When to sow carrots according to the lunar calendar. When to plant carrots: planting dates in spring and autumn. Video "The right way to plant carrots"

The soil is getting warmer. In mid-April, we already went to the dacha and managed to dig up the first bed on the south side of the site. Despite the fact that there is still snow in shady places and lowlands, the shovel is already entering the ground "on the bayonet" in the sun. It's time to dig a garden! The first thing to plant spring in the climate of the middle zone - carrots. When to start? In the dacha periodicals they write that at the end of April it’s already possible plant carrots. But here it is worth considering what the weather is like, read the forecast, the lunar calendar. What should be noted in the definition landing date 2018 We'll find out today. Join 😉

Weather, climate, degrees

Carrots are among the cold-resistant crops, therefore winter sowing is also successfully practiced, as a result, it gets a good hardening, the next year it rises early, gives a good harvest. But more often carrots are planted in the spring. It is believed that this can be done quite early - already at the end of April.

Heat for seed germination is not so important. Carrots calmly withstand spring frosts down to -4 degrees. And the starting temperature for seed germination is only 3-4 degrees Celsius. Much more important for seed germination is moisture. That is why it is recommended to plant carrot seeds in open ground in the spring as early as possible, until the soil in the depths of the beds has dried up. If the topsoil has warmed up and slightly dried up - you can sow!

Under favorable conditions, carrot seeds germinate in about 2 weeks after sowing, and in cold and dry weather, only after 3 weeks. Carrot seeds are considered tough, so they are subjected to special treatment before planting.

Planting dates for carrots

One of the sources indicates the following terms for the middle lane and the central region:

  • from April 20 to April 25, early varieties of carrots are planted,
  • from April 25 to May 5, mid-season varieties are planted.

Landing is carried out in open ground. The seedling method does not grow carrots.

  • spring sowing - from March 10 to March 20,
  • summer sowing - from 10 to 15 June.

Podzimny sowing is carried out on frozen soil, dry seeds:

  • in November - December.

Auspicious planting dates in the spring of 2018

Let's look at the Lunar calendar ... Specifically for carrots, the following sowing dates are indicated there:

  • 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29 and 30 April,
  • 1-6, 11-14, 18-20, 22-24, 26-28 May,
  • 1-3, 5-8, 10-12 June.

Unfavorable dates for sowing any crops:

  • 15, 16 and 30 April,
  • May 15 and 29,
  • 13 and 14 June.

Planting carrots in the spring does not contain many intricacies, but every gardener still has a few secrets in his piggy bank to get a rich harvest. Here are some of them:

  • A bed for carrots is dug into shovels with a small amount of fertilizer (if you did not have time to prepare a bed in the fall).
  • You can not make fresh manure under carrots.
  • In the spring, it is better to dig up the soil for carrots with well-rotted compost or humus.
  • As a fertilizer, you can also sprinkle wood ash throughout the garden at the rate of 500 ml per 1 square meter and a special complex fertilizer for carrots.
  • Pre-sowing treatment of carrot seeds is very important, since they contain essential oils that impede germination. First of all, the seeds can be placed in a gauze bag and rinsed well under hot running water (20 minutes, water temperature - 50 degrees). The water will wash away the essential oils. The next step is soaking in potassium permanganate (1% aqueous solution, soak for 20 minutes, then rinse) to disinfect the seeds. And, finally, for faster germination, it is good to soak the seeds in a biostimulant solution (Epin or Ecopin) for 2-3 hours. After processing, the seeds are dried and proceed to planting.
  • Before planting, spill the rows with warm water and sprinkle the seeds in them.
  • Cover the seeds with a layer of soil 2-2.5 cm.
  • It is better not to mulch the bed right away, but to temporarily cover it with a film or covering material. But you can just leave the bed open, and mulch after thinning the seedlings.
  • It is important to regularly weed seedlings, as weeds severely deplete plants.

Carrots, quite popular with gardeners, belong to those vegetable crops, the planting of which should be tied to a strictly defined time. It is usually chosen based on the variety of carrots, local conditions, and also taking into account the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Both the waxing and waning moon, as well as such a well-known phenomenon as its eclipse, are all elements of a process that has a direct and by no means magical effect on everything that grows on our planet. The lunar periods or phases of the moon known to every student are also directly related to this. For a modern and fairly experienced gardener, the concepts listed above are not an empty phrase.

According to an established tradition, for each year, astrologers calculate favorable days for planting carrots, which must be taken into account. This is explained by the fact that not only planting, but also the cultivation of this plant is directly related to the state of the environment, which includes most natural factors.

This relationship must also be taken into account because carrots are almost always grown in open ground and only occasionally in greenhouses. Based on the fact that this vegetable belongs to fairly cold-resistant crops, it is traditionally planted on the site one of the first.

Note! Tolerance to low temperatures allows flexibility in choosing the season for its sowing, which can be organized both in early spring and in autumn (that is, with the prospect of overwintering).

In any case, it is possible to get a good harvest not only thanks to the careful care of the planted carrots (timely watering, loosening of row spacing and top dressing), but also due to the right planting day.

It is the cycles or phases of the Moon, as well as its location in certain signs of the Zodiac, that have a certain influence on the growth of the crop and the size of the crop. For example, the so-called "lunar" calendar for its planting, compiled for the current year, will tell you how to choose the right planting days for carrots in May.

When to plant?

Thus, pre-designated planting days for carrots have a certain impact on the main indicators of its cultivation, namely:

  • seed germination;
  • The development and growth of culture itself;
  • Quality and volume of collection (yield).

Let us consider in more detail how specifically the lunar calendar and its influence on the choice of days for landing should be taken into account.

Influence of lunar phases

The basis of the astrological calculation of the timing of planting any of the horticultural crops is the movement of the Moon from one zodiac sign to another with its increase or decrease. Moreover, these phenomena affect the development of already planted carrots in different ways. It has been proven, for example, that the movement of nutrient juices in this culture largely depends on

Satellite phases

The waxing moon causes them to rise from the roots to the stem, and the waning month initiates a movement in the opposite direction. In accordance with this dependence, recommendations on planting dates and features of caring for this crop depend on the intended purpose of root crops, namely:

  • Ordinary food carrots;
  • Ornamental varieties with slightly different nutrient flow patterns;
  • Above-ground fruits, which have their own characteristics of the distribution of vital juices.

Everything that is usually referred to as pure "roots" gives a good result if the landing is made in the phase of the waning moon. Those root crops that were planted closer to the Full Moon grow noticeably stronger into the soil (go deeper). And if they are planted very shortly before the New Moon, then the vegetables grow a little shorter, but they will look like real “strong men”.

For most amateur gardeners, the question naturally arises: is it possible to plant carrots on a full moon, and how will this affect its yield? Astrology answers this quite specifically and warns that during this period, as well as on the day following this, it is generally not recommended to perform any manipulations with carrot material.

While the Moon is in its full phase, the carrot root system is significantly weakened and very sensitive to any external influences. It is not recommended to thin out or loosen it during this period, as this can lead to damage to the roots.

Planting a root crop these days is also not recommended. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to call this day successful.

good carrot

Spring planting dates

For the spring season, the most favorable landing time is the period when the snow has completely melted and the ground has begun to dry out a little (in many Russian regions this is the month of April).

Additional Information. The optimal condition is considered to be the condition of the soil, in which its top layer becomes sufficiently dry and loose.

For small seeds of carrots, laid not very deep into the ground, the heat that warms only its outer layer is quite enough. At the same time, it is desirable that daytime air temperatures be at least + 15C, and the same indicator for the soil does not fall below + 7-8 degrees. For the middle zone of the country, carrots can be sown already in April or at the very beginning of May (in some not very warm years, you have to wait until the middle of it). As a result, one should focus on favorable days for planting carrots in May, determined by the same lunar calendar.

To determine the optimal planting time, according to astrological indications, it is also necessary to take into account the varietal differences of the seeds sown. Since the most suitable time for an early ripe variety of carrots is March, this month should be chosen when determining the appropriate date from the calendar.

Accordingly, the moment is also chosen for planting varieties belonging to the late-ripening variety. When considering the influence of the lunar phases on this crop, in this case it is also necessary to clarify the optimal time for harvesting carrot fruits.

collection time must be taken into account

Joint planting with other crops

When choosing favorable days for sowing carrots by month, the following points should be taken into account:

  • Does it grow separately and away from other crops;
  • Are there beets or onions in the neighborhood in the beds;
  • How close are these cultures.

The fact is that the joint growth of these plants (onions plus carrots and beets) leaves an imprint on all its (carrots) behavior, including the reaction to the state of the Earth's satellite.

Each of these vegetables (both onions and beets) has its own preferred days for planting, so when they are grown together with carrots, the approach to this issue becomes noticeably more complicated.

In particular, amateurs often touch on the question of which moon it is possible to plant carrots and beets in spring, and which one is not, and how important it is to take this factor into account. The answer to it can be the following recommendations of experts:

  • When choosing the optimal time for planting beets and carrots, climatic (weather) conditions must be taken into account;
  • Most gardeners prefer to plant beets in the spring, so that the earth has time to warm up to at least 5 ° C;

Necessary explanation. In the case of its early planting in the soil that has not yet warmed up, the seeds may simply not germinate, and, as a result, the root crops themselves will not have time to form.

  • Very early sowing of beets is also dangerous in terms of the possibility of the appearance of flower stalks, which negatively affects the development of this crop;
  • From the point of view of germination, the optimum temperature is +4…+5°C (even slight frosts down to -2°C are acceptable).

As for taking into account the lunar phase, which makes its beneficial contribution to the joint cultivation of these crops, it is recommended to plant them on favorable days with the waning moon.

Regarding the same question about onions, it should be noted that everything said above about beets can be fully transferred to bulbous plants. In the case of joint cultivation with carrots, the time for its placement on mixed beds should be chosen during the waning moon.

A complete and well-organized list of days on which planting favors the development of carrot culture can be found at the following address.

As an example of choosing favorable days, let's take a look at the estimated dates for planting carrots in the current (2018) year:

  • In March, its planting is recommended for gardeners in the southern regions; while the favorable days are the 4th, 24th-27th of this month, as well as its very end (30th and 31st);
  • The most suitable April date is the first day of the month. Additional dates when you can plant seeds: April 27 to 28;
  • May days, which fall at the end of spring, are represented in the lunar calendar for 2018 by numbers such as 19 and 20, as well as 23-24.

In the final part of the review on the influence of the state of the moon on the landing of carrots, the following points should be noted:

  • First, the normal development and growth of a plant depends on the full range of factors directly related to its environment (including the Cosmos);
  • Secondly, this influence has a particularly acute effect on the timing of its landing in unprotected soil from the position of the Moon in the sky and its current phase;
  • Thirdly, when choosing a specific date for planting a carrot crop, its variety (early or late ripening) should also be taken into account.

In addition, it is important to take into account lunar factors related to plants growing together with carrots (onions or beets, for example). Only an integrated approach to solving all these issues will allow you to get a rich harvest that does not depend on the vagaries of nature.


Carrots can be found in any suburban area. And although retail outlets offer it all year round, their own is much tastier and healthier. But only those gardeners who grow it according to the rules and create the necessary conditions for its development will get a good harvest. In order for the plants to sprout together and please with yields, experienced gardeners advise planting carrots in April or early May, taking into account the lunar calendar for 2019.

Since different varieties of carrots coexist quite friendly on the same bed, it makes sense to sow early varieties, mid-season, and late ones. It is important to choose the right days for planting carrots according to the lunar calendar. The first harvest will be used for salads and other dishes in the summer, while those that ripen later will be used for autumn harvesting and storage for winter consumption.

chapter 1. Favorable days for planting carrots in the spring of 2019 according to the lunar calendar

  • March: 20, 21;
  • April: 1, 3, 12, 13, 17, 18;
  • May: 4, 14, 15, 19, 24, 31;
  • June: 1, 7, 10, 11.

First you need to choose a suitable place for carrots. The amount of the crop depends on how correct it will be. It is important to remember that the root crop does not like shade, so it is recommended to sow the seeds in a well-lit area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage, where the sun shines throughout the day. Also, the plant does not tolerate planting in the same place, so it is best to choose a new territory every year. Carrots will not grow or will grow poorly if herbs such as parsnips, parsley, dill or celery were previously sown on the site. The most optimal predecessors of this root crop will be: tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, potatoes and cabbage.

chapter 2. Bad days in 2019

  • March: 16, 17, 22, 23, 31;
  • April: 14, 15, 16, 25, 26;
  • May: 1, 7, 8, 17, 18;
  • June - 3,4, 5, 18.

Section 1. Preparation of carrot seeds

Before planting, the seeds must be prepared. What does it include? Soak the seeds in warm water for a while. After - shifting to a damp cloth, which should be rather big in order to be able to cover the seeds both from below and from above. Seeds are left in a dark, warm place and need occasional stirring. After swelling and the appearance of the first sprouts, carrot seeds are placed in the refrigerator for hardening. Once this stage is completed, you will be able to identify defective seeds - those that will not be accepted in the open field.

Section 2. Site Selection

To begin with, it is worth considering that carrots will not tolerate the neighborhood of parsley, parsnip, dill and celery. A place for sowing carrots in the spring must be chosen on the basis that it should be illuminated by the sun throughout the daylight hours, and this is very important! It will turn out very well if cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage or tomatoes grew in the same place last year.

The time when you need to plant carrots in the spring is the second important factor on which the quantity and quality of the crop will depend. During the day it should already be warmer than +12 degrees, and at night it should not be colder than +5-7 degrees. Only in this case, flower arrows will not actively develop, but instead the carrot root itself will begin to grow. Now let's ask experienced gardeners what carrots to plant in early spring?

Section 3. Seeding

After waiting for good weather, when it will be possible to plant carrots in the spring, we dig up the beds and harrow them. We make beds on the soil, the width between them should be at least 15-20 centimeters. Having marked the site, we make straight grooves, spill them with water. Keep in mind that carrots love water very much! It is necessary to water so that the soil gets wet by 30-35 how to plant carrots in the spring, almost every seed will germinate. For this reason, seeds should be placed in the furrow one at a time every 2-3 centimeters. Sprinkle the planting furrows with soil, slightly compact from above. Within 3-4 days you will already see shoots.

chapter 3. Favorable days for planting carrots in the fall of 2019 according to the lunar calendar

  • October: 2, 3, 25, 26;
  • November: 11, 12, 13, 17.

Section 1. Planting carrots before winter

On the one hand, it may seem risky to plant carrots before winter. But the devil is not as terrible as he is portrayed. This event allows the summer resident to achieve a harvest earlier and save himself from the extra hassle that threatens farmers in the spring. Such seedlings will be stable before winter, and you will not lose crops during spring frosts. In order to instill confidence in yourself that you will not burn out in such a bold business, you should choose the right variety of carrots. Not all varieties are able to survive sub-zero temperatures, so this step is one of the most important.

Section 2. Variety of frost-resistant varieties of carrots

  1. Nantes yields a crop a couple of months after planting, this variety has a pleasant taste and resistance to cold. Suitable for winter planting.
  2. Shantane is inferior in quality to the previous one, and ripens much later. But it can be more hardy, and will survive the lack of watering.
  3. Incomparable carrots will ripen for a long time, but the level of useful properties in it is going through the roof. Takes out bad weather for the winter.
  4. Vitamin in quality corresponds to its name and surprises with the speed of maturation and stability.
  5. Losinoostrovskaya is also endowed with endurance and taste is in no way inferior to all of the above.
  6. Moscow winter is typical for the territory of the same name. Delicious and durable. And great for winter planting.

You have chosen the right variety of carrots. Now you need to understand when to sow carrots in the winter in the ground and how to choose the right place where you will sow. Choose an elevated place for the winter, closed from the wind, but accessible to the sun. The soil should be loose, regardless of the sowing period.

A suitable period for sowing the selected variety is November. Clean the soil from weeds for the winter and loosen it thoroughly. Carrots are planted exclusively in loose soil, no other is suitable for this event. You can add sawdust to hard soil for the winter that is half decomposed, as fresh ones are not suitable. Having finished the required soil consistency, fertilize it with organic fertilizers. If you are using manure, do not use fresh. Carrots grow crooked when using fresh manure.

Chapter 4. Video

The change in the phases of the moon affects both the growth of cultivated plants and their fruiting. This has long been noticed by man, and today it is successfully used by gardeners to get friendly seedlings and a good harvest.

Carrots, which occupy not the last place in the plantings of summer residents, are also subject to the influence of the night luminary. The lunar month, lasting 28 days, is exactly four weeks, each of which corresponds to its phase of the earth's satellite.

When to sow carrots according to the lunar calendar, so that the germination of the seed is high, and pleased with the size, are even and tasty?

Growing moon and shoots of carrots

As the moon grows and its crescent becomes wider and brighter, nutrients and moisture from the soil actively rush from the root system to the foliage and tops.

For the benefit of the future carrot harvest in these two weeks there will be:

  • top dressing of young plants;
  • thinning and diving shoots;
  • weeding in the beds.

Often the first week after the new moon is considered a good time to sow, but this is not true for carrots. Since the goal of the summer resident when growing this crop is a root crop, and not lush tops, it is better to move the dates for sowing carrots in open ground.

Is it possible to plant carrots in the spring on a full moon?

While the Moon is in the sky in all its glory, the root system of garden crops is clearly weakened and sensitive to all kinds of interference. These days it is impossible not only to plant carrots, but also to thin out densely sprouted sprouts. After all, the resulting damage to the roots during the full moon is extremely difficult for plants to tolerate.

Since the aerial parts of plants, including seeds, are saturated with useful substances, this time is ideal for collecting planting material for the next season.

When can I plant carrots on the waning moon

When the lunar disk begins to decrease, the juices that moved towards the crown before the full moon change direction, and nutrients rush to the root system. So, the time is coming when you can plant carrots, beets, radishes and other similar crops.

Seeds that fall into the soil in the third week of the lunar cycle actively give roots. And in grown plants with developed foliage, root crops are formed. If carrots react calmly to damage to the aerial part, then it is better not to carry out all work affecting the roots these days.

But carrots, like other root crops, on the waning moon respond well to:

  • and growth promoters;
  • abundant watering;
  • pest and weed control;
  • introduction of organic matter;
  • loosening the soil and digging.

This rule applies to spring and, especially, autumn sowing. When planting carrots before winter, the gardener must be sure that friendly shoots will appear on the beds in the spring. While the moon is in the waning phase, the seeds that have fallen into the ground have all the conditions to take root well.

  • If the seeds are sown dry, it is better not to hesitate and plant them in the soil when the lunar disk has just begun to decrease.
  • If swollen seeds are used for planting, they can be sown in the fourth week of the lunar month, when the aging sickle is already noticeably narrowing.

Harvested during this period, the root crops are of decent quality, well and long stored.

New moon and lunar eclipse

Vegetation at the time of the new moon slows down, so it will be useful to refuse any work related to transplanting, weeding and planting. Crops will not be able to fully accept top dressing if it is done on days close to the new moon. It is much more useful to devote time to weeding.

Determining the timing of sowing carrots in open ground according to the Zodiac

All root crops, not excluding carrots, are close to the elements of the Earth, therefore they respond better to care on those days of the month when the moon is in the signs of Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo.

The time period when it is better to sow carrots before winter, in the middle lane, can better begin in October and end at the end of November. At the same time, the seeds must remain dry, which will delay their germination, but with a long autumn and warm winter, such crops are at risk of dying.

In different regions, the planting of carrots in the spring according to the lunar calendar takes place at different times, since the climatic conditions in the south and north of the country vary greatly. The main thing is that the soil is ready to accept the seeds and does not lose melt moisture, and the waning moon falls on the days of the signs of the Earth. If such a combination is difficult to achieve, the work is carried out at the end of the Moon from a favorable sign.

Watering and feeding carrots according to the lunar calendar and the Zodiac

The phases of the moon do not seriously affect the watering of plants, but it is possible to make the water supply more efficient and economical. To do this, it is better to water carrots on days when the Moon is in the signs of Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer.

Mineral fertilizers for carrots are applied on a growing moon, and herbal infusions, stimulants and other organic matter on days when the night luminary is already waning. Moreover, such events will be more useful when the Moon passes through the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces.

Every gardener in the spring sows carrots without fail! However, not everyone succeeds. Why? There are many reasons for this: incorrectly chosen sowing dates, unsuccessful selection of a variety, or violation of agricultural technology.

Sowing dates directly affect the yield of carrots and depend on the variety and purpose of the finished root crops. Carrot is a cold-resistant crop: the minimum required temperature for seed germination is +3…+6°C, seedlings withstand short-term frosts down to -4…-5°C. In terms of ripening, all varieties of carrots are divided into early-ripening varieties with a growing season of up to 100 days, mid-ripening - up to 120 days and late-ripening - up to 140 days.

To get early carrots on the table, choose early and ultra-early varieties that ripen in 45-60 days; for winter storage, it is better to sow late-ripening varieties of carrots.

Sowing dates for carrot seeds

For early consumption, carrot seeds are sown from April 25 to May 1, the next sowing of mid-ripening varieties of carrots - May 1 - May 10. If carrots are needed for long-term storage, then they are sown in the first - second decade of May, until May 25 inclusive.

In the southern regions, carrots can be sown in 2 terms: the first sowing is March 10-20, the second sowing of carrots is May 10-15.

According to the folk calendar, carrots planted when the coltsfoot is in bloom.

When to water, feed and pull carrots?

The first thinning is carried out in the phase of 1-2 true leaves, the second 15-20 days after the first.

The main care for the beds of carrots is timely weeding, loosening row spacing, watering and top dressing. Carrots are watered rarely, but plentifully and evenly. Row spacing is loosened simultaneously with weeding.

Sowing parsnips and caring for them

Parsnips are grown for their juicy white roots with a specific flavor. The root crop is formed 120-170 days after sowing.

For sowing parsnips, it is better to choose well-lit places. Parsnip is cold-resistant and frost-resistant: the optimum temperature for plant growth is +15 ... +20 ° C, seedlings withstand frosts down to -5 ° C. Agrotechnical methods of growing parsnips are the same as those of carrots. Care consists in periodic watering, loosening and weeding. Root crops are harvested in the fall, at the same time as carrots, and stored in the same way.

Terms of sowing parsnips

In the middle lane, parsnips are sown in the ground in late April and early May. It is better to sow parsnips for storage later - at the end of May.

Planting beets and caring for them

There are a large number of varieties of beets of different groups of ripeness, shape and size of root crops. Medium and late-ripening varieties and hybrids are sown for storage, early-ripening varieties are grown “on the table”.

Table beet belongs to the group of long-day crops, but many modern varieties of table beet are adapted to both the short day of the south and the long day of the north.

Beet sowing dates

Beet is a moderately cold-resistant crop: seeds can germinate at +3 °C. But the optimum temperature for sowing dry seeds is +10 °C. In addition, young seedlings of table beet can die from spring frosts.

To grow early beets on a table in the middle lane, beets are sown from April 25 to May 5 under cover from spandbond or film.

According to popular beliefs, the time of planting beets comes when the aspen blossoms.

When to water, feed and pull beets?

Beets are light-requiring: it is important to weed and thin them in time. Beetroot generally needs a moderate amount of watering. Systematic watering should be carried out during seed germination and in July-August. Beetroot is very responsive to the application of fertilizers to the soil.

The first time the beets are thinned out in the phase of the first true leaves, the second time after 2-3 weeks, leaving a distance of 5-7 cm. Pulled plants can be used to make green salad. During the summer, the beets are periodically weeded and the soil is loosened between the rows. On dry and hot days - watered. Beets are pulled out for food when they reach a diameter of 3-4 cm.