What should be the agglomerate from pvd. Recycling of polyethylene film for reuse. AGL series agglomerators

Recycling of polyethylene is one of the few recycling technologies that provides a solution to the environmental problem of waste, and is able to bring good profits.

The problem of pollution of the planet with polyethylene is becoming more serious every year. The use of this material is so widespread that it is found in almost every area of ​​human life. Difficulties in disposal and a long period of decomposition threaten our planet. To solve the problem, technologies for processing and recycling the substance are being developed. This is a great way to get rid of the huge amount of garbage in landfills around major cities and build a profitable production on this basis. The introduction of this method on a global scale is a chance to defeat an ecological catastrophe.

Relevance of polyethylene processing

It is not easy to dispose of this material - the structure and composition of polyethylene provide resistance to various chemical factors, which makes it so popular. In terms of use, these qualities are exactly what you need. However, it is these same properties that lead to the impact of waste on the environment.

The decomposition of polyethylene takes about 300 years. A dangerous factor is also the fact that, when decomposed, polyethylene objects are capable of releasing hazardous chemical elements into the biosphere that pollute the air, soil, and groundwater. In sum, this action affects the environment and public health.

If this material has such amazing properties and is stored for several hundred years, the question arises, why not take advantage of these qualities of waste. Modern technology allows the recycling of polyethylene waste at such a level that the material becomes usable again. This is both a way to save on new materials and a solution to the problem of environmental pollution.

For the smooth and continuous functioning of the processing system, the condition for collecting raw materials and the availability of the necessary equipment is necessary. Subsequent recycling will give waste a new life in the role of everyday household items.

The number of enterprises involved in the processing of polyethylene waste naturally increases every year - this is facilitated by the relevance and demand for this service. The low cost of the source material and the wide possibilities for the production of goods for which demand does not fall are the key advantages of such a business.

An important point. The use of products made from recycled polyethylene should be included on the packaging of the product, while the quality of the recycled product is inferior to virgin polyethylene. This fact should be taken into account.

How is the processing of raw materials?

Waste is processed in several successive steps:

  • collection of raw materials;
  • sorting;
  • primary processing;
  • grinding;
  • processing in a centrifuge;
  • the effect of temperature;
  • the use of material for the production of products.

The collection of raw materials and their sorting is the beginning of the process. At this stage, the waste is divided into categories that correspond to the type of raw material. Sorting can be done manually or using mechanized devices.

Sorted waste must be cleaned of dirt, parts from foreign material. Raw materials are cleaned in special washing machines. Some collectors of raw materials themselves carry out this procedure, increasing the price of it.

Grinding of purified and prepared raw materials is carried out in special machines, using crushing. The next processing step is centrifugation. This relieves the material of moisture, impurities. After grinding, heat treatment of the material follows.

The raw material is ready for recycling and the production of items from it.

Necessary equipment for polyethylene processing

For a complete and high-quality recycling process, the following equipment is used:

  • washing machine;
  • waste shredder;
  • centrifuge;
  • heat treatment plant;
  • agglomerator - to reduce the volume of raw materials;
  • granulator;
  • extruder - to form a homogeneous raw material, using temperature.

Automation of the process is carried out by using a pipeline - this speeds up the process and allows you to control it in stages.

The use of an agglomerator is one of the ways to increase the efficiency and economy of processing. The output is a commercial product - an agglomerate.

The principle of operation of the agglomerator for polyethylene processing, see the video:

The use of an extruder makes it possible to obtain low-pressure polyethylene, which is resistant to physical and chemical factors.

Extruders are also used for processing raw materials (agglomerate) into a homogeneous melt with giving it a certain shape.

The problem of environmental pollution with waste is becoming more acute every year. Polyethylene is used everywhere. It is used for product packaging, production of pipes, machine parts and building materials. The long process of decomposition of the material endangers the harmony on the planet. Therefore, it is so important to understand what technologies exist for the recycling of polyethylene.

Importance of liquidation

Modern material is not afraid of water, acids of various origins, alkali and solutions of chemical salts. For the production of products, such resistance to external influences is only on hand, but it could be an environmental disaster.

Polyethylene waste is very dangerous. The substance is subject to thermal aging and slow decomposition under the action of heat, sun and air. During this period, the material begins to release caustic substances that pollute sewage and soil.

The decay lasts for at least a century. Looking at this, environmentalists sound the alarm and try to prevent a catastrophe.

It is impossible to significantly reduce the production of polyethylene products, but it is quite possible to organize the production process correctly. To do this, it is necessary to create and improve methods for recycling polyethylene. The modernization process will give waste another life: it can be used as a secondary raw material.

Every year the number of organizations whose activities are related to the processing of hazardous waste is growing. This is due not only to the deterioration of the atmosphere. Recycling of harmful substances in is considered a profitable business area.

From used film and polyethylene, you can create raw materials for:

  1. Garbage bins.
  2. Panels.
  3. Domestic and industrial containers.

Despite the emergence of new recycling technologies, the production of goods from such raw materials has limitations.

The recycling of plastic waste itself is not difficult. The materials used in everyday life remain the same, as their use is short-lived, and the service life for industrial use is much longer.

Impact on polyethylene under such conditions is large. The rays of the sun and constant temperature changes have a strong effect on the material. Dust generated during operation cannot be removed. Recycled raw materials are not famous for their high quality, therefore they are not suitable for production in any area.

Subtleties of waste processing

There are some restrictions on the types of products that can be made from recycled products. The first phase has minimal impact on the important properties of new products, but each new cycle reduces them. Raw materials become suitable only for the manufacture of products whose mechanical characteristics are not so important for comfortable use.

Stages of classical recycling of polyethylene waste:

Selection of equipment for the process

The creation of raw materials for reuse from polyethylene is impossible without professional equipment. It's like plastic recycling machines.

The complete line contains:

  • Washing machine.
  • Material crusher.
  • centrifuge.
  • Drying unit.
  • extruder.
  • Agglomerator.
  • Granulator.

It is also recommended to use a conveyor or pneumatic conveyor. They automate production, simplifying the process of supplying waste. The agglomerator is the main device. It is in it that the main process of film processing takes place. Under the influence of high temperatures, the waste is converted into a secondary raw material, which is called agglomerate. On the machine, it becomes a finished product. For high productivity of utilization it is necessary to use agglomerators with high power. The price of such machines is much higher than usual, but the quality is comparatively better.

Polyethylene granulation is the next step after grinding and agglomeration. The pellet making machine is most often included in the production line, but its use is not a requirement.

But it is worth remembering that the sale of polyethylene granules is in demand. Their production can significantly increase profits and expand the customer base.

The technology of processing polyethylene film is improving every year. Cross-linked polyethylene is especially popular. This is a material that has improved properties. It has a wide scope. Gloves, food packaging film, heat-shrinkable tubes and polymer pipes are produced from it. The stitched material is very tough. Its working temperature after processing can reach up to 120 degrees.


Demand for the processing of polymer waste and, at the same time, for the production of new film materials is increasing from year to year. In addition to large factories, quite a lot of small manufacturing enterprises have recently opened that need timely processing of used film. Huge volumes of film waste are also provided by shopping centers and shops of various profiles. The segment of potential consumers of the product obtained after processing (agglomerate) is the companies, one way or another engaged in the manufacture of films, as well as various products from polymers for non-food purposes. If you build your business on the processing of film waste, you will be able to work with both their suppliers and agglomerate consumers.

What is needed?

Recycling does not require large areas and a whole staff of specialists. You can organize this work on your own, even if there is a limited area. For these purposes, you will need to purchase a rotary agglomerator - special equipment for processing HDPE (low pressure polyethylene, LDPE (high pressure polyethylene) and stretch film. Using an agglomerator, you can also process polypropylene bags and big bags, but it all depends on the equipment modification.

How does an agglomerator work?

This equipment is used for grinding, washing, drying and agglomerating waste. Depending on the configuration, agglomerators are single- or double-rotor. Structurally, the agglomerator consists of a frame, an electric motor, a housing and a unit with knives fixed on the shaft. The principle of operation is simple: film waste is loaded into the working chamber, after which it is crushed and sintered. The addition of "shock" water allows this mass to cool and polymerize. At the output, irregularly shaped granules (pellets) 3-10 mm in size are obtained.

Depending on the capacity of the equipment, it may be necessary to pre-grind the film with crushers before filling into the chamber. This will make it possible to use small-capacity agglomerators for processing. Powerful agglomerators (more than 200-250 kg/hour), as a rule, give out large granules. However, the smaller the size of the agglomerate, the more suitable it is for use as a secondary raw material.

Where is agglomerate used?

The resulting product can be used both as a secondary raw material for the production of films and for granulation, which also expands business opportunities. Film materials are in great demand today in almost all areas, so there will be no shortage of agglomerate customers.

How much can you earn?

The cost of a budget-class industrial agglomerator ranges from 195,000-370,000 rubles. According to average calculations, the difference in price between the film and the agglomerate is from 10,000 rubles per ton. Let us take as a basis that the profit per kilogram of raw materials is 5 rubles (this figure can be twice as much).

In an hour, a two-rotor agglomerator processes 200 kg of raw materials without any problems - in total this is 1000 rubles. (200 kg x 5 rubles = 1000 rubles / hour). For an 8-hour shift, it turns out 8000 rubles. (1000 x 8).

If you work in two shifts, then this is already 16,000 rubles per day (1000 x 16).

For a month (22 working days), the profit will be 352,000 rubles. (16000 x 22).

Thus, in one month you can fully recoup the purchase of equipment and start making a profit from the next.

spin off

  • Large areas are not required for the organization of work and equipment placement, therefore, this is a significant savings on rent. You can organize the processing of the film in a warehouse or in another suitable room.
  • One or two specialists can work with the agglomerator (depending on the scale of processing and equipment model). Special qualifications and special knowledge are also not required. Consequently, the cost of employee salaries will also be negligible.
  • When buying a high-performance, but at the same time energy-efficient agglomerator, the cost of paying for electricity is also reduced.
  • Other operating costs, such as maintenance and replacement parts, also depend on the quality and reliability of the equipment. Based on this, it is advisable to buy agglomerators from leading manufacturers. Even if the payback period in this case increases, this will be compensated by the absence of regular repair costs.


The organization of processing of film materials to obtain agglomerate is a stable business that does not depend on seasonality or fluctuations in demand. The demand for film recycling and the purchase of agglomerate for its production will only grow. Buying an agglomerator is a win-win investment with a quick payback and the possibility of further expansion of activities. Subsequently, it will be possible to purchase equipment of a different modification for processing a wider range of materials.

Do you want to buy an agglomerator, and inexpensively? Agglomerator, the price of which is below the market average, and the quality is superior to Chinese counterparts, you can buy from us!

The April group of companies not only supplies, but also independently produces. This equipment, designed by our own design office, is produced under the brand name OCEAN. If you are engaged in the processing of film waste from polymers, we suggest you buy a knife agglomerator, the price and characteristics of which are ideal for your production.

It happens that the dimensions of the film waste that you plan to agglomerate exceed the dimensions of 300x300 mm;

Agglomerator knives are made of high-strength tool steel. The cost of the OCEAN agglomerator will pleasantly surprise you. You can see this equipment in operation on our territory or at the production of our partners.

Knife film agglomerators with folding body are a good choice for you!

Polyethylene agglomerator: varieties

All agglomerators can be divided into two types:

  • Knife agglomerators- inside the working chamber there is a rotor with knives fixed on it. The machine also has stationary knives located on the barrel itself. April Group of Companies delivers to order and constantly has in stock several modifications of knife agglomerators produced according to Japanese technologies.
  • Disc agglomerators- the difference from knife agglomerators in the location of movable knives, in this type of agglomerator they are located on a movable disk, on the bottom of the barrel.

The principle of operation of both types of agglomerators is the same. The raw material is loaded into a barrel, the film is chopped with knives and begins to sinter, as the walls of the agglomerator are heated. After some time, water is added to the raw material, and a sharp compression of the particles occurs. Some time is required to dry the agglomerate, after which the finished material is dumped into a storage box.

The performance of the agglomerator is affected by the engine power, the method of discharge of raw materials, the size of the barrel, measured in liters. The agglomerator, which you can buy from us, is made according to Japanese standards, which allows you to add water and discharge raw materials automatically.

On the agglomerator price parameters such as its versatility, performance and number of rotors are affected.

Agglomerator produced by GK "April" brand OCEAN is extremely easy to use and made of high quality materials.

Agglomerators HDPE and PVD films The HQ series are single-rotor agglomerators that, like the OCEAN, can be used for drying raw materials and as a mixer for producing composite materials or for mixing raw materials with a dye.

Washing agglomerator

Washing agglomerators can operate both in the agglomeration mode and in the washing mode.

During the washing process, the agglomerator usually shows low productivity, so the decision to buy a washing agglomerator is not the most economically justified. It is much easier and more efficient to use a conventional film agglomerator washer in the recycling process.

Separate, working in tandem with the agglomerator, will increase the efficiency of your production.

Knives for agglomerators

You can also always purchase knives for the agglomerator from us. We supply ready-made kits, and we also sharpen knives for agglomerators.

You can order knives for agglomerators of the desired configuration and degree of hardening from the Aprel Group of Companies.

Plast compactors and agglomerators are most often found in plastic waste recycling facilities.

Recently, many processors are also equipping workshops with capsulators.

All these machines ideal for recycling films and bags.

To understand these machines and choose the ideal one for your technology, their detailed description will help.

The agglomerator is a production unit for the processing of film polymer waste (mainly polyolefin raw materials PP, LDPE, HDPE, LLDPE), the most popular in the film recycling industry.

Types of waste to be recycled at the agglomerator:

  • film, including stretch;
  • packages;
  • thin soft sheets;
  • bags and big-bags polypropylene woven.

The ideal option is recycling waste of the same type, since polymers have individual softening and melting points.

The presence of foreign matter can lead to non-melting or vice versa, overheating.

Principle of operation

Agglomerator for polymer processing is round metal(rarely plastic) barrel, equipped with thin knives around the perimeter.

The knives are driven by a high-speed powerful motor capable of providing a shaft rotation of at least 1200 rpm. Electric motor and agglomerator tank mounted on a single metal frame.

The motor, equipped with a multi-channel pulley, is connected by means of a belt drive to the rotation unit of the container itself.

The unit is equipped with a pulley of a similar design.

The agglomerator tank has a loading opening on the lid and a small window for unloading finished products on the side.

Obtaining raw materials from polyethylene

A fairly simple technology allows you to get both a finished product and semi-finished products for further use. It all depends on the purity of the feedstock.

Main stages:

  1. Pre-cut into webs and washed waste are loaded by the operator into the agglomerator. An important point: it is necessary to determine the optimal portion of the machine load. In the future, the operator must measure the raw materials by weighing.
  2. Then the knives are set in motion, grinding the polymer to a homogeneous mass. After about 5-10 minutes, the mass begins to fuse under the action of heating from the friction force. The moment of separation comes, the raw material begins to rise above the knives.
  3. It's time for a serving of water. This so-called shock water. It causes a sharp cooling of the mass and its disintegration into small loose particles (pellets).
  4. Final stage - unloading of finished products. If the agglomerate is clean, then it is ready for further processing. If there is dirt, then it is necessary to clean it additionally by granulation on the extruder.

DIY manufacturing

The cost of industrial production agglomerator is relatively low, you can find a good option in the area 100 thousand rubles. But sometimes, especially at the start of a business, this significant expenses. Therefore, you can try to make an agglomerator for plastic with your own hands.

The following points must be taken into account:

  • it is better to choose a container made of stainless steel to avoid metal corrosion;
  • the electric motor should provide an average of 1200 rpm;
  • the design of the pulleys must be selected so that it combines the maximum speed for agglomeration and the minimum speed for unloading pellets;
  • the most problematic part is the bearing assembly.

It cannot be done without special metalworking equipment, not to mention the manufacture of knives. This part it is better to trust a specialist.


The essence of waste processing (for example, films) on the encapsulator is to give them a shape, convenient for loading into dosing bins extruder or injection molding machine.

The main difference from the agglomerator is the possibility of processing several types plastic simultaneously.

Polymer wastes are sintered with each other, forming a kind of granule.

Encapsulation can be processed:

  • film waste of polyethylene and polypropylene;
  • crushed (flex) bottles, vials, PET, LDPE, HDPE;
  • thin sheet cuttings;
  • ribbon waste and thread trimmers.

Before loading into the encapsulator, it is necessary to grind the waste beforehand. up to a size of not more than 100 microns. Residual moisture should be no more than 10%.

The main thing difference from agglomeration is that in this process no water required.

In case of contamination, it is better to regranulate the capsules on the extruder.

This method is also good because plastic not subject to reconstruction, but only heated up to the softening temperature.


According to its principle of operation, the plastcompactor is identical to the encapsulator. Rotating cutters on rotors at the bottom of the tank cut the material and compact it. Under the influence of self-heating the friction force softens the capsules.

The finished product is folded into several parts small pieces plastic, tight packed.

Raw materials for processing on a plastcompactor:

  • film waste (polyolefins, PVC, PET);
  • scraps of woven production (bags, big bags);
  • packaging waste.

The main difference between a plastcompactor and an encapsulator is the absence of the need to pre-crush the waste to a fine fraction. I.e, no additional unit required production equipment - crushers, shredders.

The main 5 advantages of the plast compactor over the agglomerator:

  1. Relatively more low costs for energy consumption.
  2. No water in the process and therefore no post-drying step.
  3. Capsules-granules have greater bulk weight and, as a result, are more convenient to use.
  4. The material is not subject to thermal degradation, and therefore, does not lose its valuable operational quality.
  5. There is no subjectivity factor, the quality of the product does not depend on the level of professional training of the operator.

Granulator with built-in agglomerator

The granulator (extruder), unlike previous machines, is much more difficult to operate and set up equipment. But at the same time, the output is much better product in the form of a granule.

The granulate can be processed by almost any of the known methods (with the exception of rotational molding).

In the process of extrusion, it is possible not only to mold the material, giving it a commercial appearance of a granule, but also to modify it by introducing special fillers, dyes and functional additives.

By passing the raw material through a granulator with a built-in agglomerator, the polymer can be filtered with filter and grids from the smallest impurities.

You can read more about the production of secondary granules in the article.

Technology system

The extrusion line is quite versatile. Selection of a specific screw configuration can solve almost any problem: from simple processing of waste into granulate to obtaining a compound with more valuable characteristics.

The productivity of the line and the quality of the material depend on the feedstock. Fine shredder, especially film, is difficult to recycle. Therefore, the agglomerator built in line, greatly simplifies the task of uniform dosing raw materials.

Installation diagram:

  1. Agglomerator. In terms of its performance, it should match the granulator or slightly exceed it. This will help to avoid downtime and unnecessary starts.
  2. material supply system. Here it can be implemented belt conveyor system for high performance or forced filing into a bunker or supply container.
  3. Bunker feeder. It can be one, if only polymer raw materials are processed, or several, if additives are needed.
  4. The granulator (extruder) is the main unit. He might be single-screw, twin-screw, one-stage or two-stage. It all depends on performance and tasks. The granulator is equipped with an electric drive with a gearbox. The die can also be different - flat or round.
  5. Granule cutting unit. Possible strand cutter installation, in this embodiment, the plastic in the form of strands passes through a bath of water and is cut into cylindrical granules. Air cooling possible. The knife system is mounted directly on the die. Dissected granules of round shape are fed into the finished product hopper through a system of cyclones and pneumatic transport.

There is also an underwater granulation system, which is quite expensive. The scheme is almost identical to the air one, but the granules are picked up by a jet of water and cool down. The material is then separated and dried.

The system needs peripheral equipment– chiller or cooling tower for water cooling, blower system for pneumatic transport.

Benefits of recycling with a granulator:

  • commercial type of products - granules;
  • high degree of purification from pollution;
  • high bulk density, almost equal to pure polymer;
  • higher price of processed products.

Useful video

We bring to your attention a video clip, which shows the process of operation of the agglomerator.


The choice of equipment for the recycling of film waste depends on specific goals, as well as on the state of the original raw materials. For example, if a manufacturer has found a constant volume of clean film or stretch, then it is enough to purchase an agglomerator or a plast compactor.

The difference in price between the encapsulator and other equipment is not significant, but here you need to carefully calculate the costs. It is possible that higher start-up costs will pay off faster due to labor savings and a higher price for capsules than for agglomerate.

If you have to deal with a stream of polymeric wastes of different nature, then you cannot do without an encapsulator or a plastcompactor. They allow you to bypass the sorting of material by polymers. If there is no marking on the container, then without the appropriate analytical equipment and experience it is difficult to work.

Read about the labeling and sorting of plastic raw materials.

The universal machine is the granulator. In melt extrusion, good homogenization of dissimilar plastics can be achieved by adjusting the temperature and processing conditions (screw configuration, speed, etc.). But this option is the most expensive and requires an operator with a good level of training.

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