Coworking center of the agency for strategic initiatives boiling point. ASI strategic initiatives and “boiling points”

2 About “Boiling Point” The purpose of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives is to create opportunities for self-realization for young ambitious leaders who are capable of bringing Russia to the forefront in the world and building a country in which one would like to live and work. Foresight fleet on the pier BOILING POINT is a platform: where project leaders in the field of innovation, business, industry and social entrepreneurship meet, where leaders grow through modern and effective educational formats, where demonstration, mutual enrichment and replication of life-changing ideas and practices take place in Russia for the better where a real prototype of Russia is being created as a country where you want to live and work

Projects Basic model Foresights Road maps Leaders and teams Full cycle programs Methodological seminars Master classes Trainings Open lectures Acceleration sessions Planning and strategizing sessions Foresight sessions Who/what do we work with What do we do Agency strategy Presentations of best practices 7 7

Projects Examples of events Foresights Roadmaps Leaders and teams Full-cycle programs Methodological seminars Master classes Trainings Open lectures Acceleration sessions Planning and strategizing sessions Foresight sessions Presentations of best practices - New GMC model 7 7 Coach Environment School of efficiency Seminar workshop “Life as a profession” Lecture Bill Cullifer Development of professional standards Development of the Rapid Foresight method “Boiler”: acceleration of new projects of “Young Professionals” Technical platform “Childhood Infrastructure” Preventive medicine Development of the Far East “Corporate Director” Preventive medicine Neuronet Development of working professions Distance multilingual education

6 Neuronet Foresight Development period: October 12 – November 13, 2013. Main participants: - Neurophysiologists - System architects (network architects) - Psychologists / Psychopractitioners - IT specialists - Philosophers Main organizational and content conclusions: - Two one-day sessions were held with the development of intermediate results; -More than 55 people took part in two sessions, a core of about 15 people was formed, ready to get involved in specific projects, product development, strategic meetings, writing texts on the topic of neuronet development; -3 “maps of the future” were generated in the following areas: “collective subject”, “individual subject”, “physiological substrate - body”; -The Neuronet architecture is built on the basis of the existing Internet architecture (including Internet of Things protocols); -Assessment of network capacity is necessary (formation of a group on neurocontent); -It is necessary to form a universal language of the Internet; -Testing/refinement of Neuronet protocols should be carried out within professional communities (polygraph examiners, wellness, gamers, MOOCs, entertainment industry). Plans for further work: - Formation of a package of materials for the press: maps, presentations; -Writing a report on the neuronet (thesis, key conclusions from sessions and meetings of the core group, reflections on the neuronet by leading stakeholders); -Filling with content and launching a website on NeuroNet; -Program of meetings of the core of interested parties to work with specific projects; -Development of an interdisciplinary training program for startups; using modern technologies, incl. Neuronet development.

7 Foresight of Preventive Medicine Development period: October 9 – November 6, 2013 Main participants: -Members of the professional community “Preventive Medicine”; -Psychologists / psychopractitioners / philosophers -Systemic therapists / integral therapists Main organizational and content conclusions: -As a result of two sessions, 2 “maps of the future” were formed in the areas of “collective” and “individual subject”. A final “map of the future” for the development of integrative therapeutic practices has also been formed. A working group has been formed to develop specific projects in collaboration with the professional community “Preventive Medicine” -Two main issues/tasks have been identified: the formation of a universal language (psychopracticians & doctors) to convey information about restoring integrity and restoring integrity as a skill of self-identification (skill of presence) -Can there are two types of therapeutic projects: “fast” - transformational, regenerative practices (NLP); “Slow” - gradual recovery from the environment. At the same time, the methods of work of integrative practices: adaptive, self-regulatory, restorative, transformational. Perhaps intermediary cultures are needed - online communities as mediators of the translation of Eastern therapy - Western therapy. Eclectic, omnivorous and large-scale. Multicultural therapy -Development of transition skills (identification/disidentification with the virtual world) is a universal competence. A personal core that allows you to choose where and how to walk/transition. -Disease is a myth of pharmaceutical companies. Personification of diseases – manipulations of “big pharma”. What is disease and where does “true destruction” begin? -A teacher is none other than a therapist, and a therapist is none other than a teacher. -Retraining of social services into social elevators! Improving the quality of the nation. -State stakes: collective subject, techno-health, archaization of individual consciousness. Plans for further work: - Conducting specials. seminars on specific topics: integrity, collective subject, family, regenerativity, transitional states - phenomena. -Collect mini-formats - projects, products, transfer to professional communities, integrate the results with the FD, FC, FN, FPM

8 Management foresight Development period: October 19, 2013 Main participants: Main organizational and substantive conclusions: Business owners, senior and middle managers, consultants At various foresight sessions, in forecasts, in business strategies, there is a lot of description of what the market will be, what products will be , what production technologies will be. How to manage companies in the future, what forms will management as an activity take? Results: 1. forms and methods of managing existing businesses for effective existence in the future world 2. sufficiency and development of existing formats 3. use of old technologies for managing a new person 4. development of new management technologies and their acceptance, compactness for a person, his psychology, physiology, behavior.

9 Global foresight of blue-collar professions Place for photos Development period: Main participants: Main organizational and substantive conclusions: The Board of Directors of WordSkills International, as well as representatives of global industrial partners of the movement October, 2013 formulated key trends in the field of vocational education and the future of production that have an impact for the future of WorldSkills International: The mission of the movement is changing: WorldSkills is a career exchange, not only global, but also domestic (through the promotion of the most talented people). There is a revival of handicrafts. Automation and the spread of digital technologies are changing the labor market, increasing the flexibility of workers. Future professions and competencies will include information technology and sustainability as an integral component. Promoting the importance of vocational education is necessary, first of all, among parents, since more often than not they make decisions about the future of their children. There is an increase in the creative component in professional activities. The Board of Directors of WorldSkills International took into account the results of the foresight with the aim of further developing the movement in Russia and the world. During the foresight session on the future of blue-collar jobs, there were

10 Design of the Agency for the Development of Human Capital in the Far East Place for photo Development period: Key participants: Some organizational and substantive conclusions: Representatives of Wad Howell, Capstone Connections, TopContact Executive Search, Ministry for the Development of the Far East, Institute “5I”, Direction “Young Professionals” » ASI, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan. December 2, 2013 It is necessary to formulate a model of the Far East in years to come in order to understand what to strive for and what to work on. Long-term and lasting infrastructure projects should be created to motivate investors and create the basic conditions for an “investment climate.” It is necessary to involve foreign experts with a worldwide reputation for advertising and attracting investment from foreign partners. It is necessary to write a competency model of the required specialists. Steps to attract personnel: 1 – define goals, 2 – draw up a competency matrix. A survey on the Ministry’s website about who is ready to participate in the development of the Far East. The search and selection of personnel should be outsourced, the center for developing competencies is the project office. Taxes related to labor by the employer cannot be completely removed, but subsidized (a subsidy equal to the amount of the unified social tax). The organization of employment will also include retraining/workplace for family members.

12 Development of a roadmap for distance multilingual education Date: Main participants: Main organizational and substantive conclusions: Plans for further work: November 6, 2013. Representatives of Alfa Bank, MESI, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science Conducting foresight sessions “Russian MOOC”. The participants spoke out for the need to create an all-Russian technological educational platform. After clarifying the needs, it turned out that different segments have different basic technologies, and the main limitation is the lack of a format for combining efforts. The state should be present, but in our country it is not effective, there is jealousy/competition towards each other, professional associations do not represent the interests of the majority. A consortium of leading IT companies and state development institutions of the Russian Federation could act as a credible stakeholder and capable of offering the required format. IT companies are necessary because they are carriers of basic competencies for creating high-tech solutions. The participation of development institutions is determined by their effectiveness in interaction with government agencies (it is necessary to remove legislative obstacles in subsidiaries). The participants noted that the OGV of the Russian Federation does not have a strategy in the field of additional education. Various ministries (Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Regional Development, etc.), agencies (Rossotrudnichestvo, FMS, etc.), funds and organizations dating from the budget (Russian World, Eurasian Open Institute, SCO University, etc. .,), councils (Russian Language Council, CE Council, etc.) initiate and finance a significant number of disparate projects in the field of CE, it is advisable to continue developing a roadmap with the participation of their representatives. Participants represented different segments of distance education (DL): primary education, university, additional education. education. The group decided that in order to ensure long-term advantages in the global market, it is necessary to: dominate the global “Russian as foreign” market, become one of the leaders in the global primary education market, actively compete in the markets of the countries of the former USSR, help third world countries (remotely share localized into their languages ​​with educational content “Exemplary Humanitarian”).

13 Strategic session of corporate directors Period: Main participants: Main organizational and substantive conclusions: Development of a roadmap for interaction with the Federal Agency for State Property Management and Federal executive authorities regarding joint stock companies with state participation. October 11, 2013 Members of the Boards of Directors of enterprises with state participation; Heads of areas in the "Corporate Director" project.

14 “Entrepreneurial Breakfast” of the National Championship of Professions and Entrepreneurial Ideas “Career in Russia” Place for photo Date of the event: Main participants: Main organizational and content conclusions: Management bodies of education, entrepreneurship support, heads of organizations of small, medium, large businesses, consumer cooperation, NGOs, colleges and universities. 132 organizations. 35 regions November 21, 2013 The championship was created and replicated as a training model for the implementation of effective entrepreneurial education. The main characters of “Careers in Russia” are students and young entrepreneurs of technical schools, entrepreneurs and schoolchildren in the role of expert appraisers. Three innovative innovations of the Championship in the cycle The Open Final of the Championship will move from Ulyanovsk 2014 to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (The Organizers fundamentally organize Open Finals in various cities of Russia at the sites of regional technical schools). The leaders of the Championship take on the role of organizers of the National Company of Professional and Entrepreneurial Youth Trials. More than 2,000 trainee finalists of regional championships in 14 areas of professional and entrepreneurial activity will act as test mentors. Starting from January 2014, the Organizers are updating the model of competitions and cases of the Championship, starting to implement the CPBD model. (CPBD - teach in action: an initiative for entrepreneurial project education. Allows a student to master the functions of bringing a product to market in an activity mode) Plans for further work: February 23 – March 3, 2014 Fourth international comparative conference for professionals in project and entrepreneurial education “Entrepreneurial village" Leipzig (Germany) - Suzdal (Vladimir region)

15 Conference "Discussion of potential development models for the biotechnological cluster of Moscow" Period: Main participants: Main organizational and substantive conclusions: November 29, 2013 Roche Diagnostics, Center for Commercialization of Innovations, Center for DNA Vision Diagnostics, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, RusBio Ventures , Future Biotech, State Research Institute of Genetics, Life Technologies, Pushchino Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms named after G.K. Scriabin, BIOFORUM 2014 Two models for the development of a biotechnological cluster have been developed: “from infrastructure” and “from people”. The key conclusion is that the cluster must be built in the mode of an infrastructure functional integrator, which allows, based on the creation of an internal system of innovation elevator and systematic work with key communications, to create the necessary conditions for launching biotechnical projects and creating high-quality demand for the cluster’s products. It is necessary to orient the cluster into the global competitive space in order to obtain global expertise of projects and wider opportunities for supporting and promoting projects. The cluster needs a media leader who is widely recognized in the global innovation and scientific community. The strategic program for the development of the cluster should be built in the direction of creating new opportunities for the development of science, technology and high-tech business, involve the use of external resources to ensure it and focus on creating an internal innovation climate that facilitates the rapid launch of projects.

17 Boiler 1 direction “Young Professionals” Date: October 25 Participants (list of submitted projects): Experts: ASI, Citycelebrity Work steps: Presentation of ASI and possible support measures, circular presentation of leaders’ projects, mini master classes, express revision of project presentations, session of project presentations, individual work of project managers with leaders. Conclusions: The project acceleration model was successfully tested in practice, the leaders gained new knowledge about the “road map” methodology and the principles of successful presentation of their ideas. 6 projects were selected for further support Project University as a “living” environment for development and professional growth Creation of an all-Russian system of student campuses National technical portal UNIVERSARIUM Educational system "Open University" School of smart electricity consumers System of Civil Initiatives (SIGRIN) Innovative workshop "PRODUCT for FUTURE" Practical education Performance Leaders Competition for the Cup named after. A.K. Gasteva Production management: training and development

19 Open lecture by Bill Cullifer Date: November 5, 2013 Lecturer: Bill Cullifer, executive director and founder of, international expert at WorldSkills International, Topic: the practice of forming professional communities, the example of web design and WorldSkills tools for developing and updating professional standards , about modern mechanisms of cooperation. Participants: representatives of various professional communities in Russia Conclusions: -Professional standards (hereinafter PS) are used as a communication tool between representatives of industry and the education sector; -Continuous updating of the PS is a function of the professional community with the help of a specially organized methodological center (for example, a professional association or a council for industry competencies); -WorldSkills is used as a tool for career guidance, talent search and benchmarking of best international practices in a given professional field; -Professional certification is the most important task of a professional association (the mechanism of work was revealed using the example of, along with training and organizing communication between different representatives of the industry.

20 Training on company management based on the GMC simulator Date: November 7, 2013 Topic: Demo game on business management (as part of the Global Management Challenge championship) Participants: University students, young entrepreneurs Results: Demo game on business management built on the basis of business -a Global Management Challenge simulator in which you and your team become top managers of large international companies and compete with rivals for the right to become the best company on the market! The game is extremely useful for everyone who is interested in economics, business and management, has already opened their own company or is just planning to do so. Developed competencies: 1. Systematic understanding of the company's activities 2. Management decision making 3. Strategic management 4. Analysis of financial and management reporting 5. Teamwork skills

21 Training: School of Efficiency Date: November 2013 Lecturer: Timur GAFITULIN, consultant and trainer on creative problem solving Topic: School of Efficiency: How to Think Correctly in order to increase the efficiency - efficiency - of your project. The best creativity techniques - from Brainstorming to TRIZ Participants: leaders of innovative projects from Russian organizations and companies, leaders of ASI projects Conclusions: - The creativity of leaders is extremely important for the implementation of innovative projects, because there are no ready-made templates for solving innovative problems - Leaders know little about creative techniques problem solving -The use of special techniques for searching for new ideas can already provide new solutions during the training itself to improve the project, unlock the creative potential of the leader and increase his motivation -Examples of tasks discussed in the training: “increasing the effectiveness of foresight sessions - accelerating the digitization and implementation of results” , “innovative advertising moves for the Yandex company”, “innovative training products”, “new methods of Internet marketing”. -According to participants’ feedback, this is “an inspiring training that provides guidelines where there were none before.”

22 Coaching Wednesday Date: November 6, 11, 20, 27, 2013 Presenter: Korolikhin Andrey Valerievich Participants: Heads of HR, T&D, L&D. Managers and owners of enterprises. Line managers. Coaches. Topics: “Theory and practice of building a management system based on values”, “Leadership as a development function and breakthrough competence”, “Coaching in the workplace: instructions for use”, “Feedback is a tool for developing a leader and team” Conclusions: Participants learned about the opportunity effectively combine a focus on revealing the employee’s personality with the business needs of the enterprise when managing by values. Participants discussed practical cases on leadership in organizations and received recommendations or expert opinion from the presenter and colleagues on current issues of leadership development in an organizational format. Participants, from the point of view of a systems approach and with the help of neuro-leadership tools, explored the logic of using various development tools combined with coaching. We also considered the following issues: The needs of the organization and people in the organization, Challenges facing leaders, managers and ordinary employees, Solutions offered by coaching as a methodology. Participants learned how to measure the effectiveness of feedback; Under what conditions does feedback work for employee development (golden rules); How to use feedback flexibly in different situations; How to use feedback time with maximum efficiency.

23 Open Space Date: November 13, 2013 Presenter: Pronin Mikhail Anatolyevich Topic: “The professional standard Coach is a tool for the development of the coaching profession and the coaching market in Russia” Participants: members of the Working Group on the development of the professional standard “Coach”, managers and owners of coaching schools, managers and owners of companies providing coaching services, representatives of customer companies, corporate coaches, representatives of universities, private practicing coaches, managers and participants of non-profit professional associations of coaches. Conclusions: Based on the voting results of the Open Space participants, the most relevant topics of discussion were recognized as: “What professional associations does the coaching market need?” “What changes are needed in the coach training system?” “Coaching Supervision for the Profession and the Client/Market” These topics were discussed once again by the Open Space participants to develop a plan of action. Including at the foresight on December 11.

24 Workshop “Life as a Profession” Date: Wednesdays, November - February Presenter: Anatoly Prokhorov, Russian film and television producer, co-founder of the Pilot studio Participants: ASI employees, participants in ASI projects Workshop “internal work”, the task of which create the foundations of professionalism in life, learn to be a “professional” in life; master the practical philosophy of “mindful life”: “life facing inward”, master the techniques of “inner” work. Conclusions: This workshop is for socially active people who need: correlation between their business and their life; presence of life prospects (life strategy); solving internal problems, and who understand that: this must be dealt with just as professionally as their social work (business); “life professionalism” needs and can be learned; There is no coaching here, but an introduction to the problems and methods of internal work is possible. 26 Seminars on the development of professional standards Date: November 26, 2013 Topic: 1. Features of managing organizations with state participation. 2. Fundamentals of coaching: the feasibility and necessity of implementation and application in the work of professional directors. Participants: Professional community of directors Conclusions: Improvement of professional skills of the professional community of directors. Determination of the features of management of organizations with state participation under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. Exchange of experience between members of the Professional Community.

Yulia Gudach
Director for Network Development of ANO "NTI Platform"

This year we plan to scale the Boiling Points network, open Boiling Points at universities and take them outside Russia for the first time. It is important for us to preserve the unique qualities of this space, develop the communities of the National Technology Initiative and create new communication formats. We are expanding our team and looking for new heroes who will help our network become stronger and more diverse.

How did Boiling Points come about?

The classic format is urban “Boiling Points”. The first collective work space opened in 2013 in Moscow for several dozen project teams and Foresight fleet leaders. There the WorldSkills Russia and dual education movements were born, the first groups of the National Technology Initiative and the foresight movement were formed, open selections of the ASI were held, visionary lectures on the future started, children's days of the Association of Entrepreneurs of the Children's Products Industry began, the NTI Circle Movement was formed, the first Atlas of new professions appeared. For three years we grew, developed methods and experience, gathered experts and professionals, built networks and weaved communities.

In 2016, the first regional site appeared in St. Petersburg, then in Ivanovo. Today the network consists of 20 “Boiling Points”. This is entirely the initiative of our partners: each “Point” has its own team, an agenda for the development of the region, city, communities and industries. Their successes provoked the emergence of fifty new applications for “Boiling Points” from Kaliningrad to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Why do cities and regions need Boiling Points?

“Tochka” becomes a place for people to navigate the priority areas of the country’s development, a point of connection to initiatives. Meetings between business and government take place there, educational programs and hackathons take place, new projects appear, and the necessary resources to launch them are “magically” collected.

Each city “Point” goes through an individual path to opening from three months to a year. He is accompanied by employees of the Boiling Points network development department: from choosing a location to developing a business program for the year. We've packaged network best practices into an online course (to be released at the end of March) to focus more on program management and new services.

The manager for the opening of city Boiling Points is like a Sherpa, without whom a climber cannot climb Everest. It is a fusion of a project manager, a group work moderator, a methodologist, a mentor and a consultant. We are waiting for two candidates for our team from the Open Selection 2019.

Why do universities need Boiling Points?

University "Points" - a new format. This is an open interface for interaction between the university and potential partners: its own graduates, technology entrepreneurs, state-owned companies, businesses, officials, and artists. And at the same time - a “sandbox” for new educational projects, testing hypotheses and assessing the effectiveness of different educational formats.

The university “Tochka” is an experimental site of the university; it has fewer restrictions. It’s easier to get to Tochka than to the university’s classrooms: just register for the event in the Leader-ID system.

The project will be launched as part of the upcoming educational intensive “Island 10-22”. The team is just being formed, we are looking for two specialists to join it through solving a practical problem.

Why do other countries need Boiling Points?

International “Boiling Points” is another new direction. The first collective work space could open in Belgrade this year.

“It is planned to create new formats for interaction between Russian and Serbian technology leaders, products, services and companies, new opportunities for educational and technological transfer between states,” - I can’t tell you about this better than Dmitry Peskov. The result of the work should be strong joint Russian-Serbian projects.

The task of international “Points” is a business mission, a step towards bringing the products of Russian technology and educational companies to international markets. We have companies that are trying to solve this problem on their own. For example, the manufacturer of robotics training kits ROBBO or the platform for teaching children the basics of programming “Codwards”. Currently there is no space on the Internet for a permanent solution to this problem or a suitable service. We are looking for a person to join the opening team of international “Points” who can lead this movement.

The Agency for Strategic Initiatives for Promoting New Projects (ASI) opened 12 “Boiling Points” of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) on the basis of Russian universities. This is the first wave of opening such centers. In the coming months, they plan to open several dozen more “Boiling Points” in Russia on the basis of universities.

May 20 TASS hosted a press conference in the format of a teleconference dedicated to the opening of 12 “Boiling Points” on the basis of Russian universities.

Let us remind you that the “Boiling Point” format is a developing space for collaboration on projects. The Boiling Points network provides infrastructure support to regional communities, teams and projects. Participants can test their ideas on the site, assemble project teams, etc.

Special Representative of the Russian President for Digital and Technological Development, General Director of the NTI Platform Dmitry Peskov said that the financial burden is taken on by the universities themselves. Some universities support regional authorities and businesses.

During the press conference, General Director of University 20.35 Vasily Tretyakov said that thanks to “Boiling Points” there will be interaction between students, teachers and business.

“In the testing mode, something new will be born, which all institutions should come to in the near future. “20.35 University”, together with “Boiling Points”, is beginning to introduce services that help to arrive at a new management model. This is a diagnosis of a person’s personal qualities and competencies. Based on With this knowledge, we can predict the best options for the trajectory of his development and offer him actions that will be most useful. We are already conducting such intensive courses for each student. “Boiling Points” will help connect universities with companies, create a unified network of technological development, which does not exist. borders,” said Vasily Tretyakov.

A representative of the NTI press service told a ComNews correspondent that the key task of university “Boiling Points” is to involve regions and regional industry universities in a technological breakthrough. “The basic requirements that we place on a university to open Boiling Point are an active community, people who participate in our programs, events on the Leader-ID platform, as well as a standard organized space with communication tools. Universities that have opened host “Boiling Point”, will be the first to receive an offer to participate in the regional acceleration program of the National Technology Initiative, starting in 2019, and will be able to count on reimbursement of expenses for the implementation of projects. The first offer to participate, in which we will reimburse all expenses, will be made to those 12. universities that are participating in the opening today. The work of university “Boiling Points” will be aimed at shaping the educational trajectories of students and teachers so that, using both the platform of the University “20.35” and the resources of their own university, they can master the necessary competencies in a short time. “that, as part of network interaction with other university “Boiling Points,” universities will exchange educational content,” he explained.

Dmitry Peskov told at the conference what the university needs to do to get to the “Boiling Point”. “We have a digital infrastructure on which you can work without registering Tochka. That is, our basic services allow you to do everything without official registration. If we see that an institute’s footprint has become noticeable, we pay more attention to it and increase the priority of working with it . Also, universities need to learn from other “points.” Mentoring is welcome,” he explained.

Rectors of 12 universities from Cherepovets, Yaroslavl, Tula, Ulyanovsk, Rostov-on-Don, Nalchik, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Khabarovsk took part in the teleconference via video link. Representatives of universities expressed joy that they are part of the first wave of the opening of “Boiling Points”, and stated that the goals set out in the agreement will be achieved. The rectors also promised to justify the trust placed in them and sealed the promise by signing an agreement with the NTI platform.

Dmitry Peskov, in turn, addressed the rectors of universities: “The HR digital economy project is budget-saturated. The state is investing so much money in the higher education system for the first time. Within the program there are a number of mechanisms that make it possible to provide “fuel” for the transformation of universities, including finance.”

Dmitry Peskov named mathematics, computer science, areas related to artificial intelligence, robotics, and other end-to-end technologies of the National Technology Initiative as priorities for funding. “These are both digital certificates and network master’s programs. It is very important for each rector to do his homework before the start of the educational intensive “Island 10-22”. Carefully read the documents, understand the distribution schedules of funds, plan the actions of universities on new educational programs in order to get “The points will be the place where we will help develop these programs and evaluate the effectiveness of their implementation,” he gave parting words to universities.

Let us note that according to the plan, 143.1 billion rubles will be allocated from the budget for “Personnel for the Digital Economy”. (See ComNews February 12, 2019).

In February 2019, Dmitry Peskov announced that by the end of the year ASI plans to open about 100 Boiling Points. “Moreover, ASI is beginning foreign expansion in this direction,” he added (see ComNews dated February 12, 2019).

A representative of the press service of the National Technology Initiative told a ComNews correspondent that 36 “Boiling Points” have been opened today (24 city and 12 university). “On May 23, the city “Boiling Point” will open in Kazan. The total amount of “Points” is being calculated. It is planned that by the end of the year the total number of “Boiling Points” will be 50-70,” he said.

“As for foreign “Points”, this year we can talk about opening only one “Point” in Belgrade,” Dmitry Peskov said at the conference. “A startup from a university needs to enter world markets. It’s expensive, difficult and sometimes politically impossible for one. Therefore, foreign “Points” should be points of communication with those countries where we are going to export our technological products. We are convinced that the next decade for Russia will be the years of export of technological sovereignty. Foreign “Points” will open in advance. but we are in no hurry, first we need to find adequate models. They will be different in different countries,” he told reporters.

The head of the project for the development of the “Boiling Points” network at universities, Oleg Malsagov, summed up the conference: “Today we have reached the starting point. I came up with a slogan: “Being at the boiling point, you rarely feel comfortable.” We need to get out of the state of comfort and take a step forward so that breakthrough stories appear. I am glad that it is in universities that Tochka opens, because universities are centers of attraction for people and science. In the university Tochka there is an internal audience with which Tochka itself must work. Today we are starting work on the transformation of universities. 12 universities are pioneers, there will still be “Island 10-22”, where colleagues will have to arrive already prepared. Our task is to develop plans for the transformation of universities and look ahead for several years. We are building a network. , which will gradually be filled with knowledge that should be transferred to each other and significantly modify the modern educational space,” he summed up.

Skolkovo Forum General Director Ekaterina Inozemtseva told a ComNews correspondent that the opening of “Boiling Points” at universities is an excellent initiative. “A new space is being created to promote the activation of the student community around topics related to technological entrepreneurship. We have always considered universities as the main source of scientific and technological ideas and technological startups. I am confident that the opening of “Boiling Points” at universities will contribute to an increase in technological projects and startups” , - commented Ekaterina Inozemtseva.

On May 21, the Southern Federal University hosted the opening of the “Boiling Point” - a space for collective work. “Boiling Points” have been created with the support of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) as part of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) program since 2014. This project allows us to take a fresh look at the educational activities of universities, test new educational formats and apply new models of communication in education.

As noted at the opening by the acting rector of SFU Inna Shevchenko, “Boiling Point” will bring together representatives of education, science, business and government and will contribute to the creation of new projects aimed at developing the NTI ecosystem.

On this day, “Boiling Points” opened in other cities of Russia: Omsk, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Tomsk, Cherepovets, Nalchik, Ulyanovsk, Yaroslavl, Tula.

The opening ceremony of “Boiling Points” throughout Russia was held via video link. The opening program was attended by the General Director of ANO Platform NTI Dmitry Peskov, General Director of ANO "University 2035" Vasily Tretyakov, Head of Network Development Programs, Department of Development of the “Boiling Points” Network, ANO “NTI Platform” Lyubov Kiriyenko.
According to the Director General of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Svetlana Chupsheva, the “Boiling Point” format, in which people listen, argue with each other, develop new approaches and solutions, and, most importantly, create and subsequently implement their projects together, has become popular and has proven its effectiveness.
- ASI expects that thanks to the university “Boiling Points”, unique “sandboxes” will be organized in which participants will be able to learn the competencies of the digital economy and master new professions. We expect that by the end of this year the number of “Boiling Points” will increase significantly,” added Svetlana Chupsheva.

Special Representative of the President of Russia for Digital and Technological Development Dmitry Peskov noted that the key task of university “Boiling Points” is to involve regions, regional industry universities in a technological breakthrough.
“The basic requirements that we impose on a university to open Boiling Point are an active community, people who participate in our programs, in events on the Leader-ID platform, as well as a standardly organized space with communication tools,” he said.

Dmitry Peskov noted that universities that have opened the “Boiling Point” will be the first to receive an offer to participate in the regional acceleration program of the National Technology Initiative starting in 2019 and will be able to count on compensation for costs when implementing projects.

The first offer of participation, in which we will reimburse all expenses, will be made to those 12 universities that are participating in the opening today,” he said Dmitry Peskov.

The work of the university’s “Boiling Points” will be aimed at shaping the educational trajectories of students and teachers so that, using both the University’s “20.35” platform and the resources of their own university, they can master the necessary competencies in a short period of time. It is expected that, as part of network interaction with other university “Boiling Points,” universities will exchange educational content.

Today, “20.35” University, together with “Boiling Points”, is beginning to introduce services that help to arrive at a new management model. First of all, it is a diagnosis of a person’s abilities and knowledge. And how can one, based on this knowledge, predict the best options for the trajectory of his development, how to offer him activities that will be most useful right now, how to build a long development trajectory for him that will allow him to implement various technological projects,” said the general director of the University “20.35 » Vasily Tretyakov.

The priority areas of work of the “Boiling Point” of SFU will be: artificial intelligence, cognitive science, sensory technologies, digital economy, entrepreneurship, circle movement, NTI University, education and professions of the future, sports and health, design.

Although our “Boiling Point” is called a university space, this space was made for the city and the entire region. It is important for us that all interested parties come to this space: representatives of regional authorities, businesses, startups. This space will contribute to the emergence of a new community - a community of active people thinking about how to make the life of their city and region better,” noted the Vice-Rector for Project Innovation and International Cooperation Evgeny Mukhanov.

On the opening day, scientific lectures and shows, master classes from partner companies, round tables and discussions were held at Boiling Point. Cooperation agreements between universities and NTI were signed via video conference.

“Boiling Point” SFU will be open to everyone from 9.00 to 20.00 every day. Anyone can come to a coworking space and spend time in the workspace.

Which will focus on the agenda of the National Technology Initiative (NTI), opened on the territory of the Lenpoligrafmash technology park in St. Petersburg on November 7, 2016 as part of the Technological Revolution forum.

The initiator of the creation of this platform was the Committee on Industrial Policy and Innovation of St. Petersburg with the support of the “Young Professionals” direction of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the public representative of the ASI in St. Petersburg, Kirill Soloveichik.

The choice of location for the first stationary “Boiling Point” outside Moscow (a space for collective work - approx.) is not accidental - many leading Russian companies and engineering universities in global markets are based in St. Petersburg, which “contain the NTI gene,” said the director direction “Young Professionals” of ASI Dmitry Peskov.

“Among the universities that we call NTI universities, the two leaders are Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University and ITMO University. This combination of universities, companies operating in global markets, and people with free will is sufficient human capital to implement truly complex projects, with a new complex language, that overcome skepticism about our future,” said Dmitry Peskov.

According to him, “Boiling Point” will be able to unite on one platform the best intellectual resources of the region - entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists, teachers, students and graduate students - everyone who shapes modern society and develops it.

“NTI has the image of a butterfly, and the first wing - the state one, which we are already building - needs a second wing, in which there is business and society. We hope that St. Petersburg can become the center of this wing,” said Dmitry Peskov. “We will do everything in our power to ensure that the Boiling Point in St. Petersburg truly boils and creates new products, communities, projects, businesses, educational and teaching programs, new formats of communication about a common future.”

Kirill Soloveichik, General Director of the Lenpoligrafmash holding, public representative of ASI in the “Young Professionals” direction in St. Petersburg, emphasized that the region has long been waiting for the emergence of such a powerful technological agenda.

“St. Petersburg is one of the centers of industrial, scientific and educational competencies of the country. The boiling point, which brings together the smartest, most creative people from among representatives of government bodies, public organizations, business, science, and education, will become a space for concentrating various initiatives that will positively change the economic situation of the region and the country,” Kirill Soloveichik is sure.

ASI, as the main partner of the project, is ready to provide “Boiling Point” in St. Petersburg with the necessary methodological support and fill it with relevant content from the current information agenda. These are the best career guidance practices and projects, the “Industry of the 21st Century” lecture hall, a laboratory for prototyping educational programs, tools for using the Atlas of New Professions, etc.

St. Petersburg submitted an application to participate in the project and conduct the “Foresight Fleet” - another format developed by ASI. The opening of a “Foresight Fleet” school is also being discussed, which will train moderators to conduct sessions using the Rapid Forsight method.


The format of the collective work space “Boiling Point” was developed by ASI and has been used since 2014. Over 2.5 years, the Moscow co-working center ASI hosted over 400 events, in which more than 80 thousand people took part.

Text: Yuri Sushinov | ASI website editors