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Alexander Gradsky is an outstanding, cult personality, the founder of the Russian rock direction, an honored theater and film artist, a laureate of many state awards.

The childhood of the future rock star

Alexander was born in a small town near Chelyabinsk in 1949. The boy's father, Boris Abramovich, worked as a mechanic at a local enterprise, and his mother, the famous actress Tamara Gradskaya. When the boy was 8 years old, he and his parents moved to the capital, where a year later he began to attend a music school.

Alexander Gradsky in childhood

At first, Alexander was engaged without enthusiasm, discipline and constant tasks burdened the guy's creative nature. At that time, he was closer to literature and other humanitarian subjects. Only at the age of 14 did Gradsky begin to take his musical studies more seriously, which helped him finally decide on the choice of his future profession.

Alexander Gradsky in his youth

In 1965, Gradsky became the vocalist of the Cockroaches group, with which he recorded his first track, The Best City of the Earth. The song became popular, it was played in many metropolitan clubs and discos. After leaving school, Alexander entered the Gnesinka, which he graduated with honors in 1974.

The ups and downs of the innovator Gradsky

In his student years, Alexander organized his own project "Buffoons". The group's work consisted of Gradsky's original rock songs, with which they toured throughout Russia. The creative apogee of the group came at the prestigious song festival in 1971, where the guys won six out of eight possible awards. The hits of that time were the compositions “How young we were” and “How beautiful this world is”.

A talented guy managed to write soundtracks for films by famous Soviet directors. In Andrei Konchalovsky's film "Romance of Lovers" Gradsky's author's song sounds. In 1974, Alexander was awarded two honorary titles: "Best Breakthrough of the Year" and "Star of the Year". The popularity of the musician was so high that the amount of his fees exceeded the income of established, well-known artists.

In parallel with his musical activities, Gradsky began to teach vocals at Gnesinka and GITIS. Alexander also became the author of the legendary rock opera "Stadium". The production depicted the difficult events of the 1973 coup d'état in Chile. The main roles went to eminent Soviet performers. Then came no less popular rock productions: "The Man", "Rasputin", "Jewish Ballad".

During the perestroika period, Gradsky began to develop his work abroad. He was lucky to collaborate with world-famous artists: Liza Minnelli, Chris Christophersson. Returning to his homeland, the musician continued to engage in productions, writing songs, and also starred in the episodic role of the popular TV series Gangster Petersburg.

Alexander Grapdsky Russian President Vladimir Putin presenting an award

In 2000, Gradsky was awarded the highest award "People's Artist of Russia", which was personally presented to him by President Vladimir Putin. Since 2012, Alexander has been working as one of the hosts of the Channel One entertainment music project - Voice. Thanks to professionalism and rich experience, the wards of rock music gurus became the winners of the show.

Stormy personal life

Gradsky was officially married three times. The first wife of the musician was Natalya Smirnova, with whom he lived for about three months. Alexander believes that their relationship was a student hobby, youthful maximalism, which is why they broke up so quickly.

Alexander Gradsky with his first wife

Alexander's second marriage to actress Anastasia Vertinskaya also turned out to be short-lived. The third official marriage of Gradsky turned out to be the most durable and longest. With Olga, he lived 23 happy years. They had two children: son Daniel and daughter Maria. In 2003, the couple divorced for reasons unknown to anyone.

Alexander Gradsky with Marina Kotashenko

A year later, Gradsky met his 30-year-old junior fashion model Marina Kotashenko. Relations developed rapidly, after a few months the couple began to live under the same roof. In 2014, the musician again became a father, Olga gave him a son, Alexander. Now Gradsky lives with his family in the Moscow region, writing new musical compositions.

Alexander Borisovich Gradsky (November 3, 1949) is a famous Russian singer, performer and songwriter. He is considered one of the founders of classical Russian rock. Since 1999 he has been a People's Artist of Russia, and in 1997 Gradsky received the honorary title of Honored Artist.


Alexander Borisovich was born on November 3 in Kopeysk, in an average family. His father, Boris Abramovich Fradkin, was a mechanical engineer and worked almost all his life at a local plant, where he was loved and respected not only by his colleagues, but also by the administration. Gradsky's mother, Tamara Pavlovna Shitikova, had incredible creative abilities.

In early childhood, she taught herself to play the piano, and then, while still unmarried, worked as an accompanist at many Kopeysk events. That is why Alexander's passion for music, most likely, arose in him thanks to a talented and creatively gifted mother.

Sasha's childhood passed quietly. His parents almost never quarreled, the family lived in an average income and did not need help. Very often, Gradsky went to his grandparents, who, seeing his desire to study art, took him to theatrical performances, gave books by domestic and foreign authors, showed galleries and exhibitions of his native city.

With their help, Sasha developed much faster than his peers, therefore, having gone to school at the age of 7, it was rather boring for him to communicate with his peers, which is why Gradsky very often ran away from classes or simply closed in on himself.


At the age of fourteen, Alexander Gradsky is experiencing the first severe loss - his mother, who has been seriously ill for several months, passes away. Despite the fact that doctors predicted a similar end long before her death and prepared her relatives for the worst possible outcome, death makes the strongest impression on Sasha. Over the next year, he practically does not go to school, does not communicate with relatives, and does not even leave the house. After the young man recovers from a monstrous depression, he decides to take his mother's surname - Gradskaya, instead of his father's.

In order to further emphasize the love for his mother, young Gradsky decides to enter the conservatory. However, unfortunately, there are no such institutions in Kopeikino, so Sasha, after numerous quarrels with his relatives, moves to Moscow.

He does not enter immediately: for the first time, the examination board decides that the guy is too uneducated (in the musical sense) to study at the conservatory. Gradsky was denied admission, after which he went to private music courses with a tutor for a year, who tries to teach him everything he knows as much as possible.

By the way, Gradsky's training is quite easy: the young man quickly grasps new information, studies diligently and diligently, and even tries to write his own songs, which he shows only to his mentor.

This is followed by a second attempt to enter the Moscow Conservatory. This time, the young man's abilities amaze the examiners and, without further questions, he is enrolled in the group. This event becomes decisive in the fate of the future musician.


As it turned out later, Alexander Borisovich's desire to enter a higher musical institution was dictated by no means only by love for his mother. The young man, who at that time had already written several of his own songs, wanted to demonstrate his talent to the general public without fail. And what, if not a musical conservatory, can give more opportunities for self-realization?

So Gradsky began to learn musical skills and at the same time acquire fans, friends, comrades and those who wanted to show the young man's talent to the world. And in the early 70s, Sasha, while still a student, received a tempting invitation, which became his debut in the musical field. The fact is that at that time it was planned to shoot the film "Romance of Lovers", where Murad Kazhlaev was supposed to act as a composer.

However, for unknown reasons, he refused to participate in the project at the last moment, jeopardizing the very successful creation of the film. But enterprising Arkady Petrov and director Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, after a short search, found a young talent in the Moscow Conservatory - Alexander Gradsky, who was invited to take part in the film.

After the release of "Romance of Lovers" in 1974, for which Gradsky not only composed music, but also independently performed several parts, the success of the novice musician was assured. He began to be noticed not only by domestic, but also by foreign publications, and Billboard magazine even named him "Star of the Year", which further strengthened Gradsky's position in the music world.


As soon as the name Gradsky gained worldwide popularity, the musician began to receive hundreds of offers related to theaters, cinemas and recording studios. Following his debut film, he wrote the rock opera Stadium, which he dedicated to the memory of Victor Jara. At that time, such a musical format was new to the general public, so Alexander took a big risk by composing a domestic rock opera. Nevertheless, the fears turned out to be false - a non-standard, powerful, gothic sound immediately captivated not only ordinary listeners, but also music critics, and a year later Gradsky released the second rock opera "Man" (later it sounded on the stage of one of the Moscow theaters, who staged a production based on Rudyard Kipling).

It is difficult to say how many compositions Gradsky wrote in total up to the present moment. We can only list the most popular of them. They were such compositions as "Aria of Cavaradossi", "Ballad of a fishing village", "In the fields under snow and rain", "I go out alone on the road", "Burn, burn, my star", "To the end, to the quiet cross”, “How young we were”, “I dreamed of heights since childhood” and many others. Throughout his musical career, Alexander Gradsky has successfully collaborated with Pakhmutova, Dobronravov, Kolmanovsky, Rubtsov, Burns and other famous people in the musical field.

Personal life

Alexander Borisovich was married three times. The first time this happened in his youth, when he married a student at the conservatory Natalya, whom he fell in love with in his first year. However, the marriage did not last long, and the musician himself in the future more than once called him a “youth act”, referring to the fact that both he and she were in love and stupid for deliberate and correct decisions, as a result of which a mistake occurred.

In 1976, at one of the musical events, Alexander Gradsky met actress Anastasia Vertinskaya. A close relationship develops between them, and after a couple of months the couple announces their engagement. But the marriage lasts until the official divorce in 1980, although, in fact, the spouses stop cohabitation two years earlier.

For the third time, Gradsky marries in 1981 a lawyer Olga Semyonovna. Two children are born in marriage, but by 2003 the musician announces his divorce from his wife and the transfer of half of his property to her. And since 2003, he has been living in a civil marriage with Marina Kotashenko, who is much younger than him.

Alexander Borisovich Gradsky. Born on November 3, 1949 in Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk Region. Soviet and Russian singer, musician, poet, composer. One of the founders of Russian rock. People's Artist of Russia (1999).

Mother - Tamara Pavlovna Gradskaya (1929-1963), actress, director, later literary contributor to the Theater Life magazine. Graduate of GITIS (course of N. Plotnikov).

Father - Boris Abramovich Fradkin (1926-2013), graduated from MAMI, mechanical engineer.

Maternal grandfather - Pavel Ivanovich Gradsky - was a master in tailoring leather goods, died tragically in 1948. Maternal grandmother - Maria Ivanovna Gradskaya (née Pavlova), a housewife.

Paternal grandmother - Rosalia Ilyinichna Fradkina (née Chvertkina), worked as a secretary-typist for about 50 years, died in Moscow at the age of 100, in 1996. She was called the "grandmother of Russian rock and roll" - she always supported her grandson and his colleagues, welcomed them cordially in her house, for which she earned this honorary title among them.

Paternal grandfather - Abram Semenovich Fradkin, was divorced from his grandmother, worked as a house manager in Kharkov, and died there at an advanced age.

Uncle - Boris Pavlovich Gradsky - mother's brother, soloist of the Igor Moiseev Ensemble, dancer, played the accordion beautifully, composed pieces for the accordion, died in 2002. Cousin - Natalya Gradskaya.

Aunt - Irina Abramovna Sidorova (Fradkina), died in 2006 at the age of 84. Second cousin - Ivan Egorovich Fradkin.

Half sister - Galina Ambrosovskaya.

In 1957 the family returned to Moscow.

A great influence on the development of the future musician was his mother, a graduate of GITIS Tamara Pavlovna Gradskaya (Shitikova). Until the age of 14, he bore his father's surname - Fradkin. The surname Gradsky was taken immediately after the death of her mother in 1963 in memory of her.

For several years he lived with his grandmother in the village of Rastorguevo, Leninsky district, Moscow region.

In 1965, Gradsky became the founder of the third - after the "Brothers" and "Sokol" - Soviet rock band "Slavs".

In 1966 he founded the rock band "Buffoons" which brought him the greatest popularity.

He also took part in the groups "Los Panchos", "Scythians", a team of Polish students of Moscow State University "Cockroaches". As part of the "Cockroaches" he performed the songs and twist of Arno Babajanyan "The Best City of the Earth".

In the early 1970s, the director began his work on the film Romance of the Lovers. The composer of "Romance of the Lovers" was supposed to be Murad Kazhlaev, but he refused. Then Arkady Petrov proposed the candidacy of Gradsky. Gradsky in this film not only composed music, but also performed vocal parts.

Released in 1974, the film was a significant success and brought fame to the creator of the film's music.

Music magazine "Billboard" in 1974 declared Gradsky "Star of the Year" "for his outstanding contribution to world music."

In the same 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of Academic Singing of the GMPI. Gnesins.

Since 1987 he has been a member of the Union of Composers.

In 1988, for the first time, he was allowed to travel abroad - to the United States.

Author of music for more than 40 feature films, dozens of documentaries and animated films. Released more than 15 long-playing discs, author of several rock operas and rock ballets, many songs.

In 1988 he performed the part of the Astrologer in Rimsky-Korsakov's The Golden Cockerel at the Bolshoi Theater (conductor Evgeny Svetlanov).

Alexander Gradsky - How young we were

Participated in the TV program "White Parrot".

He positions himself as a marginal, he is demanding of his colleagues in the workshop, he does not welcome journalists. According to some reports, it was Gradsky who launched the word “journalist” in the media.

He took part in the album-tribute "Time Machine" "Typewriting", where he sang the songs "My friend (plays the blues best)" and "Snow".

In 2009, Alexander Gradsky released the rock musical The Master and Margarita. The musical was not staged on stage, it exists in the form of the only audio recording of 2009, made with a star cast: the most famous Russian artists and friends of Gradsky Iosif Kobzon, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, Vladimir Zeldin, Alexei Petrenko, Valery Zolotukhin, Alexander Rosenbaum, Lolita Milyavskaya took part in the recording , Arkady Arkanov and many others. One of the parties is composed of fragments of phonograms with the voice of Georgy Millyar.

In 2012-2015, he took part in the television project "Voice" on Channel One as a mentor. At the same time, in the first three seasons of the program, the members of his team won - Dina Garipova, Sergey Volchkov and Alexandra Vorobyova, respectively. In 2015, his ward - Mikhail Ozerov - took second place in the final. He left the show, as the media wrote, in view of the fact that.

Alexander Gradsky in the Pozner program

The growth of Alexander Gradsky: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexander Gradsky:

The first wife is Natalya Mikhailovna Gradskaya. The singer himself called his first marriage "a youth act."

“We were young, and at first Natasha and I had a wonderful relationship, which gradually began to disappear. And we decided: now let’s go, get married, and everything will be restored. Let’s go, get married, and three months later, when we realized that nothing restored, shook hands, kissed and parted," he recalled about his first marriage.

Filmography of Alexander Gradsky:

1972 - Courtesy visit
1974 - One's own among strangers, a stranger among one's own (vocals)
1974 - Romance of lovers (vocals)
1975 - Concerto for two violins (vocals)
1975 - Concerto for two violins
1976 - Sun, sun again (vocals)
1976 - Songs under the clouds (vocals)
1976 - My love in the third year (vocals)
1976 - Blue Puppy (cartoon) - vocals by Sailor, Sawfish
1977 - Legend of the old lighthouse (cartoon) (vocals)
1977 - The Princess and the Ogre (cartoon) (vocals)
1978 - Let's talk, brother ... (vocals)
1979 - Do not part with your loved ones (vocals)
1979 - Alexandra Pakhmutova - “My life is in the song ...” (documentary)
1979 - “Feat. Code 12080"
1979 - Tuning fork - cameo
1980 - Oh sport, you are the world! (vocals)
1985 - Stained glass master
1986 - Life of Klim Samgin (vocals)
1988 - Pass (cartoon) (vocals)
1989 - Prisoner of If Castle (vocals)
1989 - Stereotypes (cartoon) (vocals)
1989 - Art of living in Odessa (vocals)
1989 - "And the line does not end" (documentary)
1991 - Genius
2000 - Gangster Petersburg. Film 1. Baron
2000 - In August 44th ... (vocals)
2012 - "Living Soul" (documentary)
2014 - "Alexander Gradsky. Turn around (documentary)

Discography of Alexander Gradsky:

1972 - How beautiful this world is
1973 - Alexander Gradsky sings
1974 - Romance of lovers
1976 - Alexander Gradsky sings songs from the movie "The Sun, Again the Sun"
1977 - Alexander Gradsky sings songs from the movie "My Love in the Third Year"
1978 - Alexander Gradsky and the ensemble "Skomorokhi"
1979 - Alexander Gradsky sings
1979 - Only you believe me
1980 - Russian songs
1980 - We can't live without each other
1981 - Bird of happiness
1984 - Life itself
1985 - Stadium
1986 - Star of the fields
1987 - Satires
1987 - Let's get started
1987 - Utopia of Alexander Gradsky
1987 - Reflections of a jester
1988 - Flute and piano
1988 - Nostalgia
1988 - Man
1989 - Monte Cristo
1989 - Concert Suite
1990 - Expedition
1991 - Metamorphoses
1994 - Untimely Songs
1994 - Fruit from the cemetery
1995 - The fruits from the cemetery
1996 - LIVE in "Russia"
1996 - Golden junk
1996 - Collection of Alexander Gradsky
1997 - Legends of Russian rock
2000 - LIVE in "Russia" - 2
2003 - Reader
2003 - Songs for Ira
2004 - LIVE in "Russia" -2. Anniversary video concert
2009 - Master and Margarita
2010 - LIVE in "Russia". Anniversary video concert
2010 - Anti-perestroika blues
2011 - "Favorites" by Alexander Gradsky
2011 - Unformat
2014 - Concert-2010
2014 - Romances

Video clips of Gradsky:

1987 - Closing the circle
2007 - Closing the circle

Rock operas by Alexander Gradsky:

1967-1969 - Fly-Tsokotuha
1973-1985 - Stadium
1979-2009 - Master and Margarita

Ballets by Alexander Gradsky:

1985-1988 - "Man"
1987-1990 - "Rasputin"
1988-1990 - "Jewish ballad"

Songs of Alexander Gradsky:

"Anti-Perestroika Blues" (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
Aria of Cavaradossi (Recondita armonia...) (D. Puccini) from the opera Tosca;
"Aria Calaf" (D. Puccini) from the opera "Turandot";
"Jose's Aria" (G. Bizet) from the opera "Carmen";
"Ballad about the fishing village of Ayu" (Yu. Saulsky - E. Yevtushenko) from the movie "The Sun, Again the Sun";
"The God of Rock-N-Roll" ("Epitaph", music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
“There will be gentle rain” (lyrics by S. Tisdale, trans. by L. Zhdanov);
"Waltz" (From this) (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
"Return" (lyrics by B. Okudzhava) from the movie "Romance of the Lovers";
“In the fields under snow and rain” (lyrics by R. Burns, trans. by S. Marshak);
"In your eyes" (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite "Star of the Fields";
“I go out alone on the road” (E. Shashina - M. Lermontov) Romance;
“Burn, burn, my star” (P. Bulakhov - V. Chuevsky) Romance;
"Let's Begin" (music and lyrics by J. Denver) - Spanish. Alexander Gradsky (in English);
"Double" (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
"To the end, to the quiet cross" (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite "Star of the Fields";
"Road" (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite "Star of the Fields";
"Gioconda" (D. Tukhmanov - T. Sashko);
"Yellow House" (lyrics by S. Cherny) from the vocal suite "Satires";
“Once upon a time I was” (D. Tukhmanov - S. Kirsanov);
"Star of the Fields" (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite of the same name;
"Winter Morning" (lyrics by B. Pasternak);
“Winter Night” (“Melo, melo ...”) (lyrics by B. Pasternak);
“How young we were” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) from the film “My Love in the Third Year”;
"Lullaby" (lyrics by N. Konchalovskaya) from the film "Romance of the Lovers";
“Cling your face to the glass ...” (lyrics by P. Eluard);
"Lamentations" (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite "Satires";
“Showers at the sea (blues)” (music by T. Waits, lyrics by A. Gradsky);
“Beloved, sleep” (music by E. Kolmanovsky, lyrics by E. Yevtushenko);
"Love" (lyrics by B. Okudzhava) from the film "Romance of the Lovers";
“I have dreamed of heights since childhood” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) from the movie “Oh sport, you are the world!”;
“Prayer” (lyrics by S. Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satires”;
“A monologue of a long loaf for 28 kopecks from premium flour” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
“We poured red wine (hit)” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
“We did not expect changes” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
“We cannot live without each other” (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) from the film “Oh sport, you are the world!”;
“Our old house” (lyrics by R. Burns, trans. by S. Marshak);
"Do not sing, beauty" (S. Rachmaninov - A. Pushkin) Romance;
“No one” (Yu. Saulsky - E. Yevtushenko) from the film “The Sun, Again the Sun”;
"Nothing in a Polushka" (Russian folk);
“Night Song of the Drunkard” (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite “Satires”;
"Night" (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite "Star of the Fields";
“Settings” (“The son is roaring. Beaten for a deuce with a plus ...”) (lyrics by Sasha Cherny);
"About Dogs" (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite "Star of the Fields";
“In memory of a poet” (about V. S. Vysotsky) (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
"Song of the Duke" (G. Verdi) from the opera "Rigoletto";
"Song of Dolphins" (Yu. Saulsky - E. Yevtushenko) from the film "The Sun, Again the Sun";
"Song of a Friend" (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
"Song of Friendship" (lyrics by B. Okudzhava) from the film "Romance of Lovers";
“Song of Gold” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the film “Prisoner of If Castle”;
"Song of the Ship" or "Grandfather's Boat" (E. Artemiev - N. Konchalovskaya) from the film "At Home Among Strangers, Stranger Among Our Own";
"Song of the Mother" (lyrics by N. Konchalovskaya) from the film "Romance of the Lovers";
“Song of the Pendulum” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the movie “In August 1944 ...”;
“Song of Freedom” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the movie “Prisoner of If Castle”;
“Song about the “crazy”” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the film “Prisoner of If Castle”;
“Song of Monte Cristo” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the movie “Prisoner of If Castle”;
“Farewell” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky) from the movie “Prisoner of If Castle”;
"Song of the Birds" (lyrics by N. Glazkov) from the film "Romance of the Lovers";
“Song of Conscience” (Yu. Saulsky - E. Yevtushenko) from the movie “The Sun, Again the Sun”;
“A song similar to all songs” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
"Song of the Jester" (lyrics by R. Burns, trans. by S. Marshak);
"Coal Miner's Friend" (lyrics by R. Burns, trans. by S. Marshak);
"On the Mute" ("I want to take a break from satire") (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite "Satire";
"Descendants" (lyrics by Sasha Cherny) from the vocal suite "Satires";
"Santa Lucia" (J. Cottro) Neapolitan song;
"Blue Forest" (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
"Buffoons" (lyrics by V. Sautkin);
"Sonnet" (E. Krylatov - A. Gradsky);
"Sports" - a song about the Olympics in Sochi 2014;
"Theater" (lyrics by S. Cherny) from the vocal suite "Satires";
“Only once in a life there are meetings” (B. Fomin - P. German) Romance;
"Only you believe me";
“Photo with me and with you (rock ballad)” (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
"Southern Farewell" (music and lyrics by A. Gradsky);
“I am Goya” (lyrics by A. Voznesensky);
"Furious construction team" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov) from the film "My love in the third year";
“I will die in Epiphany frosts” (lyrics by N. Rubtsov) from the vocal suite “Star of the Fields”;
"Closing the circle" (K. Kelmi - M. Pushkin)

Alexander Gradsky is a fairly well-known singer and composer who, despite the fact that he is already aged, continues to amaze and amaze with his talent and perseverance. He is quite famous in the world of Russian pop music, for his life, he wrote and played a sufficient number of songs. I must say that even in his school years, he tried his hand in order to conquer the big stage and win the favor of the audience later in the future. He always liked music, however, he did not really like the fact that he had to play the violin for several hours as a child. Let's take a closer look at what was on his life path.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Gradsky

Looking at this famous composer, one can immediately say that he is far from Hollywood beauties, if only because he is already 67 years old. If we talk about height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Gradsky, we can say that he is already almost seventy, his height is 180 centimeters, and his weight is 93 kilograms. He is a fairly large man, but at the same time good-natured, always trying to maintain a good mood. So, it is not surprising that many viewers like him, which allowed the composer to maintain popularity for a long time in a row. But where did it all begin? How, in general, he began his ascent into the world of show business, and how he managed to achieve success in this area.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Gradsky

The biography and personal life of Alexander Gradsky deserves special attention, since there were twists and turns and interesting events. From school times, the boy was interested in the humanities, but the exact sciences did not hurt him too much. He read a lot, at the age of fourteen he wrote his first poem. Also at school, she decided to start trying her hand at the creative field, performed with a guitar, read poetry, also attended a theater group, where she showed very good results, took on various roles. He made a firm decision to become a singer when he was fifteen years old, moreover, he was prompted by his passion for the Beatles.

The singer began his first real ascent in the mid-sixties. The group "Slavs" was created, which slowly but gained popularity. At the same time, there was always not enough money for equipment, I had to earn extra money. But even in the most troubled times, young people did not give up, continued to believe that they would succeed. And every step, even if he was overcome with difficulty, brought Gradsky closer to the desired goal of becoming a real musician. Success came to the future celebrity after she graduated from the university. Then he began to tour with his group, and his career quickly went up. In the seventies and eighties, he captivated the audience with his dramatic, and at the same time, Protestant music. He had both ups and downs, but he stubbornly continued to go towards his goal, and after a while he managed to achieve fame. And for a long time his songs were heard, they were sung at various parties, they were heard from the windows of apartments. Gradsky managed to bring something new to the world of music.

As for his personal life, the composer and singer have it quite unusual and rich. He was not very lucky with his chosen ones, perhaps because the musician lost his mother early, so he could not get good advice and could not figure out women on his own the first time. His first marriage lasted only three months, it's hard to say why it happened, maybe young people just wanted to know what it was like to be together legally. His first wife's name was Natalya Smirnova, nothing is known about whether they communicate now. Then Gradsky married Anastasia Vertinskaya, and this time the family union lasted a little longer, namely two years. But immediately after this break, a third marriage followed, and this time it lasted twenty-three years, and in this marriage a son and a daughter were born. But Gradsky's personal life did not end there, because Alexander Gradsky and Marina Kotashenko can be seen on the Internet more than once on the beach. To date, Marina is his actual wife.

Family and children Alexander Gradsky

Family and children Alexander Gradsky today consists of himself and his actual wife Marina Kotashenko. He also has two adult children from a previous marriage that lasted over twenty years. This is the son of Daniil Gradsky and the daughter of Maria Gradskaya. Both achieved good results in the world of show business, although they could not reach such heights as their father. However, they may not have wanted to. The son positions himself as a musician and businessman, but the daughter is an art manager and TV presenter. However, it still needs to be noted here that in 2014 Gradsky had another heir, who was named Alexander. The boy is the son of the composer from the actual wife of Marina.

Sons of Alexander Gradsky - Daniel, Alexander

The sons of Alexander Gradsky Daniil, Alexander became his heirs, beloved sons. Moreover, the first son Daniel was born in 1981, today he is already an adult, is a businessman and musician, lives his life and achieves his goals. He was born in a marriage with Olga Gradskaya, with whom he lived for twenty-three years. The second son Alexander is still a little boy, he was born only in 2014, from his actual wife Marina Kotashenko. And now it is too early to talk about his life and future, because he is just beginning to live. But it is quite possible that in the future he will also follow in his father's footsteps and become a worthy composer or musician.

Daughter of Alexander Gradsky - Maria Gradskaya

The daughter of Alexander Gradsky, Maria, was born in 1986, from her marriage to Olga Gradskaya, with whom her father lived for many years. Today, this is already an adult woman who lives her life and is ready to take an example from her famous father. She is an art manager and TV presenter, loves her job, tries to do it well. In general terms, not much is known about the children of Gradsky, but it should be noted that they try to do everything on their own, without the help of Gradsky. Maria successfully builds a career, strives for development, and sets new goals for herself that allow her to become better.

The wives of Alexander Gradsky - Natalia Gradskaya, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Olga Gradskaya, Marina Kotashenko (actual wife)

The wives of Alexander Gradsky - Natalya Gradskaya, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Olga Gradskaya, Marina Kotashenko (actual wife) - all these women played a certain role in the life of the composer and musician. The celebrity calls his first marriage a “youth act”, they say, it was all not thought out, that perhaps he just wanted to feel like a married person. With the second wife, the marriage lasted two years, but the third for twenty-three years. Now Gradsky lives with Marina Kotashenko, who is his actual wife, apparently Alexander, after such an unsuccessful experience, does not want to repeat the mistakes.

Wikipedia and Instagram Alexander Gradsky

You can find a lot of interesting things about Alexander Gradsky on the Internet on various sites. One of the most popular sources is a personal page on Wikipedia (,_Alexander_Borisovich), where you can find various facts about life, creative career, personal experiences and words. Or you can go to the page on Instagram (, however, not his personal one, but the page of the musical theater. The celebrity posts photos from rehearsals there, and talks about his future plans for life. So, if you want to know more about him, then Wikipedia and Instagram of Alexander Gradsky are always at your service, for those who are interested in the composer and want to know more about him in detail.

Gradsky Alexander is a singer, poet, multi-instrumentalist and composer. He stood at the origins of the birth of Russian rock. People's Artist and Honored Worker of Culture, winner of many awards. He is the director of the theater of the same name.

Born in November 1949 in the city of Kopeysk. In the late 50s, the family arrived in the capital. The greatest influence on his creative personality was his mother, who graduated from GITIS. After her death, Alexander took her surname.

In 1974 he graduated from the Academy of Music. Gnesins in the class of academic singing. For a year he studied at the Moscow Conservatory at the Faculty of Composition.

In the mid-60s, he created the third rock group in the Soviet Union. In the late 80s he became a member of the Union of Composers. He is the author of music for almost a hundred films and cartoons, the author of rock operas and many songs.

Personal life

Father is a mechanical engineer, mother is an actress, director and employee of the Theater Life magazine. Mother's brother Boris Gradsky worked as a soloist in the ensemble of Igor Moiseev, composed plays and played various instruments.

For the first time he married Natalya Mikhailovna, but quickly parted. He married for the second time in 1976 to Natalya Vertinskaya, but they also divorced four years later. In the same year he married Olga Semyonovna, from whom in 1981 a son, Daniel, was born, and in 1986, a daughter, Maria.

In 2003, this marriage also broke up, and a year later he got together with Marina Kotashenko, with whom he lives in unofficial relations to this day. In 2014, she gave birth to a son, Alexander.

Alexander Gradsky's apartment

The musician has been living in a multi-room apartment on Maria Ulyanova Street, 17K2 for more than twenty years. His children were born here, but he made repairs only in the early 90s. The renovation went on for a little over a year, and the owner took an active part in it, building his own theater at the same time.

The interior is very light. A snow-white fireplace with soft sofas and the same snow-white piano were installed in the living room. The overall design can be described as understated luxury.

According to CIAN, at the address of Maria Ulyanova, 17K2, today there are two offers for sale at a price of 13 to 16 million rubles.

After the birth of his second son, he bought a second apartment on Mosfilmovskaya Street, which is more likely to be used for work and comfortable rest after it. Making a kitchen remodeling of 30 sq. meters, the owner decided to invite one of the popular repair programs to help.

All the rough work had already been done in the room, so the program specialists only had to think over the design of the project and bring it to life. One common space was divided into three functional areas: kitchen, dining and relaxation area.

The backsplash of the kitchen and the floor under it were laid out of black granite, and the rest of the floors here were laid out in slabs of marble. The kitchen set, almost six meters in size, was made at a Russian factory, the light-colored facade is made of oak with a patinated effect and milling.

Art Nouveau chandelier Gradsky chose himself. At the beginning of the project, he agreed that he would choose one interior object on his own.

The parquet board was laid in the dining and living areas. At the very beginning, the designer proposed a round table for the dining room, but in the process of work, they decided to replace it with a square-shaped table, as the owner wanted a more masculine space, with clear and simple lines.

The room has three very wide windows, which, at the request of the owner, were not covered with dark curtains, but only two of them were hung with transparent tulle and light-colored curtains, and the third was left open.

In the recreation area, a soft sofa with high pillows and a plasma with professional sound equipment were installed. In this part it is convenient not only to relax, but also to work. The seating area was separated from the dining area by a long pedestal, which can also serve as a bar counter.

According to CIAN, apartments on Mosfilmovskaya Street cost from 12 to 110 million rubles.