A Brief History of the United States. Presentation on the topic: "The history of the "dollar" and" euro years and the Great Depression

This work is intended to show the life of modern America in all its diversity, in particular, the influence of the mentality and culture of Americans on the origin of the "nicknames" of the states. The material will be useful and interesting for those working with UMK "English 10-11" V.P. Kuzovlev



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Chapter 1. US states ……………………….. 4

Chapter 2 . American state nicknames ……………4

Chapter 3 . Unofficial mottos of the US states……… 8


List of used literature…………………….10



The relevance of this research work lies in the fact that English, without exaggeration, is the most common foreign language in the world. It became the language of the entire planet, the first truly world language. Three-quarters of the world's correspondence, telegrams, are in English. Just like more than half of the world's technical and scientific publications: it is the language of technology from Silicon Valley to Shanghai. English is the medium for over 80% of the information collected in the computers of the world. English is the official language of the air and the sea, the voice of Christianity. The largest broadcasting companies in the world (BBC, ABC, CBS, NBC) broadcast programs in English to an audience that exceeds 100 million. In addition, English is the official language of Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Improving language skills is impossible without the formation of knowledge about the specific socio-cultural conditions for the functioning of the language. Therefore, the purpose of my research is to reveal the national-specific background of the functioning of the English language in its American version, as well as to study the national and cultural characteristics of the modern US nation. The study is designed to show the life of modern America in all its diversity, in particular, the influence of the mentality and culture of Americans on the origin of the "nicknames" of the states.

Chapter 1. American states.

Today the United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world. It covers an area of ​​3,618,465 miles². The USA is made up of 50 states and the District of Columbia, the national capital. Those states that border on each other on the continent are divided into 7 regions:

  • New England / New England / (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont);
  • Middle Atlantic States / Mid-Atlantic States /(New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania);
  • Southern States / Southern States / (Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia);
  • Midwestern States / midwestern states / (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin);
  • Rocky Mountain States / Rocky Mountain States/(Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming);
  • Southwestern States / Southwestern States /(Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas);
  • Pacific Coast States / pacific states / (California, Oregon, Washington);
  • Hawaii / Hawaii / and Alaska / Alaska / belong to separate groups.

Some states are known for cities, others for forests and mountains, others for rich agriculture.

Chapter 2. Nicknames of the American states.

Each state has its own symbols: a motto, a flag, an anthem ... But in addition to such individual features, each state also has its own unofficial, popular name or even several, and given the diversity of the “nicknames” of the country, one of them can be used quite officially. Such names are often used in literature, advertising, and are found in reference publications.

I would like to introduce you to the most interesting titles:

Rhode Island (Rhode Island .) Official nickname Little Rhody - "Baby Rhody" (the smallest state in the US) Ocean State" . The origin of the name is not exactly known. There are two theories. The first says that the Italian geographer Giovanni di Veraziano, who mapped this piece of land in 1524, noticed that its size coincides with the size of the Mediterranean island of Rhodes (“ Rodo" - in Italian transcription). The second is that the Dutch navigator named the island Roode Island (literally " beautiful island ”) for the color of clay deposits.

Next on the list of the most unusual country nicknames is South Carolina (South Carolina) . People call her:dwarf palm state- Palmetto state. It got its name due to the fact that many palm trees grow in South Carolina, especially along the coast. The palm tree is depicted on the coat of arms of the country.

But Alabama (Alabama) is called The Heart of Dixie - “Heart of Dixie ", since it is located in the very center of the belt of states" Deep South" and "Dixie ' is the common name for the American South. The nickname originated from the fact that Louisiana, where the majority of the population in the 19th century spoke French, began printing 10-dollar bills with the French word " dix" - "ten" . Americans pronounce it like " dix", hence both Dixie and Dixieland - "the edge of Dixie", which later became the name of the musical style. But " Heart of Dixie ”was not Louisiana, but Alabama.

Arkansas (Arkansas) are referred to "A land of opportunity»- The land of Opportunity . The name was coined by local legislators solely for promotional purposes. Arkansas is one of the poorest American states, but it is rich in natural resources and affordable for retirees who have recently been willing to move here.

A popular Spanish novel was about a fictional island called"California" (California), full of gold. Indeed, in the state named California, placers of the precious metal were discovered in 1848, an unprecedented gold rush began there, and the state itself received the nickname"Golden" - The Golden State.

It would be logical to assume that Colorado (Colorado) should have been called the Rocky Mountain State. But Colorado is called"The State of the Century- The Centennial State , since it received its status in 1876, exactly one hundred years after America's independence.

Connecticut (Connecticut) is called " Muscat State- The Nutmeg State , but not in connection with nutmeg, a spice that sailors brought from overseas countries. It's just that the Connecticut Yankees were known for their cunning, and the saying went that they were able to pass off a wooden ball as nutmeg and sell it for a profit.

Delaware (Delaware) is called the "First State" - The First State because he was the first to ratify the US Constitution.

Georgia known for its sweetest peaches. Therefore it is called"Peach State" The Peach State.

Hawaii (Hawaii) in the Pacific received the name The Aloha State - The Aloha State - this is the greeting in the local language.

Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania) one of those countries that have several informal names. In this case, there are five: The Coal State (coal), The Keystone State (keystone ) - such a stone is laid last during the construction of the building. Pennsylvania was the last, 13th colony to vote for the independence of the North American colonies, Oil State (petroleum), Quaker State (Quaker State), Steel State (steel ).As for the official name of the state, it is historically formed: in 1681, the English king Charles II transferred to the young English Quaker William Penn a large territory west of the Delaware River. In 1682, Penn founded a colony of refuge for Society of Friends Protestants (the official name of the Quakers) and others persecuted for their faith. In honor of Penn's father, an admiral in the Royal Navy, the colony was named Pennsylvania. Then William Penn, who professed the idea of ​​brotherly love between fellow believers, founded the city, which he came up with the name Philadelphia (Philadelphia) which means in ancient GreekCity of brotherly love.

Regarding the etymology of the name Arizona (Arizona) there is no consensus, among the main hypotheses are Spanish and Indian. The name of the state comes from the word of the Indians of the Pima tribe transmitted by the Spaniards - "little stream place", in the language of the Aztec tribe -"giving birth to silverabout". The most commonly used name"The Grand Canyon State" - The Grand Canyon State , because the state is known for being largely mountainous, plateau and desert, and in the north of the state is the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River.

The state of Iowa (Iowa) was nicknamed as "Hawkeye State" The Hawkeye State , since the highest point in the state is Hawkeye Point (509 m).

Mississippi (Mississippi) has an official nickname"Magnolia State" - Magnolia State , informal -Hospitality State.The state got its name from the Mississippi River, which flows along its western border.

Alaska (Alaska) - the largest US state in the northwestern outskirts of North America. Has two nicknames:"The Last Frontier"- The Last Frontier , Land of the Midnight Sun.

Florida (Florida) - "Sunshine State" - The Sunshine State . It got its name due to the climatic conditions.

Official nickname Michigan (Michigan) - Wolverine State - "The Wolverine State" , and the inhabitants of Michigan are called "wolverines" and Great Lakes State Great Lakes State"

Vermont (Vermont) nicknamed « Green Mountain State- The Green Mountain State . This name is due to the dense (compared to the forests in the higher mountains of New Hampshire and New York) Vermont forest. Others believe that Vermont is so named because of the greenish mica schist that prevails here.

Illinois (Illinois) is referred to as "Lincoln Land""- The Land of Lincoln, as well as" The state in the award ". During the Civil War, the state supported its native President Lincoln.

Massachusetts (Massachusetts) - "State of the Bays" - The Bay State , since there are several bays on its coast (Massachusetts Bay, Cape Cod Bay, Buzzards Bay and Narragansett).

Chapter 3 Unofficial mottos of US states.

Each US state has its own history, customs and customs. New Yorkers see their country differently than Texans. Each state has its own official motto, but unofficial slogans can say much more about the features of the states. We present some of them.

● Alabama (Alabama) - Camellia State.

Unofficial state slogan:"Now we have electricity!"Such an unusual slogan was coined because Alabama is considered one of the most backward states in the United States.

● Colorado (Colorado) - "Centenary State" - Centennial State. Unofficially:"You can not skiing - nothing to come» (The state is known for its mountain resorts)

● Florida (Florida) - Sunshine State - « Sunshine State". Popular nickname-"reserve of headless drivers". Florida has a huge number of retirees. Because of this, the state has adopted rules of the road designed for the elderly.

● Iowa (Iowa) - Hawkeye State ". In Scottish the word"hokey "literally means"cow with a white muzzle". In Russian, the closest semantic meaning is the word " hillbilly" . The informal slogan is close to the formal one:"We do simply amazing things from corn!”

● Illinois (Illinois) - « Hack on your nose that the letter with not pronounced!" How is the name of the state supposed to be pronounced? Illinois

●Unofficial motto Massachusetts (Massachusetts) : “Our taxes are higher than in Sweden”

● Mississippi (Mississippi) , whose official nickname is: Magnolia State- " magnolia state ". Unofficial:"Come to us and you will understand how good your state is"

● Rhode Island (Rhode Island) ; official nickname: Little Rhody-" Baby Rodi." Motto: " Honestly! We are not an island! Believe!

● Texas. Lone Star State "The Lone Star State". Or "A veces hablan un poco ingles"-

“Sometimes we speak English too”. This state has a huge number of immigrants from Mexico, and Spanish is much more popular than English.


Americans have become accustomed to giving nicknames not only to each other, but also to geographical areas. And all fifty states have nicknames, some posh, some quirky, some historically interesting. I came to the conclusion that the origin of state nicknames depends on several factors, such as geographic location, natural conditions and resources, historical events, and the influence of the mentality and values ​​​​of Americans.


  1. Coastal N.V., Sapgir T.M., USA, M., 1997
  2. Klementieva T., Happy English 2, O., 1997
  3. Kuzovlev V.P., Lapa N.M., English 10-11, M., 2004
  4. Muller V.K., New English-Russian Dictionary, M., 1998
  5. Oshchepkova V.V., USA: geography, history…, M., 1997
  6. Tokareva N.D., Peppard V., What is it like in the America? M., 1998

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The Puritans, having no hope of reforming the Anglican Church, decided in 1620 to emigrate to Virginia. On this ship they arrived at Plymouth. Half of them died. But others survived by learning how to grow maize from the Indians. After 9 years, the replenishment of the Puritans arrived and, having the patent of the king, they became the dominant force in Massachusetts. In 20 years, immigrants from 20 countries lived in New England. In 1700, the population of the North American colonies was 250,000. The arrival of the colonists on the ship "MAYFLOWER" in Plymouth Harbor

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The settlers founded 13 colonies. In the north - New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island. In the center - Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland. In the south - South and North Carolina, Virginia and Georgia.

4 slide

The economic development of the colonies differed from each other. The south was dominated by slave-owning plantations belonging to the English lords. In the north, navigation, fishing, crafts, and trade developed. The first manufactories arose here. Farming was developed in the center. The economy and management of the colonies The British government did not take into account the rights of the colonists and issued laws for them, but without their consent. The king appointed and approved the governors. Under the governors, there were councils and lower chambers. Women, slaves, Indians were deprived of all rights.

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A ban on the import of machines, equipment, their models and drawings into the colonies. A ban on the processing of iron, the construction of ships, the export of wool products. Law on confiscation of contraband goods. The prohibition of unauthorized resettlement to free lands in the West (beyond the Allegheny Mountains) in 1773. The law on the deployment of English troops, of which there were more than 10 thousand, in the apartments of the population. What were the reasons for these measures? ? Colonial policy of England

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The colonial policy of England What consequences could the policy of the mother country lead to? ? The introduction of stamp duty on every trade transaction, on every document in 1765. The introduction of new duties on the import of wine, oil, glass, tea, paper from England in 1767.

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In 1765, the first revolutionary organization "Sons of Liberty" arose. She directed the boycott campaign against British goods that was unfolding in the colonies. It happened that the officials who collected the stamp duty were smeared with tar, rolled out in feathers and carried tied to long poles to the deafening clatter of pans and buckets.

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Boston Tea Party In 1773, the East India Company received the right to import duty-free tea. This led to the ruin of many merchants. The colonists refused to buy tea. In Boston, the governor decided to unload the tea. Members of the "Sons of Liberty" under the guise of Indians entered the British ships and threw 45 tons of tea overboard. The closing of the Boston port, the prohibition of meetings of citizens and the quartering of English soldiers in the city further exacerbated the conflict between the metropolis and the colonies.

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In 1774, the illegally assembled First Continental Congress of representatives from 12 colonies (except Georgia), elected by the legislatures, opened in Philadelphia. He proclaimed the natural rights of the colonists to "life, liberty, and property." It was decided to create an army under the leadership of George Washington. George Washington First President of the United States (1789-1797) Unity or Death (drawing by Benjamin Franklin)

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The "Declaration of Independence" The Second Continental Congress (May 10, 1775 - March 1, 1781) was no longer a colonial but an American government. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed, which became the most important document produced during the work of Congress. The Declaration of Independence was the first document to refer to the colonies as "the United States of America". Thomas Jefferson Author of the Declaration of Independence Third President of the United States

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Adoption of the Declaration of Independence Beginning of the War of Independence of the North American colonies (events in Concord) Adoption by the First Continental Congress of the decision to boycott English goods Treaty of Versailles with England Defeat of the British troops at Yorktown Victory of the Continental army at Saratoga Using the textbook, put in the correct chronological order the events of the war of independence North American Colonies Revolutionary War 1775-1783

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In 1783, a peace treaty was signed, according to which England recognized the formation of the United States. The American government ceded Florida to Spain, renounced the West Bank of the Mississippi to France, and recognized British rights to Canada. Treaty of Versailles

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The war was nationwide. They fought for their freedom and independence. The colonists knew the area better. Skillful command of the army. Support from European countries (Russia, France, Spain, Holland). Reasons for American victory in the War of Independence

Khudyakova Anastasia

Project Manager:

Melekhina Ludmila Vitalievna


MBOU "Kochevskaya secondary school", Perm region

My research work in a foreign (English) language on the topic " USA. State nicknames"Dedicated to the study of the names of the states, their nicknames and the reasons for these nicknames. In this work, I will study the history of the emergence of 13 colonies and the formation of 50 states.

As part of my research work on US state nicknames in English, I plan to conduct a survey of students to find out if students know the names of the states and the presence of nicknames for each state.

In this research project on US state nicknames, I will collect material on the names of the states, their nicknames, and the reasons for such names.

As a result, my work will be used as additional material to help an English teacher for a more in-depth study of this topic.

I. Main body

1. The history of the formation of the United States of America
1.1. Appearance of 13 colonies
1.2. History of the formation of the 50 states
2. Toponymy of the names of American states
3. The emergence of state nicknames


The theme of my research work on a foreign language (English) is devoted to the United States of America, namely the names of the states and their nicknames.

When talking about the USA or studying this country, we do not think about where their names come from, and, moreover, we know little about what each of the states represents. We can easily recognize the US flag, say about the meaning of 50 stars on the flag of this country, name the capital.

But besides the main name of each state, there are many other names that are directly related to them. And these names appeared thanks to the people living in them from generation to generation, their life observations, their attitude towards their states, their natural phenomena and wealth. These names include state nicknames.

When researching this topic, I came across more interesting facts related to each of the states. It turns out that each state has not only its official name and nickname, but also an official symbol flower, a symbol bird, a symbol tree, its own anthem and motto, according to which the state lives and works.

I decided to conduct a survey among grades 7-8 to test students' knowledge of the United States.

do they know how many states there are in the US, how do they know this information, do they know the names of the states, do they know that each state has other names and symbols.

According to the results of the survey, it turned out that most children do not know how many states there are in the United States of America.

Students who know this information learned about it from various sources - on the Internet, there are 50 stars on the US flag, they heard from friends and from teachers. The offer to list the names of the states, if they know them, was answered by 28% of students, but the number of states is called no more than four. Most students do not know that each state, in addition to its name, also has a nickname and a symbol. Children would like to learn more about the USA.

I decided to display the results of the survey in the diagrams that are in the application.

Thus, based on the results of the survey, I decided to find out in my research work on the English language how the names of the states and their nicknames appeared.

The purpose of our work: study of the nicknames of the states and the reasons for these nicknames.

In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks:

1. Conduct a student survey to determine if students know the names of the states and the presence of nicknames for each state;

2. Collect material about the names of the states, their nicknames and the reasons for these nicknames.

3. Collect additional material to help the teacher for a more in-depth study of this topic.

Research material the nicknames of the US states.

The relevance of the work is that research into the existence and origin of state nicknames has helped us deepen our knowledge of the United States of America.

Subject of study: origin of state nicknames.

Object of study: state nicknames.

Hypothesis: Each state has its own unofficial name - a nickname.

Practical significance Our work lies in the fact that this material can be used as additional material, both in English lessons and in additional classes in regional studies.

In our work, we used research methods as analysis, questioning, work with scientific literature and Internet sources.

I. Main body

1. The history of the formation of the United States of America

In the 16th century, the territory of the United States was inhabited by Indian tribes, and during this period the first Europeans appeared here. The first English settlement in America arose in 1607 in Virginia and was named Jamestown. The trading post, founded by members of the crews of three English ships under the command of Captain Newport, served at the same time as an outpost on the path of the Spanish advance deep into the continent. In just a few years, Jamestown turned into a prosperous village thanks to the tobacco plantations laid there in 1609. Already by 1620 the population of the village was about 1000 people.

European immigrants were attracted to America by the rich natural resources of a distant continent, and its remoteness from European religious dogmas and political predilections. In 1606, the London and Plymouth Companies were formed in England, which took up the development of the northeast coast of America.

At the end of August 1619, a Dutch ship arrived in Virginia, bringing black Africans to America. In December 1620, the Mayflower arrived on the Atlantic coast of Massachusetts, carrying 120 people. This event is considered the beginning of the purposeful colonization of the continent by the British.

By the 18th century, the entire North American continent was colonized by Europeans, as a result of which three zones of influence were formed. The British zone appeared on the Atlantic coast, the French zone in Louisiana and the Great Lakes region, and the Spanish zone appeared on the Pacific coast, in Texas and Florida.

1.1. Appearance of 13 colonies

Over the course of 75 years after the appearance of the first English colony of Virginia in 1607, 12 more colonies arose: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

Beginning in the middle of the 17th century, Great Britain tried to establish complete control over the economic operations of the American colonies, implementing a scheme in which all manufactured goods (from metal buttons to fishing boats) were imported by the colonies from the mother country in exchange for raw materials and agricultural goods. Under this scheme, English entrepreneurs, as well as the English government, were extremely uninterested in the development of industry in the colonies, as well as in the trade of the colonies with anyone other than the mother country.

Meanwhile, American industry (mainly in the northern colonies) made significant progress. Especially American industrialists succeeded in building ships, which made it possible to quickly establish trade with the West Indies and thereby find a market for domestic manufactory.

The English Parliament considered these successes so threatening that in 1750 it passed a law forbidding the construction of rolling mills and iron-cutting workshops in the colonies. Foreign trade of the colonies was also subjected to harassment.

In 1763, the shipping laws were passed, according to which goods were allowed to be imported and exported from the American colonies only on British ships. In addition, all goods destined for the colonies had to be loaded in the UK, regardless of where they were taken from. Thus, the metropolis tried to put all the foreign trade of the colonies under its control. And that's not counting the many duties and taxes on goods that the colonists brought home with their own hands.

In 1776, the British colonies in North America signed the Declaration of Independence and officially declared their non-recognition of British rule. The result of these steps was the creation of the United States of America and the American War of Independence.

1.2. History of the formation of the 50 states

State is the main state-territorial unit of the United States. Since 1959 there have been 50 of them. Each of them has its own flag and motto. Word " state” (state) appeared back in the colonial period (about 1648). This word was sometimes used to refer to individual colonies. It began to be used everywhere after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The state has its own constitution, legislative, executive and judicial powers.

In 1774, 13 English colonies began hostilities in the struggle for independence and achieved their goal July 4, 1776- the date of formation of the new sovereign state of the United States of America.
September 17, 1787 The Constitution was adopted with the main convictions of the democratic formation of the country. The approved Constitution contained the rights of "free" states with powerful state power.

In the early 19th century, the territory of the United States increased due to the acquisition from the French Louisiana, among the Spaniards Florida and the conquest of colonies of other lands, for example, California. The capture of local states was accompanied either by the forced eviction of the Indian people in the reservation, or the complete destruction of the population. They appeared gradually and in different ways. Business development required more and more new lands.

Some states that were former colonies joined the Union (USA) directly.
So, in 1791, the state becomes Vermont(recaptured from the French, in 1777 announced the creation of an independent republic called New Connecticut).

Joined in 1792 Kentucky(separated from Virginia).
In 1796 - Tennessee(the first state to form in the new Territory).
In 1817 - Mississippi.
In 1820 - Maine.
In 1845 - Florida(taken back from the Spaniards).
In 1863 - West Virginia(freedom-loving western outskirts of Virginia).
In 1790, the federal district is formed Colombia(coinciding with the city of Washington). This district was immediately planned as a meeting place for the US government.
In 1787, the Northwest Territory was organized. The act of its creation was adopted in 1785.
Later states were formed in this territory: Ohio (1803), Indiana (1816), Illinois (1818), Michigan (1837), Wisconsin(1848) and part Minnesota (1858).

Hawaii is an island state in the Pacific Ocean. It remained an independent kingdom for a long time. But American missionaries and businessmen penetrated its territory. Many missionaries became entrepreneurs and acquired land. Trade and agriculture developed. The Americans invested heavily in the development of the region and their business.

At some point, defending its territorial interests, the United States "helped" Hawaii turn into a republic. It happened in 1894, on July 4th. Quite symbolic. In 1897, the United States ratified an agreement with Hawaii on the annexation of the latter. In 1959, Hawaii becomes the 50th state of the United States.

Thus, the territory of the United States of America was formed from 1787 - with the acquisition of the status of a "state" by the states of Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and until 1959 - with the addition of the 50th state - Hawaii.

2. Toponymy of state names

Toponymy- a science that studies geographical names, their origin, semantic meaning, development, current state, spelling and pronunciation.

Word state(state) appeared in the colonial period (circa 1648), when it was sometimes called individual colonies, became used universally after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and is currently included in the name of 46 states.

Interestingly, although California is called a state, the "Republic of California" is inscribed on its flag. The 50 US states have borrowed their names from many languages. The names of half of them came from the languages ​​of the North American Indians. The remaining states received names from European languages: Latin, English and French.

The names of 26 states are of Indian origin (of which at least one is Idaho- probably invented), the name Alaska came from the language of the Eskimos, Hawaii- from the Hawaiian language, eleven states have names of English origin, six have Spanish, three have French, the name Rhode Island taken from the Dutch language and, finally, the name of one state - Washington- has roots in US history.

Of the 50 states, 11 were named after individual historical figures. There are also several possible origins for 6 names (Arizona, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Oregon and Rhode Island).

The history of the United States, beginning with the territorial division into 13 colonies, and now having 50 states, is reflected in the flag of the United States of America. The 13 red and white stripes symbolize the first US colonies, and the 50 stars represent the number of US states today.

3. The emergence of state nicknames

After studying the official names of the states, I became interested in how the states got their nicknames, which later acquired official status.

The official nickname is a descriptive name of a US state, used as an addition to the main name. A nickname officially approved by the state legislature, as a rule, reflects some feature of the history or geography of the state, and is also often of an advertising nature. The tradition of nicknames dates back to the time of the formation of the first states.

While researching this topic, I came across more interesting facts related to each of the states. It turns out that each state has not only its official name and nickname, but also an official symbol flower, a symbol bird, a symbol tree, its own anthem and motto, according to which the state lives and works.

Many states are named after their state symbols. And these names appeared, of course, thanks to the people living in them from generation to generation, their life observations, their attitude to their states, their natural phenomena and wealth.

Thus, I learned that all state nicknames can be divided into several groups, according to the reasons for their names. These reasons were - the geographical position of the state, leading agriculture in the state, the production of certain products, plants and animals proclaimed symbols of the state, minerals extracted, natural attractions and beauty, historical events and personalities that influenced the life and development of the state.

Due to the geographical position of Alaska, the state was given the nickname " Last frontier". It is located near the Arctic Circle and was developed and settled by the last of the states of the country.

The state of Georgia is nicknamed " peach state", as it is one of the leading peach producers in the country. For the same reason, leading agriculture, Kansas was nicknamed " sunflower state”, due to large sunflower crops.

North Carolina was named " State of tar” (“The State of Tar Heels”) due to the production of turpentine from birch tar. Workers made turpentine from tar, and the black sticky resin stuck to the heels of their feet.

Some states are nicknamed because of the symbols of their states. So, Oregon is called " beaver state”, the image of a beaver can be seen on one side of the Oregon flag, and on the reverse side of it is the state seal.

Louisiana - " Pelican State”, according to the state’s most common bird, the brown pelican.

The territory of the United States is rich in natural resources, thanks to this, because of the mining of granite in New Hampshire, it was nicknamed " Granite State", and California is called" golden state» due to the discovery of gold deposits, which caused the country's first Gold Rush.

The country is no less rich in natural beauty, which also influenced the nicknames. The state of Vermont is Green Mountain State”, the name speaks for itself, and Michigan is called “ Great Lake State”, since the characteristic feature of this state is the longest coastal strip with fresh water and it is washed by four of the five Great Lakes.

Historical events and political figures have also left their mark on the nicknames of the states. So, Illinois was named " Lincoln Land” in honor of Abraham Lincoln, who led the country in the Civil War in the 1860s.

The names of the states also reflect the character trait of its inhabitants. The state of Utah is called " hive state”, and this symbolizes the industriousness of the people of the state, and the beehive is depicted in the center of the coat of arms.

All the information that I received while studying this topic, I arranged in the tables that are in the appendix.


Writing this research paper was challenging, but very exciting. I read a lot of useful information that will be useful to me in my studies.

I have learned that...
1) ... the states, in addition to the official name, also have a nickname, symbols - a tree, a flower and a bird, a state motto and an anthem;

2) ... that the states have received their name and nicknames from many reasons - the location of the state, natural resources, the production developed in a particular state, the professions and character of people, animals common in the territory of the state and others;

3) ... that both the names of the states and their nicknames are written on the license plates of cars registered in these states.

Thus, going to study only the nicknames of the states, I came across information that became useful to me and helped me to develop the chosen topic, so I studied not only the nicknames of the states, but also more detailed information, without which the study of my topic would not have been possible.

When filling in the tables, I came across some unfamiliar words, the meaning of which was incomprehensible to me. I looked up the meaning of these words in the explanatory dictionary and also placed them in the application.


1) Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language - M., 2005.
2) ABBYY Lingvo is an electronic dictionary. Release: Article: 6091, 2008.



47 people took part in the survey, these are students of 7-8 grades.


Dominion (English dominion, from Latin Dominium - possession) a de facto independent state within the British Empire (now part of the British Commonwealth), recognizing the head of state of the British monarch, represented in the dominion by the governor general
Quakers (eng. Quakers, literally "trembling") the official self-name of the Religious Society of Friends (eng. Religious Society of Friends) - originally a Protestant Christian movement that arose during the years of the revolution (mid-17th century) in England and Wales. The year 1652 (sometimes 1648, when George Fox first delivered a sermon) is considered to be the date of Quakerism's inception.
William Penn a key figure in the early history of the English colonies in America. Penn is revered in the United States as one of the founding fathers of the state and its first capital - Philadelphia ("the city of brotherly love"). As a Quaker pacifist and preacher of religious tolerance, he founded as a "refuge for free-thinking Europeans" a colony, which they called - Pennsylvania (Penn's Forest Country (lat.)). He was one of the first defenders of democracy and religious freedom. His participation in the drafting of a peace treaty with the native inhabitants of America, the Lenape tribe, who historically inhabited the territory of Pennsylvania, is especially noted.

The United States of America is the most economically developed country in the world. - In terms of territory, this state ranks fourth in the world. Its area is 9364 thousand square meters. km. - This is a republic consisting of 50 states and the federal district of Columbia (the territory of the country's capital - Washington). 48 states are located compactly, 2 separately: Alaska, bought from the tsarist government of Russia in 1869, and the Hawaiian Islands. - The economic and geographical position of the United States is very advantageous: a wide front of maritime borders in the west and east (12,000 km), excellent harbors. - According to the state system, the USA is a federal republic, each state has its own constitution, its own legislative and executive authorities, an elected governor, as well as symbols. The development of vast wealth has played an important role in the current prosperity of the United States. - Today, the United States ranks first in the Western world in terms of coal and uranium reserves, and second in terms of gas, copper, zinc, and iron ore reserves. Many deposits are depleted. There are not enough ores of alloying metals (chromium, nickel, cobalt). - About 250 million people live in the vast territory of the USA, which is the third indicator in the world. Modern Americans, in addition to the indigenous population (1% of Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, Hawaiians), includes people from various countries of the world (75%). An integral part of the American nation are Negroes (12%), whose ancestors were brought from Africa to work on plantations. Immigration, the annual influx, which now stands at about 1 million people, has a great influence on the population. In the second half of the 20th century, immigration from Europe decreased significantly, but the number of immigrants from Asia, and especially from Latin America, increased. - US industry is distinguished by a high level of industrial and territorial concentration. It represents all existing industries focused on the production of both mass and serial products.

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_0.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>Presentation on the topic: "The history of the "dollar" and" euro »"> Презентация на тему: «История возникновения «доллара» и «евро» Подготовили: студентки 2-го курса Группы 0505 «а» Тарасова Анастасия и Голубева Кристина Министерство образования и науки, молодежи и спорта Украины Донецкий национальный университет Экономический факультет!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_1.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>Green rustling banknotes cause trembling in hands and feet. Today everyone used to seeing"> Зелененькие шуршащие купюры вызывают дрожь в руках и в ногах. Сегодня все привыкли видеть эти денежки «зелененькими», и желательно, чтобы купюр с изображением знаменитого президента Бенджамина Франклина (для непосвященных – это и есть заветная «доллар»). Ноподоплека этих заветных купюр, а также их переименования, цвета до сих пор для многих исследователей представляется загадкой. Откуда появился этот сегодняшний властитель мира? Как из маленькой никчемной монеты-купюры он превратился мирового господина?!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_2.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>The history of the word "dollar" The corresponding sign ($) is much more ancient than the currency itself."> История возникновения слова «доллар» Соответствующий знак ($) гораздо более древние, нежели сама валюта. Версий о том, как появился этот знак и это название уйма. Начнем с того, откуда пошло само слово «доллар». История его происхождения настолько древняя, что не запутаться во всех хитросплетениях истории просто-напросто невозможно. Традиционно считается, что корни названия купюры уходят… в страну Восточной Европы под названием Чехия.Именно в одном из городов этой страны чеканили талер (тогда его называли иоахимталер). Но англичане в некоторой степени переврали и стали называть талером не только валюту иоахимталер, но и португальские реалы, а сними заодно и испанские песо, которые были как две капли воды похожи на иоахимталер. Позже американцы «позаимствовали» это название у англичан: так талеры стали «далерами».!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_3.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>But there is another version. It steadily claims that the Americans borrowed the name of their national"> Но есть и другая версия. Она неуклонно утверждает, что американцы позаимствовали название своей национальной валюты не у англичан, а у скандинавов. Ведь примерно в это же время Дания и Швеция использовали монеты, которые назывались «далеры». А еще одна (не менее правдоподобная версия) говорит о том, что родиной доллара стала Северная Америка, где активно обращались голландские так называемые «левендаалдерсы» - «львиные даалердеры или талеры». Версия утверждает, что именно отсюда и пошел доллар. Тем не менее, талеры-далеры пока никакой из стран не были «приватизированы» они свободно обращались в качестве валюты, но статуса национального денежного знака так и не получили. А американцы в 1784 году сделали эту валютой своей национальной. При этом, история Соединенных Штатов Америки приводит такую своеобразную шутку: Центральная федеральная власть смогла «забрать» эмиссию доллара в свои руки спустя практически двести лет (во второй половине 19 века). Именно до 19 века все штаты могли спокойно выпускать доллары, которые им нравились: цвет, дизайн и пр. существенно различались. Кстати говоря, «первенец»-бумажный доллар появился в 1785 году.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_4.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>How did the $ symbol come about? And who invented it? History dollar symbol - $"> Как возник символ «$»? И кто его придумал? История символа доллара - $ также полнится своими загадками и секретами. Как гласит официальная версия, прародителем символа доллара стало испанское песо (P), к которому добавлялось S, (это означало песо во множественном числе). Позже торговцы постоянно накладывая знак S на P, упростили его. А две вертикальные палочки на символе доллара получились из-за того, что на валюте испанцев были выгривированы две колонны, которые символизировали Гибралтарские столпы или, как выражались англичане, «Доллары со Столпами»\Pillar Dollar. Еще одна популярная версия говорит о том, что символ доллара появилсяблагодаря Соединенным Штатам Америки (сдается мне, что и версия-то эта придумана самими американцами). На английском языке название звучит как United States of Ameriсa (сокращенно - USA). Так вот, эта версия утверждает, что символ производен от названия американского государства на английском языке. При этом осуществляется смещение двух первых букв и (U и S), а часть буквы U изменилась: исчезла нижняя часть буквы, а остались только две вертикальные палочки, которые в сочетании с буквой S и дали символ национальной валюте страны.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_5.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>U.S. history in faces can be viewed on its currency. The most famous and eminent presidents"> Историю США в лицах можно просмотреть на ее валюте. Самые знаменитые и выдающиеся президенты «засветились» на этой банкноте. Первый президент страны, прославившийся своими завоеваниями, Джордж Вашингтон гордо украшает $1, третий президент Томас Джефферсон, пламенный борец за свободу и демократию, украшает $2, шестнадцатый президент, победивший в войне Севера против Юга и отдавший свою жизнь в борьбе за свободу и демократию, умнейший человек своего времени,Абрахам Линкольн попал на купюру $5. 10 долларов украшает Гамильтон, которого справедливо называют одним из отцов-основателей Соединенных Штатов. Двадцатку украшает седьмой президент США Эндрю Джексон. Пятидесятка украшена восемнадцатым президентом, героем разыгравшейся в 18 веке гражданской войны Улиссом Грант. Ну и наконец-то сотка. На ней изображен один из самых удивительных президентов Сша, который был и замечательным ученым, талантливым публицистом и тактичным дипломатом, Бенджамин Франклин.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_6.jpg" alt=">">

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_7.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>Few people know that in the history of the United States there were bills with a face value 500 dollars, thousand,"> Мало кому известно, что в истории США были купюры, номинальной стоимостью 500 долларов, тысяча, пять тысяч и даже десять. Но сегодня такая купюра – музейная редкость.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_8.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>Why can't I print living presidents on bills?"> Почему на купюрах нельзя печатать живых президентов? В 1864 году американцы приняли закон, согласно которому на денежных банкнотах категорически запрещается помещать портреты живых президентов. История принятия и причин принятия этого закона довольна интересная и смешная. Дело в том, что один из чиновников, отвечающий за выпуск денег на финансирование, главным образом, гражданской войны, был настолько честолюбив, что решил поместить на одну из банкнот свой собственный портрет. Все бы ничего, американцы, занятые в то время войной, наверное, даже не обратили бы внимания на то, чей портрет находится на их национальной валюте, если бы не удивительное стечение обстоятельств: чиновник был известным бабником и вскоре стал героем целого сексуального скандала, связанного с домогательством к своим подчиненным (практически все без исключения из них были женщинами). Вот законодатель США и решил внести такой запрет на помещение портрета действующего и живущего государственного лица, дабы он своим поведением не портил всю репутацию валюты и страны в целом.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_9.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>Euro € - history of origin and development Probably none of the stories occurrence"> Евро € - история возникновения и развития Наверное, ни одна из историй возникновения валют мира, не является столь же яркой и противоречивой, как история возникновения и развития евро €, с успехом заменившей многие европейские денежные единицы – фунт стерлингов, франки, гульдены и прочие. С одной стороны – евро, противопоставляя себя доллару, старается отвоевать финансовую независимость стран Европы от наносного господства Америки. С другой – курс евро, как ни странно, зависим от доллара.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_10.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>Initially, the euro was used only for non-cash payments, and later it became firmly established in cash"> Изначально евро употреблялось только для безналичных расчетов, а позже уже прочно вошло в наличный оборот. Официальный отсчет начался 1 января 1999 года. Разумеется, сразу изъять из оборота национальные деньги невозможно, поэтому сначала на рынках параллельно использовались и местные деньги, и евро. Затем, после официально установленного курса каждой европейской валюты, национальные денежные знаки начали обмениваться на евро. Начинается история возникновения и развития евро € в 1992 году с момента создания Европейского Союза. Объединив в себе такие разноликие государства, Евросоюз просто нуждался в укреплении единства через создание общей валюты.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_11.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>And in a period of six months, the euro becomes the full owner of the pan-European market. They talked like"> И за период в шесть месяцев евро становится полноправным хозяином общеевропейского рынка. Поговаривали, будто первоначальный курс евро по отношению к доллару (1: 1,1736) чрезвычайно и необоснованно завысили, из-за чего в течение года после введения новой валюты, она стала обесцениваться. Лишь в 2001 году за счет волны экономического кризиса в Америке, в результате которой курс доллара снизился, евро начало постепенно наращивать темпы своего подорожания. А террористические атаки на Америку еще более увеличили стабильность европейской единой валюты.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentacii/20170505/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_images/213-proishoghdenie_dollora_i_evro.pptx_12.jpg" alt="(!LANG:>The most correct and competent financial decision in relation to the euro was the issue of the currency in"> Наиболее правильным и грамотным финансовым решением по отношению к евро был выпуск валюты в наличный оборот, кроме того кризисное и долговое состояние Америки не вдохновляло кредитные банки и финансовые фонды (вкладывать деньги в евро считалось более прибыльным, чем бросать деньги на ветер, вкладывая их в падающий доллар). Ныне история возникновения и развития евро €, являясь предтечей евро-популярности, говорит о верности объединения усилий на пути к финансовому процветанию.!}