What tea is popular in Italy. Spicy chai latte recipe. Recipes, cooking secrets

On sale in Eliza

tea- n., m., use. very often Morphology: (no) what? tea and tea, what? tea, (see) what? tea what? tea, what? about tea; pl. what? teas, (no) what? tea, what? teas, (see) what? tea what? tea, what? about teas plant, its parts 1. Tea is ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

TEA Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

TEA- 1. TEA1, tea (tea), pl. tea, husband (from Chinese cha yeh tea in leaves). 1. The name of the various types of evergreen, from the leaves of which a drink is prepared. 2. (pl. used only in the meaning of different varieties). The leaves of such a plant, special ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

TEA- husband. Thea bohea et viridis tree, tea tree or its dried leaves and the very infusion of these leaves, drink. Pron. also tsai, chi. Please have some tea! Teas black, flower, green, red, yellow (highest). Tea and (yes) sugar, and:… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

tea- A food product that is young leaves of a constantly vegetating plant (shrub or tree) called Tea chinensis, which have undergone complex mechanical and physio-biochemical processing (withering, twisting, fermentation, ... ... Culinary Dictionary

tea- 1. TEA, I (u), proposition. in tea and in tea; m. [Turk. tea from Chinese.] 1. Evergreen tree or shrub of this family. tea, the leaves of which are used to make drinks. Tea bush. Tea plantations. Breed, grow h. Collect h. 2. pl .: teas, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

TEA- as a drink is an infusion of specially processed leaves of the tea bush. Depending on the production technology, commercial teas are divided into 2 groups: long leaf (loose teas, tea leaves have a twisted appearance) and pressed. The Concise Encyclopedia of the Household

TEA- (product) is obtained (usually by withering, rolling, fermentation, drying) from the leaves, stems of the tea plant. Contains caffeine, essential oil, tannins, vitamin C, etc. They produce long leaf (loose) and pressed tea (brick, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

tea- TEA, I (yu), pl. (when designating varieties) teas, teas, husband. 1. Cultivated evergreen, dried and specially processed leaves of krogo, when brewed, give a fragrant tonic drink. Tea plantations. Collection of tea. 2. Dried, crushed ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

TEA- (Chinese). Thea viridis tree, also its dried leaves and the very infusion of these leaves. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TEA whale. A tree whose dried leaves are used as a hot ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

tea- give tea. . See think... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. tea tea drinking, tea drinking, tea drinking; probably think; chifir, after all, a drink, tea drinking, blackie, ... ... Synonym dictionary


  • Tea, herbal infusions, kombucha. The cure for all diseases. Tea is one of the most common drinks - it is drunk daily by millions of people around the world. And on the basis of tea (tea brewing and sugar) they make delicious tea kvass - ...

In Italy, there are a number of nuances that I understood over time:

Italian coffee


Italy is a country of coffee, Italians are very proud and love their coffee. Standard Italian coffee is simply called cafe, it is very small in volume, 35 ml, but very concentrated, and there is no less caffeine in it than in a large cup of Russian coffee. Sometimes for persuasiveness it is called espresso, but it's the same with the Italians cafe And espresso are synonyms.


Cappuccino, translated "Hood". The Italians themselves drink it only in the morning! Preparation: First, a regular espresso is made, and then whipped milk is poured into it.


Very strong coffee. The standard dose of caffeine, and even less water (25 ml) than in espresso.

Caffe Macchiato

[caffe macchiato], coffee with a drop of milk.

Latte Macchiato

[latte macchiato], milk with a drop of coffee.

Caffe lungo

[caffe lungo], little more than Espresso, but much less americano.

Caffe Corto

[caffe corto], slightly less than Espresso, but more than Ristretto

Caffe Americano

Russian coffee. Preparation: First, a regular espresso is made, and then hot water is poured into it.

Coffee to go

Coffee to go in Italy is not ordered, it is not accepted. And it’s better not to ask for coffee with you, otherwise they may be offended and splash it in your face. At least hear Italian curses.


Tea in Italian Te caldo(Te kaldo) means hot tea, otherwise they can bring cold tea in a bottle.

Tea is not accepted in Italy. Once I went as an Italian translator to the Italian outback, where there are no Russian tourists, and I wanted to have tea in the hotel in the morning, it looked like this:
I go up to the bar and ask the waitress:

Un te, per favor, (translation: Give me one tea, please).

She happily:
Si, certo! (Yes, sure),
then he thinks and asks:
Caldo o freddo? (hot or cold?).

I: - Caldo!

The waitress starts fumbling, then again:
Camomila o Frutti di bosco? (Chamomile or Wild Berries?).

I: - Te nero, normal!!(Black tea, regular!!)

The waitress looks for black tea for a long time, finally finds it, but then, apparently by analogy with cappuccino, she clarifies again:
Con latte o senza? (With or without milk?).

I: - Senza!!!(Without!!!)

Then I add, just in case:
Te caldo, nero, senza zucchero, senza limone, senza latte!(Tea is hot, black, no sugar, no lemon, no milk!)
And I finish: Grazie(Thanks). Because the Italian sincerely wanted to please.

Sometimes it's hard to order tea in Italy. We must come to terms with this.


Italians always and everywhere drink water. More often non-carbonated ( Acqua naturale- Aqua Naturale), less often carbonated ( Aqua Frizzante- Aqua Frizante). When you come to a restaurant, they ask you what kind of water, Naturale or Frizante, and whether you want water or not, they are surprised when Russians refuse water. By the way, water in an Italian restaurant is very cheap, 1.5 - 2 euros for a large bottle.

Wine, beer - translation of terms

  • birra bionda- light beer
  • birra rossa- dark beer
  • birra piccola- small beer, 250 - 300 ml
  • birra media- medium beer, 400 - 500 ml
  • birra grande- large beer, 1 liter
  • alla spina- draft
  • wine bianco- White wine
  • wine rosso- red wine
  • wine di casa- wine on tap in carafes, sometimes 1/4 (250), 1/2 (500) or 1 liter (1000 ml).
  • wine a bicchiere- wine by the glass
  • wine frizzante- carbonated wine

Strong alcohol

  • grappa- translated as "grape moonshine", "chacha"; in Italy they drink 50 grams after a meal, it is also customary to add it to coffee; grappa was born in northern Italy; happens morbida(soft) and secca(dry) and stagionata(infused in oak barrels); fortress 38-43 °. The birthplace of grappa is Venice.
  • limoncello, limoncino- tincture of lemon peel on alcohol, with the addition of sugar; fortress 28°. The birthplace of the drink is Naples.
  • sambuca- anise vodka, a typical Italian tradition, but the Italians do not set fire to it. It seemed to the Russian translator that pectusin looked like cough syrup.
  • vecchia romagna- Italian brandy, the same as French cognac, in Russian it is read [in e kkya rum but nya]
  • nocino- strong about 40 ° muck, infused with Italian walnuts, translators do not like. Pronounced [night And but]
Rules for drinking strong drinks in Italy: Suppose you came to an Italian tavern with a large company, for example 8 people, ate, and decided to drink Grappa on the staff. Moreover, 4 people are real Russians, and 4 people do not drink. Italians will not bother and count how many grams someone has drunk, but simply bring a bottle of grappa and 8 shots, like pour as much as they want (Italians do not drink more than 50 grams and think that others do too). BUT! This NOT means to drink ALL bottle or TAKE WITH ME! It's not accepted...


  • spremuta[spremuta] - freshly squeezed juice
  • succo[sukko] - ordinary juice
  • succo d'arancia[sukko darancha] - orange juice
  • succo di arancie rosse di Sicilia- Juice from red Sicilian oranges
  • succo di mela[succo di m e la] - apple juice
  • succo di pera[succo di p e ra] - pear juice
  • succo di pesca[succo di p e ska] - peach juice
  • succo di pompelmo[succo di pomp e lmo] - grapefruit juice

But Italians drink juice only at the hotel for breakfast or during the day in bars.
If you ask for juice at a restaurant at lunch or dinner, you will put the Italians in a dead end. They don't accept it, believe me. Italian translator.

Juice in Italy in restaurants is not accepted to drink.


  • bibite- soft drinks
  • chinotto- cinotto, carbonated soft drink with cinchona extract; interesting taste and refreshes thirst well
  • fanta ( also called in Italian aranciata), pepsi, coca- for the younger generation
  • granita[granita] - semi-frozen juice with a temperature of minus 20°C. In Sicily, they drink it in the morning instead of cappuccino. The translator has never tried it, because the throat for him is a tool of labor.
  • lattina- jar (approx. translator)
  • latte- milk, transcription [latte]
    • latte ovino- sheep's milk (ovino in Italian is translated "sheep's"
    • latte di capra- goat milk
  • Spitz[syringe] - also aperol spitz[aperol syringe], a low-alcohol drink based on white wine, carbonated water, liquor (usually Apero l) and ice. Serving only summer, refreshing cleaner than Russian kvass. At the bar, they usually give him a saucer of chips. It costs an average of 5€. Homeland - Venice
  • There is no kefir in Italy. Italians do not drink it (and also do not drink curdled milk, fermented baked milk, matsoni and ayran). They can be searched in supermarkets in the "exotic" section.

In Italian fanta, according to Italian law, the content of orange juice must be at least 12%, so it is very different from Russian fanta for the better ( approx. translator).

If you ask for caffè in Italy, then by default they will give you a small (35 ml) Espresso.

July 11, 2016

Everyone knows about the popularity of coffee in Italy. And about the fact that they don’t drink tea, they prefer water without gas, and after dinner they drink everything with wine. But in Russia there is such a habit - to call any brewed herbs and flowers tea ... There is even a stable expression - herbal TEA! And for Italians, tea is only tea (from the leaves of the tea bush), and drinks from other ingredients are called decoctions or infusions.
⇒ DECOTTO - decoction, decoction
⇒ TISANA - brewed and/or infused drink
⇒ INFUSIONE - infusion
⇒ INFUSO - tincture
The first two are more related to tea drinks and are made exclusively on water (hot or boiling water), and the second - to pharmaceutical forms (infusions can be on any liquids). The most popular name for herbal teas is tisana. It is difficult to say which groups of the population and in what quantities use these drinks, but they are in assortment, excellent taste and in all "drinking" establishments. For self-brewing, such herbs can be bought at pharmacies, grocery stores, supermarkets and specialized shops (the most magical option). Herbal preparations are usually listed separately on the menu of restaurants and cafes, like cocktails or desserts, for example. There are also showcases with jars filled with various tea blends, the contents of which can be studied with the help of a waiter. Since tea is an oriental culture, it took root in Europe only in England, due to the colonial past, in the Italian language there are no words corresponding to the Russian “tea drinking”, “tea drinking” or “gulls” (the word tea in Italian is unchangeable!), there is only “ tea ceremony ”(it. cerimonia del tè) as something distant, foreign, if not alien.

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Flowers, stems, roots and petals of which plants are found in herbal drinks:
Anis - Anice
Orange - Arancia
Basil - Basilico
Hawthorn – Biancospino
Elderberry – Sambuco
Verbena odorous - Verbena odorosa
Carnation (meaning the unopened flower buds of the clove tree) - chiodo di garofano
Allspice - Pimento
Blackberry - Mora
Calendula - Calendula
Hibiscus (drink), Sudanese rose, hibiscus - Carcadè o karkadè (bibita), hibiscus
Red clover - Trifoglio rosso
Strawberry – Fragola
Cinnamon - Cannella
Nettle - Ortica
Buckthorn - Frangola
Corn stigmas - Stigmi di mais
Licorice - Liquirizia
Linden – Tiglio
Raspberry – Lampone
Melissa - Melissa
Peppermint - Menta piperita
Sea buckthorn - Olivello
Dandelion – Tarassaco
Passiflora - Passiflora
Horsetail - Equiseto
Wheatgrass - Gramigna
Rosemary – Rosmarino
Chamomile - Camomilla
Black currant - Ribes nero
Thyme - Timo
Cumin – Cumino
Fennel – Finocchio
Sage ("herb of salvation") - salvia ("erba della salvezza")
Rosehip - Rosa canina
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Leaf / leaves - la foglia / le foglie
Flower / flowers - il fiore / i fiori
Bract / bracts - la brattea / le brattee
Petal / petals - il petalo / i petali
Top / tops (upper part) - la sommità
bark - la corteccia
Seed / seeds - il seme / i semi
Root / roots - il radice / i radici
essential oil - olio essential oil
Balsamic - balsamico
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Tea black / green - il tè nero / verde
Tea white / yellow - il tè bianco / giallo
Oolong tea
Puer tea (postfermented) - il tè Pu'er (postfermentato)
Tea with peach / mint / sage - il tè alla ... pesca / menta / salvia
Drink tea in Russian - bere il te alla russa
Tea bush (Camellia sinensis) - la pianta del tè (la Camellia sinensis)
Decoction / decoctions - la tisana / le tisane
Decoction with herbs - tisana con erbe
Infusion, tincture / infusions, tinctures - l'infusione, l'infuso / le infusioni, gli infusi
Infused - infuso
Teapot - la teiera
Teacup - la tisaniera
Brew ... decoction, tea - preparare ... tisane, tè
tea ceremony
Party with drinks - la bevuta
Strainer - l'infusore
Sachet / sachets - la bustina / le bustine

© Lara Leto, 2016
© Italy and Italian. Travel beautifully, learn easily, 2016

On sale in Eliza

tea- n., m., use. very often Morphology: (no) what? tea and tea, what? tea, (see) what? tea what? tea, what? about tea; pl. what? teas, (no) what? tea, what? teas, (see) what? tea what? tea, what? about teas plant, its parts 1. Tea is ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

TEA Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

TEA- 1. TEA1, tea (tea), pl. tea, husband (from Chinese cha yeh tea in leaves). 1. The name of the various types of evergreen, from the leaves of which a drink is prepared. 2. (pl. used only in the meaning of different varieties). The leaves of such a plant, special ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

TEA- husband. Thea bohea et viridis tree, tea tree or its dried leaves and the very infusion of these leaves, drink. Pron. also tsai, chi. Please have some tea! Teas black, flower, green, red, yellow (highest). Tea and (yes) sugar, and:… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

tea- A food product that is young leaves of a constantly vegetating plant (shrub or tree) called Tea chinensis, which have undergone complex mechanical and physio-biochemical processing (withering, twisting, fermentation, ... ... Culinary Dictionary

tea- 1. TEA, I (u), proposition. in tea and in tea; m. [Turk. tea from Chinese.] 1. Evergreen tree or shrub of this family. tea, the leaves of which are used to make drinks. Tea bush. Tea plantations. Breed, grow h. Collect h. 2. pl .: teas, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

TEA- as a drink is an infusion of specially processed leaves of the tea bush. Depending on the production technology, commercial teas are divided into 2 groups: long leaf (loose teas, tea leaves have a twisted appearance) and pressed. The Concise Encyclopedia of the Household

TEA- (product) is obtained (usually by withering, rolling, fermentation, drying) from the leaves, stems of the tea plant. Contains caffeine, essential oil, tannins, vitamin C, etc. They produce long leaf (loose) and pressed tea (brick, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

tea- TEA, I (yu), pl. (when designating varieties) teas, teas, husband. 1. Cultivated evergreen, dried and specially processed leaves of krogo, when brewed, give a fragrant tonic drink. Tea plantations. Collection of tea. 2. Dried, crushed ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

TEA- (Chinese). Thea viridis tree, also its dried leaves and the very infusion of these leaves. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TEA whale. A tree whose dried leaves are used as a hot ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

tea- give tea. . See think... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. tea tea drinking, tea drinking, tea drinking; probably think; chifir, after all, a drink, tea drinking, blackie, ... ... Synonym dictionary


  • Tea, herbal infusions, kombucha. The cure for all diseases. Tea is one of the most common drinks - it is drunk daily by millions of people around the world. And on the basis of tea (tea brewing and sugar) they make delicious tea kvass - ...

The very first time in Italy, until I learned to speak Italian fluently, I was tormented by the question: "Do you want tea normal or hot?" I knew how to say tè caldo - hot tea, and I pronounce it as clearly as possible when ordering. And they continued to ask me with pressure: so hot or still NORMAL?

Unfortunately, there is no normal tea in Italy. I did not see a teapot in any house, in any supermarket I did not see loose tea in packs. Tea is sometimes brewed in bags, and water is boiled in a saucepan, and the tea bag is thrown right there so that no one has the opportunity to adjust the strength of the tea. Well, and also, of course, to wait until he cools off talking, and drink barely warm, pale yellow water. What for? Well, someone convinced the Italians that tea is healthy. It is also very useful to drink chamomile (also from a bag, brewed according to the same method) - to calm the nerves and fall asleep better. In my opinion, only doctors know about the antiseptic properties of chamomile. And non-doctors drink chamomile to calm down. If you remember about valerian, then you need to know that valerian is not good for calming Italian nerves. If only because it is a seasoning for meat, that's how. Tea by weight can be bought in specialized stores - where Italians buy coffee. And it took me a year to find a tea that you can drink without wincing. Teapots can also be found on sale, however, they, as a rule, have a decorative, rather than practical purpose - otherwise, how can one explain that the contents of these teapots do not fundamentally pour out of the spout? I had an idea to walk around the glassware store with a bottle of water and check teapots for functionality before buying. But the Italian sellers did not appreciate my idea. In the end, I solved the problem, found an English store and thus confirmed a simple hypothesis: since the British know a lot about tea, then they must have human teapots in teapots.

But they make great coffee here. All foreigners living in Italy admit to each other that it was worth coming to this country just for the sake of Italian coffee. The Italians themselves drink coffee not only for breakfast, on the way to work, but also after lunch, and even after dinner. Coffee after a hearty dinner is also accompanied by a glass of grappa. Grappa and coffee after being fed for slaughter for four hours is just great! Somehow, all this food immediately fits in the stomach, the eyes no longer close, and it is quite possible to walk home from the guests. And fall asleep in your own bed. Without any chamomile, by the way.

Coffee is also an occasion for the manifestation of patriotism. Several times Sandro came to Nice for me and never once let me drink coffee and smoke a cigarette in peace. Smoke on the way, he said, and literally stuffed me into the car. At first, I attributed this strangeness to the clouding of the mind that occurs during the first love. Then she became indignant and demanded coffee. Let's have coffee in Ventimiglia, he said, and pushed me into the car. But I want coffee now, I said. And now we will go quickly, he said and put pressure on the gas. Well, here it began to dawn on my mind, clouded by love, that there was some good reason to drink coffee not in Nice, but in some Ventimiglia unknown to me. The reason turned out to be very simple: Italian coffee tastes better. And Ventimiglia was just the first Italian town along the way. And I thought that there were some architectural monuments, old cafes or other beauties. No, it was just good coffee. And it was more than normal for Sandro to endure half an hour in order to drink un caffè come si deve - that is, coffee as it should be, the way it should be.

It must be said here that for some time I did not have the opportunity to fully appreciate the taste of Italian coffee, because even after meeting Sandro, I still drank Americano coffee by inertia for quite some time. In Italy, they looked at me badly when I ordered such coffee. But a client is a client, and besides, he does not speak our language. In general, they clearly thought: well, what to take from her, from the poor, let her drink her own swill. With mournful faces, they poured a standard portion of espresso into a cappuccino cup, put it in front of me, waited for a while - what if I change my mind? - and then with a sigh they brought me boiled water in a milk jug. And they looked at Sandro with sympathy, of course. And Sandro once again showed great worldly wisdom. He did not insist or explain, he just waited for me to mature. And he turned out to be right. In the end - almost a year after we met - out of curiosity, I decided to drink what the Italians call caffè normale, and ... after that, it never occurred to me in my life to order coffee in a large mug. But I did it at the wrong time - summer and the summer season were coming in Russia, and now in various Russian cafes I had to demand espresso for myself, then invariably say that this is not quite espresso, that normal coffee should be much thicker and more concentrated , asking for a ristretto, saying that this ristretto is not a ristretto, but a cafe normale. And the scenes, of course, were repeated: they looked at me badly, at my companions - with sympathy, and so on ...