Who can be insured against an accident? Voluntary accident insurance: a policy for workers against injuries at work. Personal travel insurance in case of death

Updated 02/27/2020 Views 3176 Comments 10

To mitigate the financial consequences of an accident, you can take out insurance. There are accident insurances for ordinary life (called life insurance), but it is when traveling that such risks greatly increase.

But, on the other hand, as with all insurances in general, you first need to understand the conditions so as not to pay in vain. Now I’ll tell you what it is, whether you need to take out accident insurance or not.

Accident insurance

First, briefly about what it is and whether it should be done. And in the second half of the article, read the details.

What kind of insurance is this

Accident insurance is, as a rule, not a separate insurance, but only an additional option to travel insurance (traveler’s insurance). First of all, you need to select, but whether this option will be there is a second matter.

The most important thing you should know! Visits to a doctor abroad, tests and examinations, hospital stays are paid on the basis of travel insurance (travel insurance) and within its insured amount. That is, all medical assistance is provided regardless of the presence of the “accident” option in the policy. This option does not help you abroad in any way, it’s about something completely different.

Accident insurance involves paying compensation after injury or disability. This payment is made after your return to the homeland. And you can spend this money wherever you want, even on rehabilitation, or on a new wardrobe.

Do I need to buy it?

The Accident option is an optional option and will increase the cost of the entire policy if you add it. The decision is yours. Do you need a separate payment of money after an accident or will only be enough to cover medical expenses under regular travel insurance.

If you are initially considering NOT budget insurance, but more expensive ones, then very often they already include this option. You won't have to pay anything extra. In general, more expensive policies differ in that their price includes a bunch of different options by default.

It happens that when you buy a plane ticket in some service, along with it you will be offered to buy accident insurance. It can be valid both during the flight and for the entire trip (you need to check the conditions). In exactly the same way they can offer. Actually, if these options are already included in your basic travel insurance, then there is definitely no point in paying for them again.

Buying insurance

What you need to know

  • Insurance companies consider an accident to be an event that occurs SUDDENLY and results in serious injury, illness, temporary disability, disability or death. Injuries that are considered an insured event can occur in a road accident, an attack by a criminal, a fall from a height, or domestic injuries (for example, a burn with boiling water).
  • Insured events can also be situations that occurred during the validity of the contract, but resulted in the death of the insured or the assignment of disability for some time after the end of the insurance. All these terms are in the contract.
  • The injury must be on the payout schedule, otherwise there will be no payment. You must keep in mind that the payment may depend on the wording of the diagnosis in your medical documents. In controversial cases, the insurance company will interpret the doctor’s conclusion in its favor, so it is better that the diagnosis most closely matches the column in the payment table.
  • If you buy a policy for the whole family at once and add the option of accident insurance, then this option applies to everyone. To use this option for one person, for example, a child, you will need to issue him a separate policy with this option, and for the others a policy without the option. This way you can save money.

When insurance doesn't work

Each insurance contract contains a list of situations that will not be considered an accident.

  • Events that occur outside the territory or insurance period specified in the policy.
  • Accidents that cannot be considered unforeseen. For example, due to mental disorders of the insured, chronic diseases, etc. The consequences of infectious diseases, strokes and heart attacks may also be included in the list of exclusions from insurance events.
  • Insured events during force majeure circumstances: military actions, strikes, natural disasters, etc.
  • Insured events during sports activities, if these sports are not initially included in the traveler’s insurance itself. To enter, you need to add a separate option “Sports”, “Active recreation”, etc.
  • If at the time of injury the insured was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If the insured was injured while committing criminal acts. In case of death as a result of suicide, or if the insured intentionally caused harm to his health.

Cost and sum insured

I would not buy accident insurance separately, since it does not replace medical travel insurance, on the basis of which medical care will be provided. Therefore, it is better to take out accident insurance as an additional option to the main insurance.

There is a separate sum insured for the “accident” option. You choose it yourself. The higher this amount, the more expensive the policy will cost. Try playing with the filters on the right on or to see how the price changes.

Typically, the choice of sum insured ranges from $1,000 to $25,000. But on the websites of some insurance companies you can choose a larger amount. And remember, this amount is in no way related to the sum insured for the entire insurance.

Accident insurance - an additional option for extra money

Payment amount

The amount of payment depends on the sum insured. The higher the sum insured, the greater the payment. But most often, not the entire sum insured is paid, but a percentage, which depends on the type of injury.

The maximum (100% of the insured amount) will only be in the event of the death of the insured (will be received by the heirs or the beneficiary specified in the contract). Therefore, do not think that if you are insured for $1000, then if you break your arm, you will receive it all. No! For a leg/arm injury, only 10–20% of the insured amount will be paid, that is, only $100–200.

The amount of payment is always proportional to the damage caused to the health of the insured person. The more severe the injury and its health consequences, the greater the insurance compensation. All information must be indicated in the payment tables in the insurance contract or in an appendix to it. For example.

If you receive the second group of disability, you can receive about 75% of the sum insured, with the third - 50%, and for a leg/arm injury you will pay only 10-20%. For 1-2 degree burns, the rate may be 0.3% of the total insurance amount. For injuries to the face, neck, ears, the tariff is 0.5%. Payment for “temporary disability” is considered to be 0.2–0.3% of the insured amount for each day of disability, but the payment period is usually limited to 60-100 days. Also, in such cases, insurance companies often use a temporary deductible from 10 to 30 days; this period is not taken into account when calculating the insurance payment.

What to do in the event of an accident

The first thing you need to do is get medical care, which will be provided as part of your travel insurance. I repeat, the presence of the “accident” option does not matter.

Therefore, call assistance () and go to the designated hospital. If this is impossible (for example, if you are unconscious), then the ambulance will decide where to take you. As soon as the opportunity arises, you will need to contact the assistant and resolve questions about your stay in the current hospital, whether they will pay, whether they will transport you to another, or whether you will have to pay for it yourself and then receive reimbursement.

And only after you have resolved all the treatment issues, you can start thinking about payment in connection with the accident. This is usually done when returning home from a trip. But it’s better to start the process early, while still in the hospital (if possible) in order to check the availability of all the documents necessary for payment.

Payments for an accident are made by the insurance company (not assistance), so you must notify them of the accident and that you want to request payment. As a rule, you need to provide all documents no later than 30 days after returning to your homeland.

List of documents for payment

When you contact the insurance company, you will be given a list of documents. They differ depending on the insurance company, so I cannot give an exact list. I'll write what might happen.

— Application, passport and insurance policy.
— Certificate from the doctor who provided first aid. Or a certificate from the medical institution where the inpatient treatment was carried out. The certificate must indicate a medical report and diagnosis.
— Accident report, an official document confirming the circumstances of the accident. With signatures, if possible, of all witnesses and responsible persons.
— When establishing disability, it is necessary to provide copies of the medical history and extracts from outpatient and medical records, as well as documents confirming the connection between the accident and the assignment of a disability group

If the insurance payment is made upon the death of the insured person, you will additionally need:

— Original or notarized copy of the death certificate of the insured
— Identification document of the beneficiary (heir)
— Notarized copy of the certificate of inheritance

After submitting the documents, the insurance company representative must register your application and provide you with its registration number (you can use it to find out the status of the application). After which the insurance company will consider your case within 1-2 months.

Life hack #1 - how to buy good insurance

Choosing insurance now is incredibly difficult, so to help all travelers. To do this, I constantly monitor forums, study insurance contracts and use insurance myself.

Life is unpredictable - anything can happen to any person at any second. It's important to be prepared for this. An accident insurance policy will not help you avoid trouble, but it will provide financial protection if it happens.

Terms of accident insurance

The minimum insurance period in the Absolut Insurance company is 6 months, the maximum is 12 months. The policy may begin no earlier than 5 days from the date of purchase. That is, it is impossible to make the insurance take effect immediately. This is done in order to avoid fraudulent schemes.

Sometimes insurance is purchased for a short period of time, for example, to participate in competitions or when traveling to other countries of the world.

After the expiration of the old policy, you can take out a new insurance.

Payments in the event of an insured event

It is important to know that the payment depends on the type of insured event. For example, the maximum payment can only be received upon death, complete loss of vision, or other serious consequences.

To receive payment you need:

  • inform the insurer about the incident;
  • send supporting documents to the insurance company;
  • wait for the application to be reviewed;
  • receive payment.

Where to buy accident insurance?

There are two ways to purchase: at the office of the insurance company or on its website. The first method involves a trip to the nearest branch of the insurer. This may take up to several hours. The second method is simpler - you can go to the insurance company’s website from a computer or mobile phone, select the appropriate option, fill out a form and pay for the policy. Insurance will be sent to your email address. The whole procedure will take a short time.

Before purchasing, it is important to check the presence of an insurance company in the register of the Central Bank of Russia.

What to look for when choosing an accident insurance policy?

Firstly, what you insure. If you play sports, it is important to include this option in your insurance policy. Without it, you may be denied payment. If you get injured frequently, get personal injury insurance.

Secondly, before purchasing a policy, read the Insurance Rules. You must clearly understand what you are paying money for and what needs to be done if an insured event occurs.

Thirdly, pay attention to the information about the insured person. If you make a mistake by one letter, the insurer may refuse to pay. Read the policy you receive carefully. If there is an error, ask to correct it. It won't cost money.

What determines the cost of the policy?

From these parameters:

  • age;
  • insurance period (the shorter, the cheaper the insurance);
  • insurance amount (this is the maximum payment in the event of an accident);
  • playing sports or activities;
  • insured risks (death, disability, bodily injury - the fewer risks, the cheaper the insurance).

What documents are needed for registration?

You will need to indicate your full name, date of birth, passport series and number, department code, date of issue of the document, place of birth, home address, start date of the policy (remember, it cannot be earlier than five days), email and telephone.

Payment for insurance is made using a bank card. The policy will be sent to the specified email address. It can be printed or simply stored electronically.

When is accident insurance necessary?

Always. You never know what might happen and where. It's important to be prepared for this. Insurance will not save you from trouble, but it can protect you financially from problems that arise. For example, if you accidentally break your arm, you may have to spend several months at home. During this time, you may lose wages. For those who have insurance, compensation for damage will be paid by the insurance company.

It is better to buy insurance and live a year without incident than not to buy a policy and take risks every day.

How to apply for an insurance policy?

To purchase an accident policy, go to the calculation calculator of the Absolut Insurance company. Choose who will be insured: an adult or a child. Then indicate the insurance period (from 6 to 12 months), the insured amount (this is the maximum payment amount). If you do sports or other activities (for example, you like to go to a water park), then indicate these options. Then select the risks you want to insure. Click the Continue button.

The next step is to enter information about yourself, address and contacts. Payment for the policy is made using a bank card. The policy will be delivered to your email address.

Life and health are defining human values.

Realizing this, many people try to anticipate various circumstances that may come their way, including accidents.

In this sense, life insurance against accidents serves as a certain financial support, with the help of which a person can more easily overcome sudden difficulties and obstacles and restore his health with funds paid by the insurance company.

An accident is considered an unforeseen event, a sudden external impact that does not depend on the desire and will of a person and entails personal injury or death.

Accidents include:

  • natural disasters, explosion, heat stroke, lightning, exposure to electric current;
  • severe burns, frostbite and drowning;
  • attack by animals or intruders;
  • falling, sudden suffocation, foreign objects entering the respiratory tract;
  • accidental poisoning with poisonous plants, household chemicals, medications prescribed by a physician;
  • Road traffic accidents and other traffic incidents resulting in injury or death.

Chronic diseases (including heart attack and stroke) resulting from hereditary and other pathologies of the body, food and infectious intoxications are not included in the category of accidents.

The consequence of any accident is harm to health, and this is always accompanied by considerable expenses. Often people who find themselves in such an unpleasant situation are forced to recover from injury for a long time, so insurance payments will be very helpful.

Types and forms of accident insurance

There are two types of insurance:

  1. Mandatory insurance. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for compulsory accident insurance for certain categories of citizens, which include military personnel, law enforcement officers and courts, and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

    If an insured event occurs, the state guarantees monetary compensation for them from the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in the form lump sum or monthly payments. The amounts of payments are determined at the legislative level and depend on the categories of insured citizens and the region of coverage.

    Compulsory insurance comes into force in the event temporary or complete loss of ability to work, as well as in case of death.

  2. Voluntary insurance. This type of insurance provides freedom of choice for the policyholder who enters into an agreement with the insurance company regarding the risks that he wishes to insure.

    The agreement between both parties is concluded on the basis of a written application from the policyholder, which can be individuals and legal entities. In this case insurance rates are determined not by law, but by the market and economics of insurance.

Voluntary insurance can be carried out in two forms: collective (group) and individual.

Collective insurance provided by employers (individuals or legal entities) to their employees. As a rule, it is carried out in large Russian and Western organizations, for which insurance for employees is traditionally part of the social package, as well as in enterprises whose employees are exposed to great risks (hazardous industries).

Insurance premiums are made at the expense of the organization (the policyholder), and insurance is issued to a group of employees (insured) in the form of coverage for 24 hours or for the period of working hours.

Group insurance serves serious financial support an employee who has been injured at work, as well as his family in the event of his disability or death.

The organization (the policyholder) in this case is provided with protection from unplanned expenses. In addition, the state provides tax benefits for such employers, and rates for collective insurance significantly lower than on an individual basis.

At individual insurance An individual or legal entity enters into an agreement and pays contributions independently.

Both forms of accident insurance provide for the right of the insured to appoint certain beneficiaries in case of his death.

This right allows him to ensure the financial security of a particular person when survivor and support the financial level of the family.

According to the validity period, voluntary accident insurance can be:

  • complete (the guarantee is provided for any period of private and professional life during the validity of the contract);
  • partial (the contract is drawn up for a certain period, for example, during a trip abroad);
  • additional (accident insurance is used as part of a combined policy, for example, in car insurance).

Consequences and scope of insurance liability

An accident can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Disability with complete or partial, temporary or permanent disability.
  2. Death.

Disability can have varying degrees depending on the level of loss or reduction in the injured person's ability to work. The terms of the insurance contract may provide for all the consequences of accidents and include them in the scope of insurance liability in different combinations or together.

The insured event occurs during the validity period of the contract and must be confirmed by a certificate issued by a medical institution.

The following risks can be classified as insurance:

  • injuries received as a result of an accident;
  • various types of accidental poisoning (except toxic infections);
  • tick-borne encephalitis and polio;
  • pathologies during childbirth and ectopic pregnancy leading to organ removal;
  • accidental fractures, burns, dislocations, organ injuries;
  • death of the policyholder, which occurred as a result of the above reasons, as well as as a result of a foreign body entering the respiratory organs or anaphylactic shock, frostbite.

The following cases are classified as non-insurance:

  • injuries received by the policyholder as a result of criminal acts;
  • injuries received while under alcohol or drugs from any vehicle;
  • injuries resulting from suicide or intentional self-harm;
  • death due to the above circumstances.

What to do if an insured event occurs

  1. Seek medical attention immediately.
  2. Notify the insurer within the period specified in the contract (usually within 30 days) about the incident that happened to you (or another person insured by you).
  3. Submit an application for insurance compensation to the insurance company, attaching all supporting documents (death certificate, certificates from medical institutions, traffic police report, disability certificate, etc.).
  4. If you are an heir or beneficiary, provide the insurer with a document confirming your right to receive insurance compensation (a certificate of inheritance or an order appointing you as a beneficiary).

You must have an identity card and the appropriate insurance policy with you. The application is considered within 10–60 days.

Insurance premiums and payments

The insured amount is negotiated between both parties. The policyholder (with voluntary insurance) can choose the amount of insurance compensation yourself, taking into account your financial capabilities.

The amount of the insurance premium is a certain percentage of the total sum insured.

The more risks included in the insurance policy, the higher the final rate will be.

In general, accident insurance (mandatory or voluntary) is a very necessary measure. Unfortunately, many people only think about this after the misfortune that happened to him.

And in vain. It is much more comfortable to live knowing that in case of unforeseen circumstances you have a good financial guarantee, which will help restore strength and health or support a family that finds itself in a difficult situation.

Why wait for the thunder to strike?

Video report on insurance against accidents at work

Any person, even one who pays great attention to his physical condition, on some day that is unlikely to be wonderful for him, may well wake up in a hospital bed. And completely unexpectedly for yourself and for all your loved ones. And accidents do not bypass even the most ardent adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

Unfortunately, such emergency circumstances not only dramatically change the usual way of life, but also cause large, and even completely unplanned, expenses.


The purpose of accident insurance, referred to as personal insurance, is to provide financial support during the recovery period after an injury or during an unexpected serious illness.

Any citizen (otherwise the policyholder), according to Article 934 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Chapter 48 “Insurance”), has the right to insure himself or any other person against an accident or illness.

As you know, long-term treatment, and even more so loss of work due to disability, almost always has an extremely negative impact on the financial situation of both the victim and his entire family. Timely accident and illness insurance can help you avoid financial disaster caused by unexpected disability.

Insurance payments from an accident insurance policy help pay for the necessary expensive treatment and can also be used for subsequent rehabilitation.

The most frequently insured risks:

  • complete loss of ability to work with the establishment of the appropriate degree of disability;
  • partial disability resulting from a domestic injury or workplace accident;
  • emergency hospitalization;
  • loss of professional ability to work;
  • sports injuries;
  • death due to an accident.

Payments under the policy are made in the form of:

  • full or partial sum insured;
  • insurance benefit or daily remuneration assigned for the entire period of incapacity;
  • assignment of an additional pension (temporary or permanent).

The exact amounts, terms and duration of payments depend on the terms of the specific accident insurance contract.

According to the law, every capable citizen can make a conclusion, both in relation to himself and his loved ones. Legal entities can also act as insurers, for example, of employees of their companies, school students or athletes.

Important! Payments under contracts are not made:

  • if the cause of injury or death was the illegal actions of the injured person;
  • in case of intentional self-harm or suicide attempt;
  • for injuries caused by driving while drunk.

Types and programs

Insurance companies offer a variety of life and health insurance options. The most popular among them are:

  • Life or health insurance for individuals. It is possible to insure not only yourself. This type of insurance also makes it possible to take care of any family member or loved one. The amount of payments within the insured amount specified in the contract depends on the duration of the disability or the severity of the injuries received.
  • Insurance for company employees. At the request of the employer concluding the contract, insurance coverage for employees of his organization can be provided around the clock. However, a company may wish to issue an insurance policy for its employees only against accidents incurred in the performance of their official duties, but not in domestic conditions or on vacation (this type of insurance is often found). Insurance may also cover the duration of travel to the place of work. Such voluntary collective life insurance against accident or illness often turns out to be very beneficial for the employer and allows one to avoid litigation.
  • Insurance for citizens paying off loans. The presence of an insurance policy will relieve the borrower who has lost his ability to work from the need to fully repay the debt to the bank. And in the event of the death of the insured person for the reason specified in the contract, the insurance company will assume all of his credit obligations, thereby relieving his heirs of the financial burden.

Children's insurance

As you know, a child is not always able to correctly predict the consequences of his actions. And high physical activity, characteristic of a young age, leads to the fact that schoolchildren and younger children get injured in a normal environment much more often than people with life experience.

Individuals - his parents or immediate relatives - can take out insurance for a child against an accident (illness).

In this case, an individual insurance policy is issued for the child.

If the insurers are an organization (legal entity), for example, a secondary school, a children's club or a sports section, then most often they enter into a collective insurance agreement for a group of children at once.

Main insurance cases:

  • child being injured;
  • diagnosed serious illness (so-called critical illness);
  • complications after treatment;
  • disability;
  • death of the insured child.

In case of an insured event, parents are paid a certain percentage or the insured amount in full (depending on the terms of the contract).

Sports and accident insurance

The risk of serious injury for people who regularly exercise is slightly higher than for those who do morning exercises as much as possible. Of course, this means sports that involve serious physical activity. Playing chess or checkers, even at a professional level, is clearly not a traumatic sport.

Insurance companies most often offer insurance to professional athletes for the entire duration of their participation in competitions (including travel to the competition site). A period of intense training can also be covered. For amateur athletes, it is most important to purchase an insurance policy if they are involved in traumatic sports, and even more so in extreme sports.

The insurance contract for athletes provides for increasing coefficients, depending primarily on the traumatic nature of the sport, as well as the regularity of competitions and training.

It should be noted that insurance benefits under a regular policy may be denied if the injury was sustained in competition or during extreme physical activity.

Accident insurance and VHI policy

Quite often people confuse illness (accident) insurance with purchasing a voluntary health insurance policy. The main differences between these types of personal insurance:

  • if you have a health insurance policy, only necessary treatment and a number of medical services are provided (paid for);
  • An accident or illness insurance contract provides for the receipt of insurance (monetary) payments in the event of illness of the insured person or injury.

Accident insurance provides for (full or partial) payment of the insured amount in connection with the occurrence of adverse events (or their consequences) related to the life and health of the policyholder or the insured. Accident insurance can be provided in:

  • individual and group(insurance against accidents at work) forms;
  • mandatory(passenger insurance, military insurance) and voluntary.

Accident- a sudden, unforeseen external impact on the human body, the consequence of which is temporary or permanent health disorder or death of the insured.

The consequence of any accident that causes harm to the health or life of a citizen will be a decrease (temporary or permanent) in income and (or) additional expenses arising in connection with the disability or death of the insured. And if the harm caused to health or life cannot be compensated, then the associated material losses are quite possible.

Property interests of citizens associated with such expenses, are subject to accident insurance. An accident can be considered injury, acute poisoning, etc. As a rule, harm to health as a result of an acute or chronic disease, as well as death resulting from suicide, is not an insured event.

Accident insurance is a set of types that provide for obligations for insurance payments in a fixed amount or in the amount of partial or full compensation for additional expenses of the insured person caused by the occurrence of an insured event.

Accident insurance is provided in a voluntary and mandatory manner. may be concluded in one’s own favor or in favor of a third party. The insured has the right to designate any person as the recipient of the insurance amount in the event of his death. In the contract, this person will be called the beneficiary. If the beneficiary is not specified in the contract, and the insured has died, then in such a situation the recipients of the funds will be his heirs by law. Accident insurance can be carried out in a collective form (at the expense of the enterprise) and individually.

The insurance company may set a minimum and maximum age for the insured. There are usually separate insurance rules for children and the elderly, since they represent a high-risk group compared to the bulk of policyholders, since the likelihood of an insured event occurring here increases. Insurance of children against accidents differs in the nature of the insured events included in the terms of the contract.

An insurance contract can be concluded for any period or for the duration of a specific job, trip, etc.

When insuring against an accident, an insured event is recognized as such an external impact on the insured person that entails traumatic injury, injury, other harm to his health or death.

The following events that occurred during the validity period of the insurance contract are recognized as insured events for an individual type of insurance:

  • temporary loss of general working capacity by the insured person;
  • permanent loss of the insured person's general ability to work (disability);
  • death of the insured person resulting from an accident.

When insuring against an accident, damage to health as a result of an acute or chronic disease that may arise or become aggravated during the validity of the insurance contract is not considered as an insured event.

Events must be confirmed by documents issued by competent authorities (medical institutions, court, etc.), which must be submitted by the insured himself.

The insurance company does not make insurance payments in the following cases:

  • commission by the insured person of an intentional crime that led to the occurrence of the insured event;
  • commission by the beneficiary of an intentional crime aimed at and resulting in the occurrence of an insured event resulting in the death of the insured person;
  • the insured person driving a vehicle in a state of any type of intoxication or transferring control to a person who is intoxicated or a person who does not have the right to drive this vehicle;
  • intentional infliction of bodily harm by the insured person;
  • military actions, as well as maneuvers or other military events, civil war, civil unrest or strikes;
  • in case of a nuclear explosion, radiation or radioactive contamination.

If, as a result of an accident, a permanent loss of physical or mental abilities of the insured person or disability occurs, the latter has the right to receive insurance coverage in accordance with the insurance amount established for this risk. Insurance coverage in the event of a risk of disability depends on the degree of disability. If the accident results in temporary disability, the insured person is paid insurance coverage, usually in the form of a daily benefit for the entire period of treatment.

May vary depending on the age, profession, health status of the insured, as well as other factors influencing the degree of risk of an insured event.

Critical illness insurance

The concept of critical illness insurance (hereinafter referred to as CHI) was first proposed by cardiac surgeon Marius Barnard in South Africa in 1983. The market potential of CHI is closely related to the level of development of medical technologies: the more advanced the latter, the greater the likelihood of survival as a result of treatment of the disease. SKZ is an insurance product that is developing at the fastest pace all over the world, compared to other types of life insurance.

Coverage in its basic form is provided as a lump sum, which is paid in the event of the occurrence or diagnosis of one of a number of diseases or medical conditions listed in the policy. Critical illness insurance can act as an elective option to a life insurance policy to provide the policyholder with an additional amount or an advanced portion of the sum insured that is payable upon his death.

The cost of a VHC policy depends on factors such as age, gender, lifestyle, previous medical health conditions, insurance period and sum insured.

TO basic conditions Critical illness insurance includes:

  • providing the insured with a certain amount of money upon diagnosis of any disease listed in the policy. In this case, the insured must live at least 30 days from the date of diagnosis;
  • the insured disposes of the amount of money received at his own discretion;
  • basic coverage covers diseases such as heart attack, stroke, cancer;
  • additionally, the policy can include over 40 types of diseases;
  • in the event of the death of the policyholder, the paid premiums are returned;
  • a critical illness insurance policy can act as a separate insurance product, and any life insurance policies can be added to it as options;
  • the policy period varies from 5 years until the policyholder reaches 65 or 75;
  • the possibility of returning insurance premiums in the absence of claims for payment after 10 years or when the policyholder reaches 75 years of age.

TO basic exceptions The following formulations include:

  • participation in air flights as other than a passenger of a licensed commercial airline;
  • participation in criminal activity;
  • drug abuse. Alcohol or drug addiction (substance abuse) or drug use in cases other than as prescribed by a doctor licensed to practice medicine;
  • non-compliance with medical instructions. Unreasonable failure to comply with or comply with medical or medical orders;
  • dangerous sports or leisure activities (boxing, rock climbing, cave diving, horse riding, skiing, martial arts, yacht and motor boat racing, underwater diving, car testing, auto racing);
  • AIDS/HIV. Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or the occurrence of diseases caused by acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS);
  • long-term residence abroad;
  • deliberate self-harm;
  • war or civil unrest. War, invasion, hostilities (whether war has been declared or not), civil war, riot, revolution, or participation in insurrection or civil commotion.

VHC policies vary depending on the type of coverage (the list of diseases upon the occurrence of which payment is made) and combinations of risks. The simplest policy covers heart attacks, stroke, cancer (i.e. the most common critical illnesses). The second, more complex type of coverage covers cardiovascular surgery, multiple sclerosis, kidney failure, paralysis, blindness, hearing loss, organ loss or transplantation. Some insurers include coverage for Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, coma, loss of speech function, and serious burns. This list does not cover all possible diseases, but guarantees payment in case of most of them. Many modern VHC policies provide protection in case of more than 40 diseases.