Leopard eublefar content. Eublefar gecko in a home terrarium. Basic selection rules

It's unusual home pet, which is a favorite of many terrorists. Spotted (leopard) eublefar is one of the representatives of a large family of geckos.

Connoisseurs in a narrow circle call it "leopard" for It's funny, but this lizard even drinks water like a cat - laps its tongue. Eublefar spotted is popular not only for its extraordinary appearance, but also for its unpretentiousness - even a child can take care of a gecko.

Two subspecies of eublefar are known - Afghan and typical.


This cute gecko (spotted eublefar) comes from India, Pakistan, Afghanistan. He lives on the slopes of low mountains, in dry steppes.

Such a lizard in natural conditions is no more than 10 years old, and in captivity it can live up to 30 years.


Spotted eublefar, whose photo you can see in our article, prefers to lead twilight or night image life. AT daytime he takes refuge in the stones.

Its diet consists of arthropods, their larvae, various insects, newborn mice, and smaller lizards. It often happens that geckos eat their own young. The spotted eublefar is social, settles in groups. They consist of several females and one male. Males protect their territory and drive their relatives out of it.

External Features

It is interesting that the spotted eublefar kept in captivity may look different from its counterpart living in natural conditions. Experts say that this is a consequence of gecko selection.

The main difference between the eublefar and other lizards is the spotted color. These animals are small. The length of their body does not exceed 20 cm. Rarely, but larger individuals (up to 30 cm) are also found.

Eublefar spotted has a thick massive tail, in which it stores moisture in natural conditions and the Lizard is able to easily discard it, then it grows back, but already narrower and shorter.

The head of this gecko is large, having a triangular shape. The body is covered with small scales, among which there are pimply ones. Paws are thin, with five fingers. The eyes are bulging, elongated, slightly reminiscent of a cat in shape.


The body of this lizard is colored yellowish-gray with dark spots. There is a pattern on the tail. Usually these are transverse rings.

Eublefar spotted: maintenance, nutrition

This gecko is quite unpretentious. Therefore, its content is not difficult. In food, these harmless and even cute-looking lizards can show a real predatory instinct, because in nature they prey on insects. They can be given crickets, cockroaches, grasshoppers, mice, so that eublefar satisfy their hunter instinct.

The gecko is fed once a day. After three months, you can switch to once every two days. Within a few days, the gecko may refuse food, but this should not bother the owner, since he has a supply of nutrients in his tail. It is sometimes necessary to add calcium powder to the feed.

The spotted eublefar needs a small terrarium; for one or two animals, a dwelling measuring 50 × 40 × 30 cm is suitable. Sand should not be used for soil, as the lizard can swallow it with food. It is preferable to use small pebbles, pebbles.

Eublefar spotted needs to be heated. For him optimum temperature during the day - 31 °C, at night - 27 °C. The most important thing is not to let the temperature drop sharply. In this case, your pet may lose its appetite. It is desirable to constantly maintain air humidity of 40-45%. To do this, spray the terrarium from time to time.

Since eublefaras are twilight animals, they do not need illumination. You can install a mirror lamp with a power of no more than 25-40 W, which will simulate solar heating, but only at one point in the terrarium. solar radiation animals need to synthesize vitamin D3. You can purchase a special lamp for reptiles that emits ultraviolet light.

However, there is an opinion of experts that by providing the lizard with bottom heating and adding the necessary vitamins and minerals to its food, UV can be dispensed with. Today, there are many vitamin complexes with vitamin D3 developed for leopard geckos.

The use of ultraviolet light is indicated for medicinal purposes. For example, with developing rickets in a reptile, when vitamin D3 is poorly absorbed, and to stimulate reproduction. In the case of rickets, it is enough to irradiate eublefar for 10 minutes a day, and to stimulate reproduction, it is necessary to regulate it by changing it upwards. The longer the day, the more actively the lizards mate, so in this case the length daylight hours can be extended up to 12 hours.


Today spotted eublefar is so domesticated that it does not have an urgent need for wintering, for the same reason it does not hibernate. Wintering is needed to stimulate reproduction (activity in the male). Therefore, if you are not breeding these lizards, then do not strive to ensure that they will certainly hibernate.

It must be remembered that only a healthy, well-fed animal endures wintering without problems. At home, it is enough to lower the temperature very smoothly, reducing the heating time. You should reduce the length of daylight hours to 8 hours. These changes in the gecko's life should last at least two months. At the peak of wintering it should be +18 ... +22 ° С.

Accordingly, the gecko's nutrition should also be gradually reduced. The rest period is about two months. Then a gradual exit from this state is carried out in reverse order. Don't forget about vitamins and minerals.

Under natural conditions, in the middle of winter, the mating season begins in eublefars, which subsides by the end of May. At home, you can maintain the same mode, but this is not necessary.


Eublefar spotted reaches puberty by 12 months. They begin to breed immediately after hibernation. And eggs are laid 3 weeks after mating. As a rule, there are 1-2 eggs in one clutch. There can be up to 10 clutches per year.

The incubation period depends on the air temperature in the terrarium. Cubs appear after 40-65 days, provided that the temperature is regulated. The sex of the cubs largely depends on it. At temperatures below 26 ° C, females hatch, and at temperatures above 31.5 ° C, males are born. In nature, cubs appear no earlier than 100 days later. They weigh 2-3 grams, the length of newborn geckos is 80-85 mm. They are brownish in color with light stripes. By eight months, they become colored in the same way as adults.

Eublefars are considered one of the easiest lizards to keep. They make great pets for older children and adults. Basically, they live on the ground and although they can climb slopes, their abilities are limited. Being nocturnal animals, they become most active at this time of day. Little geckos can be gentle and sensitive, so children younger age must be very careful when handling.

Eublefars can live for about 20 years or more. They do not need much space and their needs can be easily met in any home. As for the color, it can be either monophonic or spotted. However, there is no difference in care and maintenance between ordinary and spotted geckos.

Eublefar: maintenance and care

Once a lizard recognizes its owner, it will not mind being interacted with. reptiles rarely bite or scratch but they will try to defend themselves if they are scared. Geckos are more at risk if they are dropped. Gentle, regular handling of small lizards has importance. When the lizards rise, they need to be supported by the hand.

Eublefars no smell if they are properly cared for. It is important to make sure they eat the food they were given before giving more. You need to learn as much as possible about your pet's diet, as if you give them more food than they need, problems can arise. Their droppings are too small and dry and should be removed as soon as they are found. They do not produce urine, so if their home is cleaned regularly, it does not need to be cleaned as often as another animal home. It is recommended that you regularly clean and disinfect them at home using a reptile-safe disinfectant, but under normal circumstances you will need to do this once a month.

It is important to always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water immediately after feeding or handling a lizard. Also wash your hands after contact with any of their equipment. Always supervise children to make sure they don't bring the gecko near their mouths.

You need to start by disinfecting the terrarium, it can be wiped white vinegar. Do not use bleach or other harsh chemicals to clean the terrarium.

Geckos are easy to feed as they only eat insects. Try to avoid feeding one type of insect all the time and change their diet between:

  • crickets;
  • locust;
  • wax worms;
  • Mealy worms.

Insects that are included in the diet of the gecko must be in good condition and fed well in advance before they are given to the lizard. There are several foods available for insects that ensure they are nutritious. Feed better evening when the gecko is more active. Providing a small amount calcium powder may be beneficial for the gecko as it promotes healthy growth and bone development. Feed as a guide small lizards every other day, whereas adults should be fed every two to three days.

Although they do not drink water as often as other animals, fresh water should be available at all times in a small bowl. Spraying baby geckos with water is also helpful until they learn how to reach a bowl of water. Lizards will drink small drops just like they would drink morning dew in the wild.

Eublefar breeding

Typically, female leopard geckos are not sexually mature until they weigh 45 grams and are 9-10 months old. North of the equator, geckos experience a breeding season that runs from January to September. Lizards hatched late in the year may not start laying eggs until April of the next season. Females should be stopped feeding 10 days before chilling and then kept at cool temperatures with water present 24/7 for six to eight weeks. These geckos require a box.

When introducing a female gecko to a male, the first thing that can be heard is the male making a tail vibration. It sounds like a very fast crackle. The receptive female is completely immobile while the male grabs her neck and engages in copulation. Successful mating takes two to three minutes. After that, you need to pick up the female eublefar from the male.

The females of this gecko lay their eggs 16-22 days after mating. When the breeding season begins, females can be expected to lay eggs every 15 to 22 days for four to five months. Eublefars can lay one or two eggs after the first mating in their lives, resulting in 8 to 10 eggs maturing in the first year. Eublefar geckos can produce 80 to 100 eggs in a lifetime.

How to determine gender?

Eublefars of both sexes are very similar, especially if it is not possible to take them and look at the stomach. Having bought a gecko directly from a breeder, they may already know the gender of the animal, as males and females incubate at different temperatures. But if you don't know the gender, don't worry. Determining gender is easy.

Sometimes the most hard part in determining the sex of eublefars - just keep them motionless. Young geckos, unlike adult geckos, often have less pronounced differences. As a rule, you can determine the sex of geckos at the age of three to four months. Differences between geckos in males and females are quite noticeable. There are several key traits to look for in order to determine the sex of a gecko.

How to maintain the health of eublefars?

As long as they are given proper food, care, attention and appropriate environment, geckos are generally problem-free. Providing warmth, food and vitamins is the most important aspect of their care to avoid long term problems.

A member of this species will be bright, with a dense tail, strong legs, and will also be active foraging at night. It used to be that reptiles could carry diseases that could infect humans. This is true for all animals, including dogs and cats, and this is no exception when it comes to reptiles. Personal hygiene is just as important for reptiles as it is for all other types of pets. Pet owners should always wash their hands after contact with an animal, and pet food bowls should be washed separately.

Naturally, all lizards lose their skin, which comes off in small pieces. Sometimes you have to help them get rid of their skin. This helps them access wet area. This action may be to provide the terrarium with moist moss to help them shed their old skin. This is especially important if it becomes noticeable that the skin does not peel off around the eyes or legs.

Eublefar is the scientific name of the leopard gecko, which is not only common in wildlife, but can also be found in. Among people, another name is common, which is associated with the presence of spots on the body - “leopard”.

Eublefar spotted gecko

Reptile lovers can have an interesting pet at home - eublefara, which gets along well with people. Lizards do not require special care and are clean. The main characteristics of reptiles include:

  1. They are nocturnal, so during the day it is often impossible to admire a pet.
  2. The weight of the eublefar depends on the conditions of keeping the reptiles, so an adult reaches about 45 g. As for the body length, it is more often 20 cm, but there are individuals up to 30 cm.
  3. The head is large and triangular in shape. Stand out elongated and bulging eyes that look like a cat. Lizards have thin paws with five fingers.
  4. Geckos have different colors, so there are about 100 colors.
  5. Eublefar life expectancy depends on the conditions of detention, but on average this parameter is 20 years.
  6. The tail of such reptiles is massive and thick, and the lizard can discard it as a result of injury. The next tail will be narrower and shorter than the previous one.
  7. Another important point, which is worth paying attention to - how to determine the sex of eublefar. The male is larger and has a broad neck, a massive head and a thicker tail at the base. You can accurately determine the sex from six months.

Eublefar character

These reptiles are similar to humans, since each individual has its own unique character. For example, one lizard will be tame while another will not tolerate tactile contact. When the gecko does not like something, it will make a sound similar to children's squeakers. More often, the spotted eublefar has a docile nature and, most interestingly, the lizard can distinguish its owner from other people.

Eublefar varieties

To date, there are five main types of such geckos:

Eublefar - content

So that the pet does not get sick and lives long life you need to take proper care of it. It is important to equip housing suitable for a reptile, which must meet all requirements. The basic rules include the need for daily care of the terrarium. The maintenance and care of the eublefar gecko involves disinfecting not only the main aquarium, but also food and water containers, as well as decorations. Use products containing chlorine and alcohol, but phenol is prohibited.

Terrarium for eublefar

The choice of a home for a pet must be approached responsibly, since its health, growth rate and life expectancy will depend on this. It is important to consider the following features.

  1. The size. For one lizard, a cube with a rib size of 30-40 cm will be enough. For a group of reptiles, a 50x30x30 cm terrarium is suitable.
  2. Accessories. Spotted eublefar, the maintenance of which does not require large expenses, needs shelter - special shelves located on the side walls. As a house, you can use, for example, part of a clay pot. You can use a snag on which the lizard can walk. It must first be scalded with boiling water and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. You also need to put a large stone in the terrarium.
  3. Litter. it required condition to design a terrarium, you can use special paper or soil of the appropriate fraction.
  4. Heating. Without heating, eublefar will not be able to exist normally. It is best to use a thermal mat that can be attached to the bottom of the terrarium. A certain place should be heated to 32-40 degrees, and the general temperature inside the terrarium should be 26-28 degrees.
  5. Lighting. Artificial lighting is not necessary as reptiles can see well in the dark, but a couple of light bulbs can be used for extra warmth.
  6. Humidity. For reptiles, it is important that this parameter does not exceed 45%. To do this, spray every day.

Ground for eublefars

Do not pour sand and fine gravel on the bottom of the terrarium, as lizards can swallow them, which will impair performance. digestive system and may even cause death. To keep the Eublefar gecko, it is better to use stones of such a size that the pet cannot swallow them. You can put a plastic mat that imitates grass on the bottom.

How to care for eublefar?

It is important not only to properly build a house for a reptile, but also to carry out daily care. It is necessary to properly care for the terrarium and keep it clean. Eublefar at home, in order to relieve himself, chooses one place in the corner, so there should be no problems with cleaning. Great importance has a power supply that must meet existing requirements.

What to feed eublefara?

A favorite food for reptiles are crickets, which are available in pet stores, but you can breed them yourself. Another option is the Turkmen cockroach. Eublefar feeding may include Madagascar cockroach larvae and mealworms. Before giving your pet insects, it is recommended to use different greens. Eublefaras do not eat fruits, vegetables and other plant products. When feeding, consider a few rules:

  1. It is best to give food with your hands or with tweezers.
  2. The terrarium should always have a drinking bowl with water and it needs to be updated once a day. It is important that the container has low edges.
  3. Individuals older than a year should receive food 2-3 times a week. Eublefar can eat up to five crickets at a time. Up to a month, the lizard is given a reconciliation 1-2 times a day, and at the age of 1-3 months. once a day give two insects. The older the pet, the less often it is fed.

Eublefar breeding

If you want to get offspring from your lizards, it is recommended to use an additional terrarium in which you need to plant the female for several days, as this will stimulate the mating season. After five days, it can be returned to the male, and if he is ready for the process, he will begin to vibrate his tail and click. During mating season"man" will bite his chosen one.

Eublefar's pregnancy lasts approximately 1.5 months. When the female is ready to lay her eggs, she will dig a hole in the terrarium. It is important to place a closed container in the corner filled with moist soil or coconut flakes(height 5 cm). On one side, make a hole so that the female can enter and lay eggs. The duration of the incubation period is 45-70 days. During the season, the female lays no more than four pairs of eggs somewhere every three weeks.

Diseases of eublefars

At proper care reptiles rarely get sick, but there is a list of diseases that can occur in such lizards. Pay attention to the behavior and condition of your pet in order to determine the presence of the disease in time and visit the veterinarian.

The appearance on the body of cracks, peeling and discoloration of the skin to white indicates that molting is beginning. It is recommended to install a humid chamber in the terrarium afterwards, such as a closed container with a small entrance and moist substrate. In a spotted eublefar at home, the skin is shed once every 1-2 months, and in small ones once every 2 weeks. Do not worry if the lizard has eaten the shed skin, this is normal. It is important to carefully inspect the reptile during this period so that no old skin is left, and if necessary, carefully remove the remnants yourself.

Vitamins for eublefars

The most popular supplement for insectivorous reptiles is REPASHY Calcium Plus. It is a mixture of calcium, vitamins, proteins, fats, fiber and other important substances. When adding this complex, you can not use any other additives. REPASHY helps to increase the nutritional value of insects, and the reptile receives all the substances necessary for health. Leopard gecko must eat a supplement every day. It is necessary to put the insects in a bag, add the powder and shake everything well, and only then give food to the reptile.

Eublefar - interesting facts

There are many things associated with these reptiles. interesting information For example, these facts include:

  1. are the only reptiles that can use their voice to produce different sounds.
  2. If the lizard eggs are at a temperature of 30 degrees, then only boys will be born, and if 27, then girls.
  3. At domestic gecko and in other geckos, the eyes are not protected by a movable eyelid, so reptile contamination is removed with the tongue.

Eublefar spotted(Eublepharis macularis)

Class - reptiles
Squad - scaly

Family - geckos

Genus - eublefars


The size of eublefar is small, about 20 cm, and is only occasionally found. major representatives- up to 30 cm.

The head of the lizards is large, tapering in front and thus resembling a triangle. Their entire body is covered with small scales, on which pimples stand out here and there - separate cone-shaped scales, and on the chin the scales are larger, shielded. The paws of spotted eublefars are thin, middle length with five elongated and rounded fingers, and under the front paws are the so-called armpits - leather pockets, the purpose of which scientists have not yet determined. Even spotted eublefaras have rather large bulging and elongated eyes, similar to a cat's and protected from above and below by movable eyelids. As for coloration, in nature the general tone of the body of lizards is yellowish-gray with dark spots. These spots are located mainly on the upper body, on the sides, on the head and near the lips. And on the tail, besides them, there is a different pattern - wide transverse rings, which are more clearly developed in young animals.


Distributed from eastern Afghanistan through Pakistan to western India.

Inhabits rocky foothills and semi-fixed sands.


By the nature of activity, this lizard is rather a nocturnal animal.

Spotted geckos live in the wild in small groups, in which the male leads, and with him several females. It is common for male lizards to guard their territory, protecting it from intrusion by other males.

Spotted eublefaras drink water like cats, lapping it with their tongues.

They mainly hunt insects, but sometimes they are able to "feed" their own kind, only smaller relatives. And sometimes spotted geckos eat the offspring of other geckos.


Male spotted eublefars, feeling the proximity of the “girl”, vibrate their tail and make a kind of crackling, and also behave quite aggressively towards females, not to mention rivals. Therefore, in the wild, each group of eublefars with one male at the head has its own territory. The female spotted eublefar arranges the first clutch in February, laying 3-4 pairs of eggs. Then, at intervals of a month, other clutches of approximately the same characteristics follow, and this can continue up to 10-13 times per season. To preserve the eggs, females hide them in wet sand. The incubation period directly depends on the ambient temperature. At 27°C it is about two months, at 30°C - about one and a half. The temperature also affects the sex of the offspring of spotted eublefars. Females hatch at the same 27°C, and males at 30°C. In addition, the pregnant spotted eublefar becomes especially voracious, and before laying begins to actively hide in shelters. When the offspring is born, after 5 days its first molt begins, after which the babies begin to eat.

The life expectancy of this reptile is average: stronger males can live up to 8-10 years in nature, females a little less - 5-8 years, and fertile lizards rarely live up to 4 years.

These reptiles show an amazing attachment to humans for lizards, over time they are even able to recognize their master among other people. Spotted geckos are incredibly clean. They learn to defecate in a certain place and never litter its entire territory.

At the age of 6-7 months, animals can be kept in groups with 4 or 5 females and one male. When kept in captivity, lizards do not need large areas. For a group of animals, a 40x40x30 terrarium is sufficient. It requires a small container of water. Although geckos eat at + 14-16 ° C, for good health and growth they are warm in the place of heating. Heating can best be provided by installing a heating cable in a hiding place under the bottom of the terrarium.

Up to 3 months of age, eublefors require a daily feeding regimen, from 3 to 6 months - every other day, then - 2-3 times a week.

It should be noted that the spotted eublefar is quite unpretentious in food. He willingly crickets, cockroaches, grasshoppers, mealworms, spiders, newborn mice and will never refuse to feast on a lizard of a suitable size. Adult females willingly eat pieces of juicy fruits (bananas, apples, pears) and vegetables (cabbage, carrots).

Small eublefars are fed by insects of a suitable size, while the addition of calcium-containing preparations and weekly fortification are necessary.

Under favorable artificial conditions, the spotted eublefar can last up to 30 years.

Such a complex name as spotted eublefar is used only among professional reptile lovers, but in fact it is just a lizard, or more correctly, a gecko. She is also known as leopard. It adapts perfectly to life in captivity, unlike other lizards.

Leopard gecko

Eublefar is clean, which is very good for families with small children, you do not often have to force children to clean the aquarium. They themselves determine the place of the toilet (usually in the corner), and go only there. By the way, clean animals rarely cause allergies, including eublefar.

Characteristics of the reptile:

  • Lifestyle - nocturnal;
  • Body length - up to 30 cm (usually up to 20);
  • Color - the most diverse, from yellow to brown, only about 100 colors. Necessarily spotted leopard pattern;
  • Life expectancy - up to 20 years.

The size and life span directly depend on the conditions of detention. AT in general terms they are unpretentious, but two conditions must be tried to be observed:

  • Large roomy;
  • High humidity.

Spotted eublefar

Looking at the photo, his thick tail immediately catches the eye. There they store water supplies, as they naturally live in the hot deserts of Afghanistan, Pakistan and part of Iran.

If the lizard is grabbed by the tail, it will drop it!

In its place, of course, a new one will grow, but already thin, like ordinary lizards.

As for the character - spotted leopard gecko a very calm, balanced animal, and although it does not differ in quick wits, it attaches itself strongly enough to a person, and with pleasure goes to warm itself in its arms. They do not bite, so you can let the children play, but warn about the tail.


Not only the size and life span of the reptile, but even the growth rate depends on the size and content of the terrarium (or aquarium). Recommended dimensions are at least 50x40 cm with low walls. Volume - about 50 liters.

Terrarium for lizard

It is very important to recreate the usual conditions inside the aquarium, but only without sand. There must be many ledges, snags and caves so that the lizard does not get bored and can explore its territory every day and hide during the day.

It is useful to install a weak heater at the bottom of the aquarium so that the air inside is about 30 degrees during the day, and about 25 at night. Also, spray the inside of the terrarium with a spray bottle several times a day to keep the humidity around 45%.

Buying eublefar

This lizard is well bred in captivity, and you can look for ads on Avito or just in the local newspaper. also in major cities there are clubs of lovers of this exotic animal, which also put them up for sale. As a rule, in pet stores, the eublefar spotted gecko is an infrequent guest without pre-order, but at the same time it is not a super scarce reptile.

It is very important before you buy, correctly determine the gender.

Sex differences in lizards

Until six months, until puberty has come, the males will coexist peacefully, but when the instinct of procreation comes, the struggle will begin, it is better to exclude it immediately.

The price for a lizard starts from 1500 rubles.

Eublefar feeding

The lizard is predatory, and prefers in the diet of insects, their larvae, newborn mice, and everything that corresponds to these sizes. It is very important to feed live food in order to be able to hunt. Cockroaches, crickets, grasshoppers - and the lizard will thank you.

Live food for lizards

You need to feed once every day, but if the animal is stressed, then the lizard may refuse to eat for several days. Don't worry, she has enough stock in her tail, the hunger strike does not last long.

Live food should be alternated with dry food, approximately 50/50, in which it is useful to add calcium. It can be both dried insects and industrial reptile food in any pet store. Alternatively, you can live food (for example, larvae), put in a jar of calcium, shake, and then give it to be eaten.

Lizards do not eat vegetables and fruits, and even more so food from our table!

An approximate portion for an adult lizard is 7 large two-centimeter crickets per day. Also in the aquarium must be a bowl of fresh water, which must be updated daily.

Lizard breeding

If you need offspring, then it is better to temporarily purchase an additional terrarium, in which we place the female for several days. Separation stimulates them to the mating season.

Pair of parents-to-be

After 5 days, we plant the female back (but by no means the male, he should always be on his territory), and if the male shows aggression, then we plant it again for three days. If the male begins to vibrate his tail and click, then he is ready to become a father.

During the mating season, the male will lightly bite the female, but there is nothing terrible and dangerous in this. After the mating process, it is recommended to transplant the female again, but if the terrarium is large, then you can leave it.

If the female is pregnant for the first time in her life, then she will carry eggs for about one and a half months. When she starts trying to dig a hole in the bottom of the terrarium, this is a sign that she is ready to lay her eggs. She will also stop eating.

Eggs formed

Set up a closed container filled with damp soil or coconut flakes in a corner. Make a small hole on one side of the container. The height of the soil is about 5 cm, in which the female will bury the masonry.

Lizard clutch

Incubation lasts from 45 to 70 days, depending on the temperature. If the temperature is 30 degrees, then the young will be born quickly, after 45 days, and will consist only of boys. If the temperature is 27 degrees, then small lizards will appear in 2 months, and only girls.

During the season, the female will lay no more than four pairs of eggs, approximately every 3 weeks. She no longer needs a male, the mating process will be needed only after a year.

Carefully monitor the condition of the female, as pregnancy greatly depletes her body. If there is little calcium in the diet, or small portions, then the lizard will be lethargic with a sickly look, and in this case it is necessary to lower the temperature to 20 degrees to stop the continuation of the genus (imitation of wintering). When she gains strength, then again plant to the male. The second and subsequent pregnancies will pass much faster, in 3-4 weeks.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Eublefar spotted, insect hunting, video