Calorie content Instant vitamins "Energy tonic with taurine". Chemical composition and nutritional value. Energy tonics: harm or health benefits Why are they useful? Instantly soluble vitamins "Energy tonic with taurine"

Energy drinks are flashing off TV screens. The question involuntarily arises: why does modern man need energy tonics? Does our rhythm of life really require additional energy?

The consumption of drinks by young people is of concern, especially when you see a can of energy tonic in the hands of a child or teenager. Despite the fact that manufacturers do not recommend consuming them before the age of 18, store clerks do not care at all what age a person is when purchasing a tonic cocktail. Let's try to figure it out: there is harm from energy drinks or are the fears in vain?

Energy drinks are available both non-alcoholic and low-alcohol. The basis of both is, as a rule, caffeine, the content of which in one can of energy drink is as much as in a large cup of strong drink. Caffeine reduces drowsiness, suppresses fatigue, and stimulates mental abilities. But everything is good in moderation. If you drink a liter of this artificial cheerfulness, you will significantly exceed the caffeine norm, which is not at all good for the body, especially for a person who has some health problems.

Sometimes, instead of caffeine, extracts of tea, ginseng, and guarana are added to drinks. All contain the amino acids carnitine and taurine, B vitamins, niacin, ascorbic acid, glucose or sucrose. At first glance, there seems to be nothing criminal in the composition of the cocktails. Even effervescent bubbles of carbon dioxide help the body quickly and efficiently absorb all components...

The harm of energy drinks is that the substances they contain borrow energy from the body’s reserve forces. Getting an almost instantaneous effect of vivacity after drinking a cocktail, after a couple of hours a person pays with fatigue, irritability, and insomnia. Attempts to prolong the state of vigor through an additional dose bring enormous harm to the body.

It is especially dangerous to mix energy tonics with alcohol, strong tea or coffee. Large amounts of caffeine, carbon dioxide and glucose dramatically increase the load on the heart, kidneys, liver and stomach. A person may experience increased blood pressure, tachycardia, nausea, vomiting, etc. In addition to visible manifestations, the body experiences metabolic failure, depletion of the nervous system, and even a decrease in potency.

Many energy drinks contain glucose, the excess of which provokes a disturbance in carbohydrate metabolism, which leads not only to problems of excess weight, but also to the development of diabetes. The amino acid taurine, which is also part of energy drinks, on the one hand prevents the side effects of caffeine, and on the other, an excess leads to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The most dangerous harm of energy drinks is that frequent use leads to rapid addiction and a person constantly needs a “dose” to maintain artificial vigor. Exceeding the daily dose of vitamins contained in drinks leads to hypervitaminosis, and this can also provoke a number of serious health problems, including an increased risk of malignant tumors.

Now that you know the harms of energy drinks, think: isn’t a sip of artificial energy too costly for your health?

So what should people do who sometimes vitally need to maintain themselves in a “fighting state”, for example, students preparing for exams or when there is a crunch at work before submitting a new project?

The NSP company tried to help solve this problem by releasing an energy drink, which, due to a number of components, has no side effects.

The difference between Solstik Energy and regular energy drinks:

- does not contain sugar, therefore does not affect, therefore safe for diabetics,

- contains a natural source of caffeine - guarana,

- does not cause a feeling of “brokenness”,

— influencing energy production, toning the body for up to 8 hours, does not deplete natural energy reserves,

- improves metabolism,

- ginseng, which is part of the composition, helps the body resist stress, increases endurance,

- green tea extract, due to ingredients such as theophylline and theobromine, has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect on the body,

- B complex vitamins support the functioning of the nervous system and brain, helping to maintain a good mood for a long time,

— not carbonated, therefore does not negatively affect the digestive system, does not increase the acidity of the stomach.

Solstik Energy is an excellent alternative to energy tonics, as well as tea, coffee and Coca-Cola. It is popular among people involved in sports, fitness, in weight loss programs, for the prevention of atherosclerosis and improving blood circulation. It is also useful for those who want, for a number of reasons, to increase their performance without side effects on the body. Packaging in disposable bags makes the drink convenient for travel.

Vitamins Instant "Energotonic with taurine" rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B2 - 48%, vitamin B5 - 86.4%, vitamin B6 - 108%

What are the benefits of Instant Vitamins "Energy Tonic with Taurine"

  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, helps to increase the color sensitivity of the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by impaired condition of the skin, mucous membranes, and impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin B5 participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, promotes the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestines, supports the function of the adrenal cortex. A lack of pantothenic acid can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B6 participates in maintaining the immune response, processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, in the transformation of amino acids, the metabolism of tryptophan, lipids and nucleic acids, promotes the normal formation of red blood cells, maintaining normal levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. Insufficient intake of vitamin B6 is accompanied by decreased appetite, impaired skin condition, and the development of homocysteinemia and anemia.

You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

Instant vitamin and mineral complex VITO ENERGY (eneogotonic with taurine)

The accelerated rhythm of life dictates its conditions. You are facing many hours of vigil at the computer, intense mental activity, you need to pass tests, exams, conduct important negotiations, you are facing increased physical stress, for example, on long soporific highways, during intense work days, or you have decided to go in for sports as opposed to a sedentary lifestyle - " VITO Energy" will be a good help for you.

Biologically active food supplement "VITO Energy" represent a balanced composition of tonic, energetic and essential nutrients: succinic acid, amino acid taurine, caffeine, guarana extract, inositol, vitamins B2, B6, B12, PP, calcium pantothenate. In this combination, the ingredients of the tablet exhibit a tonic effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person, cause a surge of energy, vigor, improved well-being, increased physical and mental activity, and are an additional source of vitamins, succinic acid, taurine, caffeine and inositol.

succinic acid- one of the key links in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the human body, participates in the production of energy necessary to ensure life. As the load on any of the body systems increases, its functioning is maintained primarily through the oxidation of succinic acid. In conditions associated with increased stress, fatigue, stress, depression, hypoxia of various etiologies, additional administration of succinic acid is necessary.

Caffeine even in moderate doses, it increases mental performance, improves mood, creates a feeling of vivacity and a surge of strength. For most people, caffeine prevents sleep and prolongs the time of active work.

The dose of caffeine included in the " VITO Energy" is food grade and corresponds to a regular cup of coffee.

Guarana, a natural stimulant of the central nervous system, instantly gives energy to the body, stimulates brain activity. Guarana is similar in chemical composition and physiological activity to caffeine. Guarana and caffeine affect the body with a uniform effect over several hours.

Taurine- an amino acid, which is an important element of the body’s antioxidant defense, reduces fatigue, lethargy, a feeling of weakness, irritability during emotional overload.

Inositol potentiates the effect of caffeine and taurine on physical and mental performance, which ultimately provides a powerful energizing effect of the composition

The vitamins included in the complex promote the action of energy-tonic components - succinic acid, taurine, caffeine, inositol, help improve metabolism and the ability to mobilize the body's reserve capabilities.

"VITO Energy" It is used in the form of a flavored drink obtained by dissolving tablets in drinking water. The tube (20 tablets) weighs only 80 g, does not take up much space, and can easily be taken to work, on the road, or to the country house.

It is not recommended for use by children under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as by persons suffering from increased nervous excitability, insomnia, arterial hypertension, angina pectoris, glaucoma, severe atherosclerosis, phenylketonuria

Why are energy drinks harmful? Non-alcoholic. Why are they invigorating? What is taurine and how is it different from caffeine? and got the best answer

Answer from Puma[guru]
Energy drinks are as different from the stimulants of the past as an iPhone is from a pager. This powerful and long-lasting remedy keeps you in good shape for at least one and a half to two hours, while the effect of a cup of espresso ends after 25-30 minutes.
The contents of the jar, like a key, open the door to the body's internal reserves. In other words, the jar does not give energy, it sucks it out of you. A person uses his own resources, or, more simply, borrows them from himself. The debt, of course, sooner or later has to be repaid, paying with fatigue, insomnia, irritability and depression.
Negative effects of energy drinks on the human body
1) As a result of increasing the dose of drinks above 2 cans per day, blood pressure or blood sugar levels can significantly increase, which leads to serious diseases - hypertension and diabetes.
2) In some European countries, energy drinks are sold only in pharmacies, because cases of death have been recorded after consuming energy drinks.
3) Energy drink vitamins do not form a balanced complex.
4) In people with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, nervous system, pancreas, liver, or with a predisposition to these diseases, energy drinks can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
5) The energy drink does not provide energy, but only opens the energy channels of the body itself. In this case, a person does not receive energy, but uses his internal resources. This leads to exhaustion and nervous overexcitation, which, with regular use of energy drinks, leads to increased fatigue, insomnia, irritability, nervous breakdowns, and depression.
6) Caffeine, when consumed regularly, causes depletion of the body's strength. The worst thing is that the body gets used to doses of caffeine, and over time it requires increasing it.
7) An excess of B vitamins can cause nervous system disorders such as tremors of the limbs, weakness, and rapid heartbeat.
8) Excess caffeine causes increased urination, which removes salts from the body in large quantities.
9) Taurine and glucuronolactone are contained in 2 cans of energy drink in an amount exceeding 500 times the normal daily dose of these amino acids. In combination with caffeine, these substances can greatly deplete the human nervous system. Scientists continue to study the effects of these substances on the body.
10) Caffeine, carbon dioxide and other components of energy drinks irritate the stomach wall and can lead to peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, as well as gastritis.
All energy drinks without exception contain it. Acts as a stimulant: 100 mg of caffeine stimulates mental activity, 238 mg increases cardiovascular endurance. To get this effect, you need to drink at least three cans, but energy drink manufacturers recommend drinking no more than 1-2 cans per day.
Taurine accumulates in muscle tissue and improves metabolic processes in them. Taurine has anticonvulsant properties. However, recent studies have shown that taurine does not have any positive stimulating effect on the human body. Moreover, in large quantities, taurine can cause overexcitation of the nervous system and its exhaustion, and in combination with alcohol, taurine enhances its effect, leading to serious disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Taurine is contraindicated for use by people with high nervous excitability and those who drink alcohol.
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