A set of exercises for the back, which can be done right at the workplace. Exercises for office workers or office gymnastics

To train the muscles of the press and buttocks in the office without attracting the curious glances of colleagues? Easily! Our expert will tell you how to do it.

"Charging in the office? Is it really impossible to do this at home?!", - skeptics will say after reading the title of the article. However, remember yourself: after two hours spent at the computer, you just want to get up and stretch yourself. Yes, and the time in the office is not always productive, it happens that we spend several hours on telephone conversations, endless correspondence and discussion with colleagues of the latest news. So why not really dilute the office routine with exercise?

Faushtino Joao,

coach of the gym of the club "X-Fit Victory Park".


When it comes to the muscles of the press, many people sigh heavily: working on them always takes quite a lot of time. So why lose it when you're at work? A few exercises will help you tone and maintain your abs.

1. Abdominal retraction

Do the exercise while sitting at your workplace. As you exhale, draw in your stomach as much as possible, fix it for 3-4 seconds. Relax your muscles as you inhale. Exercise comprehensively trains all the muscles of the abdomen. Start with 10 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 50.

2. "Stone press"

As you exhale, tighten your abs with all your might for 3-4 seconds. Relax on the inhale. The number of repetitions is 10-50. This is another exercise for all the abdominal muscles.

3. Pulling the knees to the stomach

Sit up straight, hands on the table. As you exhale, raise your knees to your stomach and lightly press the table top with them. Lower your legs as you inhale. The exercise will be more difficult if you do not put your feet on the floor. The number of repetitions is 10-50. You can replace pulling up your knees with static: while exhaling, press your knees on the table top for 5 seconds. As you inhale, lower your legs, relax. The exercise works mainly on the lower press.

4. Tilts

This exercise can be done if all your colleagues have left the office, and you know that for some time you will be left alone. Starting position - sitting on a chair, back straight, arms lowered. Perform left and right bends. As you exhale, lower yourself to one side until your hand touches the floor. On an inhale, return to the starting position. Then tilt to the other side. The number of slopes in each direction is 10-50. This exercise works the oblique abdominal muscles.

5. Rotations

Sitting on a chair, lift your legs slightly off the floor, rest your hands on the table. As you exhale, rotate on the chair to the left until it stops (try to keep the chest and upper body motionless, rotate only the pelvis). On an inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other side. The number of rotations in each direction is 10-50.

6. Top Spins

Starting position - as in the previous exercise. As you exhale, leaving your pelvis motionless, turn your chest and head to the right in a chair (as if you want to see someone behind your right shoulder). On an inhale, return to the starting position. As you exhale, repeat the rotation to the other side. Perform 10-50 times in each direction. Together with the study of the oblique abdominal muscles, the exercise relieves heaviness in the back.


Another "problem area", in addition to the press, is the buttocks. Many girls are unhappy with this part of the body. Do not be sad: there are a number of special fitness programs, the purpose of which is to give the girl what she wants, that is, involving work on the buttocks. Just do not forget that the result directly depends on your desire and perseverance.

Exercise 1

Sit on the edge of a chair (previously move it slightly away from the table). Feet together, knees pressed together, back straight. Straighten your right leg and at the same time pull the sock towards you. Do the same with the left leg. Do this exercise 30 times on each leg.

Exercise 2

Starting position - as in the previous exercise. Feet together, knees pressed together, back straight. Straighten both legs at the same time and pull your socks towards you. Complete 20 times.

Exercise 3

Starting position - sitting on the edge of the chair, the body is slightly tilted forward. Put your hands on the table in front of you (do not transfer the weight to your hands). Now strongly tighten the muscles of the buttocks and rise above the chair a couple of millimeters. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, then return to the starting position. Do the exercise 10-15 times.

Exercise 4

If you came to work in trousers, you can do the following exercise. Sitting on a chair, knees pressed to each other. Place your hands between your thighs and hold onto the chair with them. Now, with all your strength, press your hips on your hands, tensing your muscles for 5-7 minutes. Repeat this exercise 20 times.

Exercise 5

And finally - the simplest, but such an effective exercise that will help to use the muscles of the legs, buttocks and even the press. It's walking up the stairs! Forget about the elevator, just a couple of flights and you will get a great workout for the body!

In order to maintain and strengthen your health, you need to have tremendous willpower, force yourself to work, train endurance. Only in this case a person achieves results. We have offered you an option on how you can improve your own body by exercising even during a working day in the office. If you do not have the conditions for this, transfer the "office workout" home, do the exercises between times, but the main thing is to do them regularly, and the result will not be long in coming. Good luck and sports achievements!

And again "back to the Future". To replace the abandoned industrial physical education came corporate fitness, or. In the offices of large companies, the process is organized on a grand scale: coaches are invited, special rooms are equipped, peculiar morning discos are arranged, “sloths” are fined and activists are rewarded.

But most often, due to the heavy workload, charging at the workplace is done behind the scenes, individually and on the personal initiative of the employee.

Why Charging at Work is Necessary

The number of employees performing sedentary work in modern life is constantly growing and already exceeds 90 percent. Yes and you have to sit not only in the office, but also for food, in transport, at home in front of the TV. But only in the service you have to occupy the most static position. This is especially true for those who work with clients in companies where there is a strong corporate ethics. In front of everyone, and even under the gaze of the boss, you won’t move much. And very in vain!

Even ancient people believed movement is one of the most effective medicines. Clement Tissot, a military surgeon in the army of Napoleon, said that movement can replace various medicines, but no medicine can replace movement.

In addition to general fatigue, the “siduns” are threatened diseases of the spine and internal organs. Suffering and emotional condition. In addition, the majority “sits out” working days at the computer, which also affects eyes. Gradually, the quality and quantity of work performed decreases. This means that you will have to linger in the evening or catch up on the next day.

And the most terrible consequence of a sedentary lifestyle is hypodynamia, a permanent state of lack of movement, highly dangerous for.

I think I managed to convince everyone that you just need to move.

It will help to increase the overall tone and own efficiency.

How charging works in the workplace

So, charging at the workplace helps:

  • without extra effort change body position;
  • to return joint mobility and restore blood circulation;
  • relax habitually tense muscles and strengthen those that almost do not work when sitting;
  • restore functionality and relieve mental stress.

Charging exercises at the workplace

1. Sit on the edge of a chair(so that the “fifth point” does not lie on it, but so as not to fall). Raise one leg at an angle? 30o from the floor and hold until you get tired. Repeat with the second leg. Additionally, you can artificially strain your thigh muscles.
Useful for: rectus and broad muscles of the thigh, and for the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen.

2. Sit on the edge of a chair. Put your hands on the edge of the table and rest against it. Try to lift yourself (and not drop the table) so that your legs come off the floor.
Useful for: rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, pectoralis major, triceps, thigh muscles, wrist extensors.

3. Put your hand on the outside of your knee(for example, right to right or left to left). Press your hand on your leg, as if you want to move it, and the leg should "resist" the hand. There will be a counter movement. Change arm and leg. You can do it with both hands and feet at once, as well as slowly move your knees in and out. It is also possible to repeat all the above actions when the hands are on top or on the inside of the knee.
Useful for:

4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart behind the chair legs. Place both hands on the edge of the table. Make a movement as if you want to get up from the table in this position, but do not do it (only the “fifth point” will rise a little).
Useful for: arm muscles.

5. Grab a chair from the side and, as it were, pull yourself up with him. You can do it by hand or at the same time.
Useful for: upper limb and back muscles.

6. Place one (both) hand under the thigh close to the knee. Try to lift the "resisting" leg. You can also move your legs up and down.
Useful for: arm muscles, especially for the biceps.

7. Clasp your hands behind the chair. Cross your feet and lift slightly off the floor. Try to pull them in different directions, as if you want to disengage. Swap legs.
Useful for: abdominal muscles and legs.

8. Sit close to the edge of the chair and grasp its edge with your hands. Raise your straight legs slightly off the floor and cross them. Push your top foot over your bottom. Change legs.
Useful for: abdominal and leg muscles.

9. Grasp the front of the chair with your hand. Pull it up like you want to lift it. When you get tired, change your hand, you can use both hands for the exercise at once. You can also lean forward (towards the table) and backwards (toward the back of the chair).
Useful for: tired back.

10. Spread your knees slightly. Place your hands between them with your fingers down and press your palms to each other. Push them on each other. At the same time, you can turn your fingers up and down again.
Useful for: arm and chest muscles.

11. Sit where you are comfortable. Place your feet in front of a chair (at a 90 degree angle). Put your hands on your shoulders. Stretch your legs forward and your arms up. You need to do the movements one by one.
Useful for: various muscles of the arms, legs, abdomen, chest and back.

12. Spread your legs to the sides(as hard as possible) by the legs of the chair. Lower your hands freely. With a straight back, do tilts in different directions.
Useful for: tired back, oblique abdominal muscles.

13.Stretch your hands up and feet forward. Stretch as hard as you can several times.
Useful for: of the whole body.

14. Put your hand under the table top. Apply force, as if you want to lift it (but do not turn it over). Repeat with the other hand. The same situational exercise can be done by placing your hand on the tabletop and pressing down. You can make oncoming movements with both hands - one from above, the second from below, after a while, change their places.
Useful for: pectoralis major, two- and three-headed muscles, superficial muscles of the anterior and posterior groups of the forearm.

15. Place your hands and elbows on the edge of the table(as at a school desk). Clench one hand into a fist and rest on the other. Change hands.
Useful for: muscles of the arms and chest.

16. Grab your wrist with one hand with the other. Gently pull in different directions. Change hands. You can also arbitrarily change the direction of the "pulls". And you can also move the entire “capture”, i.e. clasped hands, in different directions.
Useful for: muscles of the upper limbs, back and chest.

17. When reading from paper, and not from the monitor (documents, books, etc.), keep your hands on weight.
Useful for: upper limb muscles.

Charging at the workplace for the standing body:

1.Clasp your fingers behind your back. Put your feet together. Rise on your toes, and take your hands as far back as possible. At the same time, you can turn your head in different directions.

2. Rest your hands on the table. Put your feet shoulder-width apart. Sit down 10-15 times at a calm pace.

Breathing exercises when charging at the workplace:

Can be done separately from all of the above. But they are better complete the most vigorous body exercises.

Slowly take the deepest breath, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, slowly exhale the deepest. Then inhale and exhale deeply 2 times, but not too much. At the end, inhale and exhale 2 times as usual.

Charging at the workplace for the eyes:

1. Close your eyes - 2-3 sec. Open and look at the most accessible remote point (preferably through the window) - 5-7 seconds. Close your eyes - 2-3 sec. Open and look at the tip of your nose - 5-7 sec. Repeat 10-15 times.

2. Close your eyes immediately after the first exercise. With your fingertips, lightly press on the inner corners of the eyes and gently massage them - 3-5 seconds. Take a break - 7-10 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Blink vigorously several times.

I talked about the most affordable ways to do exercises at the workplace. Now it's up to you.

Even one charging session in the workplace is enough to gain strength and have a productive day, and in the evening do not look and feel like a squeezed lemon.

And, perhaps, it is you who will offer the boss to make exercise at the workplace a company rule and, thus, earn additional authority in his eyes?

G the main thing in summer is to be in shape, and don't say that work takes up all your time. Take a little from her and train for health!

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A modern person spends most of the day sitting: eating, riding in transport, working, relaxing in a cafe or at home at a computer / TV, waiting for his turn to a hairdresser or doctor. More than other categories of the population, this problem concerns office workers - they can spend almost the entire working day in a sitting position. Of course, such a lifestyle will sooner or later result in very serious diseases.

In the Soviet years, there was industrial gymnastics, which was mandatory for all categories of workers. At a certain time, all organizations turned on the radio and performed a set of physical exercises at the expense of the presenter. Today, employers who feel responsible for the health of their subordinates organize gyms for them, and if this is not possible, they offer them group physical education classes. If you are not very lucky with your boss and he does not consider it necessary to worry about your health, take care of it yourself - perform a set of simple exercises 1-2 times during the working day. It is about them that will be discussed in our article. But first, we want to tell you exactly what diseases a sedentary lifestyle can lead to.

What threatens the sitting position

Persons with a sedentary job suffer from osteochondrosis.

In parallel with the increase in the number of office workers, the number of people suffering from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is also increasing. First of all, these are degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, the most famous of which is. In addition, other diseases are also characteristic of this category of people, in particular:

  • pain syndrome in the lower back;
  • strained neck syndrome;
  • syndrome;
  • Hoff's disease of the knee;
  • gastritis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the lungs;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • obesity and others.

In order to prevent or at least reduce the risk of developing these diseases, office employees need to maintain the correct posture in the course of their work and periodically take breaks in work, during which they ventilate the room and perform a set of simple physical exercises. This will help activate blood flow (as people say, disperse blood), speed up metabolic processes, relax tense muscles, which will ultimately improve a person’s well-being and increase his ability to work.

Types of industrial gymnastics

There are several varieties of it, among which the most relevant and in demand are a physical culture break and a physical education minute.

Physical education is carried out by each employee independently with a frequency of every 60-90 minutes. If you do not change the position of the body for a longer time, the intervertebral discs begin to experience an excessive load, which will undoubtedly lead to pathological changes in them. Physical education takes only 2-3 minutes, during which the employee performs 2-4 physical exercises.

Physical culture break is an organized activity. It is carried out 1-2 times during the working day: after 2-3 hours from the start of work and the same amount of time before the end of it. The duration of such a pause is 5-10 minutes, during which employees do exercises under audio accompaniment or following the recommendations of a video trainer.

In addition, each person should start their working day by controlling their working posture: assessing and adjusting the height of the chair, the location of the monitor and keyboard.

What to look out for

Before starting the exercises, you should not miss the following points:

  • it is necessary to ventilate the room in which the classes will be held;
  • the temperature and humidity of the air in it should not be too high (no more than 25 ° C and 70%);
  • if possible, exercises should be performed near your workplace;
  • ideal if you choose the right tempo music for classes;
  • training should be carried out in comfortable, loose clothing and suitable shoes - with a back that securely fixes the heel, a hard sole, a comfortable block and a low, stable heel;
  • it is necessary to abandon too intense exercises (they activate sweating, and you are unlikely to take a shower after class), high-amplitude swings and generally sharp movements (in office clothes, doing such exercises will not be very convenient and is fraught with cracked seams);
  • should be done regularly - every day several times.


The choice of exercises is huge. The program must be developed depending on the gender, age, health status, level of fatigue and general physical fitness of employees. If, while doing the exercises, a person suddenly feels unwell (notes the appearance of weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness or headache), he should pause to rest, reduce the number of repetitions, and also seek medical advice.

We bring to your attention some options for industrial gymnastics exercises:

  1. Starting position (hereinafter referred to as IP): sitting on a chair, holding a small ball between the knees. Squeeze it as much as possible and keep this position for as long as the muscles allow. 1 repetition is enough.
  2. IP: standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are tense. "One" - press the heel of the left foot into the floor, hold it in this position for 7-10 seconds. "Two" - IP. Change leg. The number of repetitions is 10.
  3. IP: sitting on the edge of a chair, leaning forward, hands on the table. "One" - raise the buttocks above the chair, linger for 2-4 seconds. "Two" - return to IP. The number of repetitions is 15-20 times.
  4. IP: sitting on the edge of the chair, back straight, arms around the armrests. Straining the muscles of the arms and chest, squeezing the elbows, pull the armrests towards you. The number of repetitions is 20 times. With fragile armrests, do not perform the exercise.
  5. IP: sitting on a chair. At the expense of "one" - straighten your legs, pull your socks forward; raise your hands and pull them up. On the count of "two" - return to the IP. The number of repetitions is 3 times.
  6. IP: standing behind a chair, putting your hands on its back. On the count of "one" - take one leg back and spread your arms to the sides. On the count of "two" - return to the IP. On the count of "three" - take the second leg and also spread your arms. "Four" - again IP. The number of repetitions is 4 times.
  7. IP: the same as in exercise 6. "One" - take your left leg to the side, raise your right hand. "Two" - return to IP. "Three, four" - do the same with opposite limbs. Repeat a total of 12 times.
  8. IP: sitting on a chair, legs and arms extended parallel to the floor. Tilt your torso to the left and right, while spreading your arms. Perform 10 times in each direction.
  9. IP: sitting on a chair, legs extended parallel to the floor, hands on the belt. Pull the socks towards you in turn. The number of repetitions is 12 times.
  10. IP: standing straight, arms extended forward. "One" - spread your arms to the sides as much as possible. "Two" - return to IP. The number of repetitions is 10 times.
  11. IP: sitting on a chair, back straight, shoulders apart. While inhaling, tighten the buttocks as much as possible, while exhaling, draw in the stomach as far as possible. Do 20-30 repetitions. Perform the exercise rhythmically, do not hold your breath.
  12. IP: sitting on a chair, knees together, bent at right angles, palms resting on the chair behind the back. Keeping your back straight, at the expense of "one" raise your legs bent at the knees, at the expense of "two" - return to the IP. The number of repetitions is 15-30 times.

Eye charger

If you spend most of your working day at a computer or reading / writing papers, this can lead to visual impairment. When the eyes are overworked, the letters on the monitor or paper begin to double, there is pain and burning in the eyes, they water and turn red. Even with the correct position of the monitor relative to the eyes and good lighting, the eyes simply need to take breaks in work. Ideally, they should last 10-15 minutes per hour. Alas, in most cases this is not possible, but it is not difficult to allocate 3-5 minutes per hour for special exercises for the eyes. They will help relax overstressed muscles, relieve tension. You can perform them right at the workplace.

So you should:

  • periodically (every 60-120 minutes) switch vision from close to far - just look into the distance for 5-7 minutes;
  • close your eyes as much as possible, then open your eyes wide; repeat 10 times;
  • make eye movements up / down, left / right, rotate them clockwise and against it; repeat each movement 10 times;
  • reduce your eyes to your nose (try to look at your own bridge of the nose), relax your eyes; repeat 10 times.


In the conditions of the modern world, when most people spend many hours in a row in a sitting position, the incidence of osteochondrosis and some other pathologies is steadily increasing. This is not surprising, because physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle are not the last among the risk factors for their development.

To reduce the likelihood of meeting such diseases face to face, a person who works in an office, spends the whole working day sitting at a computer, is simply obliged to periodically take breaks during which to perform simple physical exercises. You can choose the appropriate complex yourself, based on the level of physical fitness, the presence / absence of somatic diseases and taking into account a number of other factors. By doing them regularly, at least 1-2 times during the working day, after a few sessions you will notice how your health has improved, the pain in your head, back and joints has decreased, your legs have become less swollen, and your working capacity and mood, on the contrary, have increased. . It is not for nothing that they say that movement is life!

TV channel "Moscow. Trust”, certified trainer A. Miroshnikov offers a gymnastics option for office workers:

Industrial gymnastics exercises for enterprises and offices, developed by specialists from Dnepropetrovsk:

If you are sitting at your desk, then during the working day you can perform a set of so-called invisible exercises that are completely invisible to others. For example, you can rest against a wall and feel how your muscles tense up. Such exercises are isometric and develop muscles no worse than our usual dynamic exercises or exercises with weights.

You can perform isometric exercises by leaning against any fixed object - a doorway, a wall, a chair, or a tabletop. The maximum muscle tension in this case should not last more than 6 seconds.

Each exercise should be repeated 4-6 times in a row, and the entire workout will take you about 5-10 minutes.

The following complex can be repeated every 1.5-2 hours.

1. Straighten up, sitting on a chair, take your shoulders back and bring your shoulder blades together, straining your back muscles. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then relax completely. The number of repetitions is 3-5 times.

2. Sitting on a chair, straighten your back, take a deep breath and draw in your stomach. Hold this position for 2 seconds, then relax completely. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

3. Sitting on a chair, clasp the seat with both palms from below and try to lift yourself up. Hold the position for 3-4 seconds, then relax completely. The number of repetitions is 5-6 times.

4. Sitting on a chair, squeeze the gluteal muscles. Hold the position for 4-6 seconds, then relax completely. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

5. Place your hands on the tabletop and press hard. Hold the position for 7-10 seconds, then relax completely. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

6. Sitting in a chair, relax completely and inhale 3-4 times through your nose, and then exhale calmly through your mouth. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

During the break, you can allow yourself to move more actively. For example, to develop a variety of muscle groups without using either an expander or dumbbells: your own muscles will perform the role of these projectiles.

7. With the elbow of the hand (right), rest against the stomach. In this case, the palm should be open, and the forearm and shoulder should form a right angle. Align the left palm with the right. Bend your right arm and try to overcome the resistance of the opposite arm. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times for each hand.

8. Connect the palms in front of the chest and move them to the right and left, overcoming resistance.

9. Rest your palm (right) on your chin. Trying to overcome resistance, turn your head to the right. Do the same to the left side with the other hand.

10. Rest your palm on your thigh and, overcoming resistance, lift your leg to the side up.

The following exercises develop the pectoralis major muscle, which is especially important for a woman who is losing weight. After all, "burning" extra pounds, we must not forget about the need to strengthen and train your body. In particular, the chest should not lose elasticity. The exercises below should be performed 25 times in 4 sets.

11. Cross your arms so that the right palm rests on the left forearm, and the left palm on the right. Mentally concentrate and, tensing your muscles, push your forearms to the sides with your palms.

12. Stretch your arms forward and stretch, looking at your fingertips. Imagine that you need to push a large and heavy object, for which you put all your strength into the movement.

13. Put your hands behind your back, rest them on your buttocks and bend over, feeling how your whole body tenses.

14. Interlace your fingers, stretch your arms with their backs to your chest, and stretch well.

15. Holding onto the support, slowly lean back, gradually straightening your arms. Then let go of the support for a second and grab onto it again so you don't fall. The moment you release the support, the abdominal muscles will contract. Take the starting position and repeat this exercise 3-5 times.

16. Move the stool to the table so that your knees are under its cover. Counting to ten and resting your knees on the tabletop, slowly lean back until your body is in a horizontal position. At the same time, try not to lean on the floor and not to hold on to the legs of the stool. Feel the tension in your abdominal muscles and return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise several times. This exercise can be performed without a table.

17. Sit on the edge of a chair, resting your hands on it. While exhaling, lift the body up, leaning on the hands and tensing the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. Hold this position for 5 counts and return to the starting position. Do the exercise until tired. It helps to improve the condition of the muscles of the arms, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs.

18. Take the starting position, as in the previous exercise. As you exhale, tilt your back back. At the same time, stretch your legs forward. Hold this position for 5 counts and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise until the abdominal muscles are tired.

19. Sit on a chair, resting your hands on it, straighten your legs and lift them low above the floor. Perform the exercise "scissors", alternately crossing your legs.

20. Sit on the edge of a chair with your shoulder blades touching its back. Lower your arms along the body, stretch your legs forward and squeeze your knees tightly. Slowly raise your legs to a height of 30 cm from the floor, making sure not to push your knees apart. Inhale, rest your shoulders against the back of your chair, and as you exhale, count to ten. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

21. Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Alternately raise your arms, trying to reach as high as possible. This exercise develops the lateral muscles. It should be done regularly and pull each hand for at least 5 seconds.

22. Inhale deeply, raise your arms and lean to the left. Take the starting position and lean to the right. Your movements should be strong and energetic. As you bend over, count to five. Repeat the exercise several times for each side.

23. Stand in a doorway with your back, heels, and head against the jamb. Raise your leg and rest it against another jamb so as to block the passage. Tighten your muscles as if you want to push open a doorway. At the same time, you should feel how the lower abdominal muscles tense up. Repeat the exercise.

24. Stand close to the wall, rise on your tiptoes and stretch up, counting to seven and at the same time resting your back against the wall. Repeat the exercise several times!

25. Do 13 squats while holding on to the back of a chair. Make sure your knees don't move apart. Spring on your toes, exhaling on each squat. Try to complete the exercise without interruption.

26. Sitting in a chair, straighten your back, raise your arms, tilt your head back and try to lean back as far as possible. This exercise should be repeated 10 times.

27. Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides. Start walking in place, raising your legs as high as possible. Do this exercise for at least 3 minutes.

28. Starting position - standing, legs apart shoulder width apart, arms raised up. With a swing, lower your straight arms down and cross them in front of your chest, then take the starting position. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

29. Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides. Circular rotation of the body to the right and left. The number of repetitions is 30.

30. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your right hand along the body, rest your left against the wall. Rotate your torso to the right by pulling your shoulder back and down. Change hands and do the exercise on the left side. The number of repetitions is 20.

31. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, put your right hand behind your back. Raise your left hand, put it behind your head and pull your right hand by the elbow. Perform the exercise for 10-20 seconds. The number of repetitions is 20.

Every woman would like to have even, rounded calves and slender hips. But, unfortunately, not all women have ideally shaped legs. For some, they are too thin, for others, on the contrary, they are full. Women try to hide such shortcomings either with trousers or very long skirts. And one can only dream of mini-skirts or shorts, because such clothes emphasize the flaws of the figure.

Currently, toning and shaping specialists have developed a lot of exercises with which you can correct most of the shortcomings of the leg muscles. However, these exercises must be performed regularly, otherwise the classes will be of little use. The best are considered exercises related to lifting on toes. However, in order for these exercises to give the expected effect, they must be performed not on the floor, but standing on a step or, for example, on a thick book.

Production gymnastics for office workers is a system of simple sports exercises performed by company employees during the working day. The sequence of classes is selected depending on many factors of the working regime of a single organization. They are aimed at preventing overwork of employees and increasing their ability to work. Office work contributes to the onset of many diseases that have a negative impact on the general condition of the human body. Day after day, sitting on a chair, managers work at the computer, sometimes forgetting to go to lunch. Such behavior inevitably leads to visual impairment, pain in the back and joints, and overstrain. In the future, overweight, osteochondrosis, sciatica, migraines, and heart disease may appear. Prolonged absence of oxygen adversely affects.

Why do you need office gymnastics?

Advantages of industrial gymnastics:

  • maintenance of working capacity during the working day;
  • warming up the muscles, revitalizing the motor activity of the joints;
  • reduction of emotional tension, irritability and stress.

In order to get less tired and keep you feeling active, you need to take breaks during the working day (exercise minutes and pauses). Usually they last from 2-3 to 10 minutes. A few breaks, sports exercises in the office will help to cheer up and get a surge of strength, preventing the onset of overwork.

Types of industrial gymnastics

Industrial gymnastics includes the following types:

  1. Micropause - vigorous activity for 30-60 seconds. Usually this is a relaxation of muscle tension and self-massage. It is allowed to use micropause quite often.
  2. Fizkultminutka - independent active rest for 2-3 minutes. It includes 3-4 exercises for point influence on a tired muscle ligament.
  3. Physical culture pause is a set of classes for 5-10 minutes, formed with the characteristics of a certain type of working regime to ensure a constant level of endurance and prevent the initial stage of fatigue.
  4. Introductory gymnastics (charging) - the general regular performance of certain exercises, specially selected for the beginning of the labor regime. It takes 7-10 minutes and consists of 6-8 movements, similar to those performed during the production process.

Execution conditions

To select the exercises that make up the office gymnastics complex, it is necessary to take into account the gender and age of the employees involved, as well as their state of health and degree of physical development. It is advisable to provide the following requirements:

  1. Comfortable clothes and shoes. Strict office style and dress code do not imply the appearance at the workplace in a tracksuit. Sneakers or sneakers will not be appropriate. However, during the exercise break, you can take off your jacket and high-heeled shoes in order to make it easier for yourself to exercise. In some organizations, uniforms or overalls are issued, as well as special shoes.
  2. Exercise intensity. A break for active rest takes a few minutes, you don’t need to train too hard, because it is not always possible to take a shower after exercise, besides, excessive sports activity can lead to serious injuries.
  3. Separate room (rest) or hall for gymnastics during the working day. Being in another room is already a kind of relaxation, and the opportunity to turn on the music and work out will provide a good mood and warm up the whole body. Even while studying in the common office and at your desk, do not forget to ventilate the room as often as possible.

What can be the exercises?

Knowledge of the correct working posture, posture and physiology of movement will help you choose the optimal complex of office gymnastics from a variety of simple sports exercises. Exercises suitable for performing at the workplace are listed in the table.

Exercises Starting position for execution
  1. Put your hands on your waist and tilt your head forward, backward, left, right.
  2. Rotation of the hands in one / different directions. Separately (each in turn) and two at once.
  3. Circular movements of the head, shoulders.
  4. Straighten your back, turn the body to the left and right, at each turn you can lunge with a straight arm in the same direction.
  5. Tighten your abdominal muscles, then relax them.
  6. Clench your fist between your knees until your leg muscles are tired.
  7. Stretch your legs forward, slightly lift from the floor and hold for a few minutes.
  8. Rotation of the feet clockwise and counterclockwise.
  9. Tap your feet on the floor.
On the chair
  1. Tilts of the body and head forward, backward and in different directions.
  2. Rotation of the hips in a circle.
  3. Squats.
  4. Wave your arms up and to the sides.
  5. Steps in place (imitation of walking).
  6. Tilt the torso down, reaching for the tips of the toes (touch the shoes).
  1. Relax, take a deep breath, close your eyes for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Open your eyes wide, close your eyes, repeat the action several times in a row.
  3. Look to the sides, up, down, outlining a circle in a clockwise direction (then - in the opposite direction).
  4. 1-2 times per hour to be distracted from the computer monitor, giving your eyes a break (look out the window or just far in front of you).
  5. Simultaneously examine the tip of the nose with both eyes.
  6. It is allowed to lightly massage the area around the eyes and eyebrows with your fingers.
Gymnastics for the eyes

Do each exercise consciously, watch your breathing and try to relax as much as possible.

Technique, as well as the regularity of office gymnastics, are of great importance.

Physical activity at and after work

Whenever possible, try to get up from your chair and move around. Take the documents to the next department. While talking on the phone, walk around the office or corridors. Do not use the elevator, walk through the floors, walk to the cafe at lunchtime. Take a few minutes a day to get out of the office building and into the fresh air. Avoid constant eye strain.

Fill any free time (electricity and Internet outages, waiting for an appointment, writing files to disk) with physical minutes and micro-pauses to minimize the negative feelings of overwork.