What are the organizations that provide peace to nature. Organizations and funds for nature protection. World Wildlife Fund

Human activity harms the environment. People begin to think about the consequences, the well-being of tomorrow. The result was the opening of organizations for the protection of the environment.

How Societies Started

Public conservation organizations operate all over the world. For the first time this question arose in 1913, when an international meeting on nature protection was held in Switzerland. The forum brought together representatives of 18 states. The meeting was academic in nature, with no proposals for options for working on environmental protection. Ten years later, a congress was held in Paris, and a committee for the protection of nature was opened in Belgium. There were no attempts to influence the ecological situation - experts collected information about the reserves.

In 1945, the United Nations was created, which began a new stage in cooperation between countries. Three years later, the United Nations created a special branch - the council for the protection of nature, which was responsible for partnerships for the protection of the atmosphere. Scientists have realized that it is impossible to cope with environmental disasters at the level of one state.

If the natural balance changes in one corner of the planet, it will have a tragic effect on others. Problems need to be solved together.

International environmental protection has become the central program of discussions, scientific and cultural events. In 1972, Switzerland held a UN meeting in which 113 states participated. This was the beginning of the modern movement for the protection of nature. On this day, an interethnic holiday is celebrated - World Environment Day.

Over time, funding for public organizations ceased - the environmental movement subsided. The popularity of ideas has declined.

In the early 1980s, the situation changed. A UN conference was held in Rio de Janeiro, at which they considered the main issues for the subsequent coordinated development of mankind. At the meeting, actions were proposed to protect nature so as not to harm it.

Modern society is concerned about the environmental transformations provoked by human activity. In most countries, laws have been issued to control the environment. In every major state there are delegations of world organizations for the protection of nature.


The most popular world organization, the founders of which are opponents of uncontrolled checks of atomic weapons. They were also the first members of Greenpeace. The goal is an ecological revival and attraction of the interest of people, the Government to the protection of nature. The society was financed by caring citizens.

The main tasks of the fund:

  • stopping global warming;
  • conservation of the nature of the oceans;
  • conservation of forests;
  • ensuring nuclear disarmament;
  • introduction of organic farming;
  • stopping the production of toxins.

Members of the movement organize protests around the world. One of the achievements of the supporters is the end of the brutal whaling.

In their activities they are guided by the following principles:

  • Independence. Participants accept donation money from people, private charitable companies. Refuse the help of the power, political parties.
  • Peacefulness. Achievements of tasks are achieved in a non-violent way. If they are threatened, they do not respond in kind.
  • Boycotts by action. The organization believes that protests will attract people's attention.

The activities of community members are peaceful. The purpose of their operations is to stop the barbaric attitude towards the environment.

"World Wildlife Fund"

The goal is to protect the wildlife of the planet. At the beginning of its creation, the society included professors, entrepreneurs, leaders of the Government - this made it possible to hold the first protest action. Gradually, other countries joined the environmental protection fund. The emblem of the organization is a panda. The animal is listed in the Red Book.

The society operates all over the world. Participants not only attract interest to problems, but also solve them. The fund is engaged in the protection of certain species of flora and fauna. Of the achievements - saving tigers from extermination, protecting the seas from clogging, saving the tropics.

In Russia, there is a representative office of the organization, which has achieved success. The main programs are forest (protection of biological wealth), climate (prevention of air changes), marine (rational use of water resources). In the Russian Federation, the community has created nature reserves and parks.

"International Society for the Protection of Animals"

Operates in 150 countries. Mission - to create a global movement for the protection of animals. Fights against the soulless treatment of animals - bears, whales, dolphins. Opposes experiments on animals, killing, imprisonment in cages. Members of society believe that it is impossible to use representatives of the wild world to obtain fur, entertainment.

"Global Environment Facility"

The activities are aimed at allocating funds to solve environmental problems. Directions: providing financial assistance for the implementation of measures to reduce gas emissions, protect biological diversity and water sources; support in achieving food security goals, combating climate change and soil degradation.

"European Environment Agency"

It is the European Union organization for providing information on the state of nature. There are representatives of various professions in the committees, who are acutely aware of the need to respect nature.

Based in Denmark. Tasks:

  • prevent climate change;
  • preserve biological diversity;
  • protect human health;
  • proper use of organic stocks;
  • rational waste management.

The structure includes 32 states.

"World Green Cross"

Ecological society, opened in 1993. The central office is located in Geneva and has delegations in 30 states. The purpose of opening the organization is to take measures to ensure a safe future for the Earth, to teach people to be responsible for the results of the impact on the atmosphere.


  • resolution of disputes arising from the deterioration of the ecological state of the planet;
  • prevention of cataclysms;
  • assistance to victims of natural disasters.

The society includes organizations from 20 regions of Russia.

He is engaged in charity work - he conducts a medical examination, issues free vouchers for children from environmentally polluted cities.

"International Union for Conservation of Nature"

A global organization dedicated to protecting the environment. Established in 1948, the head office is located in Switzerland. The main idea is to help the conservation movement. Tasks - the fight against endangered species of animals, the preservation of ecological systems, control over the proper use of resources. Assists countries in creating strategies to protect the environment.

There is a representative office of IUCN in Russia, whose activities are aimed at:

  • on the conservation of forests, their proper use;
  • protection of endangered species of fauna;
  • development of agriculture.

The functioning of the branch in the Russian Federation stabilizes the ecological situation in the country.

The main achievement of the Union is the publication of the Red Book.


International program approved by the UN. The council includes 58 states, which gather every year to discuss the main issues of nature conservation. The head office is located in Kenya. Solves problems of regional, global level.


  • advance warning, assessment of the situation;
  • implementation of environmental orientation;
  • interaction with regions;

The society publishes reports for the population, authorities.

"World Socio-Ecological Union"

A worldwide society, which includes over 10,000 people from different countries. Each member of the organization acts naturally, in compliance with the Charter of the Union. The idea is to recruit people interested in protecting the atmosphere. Thanks to the work of the members of the society, nature reserves, natural parks, wildlife sanctuaries have been created, disturbed ecosystems are being restored.

"Green Patrol" of Russia

The organization began its activities in 2006 on Sakhalin. Over time, it has reached an all-Russian scale - it has spread to 40 subjects of the Russian Federation.

  • develop and implement environmental protection actions;
  • involve the population in solving environmental problems;
  • strengthen control to identify unscrupulous users of natural resources;
  • develop international cooperation.

Members of the organization conduct research, independent expertise, assess the extent of the problem, and develop measures to reduce the adverse impact on the atmosphere.

BirdLife Organization

British ornithologists have created a community for the protection of birds, the protection of their habitats. This international organization unites 121 countries and has a representative office in the Russian Federation. Functions: to solve the problems of the state of bird species, to promote protection, to improve their habitats.

The society is developing measures to control climate change, as they affect the life of birds, contribute to extinction. Members of the organization disseminate information about the importance of preserving ecological systems so that the problem is recognized at the international level.

Environmental protection is a priority goal. For this, organizations are being created whose activities are aimed at solving environmental problems. They control the preservation of the unique natural heritage, unite the activists of the globe. With such a pace of development, nature will be revived, endangered species of animals and plants will be preserved.

The growing interest of the international community in environmental problems after the Second World War found its expression not only in strengthening direct international cooperation, holding a large number of political, socio-economic and scientific and technical forums devoted to certain aspects of the interaction between society and nature, but also in an increase in the number of , increasing the activity and expanding the competence of international organizations. Such organizations make it possible to unite the environmental activities of all interested states, regardless of their political positions, in a certain way isolating and emphasizing environmental problems from the totality of political, economic and other international problems. On the basis of the spatial sphere of authority or the subject-territorial basis, global and regional (subregional) organizations are distinguished.

An important role in the field of environmental protection is played and actively engaged in the organization of research on the environment and its resources by specialized agencies of the United Nations.

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), founded in 1945, already in the first years of its activity supported scientific initiatives and public environmental movements. The most famous environmental direction in the activities of UNESCO is the scientific program "Man and the Biosphere" (MAB), adopted in 1970 at the XVI General Conference of this organization. About 100 countries have already started implementing the MAB program.

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), founded in October 1945, is a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to food supply and agricultural development to improve the living conditions of the peoples of the world. In accordance with its competence, it pays attention to the protection and rational use of lands, water resources, forests and other vegetation, the fauna of the land, biological resources of the oceans and seas. FAO is involved in over 100 conservation programs at the global, regional and national levels.

Caring for people's health is the main goal of the WHO (World Health Organization), which is always associated with the environment. WHO collects and disseminates environmental information related to the protection of human health, participates in research work, provides technical assistance, and carries out international monitoring of environmental pollution.

WMO (World Meteorological Organization) was established in 1951 as a specialized agency of the United Nations. The environmental functions of WMO are primarily related to global environmental monitoring. It carries out activities to assess atmospheric pollution by various substances and from various sources, assess the transboundary transport of pollutants, their global distribution in the low layers of the atmosphere, as well as to study the impact on the ozone layer of the earth.

The IAEA, established in 1957, carries out its activities under an agreement with the UN. In accordance with the mandate of the IAEA, it conducts extensive research on the use of atomic energy, develops safety measures for the use of nuclear fuel and, in this regard, is closely involved in protecting the environment from the danger of radioactive contamination. .

OS problems, which have become more acute in the modern world, could not go unnoticed by intergovernmental organizations of a regional nature. These organizations, which have become involved in international environmental cooperation, have made a certain contribution to the development of measures to preserve favorable natural conditions and ensure the rational use of natural resources, including legal measures. Among such organizations can be named, in particular: the European Union, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Asian-African Legal Advisory Committee.

In environmental protection and regional planning, the Council of Europe carries out:

ensuring protection and respect for the environment in Europe;

preservation and improvement of the environment, human activities;

territory development planning;

creation of a network of protected reserves.

The European Conference of Ministers in charge of Regional Planning (CEMAT) has been convened regularly since 1970 as problems arise. The Conference is attended by representatives of all member states of the Council of Europe.

The European Charter for Regional Planning has put forward a global and long-term concept of regional planning with the aim of: improving the conditions of everyday life; harmonious socio-economic development of regions; increased accountability for natural resource management; Environmental protection and rational use of land.

For the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals and plants (regulation of industrial activities, trade in animals, etc.), the Convention for the Conservation of Wildlife and the Environment in Europe (Bern Convention) was adopted. Since May 1987, the Agreement on the Prevention, Protection and Organization of Assistance in the Event of Major Natural Disasters and Technological Disasters has been in force. A network of 12 European specialized centers has been set up to monitor volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan signed in February 1992 an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the field of ecology and environmental protection by the CIS countries. The CIS states agreed to create the International Ecological Council and, under it, the Interstate Ecological Fund to implement agreed interstate environmental programs, primarily to eliminate the consequences of environmental disasters.

It should be noted that at present there are more than 500 non-governmental international organizations in the world that have included environmental measures in their activities. The main role in this area belongs to some specialized and highly active organizations, such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

IUCN was created by decision of the constituent assembly, held in September 1948. in Fontainebleau (France). In accordance with Art. 1 of the IUCN Constitution promotes cooperation between governments, national and international organizations, and between individuals involved in the conservation of nature and the conservation of natural resources, through appropriate national and international events. As of the end of the twentieth century. 54 states and more than 300 organizations from more than 100 countries of the world were members of the union.

The work of IUCN contributes to the implementation of the Washington Convention on International Trade in Wild Species of Fauna and Flora. Thus, in 1961, the World Wildlife Fund was created, whose activities are mainly to provide financial support for environmental protection activities. The work program of this organization at the end of the twentieth century. covered more than 160 nature conservation projects in 70 countries.

The International Legal Organization (IJO), established in 1968, has been paying much attention to environmental law in recent years, participating in the preparation of international legal acts of an environmental nature.

In March 1973, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was adopted in Washington, D.C., the annexes of which were amended by the 11th Conference of the Parties to CITES (Nairobi, April 10-20, 2001). ), entered into force on July 19, 2000 (under Annexes 1 and 2), and on September 13, 2000 (under Annex 3).

The signatory States to this Convention recognize that wild fauna and flora, in their many, beautiful and varied forms, are an indispensable part of the earth's natural systems, which must be protected for present and future generations; are aware of the increasing value of wild fauna and flora for all peoples of the Earth from all points of view - aesthetics, science, culture, recreation and economy; Recognize that it is the peoples and states that should best protect their own wild flora and fauna, and also recognize the importance of international cooperation necessary to protect certain species of wild fauna and flora from overexploitation in international trade, are convinced of the need to join efforts and adopt appropriate measures for these purposes. To achieve these goals, Annexes have been developed containing lists of endangered species of wild fauna and flora. Thus, Appendix 1 includes all species that are threatened with extinction and whose trade has or may have an impact on their existence. Trade in specimens of these species must be subject to particularly strict controls so as not to endanger their survival and may only be permitted under exceptional circumstances. Appendix II includes: (a) all species which, although not necessarily currently under immediate threat of extinction, may become so unless trade in specimens of such species is strictly regulated to prevent their use incompatible with their survival; and (b) other species that must be controlled so that trade in specimens of the species referred to in (a) can be controlled. Annex III includes all species which, by definition of any State, should be subject to regulation within its own jurisdiction for the purpose of preventing or limiting exploitation, and which require the cooperation of other parties in the regulation of trade. However, specimens of species contained in all Annexes may be traded only in accordance with the provisions of this Convention.

Any trade in specimens of such species must be carried out under the strict supervision of the scientific competent and administrative authorities of the States Parties to the Convention and each individually.

Inside Russia, some efforts are constantly being made to regulate the environmental protection and to integrate Russia's efforts into the international community. Thus, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2001 No. 745 approved the federal target program "Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate objects (2002-2007)", within which a large place is given to international cooperation. In accordance with the program in 2002-2007, it will be continued and aimed at improving the normative-methodical and systemic-technical base for maintaining the state land cadastre as a unified system of state registration of real estate objects. The program plans to continue cooperation with the European Union, using the possibilities of attracting technical assistance under the TACIS project. Bilateral contacts in the areas of program activities with the international development agencies of Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands will be further developed in order to study and adapt best practices and know-how of countries with developed market economies to Russian conditions. Work will continue on investment projects financed by a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (LARIS project), the Russian-German HERMES project, financed under the credit line of the German insurance company HERMES. Work with the Swiss Confederation will be further developed. The funds of these loans consolidated under the Program, financial assistance in the form of grants, technical assistance will be used to purchase the latest computer and measuring equipment, instruments, software, as well as to train and retrain personnel.

In order to implement the Program, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation were instructed, when forming the investment program and projects of the federal budget for 2002 and subsequent years, to provide for the allocation of funds to the Federal Land Cadastre Service and the Ministry of Property Relations of Russia for the implementation of this Program , based on the possibilities of the federal budget.

Control over the course and implementation of the Program is entrusted to the state customer-coordinator of the Program - the Federal Land Cadastre Service of the Russian Federation.

The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (Stockholm, May 22, 2001) is dedicated to the protection of human health and environmental protection from persistent organic pollutants and is based on the earlier adopted principles of the declaration on environmental protection in Rio de Janeiro.

The Convention recognized that persistent organic pollutants have toxic properties, are resistant to degradation, bioaccumulate and are subject to transboundary transport by air, water and migratory species, and are deposited at a great distance from the source of their release, accumulating in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and carry is a danger on an international scale.

In accordance with the Convention, each party develops:

measures to reduce or eliminate releases from intentional production and use;

measures to reduce or eliminate releases from unintentional production;

measures to reduce or eliminate releases from stockpiles and waste;

each Party develops and seeks to implement a plan for fulfilling its obligations under this Convention;

each Party facilitates or implements the exchange of information;

The Parties shall, within their capabilities, encourage and carry out, both at the national and international levels, research, development, monitoring and cooperation in the field of persistent organic pollutants, their alternatives and potential persistent organic pollutants on such issues as: sources and releases in OS; presence, levels of presence in human organisms and in the OS; method of transfer to the OS; impact on human health and environment; socio-economic and cultural consequences. Countries Parties to the Convention have recognized the need to provide timely and appropriate technical assistance in response to requests from developing countries and countries with economies in transition that are Parties to the Convention. Arising within the framework of the Convention, disputes are resolved by arbitration or the International Court of Justice.

GREENPEACE (GREEN PEASE). Main areas of work. A group of environmentalists "In 1971, declared war on the American government, which conducted nuclear tests on the island of Amchitka (Alaska). And it was they who soon had the idea to create an organization called Greenpeace (Green World). Over the past quarter century, Greenpeace has grown from a group of enthusiasts to a powerful international organization that operates around the world.

Biodiversity Campaign - Greenpeace fights against deforestation, barbaric fishing and whaling, conservation of existing and creation of new protected natural areas, etc.

Campaign to protect the atmosphere - Greenpeace seeks to reduce the emission of "greenhouse gases" causing the "greenhouse effect", the cessation of the use of ozone-depleting substances.

Anti-Nuclear Campaign - Greenpeace seeks to reduce nuclear arsenals, ban nuclear tests, curtail dangerous nuclear energy development programs and phase it out.

Campaign on Toxic Substances - Greenpeace seeks to ban hazardous technologies, address the problems associated with the generation and processing of hazardous waste, and pollution of the environment with highly toxic substances.

Structure of Greenpeace. The main governing body is the Greenpeace Council, which consists of representatives from all Greenpeace offices. The Council meets annually to discuss the future activities of the organization, develop an annual budget and elect the Board of Greenpeace International.

The Board is accountable for its work to the Council. In turn, the Board elects the Chairman of the Board and appoints an Executive Director responsible for the day-to-day operations of Greenpeace International. The Executive Director reports on his work to the Board. The Board is responsible for the financial affairs of the organization, for the implementation of the decisions of the Board and the adoption of the long-term policy of Greenpeace.

National offices exist in 27 countries of the world, one of them is Greenpeace Russia, which has existed since 1992. The goals are environmental protection, eco-propaganda and eco-education.

Main areas of work (campaigns):

Today, thanks to the help of our supporters, Greenpeace Russia is fighting on four "fronts":

  • Ш Forest campaign - for the preservation of the "lungs of the planet" - the Russian forest.
  • Ø Anti-nuclear campaign - against radiation contamination of the environment - this nightmare of Russia.

The Toxic Campaign is against the chemical pollution that kills us and our children daily and hourly.

Baikal Campaign - for the preservation of the primordial purity of Lake Baikal.


  • 1. PROTEST BY ACTION. Greenpeace conducts campaigns that draw public attention to problems and to those who are guilty of their occurrence.

We cannot allow our actions to harm anyone. All actions of GREENPEACE are the implementation of a peaceful protest.


Greenpeace is not affiliated with any political party. Greenpeace does not accept donations from government organizations, commercial structures and political parties.

Most significant achievements:

  • 1993 - A special investigation by Greenpeace in the Far East forced Russia to admit that liquid radioactive waste was dumped into the sea;
  • 1995 - France, Great Britain, the USA, Russia and China pledged to conclude the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty;
  • 1995 - The first Russian territory called "Virgin Komi Forests" is included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List.
  • 1996 - A case was won in the Supreme Court on the cancellation of a part of the Decree of the President of Russia, which allowed the import of spent nuclear fuel from nuclear power plants.
  • 1996 - The international timber processing company ENSO has declared a moratorium on cutting down virgin forests in Karelia. In the list of the World 1996. - UNESCO has included two heritage nominations called "Baikal Lake Basin" and "Volcanoes of Kamchatka".


  • 1996 - More than 80% of voters who participated in the referendum in the Kostroma region said NO to the construction of the Kostroma nuclear power plant.
  • 1997 - The report "Poisoned Cities" was published, containing the most complete information on dioxin pollution in Russia.
  • 1997 - Other large companies joined the ENSO moratorium - UPM Kymmene, Modo and others.
  • 1997 - Financing of the Federal target program "Protection of the environment and the population of the Russian Federation from dioxins and dioxin-like toxicants" for 1996-1997 has been opened.
  • 1997 - Participation of Greenpeace in the Commission for the verification of forest management on the Karelian Isthmus of the Leningrad Region for the first time made it possible to uncover and document numerous violations that cause enormous environmental and economic damage to Russia.
  • 1998 UNESCO has included unique natural areas in Altai in the World Heritage List.

International Social and Ecological Union (ISEU)
International environmental organization "Bellona"
International Association "Green Cross"
International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature (VOOP)
Center for Environmental Policy of Russia (CEPR)
Russian environmental movement "The Greens"
V.I.Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation
Russian Regional Environmental Center (RREC)
All-Russian public organization "Green Patrol"
Russian Green Cross
Nature Conservation Movement (DOP)

Ecological organizations of the world


Greenpeace is an international public environmental organization founded in Vancouver, Canada on September 15, 1971 by David McTaggart.
The main goal of the organization is to achieve a solution to global environmental problems, drawing the attention of the public and authorities to them.
Greenpeace exists only at the expense of donations from supporters and fundamentally does not accept financial assistance from government agencies, political parties or businesses.
Greenpeace is against violence in any of its manifestations, all actions do not accept any form of violence as a method of achieving goals.

Wildlife Fund (WWF)

The World Wildlife Fund (WorldWideFundforNature) is an international public independent organization working in areas related to the conservation, research and restoration of the environment.
The organization has more than 5 million supporters worldwide, operates WWF in more than 90 countries and supports about 1,300 environmental projects worldwide.
The mission of the World Wildlife Fund is to prevent the growing degradation of the planet's natural environment and achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the biological diversity of the Earth.

International Social and Ecological Union (ISEU)

The International Socio-Ecological Union is an international environmental organization founded in December 1988.
At the moment, MSEU is more than 10 thousand people from 17 countries.
The main idea behind the creation of MSEU is to bring together under one roof people who care about what will happen to the Earth, its nature and culture, its people, our children and grandchildren.

International environmental organization "Bellona"

Bellona is an international environmental association.
The central office of the association is located in the capital of Norway - the city of Oslo. The Bellona Association began its work as a non-governmental organization in 1986.
In the late 1980s, Bellona became widely known for its spectacular actions against a number of industrial companies that were guilty of serious environmental sins. In more than 20 years of operation, Bellona has become a major environmental expert organization, the main goal of which is to combat environmental destruction, the threats to human health caused by pollution, and the negative environmental consequences of certain global economic development strategies.
In April 1998, the St. Petersburg Public Organization “Environmental Human Rights Center “Bellona” was established, which is the St. Petersburg office of the international environmental association “Bellona”. The activity of the organization is based on the belief that human rights to live in a favorable environment and have reliable environmental information are the fundamental rights of every person, since these rights concern the most valuable thing - the health and life of people.

green cross

Green Cross International (GCI) is an environmental organization founded by former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993, based on agreements reached at the 1992 World Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The Green Cross is a non-governmental and non-profit organization.

Environmental organizations in Russia

All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature (VOOP)

The All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature (VOOP) was founded in 1924 as a voluntary Society for the Protection of Nature.
Today, VOOP is an all-Russian, public, cultural and educational environmental organization.
Preservation of the environment, maintaining the diversity of flora and fauna.
Preservation and strengthening of public health.
The main activities of the Company:
Rendering assistance to public authorities and administration in ensuring sustainable environmentally safe development of the country.
Environmental education, education and upbringing of the population.
Scientific, technical and practical environmental activities. Consulting activity of subjects of nature management.
Conducting environmental monitoring of territories on their own and by accredited companies.
Implementation of modern high-precision technologies in order to implement effective state environmental control

Center for Environmental Policy of Russia (CEPR)

The Center for Environmental Policy of Russia was established in 1993 as a professional public environmental organization for expert support of the environmental movement and development of recommendations for the legislative and executive authorities.

Russian environmental movement "The Greens"

In 1994, on the basis of the environmental movement "Kedr", the Russian Ecological Party "The Greens" was created, in 2009 the activity of the Political Party was terminated, and the organization itself was reorganized into the All-Russian Public Movement "Russian Ecological Movement "The Greens".
The goal of the environmental movement "The Greens" is to change the attitude of the state and society to the environmental problems of Russia and humanity as a whole by organized and strong-willed political actions.

Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation. V.I.Vernadsky

The V.I.Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation was established in 1995.
The Environmental Foundation is one of the largest charitable organizations that supports environmentally oriented educational projects, represents the interests of the Russian environmental community and socially responsible business, and is an initiator and participant in environmental programs developing in Russia.
The main objectives of the Fund: promoting sustainable environmentally oriented socio-economic development of society, ensuring interaction between the business community, government and society on sustainable development issues; support for environmental initiatives and projects.
Directions of the Fund's activities: environmental education and upbringing; competition of grants and scholarships to them. V.I. Vernadsky; holding national and international conferences, symposia, exhibitions on sustainable development; publication of scientific, popular science, educational literature on the main activities of the Foundation.

Russian Regional Environmental Center (RREC)

The Russian Regional Environmental Center was established in 2000 by the European Commission and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.
The RREC is part of a network of regional environmental centers operating in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia to support cooperation between government structures, the business community and civil society in the field of environmental protection.
The mission of the center is to promote and implement advanced ideas, standards and methods for the environmental well-being and sustainable development of Russia through the organization of an information dialogue and the implementation of practical activities.
The supreme governing body of the Russian Center is the Board of Founders, the collegiate governing body is the Board of Governors, and an advisory body has been formed - the Advisory Board.
The eight members of the Board of Governors represent various sectors of the society: government organizations of the Russian Federation, foreign organizations, Russian public organizations, business structures and scientific communities.

All-Russian public organization "Green Patrol"

The all-Russian public organization "Green Patrol" was registered in May 2006. In April 2007, the organization's Internet resource was opened. The main goal of the organization is to promote the growth of the ecological culture of society, protect human rights to a favorable environment, clean water, high-quality food, protect the unique nature of Russia, and develop the trends necessary for the sustainable development of the country.

Russian Green Cross

The Green Cross is a non-governmental public organization, a member of the Green Cross International Association, established in 1994.
The Green Cross focuses on the implementation of measures to protect the environment, educating a wide range of the population of the ability to live and develop in accordance with the laws of nature, preserving it for posterity with the same resource potential that humanity owns today. The slogan of the Russian Green Cross - compromise instead of confrontation - corresponds to the principles of civil society, in which environmental problems are solved from the standpoint of partnership and good neighborliness.

Nature Conservation Movement (DOP)

The Nature Conservation Squads (DOP) movement emerged in the 1960s as a student environmental movement.
Directions and forms of work of the Movement of the Squads for the protection of nature depend on the current situation, the traditions and capabilities of the members of the Movement, due to its social and professional composition. The movement, which is based on students and specialists in the natural sciences, stands for competence and professionalism in the study and solution of environmental problems. At the same time, it will also participate in mass environmental campaigns.
The main thing for the participants of the Movement is concrete practical nature protection activity. It is unacceptable for him to turn this work into fashionable entertainment, political bait or a means of profit.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Irkutsk State University"

Faculty of Geography

Department of Hydrology and Nature Management


Rusin Andrey Viktorovich

Irkutsk 2017


International environmental organizations play a huge role at this stage in the development of society. Their creation was caused by catastrophic changes in the environment, they were designed to protect nature and, in essence, should save man himself. They make it possible to unite the environmental activities of all interested states, regardless of their political positions, in a certain way isolating environmental problems from the totality of political, economic and other international problems.

1. World Wide Fund for Nature

The World Wildlife Fund is an international public organization working in areas related to the conservation, research and restoration of the environment. It is the world's largest independent conservation organization with over 5 million supporters worldwide, operating in over 100 countries and supporting approximately 1,300 conservation projects worldwide.

The mission of the World Wildlife Fund is to prevent the growing degradation of the planet's natural environment and achieve harmony between man and nature. The main goal is to preserve the biological diversity of the Earth.

The organization operates in many areas. WWF is engaged in the development and maintenance of protected areas, park areas, protection of rare species of animals and plants, develops global and regional environmental legislation. In addition, representatives of the World Wildlife Fund create economic mechanisms for the conservation of biological diversity and support environmental education.

The Foundation is engaged in the protection of certain species of flora and fauna that are threatened with extinction, the protection of water, air, soil and individual landscapes. Over the years of his work, more than two thousand projects have been implemented: to save tigers from destruction, protect the seas from pollution, save tropical forests, etc. The Fund's workers formulated the tasks of the governments of different countries in the matter of nature protection.

The WWF Living Planet report is published every two years. It is called one of the world's most cited and authoritative sources of information about the environmental situation on the planet. The report is being developed by scientists from the Zoological Society of London and the World Ecological Footprint Network. The report defines the health of the planet by several indicators: the state of animal populations, the use of natural resources by mankind, the use of renewable energy and resources, the amount of fresh water consumed in production, and so on.

In the Russian Federation, a representative office of the Foundation was opened in 1994, although the first projects in our country began in 1988.

The most important WWF programs in Russia are the Forestry, Marine and Climate Programs. The purpose of the first of them is the protection of biological diversity in the forests of Russia. Marine is aimed at the protection of wildlife and the rational use of the resources of the seas. And climate change means working to prevent climate change.

2. International Union for Conservation of Nature

The International Union for Conservation of Nature is an international non-profit organization dedicated to highlighting the problems of preserving the planet's biodiversity, presents news, congresses held in different countries, lists of species in need of special protection in different regions of the planet. The organization has observer status at the UN General Assembly.

The organization was founded in 1948 on the initiative of UNESCO, its headquarters is located in the city of Gland (Switzerland). The Union unites 82 states (including the Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology), 111 government agencies, more than 800 non-governmental organizations and about 10,000 scientists and experts from 181 countries of the world.

The union, in addition to its member organizations, includes 6 scientific commissions and a professional secretariat.

The main mission of the IUCN is the implementation of effective assistance to the environmental movement in preserving the uniqueness, integrity and characteristics of various natural complexes; and ensuring the lawful and reasonable consumption of natural resources that does not violate the environmental sustainability of the planet as a whole.

The main objectives of the creation of the IUCN are:

* combating the extinction of species and the decline in biological diversity;

* preservation of existing ecosystems in integrity;

* overseeing the prudent use of resources.

By implementing the adopted international conventions, IUCN assists various countries in the development and application of national strategies, environmental measures and plans.

The activities of the association are carried out in six directions, within the framework determined by the commissions:

* By species survival. This Commission maintains Red Lists, develops recommendations for the conservation of endangered species and applies them in practice.

* According to environmental law. It contributes to the promotion and adoption of environmental laws, the development of modern mechanisms of jurisprudence necessary for environmental purposes.

* On environmental, economic and social policy. Provides qualified expert assistance in solving political issues adopted in accordance with regional socio-economic factors.

* On education and communications. Develops strategies for using communications to conserve and sustainably consume resources.

* Ecosystem Management. Assesses the management of natural (natural) and artificially created ecosystems.

* World Commission for Protected Areas.

3. International Association "Green Cross"

An international environmental organization founded by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1993 after a conference in Rio de Janeiro. The headquarters of the Green Cross International is located in Geneva, and there are branches in 30 countries. The goals of the creation of the International Green Cross: taking measures aimed at ensuring a sustainable and secure future of the planet, environmental education, fostering a sense of responsibility for the consequences of the impact of civilization on the environment. The International Green Cross carries out scientific and practical activities to solve a wide range of environmental problems and uses various forms and methods of work to attract the population to direct participation in overcoming the harmful effects on the nature of human economic activity.

In particular, the organization is engaged in the following activities:

Prevention and resolution of conflicts arising from the deterioration of the environmental situation;

Providing assistance to people affected by the environmental consequences of hostilities and conflicts;

· Development of legal and ethical standards in order to create an environmentally friendly world.

In the Russian green movement, the Green Cross advocates partnership with public organizations and movements, with government agencies in the center and locally, with departments and business circles, with all those who promote environmental protection. Relying on constructively oriented environmental organizations, the Cross actively operates as part of the union of public associations of the Russian Ecological Congress, being, in essence, its main link.

In 1972, the UN General Assembly approved a resolution entitled "Organizational and financial measures for international cooperation in the field of the environment", which established a program that promotes the coordination of nature conservation at the system-wide level. It is called UNEP (an acronym for the United Nations Environment Program) and annually provides detailed reports on its work. The UNEP Governing Board is made up of representatives from 58 countries, who in turn are elected by the General Assembly for a term of four years. Every year the council meets to discuss the main issues of international cooperation in the field of nature protection. All UNEP affairs are managed by an Executive Director, while at the same time preparing for the next session of the Board.

UNEP is headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. UNEP also has six large regional offices and offices in various countries.

UNEP is responsible for resolving all environmental issues at the global and regional level.

UNEP activities include various projects in the field of the Earth's atmosphere, marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The program also plays a significant role in the development of international conventions in the field of ecology and environmental protection. UNEP often cooperates with states and non-governmental international organizations, and often sponsors and facilitates the implementation (actual implementation of international obligations at the domestic level) of environmental projects.

UNEP's work is carried out in the following seven areas:

· Early warning and assessment of conflicts;

· Implementation of environmental policy;

· Technology, production and economics;

· Regional cooperation;

· Environmental law and conventions;

· Protection of the environment at the global level;

· Communications and public information.

UNEP also publishes a large number of reports, reports and fact sheets. For example, the fourth Global Environment Initiative (GEI-4) is a good example of a report on ecology, development and human well-being and provides analytical material and information for policy makers and all interested publics. One of the main ideas of SEI-4 is to warn humanity that it "lives beyond its means." The report notes that humanity is so large that the amount of resources needed for survival exceeds the amount available. The ecological imperative (the amount of land needed to provide food for one person) is 21.9 hectares, while the biological potential of the Earth averages 15.7 hectares per person.

5. International Social and Ecological Union

The International Socio-Ecological Union is an international environmental organization, which includes more than 10 thousand people from different countries of Europe, North America and Asia.

The Socio-Ecological Union came into being in December 1988. Each of the members of the organization acts freely and independently in accordance with the Charter of the Union, since there is no vertical power structure in it. The environmental organization is coordinated by the Council of Co-Chairs, which is elected at the general conference of the MSEC once every 3 years.

The main idea behind the creation of MSEU is to gather people who are interested in nature conservation. The International Socio-Ecological Union brings together collective and individual members who pursue one goal - to preserve the diversity of nature and culture of the Earth.

The socio-ecological union carries out a wide range of activities. Among the programs of the organization are "For the environmental safety of rocket and space activities", "Public and impact assessment", "Ecology and children's health", "Environmental education", "Ecovillages of the 21st century", Anti-Nuclear Campaign, Campaign "For Biosafety" and "Nuclear and radiation safety.

The Ecological Association is the founder of such organizations as the Center for Wildlife Conservation, the Independent Environmental Rating Agency, the Center for Nuclear Ecology and Energy Policy, etc.

With the help of expert potential and a wide thematic and geographical coverage of activities, MSEU employees are able to effectively influence various processes and contribute to the emergence of various public initiatives.

To date, thanks to the activities of the participants of the environmental organization, it has been possible to preserve unique natural areas: several reserves, natural parks, wildlife sanctuaries and natural monuments have been created, work continues on the restoration of disturbed ecosystems.

The success of MSEU is also in the preservation and development of civil environmental movement, the implementation of comfortable and environmentally friendly housing projects, the initiation and development of the program "Oaks of Eurasia" for the restoration of broad-leaved forests, the tightening and improvement of legislation on biological safety, participation in the creation of a monitoring system for the Earth's forests based on space photography.

6. All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature

The All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature is a public environmental organization that was founded on the territory of Russia on November 29, 1924.

One of the main tasks of the VOOP is to promote a favorable environmental and social environment in the country and the region. The goal of the Society is to preserve the environment, maintain the diversity of flora and fauna, as well as preserve and improve the health of the population. Active members of the society and outstanding figures are awarded the Badge of the All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation "For the Protection of Nature in Russia".

At the initial stage of the existence of the Society, its main tasks were the development of scientific issues of conservation and restoration of natural resources and participation in the practical work of the state for the protection of nature among the population. The further development of the Society followed these main directions.

VOOP has organizations throughout the Russian Federation and brings together scientists and specialists from various economic sectors.

The environmental organization went down in the history of the country as a significant public movement aimed at a healthy and favorable environment and to this day contributes to the protection and rational use of natural resources.

To date, the Company continues to function successfully and strengthen cooperation with territorial committees for the protection of natural resources and the environment, public and state organizations, with local authorities, with which there is a regular exchange of information, and joint environmental activities are carried out.

The Society for the Protection of Nature is one of the members of the Coordinating Council of Public Organizations of Russia, the founder of the Russian organization "Green Cross", a participant in the Round Table of public environmental organizations, the Ecological Congress. VOOP is also among the associations of the Russian Ecological Movement (RED). Since 1960 - a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. In 1984, the All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature was awarded the Silver Medal for the Environment, as part of one of the UN programs.

biodiversity planet conservation international

7. Greenpeace

Greenpeace is an international independent non-governmental environmental organization founded in 1971 in Canada.

Today, Greenpeace is an international organization whose goal is to preserve nature and peace on earth. The organization focuses on such issues as global climate change, deforestation from the tropics to the Arctic and Antarctic, overfishing, commercial whaling, radiation hazards, renewable energy development and resource conservation, environmental pollution by hazardous chemicals, sustainable agriculture economy, conservation of the Arctic.

According to the 2015 Annual Report, Greenpeace has over 42 million online supporters worldwide, 36,000 active volunteers and 3.3 million people support the work of the organization through personal donations.

Greenpeace uses direct action (actions and protests), lobbying and scientific research to achieve its goals.

Greenpeace exists only on donations from private charitable foundations and citizens. Greenpeace members do not accept funds from commercial, government agencies or political parties. As a method for achieving goals, an independent organization does not accept forms of violence. All actions organized by Greenpeace activists are an expression of peaceful protest.

Greenpeace has several activities, called campaigns or programs. As of 2015, the following were in effect:

· Climate and Energy: Greenpeace recognizes humanity's responsibility for global climate change. In this regard, the organization considers it necessary to develop renewable energy sources and energy saving programs in every possible way. Greenpeace also advocates phasing out fossil fuels, including nuclear.

· Detox: Greenpeace is working to end the use of hazardous chemicals in a variety of consumer products. Greenpeace is demanding that fashion brands eliminate the use of hazardous chemicals in clothing by 2020.

· Food for life: Greenpeace advocates sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture, far from the principles of globalization and monoculture, limiting the use of hazardous chemicals and transgenic products.

· Forests: Greenpeace aims to end catastrophic deforestation by 2020.

· Oceans: Greenpeace seeks to end the pollution of the oceans with hazardous substances and combats the barbaric extraction of marine bio-resources. The organization's experts believe that it is necessary to take about 40% of the world's oceans under international protection.

· Let's save the Arctic: Greenpeace demands the cessation of oil production and depleting fishing in the Arctic Ocean, advocates the creation of an international specially protected area in international waters around the North Pole.

· Peace and disarmament: Greenpeace works to end military conflicts and eliminate nuclear weapons. As part of this activity, work is underway on the problems of refugees from zones of military conflicts.

List of sources used

1. Website of the Russian branch of WWF. (Accessed 10/15/2017).

2. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). (Accessed 10/15/2017).

3. International Green Cross. (Accessed 10/15/2017).

4. United Nations Environment Program. (Accessed 10/15/2017).

5. International Socio-Ecological Union. (Accessed 10/15/2017).

6 All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature. (Accessed 10/15/2017).

7. Official site of Greenpeace Russia. (Accessed 10/15/2017).

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    Depending on the nature and areas of activity, goals and objectives, they can be differentiated into several groups:

    Environmental protection, solving problems of the Earth (UNEP, IUCN);

    Integrated environmental monitoring (FAO, WHO, WMO);

    Special environmental protection measures (protection of wildlife, fish stocks, international lakes, rivers, safety of nuclear energy sources with the coordinating role of the IAEA, etc.).

    The UN has played a leading role in developing the following forms of interstate cooperation in the field of nature protection:

    Participation in international conventions;

    Signing agreements on environmental protection measures and implementation of various projects;

    Holding international conferences on topical environmental issues;

    Development of environmental concepts, ways of implementing international programs.

    The structure of UNEP consists of the Board of Governors (it includes representatives of the member states) - determines the main directions of UNEP activities, the Council for the Coordination of Environmental Protection, the Environment Fund.

    AT 1948 was formed International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) . Priority task IUCN - development of international cooperation between states, national and international organizations, as well as citizens in order to:

    Implementation of regional programs for the protection of the natural environment;

    Preservation of natural ecosystems, flora and fauna;

    Preservation of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, natural monuments;

    Organizations of nature reserves, reserves, national natural parks;

    World Health Organization (WHO), formed in 1946, coordinates the solution of human health issues in relation to the problems of its interaction with the environment. In 1947 it was created United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO), whose task is to study and analyze the factors of human impact on the weather and climate not only of the planet, but also of individual regions. WMO operates under global environmental monitoring system (GEMS). Within the framework of the GEMS system, the following programs:

    Monitoring of the state of the atmosphere;

    transboundary air pollution;

    human health;

    the oceans;

    Renewable land resources.

    68. The main features of the right of forest use of citizens.

    The forest fund is provided to citizens and legal entities for use on the terms and in the manner established by the forest legislation.

    Forest use right- this is a system of legal norms regulating the procedure and conditions for the use of forests, the rights and obligations of forest users.

    The right of forest use as a subjective right is the rights and obligations due to the subject, arising in connection with the provision of forests for use.

    Objects of forest management rights are isolated areas of the forest fund or forests that are not included in the forest fund, provided for use in the prescribed manner. The boundaries of such areas should be marked in kind with the help of forestry signs or indicated in planning and cartographic materials (forest maps).

    Subjects of forest management rights are citizens and legal entities, including foreign ones, who have been granted the rights to use areas of the forest fund or forests that are not included in the forest fund. The main subjects of forest use rights include timber industry enterprises, hunting, procurement, agricultural organizations, etc.

    It is necessary to distinguish between forest users and participants in forest relations. The range of the latter is much wider: in addition to citizens and legal entities, the participants in forest relations are the Russian Federation, its constituent entities, municipalities (relevant state and municipal bodies act on their behalf).

    Forest management has its own specifics depending on the forests of which group and category of protection it is carried out.

    Forest management is carried out according to the permit system in accordance with licenses issued in a special order, logging tickets, forest tickets, warrants, as well as on the basis of lease agreements, concessions, gratuitous use.

    Types of forest management

    1. Wood harvesting- the main type of forest management, is carried out in the order of cuttings of the main and intermediate use of the tes(forest maintenance felling, sanitary felling and reconstruction felling associated with the felling of low-value forest plantations, as well as having protective, water protection and other environmental functions) and other cuttings(clearing forest areas).

    In the forests of the third group fellings are carried out for the main use. In the forests of the second group a regime of limited exploitation is established, as in regions with insufficient forest resources. The greatest restrictions are set in the forests of the first group valuable in ecological terms. Here only such fellings, which contribute to the strengthening of the environmental functions of these forests, the use of stocks of overmature and mature forest stands, etc. intermediate fellings only, selective sanitary felling forest care.

    2. Resin harvesting is carried out in coniferous, overmature and mature forest stands, which, after the end of the established period of tapping, are intended for felling for the main use. The procedure for payment for the preparation of resin is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and other subjects of the Russian Federation.

    3. Harvesting of secondary forest resources for industrial processing, development of forestry and meeting the needs of the population should be carried out by legal entities and individuals without causing harm to the forest. Secondary forest materials include stumps, bast, bark, birch bark, pine and spruce paws, tree branch fodder, etc. These materials are sold to producers for a fee established by the local administration.

    4. Secondary forest use is divided:

    - on the public- collection of fruits, berries, mushrooms, moss, reeds, medicinal and technical raw materials, which is carried out by the population, as a rule, free of charge and without issuing a special permit, but subject to the established rules of forest management;

    assigned to certain organizations and citizens– haymaking, grazing, beekeeping, extraction of peat, sand, stone, clay, etc. on the basis of special permits.

    5. Use of the forest for research purposes carried out on specially allocated areas of the forest fund. The procedure and conditions for the use of the forest fund for these purposes are determined by the representative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    6. Use of the forest fund for cultural, recreational, tourist and sports purposes.

    7. Use of the forest for the needs of the hunting economy is carried out in the manner and under the conditions established by special rules approved by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.