Cream after yellow face peeling. Care after yellow peeling for the skin of the face. Yellow peeling: procedure protocol

Of course, today yellow peeling is considered one of the most effective and painless anti-aging procedures, which has more and more fans.

Yellow peeling or, as it is also called, retinol peeling is considered a type of superficial-median chemical peeling. Its action is aimed at preventing age-related skin changes and combating their early manifestation. There are two types of yellow peeling: peeling based on synthetic retinoic acid and peeling, where natural retinol acts as a chemical agent. In the first case, a soft and comfortable effect on the skin is carried out, as a result of which the recovery period does not last long (about two days). In terms of its impact, it is considered average. Peeling with natural retinol, which is extracted from the extracts of the Urukum tropical shrub (Amazonia), is considered superficial (enzymatic), so it can be done quite often. Being a fat-soluble substance, retinol makes its way through the lipid layer of the skin and binds to receptors on cells.

Retinoic acid, which is an integral component of yellow peeling, turns the face yellow after the procedure. Hence the corresponding name "Yellow Peeling". Retinoic acid is involved in redox processes and cellular metabolism, stimulating dermal cells, which enhances the production of collagen and elastin, stimulates the synthesis of epidermal lipids, and also has bactericidal and comedolytic effects. In addition, the composition of retinol peeling includes kojic, ascorbic, azelaic, phytic acids, which help eliminate the formation of hyperpigmentation and enhance the effect of retinoic acid. Yellow peeling promotes cell regeneration, stimulates blood circulation in the dermis and protein synthesis.

This type of peeling has a gentle effect, so it can be used for any skin type, including sensitive, thin, young, etc. Due to its delicate effect, yellow peeling can be used on the skin of the eyelids, neck and décolleté, as well as hands. In addition, one of the advantages of this type of peeling is the possibility of its implementation at any time of the year. This rejuvenating procedure is recommended for women aged 35-50 years, but can also be used in the younger years of 20-25 years (it is during this period that the first signs of skin aging appear). Yellow peeling, unlike other types of peeling, is a completely painless procedure with a short recovery period (2-4 days), which has no side effects or any complications.

The rejuvenating result after yellow peeling lasts for six months.

Indications for yellow peeling:

  • prevention of aging;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • photoaging;
  • fading, dull, atonic skin;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • scarring;
  • biological aging of the skin;
  • keratomas;
  • preparation for dermatoplasty.
Contraindications for yellow peeling:
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • skin diseases in a chronic form at the stage of exacerbation;
  • skin inflammation;
  • liver disease;
  • rosacea;
  • herpes;
  • taking retinoids;
  • flat warts;
  • rosacea;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the peeling composition.
Preparing for the yellow peeling procedure.
Before carrying out this type of peeling, the skin needs preparation, which includes more delicate enzymatic or fruit-acid peelings. In total, it is necessary to carry out two procedures two weeks before the expected date of the peeling. In some beauty parlors, special acid creams (based on glycolic acid) are used as a pre-peeling preparation, which have a softening effect, as a result of which the keratinized layer of cells softens, facilitating the penetration of retinoic acid. It is also possible to use such creams at home two weeks before peeling. About a week before the retinol peel, you should stop using drugs that have an exfoliating effect, visit tanning salons and stay in direct sunlight for a long time, and you should not use laser procedures.

Yellow peeling procedure.
So, immediately before the retinol peeling, make-up and other impurities are removed from the patient's face. After that, a solution is applied to the skin, which contains glycolic and salicylic acids, resorcinol and chitosan, due to which the dead skin is quickly exfoliated and prepared for the application of the peeling composition. This composition is applied to the skin for twenty minutes. At the same time, in the first few seconds, patients may experience a slight burning sensation and tingling of the skin, which disappears very quickly. After the specified time, the retinol peeling is neutralized, and the composition is washed off.

Results of the procedure and post-peel recommendations.
Immediately after the procedure, the skin of the face acquires a pink color and delightful smoothness. A day later, due to cell death and dehydration, a feeling of skin tightness appears, which gradually turns into peeling. By the way, peeling cannot be eliminated with the use of cosmetics. This process should take place naturally. The period of regeneration and renewal of the skin lasts about a week, after which the skin becomes smooth, young and elastic, the complexion evens out, all mimic wrinkles and shallow wrinkles are smoothed out. The rejuvenating result after retinol peeling lasts for six months.

To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to carry out a course of procedures, including two or three sessions of yellow peeling every two weeks. In the periods between treatments, it is recommended to use thermal water, moisturizing creams and enzyme masks. If peeling is carried out in spring and summer, then in order to prevent skin pigmentation, creams with a high level of UV protection should be used.

It is desirable to carry out a full course of retinol peeling once or twice a year.

It is better to do yellow peeling in a proven beauty salon with an experienced specialist. Only then the effectiveness of this procedure will be maximum.

Yellow, retinoic, retinol - why so many names? In fact, we are talking about the same procedure, the only difference is in the active ingredient that is used for exfoliation. If the peeling is retinol, then natural retinol (true vitamin A) is used, while the effect will be quite gentle. Retinoic peeling involves the use of retinoic acid (a synthetic analogue of retinol), which gives a more pronounced effect. However, these differences are very conditional, since the result depends, rather, on the technology of applying the chemical composition and the duration of its exposure (presence on the face). Yellow peeling, the general term for this type of exfoliation, is used for the reason that after the procedure the face turns into a characteristic yellowish tint.

Well, the terminological educational program is over, now let's get to the point and talk about all the subtleties and pitfalls of yellow peeling.

What are the advantages of retinol peeling?

Yellow peeling has been among the most popular in this segment of cosmetic care for several years now. This procedure is recommended rather for more mature skin: if you are under 35, give preference to other methods. Yes, cosmetologists can recommend retinoic peeling to solve a number of significant problems, including pigmentation, mimic wrinkles, enlarged pores. However, you must understand that yellow peeling is not the highest priority procedure for these purposes. We would call this type of exfoliation rather gentle, and definitely one of the softest among the superficial-middle ones.
Especially yellow peeling is good for oily and combination skin: both exfoliation and recovery are much softer, and the end result will be more pronounced. Dry skin with this type of exfoliation may react more difficultly, and peeling will take longer.

Yellow (retinol, retinoic) peeling - contraindications.

As a rule, contraindications for chemical peels are always the same, but in the case of yellow peeling, a few more points are added to the standard list. They are associated with a special effect of retinol on the body, therefore, during this procedure, it is necessary to exclude any other drugs in which retinol is present.

So, it is better to refrain from the procedure if you have one or more of the following problems.

Brand overview

You are interested in the cosmetologist, what brand of the drug he will use for the procedure? If not, we recommend that you do so in the future. Take the same retinoic peeling: not just a lot, but almost everything depends on the brand!

Mene&Moy System (USA)

This is one of the most powerful yellow peels, which contains a complex of active acids - phytic, azelaic, retinoic, kojic and ascorbic. It is recommended to do it no more than once every six months, since after it the effect is modeled for 6 months.

Of the shortcomings - severe erythema and subsequent rather intense peeling not only of the treated area, but also of the surrounding areas.


Yellow peeling in this brand is represented by the Retices line, which includes several products. The concentration of retinol in them varies from 1% to 10%, and this makes this peeling unique, since an experienced cosmetologist can competently combine these products in one procedure.


Peeling from Kosmoteros is characterized by low trauma, therefore it has gained well-deserved popularity. The main active ingredient is transretinoic acid (5%), which is responsible for evening out skin tone and relief. In addition, the composition contains the following auxiliary components:

  • vitamin E - promotes intensive restoration of skin cells;
  • vitamin C - gives radiance, stimulates the renewal and rejuvenation of the epidermis;
  • beta-carotene - serves as a powerful barrier against the negative effects of the environment.


We dearly love this peeling because the set with an exfoliating solution includes a cream with an spf filter, two serums and a soothing cream. The cosmetologist will give you all this with him, and it is mega-convenient! Firstly, you don’t have to puzzle over how to save your skin after peeling, and secondly, you will have enough of these funds for care after 1 session, so you don’t have to buy anything or pour anything. If you first decided to try yellow peeling, we safely recommend this brand to you. Retinol peeling "Arcadia" is distinguished by a mild post-peeling period (in the morning you will find a tightened face with a tanning effect, and peeling will be very delicate), and an increasing effect within 4-5 months after the session.

It is believed that the importance of pre-peel preparation is very overestimated, so many people neglect this stage. But not in the case of yellow peeling.

The fact is that retinoic acid has a fairly low degree of penetration, therefore, without a competent pre-drink, you risk getting a zero effect, or seeing only minor changes. How to prepare for yellow peeling at home? 1-2 months before the procedure, you can start using care cosmetics with a low content of acids (night cream and tonic are enough), the rest of the cosmetics can be normal.

Home care with acids is an important step in preparing for peeling.

A few weeks before the main session, as a rule, several superficial peels are prescribed, for example, two almond and one glycol. In addition, on the eve of the procedure (3-5 days), the beautician can offer you cosmetics of the same brand on which the peeling will be performed. As a rule, it is an acid foam for washing and a cream. Both products perfectly prepare the skin for the procedure, moreover, the primary peeling can begin already these days.

Yellow peeling: procedure protocol

The procedure protocol depends not only on the chosen brand, but also on your interaction with the beautician. A competent specialist, who has studied your condition well and recognized your goals, can vary, for example, the intensity of peeling or the time of exposure. But in order for you to imagine how the procedure will go, we offer for review the protocol of yellow peeling using the example of the Mediderma brand.

Mediderma Yellow Peeling Protocol.

What will happen after the procedure

What REALLY to count on after yellow peeling

It is important to understand that you should not expect instant and dramatic changes from yellow peeling, however, if you undergo this procedure regularly (several times a year), the final result will be excellent. We warn you only because often the expectations of those who do retinol peels do not coincide with reality at all. Let's be honest and point out what you MUST get after the procedure.

  1. More even complexion;
  2. Visual narrowing of pores;
  3. Fresh, pinkish skin tone;
  4. Reduced sebum secretion and, as a result, fewer clogged pores;
  5. Elimination of small traces of post-acne;
  6. The visual sensation of a “rested” face.

In addition, the face after yellow peeling will respond much better to skin care products - creams, masks, serums. You will feel this cool effect very quickly: the skin will literally “eat up” the product and as a result you will see a tangible effect of cosmetics in the mirror.

After yellow peeling, skin care products will work much better.

Yellow peeling does not give instant colossal changes. Moreover, after a single procedure, most likely, both age spots and wrinkles will remain with you. But don't panic. Firstly, retinoic peeling is wonderful in that it has a “delayed” effect: that is, positive changes with your skin will occur over the next 3-4 months.

Secondly, you can enhance the effect of the procedure with the help of a course of procedures. This tactic is typical for most medium peels: if you can afford the whole course (most of all in this case, many people are stopped by a few days of rehabilitation), but the result will be, without exaggeration, stunning.

After the yellow peeling procedure, as well as between sessions, cosmetologists often recommend retinol in small concentrations (0.25%). This tactic will enhance the effect and reduce itching and irritation during subsequent retinol peels. In addition, antioxidants are prescribed as additional drugs - vitamins C and E, ferrulic acid. It is during this period that nutraceuticals, which have been popular in recent years, will be especially effective - collagen and collagen stimulators, as well as Omega-3.
If after retinoic peeling you feel severe dryness, we recommend using emollients. Work best:

  • Locobase Ripea,
  • "Emolium"
  • Mustela Stelatopia;
  • Topikerm.

A week of using these products is enough for the skin to fully recover after exfoliation.

Why not wait?

Any peeling is not magic, but a very specific procedure, from which one should expect a certain effect. What you can expect, we wrote above. Now let's talk about what is not particularly worth waiting for after this manipulation.

Changes after retinol peeling are far from always obvious.
  1. Colossal transformation. Since yellow peeling is a rather gentle procedure, “erasing” of wrinkles and cardinal facial rejuvenation should not be expected. In advertising brochures, you can often find completely fabulous promises - from smoothing nasolabial folds to tightening the oval of the face. Of course, no middle peeling, by definition, can solve this problem.
  2. Visible care on skin accustomed to peels. If regular exfoliation is an indispensable part of your routine, the effect of a retinoic peel can be very small. According to cosmetologists, the most pronounced result is present in those who have never experienced acid care and have not carried out any peeling.

Yellow peeling: questions and answers

4 weeks have passed since the peeling, and the skin is still peeling, is this normal?

Yes. After yellow peeling, progressive peeling is allowed for several weeks. In addition, increased exfoliation can occur under adverse weather conditions, improper care, or sensitive and too dry skin.
Can I do yellow peeling if I take oral systemic retinoids (eg Roccautan)?

No, it is better to refrain from the procedure until the end of the course of treatment.

How many days after yellow peeling can contour plastic surgery be performed?

Not earlier than 2 weeks, since contour preparations (fillers) prevent skin regeneration after peeling.

How long can you get pregnant after yellow peeling?

When pregnancy occurs, it is recommended to refrain from any cosmetic procedures without the permission of your doctor. However, if you did a peeling without suspecting pregnancy, you should not worry: the concentration of retinol in yellow peeling is too low to enter the systemic circulation.

How to enhance the effect of yellow peeling?

It is recommended to use an increasing concentration of retinol cream between treatments (or after completion).
How to combine retinol peels with mesotherapy / biorevitalization?
It is recommended to carry out mesotherapy or birevitalization in the intervals between exfoliation sessions. This will smooth out the course of the post-peeling period, nourish the skin and significantly increase the effect of the procedure. It is better to give preference to revitalization, or mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid in combination with oligoelements or organic silicon.

Can yellow peeling be applied on the eyelids?

Yes, but there may be some swelling after the procedure and for the next few days.
A few days after the peeling, the face is red, inflamed, is this a complication?

Yes, most likely, this is retinoid dermatitis - one of the typical ones after yellow peeling, which, however, many experts consider to be a variant of the norm. This condition will improve within 3-4 days, but if this does not happen, and the situation only worsens, we recommend that you contact your cosmetologist.

Severe itching after yellow peeling, what should I do?

Itching of varying degrees is a common reaction to retinol. It is recommended to take an antihistamine.

Is it possible to do yellow peeling with neoplasms on the face?

Only if the neoplasm is benign. Moreover, retinoic acid inhibits the division of atypical cells.
Is it possible to drink alcohol after yellow peeling?

Any alcoholic beverages are recommended to be excluded both before and after retinol peeling. Firstly, you create an additional load on the liver, and secondly, worsen recovery after the procedure.
Why do eyelids and ears peel off after yellow peeling, and not just the treated area?

This is how the effect of retinol is manifested: it covers 1-2 cm more than the treated area.

Today, cosmetology offers a whole range of procedures that allow you to preserve youthful skin and fix minor bugs.

Women can only choose a procedure based on their individual problems and health indicators.

In order to carry out smart choice First of all, you should understand what this or that procedure is.

yellow peeling appeared in our country relatively recently. During this time, he managed to become very popular due to his effectiveness.

Every month, millions of women in the US, Europe, and more recently in Russia undergo yellow peeling.

Officially this peeling called retinoic. It began to be called yellow due to the fact that during the procedure a mask of the corresponding color is applied to the face.

Retinoic peeling is based on the impact retinoic acid on the skin and belongs to one of the varieties.

Retinoic acid is synthetic analog of vitamin A, which has a significant impact on the processes of regeneration in the skin.

Retinoic acid:

  1. Stimulates collagen synthesis.
  2. Enhances hydration.
  3. Improves circulation in the capillaries, and hence the nutrition of the skin.
  4. Reduces the number of abnormal cells.

The use of acid in cosmetic procedures causes active peeling of the upper, damaged skin layer and activation of the cell renewal process, due to which rejuvenating effect.

The active substances of the acid are a catalyst for the production of new elastin molecules, which enhances the refreshing effect. In addition, the application of retinol whitens the skin, reducing the signs of photoaging and pigmented spots.

How is peeling done

The procedure is simple
. The contents of the tube, that is, the mask containing retinoic acid, are squeezed into a bowl and mixed. After that, the mixture is evenly applied to the skin with a special spatula.

Including the mask is applied to the lower and upper areas of the eyelids. Eyelash and eyebrow areas should be avoided. About after half an hour after application, the mask hardens.

If peeling is one-day, the mask is not washed off. The patient goes home and washes it off himself after 12 hours.

If peeling - two days, the session lasts several hours, during which the mask is applied and washed off several times. Leaves the last mask. The patient washes it off on his own after about 2 hours. After a few days, the procedure is repeated.

Before the procedure does not hurt skin preparation faces. It is carried out in order to prevent keratinization of the skin during the procedure. Horny skin does not pass retinoic acid well, which means it reduces the effectiveness of the procedure.

Retinoic peeling in several stages:

  1. The doctor must make sure that there are no contraindications.
  2. A map is started, where the facts of the use of retinol earlier and the reaction of the body are noted.
  3. The condition of the skin is determined, all are recorded defects and signs of aging.
  4. For two weeks before the procedure, it is recommended to add acid in a small concentration to everyday skin care products to prepare it for the active phase.
  5. During the procedure, the skin is pre-treated with acids, such as lactic. Then the active composition is applied for a period of time from 20 minutes to 12 hours(depending on the concentration of the drug).
  6. During the exfoliation period, it is possible to use soothing applications on the skin.
  7. After two weeks, the procedure is repeated ( the course includes up to 5 procedures).

After yellow peeling, you need to cleanse the skin neutral soap. It is important to moisturize the skin during the first week to reduce flaking.

For this purpose, you can use the means that the doctor will recommend to you. Far from the worst option is Vaseline.

Should definitely ask your doctor how often to moisturize the skin, as this is determined individually.

Two weeks after the yellow peeling procedure, it is forbidden to use cosmetics, which contains retinoids and AHA. It is undesirable to undergo other cosmetic procedures: permanent waving, etc.

Since retinol greatly increases the sensitivity of the skin, during the first month, sunscreen will not interfere. You need to be in the sun as little as possible.


Retinoic acid has a wide range of influence on the surface and middle layers of the dermis, so its use is justified for a whole range of problems:

  • insufficient production of collagen;
  • moisture disturbance;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • loss of elasticity and firmness;
  • the need for bleaching;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • age aging;
  • photoaging;
  • acne;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • the need to cleanse the skin, improve the relief and structure;
  • the need to tighten the skin;
  • traces of blackheads and deep pimples.

The most commonly used peeling for rejuvenating the skin of the face, but it is also great for hands, neck and décolleté.


The action of retinoids is quite active and affects the functioning of some organs. Particularly peeling. do not recommend:

  • when planning pregnancy - to eliminate the risk of fetal defects when retinoids accumulate in the mother's body, pregnancy and lactation;
  • with liver diseases;
  • allergic reactions to the drug (because retinol increases skin reactivity);
  • inflammation and chronic diseases in the treatment area (for example, herpes);
  • viral infections;
  • when using incompatible drugs (for example, roaccutane);
  • recent cosmetic procedures (scrub, laser peeling, cleaning);
  • excessive sunburn.

In addition, after the course should be abandoned from visiting the solarium for two months and it is recommended to use skin protection products from ultraviolet radiation.

Renewed skin is very sensitive to various kinds of damage and its protective functions are weakened.

Benefits of peeling

Retinoic peeling is quite popular, as it has a number of advantages before other procedures:

  • painlessness;
  • skin recovery in a few days;
  • short course;
  • noticeable effect when removing pigmented areas and mimic wrinkles;
  • softness of the effect (yellow peeling is not contraindicated for owners of young, thin or sensitive skin);
  • after the course, the renewal process in the skin lasts at least three months.

Disadvantages of the procedure

The essence of the method is to use the aggressive effect of retinol on the treated surface, so peeling has a number of shortcomings:

  • for almost half a day after applying the mask, it cannot be washed off (the procedure itself lasts no more than half an hour, but the mask must be worn for a long time);
  • you need a lot of free time (two-day yellow peeling is carried out in two stages for several hours each);
  • the need to stay at home for several days due to the “unpresentable” appearance;
  • itching on the skin may be observed;
  • the need to include high-protection UV protection creams in care products;
  • the undesirability of peeling in the summer or before holidays in hot countries;
  • increased skin sensitivity.

Prices for retinoic peeling

Retinoic peels are produced by companies from various countries. The most famous domestic peels: Cimel, Medicontrolpeel, Carrotspeel. American: Mene&Moy, Timeless peel. Israeli: GIGI and Holy Land.

The amount that you will need to spend depends on the condition of the skin and the specific problem that you would like to solve with peeling.

The cost of one-day yellow peeling in Moscow it fluctuates between 4,000 and 6,000 rubles. The cost of a two-day peeling is twice as high.

Prolonging youth and natural beauty became possible thanks to the use of. Modern cosmetology is aimed at maintaining the skin in an elastic state for a long period of time. An effective procedure that works in this direction is yellow.

What is peeling?

Peeling is aimed at eliminating dead skin cells when using special cosmetics.

eliminates fine wrinkles;

prevents skin aging, smoothes its relief.

Read more about the features of retinoic peeling in.

How is the procedure carried out?

The peeling steps are as follows:

1. The procedure begins with cleansing the skin of cosmetics using cotton swabs soaked in an alcohol-containing liquid. When applying the product, sterility must be observed.

2. Peeling is applied with a special brush on the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose, bypassing the eye area. After its application (after thirty minutes), the patient feels a pleasant warmth and slight tingling. It is necessary to wait until the composition is absorbed.

3. The composition for peeling is required to hold from four to twelve hours. After that, it must be washed off with warm water. Then apply.

For complete information on how retinoic peeling is done at home, read at.

In the photo: face before and after the yellow peeling procedure

Yellow peeling photo before and after the procedure shows the following results:
On the first day, the skin will look tight.
On the second, the exfoliation of small particles of the skin will begin.
On the third and fourth days, it will become noticeable in the central part of the face.
On the fifth day, the symptoms will pass, itching and discomfort will disappear.
And finally, on the sixth day, the skin will please with its smoothness and noble color.

Important! Large flakes should never be torn off. To do this, use cosmetic scissors and carefully cut off the exfoliated skin particles.

The face after yellow peeling must be lubricated with solcoseryl ointment to speed up the healing process.

Indications for the procedure

An important point when applying the mask is the maturity of the skin. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend retinoic yellow peeling after thirty-five years and up to fifty.

As a result of the use of the mask, it becomes possible:

normalization of intracellular metabolism;

reduction of skin rashes.

This peeling does not require a course, one procedure every six months is enough. It is advisable to apply a mask in the autumn-winter period.

Peeling can be used on the neck, hands, face, décolleté.

How to properly peel at home will tell you.


Contraindications to this procedure may be:

individual intolerance to peeling;

acute inflammatory, infectious, chronic diseases;


If there is a change in the integrity of the skin, the presence of rashes and inflammation, the procedure should be postponed.

Possible Complications

The composition of the peeling penetrates to the vascular network and is carried with the blood flow, it can penetrate the placental barrier. Therefore, manifestations of such unpleasant consequences are possible:
severe redness in areas of the skin;
increased exfoliation of skin particles;
increased body temperature after the procedure;
pain sensations.

Accordingly, reviews after yellow peeling can be negative. Therefore, before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary:
consult a dermatologist and determine the individual tolerance of the procedure;
make sure that the specialist is qualified;
check the conformity of the beauty salon certification;
find out yellow peeling reviews of patients who have already used this service.

To avoid negative consequences, it is advisable to carry out the procedure in the cabin, and not at home.

Facial care after peeling

After the procedure, it is necessary to apply the drug D-panthenol, a spray with thermal water. Be sure to consult with a beautician.

It is advisable to use additional products that will protect against direct rays on the skin of the face:
wear a wide-brimmed hat
apply special protective creams.

Thus, yellow peeling before and after the procedure shows the following advantages:

fast recovery effect;
gentle procedure;
the possibility of peeling in the autumn-winter period.

If you want to prolong youth, remove acne and age spots, perform a rejuvenating procedure - yellow peeling.

Cosmetic procedures are quite painful. Otherwise, their effectiveness suffers. But retinoic yellow peeling is an exception to the rule. This procedure effectively rejuvenates the skin, while it is safe and non-traumatic!

The fair sex wants to look young and beautiful. But when age takes its toll, ordinary makeup no longer helps to hide or correct the beginning changes in appearance.

More effective measures are needed, for example, retinoic peeling, which is becoming increasingly popular. This procedure is one of the most effective, but at the same time safe and painless types of removal of the stratum corneum for the purpose of rejuvenation.

But before using it, you need to study all the nuances and features, find out the indications and contraindications, familiarize yourself with the required preparation and subsequent care.

What is retinoic peeling

First of all, you need to understand what is peeling? This cosmetic procedure is also called exfoliation. It involves exfoliation or removal of the superficial keratinized layer of the skin.

As a result, the appearance of the skin improves, as healthy and young cells appear on its surface. All types of exfoliation can be divided into several groups, depending on the method of exposure to the skin:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • enzymatic;
  • laser;
  • ultrasonic;
  • and others - less popular and rarely carried out - biological, radio wave.

Peeling also differs in degree, depth of exposure:

  • surface
    only the stratum corneum is removed;
  • median
    exposure is aimed at the epidermis and capillary dermis;
  • deep
    the procedure affects almost all layers of the skin.

Retinoic peel procedure

Peeling with retinoic acid is a type of chemical, superficial medial exfoliation. This procedure owes its name to the main substance - retinoic acid. One of its characteristic features is the coloring of the skin in yellow. Therefore, another name is very often found - retinoic yellow peeling, and a little less often - retinol.

Unlike other similar procedures, such peeling does not cause damage to the upper layers of the epidermis. But, despite this, it effectively affects the appearance, resists age-related changes in the skin, eliminates hyperpigmentation, and is an effective method of dealing with various dermatological problems.

The chemical composition of the components during retinoic peeling is not limited to the acid of the same name. Ascorbic, phytic and other types of acids can be used here. All of them play a supporting role and complement the impact of the main component.

This type of exfoliation is applied to various parts of the body. Most often it is the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. The procedure for the eyelids and hands is no less in demand.

Who needs a retinoic acid peel?

Retinoic exfoliation is intended exclusively for adult, mature skin. The use of a special exfoliating mask based on this acid is recommended for women aged 35-50. In this case, the frequency of the procedure should not be more than 3-5 sessions, and the regularity of the courses - more than once every 6 months.

Women under the age of 35 can also use the procedure. But only if they have problems such as excessive pigmentation, acne scarring, severe acne, early signs of aging. The final decision, even in this case, must be made together with a doctor or a professional beautician.

  • the appearance of mimic wrinkles;
  • the presence of increased pigmentation;
  • aging, dull skin;
  • scars and acne;
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • keratosis is a violation of metabolic processes.

Is this peeling safe?

Any exfoliation is a very delicate process. But peeling with retinoic acid almost does not damage the skin, does not cause scars or scars. This procedure is considered one of the safest, has virtually no side effects or complications. Such conclusions are given both by clinical studies and by the opinions of the women themselves, who have tried this anti-aging technique on themselves.

Possible Complications

Do not forget that retinoic acid is still a chemical drug. Therefore, side effects cannot be completely excluded. But after retinoic peeling, they are extremely rare, and the degree of manifestation is minimal.

The most common complication from this exfoliation peeling of the skin. It is not desirable to speed up this process, it is better to wait for the end of exfoliation in a natural way, only moisturizing the skin in a timely manner. Due to peeling, a temporary darkening of the skin is possible. This will pass when the recovery process is completed.

Another complication is the formation of edema and local inflammatory reactions. They happen in women with thin skin. It is most characteristic of the area near the eyes and neck. Edema appears 1-3 days after the cosmetic procedure, and disappears in a day.

Do not forget that the skin after the procedure is especially sensitive to any irritants. Temperature fluctuations, ultraviolet, mechanical influences can harm the skin. Ideally, during recovery, these influences are best eliminated.

Features of the impact of retinoic acid

As you already know, the main component here is retinoic acid. It has a pronounced yellow color, which is known to many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. By the degree of impact on the skin, this component is close to vitamin A. It awakens cells, stimulates their active division.

The procedure enhances the recovery process, activates the production of such important skin materials as elastin and collagen, cleanses the surface layers of the skin from impurities. Retinoids improve metabolic processes, restore blood circulation under the skin, and help retain moisture.

Thus, this procedure and its main chemical component rejuvenates the skin, restores cells, activates metabolic processes, has a bactericidal effect, and effectively eliminates increased pigmentation.

Is it possible to perform the procedure at home

The mild effect and gentle composition of the components enable women to do retinoic peeling at home. It is necessary to use only ready-made products and formulations. Before using them, be sure to read the instructions and user recommendations.

Other components may be included in retinoic exfoliation kits. For example, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, etc. The technique of the procedure is the same as in the salon. It also requires proper preparatory and post-peeling care.

Any experiments with peeling are contraindicated, especially if you are using the technique for the first time. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of allergies, so you should strictly adhere to the recommendations indicated by the manufacturer. Otherwise, burns or other damage to the skin are possible, which cannot be eliminated at home.

Benefits of retinoic peeling

Peeling with retinoic acid has many advantages:

  • Accurate impact, minimal trauma and risk of complications. This allows it to be used even by women with sensitive skin and those who are afraid of pain.
  • High efficiency. It has been proven that the effect of rejuvenation and healing from two sessions is equal to 10 similar procedures using glycolic acid.
  • Elimination of increased pigmentation. According to reviews, it is this procedure that is the most effective in the fight against hyperpigmentation.
  • Short recovery period. Full rehabilitation takes place on the 4th day, and sometimes even on the second.
  • Can be done at any time of the year. This peeling can be done even in summer, provided that you do not have a tan. So, if desired, a woman can rejuvenate before going on vacation.

Pre-peel preparation

Before you do, for example, retinoic peeling of the face, you need to prepare well for the procedure. Ideally, you should examine the skin, make a diagnosis, collect information about the condition and previous problems with the skin.

The task of the specialist is to establish whether drugs with retinol were previously taken or not. If so, how did they affect the skin, were there any allergic reactions. Also, some past diseases can cause hypersensitivity to the drug. This helps to decide on the most appropriate procedure. For example, it can be a course with a gradual increase in the concentration of the main drug.

It is better to start direct preparation 2-4 weeks before the start of the course. To do this, as a rule, it is recommended to carry out superficial peeling procedures at home, for example, with lactic acid, to apply special cosmetic preparations containing retinol. Their main goal is to weaken the intercellular connection of the skin, prepare for the use of this drug, and exclude subsequent inflammatory processes. Immediately before yellow peeling, the face or affected area is treated with a light solution of glycolic acid.

Indications and contraindications for use

Retinoic peeling of the face and other parts of the body is indicated for:

  • age-related aging and photoaging of the skin;
  • the appearance of mimic wrinkles;
  • increased skin pigmentation;
  • acne, hyperkeratosis, problems with collagen production, proper moisture, skin elasticity.

Contraindications to the use of yellow peeling:

  • various allergies;
  • liver disease, past hepatitis;
  • photosensitivity of the skin;
  • the presence of warts, viral infections, eczema, dermatitis;
  • taking incompatible drugs;
  • planning for replenishment of the genus, pregnancy itself and lactation.

How is the procedure carried out?

Retinoic peeling at home is carried out according to the same scheme as in the salon. You need to use special formulations with a retinol concentration of 5-10%. Before the procedure itself, the contents are squeezed into a container and mixed with a spatula. The resulting homogeneous mass is applied in several layers on the skin of the face, hands or neck.

Hardening of components occurs in 10-25 minutes. Further, two options are possible. The mask can be removed after 30 minutes or left for several hours - up to 7-12. In the latter case, you need to wash off the mask already at home. This option is less aggressive, more gentle, since the acid has a lower concentration and affects the skin gradually.

After the yellow mask is washed off, special creams are applied, including sunscreens. Now it's time for post-peel care.

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Care after retinoic peeling

After retinoic peeling, proper recovery is necessary. During intense peeling, you need to moisturize the skin, you can use special masks with a bactericidal effect. During the first weeks after yellow exfoliation, it is better to avoid other cosmetic procedures, for example, perms, hair coloring, and the use of any drugs with retinoids.

For washing during recovery, it is best to use products on a fat-free basis. When edema appears, you can make skin balms, use aerosols based on deuterium water.

To maintain youth and beauty, it is not necessary to use the services of plastic surgeons or dangerous cosmetic procedures. You can always choose the best solution, for example, retinoic peeling, which combines an excellent effect of rejuvenation and healing with a safe effect on the skin.

What is retinoic peeling: video

In this video review, you can learn about this procedure, how it is carried out, as well as the subtleties and secrets of it.