What is the name of the most dangerous tropical fish? The most terrible killer fish. The most dangerous fish in the world

Typically, a significant portion of these swimming vertebrates do not pose much of a threat to humans. There are also fish that can attack humans. Unfortunately, there are situations when people encountering certain types of fish can be seriously injured or even die. Which fish are the deadliest?

Tiger fish Goliath

This fish is found in the rivers of Central Africa. The demon fish or giant hydrocine can grow up to 2 meters in length. The fish weighs 50 kg. This member of the African tetra family has 32 sharp teeth that can tear flesh without much effort. This predator has excellent hearing. Goliath is capable of attacking a person or crocodile if it gets very hungry.

Despite their inactive lifestyle, these small fish are very aggressive. Stonefish or wartfish can be found in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. This representative of the scorpion family has several poisonous spines on its back. The poison of the stone fish destroys red blood cells and also affects the human nervous system.

This fish lives in the waters of South America. The freshwater stingray weighs 900 kg. The body length of the fish is 5 meters. The animal has a whip-shaped tail, at the end of which there is a poisonous sting. A person can die from the poison of this fish. Despite its terrifying size, the freshwater stingray is a fairly peaceful animal and rarely shows aggression towards people.

This fish lives in the waters of South America. The electric eel weighs 40 kg. The fish grows up to 3 meters. The animal has a very elongated body. This predator uses an electrical discharge to kill its prey. 600 volts released by a freshwater eel will be enough to kill a person.

These insatiable and very aggressive fish can be found in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Moray eel has a serpentine-shaped body. The animal has a length of up to 1.5 meters. This fish weighs up to 50 kg. Moray eels prefer to hunt at night. There have been cases where these fish have bitten off divers' fingers and toes.

Zebra fish

This beautiful fish is found in the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. Zebra fish or striped lionfish weigh up to 1 kg. The animal's 30-centimeter body is covered with bright light stripes. This representative of the scorpionfish family has sharp, poisonous needles on its fins. Lionfish venom is quite dangerous for humans.

It’s not for nothing that the white shark is called the man-eater. This shark is one of the largest predatory fish that live on Earth. This ferocious predator can be found in almost all waters of the World Ocean. The fish weighs up to 3200 kg. The length of this shark is 5 meters. A white shark can kill a person. The animal mainly feeds on marine mammals, crustaceans or birds.

These predatory fish live in the waters of South America. Piranhas prefer to hunt in packs. These animals quickly attack their prey. All that remains of the victim is bones. Although piranhas have a bad reputation among people, there have never been cases of human death from the bites of these small predators.

This fish lives mainly in the waters of Southeast Asia. Snakeheads are quite aggressive and hardy predators. The head of this animal is similar to the head of a snake. The fish has powerful jaws. Snakeheads introduced from Asia cause great damage to the native ichthyofauna of North America.

This fish lives in subtropical and tropical waters of all oceans. The shark can survive in both fresh and sea water. This representative of the family of gray sharks has a difficult temperament and an exorbitant appetite. Scientists have found the most unexpected objects in the stomachs of these animals. For example, household waste or metal products. Many more people have suffered from blunt-nosed shark bites than from white shark attacks.

Danger awaits people everywhere, and this applies not only to land, but also to water bodies. Some fish pose a mortal danger to people. The likelihood of encountering such fish is minimal if we consider a person living in a big city. But it is necessary to have information about a potential threat.

There are fish much more dangerous than sharks. Rivers, seas and oceans are filled with dangerous inhabitants who, when hunting or defending themselves, use various methods of destruction - from electric shock to sharp fangs. When swimming in rivers or visiting seaside resorts, it is better to avoid meeting the inhabitants of the aquatic world presented below, which are dangerous to humans. So, the most dangerous fish existing in the world are presented to your attention.

Electric eel

The electric eel lives in small rivers of Latin America, in tributaries of the Amazon. This is not a relative of true eels, but a separate species. Although there are similarities. The eel uses its unique organs that generate electric current for navigation, hunting and protection. The electrical organs produce a discharge of 600 volts, which paralyzes the prey. Such a discharge poses a mortal danger to humans, so you need to be careful when visiting such regions where fish live.

Tiger fish

A relative of the piranha, found in Africa and South America, is the tiger fish. These family connections should be alarming. The average weight of tiger fish is 3.5 kg, the Senegalese subspecies is 15 kg, and cases of catching specimens reaching 50 kg have been recorded. The fish has many sharp teeth with which it tears its prey. A human encounter with such a freshwater inhabitant is very dangerous. In Africa, annual tiger fish fishing championships are held on the Chebe River. Extreme fishermen come from all over the world to take part in such interesting fishing.


The goonch is a large inhabitant of the rivers of Nepal and India. Its second name is devilish catfish. This fish is dangerous due to its aggressive habits and size. The catfish has gained a reputation as a man-eater. On the Kali Gunch River, he drags people under water. But people are most likely to blame for this. Buddhist traditions dictate that the bodies of the deceased be buried in the Kali River. So the fish fell in love with dining on humans. A case was recorded when a catfish weighing 104 kg was caught.


The wart lives in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is also called the stone fish. The fish perfectly camouflages itself as a stone. Such a “stone” can remain without water for up to 20 hours. The wart has poisonous spines. This is the most poisonous fish. For humans, its bite is fatal. Unfortunately, the antidote has yet to be found.


In recent years, the habitat of the snakehead has greatly increased. It is found from the Far East and Hindustan to the rivers of Central Asia. Fish can easily tolerate a lack of oxygen. It survives drought by burying itself in the mud. In extreme cases, in the absence of water, it can crawl into a body of water located in another place, covering long distances. The snakehead grows up to 1 meter, its weight reaches 10 kg. In the water, the predator hunts everything that moves. Can easily bite a person.



This fish is the most famous freshwater predator, which is dangerous for both animals and people. This is a schooling fish that instantly attacks its prey. Her sharp teeth tear off pieces of meat from the victim and in a matter of minutes only bones remain from the unfortunate animal. This is a very dangerous fish, but to date there have been no recorded cases of people being eaten. The average size of a piranha is 15 cm, but larger specimens are also found. Piranha has been very popular among aquarists in recent years. In captivity, the predatory fish is very shy and cautious.

Hedgehog fish

The hedgehog fish lives among tropical coral reefs. When she senses danger, she immediately becomes like a ball covered with spikes. These spines, the skin of the fish and its internal organs contain toxic poison. If a person pricks himself on these needles and is not given immediate medical care, he may die. You should also not cook dishes from such fish. The hedgehog fish is very clumsy and slow and often, under the influence of underwater currents, finds itself far from its permanent habitat.

Mackerel hydrolic

The mackerel-shaped hydrolic grows more than 1 meter and weighs up to 17 kilograms. At the bottom of the fish's jaw are fangs. For this reason, it was nicknamed the “vampire fish.” And although she does not drink blood, she is very dangerous and can eat piranha. Among passionate fishermen, the mackerel-shaped hydrolic is very popular. But not because of its taste, but because this freshwater fish is very difficult to catch. And if she is caught on a lure or hook, she very actively resists until the last.

Spiketail ray

The list of the most dangerous fish is completed by the stingray. The fish spends most of its time at the bottom. She buries herself in the sand and remains in this state for a long time. With a sharp spike located on its tail, it pierces the skin of a person who inadvertently steps on it and releases poison. As a result, paralysis can occur, and given that the person is in the water, as a rule, death occurs. Adult stingrays reach up to 2 meters in length and weigh about 30 kilograms. The stingray uses its venom solely as a defense. They feed on mollusks or crustaceans.

Fish are aquatic vertebrates and are one of the most beautiful representatives of the fauna. At the same time, many of them can be called the most terrible creations of nature, although the threat comes only from some varieties. We present to you the top 10 most dangerous fish, some species of which are capable of tearing apart their prey in a few seconds, others can be fatally poisoned, and still others can even settle inside a person, slowly eating his organs. Each of the killer fish has been studied quite well by biologists and therefore is completely justifiably included in this list.

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10. Zebra Lionfish

A ray-finned predatory fish that has several names - zebra fish and striped lionfish. It lives in the Pacific and Indian basins, near the Chinese, Australian and Japanese coasts and near the Caribbean. It is considered one of the most unusual and attractive fish: the body of the lionfish shimmers with bright stripes, and the length from head to tail is 30 cm, weight - within a kilogram. An unpleasant feature of the fish is the fins arranged in the form of a ribbon on the chest and back. It is in them that her secret weapon is hidden - poisonous needles, one touch of which is enough to cause paralysis of the respiratory and skeletal muscles. If help is not provided in time, the person will sink due to the inability to move and breathe.

9. Electric eel

Not to be confused with the common eel, the electric eel is a complete fish and the only representative of its kind. Habitat: rivers and reservoirs of Latin America, tributaries of the Amazon, as well as waterways in Peru, Guyana, Brazil, Venezuela and Suriname. Adults grow up to one and a half meters, and the officially registered record holder reached 3 meters. The body weight of the fish is 20 kg, but some can grow up to 45 kg. The danger of the eel lies in the ability to produce a current discharge with a voltage of up to 650 V, which can not only cause acute pain, but also be lethal to humans.

8. Big tiger fish

A predatory fish that lives on the African continent, in the Lualaba and Congo rivers, as well as in some other bodies of water. The maximum length of individuals can be up to one and a half meters, and their weight can be up to half a centner. Cases of attacks by this fish on humans have been recorded, while the predator itself is the only fish known to biologists that is not afraid of alligators.

7. Bagarius Huarelli

A species of very large fish, the mountain catfish, lives in South Asian rivers flowing through China, Bangladesh, India and Nepal. Maximum length - 2 meters, weight - 90 kg. Over the course of a dozen years, starting from the beginning of this century, many cases were recorded in which catfish of enormous size attacked people, and most of the aggressive behavior ended in death for the person.

6. Brown Snakehead

It belongs to the order Perciformes, to the snakehead family and is a large fish that lives in the fresh waters of rivers flowing through India, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Malaysia. The length of the predator is 1.3 meters, weight is 20 kg. Incredibly voracious, cunning and aggressive, tolerant of lack of oxygen. They can track their potential prey for a long time and always attack from ambush.

5. Wart

The second name is stone fish, it belongs to the warty family and is one of the most dangerous fish in the world, despite its small length - only about half a meter. It lives in the coral reef zone of the Indian and Pacific oceans. It is extremely poisonous, injecting poison instantly, after which a state of shock, pain and paralysis sets in, after which the tissue begins to die. A large dose of wart venom can cause death.

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4. Common vandellia

A ray-finned predatory fish, it belongs to the piranha subfamily and lives in South American reservoirs and rivers. Length - up to 30 cm, weight - about a kilogram. Of the 50 species, only 30 are predatory, while the rest feed on fruits. They are distinguished by powerful jaws and a row of sharp wedge-shaped teeth. They hunt in packs and attack any living object, be it a fish, a pet or a person. It tears huge pieces of meat out of the flesh, and in a few minutes a small school of piranhas can gnaw a cow weighing 50-70 kg to the bone.

2. Brown rocktooth

Another name is brown puffer, northern or ocellated dog-fish, brown puffer. The saltwater fish belongs to the pufferfish family, lives in the northwest Pacific basin, and loves slightly brackish water. The maximum length of individuals can reach 80 cm, although the average fish has a body of about 40 cm. The liver and ovaries contain tetrodotoxin, a powerful poison that kills in seconds. Despite this, it is the most famous dish of Japanese cuisine. Many deaths due to eating fugu are regularly recorded in the Land of the Rising Sun, but the popularity of this dish does not decrease.

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1. Mackerel hydrolic

The second name is Payara or “vampire fish”, the most dangerous fish on the planet. This fiend lives in the Amazon and in the waters of the Orinoco (Venezuela). It grows in length up to 1 m 29 cm and weighs up to 18 kg. Its terrifying feature is its immense aggressiveness, which is reinforced by two 15-centimeter fangs located in the lower jaw. It feeds on any fish, especially loves piranhas and can eat any creature half the size of its body. It has very tasty meat, is valued as an excellent catch and is considered one of the most desirable objects of sport fishing.

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The most dangerous fish that pose a threat to humans are not found in nature very often, but they exist, and you need to know the enemy by sight. Fish are considered one of nature's most beautiful creations, especially when we think of colorful tropical fish that delight the eye of the beholder. Even men often affectionately call their lovers “my fish.” But we must not forget that there are some species that pose a mortal danger to all living beings on earth. Compared to such dangerous fish species, a shark will seem like a “little child.”

What terrible aquatic inhabitants exist, and what is the threat posed by them?

The most dangerous fish for people review

Electric eel

This creature can actively defend itself if it is attacked, or if it thinks it is being attacked. This situation could result in an electric shock of 600 volts, which would be enough to kill a person or any other creature. Found in South America and the Amazon.

Tiger fish

The tiger fish, or goliath fish, is a ferocious predator. Razor-sharp teeth help her hunt. The monster's weight can reach fifty kilograms. This is one of the most bloodthirsty and dangerous freshwater fish. It can eat animals that accidentally find themselves in the water, and even attack humans. It is mainly distributed in Africa, especially in Lake Tanganyika and the Congo River.

Dangerous Goonch fish

Goonch Fish or Catfish Bagariy is found in the Kali River (another name is Gandak), which flows between Nepal and India. What makes this species of catfish especially dangerous is that it loves the taste of human flesh. This fish is the main culprit in the disappearance of people in the Kali River area. Individual individuals can weigh up to 140 kilograms. It can attack a person even in a crowd of people. It is believed that fish developed a cannibalistic craving for human flesh because of human customs. The Kali River has long been used by the local population to dispose of the bodies of the deceased. The partially burnt corpses of the dead are dumped into the river after Hindu funeral rites.

The most dangerous fish is stone

The stone fish, or wartfish, is one of the most dangerous and strange species of fish. This fish is considered the most poisonous in the world. As a rule, the wart lives among coral reefs, imitating a stone. Its resemblance to stone allows it to remain invisible until you step on it, but this step can be fatal. The stone fish is known for its highly potent venom and its bite can be fatal. The effect of the defeat lasts for many hours, the person dies in terrible agony, and there is no antidote to the poison of the stone fish. A dangerous werewolf is found in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans, as well as in the waters of the Red Sea, off the coast of Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Marshall Islands, Fiji and Samoa. Russians have a real chance of encountering dangerous fish on the beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada or Dahab.


Snakehead fish, or snakehead, was first discovered in Russia, China and Korea. This predator is found in the rivers of the Far East, including the Primorsky Territory. But today this fish can be found in the ecosystems of other countries. Typically, snakeheads live in small, well-warmed bodies of water overgrown with vegetation.

The snakehead eats all living things in the water. It reaches one meter in length and weighs up to ten kilograms, but the largest fish caught weighed thirty kg.

The snakehead is interesting because it can survive without water for up to five days. In dry reservoirs, it burrows deep into the silt and waits there for the next rainy season. It can crawl a considerable distance on land to a nearby body of water. It feeds not only on fish, but also on amphibians.


Vandellia (Vandellia cirrhosa) or candiru. Candiru is a freshwater fish that lives in the waters of the Amazon. This fish is one of the most terrible monsters on the planet, despite its small size. Its body measures only 2.5 cm in length and 3.5 mm in thickness. The trouble for humans is that this fish, like a magnet, is attracted to blood and urine. For her, these are sources of nutrition.

Vandellia easily penetrates the anus, vagina or penis of a person and begins to feed on human organs from the inside, causing excruciating pain to the victim. What's really scary is that, in most cases, the only way to get rid of this predator is amputation.

However, it should be noted that cases of human damage are extremely rare. Typically, the Vandellia catfish swims into the gills of other freshwater fish and feeds on the blood of the blood vessels of the fish's gills. Because of its bloodthirstiness, the small freshwater catfish is called the “Brazilian vampire.”


Piranhas are small fish from South America and Brazil that are extremely dangerous due to their gluttony. South American Indians call this fish, which reaches only 30 cm in length, the “toothed devil.” The sharp triangular teeth of a piranha pose a danger to any living creature caught in the water. They attack prey in large flocks, leaving only the bones of their prey in a short time.

hedgehog fish

The hedgehog fish is known for its deadly poison. The liver, ovaries, intestines and skin of this fish are storage containers for tetrodotoxin, a substance that affects the brain, causing paralysis or death. Therefore, eating this fish is highly undesirable.

The hedgehog fish is one of the most common inhabitants of the oceans and tropical seas. In case of danger, the hedgehog takes the shape of a ball, absorbing water and increasing in size.

Box jellyfish

The box jellyfish or sea wasp (scientific name Chironex fleckeri) is considered one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. This poisonous sea creature can kill an adult in three minutes. To be even more precise, the poison of one jellyfish is enough to kill 60 people.

It cannot be said that many people died from the poison of this dangerous inhabitant of the deep sea. According to reports, over the past hundred years, the jellyfish wasp has caused the death of one hundred people.

Since the jellyfish has a pale blue transparent color, it poses a real danger to swimmers, because it is difficult to notice against the background of sea water.

Found in tropical areas of the Pacific Ocean, in the coastal waters of Australia. It is worth clarifying that For humans, they usually live in warm tropical waters, although there are exceptions. There is an effective antidote to the poison of the deadly jellyfish; stung swimmers do not have time to get help, since the heart stops after three to four minutes, and the person does not even have time to get to the boat, much less to the shore.


The Payara, or mackerel-shaped hydrafish, is known as the vampire fish. It is also called dog fish. This fish is such a bloodthirsty predator that it is considered more dangerous than piranha. The body of this terrible fish can reach a little more than a meter in length. Payara lives in fresh water in the rivers of South America, especially in the rivers of Venezuela.

Devours everything. Interestingly, they pose a real threat not only to humans. For example, the vampire fish is the only fish capable of handling, that is, eating, the dangerous piranha.

You have no idea how terrible fish can be. Meet the most dangerous water monsters living on our planet.

There are fish whose teeth are sharp, like a razor blade, and they can pose no less danger to humans than, for example, a lion or crocodile. Such monster fish live not only in the depths of the ocean, but also in freshwater rivers and lakes, and even in shallow water. Therefore, when entering an unknown body of water, especially somewhere in the tropics, you should not let your guard down.

1. Pacu fish

This fish can reach one meter in length and weigh about 25 kg. Its teeth resemble human ones in shape, but if this fish bites you, you won’t think it’s enough. This monster lives in the rivers of the Amazon, but after sport fishing for this species was allowed, it spread to the waters of North America and Asia.

In 1994, two deaths among fishermen were recorded in New Guinea. They were found completely riddled with teeth, death was due to loss of blood. It was not immediately known what kind of animal attacked the men, however, as it turned out later, it was a pacu fish.

This creature, which looks like a cross between a snake and a fish, is found in the Amazon and rivers of South America and shocks its victims with 600 volts of electricity when danger or prey appears. This discharge is quite enough to kill a person.

In appearance, this fish resembles a real monster with a terrible set of small and sharp teeth. Its weight can be 30 kg, and the length of the big-headed fish can reach 2 meters. The monster lives in the ocean and camouflages itself among the sea rocks.

When attacked, the big-headed fish opens its huge mouth and sinks its teeth into the body of the victim. The fish's mouth can fit a soccer ball, which it can easily swallow. It is unlikely that a person will be able to escape from the attack of such a sea predator; there is even a danger of being swallowed whole, since the size of the stomach of this terrifying fish is almost equal to the length of its body. There have been cases where human remains were found in the stomachs of these fish.

4. Tigerfish

The tiger fish or goliath is a real monster and a ferocious predator among the inhabitants of freshwater bodies. This fish can reach a weight of 50 kg, and its huge sharp teeth can easily tear its prey to shreds. The bloodthirsty monster attacks and eats animals caught in the river and will not shy away from attacking humans. This fish mainly lives in African waters, especially in the Congo River and Lake Tanganyika.

5. Som Bagariy

This catfish is also called gunch fish and lives mainly in the Kali River, which is located between India and Nepal. This is a man-eating fish, it is the main culprit in the disappearance of people on the river. The weight of a catfish can reach up to 140 kg, and it can attack even in a crowd of people.

But people themselves are to blame for the fact that the fish is addicted to human flesh, since local residents, according to ancient customs, send the half-burnt bodies of the deceased on their last journey along this river after all Indian rituals.

6. Payara fish

The payara fish or mackerel-shaped hydrolik simply amazes the boundaries of human imagination - it is a vampire fish, a real Count Dracula in the form of an aquatic inhabitant. The monster grows up to one and a half meters in length and can weigh about 14 kg. The length of its lower fangs can reach 16 cm. A payara uses his fangs, knowing exactly the location of the victim’s internal organs. Therefore, a careless person swimming in the rivers of the Amazon can receive a fatal bite from this terrifying fish. She will clearly sink her teeth straight into the heart or lung, thereby killing her victim in one go.

7. Stone fish

The wart or stone fish is one of the most poisonous fish in the world. This saltwater fish is a master of camouflage among coral reefs. She disguises herself as a stone, sprinkling herself with sand from the bottom, and waits for her prey. This fish, of course, cannot eat a person, but it can easily kill him.

Since this fish is very similar to a stone and it lives mostly in shallow water, a person can step on it, for which he will receive a dose of deadly poison. The worst thing is that there is no antidote to the poison of the stone fish, and the person dies in terrible agony, since the poison does not act instantly, but over the course of several hours. This fish is common in the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as in the shallow waters of the Red Sea, so our tourists have a real chance of meeting this monster, for example, on a popular holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh or Hurghada.

8. Snakehead fish

This dangerous predatory fish was first seen in Russia in rivers in the Far East and Primorsky Territory, as well as in Korea and China. But today snakeheads can also be found in water bodies of other countries. He is not picky about food and eats all living inhabitants of rivers, as well as amphibians. On average, the fish can weigh 10 kg, but there were individuals that reached 30 kg. If a person is bitten by such a fish, it can cause serious injury.

9. Vandellia fish

This fish lives in the waters of the Amazon and is scary for humans due to its size, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. Vandellia feeds on flesh, and due to its size (maximum 2.5 cm in length and 3 mm in thickness) it can enter the human body through the ureter or anus and eat the flesh from the inside, bringing torment and suffering to its victim. This fish swims to the smell of blood and urine, as these are its food sources. But fortunately, such cases are very rare.

10. Piranha

The small and terrible piranha has trapezoidal sharp teeth in its arsenal, which allow it to tear off pieces of flesh in a matter of seconds. Her teeth bite into flesh as easily as a warm knife cuts through butter. These fish reach a maximum length of 30 cm, but they swim and attack in schools, and in a very short period of time, for example, only bones will remain from a cow carcass. If a school of these voracious and bloodthirsty fish attacks a person, most likely he will not be able to escape.

11. Urchinfish

This fish is notorious for being highly poisonous, containing colossal amounts of tetrodotoxin in its skin, intestines and ovaries. This substance, entering the victim’s body, affects the brain, causing paralysis and then death. Therefore, it is better not to eat this fish. However, in Japan, a dish made from fugu fish, which is a type of urchin fish, is considered a delicacy. But it is prepared by professionals who have spent many years learning how to properly cut fugu so that the poison does not poison the meat. But without experience, you can serve death to a person on a platter along with fish.

12. Saw-nosed stingray

The huge saw-nosed stingray is dangerous with its long nose, on the sides of which there are razor-sharp processes. A seven-meter stingray will not just attack a person, but it has a heightened sense of territorial defense and very poor eyesight, so if a person is in the wrong place at the wrong time, the stingray will launch its saw with all its might and turn its victim into mincemeat . The danger also lies in the fact that this river monster is perfectly camouflaged and sometimes it can be noticed too late. However, this species is under threat of extinction due to human activities poisoning the environment.

13. Guasa fish

Compared to guasa fish, all other representatives are just small fish. It is not for nothing that Guasa is called the “Atlantic giant gooper”, because its size is terrifying. This fish weighs about 450 kg, and its mouth can be up to 5 m long. Such a specimen, like a great white shark or a giant catfish, can completely swallow a person in one go.