Who is the holy gurus. Orthodox faith - Martyr Gury, Samon and Aviv. Sacred texts of prayers

* * * During the persecution of Christians under the emperors Diocletian (284 - 305) and Maximian (305 - 311) in the city of Edessa, two Christian friends were captured - Guriy and Samon, preachers of the Word of God. To the offer to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods, the saints responded with a decisive refusal, confessing their faith in Christ. For this, they were subjected to terrible inhuman torments. Friends endured everything with firmness and prayer. At night, the martyrs were taken outside the city, where they were beheaded. Christians reverently buried their holy bodies. Many years later, the last pagan emperor Licinius (311 - 324) began a new persecution of Christians. A deacon of the Edessa church named Aviv, whom the cruel ruler commanded to seize for zealously spreading the true faith, himself came to the executioners, not wanting other Christians to suffer during his search. The saint confessed his faith in Christ and was sentenced to be burned. The martyr himself entered the fire and with prayer gave his spirit to the Lord. When the flame went out, the saint's mother and relatives found his body intact. Martyr Aviv was buried next to Saints Gury and Samon. After the death of the holy martyrs, numerous miracles were performed with those who, with faith and love, called on them for help. So, one day, a Goth warrior*, sent to serve in Edessa, took the pious girl Euphemia as his wife. Before that, he swore to her mother Sophia at the tomb of the martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv that he would not do any harm to his wife, would never offend her, but would love and honor her. * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goths At the end of his service in Edessa, he took Euphemia with him and returned to his homeland. It turned out that he had deceived her: he had a wife in his homeland, and he made Euphemia his slave. Euphemia had to endure many mockeries and humiliations. When her child was born, a jealous Goth woman poisoned him. Euphemia turned with a prayer to the holy martyrs, witnesses of the deceiver's oath - and the Lord delivered her from suffering, miraculously transferring her to Edessa, where she met her mother. After some time, the shameless perjurer was again sent to serve in Edessa. The whole city learned about his atrocity, and by order of the ruler, the Goth was executed. The Holy Martyrs Guriy, Samon and Aviv are known among Orthodox Christians as the patrons of matrimony, marriage and a strong family; they pray to them “if a husband innocently hates his wife.” They still perform numerous miracles to those who, with faith and love, turn to them for help. FOR INFORMATION: The images of Saints Guria, Samon and Aviv are known in the monuments of monumental painting, on icons and in facial manuscripts. Traditionally, they are depicted together: - Gury - a gray-haired old man with a long beard, dressed in a chiton and himation; - Samon - middle-aged with dark (sometimes gray hair) and a small beard, dressed in a chiton and himation; - Aviv - a young beardless man in a surplice with a censer and (or) a cross in his hands.

Commemoration: November 15/28

During the persecution of Christians under the emperors Diocletian (284-305) and Maximian (305-311), two friends were captured in the city of Edessa, Christians Guri and Samon, preachers of the Word of God. To the offer to offer sacrifice to the gods, the saints responded with a decisive refusal, confessing their faith in Christ. For this, they were subjected to terrible torments: they were beaten, hung by the hands, tied to their feet with a heavy load, thrown into a cramped dungeon. The martyrs endured everything with firmness and prayer. At night, the martyrs were taken outside the city and beheaded. Christians buried their holy bodies. Many years later, the last pagan emperor Licinius (311-324) began the persecution of Christians.

Martyrs. Gury, Samon and Aviv. Menaion - November (detail). Miniature, early 17th century

A deacon of the Edessa church named Aviv, whom the emperor ordered to be seized for zealously spreading the true faith, himself came to the executioners, not wanting other Christians to suffer during his search. The saint confessed his faith in Christ and was sentenced to be burned. The martyr himself went into the fire and with prayer gave his spirit to the Lord. When the fire went out, the saint's mother and relatives found his body intact. The martyr was buried next to Saints Guriy and Samon.

Torment of Saints Guri, Samon and Aviv. Fresco, 1547. Fresco. Athos (Dionysiat)

After the death of the saints, numerous miracles were performed with those who, with faith and love, called them to their aid. So, once a Goth warrior, sent to serve in Edessa, took the pious girl Euphemia as his wife. Before that, he swore to her mother Sophia at the tomb of the martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv that he would not do any harm to his wife, would never offend her, but would love and honor her. At the end of his service in Edessa, he took Euphemia with him and returned to his homeland. It turned out that he had deceived her: he had a wife in his homeland. Euphemia became his slave. Euphemia had to endure many mockeries and humiliations. When her child was born, a jealous Goth woman poisoned him. Euphemia turned with a prayer to the holy martyrs - witnesses of the deceiver's oath, and the Lord delivered her from suffering. After some time, the perjurer was again sent to serve in Edessa. The whole city learned about his atrocity, denounced by Sophia, and by order of the ruler, the Goth was executed.

Martyrs Guriy, Samon and Aviv. Icon, 80s. 19th century

The holy martyrs Guriy, Samon and Aviv are known among Orthodox Christians as the patrons of matrimony, marriage, a happy family, they are prayed to "if a husband innocently hates his wife." In Moscow, in the church of John the Warrior in Babiegorodsky Lane, on Yakimanka, there is a chapel of these saints.


Prayer to the martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv:

  • Prayer to the martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv. Guriy, Samon and Aviv suffered for their faith at the beginning of the 4th century in Edessa. Through their prayerful help, many miracles were performed, but they were especially famous for their intercession for the honor of Euphemia, whom a bigamist Goth took as his wife by cunning, then turned into a slave and humiliated in every possible way. They are revered as the patrons of matrimony, marriage, a happy family, they are prayed to "if the husband innocently hates his wife."

The family is a sacred place in the life of every Orthodox Christian.

How to save the family from the coming discord? Akathist to Guria, Samon and Aviv will help restore prosperity.

What is the power of turning to the saints

It is in the family that each person fulfills the main commandments about love for one's neighbor, given by God to people. There should be no selfishness in the family, because it is for this reason that disagreements arise between spouses, leading to divorce.

Confessors Guriy, Aviv and Samon

But in practice, people do not value the family: many husbands abuse their rights, beat their wives, ignore them. In response to such “gestures”, women argue with their husbands, stop protecting and equipping their home, and children are born and grow up in disharmony.

About the Orthodox family:

  • Do believing families have to have many children?

, help women humiliated by their husbands, admonish men.

In addition to the ascension of laudatory ones, it is necessary to attend divine services, pray earnestly, confess, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and soon peace and harmony will come in the family.

Rules for reading an akathist

The most beautiful prayer hymns have been put into human lips by the Orthodox Church. Akathist is one of her great creations.

Icon of the Holy Martyrs Guria, Samon and Aviva

Relief is possible only for the weak and elderly parishioners. This applies to both home prayers and church services.

Akathist was first written in 626 and was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Patriarch Sergius of Constantinople was ordered by the Blessed Virgin herself to compose a song of thanksgiving in honor of the liberation of Byzantium from the Avar siege. Later, akathists were written to the Almighty and His saints.

Important! Before starting the reading of the hymn of praise, it is advisable to read the life of the saint to whom the song will be sung.

The text of the akathist consists of 25 songs, which, in turn, consist of kontakia and ikos. The kontakion marks the praise of the saint, while the ikos describes the essence of the event.

First, the prayers “King of Heaven”, “Holy God”, “Most Holy Trinity have mercy on us”, “Our Father” are read, then 1 kontakion, 1 ikos and so on in order. After the words "Hallelujah" it is necessary to ask aloud for the sore.

In conclusion, kneeling prayers are read to the saint.

Akathist to the heavenly patrons of marriage

A song of praise addressed to the three saints protects the family union from disintegration. It can be read by both one of the family members and a relative who knows the essence of the ongoing family problem, which is very effective, because all people on earth are brothers and sisters in Christ.

More akathists read to help in the family:

Antique icon "heavenly patrons of family and marriage" Saints Guriy, Samon and Aviv.

Important! Before starting prayer work, one should repent of sins and ask for a priestly blessing for reading.

Kondak 1

Chosen wonderworkers of Christ and the holy faith of the confessor, Good-natured Guria, Samona and Aviva, we honor your memory with laudatory songs, we sing like Christian intercessors, suffering patrons. But you, having boldness to the Lord, from all troubles and misfortunes, free us, calling with faith and love: Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, the passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Ikos 1

Angels in the flesh of the Trinity of Saints, equal in number, with love for God burning idols, strengthen the faith of Christ, glorify the Holy Trinity, the same way praising your deeds, we say to you: Rejoice, lamps of piety. Rejoice, accusers of wickedness. Rejoice, confirmation of the faith of Christ. Rejoice, pillars of the Church of God. Rejoice, faithful hope and intercession. Rejoice, unfaithful fear and shame. Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Kondak 2

Seeing the wickedness of the people of the city of Edes, Saints Guriy and Samon retired to the desert, running away from the prince of this world and temptations and diligently serving God, singing day and night: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Having a wise mind, holy martyrs, working hard for the glory of God, exposing pagan wickedness, instructing those who seek the truth on the right path, and attracting the unfaithful to the True God, for this sake we say to you: Rejoice, planters of true worship of God. Rejoice, eradicators of the demonic ministry. Rejoice, accusers of the darkness of wickedness. Rejoice, destroyer of idol charms. Rejoice, confessors of Christ in line. Rejoice, luminaries of the Orthodox faith. Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Kondak 3

By the power from above of the fall of the holy martyr, the persecutors of the holy faith were not afraid, the command of the wicked Antonian was negligent and the faith of Christ was loudly glorified, the same and thrown into prison to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having faith in Christ adamant the firmest and armed with the power of that, you courageously endured, the holy martyrs, prison bonds and death itself, for this reason, praising such courage, we bless you: Rejoice, confessor of the true faith. Rejoice, heirs of the Kingdom of God. Rejoice, martyrs praise. Rejoice, glory to the martyrs. Rejoice, saints of the Church, affirmation. Rejoice, all kinds of Christian ornaments. Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Kondak 4

Possessed by a storm of doubtful thoughts, the impious king Licinius raised a cruel persecution of Christians, but you, passion-bearing Abiva, were not afraid of that, with firm faith cried out to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the king Licinius your exploits, venerable Aviva, and your firm confession of faith, enraged at you with malice, commanded that you be put to death by the fierce as the enemy of the king, you, having seen about this, voluntarily flowed to the torment, and with joy underwent the fiery burning, for this sake, marveling at your great courage, we magnify thee: Rejoice, fearless champion of faith in Christ. Rejoice, invincible warrior of Christ. Rejoice, hung on a tree for Your outstretched hand on the cross tree. Rejoice, cut with iron claws. Rejoice, give comfort to those who mourn. Rejoice, quick helper to all who endure for the truth. Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Kondak 5

The godly stars in the firmament of heaven were like nature, holy martyrs, enlightening the darkness of pagan wickedness and instructing many on the path of truth. The same reverently honoring your memory, thankfully we sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing the people of the city of Edes many miracles that happen from the shrine of the holy martyrs Guriy, Samon and Aviv, they rejoice and glorify the Lord with all their hearts, but we, honoring your holy memory, holy martyrs, tenderly cry out: Rejoice, unrighteously persecuted intercessors. Rejoice, faithful servants of Christ friends. Rejoice, guardians of those who are in bonds and prisons. Rejoice, persecutors and offenders, enlighteners. Rejoice, weeping comforters. Rejoice, deliverers from impudent and fierce death. Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Kondak 6

From the height of wisdom, grace was received, for those who are in redemption, all-praise, the same maiden, saints, deliver bitter from death. For you truly are the glory of the city of Edes and the joy of the world, for this sake we sing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Deliver us from the work of the enemy, Jesus the Life-Giver, we implore Your sufferer with prayers, as if not enslaved by passions, having acquired soul and body from passions, we praise those speedy help, as if in a tomb closed by a husband and this soon beforehand from death, delivering us, the same we cry to you: Rejoice, innocent saved his wife from a cruel death. Rejoice, by the wondrous salvation of her victorious atrocities of the tormentor. Rejoice, thou who didst expose the evil man's cruel deed. Rejoice, and you taught him to believe in the power of the Christian God. Rejoice, givers of mercy to those who demand it. Rejoice, vigilant guardians of those who honor your memory. Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Kondak 7

Though the Lord of mankind show His mercy to His people, keep your bodies imperishable, sharpening miracles, from them all faithful currents of healing receive, calling God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Leading new intercessors and wondrous wonderworkers, people from the city of Edes created a holy temple in your memory, in it you put your relics, and all those who suffer will draw help from them, but we also have firm hope in you, we cry out to you: Rejoice, sincere and bodily ailments of our healers. Rejoice, exorcists of demons in the name of the Lord. Rejoice, preachers of the gospel truths of grace. Rejoice, bearers of divine grace. Rejoice, many who grieve for the name of the Lord. Rejoice, wonderfully shining in His saints. Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Kondak 8

It is strange and frightening for the unfaithful to hear what marvelous deeds are being performed from your holy relics: ailments are healed, passions are healed, but we, having firm hope in us, cry out to God who is so blessed with faith: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Fulfilled with all the virtues, and honored with the glory of God behind them, listen, holy martyrs, to the prayers of the faithful, who honor your holy memory, from them you hear the following: Rejoice, poor in spirit, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, weeping ones, for you are comforted. Rejoice, meek ones, for you have inherited the earth. Rejoice, you who were hungry and thirsty for the truth, as if you were satisfied. Rejoice, merciful ones, as if you have obtained pardon. Rejoice, pure in heart, for you have already seen God. Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Kondak 9

All the misfortunes that were in the city of Edes were ruined by nature, holy martyrs, even now do not leave us humble and sinners, but affirm all the people of our country in Orthodoxy and unanimity, and with one mouth and one heart we exclaim to the Lord who glorified you: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vityas of many broadcasts, like a silent fish we see about you, holy martyr: they are perplexed, how in the desert the spirit soared naturally and in the midst of a person vigilant feats of labor. We, rejoicing, as such are the imams, teachers and prayer books, glorify you, saying: Rejoice, cymbals of the Word of God. Rejoice, warm intercessors for us before God. Rejoice, enlighteners of the Jews and Greeks. Rejoice, evangelizers of the three-day Deity. Rejoice, teachers of meekness and temperance. Rejoice, denunciation of lies and tatba. Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Kondak 10

Although the people of the city of Edes should be saved from the mental wolf, they firmly exhorted those who stood in true faith below the machinations of the enemy to be afraid, but also in sorrow and adversity for you, thank God, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall is firm and a more reliable refuge, holy martyrs, to all who run to you and require urgent help, for this sake, in the tenderness of our hearts, we cry out: Rejoice, joy to all who grieve. Rejoice, refuge and liberation of all the oppressed and enslaved. Rejoice, intercession of widows and orphans. Rejoice, protection from heresies and schisms. Rejoice, for all the wicked marvel at your life. Rejoice, for all godliness rejoice in your name. Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Kondak 11

Bring singing of thanksgiving to the Lord and for us, our warm intercessors, we pray you never depart from us, for our sins, but ask mercy from the Lord for all who cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Praise the radiant trinity of holy martyrs, faithful, let us eliminate strife and strife in this life, flee disagreements and divisions in the Orthodox faith and preserve the unity of the spirit in the union of the world, from the depths of our souls exclaim as follows: Rejoice, loud trumpets of the Gospel gospel. Rejoice, sweet-sounding harp of the preaching of salvation. Rejoice, zealous strongholds of truth. Rejoice, destroyers of unshakable untruth. Rejoice, givers of blessings to the pious families of the world. Rejoice, cruel and unfaithful spouse severe punishments. Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Kondak 12

Grace given to you from God, leading, we celebrate your memory, holy martyrs, with fervent prayer flowing to your honest image, with your firm help, as if we are protected by an invincible wall, for this we praise you, passion-bearers of Christ, and zealously call to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your wondrous life and martyrdom, we pray you, the passion-bearers of Christ Guria, Samon and Aviva, be our good helpers in everything, bless us with peace and love, give us firm faith, purity of life and the fear of God, and all peace of mind Let us exclaim with joy: Rejoice, for your names are also glorified among the unbelievers. Rejoice, peace and joy to those who mourn, Rejoice, fear and surprise to those who offend. Rejoice, you saved an innocent wife from a cruel death. Rejoice, her evil husband is worthy of punishment. Rejoice, Guria, Samona and Aviva, passion-bearers of Christ and the offended patron!

Kondak 13

O Holy Passion-bearers of Christ Guriy, Samon and Aviva, accept this our laudatory singing and, having heard our desire diligently, deliver us with your warm intercession to God, from all evil, from enmity and disagreement and all kinds of fierce troubles and illnesses, but with love we honor you , we call out to God: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Prayer one

O holy martyrs and confessors of Christ Guria, Samon and Aviva! Warm intercessors and intercessors for us before God, in the tenderness of our hearts, looking at your most pure image, we humbly pray to you: hear us, sinful and unworthy servants of yours, who are in troubles, sorrows and misfortunes, and having contemplated our heavy and countless sins, reveal us your great mercy, raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our mind, soften the evil and accursed heart, stop envy, enmity and strife that lives in us. Overshadow us with peace, love and the fear of God, implore the merciful Lord to cover the multitude of our sins with His inexpressible mercy. May the Church keep His holy Church from unbelief, heresies and schisms. May our country be given peace, prosperity, fertility of the land; spouses love and consent; obedience to children; offended patience; offending the fear of God; grieving complacency; rejoicing abstinence. May He cover all of us with His almighty right hand, and may He save us from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine strife, and unnecessary death. May he protect us with an army of His holy Angels, in order to deliver us after our exodus from this life from the wiles of the evil one and his secret air ordeals, and not condemned to appear before the Throne of the Lord of Glory, where the faces of the holy Angels with all the saints will glorify the most holy and magnificent Name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

About the glorification of the martyr Guria, Samon and Aviv! Protect us, servant of God (names), from the misfortunes of evil people and the machinations of demons: protect us from accidental death, deliver us from fire, sword and any soul-destroying situation. Hey, passion-bearers of Christ, arrange for us with your prayers all that is good and useful, but piously the temporary life has passed and the death has not been shamefully acquired, we will be honored with your warm intercession with all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of God, and glorify Him unceasingly, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever .

Prayer three

Oh, glorification of the martyr Guria, Samona and Aviva! To you, as a quick helper and a warm prayer book, we, weak and unworthy, resort, earnestly praying: do not despise us, falling into many iniquities and sinning all the days and hours; guide the erring on the right path, heal those who suffer and mourn; keep us in a blameless and chaste life; and as of old, so now the patron of matrimony abide, in love and like-mindedness this affirms and delivers from all evil and distressful circumstances. Protect, about the great power of the confessor, all Orthodox Christians from misfortunes, evil people and demonic machinations; protect me from accidental death, imploring the All-good Lord, may he give great and rich mercy to us, His humble servant. Nesmy more worthy with unclean lips to call on the magnificent name of our Creator, if not you, holy martyrs, will intercede for us; for this sake we resort to you and ask for your intercession before the Lord about us. So deliver us from famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine strife, deadly ulcers and every soul-destroying situation. Hey, passion-bearers of Christ, arrange for us with your prayers all that is good and useful, yes, a pious temporary life has passed and the death has not been shamefully acquired, we will be honored with your warm intercession with all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of God, and unceasingly glorify Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to the Martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv, Confessors

Troparion, tone 5

The miracles of your saints, the martyr of the wall is invincible, granting us, Christ God, with those prayers, destroy the councils of tongues, strengthen the holy Church, as one is good and philanthropist.

History of martyrs

For their fiery faith in Christ, the martyrs were sentenced to death, but before it they were subjected to the most severe tortures. But the great saints endured every mockery courageously, they were allowed to stand before the enemy by the great strength of their faith.

History of martyrs

Once, under the cover of night, fanatics secretly took out their bloody bodies and beheaded them. Secretly from the Romans, the Christians performed the burial of the martyrs.

The life path of Saint Aviv is especially significant. He was engaged in the education of the Christian faith even before the pagans appeared in the city.

Once he dared to reason with the emperor Licinius, for which he was destined to die. He was burned, but in the morning his body was found in the ashes, whole and undamaged. After that, Aviv was beheaded along with Guriy and Samon.

Prayers to the holy martyrs still resound in the hearts of people and help in overcoming life's hardships. Their life is a feat and an example for believers to follow.

Every Christian has a responsibility to make every effort to save a marriage. The first “crack” in the family hearth is felt by a woman, and it is she who must do everything in her power to preserve the family. The most important thing is a fiery prayer to Christ, His Most Pure Mother and the holy great martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv.

Video about martyrs Guria, Samon and Aviv

Maintaining a broken family is a rather difficult task. That is why, from the lips of each of the spouses, a prayer to Guria, Samon and Aviv for the family should be heard daily.

Martyrs Guriy, Samon and Aviv

Sacred texts of prayers

The holy martyrs are able to resolve family troubles, soften the hearts of a husband and wife, and instruct them to leave unreasonable deeds. The power of prayer to the saints is great, thanks to the most holy martyrs, more than one family was restored.

About the Orthodox family:

Therefore, in the event of any difficult situation in the family, it is necessary to turn to these saints. This can be done by reading a prayer or an akathist to the saints.

Prayer to Saints Guria, Samon and Aviv for family and marriage

“O holy martyr and confessor of Christ Guria, Samon and Aviva! Warm intercessors and intercessors for us before God, in the tenderness of our hearts, looking at your most pure image, we humbly pray to you: hear us, sinful and unworthy servants of yours, who are in troubles, sorrows and misfortunes, and having contemplated our heavy and countless sins, reveal us your great mercy, raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our mind, soften the evil and accursed heart, stop envy, enmity and strife that lives in us.

Overshadow us with peace, love and the fear of God, implore the merciful Lord to cover the multitude of our sins with His inexpressible mercy. May the Church keep His holy Church from unbelief, heresies and schisms. May our country be given peace, prosperity, fertility of the land; spouses love and consent; obedience to children; offended patience; offending the fear of God; grieving complacency; rejoicing abstinence.

May He cover all of us with His almighty right hand, and may He save us from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine strife, and unnecessary death. May he protect us with an army of His holy Angels, in order to deliver us after our exodus from this life from the wiles of the evil one and his secret air ordeals, and not condemned to appear before the Throne of the Lord of Glory, where the faces of the holy Angels with all the saints will glorify the most holy and magnificent Name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to Guria, Samon and Aviv from accidental death

“On the glorification of the martyr Guria, Samona and Aviva! Protect us, servant of God (names), from the misfortunes of evil people and the machinations of demons: protect us from accidental death, deliver us from fire, sword and any soul-destroying situation. Hey, passion-bearers of Christ, arrange for us with your prayers all that is good and useful, but piously the temporary life has passed and the death has not been shamefully acquired, we will be honored with your warm intercession with all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of God, and unceasingly glorify Him, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever ."

Prayer to the martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv for harmony in family relationships and for the preservation of the family

“Oh, glorification of the martyr Guria, Samona and Aviva! To you, as a quick helper and a warm prayer book, we, weak and unworthy, resort, fervently praying: do not despise us, who have fallen into many iniquities and sinning all the days and hours; guide the erring on the right path, heal those who suffer and mourn; keep us in a blameless and chaste life; and as of old, so now abide the patron of matrimony, in love and like-mindedness this affirms and delivers from all evil and distressful circumstances. Protect, about the power of the confessor, all Orthodox Christians from misfortunes, evil people and demonic machinations; protect me from accidental death, imploring the All-good Lord, may he give great and rich mercy to us, His humble servant. Nesmy more worthy with unclean lips to call on the magnificent name of our Creator, if not you, holy martyrs, will intercede for us; for this sake we resort to you and ask for your intercession before the Lord about us. So deliver us from famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine strife, deadly ulcers and every soul-destroying situation. Hey, passion-bearers of Christ, arrange for us with your prayers all that is good and useful, but a pious temporary life has passed and the death has not been shamefully acquired, we will be honored with your warm intercession with all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of God, and unceasingly glorify Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

A bit of history

During the reign of the emperors-Christian-haters Diocletian and Maximian, there were fierce persecutions of believers. In the city of Edessa, two of God's preachers, the Christians Samon and Gury, were arrested. They received an imperial proposal: to renounce Christ, betray His faith and sacrifice to the pagan gods.

Friends denied paganism, as a result of which they were subjected to the most severe torture: they were cut and beaten, they were hung up by their hands and a heavy load was tied to their feet. But the men did not give up and with prayer and God's help endured terrible torments, and witnesses of incredible torments prayed for the righteous. The unshakable faith and willpower of Gury and Samon angered the tormentors, and by imperial decree, the sufferers were taken out of the city at night and beheaded.

About other martyrs for the faith of Christ:

Respectable Christian townspeople buried the holy bodies.

In the years 311-324, the cleric Aviv served as a deacon in the Edessa church. The emperor took a dislike to the God-zealous clergyman for his true faith in Christ and ordered the executioners to seize him. Aviv was ordered to publicly renounce the creator, but he continued to openly confess his faith, for which he was sentenced to be burned.

With a prayer, he entered into a hot flame and surrendered his spirit to the Lord. When the infernal flames went out, the saint's mother, his friends, and the "spectators" present at the execution found the man's body unharmed. The martyr was buried in the same grave with Saints Guriy and Samon.

Martyrs Guriy, Samon and Aviv

Miracles of the Saints

After the death of the saints, through prayers, numerous miracles were performed to them. Once a Goth warrior of one of the Germanic tribes was sent to serve in Edessa. He really liked the local pious girl named Euphemia. Deciding to fraudulently take her as his wife, the impious warrior at the tomb of the holy martyrs swore that he would not harm the virgin, that he would love her and would not offend her in any way.

At the end of the service, he took the girl with him and set off. But it turned out that he had deceived her, because in his native land the warrior had a legal wife, and Euphemia, upon arrival at the house of the deceiver, became her slave. The girl suffered a lot of bullying, and when her baby was born, the Goth girl poisoned him.

The heartbroken girl turned for help to the holy witnesses of the deceiver's oath and suddenly fell asleep. A miracle happened and the Lord took the poor thing to her native country, to her native temple. Waking up, Euphemia saw the walls of her native church and her favorite icons, and soon met with her mother and relatives.

After some time, the Goth-perjurer was again sent to serve in Edessa. The townspeople told the mayor about the earlier atrocity, and by his decree the villain was executed.


Traditionally, great saints are always depicted together on icons:

  • Gury is represented by an old man with gray hair and a long beard. His attire is a chiton (clothing overlaying on the right side and fastened on the left shoulder) and himation (a cape in the form of a rectangular piece of fabric worn over the chiton).
  • Samon is a middle-aged man with a small beard. Icon painters most often depict his hair in a dark color, but sometimes he is also gray-haired. From the attire, he wears a chiton and a himation.
  • Aviv is a young man without a beard, he is wearing a liturgical vestment - a surplice. The deacon holds a censer and (or) a Crucifix in his hands.

What to pray for saints

They pray to the holy martyrs in various difficult situations, but most often they are turned to in order to improve disintegrating family relationships.

Most of all, the prayers of women who have to suffer from the anger and jealousy of their husbands, endure bullying, humiliation and beatings, lift up to their image. Although "marriages are made in heaven," sometimes there is a "misfire." After all, it is not always possible to consider a callous soul behind the pleasant appearance of the chosen one and his beautiful courtship.

Through the prayers of believers, in each specific case, the saints will make it clear whether it is worth maintaining relationships or whether they are already “dead”. If there is no love between spouses, there is disrespect and betrayal, the saints will invisibly make it clear that there is no point in maintaining a family union.

Important! Prayer to Gury, Samon and Aviv for the family should be read both within the walls of the temple and at home near the iconostasis, and lit candles in front of the holy faces will calm the prayer book, create warmth and comfort around him.

After all, the text of the prayer book was created in order to act for the benefit of mankind. The saints are commemorated annually on November 28.

Watch the video about the prayer to the martyrs Gury, Samon and Aviv

Prayer one

O holy martyrs and confessors of Christ Guria, Samon and Aviva! Warm intercessors and intercessors for us before God, in the tenderness of our hearts, looking at your most pure image, we humbly pray to you: hear us, sinful and unworthy servants of yours, who are in troubles, sorrows and misfortunes, and having contemplated our heavy and countless sins, reveal us your great mercy, raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our mind, soften the evil and accursed heart, stop envy, enmity and strife that lives in us. Overshadow us with peace, love and the fear of God, implore the merciful Lord to cover the multitude of our sins with His inexpressible mercy. May the Church keep His holy Church from unbelief, heresies and schisms. May our country be given peace, prosperity, fertility of the land; spouses love and consent; obedience to children; offended patience; offending the fear of God; grieving complacency; rejoicing abstinence. May He cover all of us with His almighty right hand, and may He save us from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine strife, and unnecessary death. May he protect us with an army of His holy Angels, in order to deliver us after our exodus from this life from the wiles of the evil one and his secret air ordeals, and not condemned to appear before the Throne of the Lord of Glory, where the faces of the holy Angels with all the saints will glorify the most holy and magnificent Name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

About the glorification of the martyr Guria, Samon and Aviv! Protect us, servant of God (names), from the misfortunes of evil people and the machinations of demons: protect us from accidental death, deliver us from fire, sword and any soul-destroying situation. Hey, passion-bearers of Christ, arrange for us with your prayers all that is good and useful, but piously the temporary life has passed and the death has not been shamefully acquired, we will be honored with your warm intercession with all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of God, and glorify Him unceasingly, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever .

Prayer three

Oh, glorification of the martyr Guria, Samona and Aviva! To you, as a quick helper and a warm prayer book, we, weak and unworthy, resort, earnestly praying: do not despise us, falling into many iniquities and sinning all the days and hours; guide the erring on the right path, heal those who suffer and mourn; keep us in a blameless and chaste life; and as of old, so now the patron of matrimony abide, in love and like-mindedness this affirms and delivers from all evil and distressful circumstances. Protect, about the great power of the confessor, all Orthodox Christians from misfortunes, evil people and demonic machinations; protect me from accidental death, imploring the All-good Lord, may he give great and rich mercy to us, His humble servant. Nesmy more worthy with unclean lips to call on the magnificent name of our Creator, if not you, holy martyrs, will intercede for us; for this sake we resort to you and ask for your intercession before the Lord about us. So deliver us from famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, internecine strife, deadly ulcers and every soul-destroying situation. Hey, passion-bearers of Christ, arrange for us with your prayers all that is good and useful, yes, a pious temporary life has passed and the death has not been shamefully acquired, we will be honored with your warm intercession with all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge of God, and unceasingly glorify Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.