Treatment according to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Bloodletting (hijama) is a beautiful Sunnah of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Diseases of the genital organs

Attention! Before using the methods of treatment described on the site, be sure to consult with a certified specialist doctor!

For any disease, we usually go to the pharmacy and buy medicines. But they don't always help. In addition, it is important for Muslims that the preparations do not contain substances prohibited by Shariah. That is why believers are advised to resort to the so-called "medicine of the Prophet (p.s.v.)", i.e. to rely in the treatment on those methods of healing that were practiced by the Grace of the Worlds Muhammad (s.g.v.).

In a well-known hadith, which is simultaneously reported by Bukhari and Muslim, it says: "There is no disease from which there is no cure." Consider some types of ailments and ways to get rid of them, described in the Noble Sunnah.

1. Headache

Migraines and other headaches are among the most common among people. They arise for various reasons. Since ancient times, Muslims have used several methods of healing from such ailments.

Application of mehendi (henna). Known to many girls, henna is not only a beauty product, but also a good medicine. It is known that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in such situations applied mehendi to his head and said: “Henna, by the will of Allah, heals a headache.” After that, he wrapped his forehead and the back of his head with a pressure bandage (Ibn Maja).

Black cumin. The Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) advised: “Take it into food, it gives healing from all diseases, except for death” (hadith is cited by at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja and Ahmad).

Recipe 1. Take three times a day for half a spoonful of black cumin oil.

Recipe 2. Powder the cumin seeds and stir them into the rose vinegar. The resulting mixture is rubbed in the temples and forehead.

Treatment with dua. In case of pain, you can also resort to prayers. The Prophet (S.G.V.) instructed: “If you feel pain, put your hand on this place and say:

"Bismi-Llahi a`uzu bi giyzzat ilahi wa kudraatihi mish-sharrimah ajidu min wajagi hazaa" (Tirmizi)

Translationmeaning: “In the name of the Almighty. I resort to the protection of the Lord of the worlds from the disease that has befallen and its threat, hoping for His strength and power.

2. Stomach and belly

Quite often, people feel pain in the gastrointestinal tract. The main reason for their occurrence is malnutrition, as well as a violation of the digestive process. The Sunnah in this regard advises treatment as follows:

Honey. Once a believer came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He told that his brother is experiencing discomfort in the abdomen. To which the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said to him: “Give him honey to drink” (Bukhari).

Black cumin. In case of an ulcer, you can resort to the following recipe: mix 10 drops of caraway oil with a teaspoon of honey. The resulting mixture should be taken daily, one spoonful on an empty stomach.

For diarrhea (diarrhea): add a teaspoon of caraway oil to 200 ml of good quality yogurt. Take this mixture twice a day.

Dates. After poisoning, dates are considered an indispensable remedy, according to hadith. The seal of all the prophets (s.g.v.) called this dried fruit a cure for food intoxication of the body (based on the collection of his statements transmitted by at-Tirmidhi).

Pomegranate fruits. For the prevention of diseases of the stomach and its purification, you can eat the pulp of pomegranate, as evidenced by the rivayat given by Imam Ahmad.

3. Heart disease

The most important human organ, of course, is the heart, which is responsible for the flow of blood to all other human organs. Therefore, people should definitely monitor his condition. In the event of pain, do not hesitate to identify the cause and subsequent treatment.

Black cumin. A few drops of cumin oil are added to a glass of hot milk. Add a teaspoon of honey to the resulting mixture. Drink this drug should be hot several times a day.

Infusion of dates. In the hadith, which is given in the collection of Abu Dawood, it is said that once a man who felt pain in his heart turned to the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.). The Prophet (PBUH) advised him to “take seven dates, make an infusion and drink it.”

Quince. As a prevention of cardiovascular diseases, it is advisable to regularly include quince in your diet. In the biography of the Grace of the worlds of Muhammad (s.g.v.), one can find his statement: “It (quince) normalizes the work of the heart, strengthens breathing, and also relieves heaviness in the chest area” (Nasai).

4. Flu and colds

In winter, most often the human body is affected by cold viruses and infections. Therefore, in the cold season, you need to carefully monitor your health and help your immune system.

Treatment with black cumin.

Recipe 1. Mix black cumin and olive oils. Rub the chest with the resulting mixture.

Recipe 2. Dilute one glass of cumin oil in a liter of hot water. The resulting mixture should be inhaled.

Recipe 3. In case of a runny nose, moisten a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad in black cumin oil and insert into the nose for 15-20 minutes.

Honey with milk. This folk remedy for colds is known to many: add a spoonful of honey to a glass of hot milk (some people like to add a piece of butter in addition). Drink hot before bed and wrap yourself up well.

Bloodletting (hijama). Hijama can also be named among the universal medical procedures found in the Most Pure Sunnah. The Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.) said: “The best remedy is” (Bukhari and Muslim). It should be remembered that hijama is more effective to do on an empty stomach. In the case of the spread of flu and cold infections, bloodletting reduces the risk of infection and the development of viruses in the body.

5. Angina and cough

Black cumin.

Recipe 1. Mix half a spoonful of cumin oil with 100 ml of lemon juice. Honey can be added to taste. Drink the resulting mixture 15 minutes before meals twice a day.

Recipe 2. Add 100 ml of cumin oil to hot water (500 ml). Inhale the vapors of the resulting mixture.

Recipe 3. Rub black seed oil on chest and upper back.

Honey. As we described in the previous section of the article, you should add a spoonful of honey to a glass of hot milk. Drink hot.

Treatment through dua. In a hadith cited by Bukhari and Muslim, it is described that the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) put his right hand on a sore spot and said:

“Allahumma, Rabbi an-nas! Izkhab albas, washfi ant ash-shafi, la shifa illa shifauka, shifaan la yugadiru sakaman"

Translation meaning: “O Lord! Creator of people! Take away the disease and cure, as you are the Healer. There is no healing except by Your will, healing that does not miss the disease.

Muslims can also use this text of prayer in the treatment of other diseases.

6. Skin diseases

Skin problems were common in the Middle Ages. However, the development of medicine and technology, the improvement of cultural and living conditions have not completely eradicated this type of disease. The causes of such diseases can be different - from an unscrupulous attitude to hygiene to internal problems of the body.

Black cumin. Recipe: Take half a teaspoon of cumin oil orally twice a day.

Olive oil. Recipe: mix a tablespoon of olive oil with half a teaspoon of cumin oil. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the damaged areas of the skin.

7. Diseases of the genital organs

In addition to severe pain, infection of the reproductive system can also lead to human infertility. In such situations, do not despair - refer to the practice of Muslim healers and do not lose hope in the mercy of the Almighty.

Treatment with dua. In the presence of diseases of the genital organs or the identification of infertility, the believer should say the following prayer from the Qur'an:

"Rabbi, habli mi-lyadunka zurriatan tayibe, innaka samigud-dua" (3:38)

Meaning translation: "God! Give me a beautiful offspring from Yourself, because You listen to prayer.

Black cumin.

Recipe 1. Lightly heat black seed oil and rub it on the scrotum and lower back.

Recipe 2. Add a teaspoon of cumin oil to a glass of pumpkin juice. Take internally several times a day.

Recipe 3. Take a bath: 200 liters of water will require 60-70 drops of cumin oil. The water temperature should be between 38-40 degrees. These procedures should be carried out twice a week.

Any disease that befalls a person should be perceived as the Almighty. If a believer with dignity and patience passes it, then he, by the will of Allah, will receive a reward from his Lord. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) instructed: “If a Muslim suffers from illness, fatigue, grief, sadness, grief, or even the slightest prick, then the Almighty will undoubtedly forgive his sins” (Bukhari, Mulsim). In this case, it is understood that each trouble contributes to the forgiveness of his sins. Therefore, through healing, a person gets rid of not only the disease, but also the consequences of bad deeds.

The trials that befall a believer should be taken not as a punishment, but as the mercy of Allah. In one of the hadiths it is said: “The one for whom the Lord wishes good is subjected to trials” (Bukhari, Ahmad). Another confirmation of this can be the words of Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.): “I have never seen anyone experience such torment from an illness as the Messenger of Allah, salallahu galeihi wa salam” (Bukhari).

In any difficult situation, the believer must rely on the help of his Creator and appeal to Him with prayers. The Holy Quran says:

"For every hardship comes relief" (94:6)

So after most diseases, healing occurs. Therefore, in case of illness, one should not lose hope in the Almighty and one should be patient, since Allah loves the patient.

In the collection of Tirmidhi, a hadith from Abu Darda is reported that the Prophet vomited, after which he took a bath, to be ready for the next prayer. In general, Muhammad I didn't take a single step without ablution.

Vomit- involuntary eruption content stomach through the mouth. It is mainly caused by contraction of the abdominal muscles, while the outlet part of the stomach closes tightly, the body of the stomach relaxes, the entrance to the stomach opens, the esophagus and oral cavity expand. All this reflex act occurs with the participation of the vomiting center located in the oblong brain.

There is a group of drugs that cause vomiting in. The indication for their use is acute poisoning.

About instruction use laxative

In the collections of Tirmizi, Ibn Maji and Ahmad, somehow hadeeth Asma bint ‘Amis reported that the Prophet (S.A.W.)asked: ‘What laxatives do you use?’. They answered him: ‘Senna’. Thensaid: ‘If there were something that saves from death, then there would be senna’.

Also transmitted to collection of Tirmidhi, a hadith from Ibn ‘Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.)said: ‘The best treatment you can take is by smoking medicinal plants, infusions, hijama and laxatives.

In the collection of Ibn Maji, the hadith of ‘Abdallah bin Ummi The haram says that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.)said: ‘You should use senna, for in it is a cure for all ailments except poison. ‘What kind of poison?’ they asked him. ‘Death’ - answeredﷺ them.

Laxatives - medicinal substances , causing acceleration of bowel emptying and liquefaction of the stool. Actionlaxative is explained by reflexes that occur in the intestinal mucosa and enhance its peristalsis and secretion. Laxatives are divided into saline, vegetable oils and vegetable laxatives. Salt laxatives include Glauber's salt, Epsom salt, Rochelle's salt. Fromoils known castor oil, herbal laxatives (rhubarb, buckthorn, senna,aloes). Acting primarily on colon , increasing its peristalsis and not affecting the speed of passage of food masses through the small intestines, they are used mainly for lethargy of the large intestines (‘ constipation’).

Most often in medical practice, a combination of senna infusion (Alexandrian leaf) is used with Rochelle salt , which makes it possible to cleanse the entire intestine, using a small dose of laxative salt.

About the guidance regarding the food of the Prophet (S.A.V.) , into which the insect has fallen

In the collections of Bukhari and Muslim, a hadith from Abi Hurayrah is transmitted that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.V.) said: “If a fly falls into the cup of one of you, you should dip it (completely), for one of its wings (carries) poison, the other an antidote.”

It is also said in the collection of Ibn Maji that the Messenger of Allahﷺ said: ‘One of the wings of a fly carries poison, the other an antidote. And if it gets into food, then it should be dipped completely, for its poison precedes the antidote.

The Quran also points to this, where it says:
‘O people! Here is a parable for you, listen to it! Those (deities) whom they, besides Allah, invoke, will never be able to create a fly, even if they all gathered together. And if a fly steals something from them, they will not be able to take what was stolen from it, the negligent admirer is helpless, and the one whom he negligently honors. They did not appreciate the due assessment of the Lord, but He,verily, Strong, Great and Glorious!' Al-Hajj, 73-74

About maintaining health

In the collection of Ibn Maji, a hadith from Umm al-Mundhir bin Qays and ibn al-Ansari, it says: ‘Somehow the Prophet came to us(S.A.V.) with ‘Ali, who (then) was on the mend (from a recent illness). When I offered them dates,began to repeat to Ali: “You are on the mend,” until he dissuaded him from eating dates. Then I made them malt stew and sugar beets. Then(S.A.V.) said to Ali: “Well, this will help you.”

It indicates the various properties of products, the timeliness and appropriateness of medicines, which are discussed in detail in the section on the properties of medicines.

Another hadeeth states that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.V.) said: ‘If Allah loves His servant, then He protects him from the worldly (earthly) just as you protect your sick from drinking and eating.

Also in the collection of Tirmidhi, from ‘Uqba bin ‘Amr it is transmitted that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.V.) said: ‘Do not force the sick to eat and drink, because Allah Almighty feeds and waters them’ when necessary.

If the patient does not take food, then this is either due to lack of appetite, or because of his depression, which indicates that the body is busy (fighting) with the disease. It is not recommended to insist on eating in such cases. Since healthy blood nourishes the body, and bile is raw blood, which is constantly reproduced. And if the amount of bile in the patient's body increases, then in the absence of food, the body begins to process it and convert it into blood, thus re-nourishing the body and self-regulating. The benefits of short fasting during illness are undeniable by scientists. And long fasting sometimes saves the patient from cancer.

Exists strength, which is supplied by the body to support health and control over vital functions. This was often resorted to, also indicated by the hadith, which says that the Prophet(C.A.V.) observed a multi-day fast, but did not allow this to the companions, whichexplained with the words: ‘I am not like everyone else, the Almighty feeds and waters me’.

About guidance in the treatment of heart disease

In the collection of Abu Dawud, in a hadith from Saad, it is reported that he somehow fell ill, and the Prophet came to visit him(S.A.V.) put his hand on my chest so that I even felt her cold. ‘Your heart rate is elevated. Call Haris bin Kalyad from Thaqif, he heals. Let him take seven pieces of dates "Ajwa Medina, make an infusion from them and drink them to you."

In the collections of Bukhari and Muslim, Saad bin Abi Waqqas reported that he said(S.A.V.) : ‘Whoever starts the morning with seven dates al-Ghaliya, on this day neither poison nor witchcraft will harm him.

Palpitations - an unpleasant feeling of contractions hearts, seen in various diseases such as hearts, and other organs (nervous system, endocrine glands, with pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.). In healthy people, contractions hearts do not cause any subjective sensations, and a heartbeat can appear only with significant physical stress (which is more common in untrained individuals) or with strong emotional experiences (fear, fright, anger). In pathological conditions (impaired blood circulation, neurosis hearts etc.), a sensation of palpitations may appear even with slight physical exertion or even at rest. In addition to increased heart rate, the feeling of palpitations can also be caused by the presence of some disorders. cardiac rhythm.

Infusion from fresh dates(not necessarily Medynsky or the Ajwa variety) can be used for functional disorders of the heart and blood circulation - with rapid heartbeat, as a means of slightly lowering blood pressure, relieving arrhythmia, with atherosclerosis. It also has a calming effect oncentral nervous system, with increased excitability and insomnia.

The number seven, named in the hadeeth, is mentioned in many other cases and is destined both by predestination and Shariah. So Allah created seven heavens and seven earths:
‘Allah is the One Who created the seven heavens and the same number of lands. Among them, His commands descend, so that you may know all the power of His might and the all-encompassing scope of His knowledge! 'At-Talaq, 12

It also says:
‘And those who spend in the way of the Lord out of their wealth are like that single grain that gave birth to seven ears, storing a hundred of the same grains in each:’ Al-Baqara, 261

‘And the king said: verily, (in a dream) I saw seven well-fed cows, which seven thin cows eat, as well as seven green spikelets and seven others reaped’. ‘Yusuf said: ‘You will sow for seven years in the usual way for you. And what you reap - leave in the ears, in addition to only a little for food. And after that, seven hard years will come, which will consume everything that you have set aside in reserve, except for a little that you save (for future sowing) 'Yusuf, 43, 47

It also says:
‘The Adites were also destroyed for this, by a swift, roaring hurricane. Allah made him rage over them for seven days and eight nights in a row 'Al-Haqqa, verse 6-7.

In the Sunnah of the Prophet(S.A.V.) the number seven determines the circumambulation circles around the Kaaba, as-Sa'i between Safa and Marwa, the number of stones when throwing and Takbira at the holiday prayer - Allah prescribed them seven times.

It is also said in a hadith where it is said about children: ‘Order them to stand up prayer after seven (years)’. And also when the parents divorce: ‘And when the boy reaches seven years old, he can choose between father and mother.’

Also said in a hadith that says that from this ummah (community of Muslims), seventy thousand communities will enter Paradise without any calculation.

About the guidance of the Prophet in the treatment pleurisy

In the collection of Tirmidhi, in the hadith of Zayed bin Arkam, it is narrated, that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.V.) said: ‘Treat yourself for pleurisy with mixtures of sea frankincense and oil.

It is also said in Bukhari's collection that the Messenger(S.A.V.) said: ‘You should use (this) Indian incense, for it is from Allah, it heals from seven ailments, and its incense can be inhaled by those who have a sore throat, and drink a mixture by those who are ill with pleurisy.

Bukhari's collection also says that it began in Maimuna's house. Every time the Prophet(S.A.V.) from a deadly diseaseit became easier, he left her and led the prayer. When the state of(S.A.V.) worsened, (S.A.V.) ordered Abu Bakr to lead the prayer.

Then his condition worsened(S.A.V.) completely lost consciousness. Then the wives decided to give him medicine, who was unconscious. His uncle ‘Abbas was also present there. Whenﷺ woke up, became ﷺ asking who did this: ‘Didn’t I forbid you to give me medicine to drink?!’ Then they began to assure that they were afraid that he might develop pleurisy. ‘What did you give me to drink?’ askedthem. ‘With a mixture of Indian frankincense, yellowwood and drops of oil,’ they replied. Then he told everyone in the house to use this medicine themselves. And they all did so, except Maimuna, who was then fasting.

Pleurisy. The onset of the disease can be both acute and latent, however, general disorders in purulent pleurisy are usually more pronounced. Acute flowing purulent pleurisy begins with high fever (up to 39-40C) with chills, pouring sweat, chest pain, general weakness and other manifestations of intoxication. With the accumulation of a large amount of pus in the pleural cavity, the lung is compressed, the mediastinal organs are displaced in the opposite direction, which leads to shortness of breath, pallor of the skin, cyanosis of the visible mucous membranes.

A particularly stormy and severe picture develops with a sudden breakthrough of pus into the lungs. The patient may die from rapidly developing respiratory and heart failure.

Symptoms characteristic of pleurisy: lagging of the corresponding half of the chest during breathing, expansion and swelling of the intercostal spaces, and weakening of breathing with cirrhosis of the liver.

The most effective method of treating patients with pleurisy that do not communicate with the environment is daily aspiration of purulent exudate with thorough washing of the pleural cavity with antiseptic solutions and enzymes and infusions of antibiotics into the pleural cavity.

Incense(marine, Indian) - aromatic resin; It is obtained from incisions in the bark of the tropical Boswellia tree of the Burzeraceae family, which grows in East Africa and the South-West of the Arabian Peninsula. When burned, it emits a fragrant odor. It also includes the resins of trees belonging to the Styrax family, growing in the eastern Mediterranean and East Asia.

About instructions for inflammation of the tonsils

In the collection Bukhari narrates, that the Messenger of Allah(S.A.V.) said: ‘Don’t torture your children who have sore tonsils (trying to avert the process in every possible way), but use incense incense’.

Also in the collection of Ahmad, the hadith of Jabir bin ‘Abdallah, the Prophet once came(S.A.V.) to visit ‘Aisha, next to her was, they say, a child whose nose was bleeding. To the question: ‘What is the matter with him?’ - he was told that he either had an inflammation of the tonsils or an illness in the head. Why the Prophet(S.A.V.) said: ‘You should not torment a child in every possible way if he has inflammation of the tonsils or an ailment in the head. Let them take Indian incense, rub it and smoke the child with it. ‘Aisha conveyed these words to the mother of the child. After doing these, the child recovered.

Tonsils - almond-shaped formations of adenoid (lymphoid) tissue located in the walls of the pharynx. Nasopharyngeal, palatine and lingual tonsils surround the pharynx, forming the so-called pharyngeal lymphoid ring. In the deep pockets and crevices of the tonsils, there is usually a significant amount of pathogenic microbes, which, however, do not cause any pathological phenomena.

Under the influence of external factors under unfavorable conditions for the body (colds, weakening of its resistance), microbes can become virulent and cause acute or chronic inflammation of the tonsils.

It is narrated in Bukhari's collection that the Messenger(S.A.V.) said: ‘You should use Indian frankincense, for it cures seven ailments, and its incense can be inhaled by those who have a sore throat, and drink a mixture by those who suffer from pleurisy.

About the treatment of sciatica

In the collection of Ibn Maji, the hadith of Anas bin Malik, it is narrated that the Prophet(S.A.V.) said: ‘The cure for sciatica is melted fat tail of a wild sheep, which is divided into three parts and hotly smeared on sore spots for three days in a row.

Sciatica- a disease of the sciatic nerve, characterized by severe pain in the lumbar region, in the back of the thigh, the outer side of the lower leg and foot. Usually the disease develops gradually, less often - suddenly. For sciatica indicative are sharp pains that occur with pressure in places where the nerve is easiest to press against the bone (in the middle of the buttock, back of the thigh, in the popliteal fossa, behind the lateral condyle of the lower leg), and pain associated with stretching of the nerve when raising the straightened leg or extending the lower leg when bent in the hip joint.

Pain is aggravated by prolonged standing, walking, staying in a cold, damp room. In prolonged cases, there is weight loss of the leg muscles and curvature of the lumbar spine. The illness lasts for several days or months.

Often after more or less long period of relapse occurs. Sciatica is one of the most common diseases of the nervous system. It usually occurs at the age of 30-50 years; children rarely get sick. The causes of the disease are varied: infections, metabolic disorders (gout, diabetes), cooling, excessive physical exertion, bruises.

The remedy (ointment) mentioned in the hadith has an emollient property, as well as the property of ‘bringing’ to the condition and the property of ‘permission’. Therefore, with sciatica is a unique remedy.

In the treatment of sciatica in its acute period, bed rest, diaphoretic procedures, as well as heat, massages and mud therapy are also recommended.

The Necessity and Importance of Following the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

Concept of the Sunnah

Sunnah is the path of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The concept of "Sunnah" includes everything that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said and did after he received the prophecy, as well as his moral qualities and properties. This concept also includes what those around the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said and did, and with which the blessed Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, agreed that he approved. All this taken together is the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

The Sunnah is the path indicated by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), his actions, all decisions and conclusions that he made clear to the people, whether related to belief or behavior, obligatory or desirable for execution. Believing in the prohibition or undesirability of what the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, considered forbidden (haram) or undesirable (karaha), respectively, distance from what he forbade, is also following the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. The Qur'an and hadiths repeatedly call: "You follow the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, obey the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, for you in the Messenger of Allah is a wonderful, exemplary example." The purpose of these words is that we follow the indicated path of the Prophet, may Allah bless him andsays, they imitated everything that came to us from the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

This is the general meaning of the word Sunnah.

Sharia scholars give this word another separate meaning. And in this meaning it is used when it is mentioned along with farz (obligatory deed). For example, when we say that this act is not obligatory (fard), but desirable (sunnah). In this case, the word "sunnah", according to Shariah, is an act about which there is no specific command in Shariah: for his the commission is punished, but there is no punishment for non-compliance. Such deeds include, for example, saying "Bismillag" before eating, and after eating - "Al-HIamdu lillag", etc. This also came to us from the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. However, according to the Shari'ah, one who constantly fails to observe the Sunnah out of laziness is not accepted as a witness. But the one who does not take the Sunnah seriously and humiliates this path of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), for example, saying that there is no need to observe it, because nothing will happen if you do not follow it, or allows himself other similar expressions with the aim humiliate the Sunnah, then he falls into disbelief. May Allah protect us from this!

Imam al-Ghazali, may Allah be pleased with him, writes:“Don’t be one of those scholars who only know about the Sunnah that it is possible and not to observe it.”

Ash-Shaarani also writes that a separate level is assigned for each sunnah in Paradise. The one who, considering the Sunnah optional for observance, did not fulfill it, in Paradise (if he gets there) they will show the degree that he would receive for following the Sunnah, and then they will say: now this degree can not be given to you.

Obey all kinds of sunnatswhich we received from the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, not easy . But you can't throw them all awaydue to the fact that it is not possible to comply with them all. It is necessary, to the best of your ability, to try to follow the Sunnah of the beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. As much as you try to observe the Sunnah, so much do you love Allah Almighty and His Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, for this is a sign of your love for them. And so the Almighty and His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) love you, and so much will you approach the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, on the Day of Judgment, and, finally, so will you find happiness in both worlds.

Holy Quran on the importance of observing the sunnah

Almighty Allah sent the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as a mercy to all worlds and made him a role model for mankind and jinn in everything related to the world below, the eternal world and religion. In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says:

Meaning: “Verily, in the Messenger of Allah is a fine example for those who believe and fear Allah and the Day of Judgment, and hope for the mercy of Allah and the blessings of Eternal Life, and remember Allah much.”

The scholar-theologian Ibn Kathir in his commentary (tafsir) to the Qur'an writes: “This noble verse is the basis for following the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. How to follow him? Follow him in his words, deeds and states. All these taken together are Sunnah. That is, the Sunnah is everything that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, did and approved, and everything related to his states (except for some issues relating to him alone).

The tafsir "Rukh al-bayan" also says: "Following the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is the duty of every believer."

If we follow the Sunnah in all our affairs, we will be protected from falling to the bottom of the disasters and misfortunes of this and the next world, and we will be provided with an ascent to the top of the happiness of both worlds. Whatever the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) says or does, we must follow him in everything, even without asking questions: why, how, etc. There cannot be such a thing in the Sunnah that does not have a certain reasonable meaning, wisdom and benefit. The reasons for some of the actions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) are clear to us, other of his actions can only be explained by the scholars of the Ulama. There are also those who are not understood by the scholars of the Sharia sciences, but they are understood by the ‘arifuns (those who know Allah). There are those that only our beloved Prophet himself, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, comprehend. But regardless of whether we understand them or not, we need to follow his Sunnah without delay. This is what Allah Almighty tells us.

Meaning: “Keep what the Messenger of Allah brought you, and stay away from what he forbade you!” . Therefore, we must unconditionally accept what we have received from him and follow him. He said nothing and commanded nothing for the whims of his soul.

The Holy Quran says:

Meaning: “And he does not speak according to his whim, his speech is only a revelation (wahyu) of Allah inspired to him”. Therefore, whoever follows the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, will be happy both in his personal life and in his public life.

The whole life of the Beloved of Allah, our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the highest model for people of all ranks and conditions. This is a model for a young man who wants to find the right path in friendship and love; and for a perfect person who devotes all his strength to the spread of Islam and contributes to this with his beautiful sermons and amazingly smart words; and for a powerful leader who wants to apply his talent in the leadership of the state; and for an exemplary husband who cares for his family and instructs his household; and for a merciful father who loves his children; for a talented, brave commander; an experienced public figure who pays tribute to the Creator, worshiping Allah, and paying tribute to the people, for a Muslim who tries to perfectly fulfill the duty of serving Allah and the Muslim people. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is the ideal and model for all people.

Hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) on the importance of following the Sunnah

Sacred hadiths pay great attention to following the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. In a hadeeth with a good isnad narrated by Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Ibn Habban and Ibn Maja, it is said:

Meaning: “You hold on to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Righteous Caliphs, you hold on to them with your teeth.”

Also, in a noble hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) says: “I will argue with those who are not faithful to the agreement with me, I will win in a dispute with everyone who opposes me. Those who violate the agreement with me will not receive my intercession (shafaat) and they will not come to my havz (lake) on the Day of Judgment.

The special reward of Allah will be the one who firmly adheres to the Sunnah of the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) at a time when the community is disintegrating. The hadith says:

"Whoever adheres to my Sunnah when the community breaks up, will receive the reward of hundreds of martyrs for the faith (martyrs)".

The holy hadith also says: “Whoever eats only what is permitted (halal), follows the Sunnah, does not harm people, he will enter Paradise”.

In an authentic hadeeth narrated by Hakim, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) says:

Meaning: “I leave you that, holding on to which you will never fall into error - this is the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.”

All the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the Imams, Awliya and Ulama who followed their path paid special attention to following the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Companion Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, when kissing Hajar al-aswad (Black Stone of the Kaaba), said: "I would not kiss you if I did not see how the Messenger of Allah kisses you, may Allah bless him and welcome."

When Muawiyah ibn Kurrat (may Allah be pleased with him) promised the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to convert to Islam, the buttons of the robe of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) were undone. After that, Muawiya and his son were never seen in a dressing gown with buttons fastened, either in winter or summer.

The companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) strove in everything, even in wearing clothes, to imitate the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

A Mujahid, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “We were on a trip together with the son of the companion "Umar Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with them. When we reached one place, Abdullah turned to the side. One of us asked him why he did this He replied: “I saw the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, turn to the side at this place, so I also repeat his action.”

The same Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, when traveling from Mecca to Medina, in the middle of the journey slept under one tree, saying that he saw the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, sleeping under this tree.

He also took care of his needs in one place, saying that our Prophet did it here, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Imam Ash-Shaarani (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “There is a special place and a degree of reward for the one who performs every sunnah in Paradise. And whoever leaves the sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) without attention in this world, being convinced that it is possible to do so, in Paradise they will show him the degree and dignity of those who fulfilled the sunnah, and they will say: “You can not give this degree".

Junayd al-Baghdadi (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “All ways of approaching Allah are closed to people, except for the path that leads to the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Whoever fulfills his Sunnah, striving to follow his path, all ways of approaching Allah are open.

Abu Yazid Bastami, may Allah be pleased with him, heard that a famous righteous man was living somewhere, and decided to visit him with his murids. When they came to him, they noticed that he was spitting, turning towards the Qibla. Abu Yazid immediately got up and returned home, without even going up to him and saying: “He violated one of the ethical norms of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, how can you trust him in everything else?”

Abu al-Hasan Warraq (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Whoever chooses a path other than following the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is in error, but it seems to him that he is on the right path.”

Abdulqadir Gilani, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “You approach Allah by holding the hand of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.”

You should not despair that you will not be able to fulfill all these commands and prohibitions. Imam al-Nawawi, may Allah be pleased with him, writes in his book Al-Adhkar:

فصل: اعلم أنه ينبغي لمن بلغه شيء في فضائل الأعمال أن يعمل به ولو مرّة واحدة ليكون من أهله، ولا ينبغي أن يتركه مطلقاً بل يأتي بما تيسر منه، لقول النبي صلى اللّه عليه وسلم في الحديث المتفق على صحته: "إذَا أَمَرْتُكُمْ بَشَيءٍ فأْتُوا مِنْهُ ما اسْتَطعْتُمْ"

“Know that it is necessary for the one to whom the hadith has reached, regarding righteous deeds, to do an action with this hadith at least once, so that he becomes one of the practitioners of this hadith. And he should not leave this hadith absolutely, on the contrary, he should practice it as much as he can. Because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in a hadeeth authentic by agreement: “When I order you to do something, then do it to the best of your ability.”

From the book of the great scholar of our time shahid, Kuramhammad-haji, may Allah have mercy on him
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Medicine of the Prophetﷺ or islamic medicineis a treatment according to the sunnah, which is based on what was transmitted from the Prophet Muhammad, be it Qur'anic verses or prophetic hadiths. The treatment includes everything that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) described, answering the questions of the companions about the cure for ailments.Medicine of the Prophetcombines everything that is connected with the health of a person during his life regarding his food, drink, housing, marriage, and so on.Medicine of the Prophetcontains legislation relating to issues of treatment, the implementation of medical practice, the responsibility of doctors from the point of view of Islam.

Scholars involved in the compilation of collections of hadiths compiled separate sections called the "Section of Medicine", collecting in it the sayings of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) related to the topic Islamic medicine. Imam Malik was the first to do this in his collection of hadiths al-Muwata. Like Imam Malik, this was done by Imam al-Bukhari, then Imam Muslim and other collectors of hadith.

The first to write a separate book on medicine of the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him), according to historians, was Ali ar-Riza ibn Musa al-Kazim (d. 203 h. / 811 m.). His book was an abridged treatise.

Then the book "Prophetic Medicine" was written, the author of which was al-Malik ibn Habib al-Andulusi (d. 238 H. / 853 AM). He was a faqih, a muhaddis, he was called the alim of Andalusia. It was the first book on medicine of the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him), in which hadiths were mentioned and divided into sections.

It is believed that the first who started treatment according to the Sunnah of the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him) was Abdul-Latif al-Baghdadi (d. 1231 a.m.). He was also a scholar of fiqh and grammar. He wrote the book "At-Tibu min al-Kitabiva al-Sunnati" ("Medicine based on the Qur'an and Sunnah").

Books about medicine of the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him) were written by Ibn Sina, Abu Nuaym al-Asbahani, at-Taifashi, al-Kamil ibn Tarkhan and others.

The book “Al-manhaj as-saviva al-mankhali ar-rawi fi at-tibi an-nabawiyi” by Imam Hafiz Jalaluddin as-Suyuti (849-911 h. / 1445-1505 m.) is the most comprehensive book in the field Prophet's medicine(peace and blessings be upon him), since she absorbed everything that was written before, due to the fact that the author was well-versed in the science of hadith.

“O slaves of Allah, get healed, because Allah did not send a disease without sending a cure for it, except death”(an authentic hadith narrated by 4 imams of hadith).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Allah does not send down a single disease without sending down a cure from it”(Imam Al-Bukhari).

“Every disease has a cure, and if the medicine approaches the disease, then the person will be healed with the permission of Allah”(Imam Muslim).

It was narrated from Abu Said al-Khudri that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Allah did not create any disease without giving healing, he who studies knows it, he who is ignorant does not know it, except death”(Imam Ibn Maja).

In these hadiths we see the motivation for healing. The Almighty has made medicine the reason for recovery. In the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) “he who studies knows it, he who is ignorant does not know it”- a call to Islamic doctors to engage in scientific research in medicine and the discovery of new drugs for those diseases that were not known before.

Islamic medicine

Islam is fully aimed at preserving the life and health of a person, for acquiring a happy life in both worlds.

Islam guarantees the safety of five things:

1. Religions.

2. Bodies and souls.

4. Property.

5. Mind.

Three of these five points are directly related to the health of the body (body, honor, mind). Islamic medicine aims to preserve the health of the body from the threat of disease.

Imam al-Shafi'i said: “Society needs two categories of people: scientists for the preservation of religion, and doctors for the preservation (health) of their bodies. He also said: "I do not know science, except for the knowledge of halal (lawful) and haram (forbidden) and the knowledge of medicine."

The Prophet himself (peace and blessings be upon him) and his venerable family, his wives and companions were treated. He advised the use of remedies known at that time, the beneficial properties of which were subsequently confirmed by science.


One of the medicines is honey, which was created by the Almighty for treatment. The Quran says (meaning):

“And your Lord inspired the bee: “Build houses in the mountains and in the trees and in what they build.

And then eat all kinds of fruits and follow the paths of your Lord that are available to you. "Drinking of different colors comes from the abdomens of bees, which brings healing to people. Verily, in this is a sign for people who think" (Quran, 16:68-69).

Honey heals many diseases of the circulatory system, digestion, strengthens the immune system, treats asthma, ulcers, and so on.

Black cumin

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also called for the use of seeds in the treatment black cumin. Since 1959, more than 200 studies have been carried out at international universities. The stunning results of the experiments were designed in the form of articles and reports and then published in various media. Thus, science has fully confirmed the vital importance black cumin in our life, which was said more than 1400 years ago by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him): “Treat yourself with black cumin, for in it is healing from all diseases except death!”(Imams al-Bukhari, Muslim)

Olive oil

Said al-Ansari quotes the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), who said: “ Eat olive oil and rub it on your body, for the tree is sacred.(Reported by Imams at-Tirmidhi, ibn Maja).

Olive oilplays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, prevents thickening of the blood and accelerates its movement through the vessels, acts as an assistant in lowering high blood pressure, and prevents obesity. In countries with a predominant use of olive oil, the percentage of the population suffering from obesity is very low.Olive oilreduces the harmful effects of free radicals on the body, plays an important role in the prevention of cancer.


Once the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) turned to Ali ibn Abu Talib: “Eat garlic, because if I didn’t communicate with angels, I would eat it”.

Do not argue about healing properties garlic. With its inherent disadvantage, such as an unpleasant odor after its use, garlic is an excellent antibacterial agent, a good cure for scurvy, one of the most effective natural remedies for strengthening capillaries, as well as an excellent adaptogen.


The Almighty draws our attention to the blessings of this world (meaning):

« He is the one who made the sea obedient, so that you may have fresh meat to eat. ».

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The first food of the people of Paradise will be the best part of the whale's liver".

The benefits of fish oil have long been proven by American and European scientists. Studies have confirmed the usefulness of omega-3 polyunsaturated acids in fish oil not only for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases, but also for reducing the risk of developing diseases that are associated with overweight.

Date fruit

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever eats seven dates of the highest grade in the morning, neither poison nor witchcraft will harm him that day”.

More and more amazing features date, discovered by scientists, made this fruit not only an exquisite variety of food, but also a medicine for a number of diseases and ailments.


In the hadith of ‘Abdullah bin Ummi Haram, it is said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "You should use senna, for in it there is a cure for all ailments except poison". "And what kind of poison?" they asked him. "Death", he answered them (collection of Ibn Maji).


The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) commanded to use aloe for treatment, especially for the treatment of the eyes. Preparations aloe used in the treatment of eye diseases, gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum 12, habitual constipation. Aloe juice used topically for the treatment of skin diseases - long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, burns, radiation damage to the skin.


Ginger- this is a real storehouse of useful properties. AT ginger contains such important components for the human body as phelandrin, cineole, essential oils, citral, borneol, gingerol, camphin, as well as the most important amino acids, namely: leuzin, phenylanine, methionine and many others.


Usage sivaka- Sunnat, which could become a fard, a large number of hadiths were narrated about it and its benefits are obvious to everyone.

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Each sunnah is very important for us as for people who love the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

A quick refresher question: who was Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)? We, as Muslims, believe that he was the last Messenger of the Creator to all people. His life is an example for every generation until the end of time as an example of a pure and humble way of worshiping Allah to achieve His contentment. The word "sunnah" is used to describe the life and teachings of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The Sunnah is an excellent guide for all who wish to lead a useful and successful life.

Sometimes we think about why our life does not turn out the way we would like, while the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is a real treasure of how to arrange your life in the best possible way. Myself

“Whoever revives some of my Sunnah loves me. And the one who loves me will be with me in Paradise” (Tirmidhi).

We should try to implement the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) not only for personal benefit, but also out of love for him. We should be active in studying the life of the last Messenger of Allah to the people (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The more we know about the life of a person, the more our respect for him increases. Similarly, as we learn more about the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), we will love him more.

In this article, we will discuss the 12 sunnahs of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), which we should strive to revive with the hope of success in this life and the next, where we, insha Allah, can be in the company of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) .

1. Early to bed and early to wake up

Our sleep schedule plays a big role in our ability to work effectively throughout the day. The morning hours after Fajr are one of the most blessed times of the day. If you start the day with prayer, you will be in the right mood all day and will be able to do a lot during the day. However, to be able to get up early, you need to go to bed early so that your body has enough time to rest.

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) spoke about the way of life of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him):

“He used to go to bed early and get up in the last part of the night to perform tahajjud, and then he continued to sleep (until the morning prayer)” (Bukhari).

If you let the daily worries get the better of you, you can get into a very bad position where you stay up late and wake up late. As a result, you will not have time to do what you planned for yourself every day, and again you will go to bed late and get up late. Break this vicious circle today. Go to bed early and wake up early so that you have the energy for your daily activities.

2. Try to smile more often.

Ibn Jazz (may Allah be pleased with him) reports: “I have not seen anyone who would smile more than the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)” (Tirmidhi).

Scientists have proven that when a person smiles, the content of a natural antidepressant hormone, serotonin, increases in his body, as a result of which a person feels more satisfied. We underestimate the impact of smiling on ourselves and on those around us. This small detail plays a huge role in building relationships with the people around you. A positive mindset and attitude is indispensable in striving to be productive in order to achieve your goals in life. Smiling is a simple act that will help lift your spirits and make you feel more grateful, just like our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did.

So let's follow this great sunnah. Notice what your usual facial expression, your normal state is satisfaction, or do you always appear in front of people sad, dissatisfied, disappointed? It will take very little regular effort from you, but you will be able to stop frowning, smile more often and spread joy and peace around you, as did our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

3. Use a miswak

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“If I were not afraid to embarrass my community, I would have ordered them to use a miswak before every prayer” (Tirmidhi).

This hadith indicates the attitude of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) towards the use of miswak. The miswak stick is made from the branches of the arak tree and has many benefits, including removing bacteria from the mouth. No wonder the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) wanted us to use miswak more often, as he attached great importance to oral hygiene. It is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used miswak after waking up. The teeth are a very delicate organ and problems with them can lead to severe pain, so this sunnah offers us precautions against a problem that can cause you a lot of trouble. Miswak is easy to buy and relatively cheap, making this sunnah easy to follow. It helps keep your mouth clean and fresh naturally and effortlessly.

Abdurrahman ibn Abu Atik said: “My father said to me: “I heard Aisha, conveying the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), said: “Miswak is a means for cleansing the mouth and is pleasing to the Lord” ”(Sunan al-Nasai) .

4. Lubrication of hair with oil.

Jabir ibn Samur asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about the gray hair on his head. He replied: “If you anoint your head with oil, they will not be visible” (An-Nasai).

Many do not believe that oiling the hair is part of the Sunnah. This hadith talks about using oil to hide the gray hair on the head, thus we see that the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) covers every aspect of life. Regular oiling of the hair prevents hair loss and graying, strengthens the hair and makes it strong and shiny by strengthening the protein of the hair, has a calming effect on the nerves and capillaries of the brain. We pursue this goal by spending a lot of money on hairdressers and spas, but this simple sunnah can save us a lot of money, time and effort while we imitate the life of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

5. Follow the "one-third" rule in food

Mikdam ibn Madikarib (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “I heard from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) the following:

“The son of Adam did not fill a vessel worse than his stomach. While a few pieces are enough to straighten your back. And if it is so necessary for him to fill his stomach, let him fill one third with food, one third with water and one third with air ”(Ibn Maja).

Many underestimate the fact that food plays a huge role in the performance of our body and brain. The hadith emphasizes that overeating is a very reprehensible quality from which we should stay away. It is also important to remember that malnutrition is equally harmful to the individual. In order to function normally, we must have a balanced approach to our diet. We should not eat to the point where we feel sleepy and tired, which leads to laziness, from which we seek refuge with Allah. Thus, it is very important to observe the measure in nutrition.

6. Speak good or be silent

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Let the one who believes in Allah and the Day of Judgment speak good or be silent” (Muslim).

We often find ourselves in a situation where we sit and talk about things that do not concern us. We waste precious minutes and even hours simply discussing matters that do not increase our knowledge, improve our character, and do not benefit us. When we speak badly of a person or situation, the conversation becomes long simply because of the desire to gossip. The beauty of this particular sunnah is that it helps us save time and reduces the amount of energy we waste on discussing useless things. We can spend this energy and time on something useful, such as reciting the Qur'an or dhikr, doing useful things in the world, or discussing things that will benefit us and others in this and the next life.

7. Performing hijama (bleeding)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If there is healing in any medicine, then it is contained in the hijam, the use of honey and cauterization, but I would not recommend cauterization” (Bukhari).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) regularly resorted to hijama. This form of treatment has been used throughout history in many countries. The benefits of hijama are huge: studies have shown that it is useful for treating migraines, joint pain, and infertility. It relieves stress and fatigue, which helps a person feel invigorated.

8. Visiting the sick

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Feed the hungry, visit the sick and free the captives” (Bukhari).

Throughout the teachings of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) runs the idea of ​​caring for other people. Among our relatives and friends, for sure, there are also many people who are experiencing illnesses - both mild and serious. There are two main advantages to visiting them. Showing attention and care for them, you strengthen the bonds of kinship or friendship. And secondly, looking at a person who is suffering, we begin to thank for the gift of health, which many of us, unfortunately, take for granted. The next time you find out that someone is sick, do not limit yourself to wishing them a "speedy recovery", but remember the forgotten sunnah - make an effort on yourself to visit them and support them.

9. Sitting while eating and drinking

It was narrated from Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “It is forbidden for a person to drink while standing.” He was asked: “And eat (standing)?” He replied: “It is even worse” (Tirmidhi).

People who eat and drink while standing show that they do it on the go, in a hurry. If a person sits down for a meal, he may eat less than usual and chew food more slowly, which has a positive effect on his health. It is also important to eat not alone, but together with relatives or friends, which is the most important way to strengthen brotherly relations between people.

10. Sleep on the right side

“When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went to sleep, he always slept on his right side.” (Bukhari)

If a person wants to feel good during the day and work productively, he should pay attention to how he sleeps. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) led the most productive life, and his way of sleeping helped him a lot in this. Following his example is the key to a wholesome and healthy life.

11. Saying the words "salam / bismillah" before entering the house

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“If a person remembers Allah at the entrance to the house or while eating, the shaitan says to his assistants: “We have not found a place to sleep and supper.” But if a person enters without remembering Allah, the shaitan says: “We have a place to sleep,” and if he forgets to pronounce the name of Allah while eating, the shaitan says: “We found a place to sleep and also dinner.” (Muslim).

None of us wanted the devils to enter our house. So it is very important to seek refuge from evil forces. Entering the house, one should pronounce the name of Allah in order to close the way for the devil. His goal is to lead us astray from the path leading to the pleasure of Allah, so try to close all the ways through which he can enter your life. Don't let the enemy take over you!

12. Follow the "Three Knots" Method

Standing on the fudge for many of us is a whole problem. However, as we said before, the morning hours are a very blessed and valuable time for study, work, and Ibadah. The sad reality is that many of us miss this time because we are unable to get up on time for Fajr.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“When you sleep, Satan ties three knots at the back of each of your heads, and over each knot he utters the following words: “The night is long, so sleep tight.” If a person wakes up for Fajr and praises Allah, one knot is untied. When he performs ablution, the second knot is untied, and when he performs prayer, all the knots fall apart, and he gets up in the morning cheerful and in a good mood, otherwise, the person wakes up in a bad mood and lethargic ”(Bukhari).

This hadith offers us a plan of action for a successful life: get up for morning prayer, praise Allah, perform ablution and say prayer. Being cheerful and in a good mood are the ideal ingredients for a successful day, and you will achieve this if you follow this sunnah, insha Allah.

How happy we are that our religion offers us every opportunity for a successful and blessed life. Alhamdulillah!