When is the best time to go on vacation to the Maldives? When is the best time to visit the Maldives? Reviews and tips Maldives when it is better to go on vacation by months

Any person dreams of a vacation, and for many it will be ideal only in a warm, green area, next to the sea. This place is the Maldives. They are chosen by tourists to completely escape from the ever-annoying city bustle, reunite with almost untouched natural beauties, swim in plenty and just lie down on clean, sandy beaches. In addition, the Maldives attracts numerous tourists with its unique and incredibly rich underwater world, because it is a fairly large diving center. Without a doubt, the dream of every active tourist is a vacation on these tropical islands. And if you manage to turn them into reality, first of all, you should find out when is the best time to fly to the Maldives to relax, given the climatic conditions of this region.


Of course, our tourists will have to pay for a vacation on tropical islands, and a rather large amount. To make your vacation interesting, and vacationers feel comfortable and safe, you should find out when is the best time to relax in the Maldives. The fact is that in these places the weather conditions practically do not change throughout the year, which is very convenient for vacationers. After all, they can safely choose any month and safely go to tropical islands for recreation and entertainment. However, one thing must be taken into account - the beginning of the rainy season and, if possible, do not choose this time to arrive on the most beautiful island.

When the season in the Maldives comes into its own, this does not mean at all that it will rain like a bucket, accompanied by thunder and thunder, for six months, but it can still bring some inconvenience to vacationers. Of course, if warm tropical rain is not a hindrance, then you can safely go to the islands at any time of the year.

The rainy season and what you need to know about it?

So, the wet season or rainy season on tropical islands starts in May and lasts until October. Most of the precipitation falls during the summer period of the year, but as mentioned earlier, precipitation can simply be in the form of short-term rain.

It will be useful for tourists to know that even if the humidity in the Maldives rises slightly during the rains, it is during this season that you can buy a tourist tour at a very competitive price. From May to October, numerous travel agencies begin to offer last-minute tours, so many people have a real chance to make their cherished dream come true and at the same time save quite a lot.

In addition, the wet season on tropical islands has several other advantages:

  • sea ​​water acquires incredible transparency;
  • lovers of diving and snorkeling can enjoy the beauty of the underwater world much easier, observe the life of its inhabitants;
  • You can relax on the beach at least all day long, without fear of the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. The fact is that during the rainy season, rain clouds gather in the sky, which simply do not allow harmful ultraviolet rays to harm the skin;
  • It will be much easier for tourists to rent a house on their own at affordable prices in the period from May to October.

It is during the rainy season that vegetation of unprecedented beauty begins to bloom violently on the island, and the beaches dry out completely even after a heavy downpour. in 2-3 hours. Vacationers will be able to endure tropical rain much easier if a person is not very susceptible to sudden changes in the weather. Tropical showers are much easier to bear, since the sky is not covered with gloomy heavy clouds, which constantly take place in temperate climatic zones.

When is the busiest season in the Maldives? This question may be of real interest to many. As noted earlier, the most abundant precipitation, which may not stop throughout the week and even turn into a real storm, is observed in the middle of summer, more precisely in July.

Airport in the Maldives

When is the favorable season in the Maldives?

The largest flow of tourists is observed on the island from mid-December, that is, with the onset of the so-called "tropical winter", which ends in April. If you want to get to the Maldives during this period, it is best to book tickets in advance, and not a week or two in advance, but 2-3 months before the planned vacation.

The fact is that the number of people who want to go on vacation during the dry season is growing every year, otherwise you will not worry about places and prices. It is better to go to the Maldives in a tropical winter, not only because of the lack of prolonged rains, but also because of the calm sea and calm weather. This period is perfect for both lovers of relaxing on the beach, and connoisseurs of the beauty of the underwater depths. The sun during this period illuminates the ocean depths very well, which allows diving enthusiasts to fully enjoy the incredible underwater beauty and take part in exciting underwater fishing.

When is the best time to fly to the Maldives?

Summing up and taking into account the facts that we previously analyzed, you can independently find the answer to the question of interest - when is it better to relax in the Maldives:

  1. It is better for beach lovers to go to the Maldives at the beginning of winter, for example, in the last decade of December or January, so that the rainy season does not catch tourists on vacation. At this time, the weather conditions on the island are the most favorable, but the cost of such pleasure will be the highest.
  2. If the main purpose of the holiday is surfing, then it is best to choose March, April or November for a holiday. During this period, the island experiences a change of season, so the waves and wind will be the strongest, which is what surfers want.
  3. The cheapest you can relax in the Maldives in the so-called "dry season". To do this, tourists need to make sure that their vacation falls at the end of February - the beginning of March.
  4. The cheapest housing, and for every taste, tourists will be able to choose in the summer, to be more precise, in August or July, but the weather conditions at this time will be the most unfavorable and even unpredictable, which must be taken into account.

Which season is suitable for recreation, of course, the vacationer himself decides, taking into account his monetary savings and his own preferences. But we should not forget that the average temperature in both the dry and wet seasons in the popular Maldives practically does not change. Daytime and night time may vary. from +25 to +30, and such slight fluctuations, vacationers do not even notice. Which once again proves that you can come to a wonderful tropical island immersed in greenery for relaxation, recreation and entertainment at any time of the year.

When is the best time to fly to the Maldives? Description of the weather by months, information about the temperature of water and air. Beach season and rainy season.

Best hotel rates in the Maldives, look at the Rumguru service - it will select the most profitable options among a variety of booking systems.

(Photo © Mac Qin / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0)

Monthly weather in the Maldives

In January the temperature in the Maldives offers great opportunities for beach holidays and sports. The weather is sunny and windless. The number of rainy days does not exceed 3-4 per month, and the warm and serene ocean is conducive to the study of the underwater world. In February the visibility of the water becomes just perfect, and the month itself is considered the driest month of the year. This is a good time for boat trips and exciting dives.

In March northeast winds continue to dominate, but it is already getting a little warmer: during the day + 31 ° C, at night + 26 ° C, the water in the ocean is + 29 ° C. Sometimes the wind increases, there may even be small storms, but in general, judging by the reviews, the weather in the Maldives does not interfere with a pleasant pastime on the beach or fishing. At the end of the month, the sky is increasingly cloudy.

April considered the hottest of the year, but far from the driest. Air temperature during the day +32°C, at night +26°C. It often rains - 1-2 times a day, while in the south precipitation is more frequent and plentiful. Vacationers are engaged in diving, fishing and spearfishing. The cost of tours decreases towards the end of the month.

In May the wind changes its direction and the weather becomes unstable and capricious, which can interfere with traditional beach activities. The rainy season begins: the sky is often overcast, the ocean becomes restless, and the air becomes humid. Due to the unpredictability of the weather, the number of vacationers is noticeably reduced.

Despite strong winds and frequent showers, in June it is still warm in the Maldives: during the day + 30 ° C, the water in the ocean is fresh milk. At this time, you can quite. However, as repeatedly noted in reviews, the weather in the Maldives in June is cloudy for half the month, and tropical showers are often accompanied by thunderstorms. During this period, the ocean is often restless, and sea swims have to be replaced by professional spa services.

Find out - we have calculated the cost of a budget option, a tour and an independent luxury holiday.

In July the wind subsides a little, but it rains often, for several hours in a row. In August The weather in the Maldives is getting better. The amount of precipitation decreases, the rains become short-lived, and in September most of the precipitation falls at night. During this period, you can sail, surf, explore the underwater world and fish, ride water skis and catamarans.

Maldives weather in October is warm but rainy. The number of rainy days reaches 15 in a month. It is unlikely that you will be able to wait out the afternoon rain and go to the beach again, because the rains are intense and often protracted. At this time, surfers prefer to relax on the northern atolls of the Maldives, but diving and snorkeling enthusiasts expect better weather - the water in the ocean is muddy and overly saturated with plankton.

In November The weather and temperature in the Maldives heralds the best holiday season for tourists. The northeast monsoon returns to the islands, and the wet season is replaced by fine days. There are no longer such heavy tropical showers, thunderstorms become rare and short, the sun is shining in the sky more and more often, and air humidity is gradually decreasing.

December the Maldives is warm and a bit humid, especially in the first half. The number of cloudy days reaches a third in a month, periodically the ocean storms. From mid-December, judging by the reviews, the weather in the Maldives is dry and sunny, ideal for a beach holiday, and prices for tours are increasing. you can diversify with boat trips, dive safaris, observations of marine fauna and excursions.

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(Photo © Alessandro Caproni / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0)

Conclusions: when to go on vacation to the Maldives?

The best holiday season in the Maldives, judging by, is from mid-December to mid-spring. At this time, there are ideal conditions for a beach holiday and sports, you can go parasailing, diving, snorkeling, water skiing and catamarans. But the prices for tours are the highest.

The windy period from March to October is ideal for surfing. Diving is possible almost always, but in June-August and October it can be difficult. The best visibility of water in the dry season is from the eastern part of the island, and in the rainy season - from the western part.

You can have a good rest at the beginning of April and at the end of October and in November, but in June-July, many do not risk it because of the high probability of cloudy and wet weather, which, combined with tropical heat and humidity, is not the best option for relaxation.

In general, the most optimal season when it is better to go on vacation to the Maldives, everyone sets for themselves, based on their preferences and goals. One way or another, the impressions of tourists are mostly positive.

The Republic of Maldives, better known as the Maldives, is an independent state in South Asia, located on a group of islands that are washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean.

The weather in the resorts of the Maldives depends on the action of the monsoons, and since the temperature of air and water changes slightly throughout the year, the climate of the islands is divided into holiday seasons in the Maldives according to the amount of precipitation. By months, there are high (December to April) and low (May to November) seasons, that is, dry and rainy.

Month t during the day, ºС wed t at night, ºС wed t of water, ºС sr Number of rainy days
January 30,2 27,3 28,3 3
February 30,3 27,4 28,4 2
March 31,2 28,1 29,4 3
April 32,0 28,7 30,0 4
May 31,9 29,0 29,8 11
June 31,7 28,7 29,2 4
July 31,5 28,3 29,3 6
August 31,0 28,1 29,0 8
September 31,1 28,1 29,0 9
October 31,4 28,2 29,0 11
november 31,3 28,0 29,0 12
December 31,0 27,9 28,7 9

Features of the weather in the Maldives by months

  • January

    The climate corresponds to the winter monsoon, namely: warm and sunny. The average daily temperature is from +29 to + 31ºС. At night, the thermometer readings are slightly lower - from 26 to 28ºС heat. The water in the ocean reaches a high mark of + 28ºС. Swimming in water of this temperature is a pleasure. The level of precipitation compared to the months of the rainy season is low - on average it is 3-5 days of light or moderate rains;

  • February

    The weather in February is the best in all respects - a minimum of precipitation and a maximum of sunshine. Therefore, February is considered the peak tourist season in the Maldives;

  • March

    In the list of holiday features in the Maldives by months, March is one of the hottest. The air is heated during the day from 30 to 32ºC heat. The nights are also hot up to +29ºС. Humidity increases, the amount of rains up to 7 days a month, accompanied by thunderstorms. The scorching heat is somewhat softened by the western breeze, regular and refreshing;

  • April

    The weather is still as hot as it was a month earlier, although it gets wetter towards the end of the month. The amount of rain reaches up to 10 days, the humidity is still moderate during the day, about 68% and about 91% at night. But due to the reduction of cloudless days, the approach of the monsoon is already felt, bringing the rainy season to the Maldives;

  • May

    Wet, low season is fully established. The air temperature is consistently hot up to 32ºС above zero during the day and up to +29ºС at night. The level of precipitation increases to 220 mm, it rains almost every 2-3 days. At the same time, due to the increasing cloudiness, the number of light hours decreases, about 8 hours a day. The speed of the western breeze also increases, up to 8 m/s, sometimes up to 11 m/s. With such indicators of temperature and air humidity, May is a less attractive time of the year for most tourists who decide to visit the country. But when searching on the Internet for an answer to the question of how much does a holiday in the Maldives cost, quite reasonable prices fall out;

  • June

    Regular night rains, a total of 14-16 days per month. Compared to months, the ocean becomes turbulent, and the likelihood of strong storms increases. The weather is hot, but windy, with wind gusts from 3 to 8 m/s;

  • July

    At this time, the weather is hot, the water in the ocean is warm, but the number of rains is slightly different from June. And also windy, restless ocean and cloudy;

  • August

    August in the Maldives is similar to the previous summer months, bringing the rainy season to where the Maldives is. Land temperature (up to +30ºС) and water temperature (up to +28ºС), frequent rains, both during the day and at night, a low number of hours of sunshine;

  • September

    September reminds of its climate, if you compare the climatic features by months - May. The amount of precipitation increases to 250 mm, it rains on average every 2 days. Probability of tropical showers, partly cloudy and westerly wind from 2 to 8 m/s;

  • October

    The weather in October is warm, and tropically hot, but the humidity is quite high, since the total number of rainy days reaches about 16 per month. At the same time, the temperature of the water in the ocean remains comfortable for swimming, and keeps at around + 28ºС;

  • November

    Harbinger of the winter dry monsoon in the Maldives. The number of rainy days is reduced, the humidity of the air decreases, the cloudiness is variable. The wind changes from west to east, reaching speeds up to 7 m/s;

  • December

    Throughout the month, the weather changes for the better for those who want to relax on the islands of the Maddives. Moderate east wind, the same temperature of water and air (+29ºС), a sharp drop in the amount of rain, no storms. And although the cloudiness is still variable, by the end of the month there are more clear days, and the high, dry season is finally established.

Knowing and taking into account the peculiarities of the climate by months on these exotic islands, everyone who wants to visit them will choose the best time of the year for travel.

If you want to go to heaven, then welcome to the Maldives. Your fabulous vacation on any of the islands can only be overshadowed by the weather.

Climate in the Maldives

The chain of 26 atolls of the Republic of Maldives is located in Indian Ocean. Location on the equator explains subequatorial the climate of the region, which is also called tropical monsoon. It is characterized by:

  1. hot weather throughout the year;
  2. uneven rainfall.

They have tangible power monsoons. This is the name of the winds that change their direction several times a year. Monsoon blows in the Maldives during the summer Hulhangu, which brings moisture and heat from the ocean. He is replaced Iruwai. Because of it, comfortable weather is established on the islands, even on the southernmost islands.

The temperature of the Maldivian air does not fall below 17 and does not rise above 32 degrees.

But the locals divided the year not into dry and wet seasons, but into 27 segments of 13 or 14 days - each with its own name. According to the calendar Nikaya Maldivians determine the best time for fishing and agricultural work. For tourists, the question of what is the best month-to-month holiday season in the Maldives is much more relevant.

High season

While snow is falling somewhere and cold winds are blowing, the Maldives begins to high season. Since December 10, this is the period of the greatest excitement. After all, many want to soak up the equatorial sun and swim in the warm ocean.

During the high season, tour prices are 50% higher.

Each month of this period has its own characteristics:

April. It is recognized as the hottest month in the Maldivian year. Having risen to +32°C during the day, the air temperature drops by only a few degrees at night. On April 7, the high period ends, but the swimming season is not yet closed.

All islands delight with white crumbly sand and clear ocean. In addition to scuba diving during the high season, you can visit the secluded islands on a cruise ship, feed the sharks or dolphins. You can also taste national dishes. Try your hand at windsurfing, surfing and kitesurfing. Newlyweds - enjoy your honeymoon.

low season

From September, holidays in the Maldives can please you with excellent fishing. And the area itself - with bright colors and lush vegetation. Guests can also ride on catamarans, jet skis and yachts.

Perfect vacation time

When choosing a time for a trip to the Maldives, it is better to first decide on its purpose. Although the Maldives is famous for its comfortable conditions and excellent beaches, laziness is not the only thing to do.

If the trip is planned for the peak of the high season, then flights and hotel rooms should be booked in advance.

Each month has its own features:

The cheapest months of the dry season are February and March. The most profitable in wet - May and second half of August.

Temperature and precipitation by months

The table will most clearly show the weather by months.

Month Daytime temperature, ?С Night temperature, ?С Ocean temperature, ?С Number of rains, mm
January +29 +25 +25 80
February +29 +25 +28 60
March +30 +26 +28 70
April +32 +26 +29 110
May +31 +26 +29 220
June +30 +26 +28 190
July +30 +25 +26 160
August +30 +25 +27 170
September +28 +25 +27 120
October +30 +25 +27 100
November +29 +25 +28 90
December +27 +23 +25 70

The eternal summer of the Maldives is waiting for everyone.

This is an unusual state, a quiet exotic fairy tale. Tourists are waiting here for lagoons and snow-white satin sand on 1192 coral islands of the archipelago in the equatorial Indian Ocean. When is it worth going to the Maldives for a beach holiday, diving and surfing?

The equator passes near the atolls, which means that the climate is even and tropical. Here, throughout the year, approximately the same temperature is kept, with slight fluctuations of a couple of degrees, on average from 26 to 30 degrees Celsius. And yet, there is summer in the Maldives.

The most popular time for a holiday in the Maldives lasts from late to mid-April. This is the time when the winter northeast monsoon comes here, which removes moisture and gives clear, fine days. Therefore, these months are called the dry season. During this period, +28–30°C on land and almost the same in water: +26–28°C.

What does a tourist get by buying a ticket during this period, which is considered the best for relaxing on tropical islands? Excellent diving with comfortable water temperature for diving. At a depth of up to 40 m - 27 ° C. Impossibility to cool anywhere except in the room, for the same reason. If you tolerate the heat well and are ready to shell out an impressive amount for a tour in the high season, then it is in winter that you should go to the Maldives.

Low season or how to relax comfortably and inexpensively

The southwest monsoon in the Maldives blows from late April to November. This is not the most popular time when ticket prices are falling. A definite plus for the tourist, because the weather continues to have. Heavy rains, if they happen, end quickly. The sand is immediately dried by the bright rays of the sun. During this part of the year, daytime temperatures drop by only a couple of degrees, but humidity rises significantly.

European summer is the best time for beach lovers, they will be pleased with both the weather and prices. At the same time, they go to the Maldives for surfing. From June to September, the ocean waves with stable, even waves up to 2.5 meters. All year round on the islands you can practice sailing and all kinds of water sports. But still it is better not to do this in June and July. These months are the most prone to storms.

Islands and local calendar

In order to decide when to go on vacation to the Maldives, you should decide in advance on the island. Each of the existing ones has its own direction. For example, you chose Kureddu, and there the main entertainment is. So, from April to November there is nothing to do there. At this time, it is better to head to where the emphasis is on surfing - to the northern atoll of Male.

An interesting way to choose the best season in the Maldives is the ancient calendar. The locals compiled it based on their observations of the stars and the changing weather. They divided the whole year into periods of 13-14 days, which are called "nikayas". Some tourists note that the closer the island is to the equator, the more accurate the forecast.

Here is the calendar itself:

So, you can go to the Maldives whenever you want. The peak of the season falls on the European winter. During this period, the islands are dry, but prices are very high. In the summer months it is warm here, you can comfortably sunbathe and swim, the sea is amazingly clear. The rains are not long and very beautiful. In addition, the pleasant cost of the tour can make this period the best for relaxation.