What mop to wash the laminate at home. How to wash laminate: description and characteristics of mops. Rules for care and wet cleaning

It is the same telescopic handle with a platform attached to it. The latter is equipped with a sponge nozzle on one side, and a silicone scraper to remove moisture on the other. As a rule, such devices have a semi-automatic spin function, which makes the device easier to use.

The advantage of a universal mop is a set of nozzles that are suitable for washing any floor coverings. In addition, the mop can also be used to clean glass thanks to the silicone tip on the end of the platform.

3. Steam mop

The steam mop is powered by electricity. The purchase of the device is advisable when regular washing of a heavily soiled floor is required.

Visually, the device is a conventional mop with an adjustable handle, only the shape of the platform differs: as a rule, it is trapezoidal or triangular. A steam generator is built into the platform, which cleans surfaces from dirt by exposure to hot steam, which is ideal in the case of laminate.

If you listen to the opinions of housewives, we can conclude that the most convenient option for laminate flooring is a universal mop. It allows you to wash the floor and at the same time remove the remaining moisture that has such a negative effect on sensitive flooring.

4. Professional inventory

The tool differs from a household mop in the presence of a stronger handle and a large nozzle. All models of professional equipment have a movable platform that rotates around its axis and is used for cleaning large rooms and office buildings. Thanks to the wear-resistant adjustable handle and a larger nozzle, the service life of the product is increased several times.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing a mop for laminate, you should pay attention to some little things and follow certain recommendations. The most important criteria for a good mop is the ability to quickly absorb moisture and not cause mechanical damage to the floor covering.

You should not rely on the words of a consultant and purchase mops on his advice, the main thing in this matter is personal needs and opportunities. It is worth focusing on mops with movable platforms that rotate around their axis - this will facilitate access to the remote corners of the apartment. In addition, it is advisable to purchase a mop with automatic or semi-automatic spinning - this will significantly reduce the cleaning process.

It is also important to pay attention to the materials of the nozzles included in the kit and the ability to purchase nozzles separately. Care should be taken when choosing a washing brush: it is the one that can ultimately damage the flooring.

An excellent household option is a cotton nozzle. The fibers do not stretch, they capture debris and dust well, in addition, they can be washed frequently, and if necessary, a new nozzle can be purchased without hitting the budget.

Steam mops are the best helpers

In recent years, steam mops have topped the charts in popularity. Despite the fact that the device is much more expensive than even the best classic mop, the costs are fully justified.

The device lasts much longer, in addition, the steam mop copes with dirt on any type of floor covering. Manufacturers also offer nozzle kits for windows, furniture and other interior items, which makes steam mops just indispensable.

Using a steam mop does not involve the addition of any additional detergents or household chemicals, the whole process takes place thanks to the powerful effect of hot steam.

It is able to remove even persistent chronic pollution without much effort. A steam mop does not just clean the floor, it disinfects it well, so the device is almost indispensable in apartments where there are small children.

However, the all-powerful technique also has a drawback: it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions. Before using the device, you should carefully read the technical data sheet and operating instructions:

violation of at least one of them will lead to irreparable damage to the flooring, and the restoration and restoration of the laminate requires significant financial costs and physical effort.

How to clean laminate

After the desired mop is selected, you can start cleaning. It is important to remember that when washing the laminate, do not use household cleaning powders, other abrasive materials, or nozzles with coarse fibers: all this will lead to mechanical damage to the coating.

Before wet mopping laminate flooring, use a soft-bristled mop to sweep away any fine debris and dust, this will help prevent scratches while cleaning the flooring. Next, you need to dilute the liquid laminate cleaner in water, according to the instructions on the package.

If the mixture is unfamiliar, you should first use it on the boards remaining after the repair, or do a test on a less noticeable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe coating. Washing should be done in such a way that no excess liquid remains on the laminate.

If there are stains that are difficult to remove, you will have to use special products, but in no case do not rub the floor with brushes. One of the most effective means is acetone. 2-3 drops of liquid are enough to remove the stain.

Modern floor coverings require special care products. One of them is a laminate mop, which is best for the consumer to decide. There are many types of this device. Each of them is good in its own way and has a number of advantages, but the final choice is up to the hostess. Such an assembly must meet all the requirements of both the owner and the manufacturer of the laminate flooring in order to maintain the durability of the product.

Requirements for choosing

First of all, you should read the instructions that come with the laminate. Depending on the manufacturing technology and on the purpose of the coating, the main care for it will be carried out. Its thickness, method of attachment and connection, moisture resistance remain the most important criteria.

It should be noted that this type of floor should be treated with moisture with extreme caution. Otherwise, water flowing into the seams will provoke swelling and further unsuitability of the laminate. Therefore, it is better to choose a mop with a wringer to prevent such troubles.

The material from which the nozzle is made must be soft enough so as not to scratch the floor. At the same time, there should not be stains that look ugly after cleaning. Microfiber has all these qualities, and it is worth paying attention to it. Such an important assistant to housewives should perfectly absorb moisture and dry out fairly quickly.

When choosing a mop, you should know that these items are divided into certain types: household, universal, professional, and there are also steam cleaners suitable for cleaning apartments.

Household version of the product

This type is the most budgetary, while it is suitable for cleaning rooms of any size, but it is best to stop at home use. Of the amenities, it is worth noting a special retractable handle. This design allows you to create the required length for any growth. The kit also includes 3 types of nozzles. They are designed for dry, wet cleaning, and the universal version is designed for any method of removing dirt.

Manufacturers also provide nozzle materials for the buyer's choice. It can be cotton, wool or microfiber. Each option works well in its own way. But recently microfiber has become the leader. This fabric has a number of advantages. It is soft, durable and lightweight at the same time. Able to quickly absorb moisture. Performs the function of a polish, leaving shine and shine on the floor. It is very low maintenance and durable.

You should thoroughly wash any of the nozzles after cleaning, but you should not dry them on a radiator or radiator in order to preserve all their properties. Before carrying out wet cleaning, you need to collect all possible dust and specks with a dry cloth from the mop. This will allow you to carry out hygiene procedures with the highest quality and maintain cleanliness for a long time.

Generic type

Works great on any surface, and this is an undeniable advantage. With its help, you can easily eliminate various types of pollution not only from the laminate, but also from tiles, wood, glass and other surfaces. It is equipped with all kinds of nozzles, designed to greatly facilitate the life of the hostess.

The mop has a triangular-shaped nozzle, the material of which is natural rubber, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently absorb moisture. There is a rubber scraper that allows you to remove excess liquid from the coating.

Nozzles are presented in 3 different variations. Dry cleaning is recommended to be carried out with a fluffy version with a long pile. Extended loops allow you to capture dust and debris from different directions and speed up the process of their removal.

The nozzle for wet exposure is presented in the form of a sponge with a fairly short nap. It should be tightly packed to remove all wet marks and leave no streaks. The third type has short loops that are capable of both sweeping and washing the floor.

All devices are fastened with Velcro, and at the end of the manipulations they can be removed and washed. Over time, small pellets will begin to form on a flat sponge, but they do not affect the quality of the harvesting process.

An all-purpose mop will save you money and time, which is why it is considered one of the best options. Its ability to remove all sorts of dirt makes the mop a favorite.

Professional cleaning kit

Professional mop designed for cleaning large areas over 100 m².

It provides a telescopic handle, which extends approximately 2 m in length. The harvesting platform rotates 360°. These are necessary conditions in order to get to the most remote corners of the premises.

The included bucket should have a wringing surface that will allow less contact with water, while the mop will remain slightly damp. Various nozzles can be added, with which windows and surfaces made of different materials are washed.

In the presence of a small area, the purchase of such a unit does not make sense.

Modern steam cleaners

Steam cleaners, which are designed for cleaning rooms, have long been presented on the household appliance market. Such tools have a number of disadvantages and advantages. The operating time of the steam mop should not exceed 30-40 minutes. This is a guarantee of high-quality and durable service. You should pay attention to the length of the cord, it should be sufficient to use the device at least when cleaning one large room.

The weight of the device depends on the maximum amount of water that can be poured into a special tank. Do not take too heavy, so that you do not have to move it with difficulty when cleaning.

When using a steam mop on laminate flooring, choose medium power to avoid damaging the finish. You can’t move the device too quickly, otherwise it simply won’t have time to soften and remove dirt.

Laminate floors require special care. This material does not respond well to an excess of moisture, so after cleaning the house, as little water as possible should remain on the floor surface. In addition, such a surface is very sensitive to various mechanical damage, due to which over time it can become scratched and lose its luster.

In order to prolong the life of your floor and keep its attractive appearance for a long time, you need, first of all, to use the “correct” mop.

Read this article:

Types of mops

Today in hardware stores you can find many different models of mops, each of which has its own purpose, as well as its own advantages and disadvantages. To understand which laminate floor mop is best, you need to know what their types are and what they are intended for.

  • Household - most of these products consist of a telescopic handle and a movable platform. The telescopic handle allows you to adjust its length and angle of inclination. Removable nozzles are attached to the movable platform, which can be replaced with new ones over time.
  • Universal models allow you to clean not only the floor, but also any other surfaces. The universal mop platform has special ends: one is equipped with a soft rubber scraper that allows you to effectively remove water from the floor, and the second is covered with abrasive material. With the help of the second end, you can clean any heavily soiled surface. Almost all universal models come with a lot of removable nozzles that allow you to efficiently clean a variety of surfaces.
  • Professional - with the help of professional mops, cleaning of premises that differ in a sufficiently large area is carried out. For example, these models are used for cleaning offices, schools, hospitals, etc.
  • Steam - do the cleaning with the help of steam. These products are equipped with a tank for water, which, when heated, turns into steam. With the help of hot steam, you can not only clean surfaces, but also disinfect them.

Which model to choose?

In order to choose the right mop for laminate flooring, and not later regret an unsuccessful purchase, you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of each model.


Advantages. The main advantage of such models is the price and ease of use. For dry cleaning of laminate flooring, it is best to purchase a nozzle made of yarn - it will effectively collect dust and crumbs from the floor. In addition, a yarn nozzle will allow you to wax the surface of the floor with high quality, which will visually hide minor scratches and give a beautiful shine. For washing the floor, a nozzle with a not very long pile is used.

disadvantages. As a rule, nozzles for household products are attached with Velcro or special pockets. It is advisable to purchase the latter option, since Velcro eventually becomes clogged with debris and becomes less tenacious, which can render the product unusable.


Advantages. Universal devices for washing floors differ from household ones in some design features and a large number of nozzles. Thanks to the abrasive material on the platform, they are very convenient to use in kitchens where the laminate often gets grease and other dirt that a regular household mop might not be able to handle. Thanks to the rubber scraper, universal models are able to sufficiently efficiently remove excess moisture from the floor surface, which will protect it from waterlogging and rapid damage.

disadvantages. Higher price compared to household.


Advantages. They do an excellent job of cleaning large rooms, they are distinguished by high strength and durability.

disadvantages. They are not convenient for use in ordinary apartments, since they have large nozzles that do not allow penetrating into hard-to-reach places.


Advantages. Steam-powered products are able to clean the floor quite effectively, while destroying harmful bacteria that are brought into the room with shoes, outerwear and animals. Steam devices are especially convenient for those who have small children or suffer from allergies. You can clean the laminate by switching the appliance to a special mode with a moderate steam supply, which will prevent the floor from getting too wet. Another plus is the ability to disconnect the steam generator (if provided by the manufacturer) and use it to clean the car interior.

disadvantages. Steam mopping devices also have a number of disadvantages that you need to know about before buying them:

  • Dependence on electrical energy.
  • Not a long duration of work - about 40 minutes.
  • Such devices are equipped with a water tank, and if you purchase a model with a large tank in order not to constantly add water, then it can be quite massive, heavy and uncomfortable. Therefore, it is best to buy a unit with a medium-sized tank.

  • The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing a mop for laminate flooring is the ability to wring out water. This is necessary to prevent waterlogging of the floor surface.
  • You also need to pay attention to the material from which the nozzles are made - it should absorb moisture well, leave no streaks when washing and dry quickly. These materials include sponge and rubber. Microfiber and yarn fibers will dry a little longer, but they differ from rubber and sponge in higher wear resistance. It should also be borne in mind that not always a sponge of good quality serves less than a nozzle made of yarn made from low-quality raw materials.

When choosing a mop, you should also keep in mind the quality of your laminate. So, an expensive coating is less susceptible to moisture. However, it is still not worth it to abuse wet cleaning, no matter how expensive and high-quality material your floor is covered with.

It is no secret that any floor covering, including laminated, needs regular and thorough cleaning. However, not every inventory or detergent is suitable for these purposes. In this material, we will tell you which mop is better to wash the laminate so that it retains its original appearance for a long time.

Laminate, although it is a fairly strong and durable material, still requires special attention. Improper cleaning may cause stains and stains on the laminated surface, and abrasive particles of sand or aggressive detergents will scratch it. You need to choose laminate care products that are suitable for this material.

Excessive moisture from mopping, dirt and dust particles, and heavy furniture with sharp edges can cause laminate flooring to lose its beauty and shine, as well as squeaks. To avoid these negative consequences, you need to know exactly how to choose a laminate mop.

We note immediately the fact that you should not buy a product equipped with Velcro attachments, as they quickly become unusable.

Varieties of mops

The following types of mops are best suited for cleaning laminate flooring:

  • Household butterfly mop. Such mops consist of a telescopic handle and a movable platform with a nozzle put on it. The handle can be freely adjusted in height. The platform can be rotated 180°, which makes it easier to clean the nooks and crannies of the room. Nozzles can be changed at your discretion, they are attached using pockets or Velcro.
  • Universal mop. Such inventory allows you to clean any type of surface. The design of the mop involves the presence of two different nozzles: on the one hand - a rubber scraper to collect dirt and water from the glass and floor; on the other hand, a hard abrasive sponge that cleans even the dirt that is strongly adhering to the surface. Specifically for cleaning laminate, special nozzles are sold complete with such mops.
  • Mops for professionals. Such a mop is most often used for rooms with a very large area. Like the butterfly mop, it has a height-adjustable telescopic handle and a movable platform that rotates 360 degrees around its axis.

In our opinion, an all-purpose mop for cleaning laminate flooring is fine. When buying, please note that the kit includes various nozzles for dry and wet cleaning of laminate floors.

Here are some practical tips to make it easier to decide which mop to choose for your laminate:

  • To carry out dry cleaning of the coating, as well as to rub it with special wax, a laminate brush or a mop with a long wool pile and a long handle is perfect. In addition, such inventory facilitates the collection of dust and small debris in hard-to-reach corners of the room.
  • On sale there are mops with a rectangular base and a nozzle with a long pile protruding along the edges. Such a product is best suited for cleaning in large areas, as they can collect more debris on the sides of the sole.
  • If the laminated surface is too dirty, it is advisable to use a mop head with short loops to clean it. It is able not only to collect debris, but also to clean dirt that has dried to the surface of the floor well.
  • Another criterion when choosing a mop for laminate flooring is its moisture-absorbing capacity. This is important because after cleaning the surface of the laminate must not remain excessive moisture, otherwise the coating may deteriorate (read also: "").

Note that a laminate floor mop with a wringer does a good job of cleaning the house. It does not leave streaks, and excess moisture does not get into the joints between the canvases.

Steam mops for laminate flooring

It is impossible to ignore such a new type of inventory as a steam mop for washing laminate - we will tell you how to choose the right model below.

Criterias of choice

When buying a steam mop, you should pay attention to some details:

  • On average, one refill of water in the mop should be enough for 40 minutes of work.
  • The supply of the cord should be sufficient to easily reach into any corner of the largest room in the apartment.
  • The volume of the water tank affects the duration of the mop. However, a too bulky device is not very convenient to use.
  • It is better if the mop has a removable steam generator. In this case, they can also clean clothes, furniture or car interiors.

It is worth remembering that it takes some time for the steam to dissolve the dirt. Therefore, do not rush while cleaning the laminate - move the mop slowly and smoothly.

User manual

  1. Draw water into the steam generator tank up to the maximum mark. At the same time, hold the mop at an angle, not plugged into the network.
  2. Set the intensity of the steam supply - for cleaning the laminate, an average supply level is sufficient.
  3. Connect the mop to the mains and start cleaning by smoothly moving it over the surface.

Note that the mop is designed for a certain time of use, which should not be exceeded. Otherwise, the device will quickly fail.


So, in order to keep your flooring clean and in perfect condition, you need a laminate floor mop - which one does a better job of cleaning. In any case, the inventory at hand will make your daily work easier, provided that it is of high quality and convenient to use.

Laminate is the most common floor covering, which is characterized by excellent performance and optimal price. Many experienced owners are faced with one problem, how and with what to properly care for a laminate floor. In the age of high technology, a rag soaked in water is not relevant.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about which mop is best for washing lamites. Since poor-quality inventory leads to scratches, stains and various deformations.

Laminate floor care requirements

You are probably wondering one question, what's the difference, what and how to wash. You can just use a regular scraper and rags. But this is not so modern floor coverings put forward a number of requirements for the care of their surface.

  1. The amount of water that hits the surface should be minimal, and this figure does not depend on the class of the laminate.
  2. The material should not be hard, but softer and more delicate. Since intense mechanical stress can lead to scratches and gradual abrasion of the coating.
  3. The use of special cleaning agents. The cleaning solution must be neutral in pH and free of abrasive particles (sodium carbonate or other salts). Experts advise buying polishes and detergents recommended by the manufacturer. Experienced housewives compare the composition of branded products and inexpensive ones. And get analogues.

There is an acute question about purchasing a mop for washing laminate flooring in houses and apartments in which up to 80% of the floors are covered with this flooring.

Varieties of mops

Special mops are technologically advanced mops. They are more compact, comfortable and made of lightweight plastic with various nozzles for washing. The brushes are made in various shapes and are made from special microfiber material.

Experts warn you not to buy Velcro brushes, they have a short service life. Recently, a large number of mops for washing laminate flooring have appeared on store shelves, we will consider the main types:

There is another type of mops - these are mops for washing laminate flooring. Usually supplied with a bucket. Perform in the form of butterfly wings or an envelope.

Nozzles are made of microfiber, cellulose, sponges of different densities. It is not recommended to use rope nozzles for laminate flooring, as after squeezing a lot of water remains on it.

But they always include:

  • Bucket (maybe two buckets).
  • The basis on wheels, with the convenient handle for movement.
  • Press block.
  • Mop.

These mops have a 360 degree rotating platform.

  1. Steam mops. As we understand progress does not stand still. And many manufacturers keep up with the times and offer devices that run on water vapor. We will take this topic a little beyond the scope of a simple discussion and talk about it in more detail below.

Of all the above types of mops, for home use, it is best to choose a universal mop. Since it can clean the surface of ceramic tiles, parquet, laminate, linoleum, etc.

Brief description of mop heads

The most important feature of the nozzles is that they can be bought separately from the mop. Now we will consider the main types of nozzles and give them a brief description.

Here it should be noted the fact that the dimensions of the platforms and fasteners of nozzles from most manufacturers of the same standard. Therefore, most nozzles have the same dimensions.

You should also properly care for the nozzles, only then they will last a long time. They should be washed or rinsed periodically in clean water (see instructions) and then dried.

There is another classification of nozzles according to the type of cleaning:

  • Nozzles for dry cleaning.
  • Nozzles for wet cleaning.
  • Universal, designed for any surface and any type of cleaning

Steam Mop

As we said above, we brought this type of mops into the discussion, because ordinary mops (household, universal or professional) are inventory, that is, a simple tool.

A steam mop is a complex device that weighs an average of 2 kg, and has a water tank with a volume of half a liter. That is, water is brought to a boil and under great pressure falls on the surface of the floor from the laminate. This jet of steam removes even old stains.

The most important advantage is that no detergents are required to wash the floor. And also during washing with steam, disinfection occurs immediately. Steam kills most bacteria and microorganisms.

So its use is mandatory in the presence of young children and people with allergies. The steam generator comes with a variety of attachments. Or they can be purchased separately.

These nozzles will help in cleaning the bathroom, toilets, sinks and various other surfaces. In a word, we can say that this is a universal device designed for cleaning and washing various surfaces.

The disadvantages include the high cost. Only trusted brands should be taken. Another drawback is that you should strictly follow the instructions, since violation of the rules and regimes will lead to damage to the laminate.

When choosing a device, pay attention to:

  1. Power cord length. In order not to use extension cords and carrying, it is advisable to choose models with a long power cord.
  2. The weight. Everything is clear here, the less weight, the easier it is to wield.
  3. Working hours. This means continuous work, it should be 30-40 minutes.
  4. Versatility and mobility. Some models can be easily removed and disassembled, allowing you to use them to clean clothes, bathtubs, curtains and more.

User guide.

  1. We collect the required amount of water in the container up to the mark, while the mop should be disconnected from the power supply.
  2. We set the required mode on the handle of the device. To wash the laminate floor, a weak (low) or medium level of steam supply is sufficient.
  3. We turn on the steam mop in the electrical network and begin to drive along the floor surface.

If you are afraid that the steam coming out of the nozzles will harm your laminate flooring, then you can use special wipes.

How best to choose a mop for washing laminate flooring

Here are some practical tips to help you choose the right mop.

If you need to dry clean or polish the surface, it is best to use a laminate brush, or a mop with a woolen head. A woolen or cotton nozzle perfectly collects dust from the surface.

As we can see, there are many small nuances that should always be taken into account.

Instructions on how to clean laminate flooring

As we said above, cleaners and detergents should not contain small and abrasive particles, as they can cause irreparable damage to the coating.

We remove dust and pieces of dirt from the surface. To do this, you can use a broom or a vacuum cleaner with soft nozzles. Brushes in the form of nozzles for a vacuum cleaner will not damage the surface of the laminate.

We dilute a special composition for washing laminates with clean water, according to the instructions. In order to make sure that the product is absolutely safe for coating, you can try it on a small piece.

You can use a folk solution for washing. To do this, we mix 500 ml. vinegar in 5 liters. Pure water. From this composition there are no divorces.

Then we take the prepared solution and moisten the nozzle, squeeze it out and start washing the floor. We try to rinse the rag (nozzle) as often as possible.

Stubborn stains are best treated with special liquids, which include ethyl alcohol or acetone.

Everything is enough just to drip a few drops on the stain, wait 3-5 minutes, and wipe with a rag. These funds are sold in almost any hardware store.


We can conclude that if you want to maintain and keep your laminate floor surface clean and in good condition for as long as possible, then you should definitely buy a laminate floor mop.

When choosing, you should rely on the knowledge and information that you received in this article. The main thing is that this inventory is convenient and functional.