Climate in Finland description. Weather in Finland. Average air temperatures. Tourist season in Finland

In this material we will tell you about the climate in Finland. So, this is the northernmost European country, a quarter of whose territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Despite this location, it is blown by warm Atlantic winds, heated by the Gulf Stream. According to the climate classification of W. Köppen, the territory of this state should be classified as a zone of forests and snow, with cold and wet winters. The average annual air temperature in the capital is +5 degrees. The summer maximum in the north reaches 30 degrees, and in winter the thermometer quite often drops below -20.

But nature is allowed to break records. In 1999, the winter minimum recorded in the community of Kittila in Lapland was -51 degrees. In the summer of 2010, in Liperi in North Karelia it was +37. Cold air in winter and hot air in summer also penetrates the territory of this state from Russia. Therefore, in Imatra and Lappeenranta, in winter it is several degrees lower than in the city of Helsinki. It is over the territory of Suomi that arctic and tropical air currents meet. Therefore, the climate in Finland is changeable, often with weather surprises.

Finnish meteorologists usually make an accurate forecast for only three days. Because what the weather will be like in the next week can be said with a slightly lesser degree of probability. Finland has long winters decorated with northern lights and moderately warm summers. Spring is quite bright, in the southern regions it begins at the end of March, and in the northern regions it starts at the end of April. Autumn delights with a riot of colors, comes early and lasts quite a long time. In the very north of the country, white nights last as long as 73 days. 200 days a year, tourists can observe the unique phenomenon of the northern lights.

Snow in the south lies for four months and disappears in early April; in the north it lasts up to seven months and begins to melt only by mid-May. In the southern regions, precipitation falls twice as much as in the Arctic Circle. Winds are of decisive importance for the climate in Finland. They are usually westerly or southwesterly from the Atlantic, with frequent cyclones. Winter in these parts is more like a fairy tale come to life and thousands of tourists flock here for magical experiences. Where, if not here, can you take a photo with him and receive a real gift from him?

Photo: skeeze /

And also have the opportunity to see the incomparable beauty of the northern lights? There are many ski resorts here, which are in no way inferior to European ones in terms of comfort and equipment. And the climate in Finland gives no reason to doubt that the season will be successful. Spring is extremely rapid, but very bright and memorable. When spring is already in full swing in Russia, you can still go skiing in some parts of the country. Summer arrives according to the calendar, but it can hardly be called hot.

But it should be noted that the temperature is quite comfortable and averages about 20 degrees. The berry and mushroom season begins in mid-July and lasts until September. This is a great time to travel to admire the local beauty. In autumn it is very beautiful here, although it already becomes cool outside and it often rains. But the palette of colors amazes the imagination and I want to transfer all this beauty to canvas. Tell me, after reading this, do you still have doubts about going to this amazingly beautiful country and seeing it all with your own eyes?

After all, even the climate in Finland is conducive to doing this. And if you are lucky enough to see all this with your own eyes, you will probably think that there can be a real fairy tale in our lives. Using the link above, you can independently see the weather in Imatra for the next few days. If you need another city, then at the very top left, select the locality you need. In our next material you can, where you will find out how different the time is between Moscow and Helsinki.

- a country in northern Europe. Its territory is mostly located beyond the Arctic Circle, so the climate here varies from south to north, from temperate to continental. Despite the geographical location of the country, the northern cold is being replaced by warming. Particular warming is noticeable in the summer.

Summer in this country pleases local residents and tourists with warm weather. The summer season here is not unbearably hot. Very rarely in June in the southern regions of the country the temperature can rise to +27 degrees. In general, daytime temperatures can be +20, and at night they drop slightly. In the summer, it is warmest in, where the temperature is recorded at +22 degrees, but in Lapeeranta it is a little colder - the air only warms up to +19 degrees. June is characterized by precipitation, up to approximately 44 mm per month. Sometimes the weather can be characterized by cool north-easterly winds, the speed of which can reach 5 m/s.

The weather in Finland in summer is generally conducive to relaxation. June precipitation stops at the end of the month and the clear sunny days of July begin. Depending on weather conditions, the swimming season begins in mid-June or early July. Sea water and shallow lakes warm up to about +19 degrees. Also, the ideal condition for relaxation is low humidity - only 20%. The July weather is significantly influenced by the Gulf Stream, which is why the climate here is mild and moderately continental. Also, the weather directly depends on the division of the country by the Arctic Circle. In July there is often partly cloudy weather. Sometimes sunny weather gives way to thunderstorms. In July, southeast winds can make themselves known, bringing with them pleasant warmth. Kouvola remains the coolest city even in July.

The weather in Finland in summer is ideal for. Time spent with a fishing rod on the shore of a crystal clear lake will give you an unforgettable experience and peace of mind. The water temperature in local reservoirs is still +19 degrees. The lakes in this country are shallow and warm up very quickly. The weather changes significantly in August: the air temperature drops sharply, humidity rises, and clear days give way to cloudy and rainy days. However, in August the weather is also clear and sunny, allowing you to enjoy your holiday.

Finland has always attracted tourists. The weather in this country is unpredictable, so it is worth stocking up on warm clothes for cool evenings, an umbrella and a raincoat for rainy days. In sunny weather you can have a great time on the water, but in cloudy weather you can visit the sights, enjoy cultural programs and excursions.

Weather in Finland

Finland lies in several climate zones. Temperate climate prevails. The coast is located in the maritime climate zone. The northern regions are dominated by a continental climate. However, the general climatic conditions, characterized by thaws and the presence of fairly warm periods, are much less severe than, for example, in neighboring Scandinavian countries.

The lowest temperatures are observed in February, when the thermometer drops to -6 degrees, and in the north of the country, in Lapland - to -16 degrees. The hottest days occur in July. The air temperature rises to +17 +19. And even in the north, the temperature in summer rarely drops below +12 +14 degrees.

Diversity of climatic zones of the country

Finland, with its snow-covered expanses, icy lakes, and cold rivers, attracts tourists from all over the world who prefer skiing or reindeer safari to swimming in the warm sea and sunbathing on sandy beaches. – these are comfortable ski resorts, hot Finnish saunas, ice fishing and long ski walks between snow-capped hills.

One of the most popular recreational activities in Finland is fishing, thanks to the huge number of rivers, streams and lakes filled with a wide variety of fish. Moreover, lovers of the fishing process itself gather here, when the number of fish caught does not matter. According to fishing rules, fishermen are required to release all caught fish back into the water. You can relax after fishing in specially equipped reservoirs on the banks, which provide everything you need for comfort and coziness.

Weather in Finland by month

Average t (o C) during the day

Finland is not called the Nordic country for nothing. Its climate is changeable and unpredictable. The situation with the subarctic climate in the Finnish lands is slightly softened by the warm influence of the Gulf Stream. Otherwise, the transition from a maritime climate to a continental one is familiar only to the Finns themselves, but not to guests of these territories.

Finnish winter

The cold season in this state is a real test of strength. Daylight hours become so short that it sometimes gets brighter around lunchtime. Temperatures in Celsius drop to -20 degrees, and in Northern Finland the thermometer can show below -30.

Finnish winter also differs from winters in other countries in the large amount of precipitation. Ice and snow are indispensable companions of such a winter. The winter months in Finland coincide with the generally accepted calendar. But already in November it can be quite frosty.

Finland in spring

The south of the country frees itself from the winter cold faster than the north; spring begins there at the end of March, and in the north at the end of April. The average temperature in Helsinki in April can vary from 4 to 10 degrees Celsius.

The spring months are quite pronounced here. With the onset of the first thaw, grass and plants begin to wake up everywhere, snow melts, and the duration of daylight increases.

Summer days in Finland

Summer in northern Finland has one peculiarity: in July the sun almost never sets there. White nights can be warm and long. During the day in the southern part of the country the air warms up to +30 degrees. Where further north, the temperature rises to 15-20 degrees Celsius.

During all summer months the average temperature does not fall below 14 degrees. Finnish summer has all the hallmarks of a continental climate. It comes quickly, the temperature regime differs greatly from winter.

Autumn time for the Finns

What can you say about Finnish autumn? It is characterized as a rainy and windy time. Snow may fall as early as October. The sun rarely shines, there is a lot of humidity outside due to frequent precipitation.

The average temperature in September hovers around 10 degrees. November is the period of the first frosts, because the average temperature in November can easily drop below zero.

The Finnish climate is characterized by a clearly defined change of seasons. By climatic standards, Finland is considered a harsh country, in the north of which you can see the northern lights. It's much colder in Lapland, but the weather there is also weirder than in the south. Spring comes much later.

The total annual precipitation sometimes reaches 700 mm. There are half as many of them in the Arctic Circle. The wettest and rainiest month is August.

It's interesting to know that in the middle of winter, people in Finland may not see the sun for 51 days a year. In summer, the solar disk in the north may not go beyond the horizon for about 73 days in a row. Although all Finns have long been accustomed to such jokes of nature, and do not consider this climate to be anything special.

According to the climate classification of W. Koeppen Finland belongs to the zone of snow and forests with wet and cold winters, where the average temperature of the coldest month is from -4 to Åland Islands up to -14 V northern Lapland and the warmest month of July in the south of the country is 17 - 18 degrees, in the center 16 degrees, and in the north 14 - 15.

The combination of cold winters and warm summers is a distinctive feature of the Finnish climate. The average annual temperature in Helsinki is plus 5.3 degrees.

IN Northern Finland The maximum temperature during the day can sometimes reach +30 degrees. In winter, especially in January and February, temperatures often drop to -20. The amount of precipitation is 400-700 mm per year.

In the very north of the country, behind Arctic Circle, during " white nights"The sun does not set below the horizon for 73 days.

And in winter polar night(kaamos in Finnish) lasts 51 days. Although Finland is located in northern Europe, the climate due to the influence Baltic Sea not very harsh.

Average temperature in July in the south of the country it is about 16° C. Average February temperature- about -9° C. Snow lies for about 4 months a year in the south of the country and about 7 months in the north.

Snow cover in the south it lasts four to five months, and in Lapland - more than seven. Accordingly, in the south the snow melts already at the beginning of April, and in the north - only in the second half of May.

Total precipitation in the southern regions of Finland it reaches 600-700 mm per year, and beyond the Arctic Circle - 400-450 mm. The country's west coast generally receives less rainfall than the inland lake regions.

The wettest month is August, but in the southwest another maximum of precipitation is expressed at the beginning of autumn, and in the north - at the beginning of summer. The least precipitation falls in spring.

Almost three quarters of the territory Finland covered with forests, mostly coniferous. There are approximately 1,200 species of trees and ferns and approximately 1,000 species of lichens in Finland.

Among the representatives mammals- bears, wolves, lynxes and polar foxes. Birds include wild geese, swans, tundra partridges, snow buntings, and golden plovers. The rivers and lakes are home to salmon, trout, pike, and perch. In coastal sea waters - herring, cod, sea bass.

IN Finland forage grasses, vegetables and potatoes are grown even in the far north of the country, but yields strongly depend on the length of the growing season and on frosts, which often occur in June and August.

Particularly susceptible frost northern and eastern regions. In a normal summer, there is enough moisture for all crops, since the low amount of precipitation in the North is compensated by less evaporation and large reserves of moisture in the soil.

However, crop losses also occur due to lack of moisture, especially in spring and early summer in the western coastal regions. Excessive moisture also causes great damage.

IN Finland carry out various meteorological observations and measurements at approximately five hundred meteorological stations.

At most stations, readings are taken two or three times a day, and at thirty synoptic stations - regularly every three hours; at aviation meteorological stations located at the most important airfields - even more often.

On weather stations receive information on all the most important elements of weather - precipitation, temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity and winds.

For getting weather forecasts At three points in the country, radio sounding of the atmosphere is regularly carried out in order to record temperature, pressure, humidity and winds at different altitudes.