Komsomol years. Glorious milestones in the history of the Komsomol! The sentence was carried out

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The worst Best

04.02.2015 01:49

The Komsomol was a mass organization that had a tremendous influence in all spheres of life: industry and the economy, education and science, culture and art, sports, leisure activities.

What is Komsomol?

Komsomol (short for "Communist Union of Youth"), full name - All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM) - a political youth organization in the USSR.

The initiator of the creation and the main ideologist of the Komsomol organization was V.I. Lenin. The tasks of the Youth Unions, read out to them at the III All-Russian Congress of the Komsomol in October 1920, became the fundamental ideological document of the Komsomol.

Two hundred million Soviet citizens had membership cards of the Komsomol. Every institution and enterprise necessarily had a primary organization of the Komsomol. By the beginning of the 1970s, 131 Komsomol newspapers were published with a one-time circulation of 16.6 million copies, including one all-Union newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Komsomol magazines and the Young Guard publishing house were founded.

The origins of the Komsomol

October 29, 1918 - the date of the creation of the Komsomol. This was preceded by the February Revolution of 1917, which contributed to an increase in the socio-political activity of young people in various cities of Russia. Unions of working youth began to appear in the country.

In the autumn of 1918, October 29 to November 4, the All-Russian Congress of UNIONS of working and peasant youth was held in Moscow, at which the unions merged into one common organization - the Russian Communist Youth Union. The congress proclaimed the RKSM, adopted the Program and the Charter of the Union. They said that the Komsomol is an independent organization. The Union set as its goal the political education of the youth, its involvement in economic and state building.

In October 1918, 22,100 people joined the RKSM. Two years later, by the 3rd Congress, the Komsomol had 482,000 members.

Under the leadership of the Komsomol in 1922, a children's political organization was created - the All-Russian, and later the All-Union Pioneer Organization. One of the main initiators of the creation of the pioneers was N.P. Chaplin, General Secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee (1924-1928).

The first breast badges of the Komsomol appeared in 1922. In the center of the badge was the inscription KIM (Communist Youth International), in 1945 it was replaced by the abbreviation VLKSM, and the badges acquired their final form (with the profile of V.I. Lenin) only in 1958.

In 1924, the RKSM was named after V.I. Lenin - Russian Leninist Communist Youth Union (RLKSM). Two years later, it was renamed the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM).

Komsomol awards

On February 20, 1928, in commemoration of military merits for unparalleled heroism during the years of the civil war and foreign intervention, the Soviet government awarded the Komsomol with the Order of the Red Banner.

On January 21, 1931, for the initiative shown in shock work and socialist competition, which ensured the successful implementation of the first five-year plan for the development of the country's national economy, the Soviet government awarded the Komsomol with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

On June 14, 1945, for outstanding services to the Motherland during the years of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany, for the great work in educating Soviet youth in the spirit of selfless devotion to the socialist Fatherland, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the Komsomol with the Order of Lenin.

On October 28, 1948, for outstanding services to the Motherland in the communist education of Soviet youth and active participation in socialist construction, in connection with the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Komsomol, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the Komsomol the second Order of Lenin.

On November 5, 1956, for the selfless and fruitful work of Komsomol members, Soviet boys and girls in the successful development of virgin lands, the Komsomol was awarded the Order of Lenin.

On October 25, 1968, for outstanding services in the formation and strengthening of Soviet power, for fruitful work in educating the younger generation in the spirit of devotion to the precepts of V.I. Lenin and in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, he was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.

Komsomol and war

In 1941, there were more than 10 million Komsomol members in the USSR. About 1 million members of the Komsomol before the war became "Voroshilov shooters", more than 5 million passed the standards for military specialties. They became the "Young Guard" and "Young Avengers". 3.5 thousand became Heroes of the Soviet Union, 3.5 million were awarded orders and medals. Special units of Komsomol girls numbered in their ranks more than 200 thousand machine gunners, snipers and specialists in other specialties. For their military merits in the fight against the Nazi invaders, 100 thousand girls were awarded orders and medals, 58 of whom received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Komsomol is...

Almost all students of secondary schools were accepted into the Komsomol. The Komsomol sent and assigned to work on "Komsomol vouchers", implemented a housing program. At the initiative of the Komsomol, two-year evening schools for the semi-literate were created in the country, and a new mass form of technical training for workers, the technical minimum, appeared.

The Komsomol became not just mass, but almost universal.

Belonging to the Komsomol was taken into account everywhere - after all, more active, advanced and proven youth joined the Komsomol, which made it a mass and even super-mass organization.

The Komsomol movement is a bright page in history; millions of young people of the Soviet Union passed through the Komsomol school. For many decades, the Komsomol badge has been an indispensable attribute of an active life position and a source of pride, because Komsomol members have always been at the center of the most significant events in the history of the country and people.

Under the influence of the labor movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. student movement intensified in the country. Bolshevik organizations in higher educational institutions helped the party unite democratic students and promote the ideas of Marxism.

The Bolsheviks worked with the youth in factories and factories, in the villages, in legal societies, Sunday schools, in soldiers' barracks, in illegal circles, fighting squads, in preparation for a strike or demonstration - everywhere they involved them in the struggle for communism. In the revolutionary battles, the young generation of the working class and the working peasantry was formed. After the victory of the February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917, circles, committees of working youth, and then unions began to spring up in factories and factories in Petrograd, Moscow, and other industrial centers.

During the Great October Revolution, a turning point occurred in the life of the Soviet people. By decrees of the Soviet government, a 6-hour working day was established for adolescents, the work of children under 14 years of age was prohibited, labor protection was established, and industrial training of young people was introduced at the expense of the state. The doors of the secondary and higher schools were opened to the children of workers and laboring peasants.

The socialist transformation of the country set before the party the task of creating a single youth organization, designed to involve the younger generation in the construction of socialism, to educate people of a new, communist era. At the same time, youth unions sought to unite on the Bolshevik platform. .

The 1st All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth (October 29 - November 4, 1918) united the disparate unions into an all-Russian organization with a single center, working under the leadership of the Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks. The congress adopted the basic principles of the program and the charter of the RKSM. The theses approved by the congress said: "The Union sets itself the goal of spreading the ideas of communism and involving the youth of workers and peasants in the active construction of Soviet Russia."

The new youth organization bore communist tasks, it was designed to ensure the role of a “transmission belt” in the system of the dictatorship of the proletariat, linking the party with the widest sections of working youth, to be a conductor of party influence on the masses, and played the role of a reserve of the Communist Party.

In connection with the formation of the Komsomol, the Central Committee of the RCP (b) in November 1918 sent a circular letter to all party organizations, which indicated that the RKSM was a school that trained new conscious cadres of communists. To strengthen the Komsomol, the Central Committee of the RCP (b) recommended that party members of Komsomol age join the RKSM and take an active part in the work of its organizations. The 8th Congress of the RCP (b) (1919) adopted a special resolution "On work among the youth." The congress recognized the RKSM as an organization carrying out tremendous work in uniting and communist education of the youth, drawing the proletarian youth into the building of communism and organizing it for the defense of the Soviet Republic. The congress stressed the need for ideological and material support for the Komsomol from the party.

The Komsomol saw the whole meaning of its activity in the implementation of the decisions of the party and the Soviet government, the implementation of the great Program for building a communist society in the USSR. From this it followed that the Komsomol carried out political tasks, although according to the charter it was called a public organization. To define the VLKSM as a political or socio-political union would mean giving it the official role of a political entity, which will not only participate in solving the political tasks of the party, but also make political decisions.

Komsomol grew and developed as a multinational organization of Soviet youth, standing on the principles of proletarian internationalism. Already at its 1st congress, among the delegates were envoys from the regions of Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus occupied by foreign interventionists. After the congress, organizations began to take shape in the Soviet socialist republics. They united Komsomol members of all nationalities living in their territories, and were an integral part of the RKSM.

The Komsomol fought to unite the international workers' youth movement. The 2nd Congress of the RKSM (October 1919) appealed to the proletarian youth of the whole world with an appeal to create the Communist Youth International (KIM). With the active participation of the RKSM, the International Youth Congress was convened in Berlin in November 1919, which was the founding congress of the Kim. The Soviet Komsomol was its active member.

Following the principles laid down by V.I. Lenin, the decisions of the 14th (1925) and 15th (1927) congresses of the CPSU (b), the 7th (March 1926; RLKSM was renamed the Komsomol) and the 8th (1928) The congresses of the Komsomol put before the Komsomol members the task of fighting for the industrialization of the country, the socialist reorganization of agriculture, and for the mastery of science and technology.

The Komsomol actively participated in the cultural revolution, the 8th Congress of the Komsomol announced the All-Union Cult Campaign to Eliminate Illiteracy. "Shock detachments for educational program" were created, thousands of Komsomol members joined the ranks of the "cult members". They taught the illiterate, created new educational programs, opened reading rooms and libraries. In 1930, the Komsomol took patronage of general education and initiated the creation of two-year evening schools for the semi-literate. In the course of socialist construction, urgent problems arose in the training of qualified personnel and the creation of a new, socialist intelligentsia. The Komsomol announced a campaign of youth in science.

In the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, an especially large role belonged to the Leninist Komsomol. The VLKSM, which had over 9 million members during the war years, gave the Red Army and Navy 3,500,000 men. The school Komsomol worked to help the front. Tens of thousands of Komsomol high school students, together with their teachers, went to the front, joined partisan detachments, and became scouts.

In total, during the war years, 7 thousand members of the Komsomol became heroes of the USSR. The Komsomol itself was awarded in 1945 - the Order of Lenin - for outstanding services to the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War and in

1948 - Order of Lenin - in honor of the 30th anniversary and for merits in the restoration of the national economy destroyed by the war.

After the 8th congress, the Komsomol did not weaken its participation in economic and state construction, paying special attention to the ideological education of young people, the organization of their education, and the physical development of young men and women.

Komsomol paid special attention to the ideological education of young people and to raising the general educational, cultural and technical level, because this was the main purpose and central task of the Komsomol youth. The Komsomol was called upon, as written in the Program of the CPSU, to help the CPSU and the Soviet state "educate young people in the spirit of communism, involve them in the practical construction of a new society, prepare a generation of comprehensively developed people who will live, work and manage public affairs under communism" . In the line of educating and preparing young people for life and work in a communist society and for managing its affairs, all the activities of the Komsomol and its practical labor participation in communist construction are being developed.

Not having any separate functions of the state or, like trade unions and some other public organizations, the functions of individual state bodies, the Komsomol, nevertheless - mainly on its own initiative - takes the most active part in their implementation. This participation, as well as its possibilities, has significantly increased and expanded, which is connected, first of all, with qualitative changes in the Komsomol itself, the growth of its educational work.

The 20th Congress of the CPSU (1956) and subsequent events of the Communist Party and the Soviet government were of great importance in the activities of the Komsomol. The 20th Congress of the CPSU, noting the merits of the Komsomol, at the same time revealed serious shortcomings in the ideological and educational work of the Komsomol. The congress noted that the Komsomol organizations were sometimes unable to involve the youth in practical work and substituted resolutions, pomp and hype for live organizational work. The 13th Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (April 1958) worked out, on the basis of the decisions of the 20th Congress of the CPSU, measures to activate the Komsomol in communist construction, to expand Komsomol democracy.

Of no small importance in the history of the Komsomol was the 22nd Congress of the CPSU (1961), which adopted a new Party Program. The congress paid great attention to the youth. The program of the CPSU became the combat program of the activity of the Komsomol. The 14th Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (April 1962) worked out specific ways of accomplishing the tasks of communist construction. The 15th Congress of the Komsomol (May 1966), based on the decisions of the 23rd Congress of the CPSU (1966), determined further tasks for the communist education of youth, for the implementation of a new five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR for 1966-70. The 16th Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (May 1970) summed up the work of the Komsomol in solving the tasks set, determined the direction for further activities in educating young men and women in the spirit of Lenin's precepts, the 16th Congress called on Komsomol members, all the youth of the USSR to take a massive part in the scientific and technological revolution , improving the organization of production and its management. The role of youth in the political and economic life of the country is great. .

Komsomol participated in the management of the affairs of the Soviet state. Its representatives worked in state, trade union bodies, in the bodies of people's control, culture and sports.

Questions of the work of the Komsomol were regularly discussed at congresses, party conferences, and plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU. The order of relations between the party and the Komsomol, approved under Lenin, remained unshakable throughout the entire period of the existence of the Komsomol, with the exception of the last year. The forms of leadership, the degree of intervention, the level of tutelage changed, but the essence remained unchanged. The content of the principle of party leadership of the Komsomol was that, based on its political program, the CPSU determined for the Komsomol its main tasks for the implementation of state plans for the development of the national economy, the communist education of the younger generation. Education included not only the development of a communist worldview, but the formation of a harmoniously developed personality - an active builder of a new society.

The party provided practical assistance (material, financial and administrative) in solving the current tasks of the Komsomol, and also carried out the selection and placement of personnel in the Komsomol from top to bottom. The election of leading bodies at Komsomol meetings, conferences and congresses was in fact a formal act, since the question of the personal composition was predetermined by party authorities. Thus, in essence, intra-union democracy, the most important element of which are elections, was abolished.

The Party at all levels exercised control over the implementation of the directives of the Party committees and takes organizational and other measures in case of non-fulfilment.

The Charter of the CPSU had a special section "Party and Komsomol". It defined the role of the Communist Party as the leader of the Komsomol and the role of the Komsomol as an assistant and reserve of the party. The resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On the 50th Anniversary of the Komsomol and the Tasks of the Communist Education of Youth" defines the main areas of activity of the Komsomol, outlines specific measures to ensure an increase in the role and responsibility of the Komsomol in economic, cultural and state construction.

The Central Committee of the CPSU formulated the tasks of the Komsomol. They consisted in preparing a generation of comprehensively developed, highly educated people capable of managing the affairs of society and the state. He formed among young men and women a communist attitude towards work, socialist property, responsibility for the affairs of the collective and society, he ensured that they clearly recognized the inseparable connection between personal ideals and the great goals of the people. He brought up the younger generation in the spirit of communist morality and morality. The 16th Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League outlined ways to carry out the tasks set by the party for the Soviet youth. After the 16th Congress, the Komsomol launched a great deal of work to mobilize the youth for the successful completion of the 8th Five-Year Plan.

Thus, the Komsomol was one of the main organizations involved in the education of young people in the Soviet Union. He had influence on most of the cells of society. The VLKSM was a propagandist of the ideas of Marxism-Leninism, participated in managing the affairs of the Soviet state. The Central Committee of the CPSU set before the Komsomol many important tasks that needed to be implemented in order to successfully educate the younger generation. The party leadership gave the Komsomol strength, as it is written in the Charter of the Komsomol. With the support of party bodies, the Komsomol reached the highest levels of government, which was of great importance for solving large-scale issues related to education, work, recreation, and organizing youth leisure. With the support of the party, the Komsomol overcame bureaucratic barriers, callousness, formalism of state departments.

The largest parties in many countries of the world have a youth wing. This practice is especially common in parties that merge with the state apparatus and serve as the backbone of an authoritarian society. Under the only party of the Soviet Union, there was also a youth organization - Komsomol.

Unions of working youth

The formation of unions, which later became the basis of the Komsomol, began soon after the February Revolution. In Petrograd, and later in other cities of Russia, the Socialist Unions of Working Youth (SSRM) were formed under the party cells of the RSDLP (b). By October 1917, the number of such unions was so great that it was necessary to create a coordinating body for them. Three days after the October Revolution, the founding congress of unions of working youth began in Petrograd, which proclaimed the creation of the Russian Union of Communist Youth (RKSM).

The first years of the RKSM and Komsomol

At the beginning of its existence, the RKSM was not a general organization. It united only people who were truly devoted to the Bolshevik ideology. However, by 1922, membership in the Komsomol was already an obligatory sign of loyalty to the authorities, and by the beginning of the thirties it became almost universal in the cities. The path to the Komsomol was closed to youth with a "class hostile" origin and representatives of religious sects. Exclusion from the Komsomol guaranteed to lead to the loss of career prospects and expulsion from a higher educational institution.

After Lenin's death, the Komsomol was given his name. At the same time, the organization turned from a Russian into an all-Union one. This is how the famous abbreviation VLKSM appeared. Until 1943, the Komsomol was part of the Communist Youth International, so the first Komsomol badges bear the inscription KIM. Only after the war it was replaced by the name of the All-Union Organization.

Tasks of the Komsomol

The Komsomol was accepted from the age of 14, and membership in the union was interrupted at the age of 28. Naturally, it was the Komsomol members who were the most active part of the population of the USSR. In the implementation of any undertakings of the government, the main youth organization of the country was at the forefront. In the thirties, the Komsomol took patronage over the schools of general education, which eliminated illiteracy. In the countryside, Komsomol members became the main propagandists for the unification of peasant farms into collective farms.

Many Komsomol members underwent active physical training, passed the TRP standards, shooting and topography standards. The skills of the Komsomol members came in handy during the Great Patriotic War. Thousands of members of the Komsomol showed heroism at the front. In the occupied territories, Komsomol members formed the basis of underground organizations. At least one of them, the "Young Guard" in the city of Krasnodon, consisted entirely of Komsomol members.

The activities of the Komsomol in the post-war years

After the war, the Komsomol remained the backbone of the Communist Party. But the nature of interaction between the Komsomol and the CPSU has changed. Paramilitary organizations and Komsomol propaganda teams were replaced by large-scale projects for the development of the Asian part of the USSR. The first such project was the development of virgin lands. It was followed by a number of Komsomol construction projects: the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, the Volga Automobile Plant and the famous Baikal-Amur Mainline. Gradually, membership in the Komsomol turned into a mere formality. In 1989, the norm was canceled, according to which a characteristic from the Komsomol was required for admission to a university.

In the party apparatus, voices about the need to reform the Komsomol sounded louder and louder. In 1990, the Estonian and Lithuanian Komsomols left the All-Union organization. After the August coup, the Komsomol dissolved itself. Today in Russia there are several revived Komsomol movements, both independent and belonging to different left parties. But none of them, in terms of the scale of their activities, can be compared with the Komsomol of the Soviet era.

The Komsomol is an organization that for decades served as a school of life for many generations of Soviet people; an organization that has made a huge contribution to the heroic history of our Motherland; an organization that today and will continue to unite young people who are not indifferent to the fate of the country and the people, in whose hearts the flame of the struggle for justice burns, so that a working man can walk with his head held high on the land forever liberated from exploitation, poverty and lawlessness.

There are no other examples in history of such a powerful youth movement as the Lenin Komsomol was. In peacetime and during wars, shoulder to shoulder with the communists, Komsomol members were the first to go into battle, into the virgin lands, to construction sites, into space and led the youth. At each historical milestone, the Komsomol brought forth thousands and thousands of young heroes from its ranks, who glorified it with their exploits. Their example of selfless service to the Motherland, the people will always be in the memory of present and future generations.

And it all began in the distant revolutionary year of 1917 with the creation of socialist unions of working, peasant and student youth. But they were all divided. Therefore, already in 1918, on October 29, the First All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth began its work, which brought together 195 delegates from all over Russia and united disparate youth organizations into a single monolithic Russian Communist Youth Union. Day October 29 and became the birthday of the Komsomol.

After the congress in all regions or, as they were then called, provinces, general meetings of the unions of workers' and peasants' youth were held.

The chronicle of the heroic deeds of the Komsomol is endless. Six orders burn brightly on his banner. This is a nationwide recognition of the merits of the Komsomol to the Motherland. Everyone knew the Komsomol heroes: Lyubov Shevtsova, Oleg Koshevoy, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov, Liza Chaikina... Eternal glory and memory to them!

The Komsomol is an organization that shapes a person, his personal qualities. Here the life views of young people were affirmed, here the first experience of social work was acquired. The Komsomol is the foundation that formed the Soviet man. Of course, there was everything in the Komsomol. It was good, it was not so good. There were bureaucratic moments that irritated young people, but these moments were criticized. However, fundamentally, it was a wonderful public organization. The Komsomol formed the worldview in certain coordinates - the Soviet worldview. The Komsomol is youth. Komsomol is the most wonderful memories! The Komsomol is energy, purposefulness, the desire to turn this world around and make it better!

Komsomol is my destiny

Performed by: VIA "Gems" 1918-1928
The RKSM was an active participant in the Civil War; he spent three all-Russian mobilization to the front. According to incomplete data, the Komsomol sent more than 75,000 members to the Red Army in 1918-20. In total, up to 200 thousand Komsomol members participated in the struggle of the Soviet people against the interventionists, White Guards and bandits. They fought heroically against the enemies: 19-year-old commander of the 30th division Albert Lapin, future writers Nikolai Ostrovsky and Arkady Gaidar, armored train commander Lyudmila Makiyevskaya, commissars Alexander Kondratiev and Anatoly Popov, leader of the Far Eastern Komsomol Vitaly Banevur and many others. The Komsomol fought selflessly behind enemy lines. In Odessa, the Komsomol underground numbered over 300 people, in Riga - about 200 people, underground Komsomol groups operated in Yekaterinodar (Krasnodar), Simferopol, Rostov-on-Don, Nikolaev, Tbilisi, etc. Many Komsomol members died a heroic death in battles to defend the conquests October revolution. In severe trials, the Komsomol got stronger and grew. Despite the huge sacrifices that he made on the fronts, his number increased 20 times: in October 1918 - 22,100, in October 1920 - 482,000. In commemoration of military merits on the fronts of the Civil War in the period 1919-20 against the troops of the White Guard generals of Kolchak , Denikin, Yudenich, the White Poles and Wrangel, the Komsomol in 1928 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner by a decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.

Komsomol members of the 20th year

Music: O. Feltsman Lyrics: V. Voinovich
Performed by: V. Troshin 1929-1941
After the Civil War, the Komsomol was faced with the task of preparing the worker and peasant youth for peaceful, creative activity. In October 1920, the 3rd Congress of the RKSM was held. Lenin's speech at the congress on October 2, 1920, "The Tasks of Youth Unions," was the guide for the activities of the Komsomol. Lenin saw the main goal of the Komsomol in "... helping the party to build communism and helping the entire young generation to create a communist society." The Komsomol directed all its efforts to the restoration of the national economy destroyed during the war. Boys and girls participated in the restoration of factories in Petrograd, Moscow, the Urals, mines and factories in the Donbass, and the country's railways. In September 1920, the first All-Russian Youth Subbotnik was held. Komsomol members assisted the Soviet government in the fight against speculation, sabotage, and banditry. In 1929, the Komsomol carried out the first mobilization of youth for the new buildings of the 1st Five-Year Plan. More than 200,000 Komsomol members came to the construction sites with vouchers from their organizations. With the active participation of the Komsomol, the Dneproges, the Moscow and Gorky Automobile Plants, the Stalingrad Tractor Plant, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, the Turksib railway, etc. were built. development of the national economy ... "The Komsomol was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

Far Eastern song

Music: B. Shikhov Lyrics: A. Pomorsky 1929
Performed by: VR&T Big Choir. Execution 1970 1941-1945
The Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 was a severe test for the entire Soviet people and its younger generation. The Komsomol, all Soviet youth, at the call of the Communist Party, came out to fight the Nazi invaders. Already in the first year of the war, about 2 million Komsomol members joined the ranks of the Red Army. Unprecedented courage, bravery, heroism were shown by Komsomol members, young men and women, defending Brest, Liepaja, Odessa, Sevastopol, Smolensk, Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Stalingrad, other cities and regions of the country from the enemy. Only the Komsomol organization of Moscow and the region in the first 5 months of the war sent over 300 thousand people to the front; 90% of the members of the Leningrad organization of the Komsomol fought against the Nazi invaders on the outskirts of the city of Lenin. Fearlessly, young partisans and underground fighters of Belarus, the occupied regions of the RSFSR, Ukraine, and the Baltic states acted behind enemy lines. Partisan detachments consisted of 30-45% Komsomol members. Unparalleled heroism was shown by members of the underground Komsomol organizations - the Young Guard (Krasnodon), the Partisan Spark (Nikolaev region), the Lyudinovo underground Komsomol group, and others. In 1941-45, about 12 million boys and girls joined the Komsomol. Of the 7 thousand Heroes of the Soviet Union under the age of 30, 3.5 thousand are Komsomol members (of which 60 are twice Heroes of the Soviet Union), 3.5 million Komsomol members were awarded orders and medals. The names of members of the Komsomol who fell in the fight against the fascist invaders: Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Chekalin, Liza Chaikina, Alexander Matrosov, Viktor Talalikhin and many others - have become a symbol of courage, courage, heroism. For outstanding services to the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War and for the great work in educating Soviet youth in the spirit of selfless devotion to the socialist Fatherland of the Komsomol, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on June 14, 1945, he was awarded the Order of Lenin.

("Goodbye, mother, do not grieve, do not be sad,
wish us a good journey")

Music: V. Solovyov-Sedoy Lyrics: A. Galich 1947
Performed by: KRAPPSA, solo. O. Razumovsky Execution 1950 1945-1948
The Komsomol has invested a great deal of work in restoring the national economy destroyed by the Nazi invaders, in the construction of Minsk, Smolensk, Stalingrad, in the restoration of Leningrad, Kharkov, Kursk, Voronezh, Sevastopol, Odessa, Rostov-on-Don and many other cities, in the revival of industry and cities of Donbass, Dneproges, collective farms, state farms and MTS. In 1948 alone, the youth built and put into operation 6,200 rural power stations. The Komsomol showed great concern for the placement of children and adolescents left without parents, for the expansion of the network of orphanages and vocational schools, and the construction of schools. In 1948, the Komsomol celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. On October 28, 1948, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarded the Komsomol with the second Order of Lenin.

Komsomol members
(Unforgettable song of the beautiful Stalin era.)

Music: A. Ostrovsky Lyrics: L. Oshanin
Performed by: I. D. Shmelev, Choir and Orc. p / at V.N. Knushevitsky Execution 1948.
The Komsomol took an active part in the implementation of the measures worked out by the Party for the advancement of agriculture. Thousands of young specialists, workers and employees, graduates of secondary schools were sent to state farms, collective farms, MTS. In 1954-55, more than 350,000 young people left on Komsomol vouchers to develop the virgin lands of Kazakhstan, Altai, and Siberia. Their work was a real feat. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was awarded the third Order of Lenin on November 5, 1956 for active participation in communist construction and especially for the development of virgin lands of the Komsomol.

Friends on the road!

Music: Anatoly Lepin Lyrics: Alexei Fatyanov 1959
Performed by: actor Leonid Kharitonov and others. Performed in 1959. 1956-1991
The scale of activity of the Komsomol in solving national economic problems, in particular, in the development of the wealth of Siberia, the Far East and the Far North, in the redistribution of the country's labor resources, has significantly expanded. More than 70,000 All-Union detachments have been formed, and more than 500,000 young people have been sent to new buildings. With the most active participation of young people, about 1,500 important facilities were built and put into operation, including the largest in the world - the Bratsk hydroelectric power station, the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant, the Baikal-Amur Mainline named after Lenin Komsomol, the Druzhba oil pipeline, etc. The Komsomol sponsored 100 shock construction projects , including over the development of the unique oil and gas resources of the Tyumen and Tomsk regions. Student construction teams have become a tradition of university Komsomol members. Millions of students took part in labor semesters. At the initiative of the Komsomol, the construction of youth residential complexes became widespread. Youth residential complexes have been built in 156 cities and regions of the country. The Komsomol is the initiator of all-Union campaigns to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory, in which millions of young men and women take part. The children's and youth competitions "Golden Puck", "Leather Ball", "Olympic Spring", "Neptune" and the all-Union military sports game "Zarnitsa" held by the Central Committee of the Komsomol have become truly massive. Komsomol and Soviet youth organizations cooperated with international, regional, national and local youth associations in 129 countries of the world. On July 5, 1956, the Committee of Youth Organizations of the USSR was established; on May 10, 1958, the Sputnik International Youth Tourism Bureau was established. In four years, more than 22 million young people traveled around the country through Sputnik, and 1.7 million people went abroad. In 1968, for the outstanding services and great contribution of Komsomol members to the formation and strengthening of Soviet power, courage and heroism shown in battles with the enemies of the socialist Fatherland, active participation in the construction of socialism, for fruitful work in the political education of the younger generations in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, he was awarded Order of the October Revolution.

Komsomol tradition

Music: O. Feltsman Lyrics: I. Shaferan
Performed by: Vladislav Lynkovsky Performed in 1968

the datecongressResolutions
October 29 - November 4
I Congress of the RKSM The unification of disparate youth organizations of a socialist and communist orientation into an all-Russian organization with a single center, working under the leadership of the RCP (b). The main principles of the program and the charter of the RKSM were adopted.
October 5 - 8
II Congress of the RKSM An appeal to the proletarian youth of the whole world with an appeal to create the Communist Youth International (KIM).
October 2 - 10
III Congress of the RKSM The tasks of socialist construction and communist education of the youth, restoration of the national economy destroyed during the war years were determined.
September 21 - 28
IV Congress of the RKSM
October 11 - 17
V Congress of the RKSM
July 12 - 18
VI Congress of the RKSM RKSM named after V. I. Lenin
March 11 - 22
VII Congress of the Komsomol Support for the party line in the fight against Trotskyism. RKSM renamed into VLKSM.
May 5 - 16
VIII Congress of the Komsomol
January 16 - 26
IX Congress of the Komsomol
April 11 - 21
X Congress of the Komsomol
March 29 - April 7
XI Congress of the Komsomol
March 19 - 27
XII Congress of the Komsomol
April 15 - 18
XIII Congress of the Komsomol
April 16 - 20
XIV Congress of the Komsomol The Charter of the Komsomol was adopted
May 17 - 21
XV Congress of the Komsomol
May 26 - 30
XVI Congress of the Komsomol
April 23 - 27
XVII Congress of the Komsomol
April 25 - 28
XVIII Congress of the Komsomol
May 18 - 21
XIX Congress of the Komsomol
April 15 - 18
XX Congress of the Komsomol
April 11 - 18
XXI Congress of the Komsomol
September 27 - 28
XXII Congress of the Komsomol

On October 29, 1918, at the First All-Russian Congress of Unions of Workers' and Peasants' Youth, a decision was made to unite separate disparate unions into an all-Russian organization with a single center, working under the leadership of the Communist Party of Bolsheviks - the Russian Communist Youth Union (RKSM).

In 1924, after the death of V.I. Lenin, he received the name of the leader, and in 1926 was renamed the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM). Over 160 million people passed through the ranks of the Komsomol in 73 years. For example, in 1977 alone, more than 36 million young people of all nations and nationalities of the USSR were members of the Komsomol.

One of the brightest pages in the history of the Komsomol was the initiation and support in 1978–1990 of the MZhK (youth housing complex) movement, a large-scale socio-economic experiment that got out of centralized control. The activists of the new youth movement, having comprehended the foundations of the ideology of building communism and in practice encountered the essence of this ideology, in the late 1980s moved to the position of democratization and decommunization of the country. In fact, the representatives of the WJK at the last, XXI Congress of the Komsomol, were the main supporters of the liquidation of the All-Union Communist Youth Organization.

The decision to dissolve the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union was made on September 27-28, 1991 at the XXII Extraordinary Congress of the Komsomol.
In modern Russia, the ideological successors of the Komsomol are various youth public organizations.

I was a pilgrimage sometime
Young children and children.
Βeruliu ʙ good, hard work.
And considering not laziness.
Стɑρшux u other-drygɑ yʙɑzhɑlu,
Hugo was not seen anywhere.
Γoryacho pain
Cʙoego powerful nɑρodɑ.
I’m happy to serve you every day,
Tex, that ĸɑĸ u ʙ peϲne: "Young ʙechno",
Tex, that this path has passed.
Happy birthday, hommomol!

The glorious path traveled, honorably deserved military and labor awards, when all activities began to be reduced to regular reports and events for show, and the organization itself turned into a huge bureaucratic apparatus, remained in the past. Nevertheless (or because of this), there are many former Komsomol leaders of various ranks among the successful bankers, entrepreneurs, and politicians today.

Today, today, it has passed -
I support you, please!
Let him be so-so,
Hɑm not good at times,
A lot of way from nɑϲ wanted,
I couldn’t bear thoughts of red…
Ho he WAS, u ʙ this is the case.
3ɑ of it I will drink a little!