Candibiotic for damage to the eardrum. Perforation of the tympanic membrane: causes, symptoms and treatments. Types of ear drops

Most ear diseases are treated topically with special drops, but not all drugs can be used if the patient has a ruptured eardrum.

What causes a perforation? What ear drops can be used to treat the pathology of the organ of hearing in case of a rupture of the eardrum?

Common causes of membrane rupture

The selection of ear drops for the treatment of the ear against the background of a ruptured tympanic membrane should be made only by an otolaryngologist. The specialist will assess the condition of the cavity behind the perforated membrane, determine the true cause of your discomfort and select drugs that will cope with the existing inflammatory process without harming the functionality of the hearing organ.

The reasons for the rupture of the membrane separating the outer part of the ear from the tympanic cavity can be:

  • barotrauma;
  • acoustic trauma;
  • mechanical injury, for example, when cleaning the ears;
  • fracture of the temporal bone;
  • thermal damage at home and at work;
  • purulent otitis.

In ordinary citizens, purulent otitis media most often causes a rupture of the membrane.

In this case, the gradual accumulation of exudate in the tympanic cavity leads to a strong and painful tension of the film. In the end, the eardrum does not withstand the pathogenic effects and pressure of purulent masses and breaks through.

Signs of a ruptured membrane

A ruptured eardrum can be identified by specific signs.

If the membrane was perforated as a result of trauma (mechanical, baro- or acoustic), then patients experience severe pain at the moment of violation of its integrity. With a rupture of the eardrum against the background of accumulation of pus in the cavity of the middle ear, the symptoms will be slightly different. The excruciating sensations of pressure, pain and shooting through the ear end abruptly as soon as a hole appears in the membrane, through which the exudate flows into the ear canal.

After perforation, patients experience the following symptoms:

  • There may be tinnitus;
  • due to the loss of mobility of the eardrum, the quality of hearing decreases;
  • purulent masses come out of the auditory canal (with otitis media) or bloody and sanious discharge (with the traumatic nature of the membrane rupture).

Any painful sensations in the organ of hearing, as well as the appearance of purulent or bloody discharge from the ear canal, require examination by a specialist and the appointment of the necessary therapy for each case.

The presence of a perforation in the membrane not only negatively affects the quality of sound perception by patients, but the rupture of the membrane seems to open the entrance for infection to the middle ear. For the period of scarring of the connective tissue, you should take care to protect the organ of hearing from pathogenic bacteria and fungi - this is the purpose of the ear drops that the otolaryngologist will prescribe for you.

Types of ear drops

Topical preparations will be selected by a specialist based on what exactly provoked a ruptured eardrum.

Ear drops are:

  1. Antibacterial. These drops in the ear during perforation are prescribed if bacteria are the cause of the development of a purulent form of otitis media. Also, this type of drug is used for prophylactic purposes in order to prevent the pathogenic flora that has penetrated through the perforation from developing an inflammatory process in the tympanic cavity.
  2. Painkillers. With such drops, the painful symptoms accompanying injuries and inflammatory processes are eliminated.
  3. Antifungal. Drops that fight the fungus are prescribed for mycoses and as a preventive measure against the background of antibiotic therapy.
  4. Anti-inflammatory. This type of drug is used to relieve extensive inflammation against the background of trauma and purulent processes.
  5. Antiseptic. Disinfectant drops are included in complex therapy, if necessary, sanitation of the tympanic cavity.

What drugs are allowed for perforation?

Not all ear drops presented on pharmacy shelves are approved for use against the background of perforation of the eardrum. The composition of many of them is quite aggressive and can harm the fragile and delicate structure of the middle cavity and the inner part of the ear.

To choose the right ear drops for a perforated eardrum, you should contact your doctor. The doctor will prescribe you the appropriate drugs that will successfully cope with all the problems that exist in your hearing organ and at the same time do not harm the functionality of the damaged ear.

At the moment, pharmacists do not have a universal remedy for the treatment of ears due to a ruptured membrane. You may need to use several drugs, each of which will deal with a specific problem.

Your doctor may prescribe the following ear drops that are approved for use with a perforated membrane:

  1. Otipax. These are anti-inflammatory steroid drops with lidocaine. They not only extinguish the activity of pathogenic flora and relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, but also have a good analgesic effect. But this drug does not have a mild effect, and is not always able to cope with severe inflammation. Also, its use will be useless in the fight against a bacterial infection.
  2. Otofa. These ear drops are also approved for the treatment of the organ of hearing on the background of perforation. They are effective in combating severe inflammatory processes, but they do not have an analgesic effect.
  3. Sofradex. It is these drops that will be effective for bacterial purulent otitis media, but their composition is quite aggressive. If the substance gets into the inner ear, it can cause hearing impairment, so otolaryngologists try to prescribe this drug with caution against the background of perforation.
  4. Candibiotic. These are complex drops that combine antifungal and antibacterial effects.
  5. Amoxicillin. The most popular ENT antibiotic is also produced in the form of ear drops. It has a wide spectrum of activity and copes with most of the bacteria that cause inflammation in the ears.

Features of use

Ear drops prescribed by an otolaryngologist should be used strictly according to the scheme that the attending physician will write for you. Especially these recommendations relate to the use of antibacterial drugs.

  • Instill funds into the ears should be strictly on time, observing the dosage and intervals indicated by the doctor;
  • if you experience discomfort or side effects, inform the attending otolaryngologist about this, if necessary, he will prescribe you a different drug;
  • do not stop treatment immediately after symptomatic relief - antibacterial agents should be dripped to the end in accordance with the recommendations of the otolaryngologist;
  • at the end of the course of treatment, even in the absence of complaints, be sure to see a specialist - he will evaluate the results of therapy and the speed of scarring of the eardrum.

Otitis is an inflammatory disease of one of the sections of the ear, in the treatment of which special drops are used. Incorrect exposure to pathology can result in irreversible hearing loss or its complete loss, therefore, at the first signs of ear inflammation, it is better to consult an otolaryngologist.

Varieties of means for treatment

The composition of different medicines can vary greatly. What ear drops from otitis media work better and lead to recovery faster? Depending on the available set of components, drops for the treatment of otitis media are divided into several types.

  1. Combined drugs containing an antibiotic and a glucocorticosteroid hormone (Sofradex, Dexon).
  2. Preparations with NSAIDs ("Otinum", "Otipaks").
  3. Medicines with an antibiotic (“Tsipromed”, “Normaks”, “Anauran”).

The choice of treatment regimen and the drug in the form of drops depends on the severity of the course of the disease, the presence of damage to the eardrum and other factors.

Complex preparations "Sofradex" and "Candibiotic"

Medicines are used in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the external ear. The composition of drops in the ears with otitis media "Sofradex" includes such components.

  1. Glucocorticoid dexamethasone, which fights itching, allergies and inflammation.
  2. Broad-spectrum antibiotic "Neomycin".
  3. Antibiotic "Gramicidin", which prevents the reproduction of bacteria and destroys gram-positive microorganisms.

Please note that the drug "Sofradex" can not be used for fungal and viral infections of the hearing organs, for tuberculosis and a rupture of the eardrum. In a sore ear, 2-3 drops are injected three times a day. The duration of treatment does not exceed a week.

Complex drops from otitis media "Candibiotic" relieve pain and inflammation. Also, this drug inhibits the vital activity of fungi and bacteria. The drug "Candibiotic" contains such components.

  1. Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent with a bacteriostatic effect.
  2. Clotrimazole is an antimycotic that fights fungi of the genus Candida, etc.
  3. Beclomethasone dipropionate is a glucocorticosteroid that relieves allergies and inflammation.
  4. Lidocaine is an anesthetic drug.

The remedy "Candibiotic" is recommended for getting rid of chronic otitis, acute and diffuse inflammation of the outer ear, acute otitis media, postoperative complications in the ear. The medicine can cause an adverse reaction if it enters the middle ear through a hole in the eardrum.

For children under 6 years of age, the remedy "Candibiotic" is contraindicated.

Medicines with NSAIDs "Otinum" and "Otipax"

Otinum ear drops have a moderate anesthetic and clear anti-inflammatory effect due to choline salicylate, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, this medicine has an antimicrobial and antimycotic effect. The drug "Otinum" is prescribed for adults in case of acute otitis externa and otitis media, exudative otitis media, pre-treatment of the ear canal to soften sulfur clots.

These ear drops for otitis have a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood;
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid.

The softening of sulfur plugs is carried out for four days, injecting 3-4 drops into the ears in the morning and in the evening. Otitis is treated by instillation of a slightly warmed solution of Otinum. Within 7-8 days, 3-4 drops are injected into the ear every 3 hours.

The drug "Otipax" is relatively cheap compared to others. It reduces the inflammation and pain associated with otitis media. It contains phenazone, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and lidocaine, an anesthetic. Otipax drops are prescribed for infants, pregnant women and adults with:

  • edematous viral otitis;
  • inflammation of the middle ear, not accompanied by a through defect of the membrane;
  • external and acute otitis media;
  • otitis after barotrauma.

The medicine "Otipax" is administered three times a day, 2-4 drops for no more than 10 days.

Medicinal products “Normax”, “Anauran”, “Otofa”

Norfloxacin, an antibiotic of the fluoroquinolone series, is the active component of Normax. It is recommended for the treatment of external and internal otitis, infectious inflammation of the Eustachian tube, as well as for acute and chronic inflammation of the middle ear. The medicine is used as a prophylactic before and after surgery, as well as for ear injuries.

In order for the medicine to work well, sanitation of the ear canal is carried out before its use. "Normax" is instilled in a warm form 1-2 drops 4 times a day until complete recovery and then another 2 days, but not more than 10 days. The tool is allowed to use after 18 years. It is not suitable for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women.

Drops in the ears with otitis media "Anauran" have an antibacterial and local anesthetic effect. They contain such substances.

  1. Polymyxin B is a polypeptide antibiotic.
  2. Neomycin sulfate is an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside series.
  3. Lidocaine is an anesthetic.

Drops "Anauran" and their analogues are indicated for the development of postoperative complications and for various types of pathology: acute and chronic inflammation of the external ear, otitis media with perforation and chronic non-purulent serous otitis. From 2 to 4 times a day, a few drops of the drug are injected into the ear canal for adults with a pipette. The use of anauran in children under one year old should be under the supervision of a physician. From 2 years old drip 3-4 times a day. Treatment should not be delayed for more than a week.

Otofa is a solution of rifampicin, an effective broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is used in children and adults in therapy:

  • otitis externa and otitis media of acute and chronic course;
  • violation of the integrity of the eardrum;
  • patients who underwent middle ear surgery for the prevention of purulent inflammation.

Before use, the drops are warmed in the hands. Children are instilled several times a day, adults need to administer the medicine more often. The expediency of using "Otofa" in pregnant women is considered by the doctor.

Among others, the antimicrobial drug Miramidez has proven itself well. Miramistin - its main active ingredient - has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, enhances regenerative processes, activates immune defenses.

A very common complication after a cold and flu is otitis media, which can delay a person's full recovery. In order not to aggravate your condition and not lose your hearing, it is necessary to treat the disease under the supervision of an otolaryngologist.

What is tympanic membrane perforation? Perforation (hole formation) of the tympanic membrane is the formation of a hole in the septum located between the outer and middle ear, resulting from an inflammatory disease or the action of external factors.

The symptoms of a perforated eardrum differ depending on the cause. The disease is dangerous with the possibility of developing an infection of the middle or inner ear. The number of complications increases with self-medication.

Causes of perforation

The tympanic septum is a thin membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear. In the absence of diseases, it has no natural openings. The main causes of perforation of the membrane are:

With inflammation of the middle ear (especially when pus appears there), two unfavorable factors simultaneously begin to act on the tympanic septum:

  • increased pressure in the middle ear presses on the membrane;
  • pus gradually melts and thins it.

Ultimately, the membrane does not withstand and ruptures.

In young children, the cause of a rupture of the membrane is often small parts from toys that the child puts into his nose and ears. The risk of perforation also increases when adults try to remove them from the baby's ear on their own.

In addition, in children, the auditory canal is short, so the eardrum is injured when the face is burned by a flame, when the auricle is frostbite.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of eardrum injury vary depending on the cause. The main signs of perforation of the tympanic membrane are as follows:

Attention should be focused on the following fact - in the presence of purulent inflammation of the middle ear, rupture of the tympanic membrane and subsequent outflow of pus to the outside helps to alleviate the patient's condition. His body temperature drops, the pain in his ear and head becomes less intense, and his general condition improves significantly. Traumatic perforation of the tympanic membrane leads to a sudden appearance of complaints and a deterioration in the human condition.

Symptoms of perforation of the eardrum in children are similar to the symptoms of the same disease in adults. However, if the child is small, he will not be able to tell in detail what happened, what worries him. Mom notices changes in her child's behavior:

  • the child becomes restless;
  • constantly crying;
  • does not allow to touch the sore ear, repels mother's hand when trying to do this;
  • if it was possible to calm the child, the mother notices the blood flowing out of the ear.

Perforation of the tympanic membrane is dangerous because the barrier that separates the middle ear cavity from the external environment disappears. As a result, the infection no longer encounters obstacles in its path.

After some time, the patient may develop signs of inflammation of the middle ear (throbbing pain, fever, purulent discharge from the ear canal), and the inner ear (severe dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of coordination). If you do not seek medical help in time, perforation of the tympanic membrane can be complicated by complete hearing loss, the infectious process can go to the membranes of the brain.


Treatment of perforation of the tympanic membrane should be divided into two stages:

  • emergency care immediately after the break;
  • restoration of the integrity of the partition.

It is important to remember that after the occurrence of a rupture of the tympanic septum, the ear should be protected as much as possible from any influences - do not touch or put pressure on it. If the cause of the disease was a foreign body, it is worth giving up trying to remove it. Such actions can provoke an even deeper penetration of a foreign object deep into the ear. Before the examination by a doctor, no medicine should be instilled into the sore ear.

The external auditory meatus must be covered with a clean cloth (handkerchief, paper napkin). It is best if it is a sterile bandage from an individual or car first aid kit. If nothing suitable is at hand, you can cover your ear with your palm. This will help to avoid the penetration of dirt and dust particles into the depths. It is especially important to do this if the accident happened on the street or in a polluted room.

Mode and diet

Without observing the correct daily regimen and proper nutrition, recovery is delayed for a longer time. The diet must include foods containing vitamins, enrich the diet with juices, herbal teas (rose hips). This will strengthen the body's defenses and help it cope with the disease.

The entire period of treatment, the patient should avoid drafts, hypothermia, heavy physical exertion. In the cold season, it is better to spend less time outdoors and stay indoors longer. The temperature in the room should be constant, without sudden jumps. Be careful when showering or bathing. Care must be taken to prevent water from getting into the ear. Even better, cover your ears with a waterproof rubber cap. After a shower, you can not go out into the open air, so as not to catch a cold.

Treatment of a ruptured tympanic membrane

According to statistics, every second gap heals on its own. This is possible only if the resulting hole is small in diameter. In all other cases, you have to resort to the help of specialists.

There are two treatments for eardrum injury:

  • medication;
  • with a surgical operation.

In the first case, the method will be effective if the hole is small. In the arsenal of a modern doctor there are special sterile paper patches. They are used to accelerate the healing of the tympanic membrane. The whole procedure consists of several stages:

  1. The specialist carefully examines the external auditory meatus and the torn membrane. Inspection is carried out using an ear funnel.
  2. Gently removes foreign bodies if they are present - parts from children's toys, lumps of dirt, clots of pus, blood.
  3. The walls are wiped with alcohol.
  4. The edges of a torn eardrum are treated with special medications that speed up the healing process.
  5. The hole in the membrane is covered with a sterile patch.

In order to avoid penetration deep into the ear of the infection, drops with an antibiotic must be prescribed. Ear drops during perforation of the eardrum are instilled into the external ear canal, after which it is covered with a cotton swab. Most often, the hole is tightened after 2-3 such procedures, carried out at intervals of several days.


Surgery for perforation of the membrane is performed only when all other methods have been unsuccessful. This rather unpleasant and painful procedure is performed under anesthesia. The hole in the membrane is covered with a thin piece of skin cut off behind the patient's ear. Pass through the external auditory meatus to the perforated tympanic membrane and sew the skin flap to the edge of the membrane. The threads with which the patch is attached dissolve on their own after a while.

Ear drops

To prevent the occurrence of infectious complications when the tympanic membrane is ruptured, antibiotic drops are used in the ear. The doctor reserves the right to choose an antibiotic. The type of drug depends on the sensitivity of microbes to it, the general condition of the patient's body, and the absence of allergies.

Normax for perforation of the tympanic membrane is ear drops with the antibiotic norfloxacin. Depending on the patient's condition, the doctor prescribes 2-3 drops in the ear canal up to 6 times a day (sometimes 8-12 times).

Candibiotic for perforation of the eardrum is good because it contains both an antibacterial agent and an antifungal drug. Due to this, the droplets act simultaneously in two directions:

  • destroy harmful microbes;
  • do not allow fungi to multiply.

One and the second remedy is instilled into the ear, then a cotton swab is inserted there. This prevents the droplets from flowing out.

It should be remembered that the reaction to any drug is difficult to predict. Therefore, they can only be used after consultation with an ENT doctor. If severe itching or a burning sensation in the ear occurs, the drops are immediately canceled.

Otipax with perforation of the eardrum reduces the feeling of pain, disinfects the inner surface of the ear and reduces inflammation. After their application, the patient feels better - congestion and tinnitus decrease, pain recedes. However, do not forget that they contain lidocaine. For this reason, it is always necessary to find out from the patient if he is allergic to this remedy.

Treatment with traditional medicine

Treatment of perforation of the eardrum with folk remedies allows for a faster recovery, avoiding the occurrence of side effects from medications in patients with allergies. Traditional medicine recommends the use of decoctions of medicinal herbs - plantain, pine needles, chamomile, calendula.

Plantain accelerates the overgrowth of the membrane and cleans the ear canal from the resulting sulfur. You can use a decoction of dried plantain leaves and freshly squeezed juice. Cotton turunda is moistened with warm plant juice and inserted into the ear canal. Top cover with dry cotton and tie with a bandage made of natural fabric. Such turundas are changed after a few hours.

Chamomile is steamed with boiling water in porcelain or glassware, insisted for no more than 20 minutes and buried in the ear. Chamomile infusion allows you to clean the ear canal from sulfur and pus, relieves swelling. This allows the contents of the ear to flow better in the event that otitis occurs with perforation of the eardrum.

The juice of pine needles also helps. Essential oils and tannins, which are part of it, relieve inflammation, disinfect the ear cavity. It is important to remember that the juice should only be freshly squeezed. You can't use it cold. The container with juice must be warmed for some time in the palms or in a water bath.


Injury to the eardrum, despite the fact that it often heals on its own, can cause life-threatening complications. Therefore, it is worth making every effort to avoid it:

  • when the first symptoms of otitis media appear, you should immediately begin to treat it;
  • if inflammation has developed, it is better to avoid flights and diving;
  • do not clean the ears with sharp objects;
  • small children should clean their ears with special hygienic sticks;
  • too noisy environments should be avoided.

It is necessary to choose toys for children in such a way that they do not contain small parts (designers, collapsible cars). It is important to supervise children while playing. If a child puts a small part in his ear, you should immediately seek medical help and do not try to get it out on your own.

The ears are an important human sense organ. Its slightest failure leads to many problems, ranging from difficulties in communicating with other people, ending with the development of chronic diseases. Such failures often occur when the eardrum is damaged.

The eardrum is located at the junction of the inner and outer ear, which is why it is often damaged mechanically. A rupture, which in medical language sounds like a perforation, can occur not only as a result of the development of a pathological process, but also with incorrect hearing organs, as well as with various injuries.

The specialist first of all justifies the course of treatment by the degree of tympanic membrane rupture, takes into account provoking factors and what additional medication can be prescribed in the case of chronic diseases of the hearing organs.


The drug is widely distributed. In the treatment of ear diseases, a 0.3% solution is used. The main active ingredient is . Three times daily it is recommended to bury such drops in the ear when the membrane is perforated. The dosage is selected individually and usually does not exceed 5 drops for each treatment.

The drug is preliminarily kept for some time at room temperature and then instilled using a pipette, directing the substance strictly to the walls of the ear canal.

Also, this tool is used to soak a cotton swab, which must be placed in a sore ear, changing to a fresh one. up to 4 times a day. Such treatment is already 48 hours relieves painful symptoms.


Doctors often prescribe ear drops to relieve pain. Uniflox. The tool is based on an antibiotic called Ofloxacin and is highly effective. Treatment lasts about 10 days taking into account the fact that the drug is instilled in a sore ear in a timely manner 10 drops every twelve hours.


The doctor often prescribes drugs based on the antibiotic Norfloxacin, for example, a drug. The course of treatment is selected individually, but daily instilled up to 6 times a day, 2-3 drops of the drug.

Ear drops for eardrum perforation

Each of these drugs has a lot of contraindications, and only an experienced specialist can take into account and understand the possibility of their manifestation.

  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • people with individual intolerance to antibiotics.

The use of ear drops for rupture of the eardrum is indicated only for those who have no contraindications to this type of drug.

At the slightest suspicion of an injury to the eardrum, you should immediately contact. Determine which ear drops can be used for eardrum perforation Specifically in your case, only a doctor can.

The specialist will need time to study your problem in depth. It is necessary to take into account the state of the anguish, the causes of the pathology. Assess the general condition of the patient, the observed symptoms. Only then will the doctor be able to prescribe the right drug.

In some cases, it may be necessary to test the tolerance of one or another active component of the selected agent in order to exclude possible side effects.

Pain, cramps, purulent discharge from the ear, fever - all these are symptoms of the development of the inflammatory process of the ear (otitis media). Ear drops are an effective remedy. Find out which ones are the most effective. What is the principle of their impact and how to properly bury the medicine in the ear. An overview of popular ear drops designed for patients with otitis media.

The ease of use of ear drops and their availability on the market create the illusion of absolute ease of choice and safety of use. Many, having suspected the symptoms of otitis media, not only make their own diagnosis, but also choose certain ear drops themselves.

Each tool has individual pharmacological nuances of use. Far from medicine, it is extremely difficult to understand the features of the appointment and application. If you make a mistake, do not take into account contraindications or make a mistake with the dosage, you risk getting serious complications. Not a single instruction will fit all the information about the remedy, and an experienced and competent otolaryngologist will tell you exactly which ear drops the patient needs.

The doctor will assess the patient's condition, stage of the disease, related factors. At home, it is impossible to determine the inflammation of which ear (inner, middle or outer) without having medical knowledge. That is why it is so important to get competent advice from a doctor, because ear drops are intended for different forms of otitis media.

In addition, the treatment of ear inflammation is not limited to such agents. Often, ear drops are an additional measure, they are prescribed while taking antibiotics and antihistamines.

Variety of funds

The pharmacological market is replete with a variety of drugs available in the form of ear drops. For clarity, they were classified according to the impact criterion.

Ear drops against otitis are:

  • Antibacterial. These include Otofu, Normax and Tsipromed.
  • Combined. They combine antibacterial components and glucocorticoids. These are Anauran, Dexon and Sofradex.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. For example, "Otipaks" and "Otinum".

If the doctor has listed recommended ear drops for you, leaving the choice up to you, give preference to the most famous ones. Before buying, read the reviews, side effects, contraindications. Do not use the product without carefully reading the instructions. The following most popular ear drops are distinguished: Tsipromed, Normax and Dexon. It is important to know their dosage, contraindications, scope.

Tsipromed, Normax and Dexon

Tsipromed is an antimicrobial drug. It is familiar to some as a medicine for the eyes. You are not mistaken. This tool is really used not only in otolaryngology, but also in the ophthalmological field for eye diseases.

As eye drops, it is prescribed for diseases of the eyes and eye appendages of an infectious-inflammatory nature, as well as a preoperative and postoperative preventive measure for infectious complications. For the eyes "Tsipromed" is available not only in the form of eye drops, but also eye ointment.

In otolaryngology, the spectrum of influence of "Tsipromed" includes:

  • Otitis externa.
  • Average chronic and acute otitis media.
  • Infectious postoperative complications.
  • Preventive measure of infectious otitis in the preoperative and postoperative periods.
  • Help in removing foreign objects from the ear.
  • Ear injuries.

4 drops are injected into the diseased ear three times a day, if necessary, a cotton turunda is inserted.

Ear drops "Tsipromed" are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, in the presence of viral keratitis and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The antimicrobial drug Normax, like Tsipromed, is used in otolaryngology and ophthalmology. Drops in the ears "Normax" are indicated as a therapy for various stages of otitis media, when removing a foreign object from the ear, with ear injuries and as a measure to prevent infection.

As a rule, "Normax" for the treatment of inflammation of the ear is prescribed 3 drops 5 times a day. Among the contraindications to taking the drug are individual intolerance to the components, age under 12 years, pregnancy and lactation.

Dexona is a multidisciplinary tool, including the treatment of otitis media and eye diseases. In case of inflammation, it is recommended to instill 1-2 drops of Dexon hourly throughout the day and every couple of hours at night. Possible side effects include tachycardia, changes in blood pressure, irritability, insomnia. "Dexon" is contraindicated in fungal ear infections, disorders of the eardrum, sensitivity to the components of the drug. Undesirable for pregnant and lactating women.

Application features

Drip in the ear, it seemed that it could be difficult. However, in reality, the incorrect administration of the drug instead of recovery turns into big problems.

Check, do you know how to drip into the ear?

  • First of all, you need to lie on your side so that the sore ear is on top.
  • Next, you need to pull the earlobe back and down to open the auditory canal.
  • Introduced drops should certainly be warm, but not hot. Before use, hold the bottle with the product in your palms for a while. If you put cold drops in your ear, then you will experience pain. Do not heat the medicine in a water bath, a battery, and even more so in a microwave.
  • It is correct to drip not directly into the ear, but by introducing turunda twisted from cotton wool. To do this, insert the turunda into the ear, and already drip the medicine on it.

According to doctors, the introduction of drops into the ear without cotton wool (direct instillation) is very dangerous, especially if the patient's eardrum is broken. It is this common mistake that leads to hearing loss, hearing loss and ear complications.