Larisa Rubalskaya: “I was grateful that at least someone married me. Interesting facts about Larisa Rubalskaya How old is Rubalskaya Larisa

“People often ask me: “How do you live now? How do you endure everything that has fallen on you? Well, what can I say to that. How worried?.. I'm crying... "Oh, - they say, - and this is completely unlike you," says the poetess Larisa Rubalskaya with a sad smile.

"My place on earth is where he is"

Four years is a short moment compared to life, but now it seems gigantic to me. Four years ago, my mother died - an old one, in recent years completely helpless. Six months after her death, my younger brother passed away. In one minute he was gone - my dear, priceless Valerka. It seemed to me that he would live forever, but his heart stopped at the age of 58.

Wild, unfair! And six months later, her husband, David, died after five years of paralysis. Some unthinkable serial departure of the most beloved people. I didn’t have the strength to come to terms ... And yet I managed with myself. She managed to somehow suppress her grief, her relentless sadness. I found strength in myself. The soul cannot be allowed to become dead. The former joy of life, of course, has not returned, but the very state of being able to live has returned. No reproach towards yourself. After much thought and soul-searching, I came to the conclusion that I have no debt. To no one. Even if they want to ask me under torture: tell me,
what have you not done in life, what torments you, what do you regret? It may sound strange and hard to believe, but I don’t find anything like that ...

I saved mine the best I could. Mom bought an apartment next to us. And I found an assistant, because she herself could no longer walk and could not do anything on her own, and I did not have the opportunity to devote all my time to her, since I had a seriously ill husband at home. But I went there every day, did everything, called ten times a day. And because of this, David was jealous, annoyed, he wanted more attention for himself. This was our hot spot. I cried: “Well, why are you torturing me?! Don’t you understand: if I don’t be like this with my mother, I won’t be able to be like this with you ?!

When David fell ill, the doctors told me: “Why are you sitting next to him day and night? A stroke is a serious illness, the likelihood that he will return to a full life is scanty. Have pity on yourself, go away, we do everything that can and should be done ... ”It was very strange for me to hear this, and I explained:“ My place on earth is where he is. David lay in hospitals for many months. First, there was a stroke that made him paralyzed, then there was a difficult operation - the excision of two aneurysms, then a pacemaker was inserted into him.

I understood perfectly well that for a strong, powerful, stern man to be in a physically helpless position is a huge psychological trauma. And here I really want to congratulate myself. I didn't let my husband feel
helpless. His mind and speech were normal, only part of the body failed - the left arm and leg did not work. But all these years he was not excluded from life for a minute. In the pauses between operations, I dragged David by plane in a wheelchair with me on tour - to Germany, Israel, the Emirates ... I did everything to ensure that he lived, as always. To not feel disabled. I even bought a car, and they attached some special thing inside it, with its help David could turn the steering wheel with one hand. And just in case, I sat next to him and watched him spin ... My husband was given a disability, according to which it is forbidden to work, but some kind of pension is due. People are fussing about this. But I got him another disability - with the right to work in specially created conditions. After that, she went to the head physician of the polyclinic where David worked as the head of the department, and said: “Let me pay my husband’s salary myself, only let him think that he receives it here.” And Mikhail Yakovlevich Kanauzov - a golden man - answered: "Let him work." And once every two weeks, David and I went there - it seems that he controlled the work of his employees. I am proud that I gave David the opportunity to remain an absolutely safe person until the end of his days - the same, as always, the head of the house. Sometimes he could yell at me. And I never snapped: "Shut up!" - not dismissed: "I myself know how." On the contrary, I did nothing without asking my husband's consent. She consciously asked for advice on absolutely everything. Moreover, David's decision was indisputable. And believe me, it didn't bother me at all. David has always been my master, and I am accustomed to everything
ask his permission. Friends sometimes wondered: “Why are you obeying him like that?” I replied, "I'm fine." I'm really easy to put up, I never had the need to insist on my own. First of all, this seems stupid to me. And secondly, one cannot but take into account the fact that for more than 20 years I worked as a secretary-translator in the Russian office of the most prestigious Japanese newspaper, Asahi Shimbun. And in the mentality of the Japanese there is a cult of modesty, which, by the way, I really liked: do not interrupt the interlocutor, do not go first, do not demand anything ... It seems that they are arranged differently than we are, but it was very easy for me with them. Because this humility has been instilled in me since childhood, from asking permission from my parents. And here I was subordinate to my position - I was the boss, and I had to do only as he told me. And it became both my character and way of being...

"Golden balls of that distant time ..."

There were no aristocrats in my family tree. The family is the most ordinary. Ordinary - honest, decent, merciful, and therefore hard living people. My grandfather on my mother's side - Yakov Isaakovich with a funny surname Limon - was once a traveling salesman, selling leather. Mom's mother, Maria Vasilievna Fomina, graduated from the gymnasium in her time, was educated, well-read. It was she who made me study dictionaries and read books, writing out clever phrases from there - so that I could learn to speak well. Thanks to her, eloquence has become my hallmark. Is always
everyone paid attention: “How great Larisa expounds!” By the way, I speak Japanese in the same diverse and flowery way. My grandmother took me to the theater circle of the House of Pioneers. To celebrate, I immediately imagined myself as a princess in the title role, but I was only entrusted with portraying a wave - together with another girl, we shook the curtain. But I didn't suffer much from it. Grandmother said: "Larisochka, remember: do not fly above the clouds, do not stand on the point of fools." And this was said to me so edifyingly and so often that I gradually got used to it...

My father, Alexei Davidovich Rubalsky, has been dead for a very long time, 33 years old. He was a wonderful person. I am a copy of him: I walk like him, waddling, like a duck, I smile exactly the same, I am also good-natured by nature ... Only now I got a much better life.

prosperous. And my father was very difficult. He was born in the Ukrainian town of Yesterday. There are countless siblings in the family. His name was then Izik. It was later - there were such times - that he changed his Jewish name, thanks to which I was already recorded as Larisa Alekseevna ... When the war began, my father was 21 years old. He was enrolled in a flight squad in Panevezys, preparing combat aircraft for departure. He returned home to the ashes. The hut was burned to the ground, and the parents, two sisters and many more relatives were shot. He learned that they were leading them to be shot, poking them in the back with bayonets. I saw a mass grave in the forest, the ground above which, as they said, was still moving for some time after the execution, because some of the unfortunate people were buried alive ... After my father was demobilized, he went to Moscow and entered the Air Force
academy. Once I went to a dance with a cadet friend, I met Alechka, my mother. Soon we got married, I was born. Since at that time the Jews were not in high esteem, the pope was expelled from the academy. He got into school. I worked with my mother: she was in the household, and he taught labor and military affairs ... Everyone who knew him loved my father. I just adored him. The only thing I regret in life is that the folder never found out that I began to write poetry, never saw me on TV ...

After the war, life was hard. There were no “I want”, “give”, “buy” with my brother. Even the thought was not to allow any liberties. That's how I learned Japanese. Because my mother said so. I had just graduated from pedagogical school when my mother accidentally saw an ad in "Vecherka" about recruitment for Japanese language courses. "At
your head is arranged somehow in a special way, - she said, - you will be able to remember what others will not succeed. And I obediently went to the courses. All this was very useful later, when I started working with the Japanese ... But I didn’t shine at school. In the characteristic issued as an appendix to the certificate, it is written: mental abilities - average ... After a year after school, we had an evening of meeting graduates. At that time I was already studying at the Pedagogical Institute. At the evening, our teacher came up to talk about institute life to all my classmates, but she did not seem to notice me. And I said: “And by the way, I study at the university.” She even threw up her hands in surprise: “It can’t be! ..” I don’t know if it’s fortunate or not, but I’m not used to sticking out beyond the bar that I set for myself. I have everything now
time feeling like she's over me.

“So what, that she was burned and not very young?”

The Japanese have a wise proverb: "Every meeting is the beginning of separation." It really is. And often these separations are very painful. But even if the scars in the soul remain, over time they heal, stop hurting. And this should always be remembered.

There have been painful situations in my life too. It hurt a lot. Let's say my first true love. I was very fond of one young man. He charmed me. We met at the subway exit. I was walking some kind of tired, after another mental trauma, in anticipation of a new love. Suddenly I see, there is one that I could only dream about. And at the same moment He comes up to me, says something, sees me off and ... love begins with all the consequences. I am at the pinnacle of happiness. Shortly after we met, it turns out that my lover is a test pilot. Well, it was immediately obvious - so courageous, broad-shouldered, in the eyes of courage, courage ... One day he warned that he had to leave - to test some kind of supernova aircraft. He even shared that the probability of death is very high. Finally, he said: “If I don’t call in three days, know that something irreparable has happened. I ask only one thing: do not forget about me, remember at least on Aviation Day ... ”I don’t know how I lived these three days. I remember reading all the newspapers and constantly listening to the radio. I was terribly afraid to learn an episode about the heroic death of some test crew. Although at that time such things were rarely written about ...

Three days later, my beloved did not call me. Realizing that in our country I would not know the truth, I shed tears, grieved over the death of this wonderful, heroically dead man. I couldn’t forget him, I kept walking and suffering… Once, with the same sadness in my heart, I went into the subway and suddenly heard a familiar voice. I turn my head, he Doesn't see me. And he says to a fool like me: “Know: if I don’t appear in three days, it means that I died on trials ...” A terrible blow. My fists were itching, so I wanted to beat him - beat him furiously, scratch, just physically destroy him. But alas, I can't do that. In essence, I can’t stand any showdowns, in general I never sort things out with anyone ... Now, of course, it’s funny to remember all this, that’s why I write: “So what, that I was burned and not very young, because there was no burn left on my heart and trace…”

"Whoever said that there are laws in love knows nothing about it"

My last love story, before I married David, was no less terrible and no less ridiculous than my first love. Again, I loved Him very much, and everything turned out fine: my age is 28, he is 32, his views, biographical data are similar, and he was single, however, after a divorce. Plus, he had a place to live, and from time to time I allowed the opportunity to live there for a few days. Before me, he had a wife who was already married by the time we started our relationship. But she did not let go of her ex-husband's heart, she held it tightly. They met periodically. And as soon as this wife
manifested itself in his life, I was forbidden not only to come to him, but even to call. I was terribly tormented, I kept thinking: “I really want to marry him, but how are we going to live if he has another?” And he did not hide that he would never stop loving her. Once we celebrated the New Year together, and the first toast he said was that she - that former wife of his - would be in his life forever. It was very hard for me, but I tried to restrain myself. She sobbed into the pillow, but believed that everything would work out ... And once she could not stand it. Having learned that my rival's husband had left somewhere and she seemed to be going to come to my fiancé for a few days, I decided to ... kill her. By that time, I had already worked with the Japanese, and they somehow gave me a souvenir knife - a small copy of a samurai sword. Sharpened, very sharp, in a wooden case. And I went to slaughter my lovebird. For some reason - I read, probably, detectives - put on a wig and went to him. I rang the doorbell, he didn't open it. She began to shout: “Open, I’ll come in anyway!” The answer is silence. “Okay, I think, hold on!” And she began to open the lock with her knife. She poked around for a long time and finally opened the door. She flew into the apartment, and the groom is alone there, there is no wife at all. He sits and looks at me silently at point blank range. I rushed to him in tears: “I'm sorry! Forgive me, fool! This is all because I love you so much! .. ”But he never forgave. Never met me again. And I suffered for a very long time about it.

“I am thirty years old, and I am not married. as they say, not the first freshness ... "

Many wonder why I am not shy about talking about what
looking for a husband, while everyone is trying to hide this. But that's just how I'm made. There are people who understand themselves more, and I try to understand life. My eyes are turned outward, not inward. So since youth. At the age of 17, after school, I went to work as a typist in the editorial office of a magazine. I typed on a typewriter, delved into life, looked at adults - there were poets and writers, everything is so interesting. Suddenly, one typist, six years older than me, says: “Listen, I won’t go to work tomorrow or the day after tomorrow - I’ll go have an abortion from Volodya.” And Volodya is the head of the department, a famous person. For me, the sky just fell apart. I thought that even if I kissed someone, then it was necessary to hide it, because it was inconvenient, but here it was ... I ask: “Valya, how can you talk about it so openly? What are you?!” And she answered: “I will teach you one wisdom. You see, if I start to hide, anyway, the information will somehow leak out. The same thing if I tell a secret to someone alone. There will definitely be gossip, everyone will point their fingers at me: there’s Valka, so-and-so, she had an abortion from Volodya, well, wow ... And since I myself told everyone about it, I lost interest, they say, you’ll think, what’s the matter ... “I digested all this science to myself and came to the following conclusion: you can’t hide from everyone, but if others talk about me, they will present everything in their interpretation: and Lariska, it turns out, what a way, she runs after the peasants! And if I start talking about myself with a smile, then no one will see anything wrong in this ... I don’t believe when they say: “We live perfectly in a civil marriage.” Well, even if a man says so, I’ll understand, but a woman ... I’m sure that everyone wakes up and falls asleep with the same thought: to get married officially, to sign. There is no getting away from this: all aunts want to be a wife. And this is the real truth: “I am thirty years old, and I am not married. / As they say, not the first freshness. / And in the heart of feelings there are such deposits, / Such a supply of love and tenderness ... ”This is an endless string of women's destinies. By the way, do you know how the first line was born? I didn't invent it. Once in GUM a girl caught up with me, stopped me and, turning to “you”, like we have known her for a long time, said: “Why are you walking so fast? I need to talk to you for a long time ... "I ask:" What is it, dear, what are your problems? - "What problems?! she screamed directly. - Thirty years and not married! Those are the problems." And I just have to figure out the rest...

I understood her. I have not forgotten the time when all my friends were married for a long time, and I could not find a husband. I was dumped by absolutely all the men. I suffered insanely, I did not understand why this was happening. Everyone thought: “Am I the worst of all, or what? The girl seems to be good, not cheeky, not demanding - she herself is ready to buy movie tickets and give gifts on February 23rd. And for some reason they treacherously abandon me ... "Then she wrote in verse:" They parted in an amicable way, he is not my enemy at all. / Everything was as it should be, but everything went wrong ... ”But I didn’t part with anyone in a good way. And I don't think it's possible at all. If everything is fine, why then leave? They break up when it's bad. And when I hear: “We broke up in a good way, and our relationship continues, I just began to live with another, and he with another,” I am perplexed. I could never do that.

If people broke up, it means that someone hurt someone ...

I tried my best to please everyone. The knowledge of the Japanese language trumped. Everyone was surprised: wow, how it chirps! But they still didn't get married. And I really wanted to feel like a married woman - to take care of my husband, feed him, wash him. Of course, it was a shame that no one needed me. I felt some sort of inadequacy. My parents suffered with me. Dad periodically brought me some sons of his friends, but as soon as I saw them, I ran away. Didn't like it at all... By the age of 28, I was in a state of real panic. Searched actively. She told everyone: “I need the right person. So that I don’t walk, don’t drink, so that I understand my interests - I would read something, I would love poetry. Normal, in general. With whom I could live as a family.

“You are not a hero from my novel…”

Galina Borisovna Volchek undertook to marry me off. She is my longtime, kind, lifelong friend. My constant morning interlocutor - we talk on the phone in the morning: “How do you feel, what did you eat? ..” We first met a very long time ago, in a common company on vacation in Yalta. And it happens like this: heart to heart stretched. So, she introduced me to her wonderful friend, now my beloved Tata, who arranged for me to meet David.

Seeing David for the first time, I immediately bucked: “I don’t want this! This is not the hero of my novel.” Large, dark-haired, and I always loved small, blond ones. But the father said: “So, like this: stop! He is 36, you are 30. Everything. You are at the finish line
straight. All the good ones were taken away. What's left is what's left. And what are you even thinking about? She herself asked for a decent one. You have been found. Look how reliable he is." And I reconciled. David and I started dating, and this relationship dragged me on in some strange way. Now I know for sure: none of my novels could have ended with such great love, such a good, long, prosperous family life. In which the spouses were drawn not to the side, but to each other. In which there was no irritation. In which disagreements were disputes of like-minded people, and not skirmishes of enemies. I loved David very much ... All my adult life before him, I don’t even consider life, it was only preparation. Such a spiral staircase that I climbed to get to the top ...

My husband got me after a hard test that happened in his life. Due to serious problems at work, his wife left him, she simply left him. He was left alone, depressed. And a merciful feeling is strongly developed in me, and I immediately felt very sorry for David. I tried my best to protect him so that he would forget about all the bad things. She wasn't allowed to remember it. Simply put, she began to bring him back to life. Although she herself was all wounded by her past stories ...

David was always tuned in to art, to the theater, but he did not succeed in doing this professionally, he became a doctor. However, among his friends, he was given the nickname "Dentist Meyerhold". He kept looking for where to find an application for his interests. And suddenly he saw some abilities in me, it seemed to him that I write well. And he

began to sculpt me, to stimulate creativity. Became my Dr. Higgins. Thanks to his efforts, I began to slowly acquire some literary outlines. And he did everything to make these outlines visible. After that, we together gave birth to success. Rather, this is entirely the merit of David, he constantly dragged me upstairs. Every now and then he said: "Write, we'll show it to someone." And from somewhere he dug up composers, then performers. The first was Volodya Migulya, who treated David's teeth. In fact, we didn’t have any bohemian acquaintances. But gradually they reached out to us, and we, as we said, entered this show business. And it just so happened that almost all the poems I wrote, and there are more than five hundred of them, became songs.

“I didn’t ask anything from life, although there was nothing for me to breathe”

I really hoped that someday, David and I would have children. But it didn't work out. I still don't know why, but I've never been pregnant. I suffered terribly. She did everything to make it happen. Everything that at that time was able to gynecological science. I went to hospitals endlessly. Unsuccessfully. At that time, there were no current medical possibilities, such as all sorts of extracorporeal things. I waited for a long time, believed, and then I realized that it was too late, and I stopped dreaming ... I categorically disagree with the opinion that if a woman does not have children, this is her punishment for some sins. It's just that justice in this world does not always triumph. And yet each person has some kind of his own line of life, destiny -
Fate ... But we still had children. When I appeared in David's life, his daughter Ira was seven years old. He brought her to me and said: “Ira, remember: Larisa is the main person for me. And you are a very important person to me. If you treat her well, you will be in my life. If it doesn’t work out, no ... ”I never gave a reason to be bad. Everything has always been normal between us, and now, after the death of David, it is the same. Ira is already an adult, she has a child. Works as a dentist. I am glad for her calls, and if she suddenly disappears, I worry and call myself ... And my main child is my niece Svetka - the daughter of Valera, my brother. I am very protective of her. She is also our dentist - everyone took an example from David. Svetlana has already had a baby, Artemka, whom I now drive in a stroller. And gradually we with her mother, Leroy, get used to
status of grandmothers ... Victoria Tokareva, with whom we have been friends for a very long time, somehow in response to my lamentation: “Yes, what age, old age has already come ...” - answered: “Larisa, calm down, you still stopping distance of youth…” A very encouraging phrase. But in general, she does not spoil me too much in her assessments. Recently she said: “Larisa, I saw you on TV, your face overflowed its banks.”

“And I think cutlets are the best food, and pasta for them”

I do not adhere to any trendy diets, I prefer to remain the way I am. I don't know if that's good or bad, but it's true. How do I reason? If I lose weight, my face will only turn uglier, but in general nothing will change - all the same, I will not become slender and long-legged, like an elegant gazelle. And by the way: when I was young, I was quite thin and at the same time completely ugly, and, I repeat, no one married until the age of 30. And when she got fat, she married David, became successful, earning good money. So I don't want to lose weight. My fullness is my talisman. Once I clearly formulated this thought: success comes to me as my size increases ... And besides, I like to be like everyone else, like most aunts. I recently appeared in an episode of a TV program, and my friends immediately began to call me reproachfully: “Well, why are you walking like all the aunts - in an ordinary coat, in an ordinary hat, you should stand out at least a little.” And I don't stand out. I don't want to and there's nothing I can do about it. Well, there is no attraction to it. And I have no such fate. You know, the Japanese have a proverb: "Ripe rice keeps its head down." IN
this symbol is a sign of modesty. Apparently, I'm already ripe rice.

“But the impossible is possible - the pain will go away one day in the past ...”

It seems to many that when fame comes to a woman, she plunges into a luxurious life, surrounded by a bunch of admirers. It’s probably not very good to admit this, but I’ll say it like it is: neither before David, nor during, nor after, no one ran after me, no one wanted to conquer me, no one offered me anything. And my luxurious life did not happen. Yes, she became conspicuous, bright, but - alas! - not a single person called and wrote that he wants to meet me. And now, to be honest, I don’t need anyone, I already want to live the way I live. (Smiling.) Although it would still be interesting ... They say that there are aunts older than me, and after they were left widows, something was started on the personal front. Let's say even she doesn't want to, but someone offers her something anyway. But no one offers me anything. I don't know why...

I went through a difficult period after the departure of David. I try to live a full life. She just moved to a different stage. Before I was not alone, but now I am alone. No one is waiting for me, no one misses me. That's all that has changed ... (With a bitter smile.) But otherwise everything is fine: I have an awful lot of work. And this is very good. Of course, in my situation it would be possible to abandon everything altogether - and so much has already been written. But I do not give up, I do not let go of life, I do not give it the opportunity to twist me. Here, look: I got a manicure, my hair is styled, I walk neatly, the house is clean, there is not a speck of dust anywhere. I continue to go on tour, endlessly performing concerts. I compose dedications, scripts for birthdays, for weddings, for professional holidays - verses about pipelayers and oil pipeliners. I can do it all. That's just love poems are not written now. I can not. I don’t want to write about sad things, but today I have nothing else in my soul. Although I try very hard to forget, not to take it into my head, not to remember. I force myself to think about anything but this. I do not review photos, videos, letters. I can not yet. I'm so saved...



Since childhood, I have been totally unlucky with love, - Larisa Rubalskaya admits. - I fell in love always unrequited. At school, evenings were often arranged in the assembly hall. There was a big ficus, and we girls crowded around it, waiting for the guys to invite us to dance. They invited everyone except me - I spent the evenings alone with the ficus, cutting off its luxurious leaves from resentment and sadness. Coming home, she sobbed into the pillow and composed poetry. Recently I found those stupid poems in my notebooks, but they have such adult feelings, such passions!
I have never been successful with men - not then, not now.

Have you tried to somehow get their attention?
- Of course: she wrote sonnets, bought movie tickets and generally did everything to ensure that someone was "attracted" - but no one decidedly stuck. Maybe I just lack some kind of sticky substance - that notorious decoy? For a man to look - and fall in love ... Nobody fell in love. Didn't make it, probably. After all, as soon as the possibility of an affair arose, I immediately began to patronize the young man. And she always called herself, the first. I would wait for his call, but no, I could not resist. Everyone was afraid: what if he leaves me? That's probably why they dropped it. Everything. I even kept a list of men and put plus or minus in front of each name. There were very few pluses, and they were quickly replaced by minuses ... All my friends were married for a long time, and I kept thinking: “Why is it so, am I the worst of all, or what?”. It was a shame: what is it, they take everyone, but not me ?!


After all, you were fluent in Japanese, and even worked in the largest Japanese newspaper, Asahi. Maybe it was worth trying your luck with the Japanese?

- What are you doing! It was the Soviet era. Nobody even thought of flirting with me. In addition, before starting work, I was instructed on the topic: "How to behave with foreigners." I was the right employee, reliable.
I call my work with the Japanese “my universities”. My character was already very suitable for them, and I also “trimmed” myself under them. The Japanese cannot say “I”, “me”, “I am cold”, “I want to eat” ... “Ripe rice keeps its head down,” they repeated. And gradually I got used to bowing my head - this has become one of my main life principles. I never talk down to anyone. If I could teach the discipline “How to live properly”, I would start with the rule: do not stand out! Talent and intelligence is possible, but behavior, wealth - no. I have followed this rule all my life.
For example, I don’t buy expensive clothes in boutiques, although I can afford some. Because I know: if I go out, for example, in some super-brand clothes with a trendy bag, I will become different. And I will offend all the aunts-spectators who believe me, embroider handkerchiefs for me. And then - I just don't want to. Well, I have a Chanel bag - they gave it to me in America. It's in the closet, I forgot about it...
I can't spend money just like that, even if I have it. And I advise everyone to live by a simple rule: want a little less than you can. Makes life very easy.


Was your husband happy?
- Very! For him, my writing has always been incredibly important. By nature, David was a very strict, stern and domineering person. He put pressure on me, forced me to obey. But I, thanks to my mom and dad and the Japanese, agreed to this. And when he spoke his main phrase: "I said!" - never argued. I want, for example, to rearrange something from furniture at home, and in response I hear: “I said: no, it won’t be like that!”. Well, okay. “I want to buy this.” - “No way. I said "No!". And that's it - I'm silent. Girlfriends lost the power of speech at such moments, but it did not break me. It is much more important for me that David was well. In addition, it was always possible to cheat a little and make everything look like he wanted it himself.
We lived together for 33 years, the last five David was paralyzed after a stroke. Well, I was with him to the end - still as strong, wayward, only already completely helpless. Nurtured, cared for, and ... wrote poetry. Poor David even suggested something to me.


Shortly before the death of your husband, you buried your mother, and six months later your brother ...
- I do not consider what happened as a test. There are just different things in life. If I started digging into my soul, I probably would not have survived. But I rejected introspection. On the contrary, she set herself the task: to live, as before. And I want to advise everyone: if something irreparable happens, you should try to return to your usual life as soon as possible. I could fall into constant sadness, renounce everything and everyone. But I know that my husband, who dreamed so much that everything would work out for me in my work, would not forgive me if I gave it all up ...
And my life just moved to another stage. I began to fill all my free time with work, and a lot of it was formed. She began to organize and conduct holidays. I write custom scripts, songs, poems for them. At first she was terribly indignant: “I am on order ?!”. And now she's happy. Acquired new friends, and most importantly - all the time in business. And there are a lot of tours.

Are you thinking about joining your fate with someone else?
- To be honest, I do not expect anything - I just want to live in peace. I used to be convinced that every woman at any age wants to get married. But now I don't seem to need anyone.
I don't want anything new. Although sometimes someone appears with matrimonial intentions. Recently, someone calls on the phone: “Larisa, I know everything about you. You are a widow, I am also a widower.” - "Did you decide to marry me, dear man?" - "Yes". “But I have no such plans.” - "Well, I'm sorry." Blacked out. Obviously, began to dial the next number. No, it's better to live alone. I don’t want to find anything so that, God forbid, I don’t lose ...


Larisa Rubalskaya was given a start in life by Valentina Tolkunova, who in 1984 performed the song “Recollection” based on her poems. Since then, Rubalskaya Larisa Alekseevna has written more than 600 songs, which were sung by Iosif Kobzon ("Blue envelope"), Alla Pugacheva ("Daughter", "Live in peace, country"), Philip Kirkorov ("I'm to blame, I'm to blame"), Mikhail Muromov (“Strange Woman”), Irina Allegrova (“Transit Passenger”, “Hijacker”), Alexander Malinin (“Vase Words”), Alsu (“Light in Your Window”), etc.

    Rubalskaya, Larisa Alekseevna- (b. 24. 09. 1945) Rod. in Moscow in a family of employees. Graduated from Correspondence Ped. institute (1966). Collaborated with gas "Asahi" (1975-2000), translated from Japanese. lang. She has been writing lyrics for pop songs since 1984. She has published a book: The Beautiful Lady. Poems for songs ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Larisa Alekseevna Rubalskaya- Writer, translator, songwriter Larisa Alekseevna Rubalskaya was born on September 24, 1945 in Moscow. After leaving school, she entered the correspondence department of the philological faculty of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. N. K. Krupskaya ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Rubalskaya- Rubalskaya, Larisa Alekseevna Larisa Rubalskaya Birth name: Rubalskaya Larisa Alekseevna Date of birth: September 24, 1945 Place of birth: Moscow, USSR Citizenship ... Wikipedia

    Larisa Rubalskaya- Biography of Larisa Rubalskaya Larisa Alekseevna Rubalskaya was born on September 24, 1945 in Moscow. In 1970 she graduated from the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute named after N.K. Krupskaya (now Moscow ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    Jews in science, art and public life- This list includes persons of Jewish origin who satisfy. Jewish origin (one or both parents are ethnic Jews), [These criteria do not apply to individuals whose adoptive parents (including stepfather or stepmother) ... ... Wikipedia

    Russian songwriters- The list of songwriters includes authors, an important part of whose work is writing lyrics for songs. In this sense, the very creative specialty of the songwriter appeared only in the 20th century, with the emergence of the music industry. With poets ... ... Wikipedia

    BORDER. Taiga romance- BORDER. Taiga novel. Russia, Alexander Mitta School Studio, 2000, col. TV series. Far East, early 1970s, army garrison on the border with China. Three young women, the wives of officers, solve their problems, trying at least somehow ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    RETRO THREESOME- RETRO THREE, Russia, Goskino / Mirabel, 1998, color, 97 min. Remake, melodrama. The action of the film, dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of Abram Room's painting "The Third Meshchanskaya", takes place against the backdrop of summer, anniversary Moscow. “This is a movie about weak people… … Cinema Encyclopedia

    Morozov, Alexander Sergeevich- Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Morozov. Wikipedia has articles about other people named Alexander Morozov. Alexander Morozov Date of birth March 20, 1948 (1948 03 20) (64 years old) Place of birth ... Wikipedia


  • Collected works in one volume Buy for 734 rubles
  • Larisa Rubalskaya. Collected works in one volume, Rubalskaya Larisa Alekseevna. Larisa Rubalskaya, no matter what she talks about at concerts, in television programs, she always has a sincere confidential conversation with readers and listeners. This probably explains...

Larisa Rubalskaya was born on September 24, 1945. The family lived in Moscow, her father was a teacher of labor, her mother was a school supply manager. Larisa has a brother Valery.

The girl did not really like to study, but enthusiastically participated in amateur performances. After school, Larisa began working as a typist at the Literary Institute.

Later, the girl entered the pedagogical institute and graduated from the department of Russian philology. But Larisa worked at school for a very short time, she was fired. When analyzing the fairy tale "Morozko", she told the children that in the work there is only one positive character - a dog.

Then Rubalskaya changed several professions, she was a library employee, proofreader. In 1973, Larisa went to Japanese language courses, then became a translator.

Literary activity

After forty years, Larisa Alekseevna began to write poetry. Her husband showed the works of Migule Vladimir, a composer. Soon the famous Tolkunova Valentina presented to the public the song "Recollection", the author of the text was Rubalskaya.

Later, songs based on the poems of the poetess began to sound in each "Song of the Year". The main theme of Rubalskaya's works is reflections on a woman, many images are associated with autumn, symbolizing age.

In the 90s, Larisa Alekseevna became very popular. She wrote lyrics for Alla Pugacheva ("Live in peace, country", "Daughter"), Irina Allegrova ("Hijacker", "Transit Passenger"), Alexander Malinin ("Vase Words"), Mikhail Muromov ("Strange Woman") and many others.

Rubalskaya became the author of more than 600 poems, many books with her works were published. The poetess participates in events, holds creative meetings, answering questions from the audience. She also often becomes a member of the jury of song contests.

In 2017, Larisa Alekseevna participated in the show "Alone with Everyone", became a member of the jury of the poetry competition about the Crimean bridge. Rubalskaya is the owner of a company organizing holidays.

Personal life

Larisa Alekseevna often fell in love, but the relationship was short-lived. One day a friend introduced her to a friend of a friend. Six months later there was a wedding, the marriage can be called successful.

The husband of Larisa Alekseevna, a dentist, also performed the work of his wife's producer. He died in 2009, having been ill in recent years after a stroke. The couple did not have children.

In her free time, Larisa Alekseevna is fond of cooking, she even published several books with recipes. The poetess has no worries about the figure, but she underwent plastic surgery.

Larisa Rubalskaya knows how and loves to make friends, she wins people over to herself. In her own words, the poetess does not feel her own age and still remains active and cheerful.

A beautiful woman and a caring wife, a talented presenter and poetess, whose work many of us have known since childhood. Larisa Rubalskaya is the author of a huge number of poems, many of which have become popular and favorite songs. This woman is an example of purposefulness and self-confidence.

life path

The childhood of the poetess passed in a difficult post-war period. But, despite the difficulties, the girl grew up cheerful and cheerful. Rubalskaya was not a diligent student, and there were no grades higher than three in her school certificate.

The reason was extremely simple: throughout the entire training, she had little interest in the lessons. Any subject seemed too boring - much more attracted to recreation and outdoor games. In the characteristic, which was issued after the end of the 10th grade, it was noted that she was not recommended to study at the institute. However, this purposeful girl did not stop.

She got a job at the Literary Institute and soon received a new characterization. This made it possible to start studying at the correspondence department of the Faculty of Philology of the Pedagogical Institute and even finish it.

But teaching was not her calling. Larisa Alekseevna worked as a teacher for only two weeks. The reason for the dismissal, according to the poetess herself, was her frank criticism of the fairy tale "Morozko". Rubalskaya told the children that the only hero who told the truth in the fairy tale was a dog.

The dismissal did not upset the woman too much. Loneliness bothered her much more. The personal life of Larisa Rubalskaya did not develop too well: despite numerous sympathies, the girl could not find a life partner for a long time. The meeting with David Rosenblatt became a fateful one for her. After several months of persistent courtship, the wedding took place.

The family lived happily in love and harmony for 33 years. It was her husband who first drew attention to Rubalskaya's poetic talent. Prior to that, she had been successfully working as a Japanese translator for several years and did not plan to change her job at all.

The first song was written by the poetess in collaboration with Vladimir Miguley in 1984. And after that, she could no longer imagine life without creativity. It was 1984 that became a turning point in Rubalskaya's career. Songs written to her poems annually won the Song of the Year competition. Perhaps, in the 90s, there was no performer on the Russian stage who would not sing her songs.

Success came suddenly: the poetess Larisa Rubalskaya becomes a regular guest of various television programs, she is invited to the jury of song contests. In addition, the poetess regularly holds creative evenings, delighting visitors with beautiful poems full of deep meaning.

Important dates

  • 1945 is the year of birth.
  • 1970 - receiving a diploma from the Pedagogical Institute.
  • 1973 - teaching Japanese language courses.
  • 1976 - married.
  • 1984 - the first song was written.
  • 2003 - opening of his own company.
  • 2009 - husband died.


Larisa Rubalskaya wrote more than 600 poems. Her songs and collections are popular, because the writer easily and accessible, with her inherent subtle irony, talks about things that are so important to us. A lot of people always come to her creative evenings. And the poetess is especially pleased that the majority of those who came are young people.

According to Rubalskaya herself, she likes the presence of young listeners. “I am very pleased that my poems are of interest to young people. Let someone call my work a little outdated - but, nevertheless, it is understood. Young listeners are always attentive, ask interesting questions that you want to answer. They charge with a special, positive energy.

One of her favorite pastimes is cooking. She repeatedly became a guest of various thematic TV shows and even published several books in which she tells how to cook deliciously and simply. “Culinary Element, or Elemental Cooking”, “Culinary Recipes for Encore”, “His Majesty Salad”, “Snacks and Hot. For our golden husbands” – these books are appreciated by many readers.

But the main thing that allows Larisa Rubalskaya to remain popular today is her lyrics. Subtle, tender poems, written with a touch of irony and humor, are remembered almost instantly. A special, light syllable and deep meaning - that's what makes them so loved.

Quite often in her works the poetess describes herself. A vivid example is poetry about age: Rubalskaya writes about a not too beautiful and not too young woman who is looking for her happiness. And that, according to the writer, she herself was before meeting her husband.

Despite her frank unwillingness to go to school, Larisa Rubalskaya had an excellent memory since childhood and was a bright, extraordinary child. She knew by heart the works of many authors, was an indispensable participant in all the cultural events of the school.

At the age of 30, the poetess did not hide her desire to get married. She asked all her friends and girlfriends to introduce her to someone - and that is how she met her husband. By the way, there was no love at first sight, which she dreamed of. On the contrary, she did not like the tall, dark-haired dentist with large features at first. But after a while, the woman realized that it was he who was "the man of her dreams."

In 2003, the poetess opened a company organizing holidays - Larisa Rubalskaya's Lost and Found Bureau. A few years later, the name was changed to Larisa Rubalskaya's Holiday Agency.

Larisa Rubalskaya is a frank, open person. She tells the stories of her life without concealment - and always does it with a touch of irony. The poetess is one of the few public figures who speaks frankly about her plastic surgery. At the same time, Rubalskaya does not neglect everyday cosmetic procedures.

However, looking at this always smiling woman, you understand that age is not really the main thing. And today no one asks how old Larisa Rubalskaya is - people like her always have a young soul. Author: Natalya Nevmyvakova