When will the third world war start forecasts. When will the Third World War begin and what will happen to Belarus then. What will happen to the ruble exchange rate in the near future?

This article may seem scary. But we all live in a time when the start of a new war on a global scale is becoming a real prospect. In the article we will answer the question of whether the start date of the Third World War is predicted or not.

Modern warfare

In the minds of most people who grew up watching films based on the Great Patriotic War, the standard of military operations looks like a cutout from a film. Reasoning logically, we understand that just as ridiculous a saber from 1917 would look in the hands of a Soviet soldier in 1941, it would be strange to observe the picture of barbed wire cut at night by partisans in our time.

And you must admit, having weapons of mass destruction in the form of nuclear charges, bacteriological crops and climate control, it is paradoxical to expect a repetition of the classics in the form of a bayonet and a dugout.

The quiet panic, gradually eroding Internet users and skillfully fueled by the media, is felt in the thousands of requests received hourly. People are so convinced of the inevitability of trouble that they hardly ask questions - will it happen? The clumsy formulation sounds much more relevant: when is the exact date set for the start of the Third World War?

And this is already scary.

Battle for resources

The era when the main contribution to the winner were forests, fields, rivers and the defeated people has passed forever. Today, the greatness of a country is dictated not by population or rich history of victories, but by the possession of underground treasures: oil sources, natural gas deposits, coal seams, uranium deposits.

The date of the start of World War III is not kept silent. It simply passed so long ago that its exact date is unlikely to remain in our minds. The dream of the drivers of trade policy has come true - the economy and the struggle for first place in the leadership elite have become at the forefront of the main life values.

Here it is worth recalling the main method of trade relations, which works everywhere and at all times. The most choice piece never went to those bargaining and fighting for it - there was always a third person standing on the sidelines and sympathetically watching the fight.

Based on events: how can this be

Many will interfere, but only one will get it. It is no secret that the main threat to Russia is attributed to the United States, but the events unfolding around the world's largest leaders suggest that the general tension creates only the appearance of a real threat. The flow of information masterfully maintains the highest bar on the scale of mass hysteria, while the war unleashed by a powerful power (read - the USA) began a long time ago.

Events in Ukraine, Iraq and Syria speak not of spontaneous, but of carefully thought-out actions, which were worked on by hundreds of analysts with such a wealth of strategic experience that simply does not exist in any of these countries. After all, we are not talking about random clashes reminiscent of previous “yard to yard” fights - we are talking about a war that drags on the masses. And here all sorts of peacekeeping missions with the introduction of friendly troops armed with friendly weapons only fuel the hostile mood.

The EU readily accepts information in the form in which the United States presents it; the European Union, apparently, has neither the time nor the initiative to investigate. Like a bull to a red rag, the leaders of the European Union will react to the slightest movement by the United States towards military action against Russia.

This will give the Chinese government, which has been restraining itself for a long time, a reason to talk. The stagnation of American troops in the Pacific region has long been poisoning the existence of the patient Chinese, whose hand is already tired of trembling over the nuclear button. Israel's reaction is also predictable - the long-awaited nod of consent from the United States will allow them to attack Tehran, but how long Israel itself will survive after this is a big question. The last salvos on Iraq will hardly have time to die down before the Libyan, Omani, Yemeni and (where would we be without them) Egyptian bombs will simply sweep away the hapless aggressor.

Anyone else curious about the start date of World War III? Then we discuss further.

A look from the outside - how it will be

It is useful to listen to what retired Colonel General Anatoly Lopata, former Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, thinks about the events, scary to say, coming. Looking ahead, we note that the former Secretary of Defense's remark about the location of the future battlefield completely coincides with the opinion of British Air Force Colonel Ian Shields.

When asked by journalists what World War III essentially is and when it will begin, Anatoly Lopata calmly explained that the war is in full swing and the aggressor country in it is called - who do you think? - of course, Russia. And even in relation to America, at least in the fact that it responds with sympathy to the Assad regime in Syria (!). At the same time, the Colonel General admits that the United States is forced to reckon with the Russian Federation and this will remain unchanged, due to the latter’s enormous economic and military potential.

The date of the start of the Third World War, according to the expert, thus belongs to the distant past, but its development to the scale of epic battles belongs to the future, which we still have to live to see. Anatoly Lopata even shared a mysterious figure - 50. In his opinion, it is after this number of years that warring powers will collide in the vast expanses of space.

Analysts' forecasts

Joachim Hagopian, known since 2015, warned that the recruitment of “friends” by the countries of the USA and Russia is not accidental. China and India will follow Russia in any case, and the EU countries will have no choice but to accept America’s policies. For Korea, Hagopian predicted military neutrality in relation to both powers, but a rather violent internecine war with the likelihood of the activation of nuclear charges. It can be assumed that the day when the powerful weapon is activated is the date the Third World War began.

Alexander Richard Schiffer, an interesting personality and former head of NATO, in his book: “2017: War with Russia,” predicted the defeat of the United States due to financial collapse, followed by the collapse of the American army.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as always, is unambiguous and says what the majority is delicately silent about. He is confident that America will not begin any open action until all the countries involved in the military conflict squabble among themselves to the point of collapse, and, exhausted, lay down what remains of their weapons. Then the US will magnanimously gather the dejected losers and emerge as the sole winner.

Sergei Glazyev, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, proposes to create a coalition that does not fundamentally support military policy against Russia. According to him, the number of countries that are officially ready to speak out in favor of abandoning armed conflict will be such that America will simply be forced to curb its appetites.

As Vanga believed

Vanga, the most famous Bulgarian seer, either could not or did not want to predict the date of the beginning of the Third World War. In order not to confuse minds with specifics, the clairvoyant only said that she sees religious strife around the world as the cause of the war. Drawing a parallel with current events, we can assume that the date of the start of the Third World War, which Vanga never predicted, falls during the period of terrorist acts of the ISIS group disguised as offended religious feelings.

Using exact dates

How not to mention the world-famous American Horatio Villegas, whose vision of fiery spheres striking the earth from the sky became a sensation in 2015. Adapting completely materialistic tasks to the act of clairvoyance, Horatio hastened to announce that he knew the date of the start of the Third World War - 05/13/2017. It is with regret or great joy that we note that no one was able to observe the fireballs on May 13th.

We can only hope that people who were expecting big events in March 2017 were not too upset when they lost confirmation of the words of astrologer Vlad Ross. Let us recall that this person also named the date of the beginning of the Third World War - 03/26/2017, which did not find a response in reality.

The British tabloid Daily Express created a special section on its website called "World War Three". Despite the fact that the topics of the news events mostly differ, the main characters remain unchanged - Russia, China and Iran.

Days after the United States and Russia decided to suspend their obligations under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), the British tabloid Daily Express published an article about the "safest" place to escape from radiation in the event nuclear war.

The "World War III" section has been in the spotlight for some time now and has not gone unnoticed on social media. Many users are still wondering how often the British publication will publish versions of the beginning of “Doomsday”, since such materials appear in the section several times a day.

According to British media journalists, Western countries intend to strengthen the defense around the Polish city of Orzysz, located 35 miles from the Russian Kaliningrad.

In a Polish city located very close to the border of the Russian Federation, intense NATO military exercises took place this week and, against the backdrop of increased turbulence in world relations, any even the slightest provocation can now lead to massive military operations and the involvement of dozens of countries.

The live-fire exercises in Orzysz were aimed at repelling an alleged attack from the Russian side, and supposedly, according to British experts, in the future, a hot spot will soon emerge from the Kaliningrad region, which could lead to the development of a new global conflict - the Third World War.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who attended NATO exercises in Poland, adheres to a similar position.

“We take seriously concerns that Russia may one day try to open a front along the border right here,” he was quoted as saying by the media.

As Pompeo noted, the problems of the whole world were based on growing “Russian aggression,” and as an example he cited events in Crimea, Donbass and Syria, emphasizing that Russia allegedly “continues its aggressive policy.”

Against this background, Warsaw tried to convince Washington to bring as many military personnel into the country as possible to resist the “Russian threat,” and the head of the Polish defense department even announced the possibility of financing an American military base in the country.

The beginning of the Third World War is already very close, Channel Five reports.

It is noted that a clash with the participation of the main world powers could begin on March 22, 2019, a date that many media outlets had previously insisted on. According to the Israeli publication Breakingisraelnews, China, Russia and the United States will be drawn into it.

Meanwhile, the nuclear potential and modern means of its delivery allow us to talk about the extremely short duration of the armed conflict. According to experts, the Third World War, if it occurs, will last no more than 60 minutes.

At the same time, international relations analysts are in no hurry to predict a nuclear apocalypse and note the relative stability of the world order.

After peace negotiations on the Kuril Islands, a protracted war will begin. It will be accompanied by natural disasters. As a result, the West, from the geolocation of Japan - Russia, will be weakened, Nostradamus predicted in the 1550s.

During World War II, the Soviet Union captured the four southernmost Japanese islands in the Kuril Island chain. We are talking about Iturup, Shikotan, Kunashir and Habomai.

Russia claims that US President Franklin Roosevelt promised Stalin the annexation of the islands in exchange for entering the war with Japan. However, later in 1956, Nikita Khrushchev offered to give Japan two islands in exchange for a peace treaty, but later refused.

Although there is no such country as the USSR for a long time, the islands now belong to Russia, which is no less interested in resolving the issue than Japan. At the same time, Moscow’s position will remain unchanged, and it will adhere to the 1956 agreement.

Be that as it may, tensions between Russia and Japan still continue to grow. Against this background, Nostradamus’s predictions for 2019, deciphered by specialists and other predictors, appeared on the Internet.

According to them, Nostradamus predicted the Third World War between Russia and Japan back in the 1550s. According to published data, war will begin in 2019. The conflict will last as long as 27 years. It will involve “two powerful forces” around which passions have long been rife. Along with the war, they will also be shaken by natural disasters. Before this, the leaders of the forces will try to conduct a peaceful dialogue

Experts are sure that in this case we are talking about relations between Russia and Japan. Both countries are extremely susceptible to natural disasters, and the Japanese are forced to endure disasters literally every season.

In Russia, volcanoes are also actively awakening, and the day before a meteorite fell in Khabarovsk. At the same time, for more than 60 years, Japan and Russia have not been able to resolve the issue of the Kuril Islands. Now the peaceful dialogue that Nostradamus wrote about is underway, but according to his prediction, it will be unsuccessful.

All this could really lead to the start of a large-scale Third World War. At the same time, China’s claims against Russia, as well as Japan’s cooperation with the United States, will also be important. As Nostradamus wrote, as a result of the war, the West will be weakened, but experts point out that from the geolocation of Japan, the West is Russia.

Be that as it may, in any case, it is worth understanding that predictions and their interpretations have nothing in common with science, sociology and real political analytics.

It is believed that the Third World War will be the last, since it will involve the massive use of nuclear weapons. For many decades this topic was taboo, but today it has ceased to be a “taboo”. The United States has withdrawn from the INF Treaty, and START-3 is next. John Richardson, an admiral of the US Navy, publicly stated that it would be a good idea to hit the Russians first. How far can all this go, and will a war with an exchange of nuclear strikes really take place?

The atomic bombing of Japan, when this terrible weapon was used for the first time, would be more accurately called a one-sided beating. A real nuclear war will only happen between countries that have the appropriate weapons and means of defense against them. Today, the United States of America has the strongest army and navy, as well as the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. And they do not shy away from “walking white,” that is, taking the first step. The said Admiral Richardson stated verbatim the following:

“We have to think about how we can strike first in several regions. I think it would be great to force the Russians and our other opponents to respond to our first move."

Who are these opponents of Washington, and how can they respond to the States?

  • Iran

The Islamic Republic pursues a policy independent of the United States, for which it has been under sanctions for decades. The Americans have long and diligently turned Tehran into a kind of international “horror story,” which is very convenient, since it gave rise to the deployment of US missile defense elements in Europe, supposedly protecting not from Russia, but from Iran. Iran has its own nuclear and missile programs. In order to lift the sanctions regime, Tehran agreed to an agreement and placed its strategic facilities under the control of the IAEA. However, President Trump considered the nuclear deal “bad” and withdrew from it, returning anti-Iran sanctions.

There is only one possibility of a nuclear exchange between the United States and the Islamic Republic. If Washington puts Iran under a complete blockade, squeezing it out of the oil market, Tehran will block the Strait of Hormuz, through which half of the Middle East trades “black gold.” When the American military and their allies try to unblock the strait, an armed clash with the Iranians may occur. And then everything will depend on the degree of sanity of the political leadership in Washington and Tehran.

  • North Korea

The DPRK has also made very good progress in implementing its own nuclear and missile programs. Pyongyang stated that it was ready to achieve “denuclearization” of the Korean Peninsula, however, this small country is almost surrounded by American allies - South Korea and Japan. North Korean nuclear missiles can reach Tokyo and Seoul today.

The likelihood of a US nuclear bombing of the DPRK is low, since its allied Republic of Korea will inevitably suffer. However, the presence of missiles in Pyongyang serves as an excellent reason to strengthen the Japanese and South Korean missile defense systems, since the Pentagon really fears a Chinese nuclear threat.

China today is the only real competitor to the United States in the economic field. In addition, the PLA is constantly increasing its power, and Beijing has a serious nuclear arsenal. Taken together, this makes the Chinese threat to America a top priority.

So far, Washington is trying to put China on a leash through peaceful methods, outmaneuvering the enemy in the trade war. But we cannot exclude a situation when the United States decides to block or limit China’s foreign trade. Realizing this prospect, Beijing is hastily expanding its naval forces and building new aircraft carriers. It is likely that a clash between the United States and China will occur at sea when attempting to unblock trade routes or over disputed islands. The possibility of the parties using nuclear weapons will also be determined by the degree of adequacy of the political leadership in Beijing and Washington.

  • Russia

Our country has the second largest nuclear arsenal in the world. It is believed that the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty is aimed at maximizing the balance of power in favor of the overseas superpower. Due to the remote location of the United States, the main targets for Russian nuclear strikes will be Washington's European or Asian allies.

The most likely place for Russia to clash with the United States and its allies is the Baltic. NATO countries could blockade the isolated Kaliningrad region, which could lead to hostilities in Europe. Further, everything will also depend on the degree of sanity of the leadership of the parties to the conflict. According to some estimates, even a massive Russian nuclear strike on US territory will destroy no more than 20 million Americans, that is, it will not cause unacceptable damage

Media news

Partner news

The media are increasingly talking about unrest in one corner of the world or another. Conflicts occur both at the level of gangster groups and between heads of countries, and this is fraught with global military clashes. At the level of modern weapons, any war will be bloody and destructive, comparing cities to the ground, leaving wives as widows and children orphans.

Some believe that World War 3 has been going on for a long time and it is informational, when facts are distorted, half-truths are presented as truth, and lies are presented as an alternative point of view. Slander is not as harmless as it seems at first glance; in any country there are people illegally convicted on the basis of false testimony.

If a global intergovernmental conflict ripens, everything could end in military action. So, will World War 3 start in 2020? What do famous clairvoyants, psychics, monastics, astrologers of the present and past think about this?

In the 20th century Vanga was the most famous clairvoyant. Both ordinary people and government officials came to her for advice. After her death, years later, scientists analyzed how accurately her predictions came true and it turned out that over 80% of what she predicted came true. According to researchers, this is a very high percentage, which indicates Vanga’s undoubted prophetic gift.

Clairvoyant predictions for 2020:

  1. Vanga said that from 2020 China will become a world superpower. Those countries that used to be leaders will fall into various economic dependencies, and the standard of living of their citizens will fall.
  2. From 2020, trains on wires will rapidly rush towards the sun. Interpreters think that she meant the invention of some new engines powered by solar energy.
  3. The clairvoyant warned about Syria, where there would be a war. She will fall and this will be the beginning of World War 3.
  4. Vanga said that from 2020 there will be no more oil production all over the world and the earth will rest.

The monk argued that in 2020 the people of the Russian Federation will unite. He foreshadowed the beginning of the war this year. Abel believed that the dark time would last not much, not a lot - 9 years.

Even today experts argue about how to decipher this or that quatrain of Nostradamus? The prophet looked 5 centuries into the future. Reality has changed so much that it’s no wonder Nostradamus might not understand something, describe it incorrectly, or make a mistake somewhere.

The quatrains do not indicate specific dates, the names of the states about which the story is told, there are many allegories in the quatrains, but researchers manage to guess what the prophet was talking about. This is especially true for key and significant events that have already occurred. Here's what you'll experience in the near and distant future:

  • Experts have deciphered that the prophet predicted floods across Europe in 2020. Why will they happen? Due to the rains that will continue to pour for 2 months. From one quatrain where the enemy in red is mentioned, experts concluded that countries located near the seas of the oceans and whose flags have red on their flag will suffer more than others. This is Italy, with the Czech Republic, Hungary, with Montenegro, England.
  • At the beginning of June 2020, severe fires will break out across Russia. Before they are eliminated, the center will be burned out. Why will this happen? Due to the abnormal heat both in the Russian Federation and around the world. To escape the stuffiness and heat, people will begin to move for permanent residence to the northern regions. There is another interpretation of incinerating rays. Researchers claim that one of the gangster groups from the Middle East will use chemical weapons.
  • An armed conflict will break out again in the East, resulting in the death of many military and civilians. The leaders of European countries will act rashly and war will break out in a number of other countries. The conflict between those who profess Christianity and different denominations will intensify.

World War 3 will cover the entire planet. Nostradamus believed that at that time Siberia would become the center of civilization. People from all over the globe will come to live in Russia and the country, along with China, will be the strongest in the world.

How did Wolf Messing see the future?

Many people regret that no one wrote down Messing’s predictions. Because of this, prophecies have been lost, and others have an unclear chronology, but researchers say there are some for 2020.

Will World War 3 happen? Messing believed not, but he predicted various achievements and changes for humanity.

According to the prophet, America will begin military operations in the East in 2020. This will be a mistake by those in power. There will be a decline in the economy, and tension among the people will increase. In addition, America will suffer from various natural disasters.

Taiwan and Japan will suffer a natural disaster, but Messing did not specify what exactly will happen. Due to instability in the EU countries, the euro exchange rate will fall.

Predictions of Matrona of Moscow

Many Orthodox believers revere Matrona of Moscow. Much was spiritually revealed to her. She knew that the House of Romanov would fall and a revolution would occur in 1917.

Mother also discovered the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War. Researchers claim that her ominous prediction will affect our days and people will begin to die when there is officially no war, in the evening they will be alive, and in the morning they will all be dead. Some researchers think that Matrona meant some kind of spiritual death of the people, others are inclined that such a number of sudden deaths indicates an earthquake or atomic explosion.

Foresight of the future by Jonah of Odessa

The monastic elder said that in the future no one would attack Russia. There is no need to fear aggression from the United States.

Father argued that World War 3 would begin to emerge in a country smaller in size than the Russian Federation. There, there will be internal unrest and a civil war will break out. The Russian Federation, the USA and other countries will take part in it - this will be the beginning of World War 3.

By the way, Archimandrite Jonah from Odessa claimed that he would die, 1 year would pass and those sad events would begin. Indeed, he died in December 2012. 1 passed, unrest began in Ukraine, “Euro Maidan” occurred...

Prediction of astrologer Pavel Globa

He believes that in 2020 Russia will not face anything more than sanctions. There is a “cold” war going on in the world.

The US and Europe are expected to see an increase in unemployment, and their currencies will fall in value. In the world, the EU will no longer be such an influential union as before.

Globa in 2020-2021 does not foresee World War 3. Military clashes will continue to occur in certain countries.

There is a decline in the West, and during this period the Russian Federation will attract, unite and influence countries that in the past were part of the USSR. More and more natural disasters will occur in the world due to the riots of nature and countries will support each other as best they can.

Humanity is on the threshold of the Third World War. The Doomsday Clock shows two minutes to midnight. Never before in history have people been so close to using weapons of mass destruction.

North Korea once again successfully launches a missile. President of Russia Vladimir Putin talks about a new weapon that can turn the world into radioactive ash. And on the website of the Russia 24 channel there is an article about what to take with you to a bomb shelter. Coincidence? We don't think so! If not today, then tomorrow the butterfly will flap its wings, and the world will plunge into the chaos of the Third World War.

What do intellectuals think about the prospects of World War III? Will it happen? What will lead to it? What fate awaits Belarus?

Writer Viktor Martinovich: There will be no place left for Belarus in the new world

What worries me is the concentration of hatred that is in the air. I just don't understand this global rage and hatred.

The world is successfully sliding towards World War III. The presence of Donald Trump as President of the United States and Vladimir Putin as President of Russia is just a wonderful situation that leads to war. It doesn’t matter where it “bombs”: in Syria, North Korea or somewhere else. With the accumulation of weapons that is now happening on both sides, sooner or later this will happen.

I just returned from Istanbul. The city, which has always been a relaxed, secular, cultural capital, is now blocked off by patrols, with police vans with water cannons stationed every 500 meters. And this is a completely new situation for Istanbul, which I don’t remember.

When the “rubilovo” begins, which is what is going on, the regions, continents, and land will be divided into pieces. What kind of Belarus is this? As a result of each world war, the world was redivided. And this is what I fear most. I am afraid that in this new world there will be no place for Belarus. But this, unfortunately, will be the smallest problem that will bother me and you at that moment.

Political scientist Evgeny Preygerman: Nuclear weapons are holding the world back from World War III

I don't have the feeling that we are on the verge of World War III. But there is a feeling that the world is going a little crazy. This is a typical phenomenon for conflicts that are just beginning. For the last twenty years we have had a stable system of international relations, and now we see that those rules and systemic things that gave us a sense of stability and predictability no longer work.

The factor of nuclear weapons is the guaranteed murder of all humanity. This is what kept the world from turning hot during the Cold War.

Man has a habit of getting out of the habit of certain things. Previously, the memory of a world war gave us reason to say: “Never again,” and historical processes were fundamentally changed because of this. But time passes, and some things begin to be forgotten.

I would like to hope that the evolution of humanity also affects some of our humanistic ideas. And, at least, a feeling of points or lines is formed that you cannot pass through.

Philosopher Maxim Goryunov: Russians do not rule out war, they take it into account. Russian culture is ready for war

We all live in the illusion that “this won’t happen again.” The report by Steven Pinker, the books of Douglas North and other sociological authors say that the level of violence in the world is decreasing. And we believe in it. We believe that global war is something of the past. This is a beautiful, kind and pleasant illusion that we are interested in believing. But man is an aggressive creature. I think war might happen.

It seems to me that Russian culture is absolutely military. The rallies in Volokolamsk are very indicative in this sense. Speeches at these rallies by ordinary people, tribunes, and people. The metaphors they used were entirely based on war cinema. They have no other metaphors in their heads. These people were in a critical, stressful situation; this could be the first or second rally in their entire lives. They are worried. And when a person is worried, he speaks the language of “basic education”, a vision of the world. And in this situation, most of them used the metaphor of war. They came to the rally, and they regarded it as a war.

The metaphor of war is part of the modern Russian worldview. Outside St. Petersburg and Moscow, Soviet and imperial inertia regarding the war are still at work. In all of Russia, except for these two cities, they are ready for war. This manifests itself at the level of life planning. People do not rule out war, they take it into account, they are ready for it. War would be close to the hearts of the Russian people. Russian culture is ready for war.

Belarusians, as far as I understand them, have a different perception of the war. First of all, for them it is a punitive action. First Soviet, then Nazi, then Soviet again. The Belarusian idea of ​​war is not so much about the front line and battles, but about how to escape from punitive forces, how to hide from them so that you don’t get caught, some kind of unobtrusive collaboration is possible, just to save the family. Unlike Russia, where people talk about war as a victory, for Belarus war is grief. It's like a plague, cruel and terrible. And what to do when the Black Death comes? We need to save ourselves.

Science fiction writer Alexey Shein: We are not New Zealand or Switzerland, we are on the divide between two civilizations

I see two main lines along which the world can split. This is a line of political confrontation and new technologies. And as for politics, it seems to me that there are three clear points: the issue of the Middle East, around Israel and the countries around it; the situation around North Korea; the situation around Russia and its closest neighbors, Russia's desire to return parts of the former Soviet Union or the Russian Empire. As for technology, the issue of artificial intelligence is very ambiguous. We don't know what its development might lead to. I agree with those futurists and researchers who say this technology can be dangerous.

At the beginning of September, many world media outlets intensively reprinted each other's news about the birth of a red calf in Israel. Quote from The Sun (translated by Gazeta.ru):

A red calf was born in Israel, which is mentioned in an episode of the sacred scripture of Judaism - the Torah, the Jerusalem Temple Institute reported. For adherents of Judaism, the red cow is central to the prediction of the “end times.” The material notes that employees of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem have already conducted a “thorough examination” of the calf.

The material notes that several years ago the institute launched a program aimed at raising a red cow in Israel. According to this program, it was assumed that frozen embryos of red Angus cattle would be used for this purpose. After which these embryos are fertilized in local cows, the material says. Thus, Orthodox Jewish and Christian followers believe that after the birth of the red calf they will be able to rebuild the third temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount.

According to believers, the birth of a red cow is consistent with prophecy and means the approach of the Apocalypse.

Thus, The Sun and other media see in this event the prejudices of believers, but more enlightened people see something else in this.

The exceptional importance of the event is that the sacrificial ashes of the red cow are the only missing ingredient for the restoration of the Third Temple. And now, if the rabbis do not reject the calf, it turns out there is a sacrificial animal.

When the Third Temple is consecrated, the animal sacrificed must be three years old (but not more than 3 years and 364 days), so the estimated period for the restoration of the Third Temple is 8/28/2018 + 3 years = 08/28/2021 – 08/28/ 2022.

In other words, over the next three years, according to prophecies, the Third World War should begin and end, as a result of which a new monetary system will be introduced and the world will be completely reformatted. That is, the events of the Apocalypse prescribed by Revelation must be realized. And the End Times Forecaster blog will even calculate the start date of these events.

This is very simple to do, since before the restoration of the Third Temple, the so-called Seventy Weeks of Daniel, the time of the Great Tribulation, must pass. Therefore, we subtract 70 weeks from the time period 08/28/2021 – 08/28/2022. As a result, we get the time period 02/28/2018 – 02/28/2019.

It is at this time that the Third World War should begin, the deadline for which is February 28, 2019, although most likely everything could happen much earlier. We are following developments