Lenormand cards for relationships fork moon. Moon Lenormand: meaning and interpretation of the card. General meaning of the card

32. MOON

Eight of hearts.
Designations: illusory, instability, secrets, reincarnation, instability of emotions, memories, confessions.
The card fluctuates between positive and negative meaning, depending on neighboring cards.
Characterized by emotionality, sensitivity, daydreaming, aspiration, romanticism, recognition, and contradiction.
The moon is a symbol of transformation and change, characterizes passive, emotional principles. Expresses a spontaneous reaction to surrounding formations, to pleasures and aversions, to joyful and sad events.
Meaning of the card: “Moon” symbolizes some kind of large gift, as well as renewal.
In some situations it points to the mother. Night. Casts a shadow on nearby cards.
It is necessary to carefully consider the neighboring cards. In combination with “Paths” - it’s not the right time to make important decisions; with “Stork” - a change in life.
The moon goes through different phases and changes its shape, it is extremely variable. It is a symbol of woman, variability. Just as the moon itself has two sides, there are also two meanings for it. The first is the search for various adventures, the second is the need for rest and reflection. Everything we have experienced requires rethinking and careful consideration. The map obliges you to look into your past; it is in it that you will find many of the answers and roots of the events taking place now.
A symbol of recognition from society, commitment to the traditions and experience of past years. If you adhere to traditions in your business activities, then support and recognition will be guaranteed to you. If you are surrounded by favorable cards - recognition, reward, respect, psychological comfort and harmony.
If the card is in a negative environment - indifference, non-recognition, based on this internal discomfort, depression and anxiety.
If you have a other half, then perhaps you will hear a marriage proposal.
The “Moon” can also reflect a person’s spiritual life. The card is mysterious and mystical; it has many hidden meanings. Expressor of various feelings, both attraction and disgust. It is necessary to express your opinion in all matters worthwhile.
The waning moon symbolizes a period that requires concentration and concentration, while the waxing moon symbolizes the period of development of feelings and their manifestation.
In a positive environment, the card has a meaning associated with intuitiveness, imagination, and reflection. May indicate pregnancy and childbirth.
In a negative environment, it indicates fears, mental stress, influence from outside. The questioner will be inattentive, careless, depressed, and confused. Conflict situations in relationships, intrigue and lies are possible. The effect of the card is not long-term, but the consequences appear over time.
The card of dreams and desires is associated with a dark room with high humidity.
The Moon is also associated with dreams. If the querent has a difficult period in his life and problematic situations, then it is necessary to pay great attention to dreams, they will indicate the correct solution to the situation. Prophetic dreams, warning signs contained in them.
In professional activities, work is associated with great responsibility, complete immersion in the matter.
In love, it reflects deep and strong feelings, longing for a loved one.
Regarding health, the card is associated with the psyche, state of mind, and nerves.
Personality: soulful, intuitive, capricious, dreamy person. Strong and strong body, average height, green or blue eyes. They are sympathetic and love to take care of other people. Describes a woman, from thirty to sixty years old, thoughtful and sad, lonely and with notes of melancholy. A wise woman, perhaps a witch.
Time up to four weeks.

Main meaning:

8 Hearts - a gift

The Moon card includes everything related to the soul, as does the Pisces card, but to a lesser extent, emotions, feelings, intuition, and adaptation to the external environment. Using this map and its house in a large layout, you can see everything that is in a person’s soul.

In most books, the Moon card is considered favorable, I classify it as neutral, with a large majority as negative, because... it speaks of instability, and instability in any area of ​​life gives rise, first of all, to fear, a feeling of losing the ground under one’s feet, and the unsteadiness of reality. Therefore, this card should be interpreted depending on other cards that fell in the layout, and you also need to look at where the Moon fell relative to the Querent’s card. In a good environment, Looney portends an emotionally intense, favorable period, growth is underway in the area in relation to which the question was asked. It can talk about respect from others, recognition, rewards, good luck in business and growth in material well-being, because The moon still shone, albeit at night. In a negative environment, and even by itself, the Moon card speaks of anxiety, fear, confusion, melancholy.

Astrologically, the Moon is a symbol of ancestral ties and roots. If a person adheres to tradition, then he can count on the support and recognition of others. This applies to both the family or clan, and the country as a whole, the place that is the Motherland for a person.

In spiritual terms, the Moon speaks of deep experiences and transformations, a rich inner world, abilities, especially of an esoteric kind, and deepening into oneself. The moon also talks about the burden of the past, about memory, perhaps even from past lives, but it latently influences the events of today, and most likely in a negative way, so this side requires attention and comprehension.

Separately, it is worth saying that the Moon is a significator of motherhood and the female line in the family.

The Moon card is a pair to the Sun card, they are like 2 halves of a single whole, yin and yang, masculine and feminine. The sun is daytime, visible, active, rational consciousness, father. And the Moon is the nocturnal, secret, passive, irrational subconscious, mother.

There is a popular belief that the Moon card is also associated with recognition, approval and reward. It is difficult to understand this from the symbolism of the Moon itself, probably this interpretation came from decks where the Moon is depicted in the growing phase, and as it grows and gains strength and visibility on earth for all people, so the power and influence of a person gains strength at the same time X, all his achievements become obvious, people fall under the influence of his energy. It is worth noting that the Moon is the fastest moving planet, and therefore success and recognition can be very fleeting, by tomorrow everyone will forget about you, you should not count on resting on your laurels for a long time.

Another argument in favor of this interpretation of the Moon card is in the book “Gypsy Fortune Telling Lenormand” by Bruno Bieri, which describes the symbolism of the number 32 as honor, glory, strength, impressionability, subconscious, meditation, dreams, sleep, magic.

But the power under the Moon card is internal, largely unconscious and not manifested; it needs suitable conditions, but in themselves they can lead to success, involuntarily controlling a person’s actions.

Separated from the others, the Moon card does not give a clear answer yes or no, maybe both.

Negative meaning:

Map shadow

The moon in a negative aspect gives fears, phobias, strong feelings and addictions, longing for a loved one.

Because The Moon card is associated with the goddess of the night Hecate, then it is an indicator of external influence: damage, hassle, love spells through food and drink. The card has a short-term effect, but the consequences will manifest itself over time.

In matters of personal relationships:

In personal relationships, the meaning of the Moon card depends on other cards in the layout. She can speak of peace, comfort, a home where you can relax and recuperate after a working day, care from loved ones and relatives. Your loved one wants simple human happiness, relaxation, and quiet time together. He is completely confident in your relationship, he is comfortable and calm, he wants to take care and patronize you.

In the negative aspect, the Moon speaks of a consumer attitude towards people, instability, fears, changeability; a person does not know what to expect from a partner in the next moment. He is highly dependent emotionally, even to the point of physical dependence, he tries to adapt to his partner, to his mood swings, to please.

The Moon card often points to a rival, because the Moon has a dark side that we never see, and it is associated with Lilith. Relationships can be built in a couple on deception, complex, people in a confusing situation, what exactly the situation is - you need to look at the neighboring cards.

In matters of business and finance:

In business matters, the Moon card indicates traditional activities. There is no point in carrying out reorganizations and reforms and generally this is not the best time to undertake something new.

The moon is associated with the satisfaction of primary needs - food, water, sleep. Therefore, he says that there will be enough to live on, a small pleasant profit, but instability in finances, that is, no, like the ebb and flow of the tide. Only with appropriate cards, for example, Pisces can talk about good financial benefits. The Moon itself speaks of small profits. Financial swing. Unstable income.

In medical matters:

In medicine, the Moon is responsible for fluids in the body, hormones, the menstrual cycle, the psyche and the nervous system. It is most strongly associated with women's health, since the Sun is more associated with the male and shows the cardiovascular system, and the Moon is the reproductive function, genitals and breasts.

Also the genitourinary system and kidneys. Unstable psyche, danger of mental illness, especially near the Scythe. Near the Clouds can speak of psychosomatic diseases, phantom pain, hypochondria.

As a personality card:

The Moon card describes a person who is intuitive, sincere, and romantic. He often has his head in the clouds, makes fantasy plans divorced from reality, dreams, and may be melancholy, thoughtful, and sad. Usually such a person is responsive and takes pleasure in caring for others and puts himself in their position. Great need for harmony. He is subject to external influences and reacts strongly both to changes in weather and to changes in the mood of other people. Such a person may be gifted with an ear for music or subtle taste, artistic perception, artistry due to the ability to imitate and easily adapt, or magical abilities that can arise spontaneously and frighten him. Shyness and fears are another distinctive feature of the person under the Moon card; he is very suspicious and superstitious.

Often the Moon card describes an adult woman or grandmother.

In the negative aspect, the card describes a capricious troublemaker who is subject to mood swings or a liar who, like a chameleon, adapts to the state he needs at the moment in order to get his own benefit, easily lies and weaves intrigues. This person is unpleasant, he may smell bad, he is inattentive and disorganized, which is why he easily makes stupid and similar mistakes. Inconsistent in affections.

The Moon card is a significator of clairvoyants and mystics. Can also mean people who seem cold and indifferent and indicate sleepwalkers.

Since lunar cycles are cyclical processes, the Moon in layouts often speaks of a repetition of the past. Memories of the past, longing for the past, attachment to the past. In event layouts, these are events of the past that will emerge in the present; in layouts about the causes of the situation, it indicates that these problems are due to past experience, that past experience interferes or is the cause, and combinations will show more specifically what is connected this experience. In a career scenario, it may show a return to a previous job. Moon + Horseman - news from the past, Moon + House + Man - ex-husband. Cross + Moon – difficult past. The Moon is a card of calm, passivity, creation; events combined with the Moon card flow slowly and gradually. In combination with fixed cards, it may well indicate stagnation. Lunar cycles also affect the ebb and flow of the tides, and the symbol of water is interconnected with the human psyche and emotional state, therefore in layouts the Moon speaks of emotions, experiences, surrounded by negative cards - depression, unstable psyche, fears, discomfort, doubts. The Moon is a card of imagination, fantasies, illusions, altered states of consciousness. This aspect is especially evident in combinations with Stars, Clouds, Birds (Owls) and Fox. In combination with cards, Pisces, Stars, Clover, Clouds, can indicate drug or alcohol intoxication. It is necessary to take into account that in this case, there must be more than two such cards indicating alcohol or drugs. The Moon is an esoteric card, therefore it speaks of good intuition, psychic dreams, and a person’s spiritual life. The moon can also show creative processes. For example, the combination, Stars + Moon + Bouquet, will speak of creativity.


discomfort, partners’ self-absorption, memories of the past, passivity, lack of movement and activity in relationships. But at the same time, the Moon in combination with positive cards will indicate that people do not want to part. Keeping a family together is very important for them; it is important to have a traditional marriage. People cherish their relationships because they have been through a lot together. With negative cards, these are grievances, disappointments, negative emotions between partners, and a past that is also unpleasant for both. In feelings, the card says that there are feelings, there are experiences, melancholy, heartfelt attachment, depending on the environment, these will be feelings, strong attachment or emotional experiences, disappointments and resentments. In behavior, passivity, in thoughts, the card indicates that a person remembers the past, and depending on the combinations, with pleasant nostalgia or with negativity.

Job: creativity, writer, psychic.

Human: sensitive, capricious, delusional, passive, feminine. Has good intuition. May be prone to sadness and depression. A creative person, a dreamer, emotional, but he experiences his emotions within himself. Such a person is interested in psychology and mysticism. In the Moon man, there is some fixation on the past; he may look back too often. Blonde hair, thin build.

Health: psyche, fears, sleepwalking, women's diseases. Slow and long recovery, chronic diseases, return of old diseases.

Sincerely, Yulia Lysenko.


Today, in continuation of the series of articles about the meaning of the symbols of the Small Deck, we will look at the Lenormand Moon. It is worth noting right away that often the perception of this card among students who have already worked with the Tarot system turns out to be slightly incorrect at first. The fact is that the Arcana Moon in the Tarot is still a darker card than the symbol presented in the Lenormand deck. In the Tarot, the Moon immerses us in the area of ​​the unconscious, leading us into a confusing dark labyrinth of internal fears, apprehensions and illusions, but in traditional interpretations of Lenormand the symbol is more often described as positive. Well, and this is not surprising: the night luminary still has two sides. Therefore, it is worth considering all options.

Description of the map

So, most often in the illustration of this Lenormand card we see a night or evening landscape, the key object of which is the moon. In some decks this is a crescent (a waxing or waning luminary), in others it is a full moon, but there are also more interesting examples - for example, in the Lenormand Golden Dreams oracle, all lunar phases are depicted on the card at once, which makes the interpretation somewhat deeper, more complete - at least , this is exactly what many experts who work with this system think. The corresponding playing card is the Eight of Hearts.

Symbolism of the card

We can talk about the Moon for a very long time. You all know how the energy of the night star influences our lives. The Moon is associated with variability (lunar phases), feminine nature, the world of the subconscious (since it shines with reflected light), motherhood, magic, secrets, sensitivity, fantasies, dreams, illusions, borderline states and dreams. However, if you have studied or were simply interested in the lunar calendar, then you already know all this. Different cultures had their own lunar goddesses - Hecate, Selene, Diana, Astarte, Bendida, the Triune Goddess in Wicca and many others.

General meaning of the card

In the Lenormand deck, the main emphasis is still placed on the feminine energy of the Moon, and not on its dark side, although these aspects are also worth taking into account. So, firstly, Moon Lenormand is associated with the human soul, emotional sensitivity, and subtlety of perception. Secondly, the card may foretell a very favorable period and growth in the area about which we are asking a question. Most likely, this is due to the fact that in many decks the Moon is depicted as growing. Another important aspect is feminine nature, motherhood, yin energy (the Sun Lenormand card has the opposite - masculine energy). This symbol also reflects ancestral traditions, support for family ties, and a person’s relationship with his homeland (the maternal aspect of the Moon can also manifest itself in this way). And, of course, we should not forget that the night luminary is capable of turning its dark side towards a person - then subconscious fears, psychological blocks, illusions, everything irrational, hidden, secret, various troubles, magic, negative influences from the outside will come out.

The meaning of the card in love and relationships

The meaning of the Lenormand Moon in relationships can manifest itself in different ways, so it is highly recommended to look at the surrounding cards. Still, lunar energy is very changeable and mobile, therefore, under the influence of a calm, favorable environment, the 8 of Hearts Lenormand turns to its bright side and brings with it home comfort, tranquility, care, pleasant leisure time together and simple human happiness. If the environment is clearly negative, then we will see the Moon not at all kind and calm, but that very mysterious, unstable one - then in the relationship all the secret fears, complexes, concerns will come out - in such a union the ebbs will constantly be replaced by ebbs. Also, in its dark manifestation, the card can result in severe emotional dependence on a partner, consumerism, or banal deception. By the way, very often this symbol in its negative aspect indicates the presence of a rival, a lover, or an affair on the side.

The meaning of the Moon Lenormand card in work and finance

For professional activities, card 32 Lenormand will indicate habitual, traditional employment, a regular work schedule. During the period in which this symbol falls, it is better not to think about any changes, transformation or reorganization - let everything take its course. On the financial plane, the Moon of the Lenormand deck usually means that a person will have enough money to satisfy his primary needs, but he definitely shouldn’t expect mountains of gold. The card indicates the instability of earnings (remember the ebb and flow of the tides) - sometimes there is money, sometimes there is not, sometimes there is a lot, sometimes there is little. True, in the vicinity of one can confidently talk about good financial profit.

The professions of this Lenormand symbol can be different: esotericists, magicians, fortune tellers, creative personalities, psychologists, clairvoyants, night watchmen, writers, actors, photographers, and sometimes even teachers, nannies and caregivers can well be described by this card.

Significance of the Moon in medical matters

The Moon in Lenormand charts is associated with fluids (remember those ebbs and flows again) and women's health, so in medical readings it can indicate gynecological diseases, hormonal disorders, malfunctions of the reproductive or genitourinary system, kidney disease and, of course, problems with the psyche. Schizophrenia, depression and other mental disorders fall into the semantic field of this card. This also includes psychosomatics.

The meaning of the card when describing a person

The meaning of the Moon Lenormand card when describing a person is a romantic, sincere person, sensitive to the vibrations of the surrounding world, with excellent intuition. From the outside, such people often seem thoughtful or living in the world of their dreams, but at the same time they are very sensitive to the mood of others and respond to its changes. Creative talents and magical abilities may well manifest themselves in these persons, sometimes this happens spontaneously and unexpectedly for them. Negative manifestations are superstitiousness, suspiciousness, the presence of deep subconscious fears, which in rare cases can even result in mental disorders.

Implications for the past, present and future

By answering the questions of the past, Luna Lenormand will show that a person has been in captivity of illusions for some time, has become too detached from the real world, has been deceived in something, or has fallen into the trap of his own fears and complexes. However, sometimes the interpretation may be different: in some cases the card indicates a strong female influence exerted on the querent (this could be the influence of a mother, grandmother, wife). For questions of the present, a person reacts sensitively to all the changes occurring in his life, perhaps he is afraid of something or simply feels instability. For the future, the Moon shows good prospects for conception, as well as changes for the better, but, alas, it is too early to talk about stability.


The Lenormand Moon usually shows a period of about a month (remember the number of lunar days, and you will understand why I made this conclusion). If we ask about the time of day, it is late evening or night. According to Anna Kotelnikova’s book “Prediction Lessons with Maria Lenormand”, the time period of the Moon is the second decade of Aquarius, from January 31 to February 10.

The Moon advises you to listen to the voice of your intuition, become more receptive to everything that happens to you, pay attention to dreams, signs that the Universe sends. This Lenormand card also recommends developing psychic or magical abilities. She warns that self-reflection is harmful, because often a person himself turns his life into a nightmare, overthinking himself and following invented fears that do not exist in reality.


  • The house of the Moon is responsible for intuition, spiritual aspirations, sensitivity of a person, as well as for his subconscious. This house can also be used to track deep complexes, internal fears and magical abilities.
  • Places and objects - semi-dark places, for example, a night club, a cinema, a restaurant, a night park, illuminated only by moonlight, a place where a close woman (mother, grandmother) lives, a bedroom, a bathroom (The moon is also associated with a mirror and water - hence and associations with the bathroom). Objects - round or crescent-shaped, and also made of silver.
  • Element of the card - Water.
  • Astrological correspondence - Moon, Zodiac sign - Cancer.
  • The energy of the Moon is feminine, yin.

Combination of Moon Lenormand with other cards

Now let's see how we can interpret combinations of the 32nd Lenormand symbol with others. Once again, I remind you that the interpretations given in the table are only the most popular, and not the only possible ones.

Neighboring card Combination meaning
News from a close woman (mother, grandmother), the events in question will happen within a month
Clover Good luck in romantic affairs, a period of rest, peace, luck thanks to your own intuition
Ship Visiting relatives, dreams, developing your own intuition, meditation
House Strong female influence (most often maternal), the home a person dreams of, respect, honor, fame
Healing, no problems with women's health, following family traditions, insomnia, nightmares and other sleep disorders, sometimes taking sedatives or other medications that affect the psyche
Clouds Hysteria, neurosis, inadequate assessment of what is happening, mental deviations, too strong susceptibility
Secret intrigues, hidden manipulation or deception, deceitful feelings, sometimes indicates a witch or practice of magic, passion for the occult sciences
The combination of Moon Lenormand with the Coffin - grief, sadness, despondency, falling into the trap of one’s own fears, death, serious illness, in medical scenarios for women - menopause
Receive an invitation or gift from someone close, sensuality
Psychological trauma, severe emotional shock, state of passion, collapse of illusions, leaving the mother
Broom Conflict with a native woman (usually with mother, grandmother), bad reputation, sleepwalking
Birds/Owls Instability of feelings, dubious success or fame, superstitiousness, suspiciousness
Child Pregnancy, guardianship, child care
Fox Self-deception, intrigue behind your back, the presence of an insidious rival
Care from loved ones, grandparents
Magical abilities, occultism, heightened intuition, virtuality, the world of fantasies, dreams, daydreams, seeing prophetic dreams or receiving signs from the Universe
Create a family home, move to a new place of residence
Dog Friendship with a touch of romanticism, mother's friend, exposure to the influence of friends, creative partner
Alienation, loneliness, isolation, sometimes vice versa - respect, public vocation
Garden Be popular, respect social norms
Mountain The Moon-Mount Lenormand pair may show the presence of relatives abroad, indifference, or a difficult relationship with the mother
Conflicting desires (when a person is pulled in different directions at the same time), unbalanced psyche, betrayal
Rats Negativity towards oneself, suspicions
Heart Emotions that flow over the edge
Ring Emotional dependence on someone or something
Book Study magic, knowledge recorded at the subconscious level
Letter Secret information, very emotional message
Man Sensitive, romantic man with good intuition, in the negative - a sleepwalker, a restless representative of the stronger sex with mental disorders
Woman Sensitive, romantic woman with good intuition, in the negative - a sleepwalking lady, a restless female representative with mental disorders
Frequent mood swings, creative work that deserves respect
Sun The combination of the Moon Lenormand and the Sun most often shows parents or paternal care
Find out the secret
Fluctuations in the financial market, unstable financial investments, sometimes profit (if the Moon is drawn growing in your Lenormand deck)
Anchor Moon Lenormand with Anchor means balance
Fate, the influence of karmic connections on the situation