Chris Pratt and Anna Faris story. Chris Pratt and Anna Faris have filed for divorce. Significant Milestones in Chris Pratt's Career

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She would certainly accompany him to the Russian premiere Guardians of the Galaxy 2(2017), which started in the cinemas of our country on May 4, 2017...

He is grateful to her that, despite all the "accompanying" attributes of fame in the form of scandals and gossip, She always believed in him and did not let stupid rumors into their lives ...

They brought the on-screen romance into real life and turned it into a real Family...


Anna Kay Faris was born on November 29 in Baltimore (West Virginia, USA) and became the second child in the family of a sociology professor and social educator (Anna also has an older brother, Robert). The atmosphere of conservatism reigned in the house, although later in some interviews Anna spoke of her parents as "ultra-liberal" people. In addition, a cocktail of English, German, Scottish, Dutch, Welsh and French blood flows in the veins of the girl (although both parents were Seattle natives).

The girl also owes her acquaintance with theatrical art to her mother and father, who enrolled their 6-year-old daughter in a drama club. The hobby captured Anna so much that she not only watched theatrical productions with pleasure, but also tried to stage her own plays (closing herself in her room with neighbor friends).

The future star received her first role at the age of 9 in a production based on the play Arthur Miller“I don’t remember anything,” and by the age of 14, Anna could boldly write down her first work experience in her “resume”: shooting in a commercial for frozen yogurt.

Despite her regular acting experience, Anna did not think that this could become her main profession - rather, the girl continued to play in the theater and cinema only for the sake of additional income, secretly hoping one day to write and publish her own novel.

After high school, she entered the University of Washington and graduated with a bachelor's degree in English literature, and then went to travel the world, eventually settling in Los Angeles, and one day she still decided to take part in the casting for the lead role in comedy very scary movie(2000). And it changed her fate.

On the eve of his huge success on the set of the film Lane of lovers(1999) Anna met actor Ben Indra, relations with whom smoothly flowed into marriage in 2004 ... And then also smoothly moved to the stage of a calm divorce due to "irreconcilable differences."

Usually, after a breakup, people try not to have serious romances and not think about marriage. Anna, however, everything turned out differently, and by the time the divorce from Ben was finalized, the girl’s heart was already taken Them...


Christopher Michael Pratt was born on June 21, 1979 in Virginia (Minnesota, USA) in the family of a supermarket employee and a gold mine miner and became the third child of the Pratt couple (Chris has an older brother and sister). Among his relatives are immigrants from Norway.

At school, he was predicted a sports future - in the field of wrestling, but at that time, even despite a very decent rating in the school, Chris did not think about a sports career. Then the question "Who do you want to become?" the young man replied: "Damn famous." Without details.

In college, he lasted no more than half of the first semester, and after that he earned his bread than he had to: he sold tickets, was a stripper, a little coven ... Until fate threw him into a paradise - Maui (Hawaii). “I must admit that this is the most suitable place where you can safely be homeless,” Chris later recalled in an interview. Then he and his friends spent the night in a trailer or in an open-air tent, fishing for pleasure, lounging (minimally bothering themselves with work just to close the boat rental, buy food and a gas bottle).

He was 19 when a young actress and independent director, Ray Don Chong, who spotted Chris in line at a cafe on Maui, invited him to star in his short film. This was the beginning of his television and film career, which brought him fame, prosperity, stability and Her...

They are.. .

The year on the calendar was 2007. Anna was at the stage of settling her divorce from Ben (the girl had to pay her ex-husband almost a million compensation), and Chris starred in television series with might and main.

But both in the same year received an offer to star in a retro comedy Take me Home(2011). According to the plot, their heroes are a couple in love who go through a circle of life's vicissitudes - from romantic dates to marriage proposals and a loud breakup. The set became the starting point for Anna and Chris, and the need to "play in love" allowed to "spur" the development of events. In addition, both actors turned out to be passionate collectors of... bugs!

In 2008, Anna became officially free, and Chris wasted no time in proposing to his beloved. Anna answered "Yes!", and July 9, 2009 in a chamber setting in Bali, the couple exchanged vows of allegiance.

The actors were married for eight years and have a 4-year-old son (+ photo)

On August 7, 2017, one of the ideal and beloved by many fans, Hollywood couples - Chris Pratt and Anna Faris announced their separation after eight years of marriage.

Chris Pratt and Anna Faris kiss on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

The actors announced this officially by making a statement on social networks. At the same time, the couple asked to treat the divorce with understanding, because. the couple are raising a 4-year-old son, whom they would not like to seriously injure.

We are sad to talk about it, but Anna and I decided to part ways. We tried for a long time to save the marriage, and are very disappointed that nothing worked out. Our son has two parents who love him very much and for his sake we ask you not to interfere in your personal life. Let the divorce go smoothly and without unnecessary worry. We still love and respect each other and appreciate the time spent together.

The reason for the divorce of the 38-year-old Guardian of the Galaxy is not reported.

Actors Chris Pratt and Anna Faris at the premiere of "Guardians of the Galaxy"

The couple met in 2007 on the set of Take Me Home Tonight.

The lovers got married on July 9, 2009 in Bali, and on August 25, 2012 their only son Jack was born.

Not so long ago, in an interview with People magazine, 40-year-old Anna Faris said that they are a “normal” couple, adding:

He likes to work in the garage, and I like doing laundry and watching reality shows for ordinary people.

Former spouses with son Jack

0 August 7, 2017, 18:56

This morning that Chris Pratt and Anna Faris have made the decision to separate after eight years of marriage. The actors published an official statement on their pages on social networks, in which they admitted that they still love each other, but are unable to save the marriage. True, celebrities did not disclose the reasons for the breakup, but insiders have their own versions of the development of events.

According to some sources, the career ambitions of the stars were to blame. For a long time, Anna Faris remained in great demand: she was invited to many television and film projects, she participated in various reality shows and was in full view. But soon after she became pregnant and went on maternity leave in 2011, there were fewer invitations, but her husband's career, on the contrary, went uphill.

Over the past seven years, Chris Pratt has managed to take part in the filming of 16 films. "Guardians of the Galaxy" (Guardians of the Galaxy), "Jurassic World" (Jurassic World) and other blockbusters again lifted the actor to the heights of world fame.

Anna was worried, relations with her husband deteriorated. And yet the couple tried to do everything to save the marriage.

We always tried to spend time together, get together as a family, discuss the most interesting things, try to enjoy the simplest pleasures ... But when Chris became especially popular, everything changed ... We looked at each other differently ... Everything became different from before ...

Faris shared her opinion in an interview.

Anna said that it was unpleasant for her to read rumors about her relationship with Chris. Over the past ten months, they have extremely rarely made joint appearances, so many have the impression that the stars have parted. But when Faris and Pratt, along with their son Jack, appeared in the spring on the Walk of Fame, where the head of the family was awarded a nominal star, no one suspected that the celebrities had problems - from the outside they looked happy.

With every new obstacle, every day, every week, our connection only grows stronger. You make me laugh like no other person in the world. You show such care! I'll try to keep it...

- Chris said to his wife during the presentation of a star in Hollywood.

However, after just a few months, the couple decided to disperse. Shortly before the announcement of the break, Anna gave an interview, saying that it is very important to distinguish between private and public life.

These are two completely different roles and you need to remember when it's a public role, and when it comes to loved ones... This is a very tricky thing...

Sources close to the family express the opinion that Anna and Chris simply stopped understanding each other, they began to look at the world differently and completely forgot how to hear each other. Note that the official explanation from the couple has not yet been received.



Baby Jack Pratt was a long-awaited child: his parents met in 2007. Five years later, they had a boy, and the couple was truly happy, despite the difficult period that the family had to go through because of the danger to the life of the baby. Jack Pratt, son of Chris Pratt, needed constant care, and Anna Faris devoted all her time to the child. Therefore, for some time her acting career stopped. But the career of Chris Pratt went up the hill. This couple was considered one of the most prosperous: there were no scandalous rumors about them, both were confident in each other. Therefore, their divorce came as a shock to fans.

Star parents: father

Chriss Pratt, father of Jack Pratt, is from Virginia, Minnesota in the USA. His birthday is June 21, 1979. He has Norwegian roots: his mother is Norwegian, and his father's family included Norwegians, French, and Germans. Chris was the youngest in the family, he has an older brother and sister.

Shortly after Chris's birth, the family moved to Washington state, where his mother worked in a supermarket, and his father left his job as a gold miner in a mine and started renovating apartments. Among the ancestors and relatives of Chris, there has never been anyone related to cinema.

During his school years, Chris was fond of wrestling, and he had certain achievements marked by prizes. And then it was time to decide on a profession, and the guy went to college, where his studies were not long - about a month. And then Chris set off on a free voyage: a stripper in one of the clubs, a ticket seller, part-time jobs ... While in Hawaii, where he worked as a waiter, the guy met actress Ray Don Chong, who put in a good word for him in front of her agent. It worked...

First films

The film that started the cinematic path of Chris Pratt was called "The Damned" and belonged to the horror genre. There, Chris got a passing role, for which he was paid $ 750. Having cooked a little in the acting party, the guy realized that this was his business, and began to attend auditions. This brought results: he was invited to the drama "Widower's Love" for a supporting role. Nothing special, but the film was released for 4 seasons, and during this time Chris became his own in the world of cinema. In 2003, he began filming the film The Lonely Hearts. It was a series for young people where Chris also appeared in a minor role.

Parent meeting

Jack Pratt's parents met on the set of Take Me Home in 2007. There, Chris got a supporting role, but this was not the main thing: it was important that he met his future wife Anna Faris there, the marriage with which would last about 10 years. But the film was a failure and was withdrawn from the rental.

This creative union was successful in every sense: both actors chose the comedy genre and were popular.

However, at the time of the meeting, Anna Faris was already a star, and Chris was only at the beginning of her career. And therefore for a long time he will be perceived only as the husband of a famous wife. But he did not complex at all: he was sincerely proud of his Anna.

Before and after Jack's birth

The time leading up to the birth of Jack Pratt was very fortunate for his father, Chris. The actor starred in 2011 in the film "The Man Who Changed Everything", then in 2013 he was invited to the series "Parks and Recreation" and in parallel to the project "Good Father".

Luck smiled at him especially widely by the beginning of 2014, when the actor was invited to the Guardians of the Galaxy project, and even to the main role - Peter Quill. The director was looking for someone who could "deliciously" play the jovial Star-Lord. And comedian Chris came up perfectly.

While working on the role of Peter Quill, actor Chris Pratt had to sweat a lot: it was necessary to lose weight and bring the body into perfect shape. Prior to this, fat Chris had a solid belly and an almost complete lack of muscle relief. However, with the help of a fitness trainer, the actor lost 27 kg in 6 months, and a nutritionist taught him proper nutrition to consolidate the result. So there was a change in image, which currently allows Chris to play brutal heroes. And although the actor jokes, saying that he achieved such an effect just by giving up beer, in fact, the grueling workouts were a real test for him.

And then, in 2015, there was participation in the "Jurassic World" in the title role, and also successful. Now Chris has become an independent value, stepped out of the shadow of his star wife.

After several more projects that brought success, Chris Pratt's name was honored on the Walk of Fame in 2017.

official marriage

After meeting on the set of Take Me Home, Chris and Anna dated for 2 years. I must say that at the time of the meeting on the set, Anna was depressed about her divorce. And when Chris proposed a date to her, she didn't really want something new. When, after some time, the star agreed to a meeting, it turned out that these two had much in common, including a passion for entomology: both collected exotic insects.

Relations over a two-year period strengthened, and the couple decided to marry. Which was done in 2009 on the island of Bali. Chris's parents accepted Anna with delight and sincerely attached to her.

Chris appreciated in Anna the depth of her inner world, delicate taste and talent. And he was also very grateful to her for the fact that she accepted him for who he is, regardless of his weight, the presence or absence of biceps and brutality.

As for Anna, it was a discovery for her that in addition to the impressive size of cars, there are many other topics on the list of Chris' hobbies, the discussion of which was interesting for both of them. And she was also bribed by his sincere love for her, in which he did not hesitate to admit either to journalists or on social networks.

The birth of baby Jack

Little Jack Pratt was born at the end of 2012. It was a long-awaited child, which both parents dreamed of. However, Jack Pratt was born prematurely (by 9 weeks), and his weight was significantly below the norm, so the doctors did not give any guarantees. The baby was under constant supervision for a month, and the parents were warned that the child would need serious care. Jack had problems with his eyes, and it was not known whether the disease would progress or stop. In any case, Anna and Chris were warned about the prospect of surgery in front of the baby.

A month later, Jack Pratt was already at home and began to slowly gain strength. These were difficult times for the whole family: there were days when parents were not sure that their son would live until morning.

And then, as Anna admits, they could only rely on the Almighty and the achievements of modern medicine.

Nevertheless, Chris's son Jack Pratt overcame all the difficulties, now he is a rather active and healthy child.

Despite the fact that the parents of the baby planned to have several children, after the endured tests, they discussed only options for adoption or the services of a surrogate mother.

It should be noted that the birth of a child allowed Chris to show his best qualities: he turned out to be a wonderful, caring father who values ​​above all not transient material achievements, but his family. According to him, he learned a lot, acting in films, he had a lot of thrills, but nothing gave him such a range of feelings as the opportunity to hold his son in his arms.

At that time, he realized that he already had happiness. Praying for Jack's health in the intensive care unit, the actor made a promise to himself to be the best father and hoped only that he would be given this opportunity.

Two Talents

In August 2017, Jack Pratt's parents divorced. This news was a complete surprise to those who followed the life of this couple. Chris repeatedly confessed his love to his wife, their union was not overshadowed by scandalous betrayals, and suddenly, 10 years later, such a finale ... According to information leaked to the press, the reason for the gap was the spouses' different views on family life: Chris wanted to grow professionally, and Anna wanted a big family.

The question remained about the fate of Jack Pratt, and Anna Faris assured her fans that the boy would in no case be deprived of the attention of his parents. This is true: Chris and Anna regularly walk with the baby, but so far separately. Now they are both undergoing a course of psychological rehabilitation for parents going through a divorce.

Despite the changes in the family, photos of Jack Pratt indicate that the child feels happy, communicating with both his father and mother. Indeed, it is possible to end the relationship between husband and wife, but it is impossible to stop being parents.

A few hours ago, one of the strongest Hollywood couples - Chris Pratt and Anna Faris - announced their breakup. The news was unexpected for the fans of the spouses, because it seemed that everything was fine in their relationship. It is worth noting that for 8 years of marriage, Chris and Anna shared only the good moments of their marriage and, in order to avoid gossip around the divorce, decided to report it on their social networks. So, Anna posted a post on her Instagram, and Pratt on Facebook.

“We are sad to announce this, but we have made the decision to officially part ways. We've been trying to keep the relationship going for a very long time, and we're really, really upset. Our son has parents who love him, and for his sake we would like not to have much attention paid to us. We still love each other and really appreciate the time when we were together. Anna Faris and Chris Pratt

Recall that the actors met on the set of the movie Take Me Home. Then Faris was going through a divorce from her first husband Ben Indra, so she simply needed the support of a colleague. However, friendship quickly developed into a romance. In the summer of 2009, they got married, and three years later the couple had a son, Jack, who