Short passive participles are material for consolidation in exercises. Form participles from the highlighted verbs. Make up phrases with them. Make a verbal portrait of the communion sodden earth Topic: - Verbal portrait of the communion

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Topic: - Verbal portrait of the sacrament

Hello, good people. My name is Participle, or Special Form of Verb. In my existence, I always have to answer the questions: which one? which? which? To be honest, I didn’t finish school and am now unemployed, so give me at least a little money. At first I was considered for a long time to be a verb, since I have aspect and tense; but then it turned out that I am an adjective, since I have gender, case, and number. So what am I really: an adjective verb or a verbal adjective? Neither one nor the other. I am the middle link in this chain. Therefore, I was kicked out of the family of Verbs and from the family of Adjectives. I have existed for many years, but I don’t care about the future, I live only in the present and the past. When everything is fine with me, I am Actual, but more often I am Passive, because I have a lot of disappointments. Sometimes I live in an apartment with relatives - Dependent Words. Our whole family is called the Participial Turn. Our neighbors - Defined words, when they are not angry with us, we live in front of them. When they are dissatisfied with something, they put us after themselves and are separated by commas. I don't like it, but what can you do... I can have different suffixes - it all depends on the time and mood. Most often I am Passive in the past tense. I can be in different forms: usually I am a Full Communion, but when I feel unbearable, I have to change my appearance - become a Short Communion. In such cases, my appearance changes. Often Not, my friend, is next to me, but when I am in Short Form, he does not recognize me and moves away. At the same time, I lose one “n” in the suffix. The saddest thing is that sometimes they beat me. In such cases, two dots appear in the suffixes above the “e” - bruises, they do not go away for a long time and are very painful. Well, that's all. Just in the end I want to say: “Good people! We are not locals ourselves! Give as much as you can..."

Topic: - Verbal portrait of the sacrament

Hello, good people. My name is Participle, or Special Form of Verb. In my existence, I always have to answer the questions: which one? which? which? To be honest, I didn’t finish school and am now unemployed, so give me at least a little money. At first I was considered for a long time to be a verb, since I have aspect and tense; but then it turned out that I am an adjective, since I have gender, case, and number. So what am I really: an adjective verb or a verbal adjective? Neither one nor the other. I am the middle link in this chain. Therefore, I was kicked out of the family of Verbs and from the family of Adjectives. I have existed for many years, but I don’t care about the future, I live only in the present and the past. When everything is fine with me, I am Actual, but more often I am Passive, because I have a lot of disappointments. Sometimes I live in an apartment with relatives - Dependent Words. Our whole family is called the Participial Turn. Our neighbors - Defined words, when they are not angry with us, we live in front of them. When they are dissatisfied with something, they put us after themselves and are separated by commas. I don't like it, but what can you do... I can have different suffixes - it all depends on the time and mood. Most often I am Passive in the past tense. I can be in different forms: usually I am a Full Communion, but when I feel unbearable, I have to change my appearance - become a Short Communion. In such cases, my appearance changes. Often Not, my friend, is next to me, but when I am in Short Form, he does not recognize me and moves away. At the same time, I lose one “n” in the suffix. The saddest thing is that sometimes they beat me. In such cases, two dots appear in the suffixes above the “e” - bruises, they do not go away for a long time and are very painful. Well, that's all. Just in the end I want to say: “Good people! We are not locals ourselves! Give as much as you can..."

Answer left by: Guest

I love my native land (city). My parents love it when we come to our favorite city. We don’t really like to travel. We recently came to my native land. There is a river, a beach and my good friends Katya and Sasha, we are the best friends .Sasha loves to travel, Katya loves to swim in the river, and I love skiing in winter and downhill skiing, here’s an essay on the topic “places of my native land”

Answer left by: Guest

play what to do play

Answer left by: Guest

In the depths of the Siberian ores KEEP proud patience... -definitely personal, verbal. The days of late autumn usually scold... Vaguely personal, but can also be considered generalized personal, verbal WINTER!. What a magical SHINE! Noise, laughter, running, bowing, gallop, mazurka, waltz - all called, nominal. THE PEASANT, triumphant, RENEWES the path on the firewood.. - two-part, complicated by a single gerund, or an isolated circumstance. I REIGN. -two-part

Answer left by: Guest

My homeland is Uzbekistan, an amazing country. She is ancient, like the Earth itself, beautiful, like a tulip. The culture of Uzbekistan is as diverse as the patterns of a bright carpet. The population of our country is as diverse in national composition, as rich as the scatterings of flowers on the slopes of the Uzbek mountains or on the plains.

The people of Uzbekistan, solemnly proclaiming their commitment to human rights and the principles of state sovereignty, recognizing the high responsibility to present and future generations, relying on the historical experience of the development of Uzbek statehood, confirming their loyalty to the ideals of democracy and social justice, recognizing the priority of generally recognized norms of international law, striving to ensure a decent life for the citizens of the republic, setting the task of creating a humane democratic legal state, in order to ensure civil peace and national harmony, adopts, in the person of its authorized representatives, this Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
I cannot say that Uzbekistan is a densely populated country. Compared to many countries in Asia and Europe, there are not many of us. However, it is our Uzbekistan that can boast of the largest population in Central Asia. There are so many interesting nationalities that live here. From Uzbeks and Kazakhs, Russians and Ukrainians, Tajiks and Karakalpaks to Iranians, Koreans, Germans, Armenians and Chechens. In fact, every person in Uzbekistan is a unique person with a history that is unlike others. By communicating with people of different cultures, you can learn a lot of interesting things: from recipes for delicious dishes to knowledge of the psychology of different nations.

Lesson worksheet Last name, first name___________________________class________date________ Lesson topic_________________________________________________ Lesson motto: CO_________________ CO___________________________ CO_________________ _______________ ______________ ______________ _________________this is ___________________________________________

“Theorists” 1. Disassemble the composition of ______PARTICILE_________________________________________ _ 2. Find out the origin of the word “participle” using the “School Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language” edited by N.M. Shansky. ___________________________________________________________ 3. Select words with the same root ___________________________________________________________ 4. Define participle as a part of speech. Participle is which ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

"Researchers" 1. Are there participles in other languages? (see lesson reference materials) __________________________________________________________ 2. What is the participle term? Justify your answer. more accurately expresses the essence of “hybridity” ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3. Distribute into columns the properties of the participle, “inherited” from the verb and adjective VERB ADJECTIVE Changes by case, number, gender. Syntactic role definition. Syntactic role - predicate in short form It has a full and short form. Time present, past, Type of owls, nesov. Returnability. 4. Prove that the phrases contain different parts of speech. A brilliant scientist, a field glistening with dew.

“Constructors” 1. Create a formula for a participial phrase ___________________________________________________________ 2. Create an algorithm for finding a participial phrase, defining the sequence of actions in numbers 1, 2, 3. Find the word being defined (noun or pronoun) from which the question is raised to the participle. Determine whether the participle has a word to which the participle question is posed (dependent word). Find the participle.

3. Make a scheme for highlighting the participial phrase, arranging the stickers in the desired order. “Literature” 1. Make a basic summary of combined and separate writing Not with participles. NOT together NOT separately 1. Full participles with dependent words. 2. Not used without NOT. 3. There is a contrast with the conjunction A. 4. Short participle. 5. There is no opposition with the conjunction A. 6. There is no dependent word. 2. Open the brackets, choose the combined or separate spelling of participles with NOT:

(In)exhaustible wealth; silence (un) disturbed by anyone; (not) opened flower; rye (not) harvested; (non)fading light; (in)visible ties; (not) ripe, but only ears gaining strength. From the history of the sunflower: There were times when the sunflower, considered the embodiment of a deity, was worshiped by the Aztecs who inhabited North America. This plant, which grew exclusively in this area, began its journey around the world only in the 16th century. The seed, the “child” of the sunflower, nicknamed the “sunny flower” from ancient times, began to be cultivated by the Indians. A large, bright yellow inflorescence, like the sun, turning towards the sun's rays, attracted their attention. Sunflower seeds are a kind of pantry created by Mother Nature, capable of storing and supplying our body with many useful and necessary nutrients for a long time. Sunflower appeared in Russia two centuries later. There is a version that this happened not without the participation of Peter I, enchanted by the “sun flower” in Holland. Sunflower, which came to Kuban in the 70s of the 19th century, conquered its fields. In 1912, the first experimental selection field “Kruglik” was opened in the Kuban, the soul of which became Vasily Stepanovich Pustovoit. The fate of this scientific breeder, who saw the prospects of growing sunflower in the Kuban, is surprising. The attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union, and then the occupation, during which the Nazis destroyed the greenhouses in Kruglik, only temporarily suspended the work of the Kuban breeder. He evacuated to Transcaucasia. Wife Maria Nikolaevna and daughter Galina were unable to board the last train leaving for Krasnodar. Maria Nikolaevna, risking her life, preserved all the breeding material (bags of seeds) accumulated by Vasily Stepanovich over his thirty years

tireless searches. Thanks to this happy circumstance, V. S. Pustovoit continued his research on sunflower breeding... The scientist crossed Texas wild helianthus with cultivated sunflower and obtained a hybrid with new properties. In total, V. S. Pustovoit created 34 varieties of sunflower. Among them is the unsurpassed variety “Peredovik”, a beautiful plant with a basket tightly packed with seeds, up to 40 centimeters in diameter! This handsome man of the domestic fields, who crossed the borders of Russia, peacefully “conquered” many countries and continents of our planet. This is what my native field told me about when I looked at its wide expanse, burning with a yellow living flame. (Based on the book by Vitaly Bardadym “Guardians of the Kuban Land”). “Experimenters” Assignment: Analyze the role of participles in texts of different speech styles. 1. In scientific style: Law __________________? A body immersed in a liquid or gas is subject to a buoyancy force directed vertically upward and equal to the weight of the liquid or gas displaced by the body. words_____, independent parts of speech_____ participles__________ Greek mechanic, physicist, mathematician, engineer 2. In poetic speech Replace participles with adjectives in an excerpt from M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Motherland”. I love the smoke of burnt stubble, a train of trains spending the night in the steppe, and a pair of white birches on a hill in the middle of a yellow field. I love the smoke of the ______________ stubble, In the steppe there are ____________________ convoys, And on a hill in the middle of a yellow field there are a couple of ______________________ birches.

Which option has more visual power? Why? 3. Draw a conclusion about the expressive “power” of the participle, relying on the statements of scientists in the reference materials of the lesson. Participles are given to the text _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ This idea was very accurately reflected by _________________________________ Reference materials participle PRI A A S T IE, -ya, cf. In grammar: a form of a verb that, along with the categories of the verb (tense, voice, aspect), has categories of the adjective (gender, case). Active clause Passive clause | adj. participant, -aya, -oe. P. turnover. II. PRI C H A A S T I E, -i, cf. 1. Same as communion. 2. Symbolizing the blood and body of Jesus Christ, wine in a bowl with pieces of prosvira, taken by believers during the church rite of communion. Dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegova S.I. participle participle aA stie calca lat. participium, which is a translation of the Greek. μετοχή – the same: μέτοχος “participating”, μετέχω “I take part”, because the participle has partly the characteristics of a name, partly a verb (Thomsen, Gesch. 19). Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Progress. M. R. Vasmer. 1964 -1973. V.I. Dahl “The part of speech involved in the verb, in the form of an adjective” V. Lomonosov: “These verbal names serve to abbreviate the M. of the human word, containing the power of the name and the verb...” In other words, the participle carries the meaning of both action and sign of an object. Therefore, it can often be simultaneously asked

different questions: and what is he doing? (what did he do?), and which one? With such an abundance and variety of signs, it is not surprising that scientists for a long time could not find a place for the participle in the system of parts of speech. Some linguists recognized it as an independent part of speech. And this is logical: none of the generally recognized parts of speech have such a set of features. Other linguists classified participles as verbal adjectives. In this case, grammatical properties were considered the main ones: the formation of forms and their role in the sentence. And in modern school textbooks, the participle is more often called a special unconjugated form of the verb. Let us add that the participle is defined in the same way in school textbooks on the closely related Ukrainian language. Only it is called by a different term: [dieprykmetnyk] (literally - “adjective, active adjective”).

1. Replace full participles and adjectives with short ones, find the words from which they are derived: painful operation - the operation is painful (illness); plowed fields - the fields are plowed (to plow).

An exhausted horse, deserted shores, a life offer, lost keys, long stockings, young faces, a completed essay, completed work, a learned theorem, a valuable invention, common demands, abandoned things, dispelled doubts.

2. In these phrases, replace the full participle with a short participle and write down the sentences received.

Installed projection lights; fenced hemp plots; plastered old building; interrupted telephone connection; numerous bugs fixed; abandoned water mill; mown oat field.

3. First, orally form full participles from these verbs, then short ones in writing; make up sentences with complete ones.

The fields were plowed and fertilized. The apples were collected and sorted. The magazines were bound and bound. The grass was cut and piled up.

4. Construct sentences from these phrases. As a predicate, use first a short participle and then a short adjective: deserted, dimly lit streets - Deserted streets are dimly lit. The dimly lit streets are deserted.

1) Lost valuables.

2) Suddenly awakened half-asleep guys.

3) Hard lessons learned.

4) Countless tangled tracks.

5) Courageous heroes covered in glory.

5. Commented letter.

1) The desert is mysterious and lifeless until its secrets are unraveled.

2) The silence of the forest is solemn and mysterious.

3) The road is long, the travelers are exhausted, but their will is unyielding.

4) All these books were read during long sleepless nights.

5) Everyone was captured and shocked by his sincere, fiery speech.

6) Numerous northern islands are lost in the icy expanses.

7) I was given a box covered with strange shells.

Natasha was indifferent, restrained and seemingly absent-minded.

Students make mistakes not only in spelling nn and n in adjectives and participles; one often comes across the erroneous spelling of the vowel before n in short participles (seeded, crowned, calmed) and in some singular masculine adjectives (dangerous, slender).

In order not to make mistakes in the spelling of these spellings, students must replace the short form with the full one and use it to determine the part of speech. If this is a participle, then in its short form it retains the same vowel as in its full form (sown - sown, crowned - crowned, calmed - calmed), if it is an adjective, then in the short form of the masculine singular it has a fluent e (clear - clear, slender - slender, dangerous - dangerous, stuffy - stuffy, sultry - sultry).

Students also often mix the short form of the adjective heard (heard, heard, heard), formed from the full form heard, with the short participle heard (heard, heard, heard), formed from the participle heard.

It is also useful to draw students’ attention to the fact that the short form of the adjective worthy is worthy, and worthy is a short participle formed from the verb worthy.

Material for training work.

1. Replace the short form of participles and adjectives with the full form and vice versa.

a) The house is built, vacation is promised. The son is obedient. Worthy of an award. Money has been exchanged. The boy is happy. Awarded the title.

b) Hungry puppy. A neglected garden. Absent-minded students. Sultry afternoon. Stifling air. An interesting story, a sown area. Straightforward answer.

2. From these sentences, write down participles in one column and adjectives in the other. Find their full form.

1) The air is stuffy, the steppe is sleepy.

2) Kerosene has been pumped out of the barrel.

3) The stormy ocean is beautiful, but dangerous.

4) The air is transparent and sultry.

5) The winner is covered with glory and crowned with laurels.

6) His path was difficult and dangerous, he was completely exhausted.

7) His suit is poorly tailored and very worn.

The detachment was spotted and fired upon by the enemy.

9) The portrait is enlarged and placed in a frame.

10) The child is obedient and worthy of praise.

Sentences that can be used for dictation.

1) In a snowy forest, animal trails are long and tangled.

2) Drainage work has been organized in the wetland. The ordered goods have been purchased and shipped.

3) The nuclear icebreaker was built and launched.

4) In his painting, distant mountains in the Pre-dawn fog were barely outlined.

5) Recently found ancient coins were transferred to the local museum.

Particular difficulties for spelling are short passive participles and similar short adjectives from participial formation. For example: There are seeds scattered across the field and these boys are distracted in class.

The following techniques can be used to distinguish between these forms.

1. The participle can always be replaced with a verb: Seeds are scattered across the field. - Seeds are scattered across the field; The exams were passed excellently. - The exams were passed excellently.

Adjectives cannot be replaced with a verb, but a comparative degree can be formed from them: These boys are absent-minded in class. - These boys were more absent-minded today than ever. Your friends are self-possessed. - Your friends have become more self-possessed.

2. The participle can be replaced by another participle: Seeds are scattered across the field. - Seeds are scattered across the field; Exams passed.-Exams passed.

An adjective can be replaced with another adjective:

The boys are absent-minded in class. - The boys are inattentive in class.

Your friends are self-possessed. - Your friends are disciplined.

For each sentence with a doubtful case, we apply one of the specified methods, and if the doubt is not resolved, then we check using both methods.

You can strengthen this skill by analyzing sentences.

1) Travelers are concerned about the lack of a guide.

2) An extended day group has been organized.

3) My attention is focused on solving the problem.

4) She is always too preoccupied.

5) Rapid flows of water are restrained by a dam.

6) The team is organized and friendly.

7) Children are well-mannered and smart.

Everyone was focused during the lesson.

As a result of such work on the topic, students, as a rule, learn the difference between adjectives and participles and do not make mistakes in these grammatical forms.