What harmful substances can plastic utensils emit? Harm from plastic utensils and packaging: how to use and not harm your health, labeling of non-harmful food plastic. Plastic food utensils: how to use

All 3D printing enthusiasts are familiar with the unpleasant smell of ABS plastic, and most understand that inhaling these fumes is likely harmful to health - but few people actually care about it. However, not only ABS, but also PLA can produce toxic fumes called volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Not all VOCs are toxic, although some may be especially dangerous to children and teenagers. The team at 3Dsafety.org worked with Italian 3D printer manufacturer WASP to determine the exact amount of toxic VOCs and potentially hazardous nanoparticles that are produced during the 3D printing process and assess the associated health risks.

The new research, presented by Dr. Fabrizio Merlo and Ph.D. Stefano Mazzoni, builds on previous work published in the early 90s. Past research has shown that melting and mixing plastic releases toxic fumes, including ammonia, cyanuric acid, phenol and benzene.

Laboratory studies have shown that ABS plastic is much more toxic than PLA, however, the latter is not without the risk of dangerous fumes, especially if the operating temperature exceeds 200 ° C. In addition, as you would expect, it turned out that the same material purchased from different manufacturers has different VOC content, even when used in the same 3D printer at constant speed and temperature settings.

Another critical risk factor is associated with nanoparticles, that is, particles less than 1 micron in diameter that can penetrate directly into the lung alveoli and epidermis. In this case, the risk index for ABS is 3 to 30 times higher than for PLA. The tests also revealed that the time it takes for the content of nanoparticles in the air to return to normal levels ranges from 10 to 30 minutes after the end of the 3D printing process.

Inhalation of toxic VOCs and nanoparticles most often causes lung pathologies in humans, such as bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma (cool, I just have asthma). In some cases, these substances can also cause cancer, so this is a topic worth taking seriously. However, solving the problem is not that difficult. 3Dsafety.org and WASP are working together to bring information about potential risks to as many people as possible, and there are several practical recommendations you can start following now.

In particular, the researchers advise working in well-ventilated areas: it would be ideal to use a ventilation system that can change the entire volume of air in the room three times per hour. This means that a room with a volume of 100 m3 will require a ventilation system that can process 300 m3 of air per hour. Perhaps in the near future, closed 3D printers will be equipped with an active carbon filtration system (a very good idea, I’ll probably make a forced carbon-based HEPA nanofilter). The team is hard at work on a device specifically designed for 3D printers that can be customized depending on the material used.

Of course, this does not mean that it is necessary to abandon the use of 3D printers. However, it is important to best manage the potential risks posed by 3D printing materials early on. In this way, technology can evolve to enhance its benefits and reduce its risks.

Sources: 3Dsafety.org

Plastic and plastic are artificial synthetic materials that are necessary for industrial production and have a fairly low cost. In the modern world, their use is widespread, and the negative impact of plastics on health is not taken seriously, despite the fact that most adults and children come into close contact with the products.

Harm of plastic bottles to the body

Many oncologists say that such popular plastic dishes pose a danger to human health, since when heated, the container intensively produces carcinogenic substances, in particular bisphenol-A.

Foreign scientists expressed this opinion many years ago. Statistics show that one of the main etiological factors in the occurrence of breast cancer is drinking water from plastic bottles. The harm increases several dozen times if you drink water from such a container and leave it in the sun for a long time.

Doctors recommend drinking water from glass bottles, but plastic is much cheaper, and, therefore, drinks in plastic containers will also have a reasonable price. But in countries where drinks have been sold in plastic for many years, the incidence of cancer is much higher.

Other factors also contribute to the occurrence of cancer - for example, poor environment, heredity, unhealthy lifestyle, consumption of GMO products, etc. However, scientists from Australia conducted an experiment among people who regularly consume drinks from plastic bottles, and the carcinogen bisphenol-A was found in their urine, which increases the risk of developing not only cancer, but also arthritis, diabetes, heart and vascular diseases.

Harm from plastic utensils

Disposable tableware has been in great demand in recent years. It is divided into several types depending on the composition and hazard class.

It is strictly forbidden to heat drinks and food in plastic containers and plastic bags in a microwave (which itself can, in principle).

The composition of the plastic is indicated in the form of a special marking, so you can find out what the dishes are made of:

  1. Polyethylene terephthalate. Disposable cups, bottles, and plates are made from it. It is extremely harmful and dangerous to heat and reuse this container. Heat above 25 degrees increases the rate of carcinogen release tens of times.
  2. Polyethylene. It is used to produce bags, bottles, jars and cups. It is also prohibited to expose it to high temperatures due to the intense release of the powerful carcinogen formaldehyde.
  3. Polyvinyl chloride. It is used to create plastic bottles and cling film. Do not heat or cool it to avoid the production of phthalates, dioxide and vinyl chloride, which can cause many diseases. It is recommended to avoid contact of such utensils with fatty foods.
  4. Low-pressure polyethylene. Widely used in the production of flexible packaging and oil bottles. When heated, formaldehyde is released.
  5. Polypropylene. It is often used to make cling film, yogurt cups, disposable plates, forks, spoons, lids, baby food bottles and hot food containers. Such dishes can withstand temperatures up to 100 °C, but you cannot drink alcohol or eat fatty foods from them. This type is the safest for health.
  6. Polystyrene. These are trays, lunch boxes for food, glasses and other disposable tableware. It is forbidden to heat it, drink hot drinks and alcohol from it. The dishes are used exclusively for chilled food. Styrene, produced when heated, is an aggressive chemical and leads to diseases of the reproductive system.
  7. A mixture of many plastics. Typically, several materials are used to produce coolers, etc.

Thus, any plastic utensils are harmful to health to one degree or another, so it is better to reduce their use as much as possible.

Harm to the environment and ecology

Due to the pollution of the planet with plastics and masses, natural and environmental problems also arise. The negative impact extends to animals, the earth's surface, oceans, seas and rivers:

  1. Plastic can leach chemicals into the soil, which end up in groundwater and other water sources. So-called biodegradable plastics emit methane and tritanium, which have a negative impact on global warming.
  2. One of the main components of garbage in the sea is plastic, which takes many years to decompose, releasing carcinogens bisphenol-A and polystyrene. In the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans there are huge garbage patches, sometimes growing to the size of islands.

Researchers have estimated that there are about 300,000 tons of plastic in the world's oceans.

Plastic pollution poisons and kills animals: they either accidentally eat the plastic or become entangled in it and die. Every year, about 500,000 thousand mammals in the ocean die for this reason, and this figure is growing rapidly.

How to protect yourself from harmful substances

It is worth paying attention to the fact that on any plastic container there is a special code indicating the type of plastic. For example, 2, 4 and 5 indicate its harmlessness. It is commonly used to make dairy products, toys, glasses and baby bottles.

It is impossible to completely protect yourself and prevent chemicals from entering the body, but you can try to minimize the harm. To do this you should:

  • limit the use of utensils with dangerous coding;
  • do not heat drinks and food in plastic containers;
  • do not reuse plastic utensils;
  • do not store drinks and food in containers for a long time;
  • if possible, drink and eat from glass containers;
  • follow the rules for using plastic;
  • do not buy disposable products with bright colors and strong odors;
  • For children, use only environmentally friendly or glassware.

Countries like Australia, Bangladesh, Ireland and China strictly prohibit the use of plastic bottles.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride material or just vinyl) is today the cheapest, and therefore the most common, type of plastic. PVC is mainly used in construction areas (building cladding, plastic windows, wall panels, pipes, etc.) and less than 20% of products made from this type of plastic are used in household and other areas of life. Moreover, in Russia this figure is almost 50%, while in Europe they are trying to avoid this type of plastic as much as possible. Why is this happening? After all, the advantages of PVC are obvious: low cost, practicality, strength...

In Europe, the name for PVC has long been assigned "poison plastic" The harm of polyvinyl chloride to the environment and human health is enormous: it not only contains many dangerous components, but also emits poisonous gas when heated or burned.

Unfortunately, the material polyvinyl chloride – a very common type of plastic. It can be found everywhere. This includes linoleum in the apartment, plastic windows, suspended ceilings, vinyl wallpaper, and plastic toys (from teething rings that babies put in their mouths to dolls), and different types of packaging (bags, bottles, food containers).

When buying PVC products, you should remember:

To make polyvinyl chloride elastic, plasticizers are added to it, which, when entering the body, reduce its immune properties and can also cause damage to the kidneys and liver, cause infertility and cancer. This is the main harm of PVC. In addition, polyvinyl chloride may contain other dangerous elements: chromium, cadmium, lead, etc.

The advantages of PVC are absolutely incomparable with the danger posed by the burning material polyvinyl chloride. During the combustion process, up to 50 mg of harmful dioxins are formed from 1 kg of polyvinyl chloride. This amount is capable of causing cancer in approximately 50,000 small laboratory animals.

There is no safe technology for processing PVC, as well as for producing PVC products. The material polyvinyl chloride cannot be recycled, and highly toxic dioxins released during the disposal of products made from this plastic spread over thousands of kilometers.

The production of PVC products poses no less danger to the environment. The harm of plastic windows, for example, is that the production of one window produces 20 g of toxic waste. A complete renovation of an apartment using polyvinyl chloride generates about 1 kg of toxic waste.

How to identify PVC products?

In countries that monitor the environmental situation and give preference to safe materials, it is customary to mark types of plastic by placing an icon with a number surrounded by arrows. In Russia, labeling of plastic products is not yet mandatory, which means that all plastic products have such a label, however, it is useful for us to know what this or that sign means.

1. PETE or PET (polyethylene terephthalate) – a type of plastic used in the manufacture of bottles, boxes, cans and other packaging for bottling water, juices and soft drinks. This material is also used in packaging for powders and bulk food products. Polyethylene terephthalate is one of the most common and safe types of plastic. In addition, it is highly recyclable.

2. HDPE or LDPE (high-density polyethylene). This type of plastic is used in the manufacture of bags and mugs for water or milk, bottles for shampoos, bleaches, cleaning and detergents, and cans for machine oils. It is considered a safe type of plastic, easy to reuse and recycle.

3.PVC or PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is one of the most dangerous types of plastic. This is what we are talking about today. It is used for packaging washing liquids, production of windows, pipes, wall and floor coverings, garden furniture, films for suspended ceilings, oilcloths, blinds, bathroom curtains, etc. Food containers and children's toys can also be made from it. However, the harm from PVC is quite great, because it contains heavy metals and plasticizers, which can cause kidney and liver damage, infertility, and cancer. At the same time, it is difficult to recycle, and when burned, it releases dangerous poisons into the air - carcinogenic dioxides. If possible, it is better to abandon this type of plastic or reduce its use to a minimum.

4. LDPE or HDPE (low-density polyethylene) – a type of plastic used to make plastic bottles and other flexible plastic packaging. Thanks to this material we have plastic bags. This type of polyethylene is also a safe plastic.

5. PP or PP (polypropylene) It is far from the most durable type of plastic, but it is absolutely harmless to the environment and human health. Polypropylene is mainly used to produce lids, discs, yogurt cups, syrup and ketchup bottles. This plastic is also used for the manufacture of children's products: toys, feeding bottles, etc.

6. PS or PS (polystyrene) – a type of plastic made by polymerizing carcinogenic styrene. Hence its harmful effect. And although polystyrene is often used to make dishes, cutlery, egg containers or meat trays, it is better to avoid such products.

7. OTHER or OTHER. This category includes polymers that are a mixture of various plastics not listed above. For example, polycarbonate is a dangerous type of plastic that, when heated or washed frequently, releases a substance that causes hormonal imbalances in the human body. But harmless, environmentally friendly plastics can also be marked with this number.

Determine which plastic is harmful and which is not? Very simple! According to the marking on the plastic product. The manufacturer is required to provide information about what type of plastic the product was made from. On some packages in Russia you may not find this, which may indicate not only the use of low-quality plastic, but also calls into question the compliance of the products themselves with standards.

The marking should be located on the bottom of the product and is a graphic symbol - a triangle consisting of three arrows, in the middle of which there is a number from 1-7, corresponding to the type of plastic from which the product is made. The abbreviated name of the plastic is usually written under the triangle, but it may not be there.

PETE (1)

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET, PET) is a very common thermoplastic, from which most disposable drink containers are produced in Russia. It has increased transmission properties, which means that ultraviolet rays and oxygen can penetrate the container.

This plastic should not be reused by heating, storing food, washing in hot water or in the dishwasher because this plastic may release toxic chemicals.

HDPE (2)

High density/low pressure polyethylene (HDPE) is a thermoplastic polymer of ethylene. Used for the production of semi-rigid containers. Easy to recycle and can be reused.

It is considered one of the safest plastics.

PCV (3)

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a colorless plastic, thermoplastic polymer of vinyl chloride. Very strong and durable. Lead is most often used in its production, but it is not dangerous to humans because it is in a bound state and is not released into the environment. Separately about this plastic in our article - in detail about PVC.

This plastic can only be dangerous when burned: it is very toxic. Under normal operating conditions, PVC cannot cause any harm.

This plastic is very often used for the production of building materials, in particular windows and doors. More detailed information about this polymer can be obtained in our article “What is PVC”.

LDPE (4)

Low-density/high-pressure polyethylene (LDPE) is a thermoplastic ethylene polymer that differs from HDPE (2) in its production method and characteristics. It is denser and less elastic.

It is considered a fairly safe plastic, but not like HDPE (2) or PP (5). Can be reused.

PP (5)

Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic polymer of propylene, a safe and commonly found plastic. Used in particular for the production of plastic food containers.

The safest plastic. Can be used repeatedly and repeatedly.


Polystyrene (PS) is a thermoplastic polymer. Widely used in the food industry and for the production of household appliances. It is very toxic when burned and if the integrity of a product made from this plastic is damaged.

Not considered safe plastic. Toxic.


A large group of plastics, which includes all other plastics, less common than the previous 6. The most harmful plastic in this group is considered to be BPA, bisphenol A. But it is often used in the production of low-quality children's toys, pacifiers, bottles, and dishes.

Very toxic, very harmful. It is better to avoid the use of bisphenol, since its harm has been proven and is banned for use in many countries.

Simple rules that will help reduce the harm of plastic to a minimum:

Read food packaging carefully. Never buy products packaged in PETE (1), PCV (3), LDPE (4), PS (6), OTHER (7) plastic.

Only plastics 2 (HDPE) and 5 (PP) can be used for storage.

Do not heat food in plastic containers. Do not cook semi-finished products in the disposable packaging in which they are packaged. Plastic can release toxic substances into food.

Do not leave plastic water bottles in the sun or heat PETE (1). Toxic substances may enter the water when heated.

Read carefully what kind of plastic dishes and toys for children are made of; manufacturers often save money and produce them from cheap OTHER plastic (7). The same applies to disposable tableware for adults.

If possible, use natural materials: glass, ceramics, wood, cardboard. Products packaged in this way are more expensive, but then there will be a guarantee that no harmful substances will get into the food.

Unfortunately, very often manufacturers save on packaging materials, using toxic plastic products that are not at all safe for our health. The above classification will help you choose plastic products that are safe for children and adults.

PLA is a biodegradable plastic and is completely safe to work with.
Polycarbonate (PC) is not as safe, and there are studies that suggest it can release bisphenol A.

All the “plastic negativity” can make itself felt at any moment. And then in old age you will wonder where all these sores came from. It’s even worse if toxic substances affect the health of your offspring. So do your best to minimize contact with plastic.
Throw away all the plastic utensils you have in your kitchen.
Under no circumstances leave plastic ice cream or jam jars around the house.
Pay special attention to the labeling of baby feeding bottles. Try to change the containers in which you take the brake to work as often as possible.
Even the best quality boxes should not last longer than one month. When buying any plastic product, be sure to smell it. Even the slightest unpleasant odor should make you question the quality of the product.

When heated and in contact with water, plastic releases various harmful toxic compounds, which, when entering the human body, undermine his health, accumulate and cause various diseases.

USA scientists claim that up to 80% of “plastic” substances found in the human body come from construction and finishing materials (from plastic windows, furniture), but most of all from dishes. Various toxic compounds are transferred from food-grade plastic into food products. Using plastic utensils is very harmful. The use of plastic containers, which have now become fashionable, is especially harmful, since they are often used for storing and heating food in microwave ovens. It is with this use - heating and contact with water and food - that toxic substances and poisons are released and formed that enter the body. It turns out that we do not directly use poisons, and there seem to be none around us, but everything we touch under certain conditions releases poisons.

The same situation is observed as with the “Teflon” coating of frying pans. In itself, it is not harmful, but when heated and in contact with water and food, it releases carcinogens and poisons. In turn, these carcinogens entering the body cause severe and chronic diseases, cancer, and weakened immunity. As a result, then people die and doctors don’t know why.

Technical and food plastics are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene and polycarbonate.
Polymers themselves are inert and non-toxic, but technological additives, solvents, and chemical decomposition products, when they get into food, have a toxic effect. This can happen when food is stored or heated. In addition, these materials, when subjected to change (aging), release destruction products.

Polyvinyl chloride is a chlorine-based polymer. It is distributed all over the world because... extremely cheap. It is used to make drink bottles, cosmetics boxes, containers for household chemicals, and disposable tableware. Over time, PVC begins to release a harmful carcinogenic substance - vinyl chloride. From a bottle it gets into a drink, from a plate into food, and with food into our body. Harmful substances from PVC begin to be released a week after the contents are poured into it. After a month, several milligrams of vinyl chloride accumulate in mineral water (oncologists believe that this is a lot). Often, plastic bottles are reused: tea or other drinks, even alcoholic ones, are poured into them. Milk and sunflower oil are sold in these markets. Large bottles are used as buckets and even “living” and holy water are stored in it (the healing properties of water can only be preserved in glass containers)

Water bottles should not be refilled with anything other than water. Only PET bottles can be reused. Toxic vinyl chlorine is released from PVC bottles. Experts believe that bottle plastic only remains neutral in the absence of oxygen, as long as the water retains its original chemical composition. As soon as the bottle is opened, the water and plastic quickly change their properties.
Conscientious manufacturers put a symbol on the bottom of dangerous bottles - a three in a triangle, or PVC, i.e. PVC. A harmful container can also be recognized by the influx on the bottom. It comes in the form of a line or a spear at two ends. If you press the bottle with your fingernail, a whitish scar will form on the dangerous one. The “correct” bottle remains smooth.

Disposable cups can only be used for water. It is better not to drink acidic juices, sodas, hot and strong drinks from them!
It is not recommended to place hot foods in polystyrene plates

Don't stock up on plastic utensils.

Plastic is a delicate material (it cracks in the light and melts in the heat). For strength, stabilizers are added to it. Plastic becomes stronger and...more toxic.

Polystyrene (designated with the letters PS) for cold liquidsindifferent to bones. But when the liquid is hot, the glass begins to release a toxic compound (styrene).

Polystyrene plates are used in summer cafes for barbecue. In addition to hot meat and ketchup, you can also get a dose of toxins.


To ensure that plastic utensils are safe, they must be used strictly for their intended purpose. Different brands of food grade plastic have different properties. One brand is designed for the production of water bottles, the other for carbonated drinks. Yogurt cups are made from a brand of plastic that is neutral to milk fat and acids. Under no circumstances should plastic packaging be used as a container for storing food, and disposable tableware should not be used repeatedly - it is still unknown how it will react and what may form when it comes into contact with products for which it was not intended.

Before reuse, the plastic container must be washed. Disposable packaging was not intended for washing, so the result is unpredictable. Do not use disposable packaging for food storage or reuse disposable tableware. Cool food before storing it in a container. Use special dishes for the microwave oven.

Mayonnaise, ketchup and other seasonings, juices, jams, as well as ready-made soups and cereals that require heating, are sold in bags made from multilayer composite films. The choice of film depends on the properties of the product, the period and conditions of its storage.

Soups, cereals, and main courses are packaged in bags made of films that have a high melting point. Dishes in such packaging can be heated in the microwave or boiled directly in the bag. Doctors advise eating them less often: the less chemicals, the better.

Manufacturers of instant products (cups, bags, plates) often use polystyrene packaging.

And when it comes into contact with hot water, it begins to release harmful styrene. It is better to transfer everything into a ceramic or enamel bowl and then pour boiling water over it.

Frozen prepared meals in reheatable trays may lose adequate heat stability after being deep-chilled (some brands).


Using dishes made of melamine (formaldehyde) is extremely dangerous. To make the dishes stronger, asbestos is added to them. And asbestos is prohibited even in construction, not to mention in dishes. Formaldehyde and asbestos are very harmful and can cause cancer. The design on such a plate is also harmful. You cannot apply a harmless dye to melamine - it will not stick. Therefore, paints containing heavy metals, primarily lead, are used.

Food in such containers becomes toxic (when heated, harmful carcinogenic substances are formed). Heating soup in such a container can cause cancer. Studies were conducted on animals: some were fed for 2 months from porcelain dishes, and others from bright plastic. The latter experienced changes in blood composition, which often leads to neoplasms. Together with food, formaldehyde enters the body - a poison that negatively affects many vital organs, even causing them to fail. This even affects the offspring (future children are born with various disabilities and will be delayed in development). The dishes come from Turkey, Jordan and China - for the Russian market they are painted with scenes from “our life”. At home, manufacturers do not risk selling such dishes. And in Europe they don’t like melamine; some countries write on the label: on the territory of the EEC, it’s not allowed, for export - please. This is how foreign manufacturers and sellers take care of the health of their citizens.

Before you buy such dishes, think about whether it is worth risking your health.

Modern plastic dishes and plastic containers

Plastic containers for microwave ovens must be heat-resistant. Special markings on the bottom of this dish will indicate its suitability for microwaves or heat resistance up to 140° C. If the marking indicates that the dishes can be washed in the dishwasher, then they are resistant to heat. If the container in which the product is frozen can withstand heating up to 95° C, then it is suitable for use in the microwave. Otherwise, it is necessary to defrost in another microwave-safe container.

Ordinary plastic ice cream packaging and other similar containers are not suitable for microwave use. Resistant to freezing, they can be deformed when heated. Do not heat food in plastic bags intended for storing food. Plastic dishes that cannot withstand high temperatures become deformed, the plastic decomposes and releases harmful substances. This also includes Chinese dishes, which are made mainly of plastic that is not suitable for food.
Foods high in sugar and fat should not be cooked in plastic containers. They are heated to the point where the plastic melts and deforms. It is better to cook them in special dishes that can withstand heating up to 140, 180 or more C.

Currently, dishes are produced that are specifically designed for use in microwave ovens. Such dishes can withstand temperatures from -40 to +230° C or more. In the microwave, you can use special plastic plates and bags designed for the oven that can withstand boiling temperatures (but without a metal clamp so as not to melt the packaging) and pierce the bag to allow steam to escape.

Plastic dishes - used mainly for storing food (cheese, butter) or ready-made dishes. You can't cook in it. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the markings on the bottom of the cookware.
If there is an inscription - “for technical purposes” - it cannot be used for food even for a short time. You cannot store acidic foods, cabbage, pickled cucumbers and other vegetables in plastic containers.
Wash with not very hot water.

Some argue: if you do not exceed the permissible level of chemicals, there will be no harm. You need to eat more than 2 kg of canned food per day to get closer to the maximum permissible dose.
Others insist: the more chemicals a person consumes, the more it destroys the body...
Plastic entered our lives about 30 years ago. Now the first truly “plastic” generation is growing, and to draw conclusions about the effect of plastic on the body, you need to observe at least five generations...