What are the values ​​in the company. Company values ​​are the basis of corporate culture. Happy family life. Health

In many companies, corporate values ​​are like a theory of relativity: everyone knows about their existence, but only a few know what they are. In my opinion, this state of affairs is one of the most unforgivable mistakes that a leader can make.

Corporate values ​​perform the same task in the company as morality in society: they allow it to exist and develop. Thus, a company in which corporate values ​​exist only formally will inevitably prove unviable in the long run.

There may be several reasons why some Russian companies have not paid enough attention to corporate values ​​until recently. On the one hand, people who grew up before and during the reforms of the 1990s acquired a strong aversion to the imposition of any moral principles "from above". On the other hand, everyone was in such a hurry to develop and earn money that there was simply no time to form values, and many probably did not think about the long term.

However, if you look at large global companies, it becomes obvious that corporate values ​​and corporate culture in general are really important for them and play a significant role in organizing employee relationships, building business processes, strategic planning and decision making. And in this regard, the experience of Microsoft is very indicative. The company's values ​​describe its unique characteristics and the specific work that distinguishes Microsoft and allows it to remain a leader in a dynamic and highly competitive IT market for so many years.

Any person who starts working at Microsoft gets acquainted with the values ​​of the company and decides to what extent they suit him personally, whether he is ready to share them. And this is not a formal procedure, but a really important stage in the work of our HR managers. Of course, any readiness and interest can be imitated. However, experience shows that employees who do not show sufficient sincerity and attention at this stage end up with great difficulties in their work. And this is just a good demonstration of the fact that corporate values ​​are not just postulated, but also function. Personally, when deciding to work at Microsoft, I considered corporate values ​​as one of the most important selection criteria. And, of course, the coincidence of my personal values ​​with the values ​​of the company could not but inspire.

It is very important that a person is sincerely imbued with values. To do this, they must correlate with his own moral standards, social aspirations and understanding of the personal path of development. It seems to me that anyone who is interested in his work, professional growth and new experience will be able to understand and share the corporate values ​​of Microsoft. And this, in turn, is an excellent description of most good specialists. However, judge for yourself.


It seems to me that this is one of the key values, since it was it that did not allow the company to rest on its laurels and forced it to repeatedly change the fundamental principles and directions of business development. By the way, this principle exists literally at all levels. For example, when I write a report, I need to point out shortcomings, areas for improvement, even if the overall results are excellent.

A responsibility

Anyone who works at Microsoft represents the company and is responsible to more than a billion of the company's customers and partners. And this means that he must be ready for professional hard work. And here we are not talking about the responsibility for show, which makes many lazy people come to work first, but about the fundamental inability to perform their work worse than a certain professional level.

Willingness to take on complex tasks

Willingness to solve complex problems, setting ambitious goals, is not so common. Many people simply feel uncomfortable working when they are constantly required to make decisions, improve their knowledge, and master new directions. However, this is exactly what many people like, it does not allow you to get bored and gives a feeling of satisfaction with yourself and the work done. I myself do not like routine and sincerely admire people who can set grandiose tasks, like "A computer is in every home, on every desktop." When I joined the company, I started by setting one of those big goals: to double the business in Russia. And today we are confidently moving towards its achievement.

Commitment to technologies, interests of customers and partners

Probably, in certain areas you can be a good specialist, doing what you are not too interested in. I know that some even see this as one of the hallmarks of a true professional. This can be discussed. But I am sure of the opposite: a person who is not interested in technology cannot work effectively and professionally in a leading IT company.

Honesty and openness

This value coincides with generally accepted norms of morality that exist in society. However, its significance within the company is that its reputation is made up not only of the consumer properties of products and the value of shares, but also of those human, civic qualities that its employees possess.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, as always, I am interested in dialogue. You may not agree with some of what has been said. Maybe, in your opinion, corporate values ​​are just a brainwashing tool, or do you think that only large companies need them, and medium-sized businesses do just fine without them? Perhaps you know examples of successful companies in which the main corporate value is the absence of corporate values, or have you personally encountered original, non-standard ways of their formation?

In many companies, corporate values ​​are like a theory of relativity: everyone knows about their existence, but only a few know what they are. In my opinion, this state of affairs is one of the most unforgivable mistakes that a leader can make.

Corporate values ​​perform the same task in the company as morality in society: they allow it to exist and develop. Thus, a company in which corporate values ​​exist only formally will inevitably prove unviable in the long run.

There may be several reasons why some Russian companies have not paid enough attention to corporate values ​​until recently. On the one hand, people who grew up before and during the reforms of the 1990s acquired a strong aversion to the imposition of any moral principles "from above". On the other hand, everyone was in such a hurry to develop and earn money that there was simply no time for the formation of values, and many probably did not think about the long term.

However, if you look at large global companies, it becomes obvious that corporate values ​​and corporate culture in general are really important for them and play a significant role in organizing employee relationships, building business processes, strategic planning and decision making. And in this regard, the experience of Microsoft is very indicative. The company's values ​​describe its unique characteristics and the specific work that distinguishes Microsoft and allows it to remain a leader in a dynamic and highly competitive IT market for so many years.

Any person who starts working at Microsoft gets acquainted with the values ​​of the company and decides to what extent they suit him personally, whether he is ready to share them. And this is not a formal procedure, but a really important stage in the work of our HR managers. Of course, any readiness and interest can be imitated. However, experience shows that employees who do not show sufficient sincerity and attention at this stage end up with great difficulties in their work. And this is just a good demonstration of the fact that corporate values ​​are not just postulated, but also function. Personally, when deciding to work at Microsoft, I considered corporate values ​​as one of the most important selection criteria. And, of course, the coincidence of my personal values ​​with the values ​​of the company could not but inspire.

It is very important that a person is sincerely imbued with values. To do this, they must correlate with his own moral standards, social aspirations and understanding of the personal path of development. It seems to me that anyone who is interested in his work, professional growth and new experience will be able to understand and share the corporate values ​​of Microsoft. And this, in turn, is an excellent description of most good specialists. However, judge for yourself.


It seems to me that this is one of the key values, since it was it that did not allow the company to rest on its laurels and forced it to repeatedly change the fundamental principles and directions of business development. By the way, this principle exists literally at all levels. For example, when I write a report, I need to point out shortcomings, areas for improvement, even if the overall results are excellent.

A responsibility

Anyone who works at Microsoft represents the company and is responsible to more than a billion of the company's customers and partners. And this means that he must be ready for professional hard work. And here we are not talking about the responsibility for show, which makes many lazy people come to work first, but about the fundamental inability to perform their work worse than a certain professional level.

Willingness to take on complex tasks

Willingness to solve complex problems, setting ambitious goals, is not so common. Many people simply feel uncomfortable working when they are constantly required to make decisions, improve their knowledge, and master new directions. However, this is exactly what many like, it does not allow you to get bored and gives a feeling of satisfaction with yourself and the work done. I myself do not like routine and sincerely admire people who can set grandiose tasks like "Computer - in every home, on every desktop." When I joined the company, I started by setting one of those big goals: to double the business in Russia. And today we are confidently moving towards its achievement.

Commitment to technologies, interests of customers and partners

Probably, in certain areas you can be a good specialist, doing what you are not too interested in. I know that some even see this as one of the hallmarks of a true professional. This can be discussed. But I am sure of the opposite: a person who is not interested in technology cannot work effectively and professionally in a leading IT company.

Honesty and openness

This value coincides with generally accepted norms of morality that exist in society. However, its significance within the company is that its reputation is made up not only of the consumer properties of products and the value of shares, but also of those human, civic qualities that its employees possess.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, as always, I am interested in dialogue. You may not agree with some of what has been said. Maybe, in your opinion, corporate values ​​are just a brainwashing tool, or do you think that only large companies need them, and medium-sized businesses do just fine without them? Perhaps you know examples of successful companies in which the main corporate value is the absence of corporate values, or have you personally encountered original, non-standard ways of their formation?

In this article, you will learn why values ​​are a tool for the operational management of companies, and get acquainted with examples of values ​​​​from different areas. After reading this material, you will be able to develop the values ​​of your company yourself!

1. Values ​​are a tool for the operational management of a company.

Surprised? However, it is. I don't presume to judge the reason why values ​​are often referred to as "a free application to the strategy, for show." But this is a powerful assistant in the implementation of the strategy! To begin with, here are the most popular misconceptions about values ​​that we regularly hear:

  • Values ​​are necessary for strategy, because it is written in management books.
  • The development of values ​​can be entrusted to external consultants (HR director, marketing department, etc.). (I'm not kidding, these are real examples).
  • There is a list of standard values, you can choose those that suit our company.
  • There should be five values.
  • Values ​​have nothing to do with running a company.
  • After developing the value, you can simply send it to all employees by mail.
  • It is enough to write the values ​​​​and place them on the site.

This list can go on, but here is what we have heard dozens of times. I consider it important to dispel all these misconceptions. To do this, let's start with a general definition of values. Values(value, gaiding principles) - these are general directives that establish the foundations of how an organization carries out operational management.

Simply put, values ​​help determine how to behave in a situation of uncertainty, indicate direction and coordinate movement. Values ​​- this is what creates in the company "management by concepts", which is "management by values".

Why is it important for an organization to have strong values ​​and clear rules (or principles) that specify them?

There are many stories of stable companies that stick to the same values ​​for years. In companies with a strong corporate culture, values ​​become the "core rules of the game" that help companies weather crisis years and maintain a strong corporate culture.

You can read more about these core rules in Jim Collins and Morten Huntchen's Great by Choice (MYTH, 2013). Collins calls them "SMaK": "The rules of SMaK are not a strategy, not a culture, not a value system, not a goal and not a means ... The recipe for SMaK also includes prohibitions - what should not be done".

Companies such as Apple (under the leadership of Steve Jobs), Intel, Microsoft, Southwest Airlines strictly followed their key principles, without retreating or changing them. This allowed them to quickly navigate difficult moments, select employees who meet these principles, and win the market despite mistakes and blunders.

An example of a Southwest Airlines CMaK recipe:

  1. We remain a carrier for short distances, flights lasting no more than two hours
  2. Boeing 737 will be our main aircraft for the next 10-12 years
  3. We maintain a high level of aircraft operation and short pauses between flights, in most cases 10 minutes is enough
  4. Our main product is the passenger. We refuse cargo and mail, with the exception of small parcels with low cost and high profitability
  5. We keep the ticket price low and frequent flights
  6. We do not serve food on board
  7. Uncooperative on ticket sales, fares and computers, our unique airports do not accept other flights
  8. Texas remains the main territory for us, we go outside the state only where there is an accessible niche for us with frequent and short-haul flights
  9. We preserve the family atmosphere of the company, do not stop joking. We are proud of our employees
  10. Be simple. Save your ticketing at the box office…

On the other hand, there are companies in which top management involves the employees of the company in the development of values. For example, Enter (enter.ru) did the following:

"We have our own approach to the spiritual component of the company. We wrote the mission and values ​​ourselves. Each employee is directly related to them. For us, this is not a brass plate with words on the wall, for us these are the principles of daily communication and work with each other and with partners .

Our values

Result - YES!

I have goals, they are limited by time and have clear parameters. By taking actions and making decisions, I make sure that they bring me closer to my goals. Within the framework of a commercial organization, everything is measurable, the result is a clear and obvious thing. Therefore, I want to answer the question “Done?” Always proudly answer “Yes!”. I perceive the goals of the team and the company as my own, regardless of the role that I occupy in the team. I think like an entrepreneur who cares about his business.


I feel part of the team and emotionally connected to it. It is important for me to be involved, it is important to share with the team both dizzying successes and the consequences of mistakes. I support the team leaders, I am attentive to the initiatives of other members, I understand my role in the team and I am ready to fulfill it in the best possible way.

Instead of waiting for someone "in charge of the process" to make a decision and direct the team, I'm ready to take the lead. I consider myself the author of what is happening, and I consider all external obstacles as conditions of the problem. I am ready to support those who doubt their abilities, offer solutions, be a leader regardless of my formal status.


Usually I find it easier to solve problems in proven ways, but the world changes quickly, and the chosen habits no longer work. Therefore, I am ready to hear alternative opinions, especially if these opinions do not agree with mine. I am ready to act in a new way and bring freshness. If you close yourself from everything new, you can very quickly become the past. My goal is to be the future. I am a source of new ideas, a person who actively improves processes. I offer fresh solutions to my colleagues and partners. For me, the search for new ideas and ways is an important and constant part of my work. I understand that to stop changing means to stop your growth and the development of your company.

Joy - YES!

I look for inspiration in my even small successes and successes of my colleagues, I strive to enjoy interaction with like-minded people, people who are close to me in spirit. It is important for me to feel joy in what I do.

I choose to be a source of joy no matter the circumstances. Difficulties in work can be seen as a reason to fall into despondency and create around yourself an atmosphere of decline and tension. But my choice is a positive attitude. Faced with obstacles, I look for solutions. Creating joy is a way for me to be more efficient and enjoy life more.

Speed ​​- YES!

I am ready to maintain the pace proposed by the partners. I understand that our overall speed depends on the results in my area. It is important for me to fulfill my obligations within the agreed time frame. I offer ambitious deadlines, looking for ways to increase the speed of solving problems.

All this formed the basis of our Philosophy "YES"!

Values ​​make sense when I use them to evaluate MY performance. The most useless thing about values ​​is to watch how others manifest themselves in them. It is important when I myself understand how much I correspond to the values ​​of the company, how much I myself am a team player. A significant part of the manifestations in our values ​​is feedback. In fact, it is any reaction of people to my actions and my reaction to the actions of people around me. I give it and I receive it. When I give feedback, it is important to ensure that it is done in a positive, welcoming atmosphere and with the consent of the person to whom I am giving it. It is also important for the team how I respond to feedback: the willingness to listen and accept."

Without clear value-oriented messages, it is difficult to build a strong corporate culture and a team of like-minded people. If you think of an organization as a building, then values ​​are the foundation. When an organization clearly understands its advantages and the basic rules that express the nature of the organization, it becomes clear who is suitable for such an organization and who is not, how to behave in a given situation.

Why are values ​​needed?

  1. Values ​​are the basic elements of corporate culture
  2. Values ​​increase the attractiveness of the company in the face of potential candidates (corresponding to the corporate culture)
  3. Values ​​allow you to build a management system that does not require constant "manual control" and high regulation
  4. Values ​​help to create a culture in which employees begin to "think" and be guided in decision making by principles or rules.
  5. Values ​​Help Execute Strategy

2. Examples of values ​​from different fields

Consider examples. According to Michael Wilkinson (a recognized specialist in group work and strategic management), the formula “We believe ... (value). Therefore, we will ... (style of behavior) ”is a standard format for combining values ​​\u200b\u200band rules (principles) (Michael Wilkinson. The Executive guide to facilitating strategy). Notice the different ways in which these principles are structured, how the value is articulated, and the behavior that supports that value.

Continuous development

We are committed to continuous development. Therefore, we will try not to repeat the same mistakes. If a mistake is made, we will not only fix it, but also try to understand why the mistake happened and what we should do to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Socially responsible company

We conduct our business in a socially responsible and ethical manner. We respect the law, support universal human rights, protect the environment, and help the communities in which we operate.

Socially responsible company

We are committed to making this world a better place by participating in our community.

Customer service

Because we value our customers, we:

  • put our customers first;
  • we do our best to meet the needs of our customers;
  • provide unparalleled customer service; treat our clients with respect and dignity;
  • we continue to “date” with our clients on an ongoing basis even after the establishment of a business relationship;
  • behave courteously with our customers; we listen to our clients;
  • We respond to our customers in a timely manner.

Customer service

We do not forget that our clients are our leaders and that they pay us a salary. We are responsive, courteous, skilled and punctual.

Customer service

We provide an unparalleled service with a fanatical eye for order and detail.


We give our all, working harder and harder than our competitors to help our organization succeed.


Every day we carry out our work with all possible passion and energy.

Bringing it to the end

We do what we are going to do. Bringing the matter to the end and mastery of execution is our goal.

Industry Leaders

We believe that the effectiveness of industry leaders depends on investing in innovative ideas. Therefore we will:

  • interact with our customers to understand and respond to their changing needs;
  • look for new opportunities;
  • create and maintain partnerships;
  • strive to be at the forefront of the industry.


We do everything right, even if no one is watching us. We strive to maintain a high level of integrity and consistency in our relationships with clients and within our team. Lack of integrity is unacceptable.


Ethics and integrity govern our conduct in dealing with customers, team members, suppliers and our company.


We believe in progressive leadership - in leaders who understand that their task is to increase the effectiveness of their employees. Therefore we will:

  • on top as leaders;
  • make guiding decisions according to the list (eg ethics, feasibility, legitimacy, impact);
  • consistent in the decision-making process;
  • increase our resources, both human and financial;
  • evaluate the work of employees according to the results of their activities.

Needs Oriented

We consider the needs of our customers not just to meet their requirements. We strive to understand the deep needs of our customers in order to be sure that we offer truly working solutions.


We listen to the ideas of others and encourage open dialogue.

Owner mindset

We believe in the owner mindset. We use the company's money as our own. We economically spend our time only on activities that generate income for the company.

Work performance standards

We value high standards of work performance. Therefore we will:

  • reward employees for exceptional performance;
  • take responsibility for the performance of their work;
  • welcome innovation and creativity; cost effective;
  • Demonstrate professional behavior at all times (e.g. dress appropriately, be punctual).

Personal responsibility

We take personal responsibility. If we have a problem, we take responsibility for solving it (rather than complaining to others or giving up). If we make mistakes, we acknowledge our responsibility for them.

Professional ethics

We believe that integrity is essential in all aspects of our business. That's why we:

  • polite and honest;
  • share and comply with ethical standards;
  • We do not show favoritism and discrimination.

Skill level

We strive for high levels of qualification, develop competence in all aspects of our work, using personal and professional training. We are looking for knowledge.


Everything we do bears the mark of the highest quality. We plan well – our activities, people and technology are of high quality. We do not hand over the work until we are sure that it is ready.


We support working conditions that minimize hazards, risks and injuries.


We maintain a positive attitude in the team. We are positive in communication, sharing support, information and advice with each other, instead of thinking only about ourselves and bringing negative energy into the workplace. No pessimism.


  • We believe in the value of teamwork. Therefore, we support working conditions conducive to:
  • constructive and effective communication throughout the organization;
  • respect for diversity of opinion;
  • participation in affairs and cooperation;
  • innovation;
  • strict observance of deadlines for completion of work.

3. Step-by-step algorithm for developing values

Step 1. Agree on concepts.

Explain what values ​​are and why the company and each of your team members need them.

Step 2 Determine the preferred style of behavior in your company.

Offer employees a scenario in which they should imagine someone from the organization who embodies its values ​​and culture. Write down the characteristics he has, what he does, what he doesn't do.

Step 3 Describe the unwanted behavior.

Now that you've established your preferred behavior, the next step is to define your unwanted behavior. Describe a scenario in which team members help a newcomer to adapt to the team. Ask them to tell the new team member about what behavior in the organization is not encouraged, not accepted, not liked, for which they can even be fired.

Step 4 Define values.

Ask them to classify positive characteristics and unacceptable actions into logical categories. These categories typically represent the values ​​of the organization and serve as a starting point for core principles.

Step 5 Highlight the basic principles (rules).

To highlight core principles, take each category and create core principles using the “We believe…(value)” format. Therefore, we will… (behavior style)” as a model. To save time, you can isolate the first principle as a whole group, and then use separate groups to develop the rest.

Step 6 Check the values ​​and rules (principles) for clarity and simplicity of wording, completeness and accuracy.

Do the values ​​express the difference between your company and competitors and other companies in the market? Are actions consistent with values ​​clear? Are all statements simple and clear?

In order not to forget something important, you can use a simple checklist:

  • Values ​​for clients
  • Values ​​for the owner/shareholders
  • Values ​​for company employees
  • Values ​​for society


Step 7 Develop an action plan.

The final step in the process of creating core principles is to determine the strategies you and your team will use to bring the core principles from paper to life. Start by reviewing the strategies used by other organizations. Then brainstorm strategies that could be used, and then choose which ones you will use.

Agree on the next step for each team member.

4. The role of the leader

The development of values ​​with the involvement of the company's employees allows you to create an environment in which employees themselves contribute to the transmission of values. But this is not enough to transfer values ​​from paper to life. It is important that you, as the leader of the organization, lead the process of developing and translating values.

The simplest ways to make values ​​a part of everyday life are:

  • come up with an acronym that will allow you to remember values ​​faster and better
  • hang valuables in a conspicuous place in the company office(s)
  • make an individual copy of the values ​​​​for each in such a way that it can be constantly used
  • include alignment with values ​​in the selection phase of candidates
  • conduct one-on-one value-match interviews with newcomers
  • write a personal letter to all employees of the company describing what each value means to you personally and why they are important
  • enter the value of the day (month) and talk about it on the internal resource
  • conduct a survey on the attitude to these values ​​among your customers

It is important that you yourself demonstrate alignment with the values ​​​​by your behavior, words, attitude. It is better to have no more than 10 values. After such group work, read all the developed values ​​and think about whether something important is missing. Do all values ​​resonate with you personally?

Find out why company values ​​are needed and what they are. The algorithm will allow you to develop corporate values ​​in a month. And the unique "Book of Values" will help to implement them in the company.

From the article you will learn:

Useful materials on the topic:

Why are company values ​​important?

Company values ​​are a set of business and moral principles shared by all employees. Usually they are formulated in the form of concepts or statements, under which both an ordinary worker and the head of the company are ready to subscribe.

Compare the values ​​of two large companies:

The question arises why the values ​​of the company are needed. Here is a simple example that clearly shows that understanding the values ​​of the team helps to make competent management decisions.

When formulating company values, remember that they make the company attractive to potential employees, customers, and investors. It is part of the company's image and its external brand. If the values ​​of the company are correct, this gives the manager the opportunity to reduce control over the personnel, which means to devote more time to strategic tasks.

But employees are not always ready to follow corporate values. In this case, the main reason is that they are written only on paper.

What are the values ​​of the company

Every company has its own unique set of values. This is what sets it apart from its competitors. This is what attracts new employees to the company and keeps long-term employees in it.

About 50 values ​​are distinguished in the literature on company values: from global “strategic profitability” to specific “responsibility” and “thrift”. To make it easier to understand the values ​​and choose the right ones for your company, it is customary to distinguish four types of values:

1. Core values provide the required level of company efficiency. This is the basic law of the company, it must not be violated for the sake of economic gain.

Core Values ​​Example

  • controllability means "less tasks - more rules", i.e. a large number of orders are replaced by a system of streamlined business procedures;
  • reachability is embodied in the rules “we report on results, not events”, “it is not the experience that is important, but the achievements”.
  • command: “if someone is absent, the rest take over his functions”, “we build relationships according to the principle “Adult - Adult”, and not “Parent - Child”, etc.
  • pace: the value of time - "no tasks without deadlines."

2. Highest values directed to the future, this is what the company strives for. Without these values, the company stops in development. These are "desirable" values.

For example, in a newly created company, where all employees are like-minded and ready to work day and night, such a value as “balancing personal life and work” will not be basic. It will be "desirable", this is what needs to be achieved.

Example of higher values:

  • proactivity, i.e. the ability to anticipate and act proactively. Explain to employees that proactivity is about actions, not talk about the future. For example, a subordinate may come to the manager every day with new ideas on how to complete the project faster and more successfully, instead of doing at least something. This will make the leader angry. But the subordinate may claim to be acting according to the value of "proactive";
  • innovation expressed by the motto: "There is nothing that cannot be improved";
  • clientele: "Don't tell the client "no", but offer options";
  • competitiveness: "Respect, know and outperform your competitor."

List of activities and tasks for the introduction of corporate culture in the organization

3 .Professional values are the values ​​that are sought in job candidates. These are the traits and characteristics without which a new employee will not be able to take root in the company. These are some values ​​that will be a priori common to everyone who starts working in the company. The most common are "Responsibility" and "Communication".

Examples of corporate values:

  • create a good work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity (Starbucks coffee chain).
  • do (live) the mission (Airbnb);
  • be adventurous, creative and open to everything
  • (Zappos - online clothing and footwear store);
  • commitment to the team (consulting firm Bain & Company).

4. Unique values Not all companies have. According to their management, they fundamentally distinguish the company from competitors and attract non-standard employees.

Examples of unique values:

  • live the spirit of adventure (an Airbnb value);
  • not taking each other too seriously (consulting firm Bain & Company);
  • sport is the foundation of everything we do (Adidas) ;
  • call "Wow" thanks to the service (online store of clothes and shoes Zappos).

How to develop company values

We suggest using an algorithm that will allow you to develop and implement corporate values ​​in a month.

Experts advise documenting corporate values ​​if the organization changes ownership or strategy, for example, the business expands.

Step 2. Describe corporate values ​​with the help of the working group.

Form a team that will consist of 80 percent of the leaders and 20 percent of the key employees with the maximum seniority in the company.

Step 3. Present values ​​in groups of up to 50 people.

The staff will not follow the values ​​just because you post them on an internal portal or send them to everyone by corporate mail. It will be more reliable to conduct an interactive presentation. To do this, instruct a business coach to develop games to reinforce values.

Step 4. Get a set of rules from the working group.

Invite the working group to process the rules in the same way as the values: group similar ideas, turn the negative into a positive, check with the strategy and remove the excess.

Step 5. Broadcast the company's values ​​and rules to the entire state.

To ensure that staff in all your branches learn about corporate values, educate managers, implement interactive competitions, accept only like-minded people on the team, remind staff of values, and review these settings once a year.

It is difficult to find something more abstract and ambiguous than the concept of "corporate value". Values ​​are spoken about in the context of company management, and in the context of marketing, and in the context of branding. And the concept of "corporate value" really applies to all of these areas.

In relation to management, value provides guidance for employees and even influences the company's business strategy. In marketing, value is sometimes the main factor that distinguishes a company from its competitors. Equally important is the value of the organization in branding, because in all its communications the company must embody some chosen value (or values) in order to form a certain image. But the importance and at the same time the diversity of the concept gives rise to a serious problem: when different specialists and different areas of activity are involved, the overall picture is blurred up to the loss of meaning, which happened with the concept of “company value”. We met organizations where a list of corporate values ​​was posted in all offices, but this had no effect either on the company's position in the market or on the situation within it. In this article, we will try to bring everything to a common denominator, simplify the principles and show how to find and use this corporate value (or values).

Corporate value - why?

Nowadays, no one is surprised by the terms "mission" and "vision". These concepts have long entered the lexicon of managers who are trying to apply them (with varying degrees of success). Of course, a modern self-respecting company without strategic goals defined by a mission and vision looks rather strange, if not ridiculous. The mission and vision determine the competitive advantages of the company (marketing component), its image in the minds of various consumers and society as a whole (branding component) and the approach to personnel management (motivational component) both in the current and strategic perspective.

There is a certain skepticism about the mission and vision, including among the leaders themselves, who consider these terms “consulting stuff”. The reasons for such skepticism are largely understandable: the proclamation of a mission and vision does not guarantee at least some approximation to their actual implementation. What slows down? Poor elaboration of the concept that determines how it is planned to organize all the forces and resources for the implementation of the Mission and Vision. And here, it is the corporate value (or values) that is seen as the main tool due to its unifying, motivating and guiding role. If the values ​​are not embedded in the consciousness of the worker, he will not be guided by them, that is, he will not work as he should, which means that all declarations will turn out to be empty. Values ​​are a tool that allows you to interpret the mission and vision of the company in a way that is understandable to performers or other persons. And, accordingly, adequate values, correctly introduced into the company, allow creating conditions for achieving its strategic goals. Value "translates" strategic goals into a language understandable to performers.

  • Value or values ​​tell the market how the company differs from competitors, what is its key advantage. For example: "We have the most complete package of services" or "We have the fastest service." Accordingly, the company's efforts must be directed towards achieving and maintaining this position.
  • Value or values ​​should dictate to employees (at least give a common understanding) how to work quickly or meticulously. Hence the motivational policy of the company in relation to personnel, which defines such key issues as “what to punish” and “what to reward”.
  • The value or values ​​embodied in images and symbols show the market what the company and its employees represent in their work. Corporate branding is not an empty decoration with the help of corporate identity, but the formation of the desired image, and the value should determine the creation of such an image using various communication tools.

Thus, the company's values ​​become a tool for the management to achieve strategic goals. Having defined the mission and vision, it is necessary to immediately identify the values ​​that will be implemented in the company and will allow the implementation of the tasks set. However, with this, probably, no one will argue. Difficulties begin when we try to move from theory to practice, from talking about company values ​​to defining them and actually implementing them.

Running in all directions

Try to search for information about the values ​​of the company - and you will drown in the number of links that the search engine will return. There will be company value systems, value management, and so on and so forth. However, try to find an adequate definition of the values ​​of the company - and you will be disappointed: there is not even a semblance of a single vision. What is the basis of all this word-creation about values? On some vague ideas of the authors, no more. However, in management they generally like to operate with abstract terms - you can easily earn the glory of a guru with all the ensuing consequences. However, if we talk about effectiveness, then examples of real help from all this value verbiage are difficult to find, if they exist at all. The authors of management treatises on values ​​seem to live in some kind of fictional world and certainly do not know what they are doing. We hope that the reader, having mastered the ideas of this article, will agree with us.

Both management and marketing with branding in this case are directly related to a number of aspects of managing society in a micro or macro format. Therefore, the most correct thing is to take the definition of values ​​adopted in social psychology. According to D.A. Leontiev, the concept of "personal value" implies three forms of existence. The first is social ideals , general ideas about perfection, proper and correct in relation to various aspects of life, existing in the group. The second form is the substantive embodiment of social ideals in the activities of specific people. The third form is the motivational structures of the personality (individual models of the proper, perfect, correct), which encourage her to follow ideals in her behavior. These three forms, due to interweaving and mutual influence, lead to the preservation or destruction of each other.

Simply put, for a person to work well, first, in his group there must be a clear idea of ​​​​what it is to work well, and that it is right to work well. Secondly, this vision needs to be visually translated into reality, whether it be clear instructions or actual role models. Then a person will accept this value, such a social standard as an individual one and will himself be guided by it in his activities (constantly checking this value as a social ideal and the objects in which it is embodied).

A similar situation develops when we are not talking about a group of company employees (in the context of management), but about a group of potential and real consumers (representatives of other companies, market participants). This group also has its own set of ideas about what it means to work correctly, there are subject incarnations before their eyes (companies that work correctly or incorrectly - in their opinion). In real actions (for example, choosing a partner), they are also motivated by these ideas about what is due and which companies correspond to these ideas (“black” and “gray” schemes of work, we will exclude from consideration as they do not correspond to business ethics).

The thinking practitioner of management, after reading the previous paragraph, should immediately see how important values ​​are and how difficult it is to form them. We need a system of internal propaganda, a system of employee motivation (both material and non-material), a system of feedback and control, and a system of external communication. In the end, even the approach to the work of the company as such needs to be changed so that such a seemingly simple and understandable phrase as “keep deadlines” is assimilated and becomes a standard for employees. Even a single change in the principles of the company's work requires a huge amount of effort to implement. And now you can look at the mentality of various "gurus". As a rule, whole systems of values ​​appear there, or at least a set of several values. Of course, it is impossible to correctly and successfully (!) introduce several concepts into a group at the same time - a group, whether employees or customers, simply will not learn this. In order for certain statements to become real personal values ​​that define certain aspects of behavior (work), they must be consistent, clear, unambiguous, constantly promoted and encouraged. For some reason, neither managers nor consultants understand such an elementary thing, therefore, attempts are constantly being made to introduce mutually exclusive values ​​(for example, the speed of work and its quality). Alas, this always remains just a shaking of the air: several values ​​​​are not assimilated, social reality is not changed by mere appeals.

Thus, the values ​​of the company have become an empty ring, meaningless chatter, behind which only puffed out cheeks of clever "gurus" are visible. However, all this fine-hearted nonsense can still be seen on company websites and in the offices of individual bosses: “Our values ​​​​are friendliness, quality, efficiency, respect for the client and the high competence of our employees.” But to introduce at least one concept into the minds of employees and representatives of other companies requires a very difficult and lengthy program at the level of strategy and tactics. What is being done? Perhaps they printed signs with values, posted them on the website, the personnel officer periodically tries to educate the people, fired a couple "who did not share the values." And it's good if the hymns are not sung and the chants are not shouted ... And the result? Either it is not visible, or it has been achieved not at all due to the fact that values ​​have somehow changed, but because the screws have been tightened and even threatened with dismissal.

Russian business, like Russian reality, when studied in depth, is very reminiscent of a cargo cult (from the English cargo cult - “worship of cargo.” In cargo cults, the inhabitants of Melanesia performed rituals similar to the actions of white people, in anticipation of a similar effect: the arrival of an airplane with cargo, etc. In other words, a cargo cult is a copying of external manifestations and rituals in the hope of repeating the effect caused by other reasons). Some democratic institutions are blindly copied in Russia in the expectation that our lives will change. Without creating a system that allows these institutions to work. Managerial theories are also copied - without understanding their inner essence, in the expectation that this will somehow help. For example, consider the value system of one company, taken from its corporate website. Let's skip the usual talk about leadership and "the customer is our king." So, the following values ​​are given on the site (given with short descriptions).

High quality products.

Impeccable service.

The company's customer focus.

A responsibility.


Constant development.





Uniform communication standards. Courtesy to each other.

Equality of opportunity. Democracy.

Respect for the right to private property.


Initiative, creativity.

Speed ​​in everything and simplification of everything that can be simplified.

Constantly change and change everything around.

Ambitious goals and achieving them.

Clothing culture is business style.


Perseverance in achieving the goal.

Foresight and planning.

Commitment to high standards and the desire to improve them in communication and business.





loyalty and patriotism.

Global thinking.

Professional and personal development.

Clean tables. Order in the head - order in everything.


Smiling is our constant mood at work.

Some of these 33 values ​​contradict each other (speed and quality), some duplicate each other (order and punctuality), others are incomprehensible (constantly changing), and some are simply meaningless in the context of the company's work (indifference). There is no other way to call it insanity. The only reassurance is that most likely no one is involved in the introduction of such madness in the company, otherwise its office would turn into a kind of hybrid of a mental hospital and a totalitarian sect. Why is such verbiage posted on the company's website and, perhaps, appearing in corporate documents? Otherwise, this cannot be explained by a cargo cult.

For comparison, you can bring the value system of the Disney company.

No cynicism.

Education of all-American values ​​and their propaganda.

Creativity, dreams and imagination.

Fanatical attention to sequence and detail.

Preserving and managing Disney's "magic".

Agree, nothing superfluous on the one hand, and a clear understanding of how it should be, on the other. These values ​​can be seen in work at any level, tracked and controlled; adherence to these values ​​can be encouraged. And it is very easy to believe that such concepts really determine both the company's activities in the market and the approach of each employee involved in the creation of the product. However, the Disney company has existed for quite a long time, and these values ​​have already managed to take root in its life, have grown along with the company. In our organizations, which do not have a long history of following the chosen path, you need to start with the introduction of a single value that will be the first step in the right direction - simple, understandable to employees and relevant to the company. Only then it will be possible to think over an adequate scheme for its implementation and see the effect.

Value: what comes first

However, another problem arises here: the value is still too diverse a concept (for the development of the company as a whole it is one thing, for the staff - another, for the market - the third), which also complicates the search for the desired value and provokes the creation of awkward lists of values ​​containing mutually exclusive paragraphs. As a result, in the presence of all kinds of values, their influence tends to zero. If people do not understand the simplest (and they cannot understand this because of the contradictory requirements), then the work will not be done quickly and efficiently, but “somehow, as it will turn out.” Of course, the attitude towards the company will be appropriate, despite all the appeals about “friendliness”, “king client”, “social responsibility”, regular motivational trainings, strategic sessions and similar tricks.

So, when looking for value, the first step is to prioritize. What is the priority for the company? Business first, of course. Therefore, the most important is the corporate value, which determines the key difference of the company from competitors. Based on it, it is already necessary to form the correct guidelines for employees, giving the same corporate value for internal use. Accordingly, based on the chosen value, it is necessary to create a corporate brand so that it embodies this concept. This critical market benchmark must also be taken into account when developing a strategy, with the aim of achieving and maintaining such a perception in the eyes of potential and actual consumers. In other words, all sorts of specialists in management, branding and even strategy will have to be pushed aside. In this matter, marketers should steer, especially since the search for corporate value from the point of view of marketing is quite simple and understandable.

Corporate value in this context is, by and large, only the answer to the question “What are we?”. Positioning answers the question “Who are we and what do we do?”, while value clarifies the positioning of the company by answering the question “How do we do it?”. In the corporate market, there is little or no difference between the products presented by different companies. Of course, one can cite as an example global monopolists with exclusive developments that have no analogues. But for most companies, such examples are absurd. In the corporate market, the product itself is in most cases deeply secondary; competitors can always find a more or less exact analogue or substitute. It is not uncommon for the product of all participants in a particular market to be simply identical due to standardization or other reasons.

Due to the described features of the corporate market, the focus is shifting from the sale of a specific product to the sale of a company as a product, a brand with its own ideology and reputation, to building relationships, building trust in the right way. It all starts with initial market statements about "who we are" and, more importantly, "what we are" and ends with retaining the acquired customers exactly as promised. In this context, corporate value is the core on which, like a skewer, communication, employee work principles, and market goals are strung. In the corporate market, the main commodity is not the product of the company, since it can always be replaced, but trust, which is valued above all (unless, of course, relying only on dumping or illegal schemes). For a large company, the process of creating an image and trust must also be streamlined.

Value: search engine

We repeat once again: there may be several values, of course, but it is better that it be one concept. The simpler we formulate the corporate value, the easier it will be to convey it to all participants in the process (from employees to customers), the clearer it will be, therefore we strongly advise you to throw those corporate values ​​that you have already found or identified into a landfill. Much can be complicated, but the strength lies in simplicity and clarity.

Now comes the question of value-search space. So, on the one hand, values ​​should determine the characteristics of the work of the company itself. On the other hand, these values ​​should be adequate to the market and be a beacon for customers, real or potential. From here we derived our principle of searching for corporate value for the company's brand.

1. In every corporate market, there are several factors of choice. By default, this is, of course, price and quality. But here are added terms, service, credit conditions, level of knowledge, company size, reaction speed, availability of customer reviews and a number of other factors. This list needs to be adapted to your market (the set of factors that influence the choice is generally similar, but each market has its own nuances). These factors are the values ​​that are important for a potential or real client, from which you will have to choose. As you can see, you need to work only with what may be important for a client or partner, and not use abstract concepts that do not say anything to market participants.

2. You need to place these factors on a radial diagram and place all the main competitors in it, and then find a place for your company, assessing the situation critically and adequately, if possible, without sectarian winding yourself up, loved ones. Of course, as in other marketing activities, research is always desirable and allows you to get a more realistic answer to the question posed.

3. Now you can look at this picture and ask yourself a series of questions.

A. What are we best at? If there is an answer - the value is determined, we can congratulate you. If the situation is such that you are no better than your competitors, then move on to the next question.

B. Where can we be the best? If there are prerequisites, you again have corporate value and a guide to the future. If you can't be the best, then the next question will give you hope.

C. What do we want to be the best at? You are no better than others and just like that you will not defeat others. Based on a study of customer requests, you can identify potential priorities and choose the most affordable for you. Now you have at least a goal that is relevant to the market and understandable to you. There is something to do, there is something to strive for.

Rice: an example of competitor market analysis by values

Having identified your key advantages, you need to convey them to all the people who in one way or another "consume" the company - customers, employees, management. The selected corporate value must be translated into the language of departments and areas, so that everyone understands their own guidelines. For the market, for example, the price is important, and for the company - cost savings (moreover, this cost savings for the warehouse is one thing, for the sales department - another, and for the service department - the third). After that, you need to convey these options for corporate value to all employees (outreach component), streamline the market offer (marketing component), form a certain image of the company (branding component), establish a feedback system and introduce new principles of employee motivation that encourage changes in the desired direction (motivational component). Only then can you control the situation, manage it and get really working corporate values. Obviously, the introduction of even one corporate value is a rather difficult process, during which many changes will have to be made in the company itself. And this complexity once again proves that the "gurus" and the managers themselves, voicing sets of values, simply do not know what they are doing.

This article - I want to believe - not only helps to understand the errors. We hope that it gives a foothold, having which one can turn the Earth over or at least take the first step, after which, acting purposefully, logically and consistently, making every effort, to preserve and improve the situation by all means and means. Then advertising will become not empty proclamations, but fair and truthful statements, value management will not be a mockery of employees, but an understandable guideline with its own incentives, and branding will not be a lengthy verbiage, but a means of managing the image of the company in the eyes of all stakeholders. Otherwise, we do not see a single evidence that there is anything worthwhile in all these corporate values.

Value as an interdisciplinary concept. Experience of multidimensional reconstruction / D.A. Leontiev / Questions of Philosophy. - 1996, No. 4.