Keanu Reeves on the bench. Keanu Reeves: “Actually, there is one meme: sad Keanu. I like him - he's funny. But sometimes he refuses famous colleagues too

It all started in June 2010, when a photographer saw Keanu Reeves eating a sandwich on a bench in a New York park. In his photo, Keanu looks so withdrawn and distant that one feels sorry for the actor. And now this iconic photo has grown into a new photo meme in an unusual form. Keanu was first “cut out” from the photo for numerous photoshops on the Internet, and then a 3D figurine was created. Thus the adventures of sad Keanu were born.

2. The light doesn't reflect off Keanu - it's like it doesn't belong in these photos.

3. “I thought I would like a sad Keanu,” says photographer Alexis S. Madrigal. - Maybe a sandwich? And I decided to take him to the store."

4. The light constantly illuminated him at strange angles.

5. Maybe he would like to make his own sandwich? I placed it on a wheel of cheese.

6. But he was not interested.

7. He seems to prefer ready-made sandwiches.

8. In the fruit department he tried grapefruits.

9. But he liked the melons better.

10. But nothing could cheer up sad Keanu.

11. I didn't back down. I took him to play basketball.

12. And she even took me to the hill.

13. I gave him a ride on a metal horse.

14. Listen to records.

15. But he continued to be sad.

16. Maybe he needed a friend? Another sad Keanu? I put him on the photocopier.

17. The clerk warned me that I couldn’t leave the lid open, but I was afraid of crushing Keanu with the lid, so we just closed everything unnecessary.

18. Creating a copy did not help.

19. Therefore, if he had already decided to be alone, I decided to let it be in nature.

20. Smell the roses, Keanu.

Faktrum publishes several facts about Keanu Reeves, proving that if anyone is worthy of unconditional love among Hollywood actors, it is our birthday boy.

1. In Hawaiian, the name Keanu means "cool wind over the mountains."

2. Keanu is one quarter Chinese (on his father's side).

3. As children, Keanu and his sister Kim had dyslexia (speech impairment, inability to read), which many believe is the reason for his isolation.

4. Besides his birthday, there is another important holiday. Fans have declared June 15th as "The Unofficial Keanu Reeves Cheer Up Day." This comic holiday appeared after a photo of a sad Reeves eating a sandwich on a bench hit the Internet.

5. Keanu has never had his own computer. If he still has to communicate with the computer, he plays chess. Keanu has repeatedly stated that he is more interested in the relationship between man and computer than the machine itself as such.

6. Keanu is afraid to have children because this world often scares him. However, he believes that he is capable of falling in love to the point where he no longer cares what lies ahead.

7. The actor has more than a hundred million dollars in the bank, but he still calmly travels on public transport. Or on a motorcycle.

8. After filming Point Break, the actor became interested in surfing, and after participating in the film Much Ado About Nothing, he fell in love with equestrian sports.

10. Having turned down a lucrative offer to star in the sequel to Speed ​​(he was reportedly offered $11 million), Reeves chose to star in The Devil's Advocate alongside Al Pacino and Charlize Theron; Reeves agreed to lower his own salary in order to attract Al Pacino to the film, and he did the same in The Understudies for the participation of Gene Hackman.

11. Keanu is very close to his family - especially his mother and sister Kim. Family always comes first for him. When the actor's sister fell ill with leukemia, he moved in with her to care for her, abandoning all filming and contracts. He spent days and nights near her bed. “Keanu is my world,” says Kim Reeves about his brother. - When I felt bad, he was always there. He took me in his arms and danced around me, and I immediately felt better.” Reeves has invested more than five million dollars into cancer research in hopes of finding a cure. He donated money to the hospital where his sister was treated and founded his own foundation to fight cancer. Thanks to the efforts and support of Keanu, Kim managed to overcome her terrible illness.

12. Reeves had an affair with Jennifer Syme. On January 8, 2000, their daughter was due to be born, whom he planned to name Ava Archer Syme-Reeves. But a week before the birth, the doctor stopped hearing the baby’s heartbeat; An ultrasound showed that the girl died in the womb; the cause of death was a blood clot in the umbilical cord.

13. In 2001, Reeves' girlfriend, 29-year-old Jennifer Syme, died in a car accident; her SUV crashed into three parked cars on a Los Angeles street. Keanu buried his girlfriend at Westwood Cemetery in Los Angeles next to the grave of their stillborn daughter.

14. In 2010, on his birthday, Keanu bought himself a cupcake and coffee, and any passerby could congratulate him.

15. On his high school hockey team, Keanu's buddies nicknamed him "The Wall" because he was a top-notch goalie; the future actor worked in a bakery store, sharpened skates, and was recognized as MVP (Most Valuable Player) on his school’s hockey team.

16. Their drug-addicted father abandoned them when Keanu was only three years old. Mom was not serious and was constantly in search of “that” man. Because of this search for her, the family constantly moved around the world and got into various troubles, from drug problems to school truancy. It is not surprising that when the family finally settled in Toronto, Keanu was no longer eager to finish school. He was more attracted to the idea of ​​becoming a hockey player.

17. It is not known what would have turned out from the young talent, but he was accidentally invited to the cinema, to stand in front of the camera at the gate. He enjoyed the experience so much that he immediately dropped everything, got into his old car and drove to Los Angeles. I had to beat the thresholds, go hungry, then Keanu remembered that one of his mother’s husbands was once a Hollywood producer. He found his former stepfather and begged him to find at least a tiny role. Well, then we know.

18. Keanu Reeves was impressed by the work of costume designers and special effects specialists in the Matrix trilogy. So when the third film was released and Keanu received his fabulous fee, he gave away 80 million out of 114 to people who worked on the film no less than him.

(Keanu Reeves) - a meme with a photograph of unshaven American actor Keanu Reeves, who sits alone on a bench. Symbolizes universal sadness and is used to show that even the rich and famous have their problems.


Keanu Reeves, despite all his stardom, is a rather simple guy: he rides the subway, wears ordinary clothes, and bought his own, rather modest, house only in 2005.

In May 2010, paparazzi Ron Asadorian took a series of photos of an unshaven, sad Keanu Reeves, who was sitting alone on a bench eating a sandwich. According to one version, the incident took place in a park, according to another, at a bus stop.

A few days later, the sad photo ended up on 4chan, and on June 3, 2010, it reached Reddit. The anonymous author signed the photo with a quote said by the actor himself in an interview.

I really love acting because when I act, it's not me anymoreKeanu Reeves

Sometimes you can come across information that the photo for the meme was taken on the actor’s birthday, but this is not so. The photo on the bench was published in June, and Reeves' birthday is in September. The confusion stemmed from another photo of Keanu - on his birthday, he bought coffee and a cupcake with a small candle and ate it all on the street.


The meme “Sad Keanu” or “Sad Keanu Reeves,” which firmly holds its position on the Internet, has several meanings. First of all, it is used to show the deep sadness and longing that is inherent in everyone in the world, even rich and successful people like Keanu Reeves.

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Also, sad Keanu, who sits with a detached look, is used in photoshops to demonstrate indifference to everything that happens around him.

Keanu Reeves and his roles weren't always so harsh. In 1989, he starred in the film “Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure”; a shot from this comedy became a meme.


In photoshop photos, “Sad Keanu” is often combined with other memes, for example,

Keanu Reeves went down in cinema history as the saddest actor of our time. His work in cult films and with famous directors cannot be compared with the sad image that has forever stuck with Keanu. Moreover, over the years, the actor increasingly exposes himself to criticism, making it clear to everyone that he does not deserve his star status. Woman’s Day found out the reasons for Keanu Reeves’ endless depression.

Fact #1: Difficult Childhood

Photo by Splash News

Of course, if Keanu Reeves had a happy childhood, it is unlikely that by his age he would look like a sad clown beaten by life. But the future Hollywood star was not destined to be born into a prosperous family. Keanu Reeves' parents are very controversial personalities. The boy's father did not have a very good biography; he served time for selling heroin. When Keanu was three years old, his father left the family, leaving his wife and child with almost no means of support. To support her son, Keanu Reeves' mother worked as a stripper.

Throughout his childhood, Keanu Reeves traveled around the world. He changed countries, cities and schools while his crazy mom changed husbands. In total, Keanu Reeves had five schools and three stepfathers. The boy's upbringing was mainly done by his mother's parents and numerous nannies. Keanu Reeves studied poorly, as he suffered from a disease called dyslexia. It was difficult for the child to read and perceive information, so he grew up unsociable and withdrawn.

The only thing Keanu Reeves was good at was hockey. The boy had great ambitions related to sports, but an injury put an end to his hockey career forever. After such disappointment, Keanu Reeves was unable to return to school and was left without a high school diploma. Nevertheless, the lack of a crust did not prevent him from making a dizzying career in Hollywood, which, unfortunately, never taught him to enjoy life.

Fact #2: Loss of loved ones

Keanu Reeves lost loved ones

Photo by Splash News

The real tragedy, which forever left a mask of sadness on Keanu Reeves’ face, was the loss of loved ones, one after another. In 1998, Keanu Reeves met David Lynch's assistant, Jennifer Sy, with whom the actor began a serious affair. Soon the couple was supposed to have a daughter, which the famous actor was looking forward to. But, unfortunately, the baby was born stillborn. To somehow escape the stress, Keanu and Jennifer began to prepare for the wedding, but soon the girl got into a car accident and died on the spot in front of the actor. This tragedy shocked Keanu Reeves to such an extent that he subsequently feared close relationships with women, never getting married.

In addition to his beloved woman, Keanu Reeves lost his best friend, who died of a drug overdose before reaching 30 years of age. The next stress that hit the actor was the illness of his younger sister. The girl was diagnosed with leukemia. Fortunately, she was able to overcome the terrible disease. At the same time, Keanu Reeves donated most of his fee for The Matrix to a hospital treating such patients.

Fact #3: Hamlet's role

Keanu Reeves as Hamlet

Photo Archives of press services

One of Keanu Reeves' favorite roles is Hamlet. He was invited to play a Shakespearean character by the Winnipeg Drama Theatre. For the sake of the role of the Prince of Denmark, Keanu Reeves refused to star in the sequel to “Speed,” which brought him popularity. He also sacrificed his role in the now legendary film Heat with Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. But Keanu Reeves wouldn't be himself if he turned down Hamlet. However, this role brought him recognition and high marks from critics. “He perfectly embodied the naivete, the magnificent fury, the animal grace, the emotional violence - that form of the Prince of Denmark... He is one of the three main Hamlets I have ever seen, for one simple reason: he is Hamlet,” wrote Roger Lewis , critic for The Sunday Times.

And indeed, Keanu Reeves is incredibly similar to the Shakespearean hero. Moreover, it is not only the external resemblance that is striking, but also many character traits. Keanu Reeves, like Hamlet, is an absolute melancholic, woven from contradictions. This character is perfect for Keanu Reeves, giving his sad image a bookish and romantic feel.

Fact #4: Lack of self-confidence

Keanu Reeves is very complex

Despite his status as a global star and the love of fans around the world, Keanu Reeves can hardly be called ambitious, and most importantly, self-confident. Some quotes from the actor's public statements make you wonder if everything is okay with his psyche, and recommend the celebrity a good doctor.

It is known that Keanu Reeves is popular among women and has long been at the top of the lists of the sexiest men on the planet, but the actor himself categorically disagrees with the opinion of the majority. “I’m ugly and asexual. But, of course, not as hopeless,” says Keanu Reeves. He also strongly doubts his talent. Keanu Reeves has said more than once that he is mediocre. “I hope to become a good actor one day,” the main character of The Matrix once said. By the way, he is also self-critical of his musical activities. “I’m the worst bass player in the world, I have no sense of rhythm,” the actor confesses.

Alloverpress/Splash News

In general, educated people don’t laugh at Keanu Reeves and his sadness. But shots from the simple life of Keanu, who feeds pigeons, eats a sandwich on a bench, drinks coffee on the street in the company of managers who went for a walk at lunch, have long become reasons for jokes. The Internet meme “Sad Keanu” is one of the most famous on the Internet (and, let’s face it, it’s perfect for exercising your Photoshop wit). But even the most devoted fans of the actor do not always know what brought Keanu to melancholy and detachment, and there were truly difficult times in the star’s life. 16 years ago, Keanu's fiancée, actress Jennifer Syme, lost her child: the girl stopped breathing in the womb a week before giving birth. And two years later the girl herself died in a car accident. After this, Reeves never decided to marry or have children.
At the same time, the actor's younger sister Kim Reeves began her battle with blood cancer. Leukemia worsened in 2003, when the girl was literally on the verge of death. For the next 10 years, Kim struggled with the disease, and Keanu rushed to his sister from anywhere in the world at the slightest sign of exacerbation. Today the disease has subsided, but Keanu Reeves's prolonged depression makes him the saddest guy in Hollywood. If your depression hasn’t completely locked you at home, then go to a screening of the thriller “John Wick” - where Reeves’ hero’s dog is killed by bandits.

Nick Cave

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What could be the work of a musician who named his first band in honor of the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky? Nick Cave's band The Birthday Party was named after a scene from Crime and Punishment and played dark post-punk with themes of sin and damnation. In Cave’s personal life, there were no prerequisites for a spleen. He was surrounded by women, some of whom even made Nick a father, and later happily married model Susie Bick, with whom he is now raising twins Arthur and Earl. However, Nick Cave's stage persona is a dark abyss. In addition to sad music, Cave released the novel And the Donkey Beheld the Angel of God, a mystical-psychological drama about a half-crazed mute man from a dysfunctional family who considers himself God's messenger. Harry Potter and Hermione dance to Nick Cave's song O Children in the first part of Deathly Hallows (when the children's franchise finally turned into a mystical neo-noir), and the musician also wrote the soundtrack for the post-apocalyptic drama The Road, the drama So Far, So Close ! and many other sad films. Cave will be the ideal musical accompaniment for your blues.

Mark Everett

This guy managed to surpass Cave and get the title of the saddest musician in America. The work of his group Eels is dedicated to death, loneliness and mental disorders. Unfortunately, unlike Nick Cave, Mark Everett draws his dark inspiration from his own experiences. When Mark was 19 years old, his father Hugh Everett, a famous physicist, died of a heart attack. The death of his father provoked an exacerbation of schizophrenia in Mark’s sister, which led to her suicide in 1996, and two years later the musician’s mother died of cancer. In 2001, the artist’s cousin, flight attendant Jennifer Lewis, found herself on board one of the hijacked planes... All this was clearly reflected in the music of Mark Everett, the features of which were depressive sound and fatal themes. So if you're radically inclined to sit by the window all weekend, hug your knees and indulge in melancholy, don't forget to download Everett's album End Times, dedicated, for example, to his divorce.

Kristen Stewart

Don't like insincere smiles? Don’t like any at all? Then sign up for the fan club of Kristen Stewart, who was not a sunny girl before, and has recently been completely depressed. The reason for the actress's depressed state was a breakup with her fiancé Robert Pattinson, which she herself provoked by cheating on him with director Rupert Sanders. A moment of weakness turned into a breakup of a decade with comebacks, truces, marriage proposals, more breakups and hopeless melancholy in the finale. The unpleasant story not only left a deep scar on Kristen’s heart, but also shook the actress’s career. After the end of the vampire saga “Twilight” three years ago, Stewart’s acting treasury was replenished with only six low-budget films (two of which are still in the project, and of the rest, only the festival drama “Sils Maria” was released worldwide). Kristen is not fine, as she has admitted more than once in interviews. True, lately the actress has been making contact less and less, preferring to be sad at home with her guitar.


We know what exactly is playing in Kristen’s speakers when she once again writes and erases a message to Robert - it’s the viscous and enveloping music of Banks. Los Angeles-based Jillian Banks began writing songs at age 15 to cope with teenage depression. The girl's songs are dedicated to unhappy love, betrayal, betrayal, suffering and painful breakups. The singer's debut album, called Goddess, is 18 tracks for those who decided to be sad beautifully by painting their nails black and brewing strong coffee. And those who want to pour out their souls can easily dial Banks on her personal number: she posted it publicly on