Who is spring Irina Anatolyevna Jewess. Irina Yarovaya biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. The essence of the "Yarovaya law" what is it in simple words: latest news

The article below has prepared the maximum information about Irina Yarovaya. The phenomenon of women in politics requires separate consideration. It is worth paying attention to this character of the political arena, if only because she is called the most famous woman deputy in the parliament of the Russian Federation. To achieve her goals, Irina Yarovaya overcame a difficult path, but strictness and courage, as the basis of the character of this woman, did not prevent her from becoming a symbol of opportunism in politics. So, Irina Yarovaya: photo, family, career, interesting facts. Let's talk about the star of Russian politics later.

Irina Yarovaya: biography, family, parents

Few people know, but the phenomenon of modern politics, nee Irina Chernyakhovskaya, was born in a small provincial town. However, the ambition that young Ira was endowed with affected the future of a girl from a family of ordinary workers. The biography of Irina Yarovaya originates in 1966. Then, on October 17, on the territory of the Donetsk region, which was part of the Ukrainian SSR, in the city of Makeevka, the future politician, State Duma deputy and lawyer, Irina Chernyakhovskaya, was born.

Finally, the question “How old is Irina Yarovaya?”, which anyone who observes the beautiful appearance of a deputy who has crossed the age line of 50 years old, is forced to ask, can be considered closed.

Education of Irina Yarovaya

Little Irinka received school education at a local educational institution, but she graduated from school in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, where the Chernyakhovsky family was forced to move. Here, in the Far East, she received a diploma of secondary education. Irina decided to continue to gnaw at the granite of science at the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute (VYUZI), where she entered after graduation. The work biography of Irina Yarovaya includes many professions and jobs, but it is worth paying tribute to the first employment of the future politician - the secretary-machinist of the Far Eastern Trust. Irina's career developed rapidly, and after some time she was appointed as an occupational safety engineer.

In 2000, Yarovaya managed to complete her studies at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a red diploma.

Labor activity

In 1988, when Chernyakhovskaya graduated from the university, she took the place of a simple trainee in the prosecutor's office of the Kamchatka region. Working for the benefit of the law for 9 years, Irina Yarovaya moved from an intern to an investigator, a henchman of the prosecutor and, finally, a senior assistant to the regional prosecutor. The further biography of Irina Yarovaya is inextricably linked with politics.

Political activity

In the photo, Irina Yarovaya appears as a strong and courageous person. The pictures of the politician fully reflect the character and position of the woman: confident, disciplined and strict, she inspired confidence in her colleagues, and therefore, already in 1997, Irina Anatolyevna was preferred as a member of the II convocation of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kamchatka Territory from the Yabloko party association. At that time, she held the position of head of the constitutional and legal commission, was the head of the Yabloko parliamentary faction. Irina Yarovaya was part of the latter for ten years, until 2007.

The initiative and active political position of Yarovaya led to her inclusion in the federal list of candidates for the State Duma of the third convocation. Nevertheless, an attempt to obtain the powers of a deputy in 1999 failed.

The beginning of the 21st century and the politics of Yarovaya

In 2000, following the results of the ballot by-elections of the Kamchatka 1-member constituency No. 87, Yarovaya took only fourth place.

The year 2001 was marked for Irina Yarovaya by joining the Federal Council of Yabloko and passing training classes at the Moscow School of Political Analysis. This non-profit organization was created and supported by the European Council. In December of the same year, a woman is elected a deputy of the III convocation of the Council of People's Deputies of Kamchatka, heads the committee of state building and local self-government.

Yarovaya's bold statements about the overthrow of the governor as her main dream and the only life goal at that time took place during her work in the For Kamchatka bloc. He, ironically, was just the same in opposition to the same governor of the Kamchatka region Mashkovtsev.

Yarovaya-politician was financially supported by the Yukos oil production and extraction company, as well as the Khodorkovsky Open Russia Foundation. and election campaigns were dependent on two sponsors. In turn, Irina Yarovaya took an active part in the development of the Khodorkovsky Foundation: from 2002 to 2006 she supervised the Kamchatka branch of Open Russia.

Another failure awaited Yarovaya, when in December 2003 she ran as a deputy of the State Duma of the IV convocation from the "apple" faction. The representative of "Yabloko" received "bronze" in the single-mandate constituency at number 88.

Nevertheless, in 2003, during the congress of Yabloko, Yarovaya was appointed to the post of successor to Grigory Yavlinsky, combining his occupation with the leadership of the Kamchatka regional branch of Yabloko.

In 2004, Irina Yarovaya began an active political confrontation. Under her leadership, a “Committee Against Lies” was organized, aimed at combating the election of Kozhemyakov, a representative of the United Russia faction, as the governor of the region.

Change of political views

However, three years later, in October 2007, Yarovaya left Yabloko and became a representative of the United Russia party.

Yarovaya’s departure to United Russia, according to Yabloko chairman Sergei Mitrokhin, was caused by the financial inability of the party, which Irina previously belonged to, to provide for her needs: “She wanted to live in a Moscow apartment and drive a car. Unlike United Russia, Yabloko did not have the means to support and fulfill the request.

After the change of party, the biography of Irina Yarovaya sparkled with new colors. So, two months after leaving Yabloko, in December 2007, a woman makes another decision to become a participant in the election of deputies of the State Duma of the 5th convocation already as a representative of United Russia. Rock, it seems, did not want Irina to win: Yarovaya is losing first place to the governor of the Kamchatka Territory, Alexei Kuzmitsky. However, a man who decides to refuse the mandate of a deputy gives an automatic signal "Forward!" for Yarovaya. December, 2007 - this date will be inscribed in history as the starting point for a new start in Irina's working life. The biography of Irina Yarovaya, a deputy of the State Duma - that's what we'll talk about next.

Activities as a State Duma deputy

Since 2011, Irina Yarovaya has been working on security issues and making every effort to counter the development of bribery.

Biography of Irina Yarovaya: personal life

Little is known about the personal life of Irina Yarovaya: she was in two marriages, from each of which she has one child. Irina had her first legalized relationship with Alexander Yarov, from whom she took her last name. Her first husband held the position of a mechanic in the city of Makeevka.

The media have more information about the second wife of Yarovaya than about the first. The reason for this is the fame of Viktor Aleksandrovich Alekseenko. The man is engaged in business, being a co-owner of one of the fish factories in the Kamchatka Territory and managing the Kamakfes company. In the past, Alekseenko was involved in political activities. He was a member of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kamchatka region.

What does the family biography of Irina Yarovaya hide? The Chernyakhovsky family consisted of four people. Now her brother, Anatoly Chernyakhovsky, works in the FSB unit of the city of Gelindzhik. Yarovaya herself is the mother of two children, Catherine and Sergei, from her first and second marriages, respectively.

Irina Yarovaya does not publish a photo with her husband - she prefers to limit the circle of people who know the details of her marriage. She does the right thing, as befits a politician, leaving her personal life out of public scrutiny. At the moment, the media own only a few joint photos of Alekseenko and Yarovaya. As well as family, Irina Yarovaya does not show off a photo in her youth.

Contradictory political statements

As Yarovaya's fellow party members recalled, Irina's views were democratic in nature: a bold criticism of the authorities and actions of the United Russia party. At one time, Yarovaya was condemned by the transition of deputies from under one party "wing" to another.

As part of Yabloko, Irina Yarovaya fought against the merger of the Kamchatka Territory and the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, which United Russia actively advocated. According to Yarovaya, in the future the Kamchatka-Koryak Union will become the lot of the naked and the poor. A sharp change in political sentiment regarding this issue occurred after the deputy ceased to wear the “apple” title.

As stated earlier, Yarovaya fought desperately for a seat in the State Duma, although she stated the opposite on the Pozner television program. “I never ran for the State Duma from Yabloko,” Irina said, “I only ran under the flag of a free candidate.”

Yarovaya's harsh remarks about Dmitry Medvedev's transfer of mandates to the governor of the Kamchatka Territory disappeared after Irina herself experienced the transfer of powers. Previously, a woman politician called this practice "collusion" in order to vote in the parliamentary duma "as expected."

On socio-political views

Having moved from the ranks of Yabloko to the ranks of United Russia, Yarovaya changed her socio-political views. Democratic sentiments with hints of criticism of the authorities and support from the moment of the transition to United Russia turned into the opposite. Irina unconditionally supports the position of the authorities, the president and the government, being a supporter of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b“sovereign democracy”. Yarovaya, after Medvedev's statement about the development of a course towards modernization, sided with "conservative modernization", although before that she had fought for "Russian conservatism."

What does Yarovaya stand for?

Yarovaya contributes to the patriotic education of the younger generation, the introduction of a state textbook for the study of history as a common for all schools. She wants to see Suvorov and Nakhimov in the ranks of military personnel parading on Red Square. Fights for the legalization of the death penalty in the Russian Federation.

Profits and corruption

Actively speaking out against corruption, Yarovaya did not support the initiative to expand the circle of officials who would be required to provide income declarations. By the way, speaking about the financial situation of Irina, it should be noted that, in accordance with official data, the Yarovaya family does not own real estate or vehicles, and the annual income of the politician is no more than 3.5 million rubles.

A person like Irina Yarovaya will not be left without attention. Biography, photos, work activities and rumors - everything in it is interesting.

The fight against corruption has deprived almost a quarter of people's deputies of the joys of family life

On the official website of the State Duma, declarations on income and property of deputies, their "halves" and children under the age of majority for 2015 were published. The sad trend, the development of which we have been following with despondency for several years now, is obvious: the number of single people's deputies continues to grow! There are already 102 of them, one in four. Among those who became lonely in 2015 is the head of the Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption Irina Yarovaya. Oh God!

According to the income statement, Irina Yarovaya is now single. Photo: duma.gov.ru

Again, we have to remind you that only a small part of the information contained in the information submitted by the people's representatives and their relatives is made public. We are told only the amount of money income - without indicating the sources of funds, the names of real estate objects and the country of their location - but not a specific region or locality, and the make of the vehicle - without data on the year of manufacture.

It is, of course, impossible to objectively assess the value of family goods with such inputs. They do not tell us about the fact that the deputies, their spouses and minor children have shares and bank accounts.

As the head of the Duma Commission for Controlling the Accuracy of Information on Income, Property and Property Liabilities Nikolay Kovalev (ER) said, this year all deputies, without exception, reported on time, before April 1. There were no latecomers, since the recently adopted law considers the untimely submission of declarations a terrible crime, more terrible than false information in them: the first threatens to be deprived of a mandate, but not the second.

Nothing, in fact, threatens to lie. Is that publicity - if something pops up. But it doesn't pop up for everyone...

Those who say that the fight against corruption in Russia (and mandatory declaration is one of the anti-corruption measures) have no effect on the state of affairs in the country are deeply mistaken. Apparently it does! How else to explain the fact that as the requirements for declaration became more stringent (at first it was necessary to declare only income, then large expenses, and foreign accounts and other financial instruments for deputies fell under a categorical ban), the number of single people's deputies began to grow by leaps and bounds ?

In parallel, the degree of their concern for the strengthening of traditional family values ​​began to grow ...

Let's make a reservation: deputies are also unhappy in their personal lives and go through divorces, their loved ones also die. But even with a caveat, the picture is disastrous.

In 2011, there were 77 out of 450 deputies who did not submit declarations of wives (husbands) and are officially considered single. In 2014, there were already 99 people. In 2015 - 102, almost every fourth!

Among those who became lonely last year is almost the most famous woman of the State Duma,. Her declaration, like last year, is one of the most ascetic: she has neither an apartment, nor a house, nor a plot of land, nor a car, she owns only a service deputy apartment, her cash income is about 5.6 million rubles . This is not much higher than the average annual deputy salary, which rose in 2015 to 4.7 million rubles from 3.8 million in 2014.

Earlier it was reported that both the first and second spouses of Irina Yarovaya were businessmen. For the first time she married Alexander Yarovoy - they had a daughter, Ekaterina. About the second spouse, businessman Viktor Alekseenko, they wrote that he was 16 years older than Yarovaya, their son Sergei was born in their marriage. It was also mentioned that Mr. Alekseenko, together with Yarovaya, was a people's deputy in the Council of the Kamchatka region and owned a fish factory ...

Lonely now and Vladislav Reznik ("ER"), which, as you know, the Spanish court intends to put on the international wanted list. The crisis seriously hit his pocket, reducing cash income from 375 million rubles in 2014 to 73 million rubles in 2015...

If we talk about State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin, his cash income for the year increased from 7.8 million rubles to 9 million rubles (the salary of the speaker is equal to the salary of the prime minister by law), and his wife earned less in 2015 than in 2014 -m (about 2.9 million rubles instead of 3.9 million rubles). The real estate owned by the Naryshkin family remained the same: a land plot of 250 acres for two, a residential building of 126.7 sq.m, an apartment of 224.1 sq.m and two parking spaces - he has a fourth part of the apartment of 139 sq.m, apartment 166.8 sq.m, parking place and a place in a garage cooperative - with her. The Naryshkins have only one car: a Ford Focus, registered to their spouse.

As for the leaders of the factions, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov turned out to be the "richest" of them in 2015 (income of about 6.5 million rubles). Among the real estate objects he and his wife own are an apartment of 167.4 sq.m. and a dacha (it is registered in the name of Mr. Zyuganov). Gennady Andreevich's car is the same: Volkswagen Tuareg.

The income of the leader of the faction "ER" Vladimir Vasiliev last year amounted to about 5.7 million rubles. The family did not grow with real estate: 4 land plots, two residential buildings for two. And used vehicles: a snowmobile, a trailer for transporting goods and a Honda CR-V.

Lonely Vladimir Zhirinovsky received 5.3 million rubles of income in 2015. Of the 11 land plots, he had only 4, the same 4 houses, plus a share in the fifth. Apparently, the sale of plots can explain the fact that one house of 31 sq.m has disappeared, but another, more solid one has appeared - 330 sq.m. And the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party still has a swimming pool of 803.7 sq.m, a garage and an outbuilding ... From cars - the same Lada.

Sergey Mironov earned about 4.7 million rubles in 2015. On the other hand, an apartment of 32.6 square meters has disappeared from him, the wife of the “SR” leader is still jointly owned (but, apparently, not with Mr. Mironov), only an apartment of 63.7 square meters. The family's fleet has not been updated: he has an all-terrain vehicle and a trailer, and she has a BMW 530d xDrive and a Porsche Panamera 4S. The income of Ms. Mironova last year amounted to 240 thousand rubles, a year earlier - 80 thousand rubles.

Irina Yarovaya is one of the most influential Russian women politicians. He adheres to conservative views, in recent years he has occupied leading roles in the United Russia party. It became widely known after the submission to the State Duma of a number of controversial bills recognized by the public as discriminatory.

Childhood of Irina Yarovaya

Irina Yarovaya (nee Chernyakhovskaya) was born in Makeevka (Donetsk agglomeration). At that time, Donbass was one of the largest mining and industrial centers of the USSR. There were no problems in the city either with work or with earnings, but in 1983 the simple working family of the Chernyakhovskys moved to Kamchatka.

A few months later, in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Irina graduated from high school. She managed to easily acclimatize in a completely new environment and gain authority among her classmates. At the end of school, Chernyakhovskaya did not dare to storm the capital's universities and entered the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute, where she studied remotely

This choice allowed her not only to study in absentia, but also to work. Subsequently, Irina Anatolyevna often recalled this time and spoke with pride about her early labor career, which began at the age of 16. In 1983-1988, she worked in a trust as a typist secretary and labor protection engineer.

The beginning of the career of Irina Yarovaya

Higher legal education allowed Irina in 1988 to get a job in the prosecutor's office of the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The extraordinary abilities of the girl are reflected in the rapid career growth.

For six years, Irina Anatolyevna has gone from an intern to the head of the investigative department. She completed her career in the prosecutor's office in 1997 as a senior assistant to the prosecutor of Kamchatka.

Political career of Irina Yarovaya

In the dashing nineties, work in the prosecutor's office, especially in Kamchatka, required crazy dedication. On the peninsula, the crime situation could not be called favorable before, and after the collapse of the USSR, problems in the economy aggravated the situation. Therefore, the choice of Yarovaya in favor of a political career, although it was unexpected for her colleagues, was still quite logical.

In 1997, Yarovaya, as an independent candidate, entered the Council of People's Deputies of Kamchatka. In the legislature, she showed an enviable activity. Then she headed the Yabloko faction, became the head of the constitutional and legal committee. In 1999-2000, the Yabloko party tried to promote a promising politician to the State Duma, but to no avail - it failed to gain the required number of votes in the elections.

Difficulties in a political career did not bother Yarovaya at all. In 2000, she graduated with honors from the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation. In 2003, Yarovaya was elected deputy of Grigory Yavlinsky himself. At this time, she was already in charge of the regional branch of Yabloko in Kamchatka.

In 2007, Yarovaya left the Yabloko party and joined the ranks of United Russia. Former party members explained her departure by the desire to move to Moscow and become a State Duma deputy.

In the same year, she ran for the Duma and received the coveted position. She did not get the necessary votes, but the governor of Kamchatka, Alexei Kuzmitsky, refused the deputy mandate in her favor.

Subsequently, the opposition harshly criticized Yarovaya for such a radical change in political orientation. However, she is condemned not only for this. Opponents are haunted by an elite apartment in Moscow worth $1.5 million, prudently issued in the name of a politician's daughter.

Irina Yarova's apartment

As in previous positions, Yarovaya was able to quickly show her best qualities in the State Duma. Having actively worked in committees, in 2008 she got into the General Council of United Russia. As it turned out later, fruitful work in the “pro-government” party does not guarantee re-election to parliament. In 2011, Yarovaya failed to get into the Duma from Kamchatka.

However, United Russia appreciates specialists in legislation: Yarovaya was again rescued by the governor of Kamchatka, Vladimir Ilyukhin, by transferring his mandate to her. It is curious that the governor got a place in the State Duma from the "first number" of the list of "United Russia" Dmitry Medvedev.

Irina Yarovaya about corruption

According to the Ogonyok magazine in 2014, the holder of the “golden” mandate took 17th place in the TOP-100 influential women of the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Irina Yarovaya

Irina Yarovaya managed not only to make a rapid career, but also to combine it with her personal life and the birth of two children. Her first marriage was with a young man, relations with whom originated back in Makeevka. Although Alexander Yarovoy was two years younger than his beloved, he showed enviable persistence in his plans for Irina. Immediately after the army, he arrived in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and connected his fate with a countrywoman. In 1989, their daughter Ekaterina was born.

However, the marriage of a plumber and a promising employee of the prosecutor's office still cracked, and the couple separated, which did not prevent them from maintaining friendly relations.

The second husband of Yarovaya is 16 years older than Irina, but they have much more common interests. They met when Yarovaya was already working in the Council of People's Deputies of Kamchatka. Viktor Alekseenko at one time proved himself in the Komsomol, then went into business and politics. Soon after the beginning of their life together, their son Sergei was born.

Irina Yarovaya and her bills

In the State Duma, Yarovaya became a prominent figure largely due to her active legislative activity. She participated in the development of more than a hundred bills, many of which caused a heated discussion in society.

In 2012, the State Duma approved a bill restoring criminal penalties for defamation. Although the document was signed by President Vladimir Putin, but at the stage of discussion, the bill was severely criticized by the journalistic community. The writing brethren saw in it a restriction of freedom of speech.

The public reacted no less sharply to the draft law on regulating the activities of non-profit organizations. The Foreign Agents Act introduced additional reporting, registration, and auditing requirements for organizations receiving funding from abroad.

Irina Yarovaya and Vladimir Pozner

In 2014, the State Duma approved a bill that strengthens the responsibility for organizing mass riots. The document itself did not cause a heated discussion, however, according to a number of authoritative experts in the field of law, the bill was adopted with flagrant violations of the regulations.

In 2015, the State Duma received an odious bill aimed at curbing drug propaganda. The document provided for imprisonment for the depiction of drugs, their mention in the media, films and books.

In 2016, Yarovaya, together with co-author Viktor Ozerov, submitted a bill to the State Duma for discussion, providing for a three-year storage by mobile operators and Internet providers of user correspondence and personal data: voice calls, text messages and other data.

Irina Aleksandrovna Yarovaya is one of the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. She became involved in politics from the beginning of the new millennium. The woman was in the Yabloko party for several years. Then she left the membership and became a member of United Russia. From United Russia, she became one of the deputies in 2007. Since that time, a woman has won elections from the Kamchatka district.

Irina Yarovaya is engaged in legislative activities. She wrote dozens of laws, which were subsequently adopted at meetings of the State Duma.

The personal life of a politician is hidden from the attention of others. It is known that the woman was married twice. From the first union, she raised two children who are already adults and lead their lives quite independently.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Yarova

In the program dedicated to Russian politicians, you can find out all the most detailed information. The program airs on the channel "Russia 24". Among a large amount of information, you can find out what this or that politician has height, weight, age. How old is Irina Yarovaya and what are the main facts of her biography, it became known a long time ago. Even at the beginning of the new millennium, many Russians watched the woman with interest. Now she has crossed her 50-year milestone, celebrating another anniversary quietly at work.

Irina Yarovaya, whose photos in her youth and now are presented on the website of the State Duma, is tall, slender, attractive. A woman is interested in numerous men who often give her compliments. With a height of 178 cm, the politician weighs 59 kg. She eats right. In the mornings, the legislator drinks fat-free kefir and eats an omelette with black bread. During the day and in the evening, our heroine always eats borscht, pickle or soup. The second can be potatoes, rice, buckwheat or pasta with a cutlet or fish. Irina Alexandrovna drinks food with dried fruit compote, jelly or tea drink. But Yarovaya prefers not to drink coffee. In her opinion, this drink can negatively affect the nervous system.

The politician is always dressed in formal suits. They emphasize the ideal figure of a woman.

Biography and personal life of Irina Yarovaya

The biography and personal life of Irina Yarovaya is full of a large number of the most interesting facts.

The girl was born in the mid-60s in a small Donbass town - Makeevka. The baby's father and mother worked in one of the organizations. They were communists, often went to party meetings. Irochka had a brother, Tolya, who always defended his beloved sister.

The girl loved to dance. She went to the dance club in which she was engaged. She also loved music, but she could not play any musical instrument.

Ira went to first grade in Makeevka. She quickly became the life of the class. Soon the girl was appointed head of the class. She studied well. In Ira's diary, it was impossible to see marks below the four. The girl diligently studied the history of the Soviet Union. In her free time, Yarovaya read books, drew, cross-stitched, listened to music on a simple tape recorder. At school, the girl took part in all activities. She often led holiday concerts. Irishka often pleased those around her with good vocal abilities, performing pop and folk songs. She especially succeeded in Ukrainian songs.

Shortly before graduating from school, Irina ended up in the Far East, as her parents were transferred to work in distant Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Acclimatization to new conditions occurred literally in a matter of weeks. The graduate found new friends and girlfriends. And the teaching staff from the first day Irina was in the new school watched our heroine with interest.

The girl decided to connect her life with jurisprudence. In her senior year, she studied the history and society that she needed to enter the university. Yesterday's graduate was afraid to go far from her parents. The girl becomes a student of the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute. In parallel with her studies at this university, she works in various organizations, performing secretarial duties.

Having received a diploma with honors, Yarovaya works in the prosecutor's office. She quickly goes from an ordinary employee to the head of a department in her hometown. At the age of 30, Irina Alexandrovna begins to engage in political activities. The woman joined the party of Grigory Yavlinsky "Yabloko". Since the beginning of the new millennium, she has been actively involved in politics, while at the same time taking care of the house and children. Yarovaya moves to Moscow and receives a second higher education in the capital's university. She becomes a professional manager, actively helping the leadership of the Yabloko party. Grigory Yavlinsky singles out Irina Alexandrovna and notes her as a responsible person.

In mid-2007, Yarovaya left Yabloko and applied for membership in United Russia. This led to a misunderstanding with former associates. Grigory Yavlinsky convinces the woman that United Russia is not at all the white and fluffy as she thinks. But Irina Alexandrovna did as her conscience demanded. She became one of the members of the United Russia party. In the elections held at the end of that year, the woman became a deputy of the State Duma.

Currently, Irina Yarovaya is a deputy. The State Duma of the Russian Federation, the official website of which allows you to find out about all the men and women who are part of it, has become the place of work of our heroine. A woman responsibly fulfills all her duties, trying not to deceive the hopes of Russians who believe in her. The politician works in various committees.

The deputy has a beloved spouse and children who support her in all endeavors.

Family and children of Irina Yarovaya

The family and children of Irina Yarovaya are of interest to numerous Russians. In the media, you can not find information about close people of the politician.

The girl's father was born in Donetsk. He received a good education. At the age of 22, the man joined the Communist Party. He began working at one of the enterprises in Makeevka, where he met his future wife. At the call of the party, despite the love for his native land, Alexander moved with his family to the Far East. For a man, the real tragedy was the collapse of the Soviet Union and the cessation of the activities of his native party. In the difficult 90s, Chernyakhovsky began to get sick, which led to his death. He is buried in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Mom became a real companion for Alexander. She worked at the enterprise together with her beloved husband. The woman was not afraid to go far from her native city. She supported her husband in the last years of her life. After the departure of her husband, her beloved mother began to live with her daughter's family, helping to raise her beloved grandchildren.

Our heroine has an older brother who was born a few years earlier than her. He was named after his beloved dad. The guy always protected the girl from the punks. Now the man lives in Gelendzhik. He works in law enforcement agencies. During his life, Alexander was awarded a large number of awards. Personally, the man is happy. He has three children who are already adults. They live their lives.

The politician was married twice. Now the woman is officially divorced. Currently, Irina Yarovaya, whose photo in a swimsuit cannot be found on social networks, does not appear at social events with her husband. According to some information, the man is engaged in a business based on the sale of fish and fish products.

The son of Irina Yarovaya - Sergey Yarovoy

In the early difficult 90s, a baby appeared in the family of a woman working in the prosecutor's office. At the request of his beloved daughter, the boy was named Seryozha. When he was a few months old, Irina Alekseevna went back to work. The politician's mother looked after the baby.

The son of Irina Yarovaya - Sergey Yarovoy studied well at school. He studied music and dramatic art. The guy at the beginning of the new millennium was sent to study in one of the European countries. There he studied at the university. According to some reports, then Sergey trained in the United States of America. In his free time, the guy was actively involved in music. He performed in nightclubs, where he performed songs written by him.

Currently, where Sergei Yarovoy lives - the son of Irina Yarovaya and what he does - is unknown. The woman herself tries to report nothing about her son. By this, she protects him from the negative influence of strangers.

Daughter of Irina Yarovaya - Ekaterina Yarovaya

The girl was born in her mother's first marriage. She stayed with our heroine after her parents divorced. Katyushka was very happy about the birth of her little brother. She insisted that the baby be called Seryozha.

During her school years, the girl studied well. She became the best student in the class. The daughter of Irina Yarovaya - Ekaterina Yarovaya herself mastered playing the guitar and piano. At the end of the difficult 90s, the girl was sent to study at one of the English elite schools. Then the girl studied at a university in Switzerland. Catherine's further path is unknown.

Irina Alexandrovna herself tries to ignore questions about her beloved daughter. The woman does not tell where her beloved daughter lives and what she does. It is also not known whether Catherine has a spouse and children, since the girl celebrated her 30th birthday in 2018.

In mid-2016, it was written in the press that the politician owns unregistered real estate. But then it became known that the elite mansion belongs to the woman's daughter. It is located on the territory of one of the small villages that are not far from Moscow.

Former husband of Irina Yarovaya - Alexander Yarovaya

The girl fell in love during her school years. The young man lived nearby. He drew attention to a bright girl, even when she was 14 years old. The guy was a few years older. Irina began dating Sasha from the age of 15. She escorted him to the army and promised to wait. Correspondence of lovers was frequent.

The ex-husband of Irina Yarovaya, Alexander Yarovoy, went for his beloved to distant Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Here he got a job as a mechanic in a housing and communal office. When the girl became an adult, the young lovers got married. Soon the family was replenished with a daughter and a son. At first, Irina was satisfied that she worked in the prosecutor's office, and her husband, who was helped by her mother, looked after the children. Alexander did not receive higher education. The man was against moving to the capital, which was the reason for their divorce. The woman tries not to talk about his future fate. But in 2016, she mentioned that her first husband offered her to live together again. When the journalist asked a clarifying question, Irina Alexandrovna pretended not to understand him.

Former husband of Irina Yarovaya - Viktor Alekseenko

Before meeting with our heroine, Victor was engaged in business. He opened his own small factory, which was engaged in the processing of fish. The man was married and raised a son.

Once, at one of the events, Alekseenko and Yarovaya met by chance. They were introduced by one of those present. A spark of interest ran between the future spouses, which quickly turned into love. The man did not hide. He openly admitted to his wife that he fell in love with another, and filed for divorce. Soon after, the lovers got married. But Victor did not stop participating in the life of his son. He brought the boy to his home, and Irina Alexandrovna treated the son of her beloved as her own.

After moving to Moscow, the spouses had their own business. The ex-husband of Irina Yarovaya, Viktor Alekseenko, often traveled to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on business, and his beloved wife gave all her strength to her political career. But they always found time to be alone.

In 2016, the couple officially divorced. They try not to talk about the reasons for the breakup. Sometimes a man and a woman come to events together, which gives rise to rumors that the divorce was intentional. It was necessary to hide funds that the deputy did not declare.

The essence of the Yarovaya Law. What is it in simple words? Last news

For many years being among the deputies of the State Duma, the woman worked very actively on various laws. Many Russians are still wondering what the essence of the Yarovaya Law is. What is it in simple words? The latest news quite deeply allow us to understand what is the meaning of this or that law.

Yarovaya, whose anti-terrorist bill was the first in her political career, proposed rather harsh conditions for terrorists. For the preparation of terrorist acts, and even more so for their commission, a real prison term is provided. Law enforcement agencies were allowed to collect information from various sources, including being allowed to install listening devices on persons suspected of developing and preparing terrorist acts.

The woman participated in the development of other laws. In particular, recently the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted the latest Yarovaya Law. At the expense of cellular subscribers, information will be collected and stored. This will ensure the safety and integrity of the data. With the direct participation of Irina Aleksandrovna, a law was adopted on:

  • terrorism;
  • knocking;
  • suicide;
  • trade;
  • religion;
  • communications;
  • oblivion;
  • slander;
  • missionary activity.

The woman is actively working now. It is under consideration in the State Duma presents its bill on pension reform.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Yarovaya

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Yarovaya are actively trying to find numerous residents of the Russian Federation who are interested in politics.

Wikipedia has a page for a woman, where anyone can find out where a woman was born and began her political activities. It lists all the bills she worked on, with a detailed description of the essence of the adopted legislative acts. But the question of personal life is diligently bypassed. You can not find information about the children of a woman.

Our heroine does not have pages on social networks. She does not share her life with the Russians, maintaining a certain aura of mystery. On the Instagram page, the politician has a page with her name. But on it, except for three photographs taken in the State Duma, there is nothing.

Yarovaya Irina Anatolyevna is a politician and lawmaker who is widely known on the Internet for her scandalous and very controversial bills with harsh sanctions.

Irina Anatolyevna is a luxurious and highly educated woman with very conservative views, she fits perfectly into the team of the United Russia party.

Before becoming a member of the pro-state party, Yarovaya was a member of the Yabloko party for more than ten years, and also held various posts from it on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Many people are in a hurry to clarify for themselves height, weight, age. How old is Irina Yarovaya can be determined by the date of her birth. It is worth noting that Irina Anatolyevna was born in 1966, so she was already fifty-one years old.

The zodiac gave Irina the sign of observant, insightful, balanced, reasonable and stable Libra. The eastern horoscope endowed the woman with such character traits of the Horse as efficiency, calmness, observation, self-confidence.

Irina Yarovaya: photos in her youth and now - practically did not differ, because this woman is incredibly beautiful, although she put on elegant glasses with age due to vision problems.

Irina Anatolyevna weighs no more than sixty-five kilograms, and her height is one meter and seventy-two centimeters.

Biography and personal life 👉 Irina Yarovaya

The biography and personal life of Irina Yarovaya has always been a series of ups and downs, since fate did not spoil the girl from an early age. The fact is that her father, Anatoly Chernyakhovsky, and her mother were civil servants in the Donbass. But at the call of the Communist Party, they ended up in distant Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Brother - Anatoly Chernyakhovsky - named after his own father. He was far from the last person in the country, as he became the head of the FSB branch in the city of Gelendzhik.

The girl quickly settled into the new school. But she got into it a couple of months before graduation, so she remained a dark horse for her classmates. At the same time, she managed to please the teachers with her sociable and assertive character. Therefore, no one was surprised that she entered the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute, where she received the education of a lawyer. At the same time, she not only studied well, but from the age of sixteen she worked as a secretary, then as a safety engineer.

After she received her higher education at the VYUZI, Irina Anatolyevna began working in the prosecutor's office of her native city. The strong-willed qualities and perseverance of the young specialist helped him grow from an ordinary trainee to a senior assistant prosecutor of the peninsula in a few years.

After thirty-one years, the woman went into politics and social activities. Because she was ambitious and active, and also, she had her own opinion on everything.

Irina became a member of the Yabloko political party, while she was included in the lists of the Kamchatka Council. And already in the early 2000s, a woman was nominated to the State Duma of the country, although she did not go there. Yarovaya was not upset at all and simply applied to the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the head of state and the Moscow School of Political Studies, where she received her second education.

Three years later, Irina Anatolyevna was already appointed assistant to Grigory Yavlinsky himself. And already in 2007, the politician decided to join the United Russia party, although her party comrades did not understand her. In the same year, Yarovaya ended up in the State Duma from this party, and after working in the committees, she got into the General Council of United Russia.

At the same time, in 2011, the politician did not get into the State Duma from Kamchatka, but the governor of this region, Vladimir Ilyukhin, transferred his mandate to a talented woman. Three years later, the clever and beautiful woman, according to the Ogonyok publication, fell into the seventeenth position of the hundred most influential women in our country.

Irina Yarovaya, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, whose official website is always open for communication with Russians, never stops there, and goes to new and new heights. At the same time, her personal life does not suffer from this in any way, since a woman is a rather picky person, but also secretive.

Nothing is known about the personal life of Irina Yarovaya, so we can only say that she is married and has been happily married for many years.

Family and children 👉 Irina Yarovaya

The family and children of Irina Yarovaya are something about which practically nothing is known, since the politician never posts photographs about his personal and family life on social networks. The fact is that Irina was born in a working-class family, so from childhood she was not afraid of any work. The girl was brought up in an atmosphere of love, her parents claimed that Ira was the best and most talented, so she could achieve everything.

Irina and her brother Anatoly believe that it was the right upbringing that helped them become self-sufficient and successful people. At the same time, even Irina Yarovaya's photo in a swimsuit looks chaste on the Internet, and candid photographs of a politician cannot be found anywhere at all, because mother and father would not approve of this.

However, of course, there are photographs in which a blonde girl, slightly resembling a politician and public figure, posing in front of the camera, are available on the Internet. It is worth noting that they are so chaste that there is simply nothing to complain about, however, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that in the pictures it is not Irina Anatolyevna, but another beauty - a full-fledged politician who maintains her own travel blog around the globe.

Ira has two children, they were born in different marriages, but the woman never divided them into loved ones and unloved ones. She tried to give them a lot of attention and gave an excellent education, although she protected them from fame, since it would be very difficult to find photos of the whole family in the press.

Son 👉 Irina Yarovaya - Sergey Yarovoy

The son of Irina Yarovaya - Sergey Yarovoy - is the second child of a politician and public figure, whose father was Viktor Alekseenko. Almost nothing is known about the boy, including whose last name he currently bears.

It can only be stated with certainty that Sergei Yarovoy, the son of Irina Yarovaya, was born in 1992 in Kamchatka. He grew up as an active and athletic guy, while he did not get into scandalous incidents, like other representatives of the golden youth of that time.

At the same time, Serezha received a higher education, but absolutely nothing is known about his future activities. The most interesting thing is that his parents have never released a photo with their son.

That is why there are rumors that they either protect their son from outsiders, or are ashamed of his immoral lifestyle. At the same time, neither one nor the other could be proved, so we will consider the absence of a photo as a banal whim of the famous mother.

Daughter of 👉 Irina Yarovaya - Ekaterina Yarovaya

The daughter of Irina Yarovaya - Ekaterina Yarovaya - was born in 1989 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and her mother's first husband Alexander Yarovaya became her father. At that time, the woman worked in the prosecutor's office and was constantly busy, so all the worries about the baby were entrusted to her grandmother and husband.

Little Katyushka was incredibly similar to her father in appearance, although her character was maternal. The girl always achieved what she wanted, but her incredible ability to work helped Katya to study perfectly and be the favorite of teachers.

An incredibly sociable girl constantly found new friends, while she was a ringleader and a good organizer. Katerina received a higher education, an apartment was recorded on her, which causes constant unrest and condemnation in the press. The last time the living space surfaced was in 2013, when Irina Anatolyevna did not indicate it in her income statement.

Nothing is known about the girl’s personal life, as well as whether she has a spouse and children. The fact is that journalists assume that Catherine has long since left Russia for permanent residence in one of the countries of the world.

Ex-husband 👉 Irina Yarovaya - Alexander Yarovaya

The ex-husband of Irina Yarovaya - Alexander Yarovaya - appeared in her life a long time ago, since they had known each other since school in their native Makeevka. Sasha and Ira were just friends, but did not start a romantic relationship, and then their paths parted, as the girl left for Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. At the same time, Alexander went into the army, and after serving, he moved after the girl to Kamchatka.

The fact is that Ira was two years older than her friend, so at first she rejected his courtship, but then agreed to become his wife. A daughter was born in the family, but her birth did not seal the marriage in any way.

The problems began due to the fact that Irina worked in the prosecutor's office and was very ambitious, and Alexander worked as a mechanic in the housing office. The marriage broke up, but the couple parted friends.

Ex-husband 👉 Irina Yarovaya - Viktor Alekseenko

The ex-husband of Irina Yarovaya, Viktor Alekseenko, is a completely different story of an already successful and bright woman, whose star burned quite brightly in the political sky. The fact is that Viktor Aleksandrovich was sixteen years older than his chosen one, he was a successful entrepreneur, and before that an active Komsomol leader.

Alekseenko owned several fish factories on the Kamchatka Peninsula and was married, while it is not clear whether he divorced before the appearance of Yarovaya, or whether she became the reason for this.

Young people lived in a legal marriage until 2016, while the true reasons for the divorce were not named. Journalists hastened to christen the divorce of Yarovaya and Alekseenko a real farce aimed at hiding the real income of the family and other frauds.

The essence of the "Yarovaya law" 👉 what is it in simple words: latest news

The essence of the “Yarovaya law” is that it is in simple words: the latest news indicates that the terms of this bill, more than ever, excite Russians and residents of other countries. The fact is that the politician is already the founder of a hundred bills. Which are quite high-quality, but so contradictory that they are not always accepted by the State Duma. The so-called "Yarovaya Law" directly affects most aspects of the communication and social sphere.

According to Yarovaya herself, the anti-terrorist bill is primarily aimed at expanding the powers of the police and the prosecutor's office, aimed at obtaining data from personal electronic sources. At the same time, in human language, the bill:

  • the term of imprisonment was increased under a number of articles;
  • the number of reasons, according to which it will be forbidden to leave and enter the territory of Russia, has expanded;
  • control over those organizations that are financed from abroad was strengthened many times over.

At the same time, an untrue message that it is possible to commit a terrorist act to state bodies and facilitate extremist activities will entail criminal liability.

In addition, mobile operators undertake not to delete all information about calls and SMS or MMS messages within three years from the date of their implementation.

At the same time, the Yarovaya law, at the expense of subscribers, proposes to store this very information in the base of the mobile operator. That is why this package received the popular name - the law on slander and slander, since it can lead to hacking and leakage of the database, but the previous law on oblivion, on the contrary, carefully protected the people from information leakage.

It is worth noting that it is known as the law on terrorism, as well as on suicide. Assuming criminal liability up to twelve years for inciting suicide of adolescents who are included in death groups. It has many negative aspects, since it does not prevent the possible trading of information from the database of the mobile operator.

The Yarovaya law negatively affects many areas of life and you can find it on the Internet by tags such as:

  • Yarovaya law at the expense of subscribers;
  • law on terrorism;
  • snitching law;
  • suicide law;
  • trade law;
  • religion law;
  • communications law;
  • oblivion law;
  • libel law;
  • missionary law.

This law by Irina Yarovaya is aimed at introducing liability for libel or for information that does not correspond to reality. Although it has already led to a number of scandals.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Irina Yarovaya

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Yarovaya is available, but not in full. Because a politician is far from a public person who cares about his reputation and the secret of his personal life. On the Internet, it will be possible to find only officially confirmed photos from business and political meetings. However, Irina Anatolyevna does not have pages on social networks and an Instagram profile.

However, the article on Yarovaya on Wikipedia is filled with verified and up-to-date information about her childhood and education, political and legislative activities. You can decide on the criticism of a woman as a politician, find data on her property, income and awards.