown-up children there was another entertainment - carols.

Sunday is the last day of Maslenitsa, which is called the Forgiven. On this day, it was customary to visit loved ones and ask for forgiveness for all causal grievances. They asked for forgiveness not only from the living, but also from the dead. It was a time of commemoration of the dead, who, according to legend, protected the life and prosperity of their kind.

Folk omens for Maslenitsa

Folk signs are a storehouse of knowledge left to us by our ancestors. Beliefs and superstitions helped to predict the weather, the future, good or bad events. There were countless such signs for Shrove Tuesday, but we have chosen the most basic ones for you:

  • If the pancakes are a success, then the year will bring prosperity, lumpy - expect trouble;
  • The tastier the pancakes for Maslenitsa turned out to be, the more money there will be and the more prosperous life;
  • Pancakes symbolize the Sun, so one pancake was equal to one clear and warm day. The more pancakes cooked, the better the weather will be;
  • On Wednesday, the mother-in-law needs to invite her son-in-law and bake pancakes for him. If he likes the treats, then her daughter will be happy;
  • Rain or sleet on Maslenitsa - in the fall there will be a lot of mushrooms, but if it's cold - meet the hot summer;
  • Uninvited guests at Maslenitsa - fortunately;
  • The more treats on the table, the more beautiful life will be;
  • If you burn (or throw away) worthless things on Maslenitsa, wait for new ones;
  • If on Forgiveness Sunday a person finds the strength to forgive, he will be able to change his life;
  • On Maslenitsa it was customary to ride on a swing. It was believed that the one who will fly the highest will become the happiest of all this year. It's the same with skiing downhill - whoever goes the farthest will be lucky.

Our ancestors guarded their traditions not in vain, because now we know a lot about our roots, which is the key to the success and prosperity of the family. Until now, Shrove Tuesday obliges everyone to remember the traditions, customs and signs that will help to let something new, bright and happy into your life. Despite the fact that Maslenitsa originated among pagan peoples, it has perfectly merged into our usual life. We wish you a great mood, happiness in life and success in everything. take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

Pancake week, Maslenitsa, Pancake week, Pancake week, Obyedukha, Pancake - all this is the warmest, funniest and most anticipated February holiday. As never before, the approach of spring, the retreat of cold weather and the long-awaited awakening of nature are felt.

Maslenitsa rites

The Slavs have always celebrated Maslenitsa on a grand scale. A huge number of different rituals exist from antiquity to the present day. So, the main Shrovetide rite is considered to be the burning of an effigy. Such a scarecrow symbolizes winter. Accordingly, by burning it, the people say goodbye to winter frosts, colds and meet spring warmth. The ashes left from the burnt effigy were scattered over the fields in ancient times. In Russia, they believed that this would contribute to the fertility of the earth, a good harvest.

There are also rituals that are inextricably linked with the newlyweds. For example, in the old days, the persecution of bachelors during Shrovetide week was accepted, of course, as a joke. The newlyweds rode sleds, arranged visits, "treasurers".

These rituals exist to this day, but they are common only in villages and villages. Large cities arrange various folk festivals, which are accompanied by delicious pancakes and the burning of an effigy.

On the last Sunday of Shrovetide week, it is customary for people to ask each other for forgiveness, visit cemeteries to “say goodbye” to deceased relatives. This ceremony is called "Forgiveness Sunday" and is inextricably linked with the religious roots of Ancient Russia.

folk traditions

The most common Shrovetide tradition is directly related to pancakes. Since ancient times and until now, it is customary to bake pancakes every day on Maslenitsa, treat relatives, friends and neighbors with them. This dish was not chosen as the central one by chance. Pancakes symbolize the sun, approaching warmth and joy. In Russia, it was believed that the more pancakes the hostess baked, the warmer the spring would be, the richer the harvest and the more fertile the land.

In general, all Shrovetide rites were associated with the attraction of the sun, the calling of spring. It was customary to decorate the wheel and walk the streets with it, to dance. Bearskins were put on the men, and they danced in them. How is this related to Maslenitsa? Very simple. After all, the bears came out of hibernation with the advent of spring, which means that by waking up the bear, you can speed up the onset of the long-awaited season.

Signs and superstitions for Maslenitsa

In ancient times people were very superstitious. According to the events and phenomena taking place during Shrovetide week, people predicted crop yields, weather, and even whether they would be lucky throughout the year.

  • If frosts unexpectedly began during Blinnitsa, the summer promised to be mild, warm, not dry.
  • Rains meant a rich mushroom harvest in spring and summer.
  • If the pancakes of the housewives turned out good, lush, did not stick during frying, then the year will be successful, without much hassle.
  • It was believed that people who are stingy with pancakes will become poorer within a year.
  • “As you meet Shrove Tuesday, so you will spend it”; having fun means that the year will go well. Bored - the year will be unsuccessful, the harvest - bad.

Rituals on Shrovetide

At all times, people were interested in their future. And when, if not during such a holiday filled with superstitions, can you learn about your future life, fate, health and family life?

So, unmarried girls looked at the baked pancakes. If their edges were even - the marriage will be happy and successful; if the girl’s pancake is baked on the edge, the husband will “walk”, and if in the middle, he will be faithful and loving.

They were also widespread divination : on needles, pancakes, Shrovetide pies, even in a frying pan. The girls secretly put a frying pan under the mother's bed, on which pancakes were baked, and in the morning they asked who she dreamed about. The hero of the mother's dream was the future groom of the girl.

It was also customary to predict health from pancakes. Ruddy pancake - to good health, pale - to frequent illnesses.

They led round dances to loud songs, rolled burning wheels down a hill, had fun - all to attract health and well-being, because what, if not superstitions and customs, could at that time open their future to people.

Maslenitsa is one of the oldest Russian folk holidays, the essence of which is seeing off winter and meeting with spring. How to celebrate Maslenitsa? How to congratulate? What signs to pay attention to? How to bake pancakes? How to guess?

One of the oldest native Russian holidays - Pancake week. This is a national holiday of seeing off winter and meeting with spring. The ancient Slavic holiday came to us from pagan culture and survived after the adoption of Christianity.

Maslenitsa is one of the holidays that make up the moving part of the calendar. The date of its holding depends on the date of the main Christian holiday - Easter. According to the Orthodox Paschal, the celebration of Maslenitsa begins 56 days before Easter.

Shrovetide- so colloquially called cheese week- the last week before Lent.

This is the preparatory week for Lent. In the Christian sense, it is dedicated to one goal - reconciliation with others, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for the repentant path to God.

During Maslenitsa, Orthodox Christians, according to the church charter, do not eat meat, but eat fish and dairy products.

Maslenitsa in Russia

Preparations for Maslenitsa started from the middle of the previous week. At this time, the housewives cleaned up all corners of the house - from the attic to the cellar: they refurbished the whitewashing of stoves, scraped tables, benches and floors, prepared festive dishes for use, swept garbage from the yard and in front of the gate. They bought a large number of products for the holiday: flour of various varieties for pancakes, spinnerets and pies, salted fish, gingerbread, sweets and nuts for children, collected milk, cream, sour cream and cow butter.

Saturday on the eve of Shrovetide week was called "little Shrovetide". On this day, it was customary to commemorate the dead parents. For them they baked a special treat - pancakes - and put it on the shrine, dormer window or roof, left it on the graves in the cemetery, and distributed it to the poor in churches. Shrovetide celebrations began on Monday next week.

Shrove week is traditionally the most fun of the year. Each day of the week had its own name:

Monday - meeting
Tuesday - "tricks"
Wednesday - "gourmet"
Thursday - "revelry", "fracture", "broad Thursday"
friday - mother-in-law evening
Saturday - "sister-in-law gatherings"
Sunday - "seeing off", "forgiveness", "forgiveness day".

The most important were considered the last four days of the holiday, called "wide" or "reckless Maslenitsa". On the eve of them, they should wash themselves in the bathhouse, "cleansing" themselves of the hardships and misfortunes of the past year. In the houses, permanent work was stopped, they began to visit relatives and friends.

Plentiful hearty tables of flour and dairy food, as well as eggs, fish dishes, pies, kvass, and beer were laid on Maslenitsa. At the festive meal were necessarily present pancakes - a pagan symbol of the sun and an obligatory attribute of commemoration.

How to bake pancakes for Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa coincided with the performance of a large number of rituals associated with honoring "newlyweds"- young spouses who got married this year. They were rolled in the snow, rolled from the mountains on frozen animal skins and sledges, and planted on overturned harrows.

Everywhere the main celebratory action was roller coaster- on sledges, animal skins, overturned benches, icy troughs and sieves. In the north and in the villages along the Volga, parallel poles were laid on elevated places for Shrove Tuesday for young people to ride in pairs. Also, well-dressed youth rode horses, moving from village to village with noise, songs and playing the harmonica. Horses were decorated with ribbons, flowers and ringing bells.

During Maslenitsa week in the Cossack settlements of Siberia, the Urals and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as in the Simbirsk, Penza and Tula provinces, the game "The Taking of Snowtown". The tradition of building fortresses or towns from packed snow has been known since the beginning of the 18th century.

On the last day of the week in the provinces of Russia, seeing off Maslenitsa. In some localities, the ritual was in the form of burning a Shrovetide effigy, in others - in the form of funeral wires.

The last Sunday before the start of Lent is called Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, after the evening service in the temples, a special rite of forgiveness when clergy and parishioners mutually ask each other for forgiveness in order to enter Great Lent with a pure soul, having reconciled with all their neighbors.

Signs for Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa traditionally should be held very richly and cheerfully. People should not skimp on treats - as you spend Maslenitsa, the year will pass.

♦ If the hostess' pancakes turn out beautiful and lush, then the year will be prosperous and rich in harvest, and if they stick and do not work out, then wait for trouble in the year.

♦ The more pancakes baked in the house on Maslenitsa, the richer the house will become, and if the hostess bakes few pancakes, then there will be no harvest.

♦ Each baked pancake was associated with the sun, so one pancake is one sunny day. And the more pancakes, the more sunny days.

♦ In the middle of Maslenitsa, the mother-in-law must definitely call her son-in-law for pancakes, and if the son-in-law likes the pancakes, then they will live in peace and understanding for a year.

♦ If it was raining on the eve of Maslenitsa, then autumn promises to be full of mushrooms, and if it is frosty, then the summer will not be hot and the harvest will be good.

♦ Whoever is stingy with treats on Maslenitsa will go bankrupt in a year. It is believed that it is unexpected guests who bring happiness to the house on Maslenitsa.

♦ If old things are thrown out on Maslenitsa, then this year there will be new new clothes.

♦ On Maslenitsa, if a person can forgive, then he will be able to let something new into his life.

Divination for Shrovetide

First of all, they guessed at Maslenitsa on the first baked pancake. It was used to determine what awaits during the year until the next Maslenitsa:

♦ If the pancake turned over easily, this year you will get married.

♦ If the pancake sticks to the pan - another 3 years to sit in the parental home.

♦ Smooth edges of the pancake - there will be a happy marriage.

♦ The edges are uneven, torn - you need to think about whether you are going to get married.

♦ If there is a bake in the middle, the husband will be faithful. If from the side, he will start looking at his neighbors.

♦ How many holes in a pancake - so many children on the benches.

♦ A beautiful ruddy pancake - there will be a lot of health, pale - to diseases.

♦ Thin pancake - to an easy life, thick - to work.

♦ On Shrovetide Sunday, they baked pancakes with various fillings and treated passers-by. It was noted who would be the first to take a pancake: a man or a woman - the child will be born of this gender. All pancakes will be taken apart - a happy fate awaits. How many pancakes will remain - so many years to sit in the girls.

Practiced on Maslenitsa divination on the betrothed.

On any evening of Pancake week, the girls hung a clean towel outside the window. At the same time, they said: "Betrothed, show yourself, dry yourself with a towel." In the morning the towel was checked. If it was dry, then the girl was not destined to get married for another whole year, but if the towel was wet, then it was possible to prepare for the wedding. The wetter the towel was, the sooner the wedding.

Fortune telling on the Shrovetide pie about the fulfillment of a wish. Bake the cake, and while the cake is warm, it must be covered with a cloth napkin. Then take a knife and dip it into the Epiphany water. Remove the napkin from your pie and wipe the knife with a napkin with the words: “Just like water from a knife, so thinness from a house. We eat royal and boyar pies. My friend-pie, open the vow to me. Then sprinkle the cake with Holy water, make a wish and stick a knife into it.

♦ The knife remains straight - everything will remain unchanged.

♦ The knife leaned in your direction - the wish will come true, but you yourself will prevent it from quickly being fulfilled.

♦ The knife deviated from you - the desire will not come true, you create obstacles for yourself.

♦ The knife deviated to the right of you - the wish will not come true.

♦ The knife deviated to the left of you - the wish will come true.

♦ If the knife fell - failures await you this year.

Fortune telling on love and personal life on pancakes with stuffing.

To do this, the girls gather together for Maslenitsa and bake pancakes with different fillings. As a filling, they use: honey, mustard (you can pour mustard on the meat), raspberries, condensed milk, red caviar. When the pancakes are ready, someone who is not involved in divination is called to help. This person should hand out pancakes without looking. Each of the girls takes a pancake that comes across to her and checks with what filling it is.

If it comes across with honey - this is for an imminent wedding, with milk - the birth of a child, with mustard - a bitter separation from a loved one, with raspberries - unexpected and passionate love, and if with red caviar - then the year will be financially profitable, but there is nothing good in love wait.

Shrove Week: Traditions and Customs

♦ Starts at Monday, and by this day people made slides, swings, cooked pancakes and pastries, and the kids created a Maslenitsa doll from straw, dressed up and decorated it. Then they gathered and went with songs and dances from house to house - they were treated to something - either a pancake, or another goodies. The very first pancake on that day was in any case a “funeral pancake”, regardless of whether they gave it to the children or ate it themselves.

Tuesday, which was called "Zigrysh", this is the day of the newlyweds. A week or two before Maslenitsa, weddings were played, and on Shrovetide Tuesday all the young couples went to ride the slides, and then they also went to treat themselves to pancakes in all the houses. Those young boys and girls who have not yet been bound by marriage, on this day looked after their grooms and brides.

On this day, single girls often guessed at their betrothed. It was supposed to take a pancake, go out into the street and treat them to the first man they met, asking his name. It is believed that this is what the betrothed will be called.

Wednesday, or gourmet, as she was called this week, suggested family communication - sons-in-law went to their mother-in-laws for pancakes, dressed up as on their wedding day. It was a must-have event to bring the whole family together. Unmarried youth rode down the hills, met and talked. The guys who did not marry this year, the residents joked, and in order to be left alone, they had to pay off with sweets and pancakes.

Thursday, or take a walk, was the first day when not one category of people was supposed to have fun, but all at once. People gathered with whole families, arranged fisticuffs, fought for snowy towns, had fun and talked. On the same day, it was supposed to solemnly deliver the stuffed Maslenitsa to a high mountain.

Friday- "mother-in-law evening." This time, the mother-in-law was already on a friendly visit to the family of the young, and she was treated to pancakes, but in advance the mother-in-law herself had to send her son-in-law all the necessary ingredients - butter, flour, and even a frying pan. Such a meeting was an honor for the wife's family, and all those present rejoiced from the bottom of their hearts.

Saturday popularly nicknamed "sister-in-law gatherings." The day was marked by the Maslenitsa signs and custom that the newlyweds invited all their relatives to their place. This day was accompanied by elements of the show - for example, it was on Saturday that it was supposed to burn an effigy, which had previously been taken to the mountain.

Sunday has long been called "forgiven". Monday is the strictest fast of the year, which lasts 40 days. Before this time, it was supposed to cleanse your soul from hardships and approach everyone with whom there were omissions or problems to ask for forgiveness. The answer was to say: "God will forgive."

On this day, for the last time before fasting, it was allowed to drink alcoholic beverages, since during the entire fasting one must give up not only meat and sweets, but also alcohol, tobacco, intimate life and all kinds of joys.

Congratulations on Maslenitsa

♦ I'm on Maslenitsa to you
I wish you joy
Let him be rewarded for his deeds!
Sorrows not knowing
You live well
Fun and friendly.
A miracle holiday has come to us,
Mark as needed!

♦ We spend the winter with pancakes,
Donuts, cheese and pies,
Maslenitsa - the end of winter,
The beginning of love and spring.

♦ Everyone is celebrating Maslenitsa, everyone is walking:
eat, drink, wish health to each other!
The more pancakes you eat today
The more fate will release years!
We burn the winter effigy without malice,
After all, even without winter, live and try!
But it's time for spring to give her the throne
And the hour for all nature around to bloom!

♦ No matter how much we eat
On cheese week
Everything will go well for us -
Just give me time!

So, eat hearty -
Belly is not visible!
Eat in reserve!
Happy Shrovetide to you!

♦ Maslenitsa is
Oil, vodka, pancake.
Don't keep it until summer
Old rubles.
Let the recipe be tricky
We are not fools.
Get half a liter
Soda and flour.
Vodka - from wheat,
Butter is from cows.
How can you not get drunk?
Well, be healthy!!!

♦ The noise of the festivities does not subside,
The street is bright...
Oh how wide
Came to visit us!

And, of course, I had to say
At this glorious hour:
Be happy, healthy!
Happy Shrovetide to you!

♦ Happy Maslenitsa, friends!
All relatives gathered today,
This is a national holiday

Let's bake pancakes together

And we will walk, have fun,

As the cold winter turns into spring,
Let sorrows go away with melt water.

Let happiness wake up like a spring flower
And joy and fun will be with you!

♦ Pancake is ruddy, pancake is beautiful,
Like the sun in spring.
Such a couple - everyone can immediately see
That spring is coming into the yard.
With Shrovetide!!!

♦ I see a dream of the two of us
We drink vodka behind the fence,
We dip pancakes in oil,
Let's not rush to eat.
Here is such a parsley,
Happy Shrovetide, my dear!

♦ Like this carnival
I will bake a loaf
So that everything has enough light
And beloved friend.

And I wish you
So that there is prosperity in the house.
So that always, without despondency,
Have fun and live honestly!

♦ We will burn a scarecrow,
Let's drive the winter away.
We will drink with you
And eat pancakes.

I congratulate you today
I wish you on Maslenitsa
Enough to eat pancakes
And warmed by the warmth of the fire!

♦ This holiday brought joy to everyone's house,
Such a long-awaited sweetness,
The aroma of pancakes wrapped at home,
Around the laughter of girls, guys.

So let's celebrate Maslenitsa together,
We'll bake two hundred pancakes,
I wish you, brothers, happiness,
May there be no bad weather in your life!

♦ Happy Maslenitsa, friends!
All relatives gathered today,
This is a national holiday
No one will be hungry today.

Let's bake pancakes together
For all Cheese Pie Week,
And we will walk, have fun,
Sing songs, tell stories.

♦ Our people - I give you my word! -
For a long time from year to year
At the end of the harsh winter
Looking forward to Maslenitsa!

Winter day is frosty
Damn like the sun - a yellow circle,
And it remains for me to say:
With Maslena you, my friend!

♦ Great post soon, soon,
And until Easter we
Do not eat pickles -
Just look around;

In the meantime, it's easy, free
Maslenitsa rushes to the dance,
What am I with today
And I want to congratulate you!

♦ Paradise for the population of the entire large country -
Everyone eats pancakes all week long!

Mother-in-law, and sister-in-law, and mother-in-law, and son-in-law -
All guests are invited! Don't forget to take

A good bottle is no accident:
To remember longer even in the days of fasting

Warm company, delicious food ...
With Maslenitsa, in general! I'm leading to this!

♦ Once upon a time Russians
(I'm talking about men)
Having eaten pancakes with sour cream,
They fought with fists.

Those days are gone and we won't
Break the order now;
We, quietly drinking, will tell people:
Hey people! Happy Maslenitsa!

♦ The holiday has a deep meaning
And the meeting of Zimushka with Spring,
Therefore, our people love
On Maslyana walk in a crowd!

And wishes are simple
People send each other on holiday:
Let the relatives be healthy
And in the house - satiety and comfort.

♦ Happy Maslenitsa! Comfort and warmth!
So that life is both full and joyful!

♦ Today is a festive and delicious day!
Maslenitsa, a holiday - the day of pancakes!
Here I congratulate you!
We will sing songs to the roosters.

And then comes the great post,
And then think about the eternal.
Let's have some fun today
Maslenitsa is a holiday for the careless!

♦ The air smelled of spring
Or do pancakes smell like that?
We are celebrating Shrovetide
In anticipation of spring.

And the frost is such a prankster
Stings the nose, does not lag behind.
May this holiday be wonderful
It will bring you joy.

♦ At the end of winter, before Lent
Our people have been walking for a long time.
Delicious Maslenitsa comes to us,
She is generous, dances and sings.

Congratulations on the holiday of hope
Let the winter and cold go.
Let Maslenitsa bring joy
And eyes always shine with happiness!

♦ Winter is leaving, have fun folks!
Shrovetide rings with joy.
Jokes, laughter, music, fun.
Before Lent, the festivities are in full swing.

Happy holiday to you
We will eat plenty of pancakes.
Look, spring is just around the corner
Let happiness stir your blood.

♦ Last winter days
Lives not alone:
We all follow her
We wish you a rest!

And now we're waiting for spring
Already traces of her are visible!
Let it warm us with you.
With Shrovetide! And with Spring!

♦ Winter has come to an end.
And you can all week
See her off with pancakes
With fun and merriment.

I want you on this holiday
congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Let him be happy!
Let him have fun

And raise the mood
And set up for spring!
It's good that we can
Arrange festivities!

♦ We are waiting for you at Maslenitsa!
Let's meet with a butter pancake,
Cheese, honey, kalach
Yes, with cabbage pie.

The Great Fast awaits all of us,
Eat up, people!
Walk all week
Eat all stocks.

And the Forgiveness Day will come,
We are not too lazy to bow,
Come Sunday -
We will ask for forgiveness

To remove all sins from the soul,
Meet fasting with a pure heart.
Let's seal friendship with a kiss
Even though we don't fight

After all, on Maslenitsa you need
Strengthen friendship with love.
Come visit us
We will be glad to guests!

♦ Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we cordially invite:
Throw all worries
Come to visit,

Straight to our front porch
To us for Maslenitsa.
See for yourself:
Let's eat pancakes

On sour cream donuts,
Lush pies,
February - wave,
Martha - "hello" say.

♦ Happy Shrovetide, we congratulate you,
The time has come for the pies to rule.
Without pancakes, the farewell of winter will not work,
We invite you to the song, to the joke, to the joy!

♦ Baked pancakes in the oven
On Shrovetide week
I hurry to come to you
I'm visiting, in fact.

Eat delicious pancakes
Drink fine wine
Dancing with you all evening
Have fun, sing and walk.

♦ Today we drive out winter together!
It's time to lead the spring!
Let's have fun on Maslenitsa!
Kids frolic in the cold!
We invite you, dear guests!
Let's celebrate the holiday together!
We serve hot pancakes!
Let's congratulate each other on spring!

♦ Girlfriend, I invite you to pancakes!
Let's celebrate this day with you!
Pancakes are wonderful - delicious, lush,
I baked a lot, because I'm not lazy!
Happy Maslenitsa, dear, to you.
Let's sit down for tea, as we used to!
Be healthy, happy, loved.
And in life, so that everything is enough for you.

♦ Like Shrovetide
Pancakes flew out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Shrovetide, treat!
Give everyone pancakes.
From the heat, from the heat - take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

♦ Soon the sleepy land will open its wings,
Awakening will come with the cry of a crane;

February itself recognizes the change of days,
Through the heavenly veil, solar horses

Sends, like messengers, Spring to gray houses:
- Wake up from sleep! she says.

And dead ice melts in the cold hearts.
A trio in bells rushes - Maslenitsa move ...

♦ Turn around, swing - oh, walk the soul!
Life is like an apple on a saucer - wonderfully good!

In the cold, the scarlet complexion glows with heat.
Today is Maslenitsa week, Maslenitsa!

It pulls with a warm, delicious spirit, the sun beckons.
And it took off, as if with joy at its zenith.

An endless stream of motley round dance.
And until the lean period amuses the stomach.

Help yourself - with honey, with butter, spicy and tasty,
A generous slide of satin - these are pancakes for you!

♦ Pancakes are being baked... There is a cheerful child...
On Maslenitsa, fast is everywhere!
Today in Russia, as they say,
Forgiveness Holy Sunday!

And so, in the name of such a day,
Kohl was guilty of something,
Forgive me, please!
And I forgive you for everything!

♦ Today we rejoice -
Saying goodbye to winter
With pies and pancakes
In the noise of a cute mess.

Sledges are flying down the hill,
The eyes of a girl are burning
Songs, dances and festivities
What a day in a row.

Young people are not too lazy to look
Named all day:
Grooms - girls
And brides - guys,

And at the mother-in-law on pancakes
The son-in-law grunted contentedly: - Ah!
Ate, probably, about forty pieces -
What a festive swing!

This is Carnival
Miracle - Maslenitsa.

♦ Like a red maiden
Carnival has come to us!
So let's have some fun
After all, she brought us
Wonderful hotels.
Here, look: caviar, pancakes.
Only happy faces
This day must be celebrated!

♦ Drink, walk, my friend today -
Shrovetide at the gate
Many blessings of the Lord
Let this day carry.

A mountain of ruddy pancakes,
A sea of ​​loyal friends
And also - from the happiness of drunks,
Fun people!

♦ People have fun on Maslenitsa,
The girls are walking and dancing
And for the guys - pancakes and more,
After all, you need to walk longer!

Sour cream, jam and honey -
All this goes well with pancakes.
Hurry up and fly
Celebrate the holiday with us!

♦ Winter meets spring
On this frosty day
On the streets crowded people
And don't be lazy to celebrate.
They know that spring will come
Her footsteps are heard!
And this means that with winter
We must forgive!

♦ Maslenitsa, what a day:
pancake flavors,
And folk festivals
Noisy and long!
Congratulations on this day
Everyone we live next to
Everyone who is far away
And won't try pancakes!

♦ Stir, brothers, dough,
After all, the end of winter has come.
From now on she will have a place
Except in Kolyma.

Drunk face to drunken face
Stand on Shrovetide in a row.
You can't spoil vodka with oil,
As the people say.

Soon-soon crane
The wedge will crawl back.
So on a pancake holiday
Spread out like a pancake!

♦ Morning... MONDAY... "MEETING" is coming.
Bright sleds glide from the hills.
All day fun. Evening is coming...
Having rolled in plenty, they eat all the pancakes.

"ZAGRYSH" careless - TUESDAY joy.
All walk, frolic came out as one!
Games and fun, and for them - a reward:
Sweet and ruddy Shrovetide pancake!

Here WEDNESDAY fits - "Gourmet" is called.
Each hostess conjures at the stove.
Kulebyaki, syrniki - they succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes - all swords on the table!

And on THURSDAY - the wild "Razgulyay" comes.
Ice fortresses, snow fights...
Troikas with bells enter the fields.
Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed.

FRIDAY has come - "EVENINGS at the mother-in-law" ...
Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!
Eat with caviar and salmon, it can be a little simpler,
We ate with sour cream, honey, butter.

All relatives meet, lead a round dance.
The holiday continues, the general fun.
Gloriously seeing off Zimushka people!

SUNDAY bright comes quickly.
Everything relieves the soul in the "FORGIVENESS DAY".
Straw scarecrow - Zimushka - is burned,
Having dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt ...

Lush festivities The fair crowns.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
We'll meet Beauty again in a year.
We will celebrate again, treat pancakes!

Look, Shrovetide!