What documents are needed to get a loan. What documents are needed for a loan. Documents for guarantors and individual entrepreneurs

To apply for a loan, credit organizations require the provision of certain documents. This list is basically standard, but may differ based on the conditions of the bank. Based on the documents provided, the lender can already fully evaluate the future borrower and calculate the loan amounts for him. Without providing documents, the loan will be denied. The more documents from the proposed list will be provided, the more likely that the loan will be approved, even if the client does not have a very good credit history.

Why does the bank require documents to apply for a loan?

When applying to the bank, the borrower must provide the documents that the bank will require. This is necessary so that the lender can calculate the possible risks and the allocated limit. The list of documents may vary depending on the amount (the larger the amount, the more documents), on the category of the borrower (the bank may not require additional documents from, regular depositors, partners, etc.), on the type of loan (mortgage will require more documents than for consumer credit). If the borrower cannot provide something of what is required, then the bank has the right to refuse to issue or may offer more stringent conditions (higher rate, lower amount).

Specialists allocate a minimum and a complete list of documents.

The minimum list of documents for applying for a loan.

The minimum list consists of standard documents:

  • The passport
  • The second document to choose from: SNILS, driver's license, TIN.

According to these documents, customers can apply for a small amount of credit, credit card, microloan.

A complete list of documents for applying for a loan.

The full list includes:

  • The passport. This document is needed to identify the client.
  • To choose from: SNILS, TIN, driver's license.
  • Standard statement of income or in the form of a bank. According to the data specified in the certificates, the bank can assess the level of income of the client and his solvency.
  • A copy of the work book, a certificate from the place of service (for the military), a certificate from the place of work, an employment contract. Copies must be properly certified. According to these documents, the bank evaluates whether the client is actually working, how stable his organization is, how often the client changes jobs (frequent job changes and long intervals between employment will be a minus when making a decision)
  • PTS. According to standard requests, the car must be no older than 7 years for a foreign car and no older than 3-4 years for a domestic one. A car usually does not go as collateral, but only indicates a stable financial condition of the future borrower.
  • Real estate certificate. This document is also requested in order to assess the financial condition of the borrower. At the same time, real estate cannot be acquired by inheritance, privatization - only under a contract of sale. If the borrower has once purchased an apartment, it means that he will be able to pay a new loan. If he cannot pay, then he has property that can be sold to pay off debts. Real estate can be an apartment, house, land, commercial property, retail space, etc.
  • Deposit agreement. There are situations when a borrower has a deposit at a favorable percentage, but suddenly money is urgently needed. In order not to terminate the contract ahead of schedule, he can take a loan. For example, the deposit is open at 15%. The client decided to buy a property and takes a mortgage at 12%. However, here the bank can also set requirements for the deposit agreement, for example, that the deposit expiration date should not be less than 6-12 months, the deposit amount is identical to the loan amount, the deposit does not have options for partial early withdrawal, etc.
  • International passport. This document also confirms the financial stability of the future borrower. If a person can afford to travel, then he will also be able to pay off the loan without any problems. Of the requirements here may be a requirement for a mark on the exit / entry. It must be dated no later than 6-12 months.
  • Certificates of no debt and full repayment of the loan. Sometimes, when submitting an application, a client may get information that he has valid loans, although in fact they have been repaid a long time ago. This may be due to the fact that other credit institutions have not yet updated the data in the BCI or have completely forgotten to do so. With a certificate, the client confirms that he has fully fulfilled his obligations.
  • DMS policy. This policy is usually issued by the employer and covers many medical expenses. If the client falls ill, he will be reimbursed under this policy and will not have to spend his own funds for treatment. For the bank, this will be confirmation that in the event of unforeseen situations, the loan will be repaid in the same rhythm.

A complete list of documents is required for applications for large amounts (over 300 tr.), mortgages, car loans. For small loans or microloans, a minimum package of documents is usually enough. Documents may be requested before the application is submitted, as well as during its consideration. For example, the client went through most of the parameters, but the loan officer had doubts. Let's say the client has a positive CI, but the income level is a bit low. When providing a title deed or a real estate certificate, the client will be able to prove that he is a financially stable person and will be able to pay off the loan in any case.

Title of the document Where to get this document
Passport, SNILS, Driving license, TIN, international passport These are personal documents that everyone has.
PTS Issued when buying a car
Real estate certificate Issued upon registration of real estate in the property
Deposit agreement Issued at the bank when placing funds on deposit
Help 2NDFL Issued by the employer
bank statement of income The form is obtained at a bank branch or it can be said from the official website of the bank, and then filled in by the employer
Copy of shopping mall A copy of the work book is made in the organization where the client works. The personnel department or accountant must mark all pages that the copy is correct. On the last page, a record is usually made that the client is working at the present time.

Whichever bank you apply for a loan, everywhere you will be asked to submit a certain package of papers for consideration of a loan application. In this article, we will talk about the documents that you will need to apply for a loan at Sberbank.

General package of documents

Documents for a loan (and this applies not only to Sberbank, but also to any other bank) must include a general civil passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

With regard to registration (registration), most banks require a permanent registration (registration) mark in the passport. Sberbank, unlike them, admits that the future borrower may be temporarily registered. This, of course, significantly expands your opportunities for obtaining a loan, but then you will also need to submit a certificate from the passport office confirming that you are really still temporarily registered at a specific address.

According to your passport, the security service checks a lot of information on “special” bases (conviction records, presence of nominee directors in the databases, credit history). FULL NAME. and the passport number, in this case, allow you to identify you as unambiguously as possible (so as not to get annoying "overlays").

If you receive a pension, scholarship or salary on a Sberbank plastic card, then in order to receive certain types of loans, you do not need to provide either an income certificate or a certified copy of the work book confirming your employment.

If you are not a participant in a salary or social project at Sberbank, then you will have to provide a document confirming your income in any case. Alas, Sberbank (unlike other banks) does not have programs like "" or "without confirmation of income."

To verify income

Classically, this is a certificate of income in the form of 2-personal income tax issued by your employer. I want to immediately warn you if someone is going to "negotiate" with friends so that they "make" a 2-personal income tax form. There is a "rumor" that Sberbank has the ability to verify the accuracy of information on income on the bases of the tax inspectorate (on the basis of actually paid tax). Perhaps this is a rumor, but the risk of getting into informal databases of “deceivers” is quite high. After that, getting a loan from another bank will be very problematic. More precisely, it is impossible.

If for some reason you cannot provide the 2-NDFL form, you can submit a certificate of income on the letterhead of the employer with a blue signature and a blue seal. The certificate must contain your full name, full and exact name of the organization, postal address, phone number of the accounting department, average monthly income for the last six months and the amount of deductions from wages for the same period. For convenience, you can download a reference template from the Sberbank website and ask the accounting department to fill it out so as not to miss or forget anything.

If you receive a pension, then to confirm your income, you must submit a certificate of the pension assigned (paid) for the last month from the branch of the Pension Fund or another body that pays you money.

Individual entrepreneurs provide copies of tax returns with marks of acceptance by the tax office for the last calendar year or for the last five reporting periods (if you report quarterly).

By the way, when considering loan applications, Sberbank is ready to take into account your additional income (this is especially true for mortgages).

If you receive income from the rental of property (real estate or vehicles), then you must provide documents confirming that you own the property (and you must be the owner for at least two years); a lease, lease agreement, the term of which expires not earlier than in a year; necessarily, attention, a copy of the declaration in the form 3-NDFL - your reporting that you paid income tax on these incomes.

If you receive income under civil contracts, you can provide the contracts themselves, payment documents and a declaration in the form 3-NDFL.

To confirm employment, you must provide either a certified copy of the work book (recently, personnel services know how to do this correctly) or a certificate from work in an arbitrary form, from which it clearly follows that you are employed.

Let's call this package "basic" for simplicity of further descriptions.

Documents for obtaining a loan and a credit card

To take a consumer loan without a guarantee and security in the amount of up to 300,000 rubles, a passport and a document confirming your income will be enough (only a passport is enough for participants in salary projects). For a larger amount or if you are an individual entrepreneur, you will also have to provide a document confirming employment, that is, a complete basic package.

If a guarantor(s) is required to obtain a loan, they will have to provide exactly the same documents as the future borrower. But persons aged 18 to 20 still have to prove that they are relatives of the guarantors.

To apply for a credit card, you will have to provide a complete "basic" package of documents, and it does not matter whether you receive a salary on a Sberbank card or not.

A package of documents for a car loan

For car loans (as well as for mortgages), the list of documents is much larger: documents for vehicles are also added to them. If you are willing to pay more than 30% of the down payment for a car, then you can only provide a passport and one of the additional documents of your choice: driver's license, military ID, military ID, international passport, certificate of compulsory pension insurance. If you are not able to pay such a large down payment on a car loan, then you will have to provide a complete “basic” package of documents.

Additionally, you will need to submit documents for the purchased car. Be sure to contract the sale of the car, as confirmation of the intended use of the loan. An invoice for the full cost of the car and a payment document that the down payment has already been made. Without fail: an insurance policy under the CASCO program, or a receipt for full self-payment, or an invoice from an insurance company so that the insurance amount can be included in the cost of the loan).

Features of the mortgage package

In the case of mortgages, everything is much more serious. In addition to the “basic” package of documents (with a similar concession for participants in the salary project), you will also have to provide documents for the acquired property.

We will not paint all the nuances in as much detail as possible. Let's stop only on the main documents.

If you plan to buy a finished apartment, then at a minimum, you will have to provide a certificate of the seller's ownership of the apartment along with the document on the basis of which the ownership arose, as well as an extract from the registration chamber stating that there are no encumbrances. In some cases, a cadastral passport may be required. As a rule, the sellers of apartments have all these documents ready.

When buying an apartment in a house under construction (the so-called equity mortgage), you will need an equity participation agreement, as well as a fairly voluminous package of documents for the developer, if he is not accredited by Sberbank. If the construction company is a partner of the bank, then such a package of documents will not need to be provided.

Additionally, you will need documents on the ownership of the land on which the building is located. As a rule, the bank finances the acquisition of individual buildings only simultaneously with the acquisition of the land on which they are located.

Loan processing involves the provision of a certain package of documents to the bank. It may differ depending on the selected financial institution. Moreover, some of them generally require only a passport, but this is more an exception than a rule. Let's look at more common options.

Required package of documents

Sample list:

  • Passport. You will need not only the original, but also a copy. However, bank employees can independently copy this document.
  • Salary information. Usually the form is provided by the bank itself, but the standard varieties issued by the accounting department are also suitable. The settlement period depends on the requirements of the bank and can be either 3 months or several years.
  • Employment history. The Human Resources Department will not release the original, but is required to make a copy and certify it.
  • Military ID. Relevant for men of military age. If a person has not yet served, a refusal may follow, as there is a high risk of joining the army, leaving the debt outstanding.
  • Driver's license. Applies to car loans. Sometimes it is required as an additional identity document.
  • Retiree certificate. Relevant for loans offering unique conditions for pensioners.
  • Ownership documents. Important for all loans that require collateral.

In addition, there are still papers necessary for a loan that cannot be prepared in advance - an application for a loan and a client questionnaire. They are provided by a bank employee in the form established by them.

This list can be supplemented depending on the requirements of the bank. In some, additional documents may be required, for example, for a guarantee, while in others, some of the above will not be needed at all.

How to make an application?

The application that a borrower must fill out to receive a loan may differ from bank to bank, but the general principle is always approximately the same:

  • In the upper right corner is the text to whom the application is addressed. Usually it looks something like this: "To the head of the board of SuperBank Ivanov I.I."
  • In the middle is the heading "Statement".
  • Then comes the text in approximately the following form: “I ask you to provide a loan in such and such an amount for such and such a period at such and such interest.”

The remaining elements of the statement may already be very different. For example, you may need to indicate sources of income with estimated amounts, confirm the absence (presence) of other loans, and much more.

Documents for consumer credit

Consumer credit is the most common and standard loan option. The package of documents, as practice proves, one way or another corresponds to the list presented above. Much depends on the amount of the loan agreement. In some cases, you will need to verify all sources of income in order to get the maximum possible. In others, especially if you need a small amount, one passport will be enough. Collateral is rarely required and mainly depends on the loan amount.

Documents for mortgage lending

The list of documents for a mortgage loan (that is, for the purchase of real estate) is usually more serious than for a consumer loan. First of all, because of the large amount. Yes, proof of income is required. Some banks are ready to issue a mortgage without it, but the percentage will be much higher.

The main difference is the deposit. When applying for a mortgage loan, collateral is always required. Most often, it is the purchased property, but in some cases it may be another apartment / house that is already owned. As a result, title documents are required for the property that will be pledged. It is likely that an independent assessment will also be required. The bank must understand how much the collateral could potentially cost, and this will have a decisive impact on the amount of the loan.

Other types of document packages

In addition to the above documents, sometimes the bank also requires you to provide:

  • Passport and certificate of income of the guarantor.
  • Statements from the client's accounts in this or other banks.
  • Documents on other existing loans.
  • Notarized obligations of the client (for example, for the transfer of an apartment as a pledge immediately after the purchase and execution of all necessary documents).
  • Insurance policy/certificate.
  • International passport.
  • Documents about education.
  • Birth, marriage or divorce certificate.

Often, additional documents can be submitted after the start of the loan, if the borrower initially applied to the bank only with a standard package of papers. The loan officer will definitely tell you which of the additional documents they may still need.

The bank sets strict requirements for borrowers, because the probability of fulfillment of obligations by the client directly depends on this: if control is weak, there will be many non-payers. Therefore, first of all, the bank requires documents proving the identity of the client, as well as income statements. Everything else depends on the chosen lending program.

Issuing a loan is always associated with certain risks for the lender - this is especially true in Russian realities. It is not enough for a bank to simply issue a loan: you need to be sure that the borrower will turn out to be a trustworthy person who is able to repay the loan to the last penny. Therefore, the requirements for documents on the part of the bank are sometimes strict.

Reference: in Russia, only microfinance organizations (MFIs) do not require many different papers. However, it is this policy that leads to a large number of so-called. "non-returns", i.e. default on the part of the debtor. Therefore, MFIs compensate for losses and damages from debtors with an extremely high interest rate. In fact, all other clients "pay" MFIs for unscrupulous payers.

The list of required papers varies depending on which program the borrower wants to apply for a loan. Therefore, we will analyze what documents are needed to obtain a loan from Sberbank under various lending programs.

General package of documents

This list includes papers required for any loan- and it does not matter, in Sberbank or any other banking organization. To receive the amount of money, the borrower must provide, at a minimum:

  • Russian internal passport- original and copy. After sighting, the original passport is returned to the owner. Thus, getting a loan in the Russian Federation, being a foreigner, is quite problematic. Please note: Sberbank requires that the passport contain temporary or permanent registration within the Russian Federation. Some banks require only permanent registration, and even in the region where the bank is present. Therefore, before applying, always check with a bank employee if registration is required in any particular region;
  • Copy of work book. Without fail, it must contain marks on the total work experience for the last 5 years and the length of service at the last workplace. As a rule, banks require 1 year and 3 months, respectively, but some organizations have more stringent requirements for seniority. A copy must be certified by the head and chief accountant of the enterprise;
  • Certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL. It can be obtained in the same place where a copy of the labor certificate is certified - in the accounting department of your employer. This document serves as the main indicator of your official ("white") income. The values ​​indicated in the document will become the starting point for calculating your solvency;
  • An initial application form filled out on the letterhead of Sberbank. Sberbank requires that the questionnaire lists not only the desired lending programs and average monthly income, but also TIN and SNILS. The bank needs a TIN number in order to find out as much information about the applicant as possible: the frequency and amount of tax deductions, property registered for the applicant, etc. In turn, SNILS is needed by the bank to verify contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia. Together, SNILS, TIN and 2-NDFL certificate are able to provide the bank with comprehensive information on the client's solvency;
  • In addition, the bank may accept 2-personal income tax instead of a certificate. other documents that can confirm the level of income: a lease agreement where the applicant acts as the owner of the property; pensioner's ID; an employment contract with a long term; bank account statement with transaction history; tax declaration in form 3-NDFL; bank statement of income. As a rule, all these documents become in demand if, for one reason or another, the applicant cannot provide a 2-NDFL certificate (for example, because he works remotely without formalized labor relations);
  • If the borrower is a young male under 27, the bank may require him to military ID. Everything is simple here: if a young man does not have a military man, he can be drafted into the army, because of which the issue of repaying the debt can additionally stretch for several years.

Reference: if the borrower is a so-called "payroll client", the bank most often does not require the provision of securities in terms of income. The reason is that the bank already has all the data on the financial security of the client.

So, we have analyzed what minimum documents are needed for a loan from Sberbank to an individual. Now let's look at other nuances when obtaining a loan.

Documents for refinancing in Sberbank consumer credit

Refinancing means on-lending in Sberbank of loans from other banks. For example, a loan was received from VTB, and refinancing will take place at Sberbank. Then, in addition to the minimum set of documents, you will need:

  • Documents on existing loans: loan agreements, payment schedules, certificates of the balance of debt. The borrower must either have all these papers with him since the time of obtaining the loan (for example, a loan agreement), or, in the absence of it, receive it from the creditor bank;
  • Documents confirming the absence of collateral (encumbrances): a certificate from the USRN, etc. More relevant for refinancing auto loans and mortgages.

Please note: if the borrower simply wants to refinance old loans without receiving additional amounts “from above”, Sberbank will not require proof of income documents. In this case, the bank management believes that the very fact of obtaining a loan from previous banks, as well as the active actions of the borrower - i.e. search for refinancing programs - already indicates the integrity and solvency of the applicant.

Documents for business lending

In this case, the bank approaches the selection of applicants very carefully. The reason is that, compared to individuals, it is much easier for a legal entity to file bankruptcy - therefore, the bank may lose both loan money and interest income.

To the minimum package of documents you will need to attach:

  • Certificate from the Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service) on tax registration;
  • Certificate of state registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • For specific companies - construction, pharmaceutical companies, etc. - the credit is given only at granting spec. documents: license, certificate of admission to special work;
  • Documents certifying the company's turnover sufficient to obtain a loan. Papers can be obtained from the chief accountant of the enterprise, they must be certified by the Federal Tax Service of Russia;
  • Tax return for the last tax period;
  • In some cases, you may need papers confirming the right to use commercial premises: a lease agreement, a sale and purchase agreement, etc.

Documents for obtaining a credit card

Contrary to popular belief, Sberbank does not impose additional or special requirements on those who wish to apply for a credit card. The documentation specified in the "General List" paragraph is an exhaustive list of papers required for issuing a credit card.

Reference: Sberbank may set more stringent conditions for those who want to get a platinum credit card. In particular, the bank will require more papers confirming income, up to documents on the possession of liquid and valuable property (real estate, car, etc.). Be prepared for this if you want to get a platinum credit card.

Documents for a car loan

We have already figured out what documents are needed to get a cash loan from Sberbank, but what to do with a car loan - a more complex and expensive type of lending? Sberbank, in addition to the minimum package of securities, will also require:

  • Driver's license - the bank needs to exclude the fact of misuse of funds;
  • Additional document other than passport. Most often, additional a document is needed if for some reason the borrower does not have a driver's license. A passport, a document related to professional activity, etc. will do.

What papers are needed for a loan "according to two documents"?

The name of the lending program, unfortunately, has little to do with the real state of affairs. The bank, of course, requires far more than two documents when applying for a consumer loan. This is especially true for mortgage loans received under the accelerated program.

The interest rate for such a program is traditionally high. But, more importantly, not everyone can get such a loan. Only privileged categories of the population (pensioners, participants in the salary project, employees in the public sector) and those with valuable property have access to the program. Therefore, a loan “according to two documents” almost always means registration of a pledge obligation for a vehicle, less often for real estate.

Therefore, you will need:

  • Internal passport of the Russian Federation and the second paper to choose from: driver's license, international passport, service certificate, etc.;
  • Income statements. It is important that the bank does not have to provide a 2-NDFL certificate: to obtain an express loan, you can provide a certificate in the form of a bank. It is easier to issue it and it can list unofficial income, one way or another hidden from the tax authorities;
  • Pensioners need to provide a pension certificate;
  • When imposing an encumbrance on property, documentation of the right to own the property will be required. For example, if a pledge is issued for a previously purchased car, a bank employee needs to provide a sales contract;
  • Certificate from Rosreestr about the absence of encumbrance from other banks;
  • A valid OSAGO or CASCO policy for a pledged vehicle.

What papers are needed for a consumer loan in the amount of 300-500 thousand rubles?

Taking into account significant loan amounts, and even non-target ones, the bank will require a whole range of securities from the borrower in addition to the main list. In this case, an individual offer is formed for each client, but a list of general recommendations can nevertheless be displayed.

Firstly, most likely you will have to register any property as collateral. For information on what documents will be needed for this, see the paragraph above.

Secondly, in addition to a certificate in the form 2-NDFL, Sberbank may require a certificate of income in the form of a bank, which lists all unofficial income, as well as other documents confirming the solvency of the applicant. At the slightest discrepancy between the declared income and the real state of affairs, the bank will immediately refuse you.

Thirdly, without the involvement of co-borrowers and / or guarantors, the bank will probably not issue a loan. In this case, only an increase in responsible persons is really able to somehow guarantee the bank the fulfillment of obligations by the borrower.

Therefore, think three times whether it is worth taking a consumer loan for such a large amount. If you need a large amount of money, a credit card with a large credit limit may be right for you.


Sberbank needs documentation from the client in order to protect itself from risks. The main list of required papers includes a passport, a copy of the work book and income statements. All other documents are, in fact, complementary, depending on the chosen lending program.

In any case, we recommend that the borrower personally come to the branch of Sberbank before submitting the application to get advice there. A bank employee will study your individual characteristics in terms of lending, and will be able to tell you exactly what documents you personally need to apply for a loan at Sberbank.

Urgently need money? Thinking about the possibility of taking a loan, but do not know if you can qualify for the loan you need? Then all the relevant information is collected in this article especially for you. We will pay special attention to the bank's requirements for the client, documents, application methods and possible reasons for refusal, as well as reveal the secrets of increasing the chances of a positive decision on your application.

Requirements for the borrower

Depending on the chosen financial institution, the requirements that any contacting client must meet are generally almost identical:

  • the borrower must be a citizen of the Russian Federation, and in most cases also have a residence permit in the region where the bank is located;
  • the age of the borrower can start from 18 years old (some banks set limits from 21 years old for some loan products), and the end of lending must be under 65 years old (in rare cases, banks lend to people under 75 years old);
  • a prerequisite is a clean credit history and a small credit load: all this is carefully checked by bank managers through credit bureaus;
  • only those who have been officially employed in the last place for at least 6 months (very rarely from 3 months) can receive a loan or can provide real statements of a stable receipt of money from other sources of income;
  • to get a serious loan, the amount of income is very important: if it is enough only for a living wage, it is useless to count on lending.

Of course, this is not a complete list, but it is the basis for most banks.

What documents are needed to get a loan?

In addition to the formal requirements for the client, there is a certain set of documents that the bank requires from the client:

  • a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document confirming employment (employment, contract);
  • in the case of an individual entrepreneur applying, there is a need to provide an extract from the USRR;
  • it is mandatory to request a certificate from the place of work in the form 2-NDFL or a declaration confirmed by the tax office;
  • if there is unofficial income - it is necessary to provide bank statements or electronic money system;
  • for men, an additional rule has been established: those wishing to apply for a loan under 27 years of age must have a military ID with the appropriate marks to avoid late payments.

Depending on the purpose of the loan, as well as the amount of the requested loan, guarantors or collateral (if mortgage is implied as a method of lending) may be required, in each case a certain package of documents is also drawn up.

How to apply for a loan?

In order to apply for a loan, first of all, you need to determine for yourself a suitable bank and a loan product that fully meets your capabilities and needs. If the bank is chosen, for example, Sberbank, then on the official website you can find information on how to apply for a loan for both business purposes and consumer lending.

Possible options

Among the available methods, there are only two:

  • Fill out an online application for a consumer loan that you like according to the conditions, having previously calculated it on a loan calculator located directly on the page of the proposed loan product. Anyone can use such an application, however, special preference is given to existing bank customers who have a personal account;
  • Personal appeal to a convenient branch of the bank. This method of application simplifies the procedure for choosing the right loan product, since an authorized loan manager will select an agreement on the spot that fully matches your financial capabilities.

Causes of failures

Of course, the bank may have a lot of reasons to refuse to issue a loan, and it has the right not to explain exactly what reason you have. But in general, there are 10 main reasons for refusal that everyone should know:

  1. the income you receive is insufficient to process the loan you requested;
  2. non-compliance of the client or his documents with the requirements of the bank;
  3. Lack of official place of employment;
  4. the client must have a permanent registration;
  5. the presence in the personal file of the client of a criminal record, and even more so for financial fraud;
  6. special attention is paid to the place of work, and people involved in dangerous professions (firefighters, rescuers, police) are most often refused;
  7. previously tarnished credit history or too much credit burden;
  8. the borrower does not have contact information in the form of a landline phone;
  9. providing knowingly false information about income;
  10. the bank has exhausted its own limit on issuing a loan in the reporting period.

How does the bank screen loan applications?

After submitting an application and documents for verification to the bank, each client undergoes a thorough check:

  • for compliance with the conditions put forward both to the client himself and to the documents;
  • assessment of the client by key factors using a scoring system;
  • checking credit history through specialized sources;
  • verification of the place of work and employer;
  • a full check of the future borrower in all possible bases for a criminal record, debts and other black spots in the dossier;
  • a bank risk check based on your income and employment combined with your credit history.

How to increase your chances of getting approved?

To increase your own chances of approval of any requested loan, the client should take care of such nuances as:

  • your credit history;
  • correct completion of all documents;
  • measuring own income and determining an adequate loan amount;
  • the presence of deposit savings or savings.

What loan can you count on?

Let's talk realistically, the higher and more stable the permanent income, the higher the amount that the bank will be able to issue to a conscientious borrower. For the bank, the solvency of the client plays a key role, because his main income is interest, and more of it can be earned on larger loans issued for long periods.

Therefore, if you are the owner of a salary of 25 thousand, and you are counting on a loan for 5 years in the amount of 2 million, then you should not even hope for such a loan. But for the implementation of current plans to carry out repairs worth no more than 100 thousand, it is quite possible, especially if the payments are divided into 12-18 months.

What do you need to get a loan with delinquency?

I would like to pay attention to the credit history of the borrower. If at some point it was stained, we are all not without sin, this is not a reason to panic. Of course, it is impossible to remove this stain from the credit base, but you can always contact the bank with a guarantor or collateral, which will become a guarantor of the return of the loan you received.

Another very affordable way to get a loan is to use the services of a bank that does not pay attention to the disadvantages of your credit history. But even here there are serious drawbacks: even though you will receive a loan, in addition to it, you will be rewarded with huge, and in some cases, unbearable interest rates up to 50% per annum.

What do you need to borrow a phone?

In order to get such a small loan, as for the purchase of a mobile phone, you need to meet the requirements of the bank, which we described above, and choose the most comfortable way to repay the debt. In most cases, with an average income of 25 thousand, it will be enough to issue a loan for 6 months and pay the phone in payments of 3-5 thousand rubles.

And also, do not forget that the hardware store may also be offered to issue an installment plan, and most likely, you will not even be checked for possible gaps in your credit history, all that is needed is to meet the minimum set of criteria for selecting potential customers.