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Many who grow tomatoes in a greenhouse for sale are faced with the problem of slow ripening of the vegetable. In this regard, they are often interested in how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes? Today, there are many ways to activate the ripening of the fruits of the culture.


Before carrying out activities that accelerate the ripening of tomatoes, you need to finally make sure that enough fruits have already formed on the bushes. In different areas, ways to accelerate the ripening of the crop take place from the end of July to the end of summer.

To accelerate the process of fruit ripening, mechanical and chemical methods are usually used.

Video “Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse”

From the video you will learn how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse.


This method is the elimination of lateral processes, due to which the fruits cannot ripen quickly. Since shoots can form on bushes at any time during their growing season, it is worth forming a bush almost immediately after planting it.

Usually indeterminate varieties of vegetables are formed into one stem. To do this, you need to eliminate all shoots, leaving only the main one. It is necessary to constantly control the process of the appearance of new organs on plants. You need to remove the shoots before they reach 0.07 meters in length.

The bush can be formed into 2 stems. In this case, in addition to the main one, you also need to leave the shoot that is placed under the first brush.

To form into 3 stems, in addition to the main shoot and the one located under the first brush, you must also leave the lower, strong shoot.

Topping or pinching

This mechanical method provides for the forced stoppage of crop growth. If you do not carry out activities for tall greenhouse tomatoes, they will grow continuously. Therefore, new fruits appearing on the bushes will slow down the development of existing tomatoes. Usually pinching is carried out in August (beginning or end).

Removing leaves and flower stalks

The leaves and flowers of the crop are not fruit ripening accelerators. They take away almost all the forces from the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to remove leaves and flowers. First of all, sheets located at the very bottom of the bush are subject to liquidation. Such organs are incapable of photosynthesis, and only stimulate thickening. Plates that are in contact with the ground are considered especially useless. In addition, such organs are capable of harming the culture, as they are breeding grounds for diseases.

Color should be removed in mid-August. Usually, about 8 inflorescences should be left on individuals, which are able to ripen quickly.

Food restriction

One answer to the question of how to speed up the growth of tomatoes is the reasonable "starvation" of plants. If you organize it correctly, you can harvest the fruits a week earlier.

To do this, you need to make an incision on the stem of the bush at a height of about 0.08 meters from the ground. It is worth inserting a prepared match into the resulting “wound”.

The second method involves tearing the root system of an individual. To do this, you need to take hold of the middle of the main stem and gently pull it out of the ground until a specific sound appears - a “crunch”.

Punctures in fruits

In damaged individuals, as experienced gardeners noticed, accelerated maturation of tomatoes is observed. Therefore, you can take a toothpick and pierce each fruit to the middle. The vegetable will quickly heal such wounds, but at the same time it will ripen many times more actively.

stem ringing

This procedure will not only help you get ripe vegetables faster, but also positively affect their taste. This is due to the fact that photosynthesis will occur from the roots. At a 3-centimeter height, the stem must be pulled with copper wire.

Collection of brown vegetables

Such fruits draw on themselves all the forces of the plant. Therefore, tomatoes should be laid out in a warm room.

Iodine treatment

This method is one of the most popular chemical methods, thanks to which tomatoes ripen many times faster, even with late planting. 4 dozen drops of iodine should be diluted in a bucket of water and sprayed with the resulting solution on all the leaves of the culture. In this case, the water should in no case be cold.

Boric acid top dressing

Especially effective during the flowering of crops. Thanks to the substance, the inflorescences will hold firmly on the bushes, and spraying the green parts of the plant with a solution of boric acid stimulates pollination.

The use of growth stimulants

Spraying with these substances should be carried out half a month before harvesting, after the formation of ovaries.


Brown fruits are usually harvested, although other vegetables are also possible. Collected tomatoes need to be laid out indoors on straw. It is acceptable to place in two layers. You can also use boxes or boxes to place them. However, such a room should be actively ventilated and have low humidity levels.

You can store a pre-harvested crop both in the dark and in the light. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight. In the dark, vegetables will ripen for a long time, but evenly.

Speaking about how to speed up the full ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is worth noting that, in addition to applying the methods, it is worth following a number of tips.

When fruits of irregular shapes are formed on the bush, they should be removed immediately to prevent the appearance of the same irregular ones. In addition, low-growing fruits should be directed to the sunny side. Sluggish sheets are also subject to removal.

The grown fruits on the bush can be removed, even if they have not yet acquired a red color. They will ripen well in a dry room, especially if they are placed near red fruits.

Air is very important for vegetables in the room. Therefore, regular ventilation of tomatoes is necessary. From above, the greenhouse is covered with a special chalk substance or a light-colored canvas.

Video “How to speed up the ripening of a tomato”

From the video you will learn in what ways you can speed up the ripening of a tomato.

Summer is coming to an end, and tomatoes are in no hurry to ripen. Fortunately, there are ways to speed up this process.

Accelerating the ripening of tomatoes in the garden

Depending on the region, root feeding is stopped in the first second decade of August, with the exception of potassium humate or ash. These substances, on the contrary, will help the fruits become sweeter and ripen earlier, so 1-2 feedings will not hurt. To prepare a popular folk remedy, a glass of ash is stirred in a bucket of water and the bushes are watered under the root. But it is more efficient to process tomatoes with a daily infusion of ash on a leaf. Fans of mineral complexes in early August practice spraying with Plantafol fertilizer - 5:15:45 from Valagro: 1 tbsp. l. for 5 l.

Foliar potassium fertilization is a good way to speed up fruit ripening

The water supply at the end of summer is reduced to a minimum. A signal of a critical lack of moisture is a grafted tops. Then the plants are watered, but not abundantly, so that the fruits do not crack.

If there are a lot of tomatoes on the bushes, they are removed in blange ripeness so that the remaining ones turn brown sooner. The fewer tomatoes on the bush, the faster they reach technical maturity.

Barely colored tomatoes at the end of summer are better to quickly remove

Gardeners with experience use other ways to fight for the harvest.


Ripe tomatoes should be healthy. However, cold dews lead to the development of late blight. To avoid misfortune, the beds are covered with a film at night. If it is already cold outside, it is recommended to "hide" the tomatoes under cover and from the day's rain.

artificial stress

Tomatoes begin to think about seeds when they are inconvenienced. As long as they are satisfied with everything, the fruits will remain green. There are several ways to “scare” relaxed pets:

  • pierce the base of the stem 10 cm from the ground with the tip of a sharp knife and insert a toothpick into the slot;
  • drag the stem with copper wire at the same height;
  • grab the stem and slowly pull up to tear part of the roots.

These measures will limit the supply of food and disrupt sap flow, which will lead to partial starvation of the plant, and therefore to stress. The tomato will think about the offspring and will soon ripen. The same result is achieved by piercing the shoulders of the fruits (the area near the stalk) 2 times with a disinfected needle. The injury usually heals quickly.

Instead of a toothpick, you can insert copper wire into the stem of a tomato


If the tomato blooms, ties, and there are frosts on the nose, you will have to ration it. Remove any flower clusters and small ovaries that will probably not have time to grow to full size.

A lot of tops at the final stage only interfere, therefore:

  • cut all the leaves to the fruit brush;
  • remove stepchildren along the entire length of the trunk;
  • pinch the tops.

The leaves above the fruits should not be touched, they are necessary for photosynthesis. Ideally, 4-5 brushes with tomatoes are left on the bush. The purpose of the above actions is to redirect the nutrients circulating in the plant from the leaves to the fruits.

Trimming the lower leaves speeds up the ripening of tomatoes

The sun

Tomatoes are sweet only thanks to the sun. Good lighting also promotes rapid ripening: point and tie fruit clusters so that sunlight falls on them.

Treatment with iodine solution

A popular method for speeding up the coloring of fruits is spraying tomatoes with pharmacy iodine: 30–40 drops per ten-liter bucket. At the same time, this procedure inhibits the growth of pathogenic fungi on the foliage.

Iodine for tomatoes - both a cure for diseases and a ripening stimulant

Chemical stimulation

Scientists have done many experiments to study the processes in ripening vegetables. It turned out that some chemical compounds accelerate the redness of the fruit.


Ripe fruits and vegetables evaporate ethylene gas. A modern summer resident uses this scientific fact to ripen tomatoes right on the bush.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Place a ripe tomato, banana peel, or apple in a plastic bag.
  2. Put it on a green fruit brush.
  3. Secure at the base of the brush with twine.
  4. After three days, remove the bag.

A ripe vegetable or fruit, releasing harmless biogenic ethylene, will bring the moment of ripening closer. In 80% of cases, the fruits will turn brown in another 3-6 days. At this degree of maturity, tomatoes can already be removed and ripened indoors. Without ethylene treatments, they will only be ripe in 3 weeks.

Tomatoes with apples ripen faster

Large trading companies purchase special hermetic chambers where tomatoes are ripened with ethylene. However, these vegetables are sour in taste.


Another advanced method is ethanol injections, which speed up maturation by 1-2 weeks. 0.5 ml of ethyl alcohol or ordinary vodka is drawn into the syringe and an injection is made to the tomato near the stalk. After 10 days, the fruit will turn brown. The taste and chemical composition of tomatoes treated with vodka practically does not differ from those ripened in traditional ways.

The injection site only on the fruit of a growing tomato heals quickly


In garden shops, a stimulant based on ethylene producers is sold - Dozrevatel from the Orton or Agromix company. The drug is used for the friendly ripening of already browned tomatoes.

With the help of the ripening stimulator, farmers get a friendly harvest

emergency measures

If frosts are predicted tomorrow, you will have to evacuate your pets from the garden. Bushes are pulled out of the soil and hung upside down in a room with a temperature of at least 13-15 o C. Tomatoes do not break off. Gradually, the nutrients remaining in the tissues of the plant will enter the fruits and they will ripen. Experienced gardeners claim that "suspended" tomatoes are served on the table 2 weeks earlier than ground ones.

Most of the fruits on tomato bushes suspended indoors will definitely ripen

Improving ripening in the greenhouse

The manipulations listed above are also suitable for greenhouse tomatoes with one caveat that measures must be taken 2 weeks later than in open ground. In addition, in unheated greenhouses, a maximum of 5-6 fruit clusters are left on the plant, and 10-12 in heated greenhouses.

Tomatoes in a greenhouse are more likely to ripen before cold weather

The increased content of carbon dioxide in the air brings ripening closer, so experienced farmers advise placing containers with fermenting manure or grass in the greenhouse.

I live in warm regions, but since mid-August I have not allowed tomatoes to ripen on the bushes in order to increase the total yield. Every morning I go out into the garden, collect the browned tomatoes and put them in boxes, which I put in the pantry. I water a little, without this, the tomatoes will simply dry out in the August heat.

I pinch the tops, normalize the brushes, but I noticed that cutting off the leaves to stimulate ripening is not suitable for all varieties. All kinds of cream with a dense skin react as expected - ripen faster. And thin-skinned lettuce varieties burst from the additional influx of juices. Therefore, on the latter, I leave all the leaves, except for the lower ones, since the damaged tomatoes will not ripen, but will rot. It happens that the cracks in the fruits heal, scar, then after removing them from the bush, I rub them with ashes. The alkaline environment does not allow the tomatoes to “pick up” the infection and deteriorate.

We accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in the greenhouse - video

The long-awaited time is the ripening of the harvest, over which they have worked so painstakingly. Sometimes you want to try homemade vegetables faster. There are ways to help the fruit ripen faster.

The rate of ripening depends on the variety of tomato and the observance of agrotechnical planting practices. On average, about 40-60 days pass from flowering to ripening.

How to speed up the ripening of a tomato, secrets and tips in a greenhouse

  • Plant the bush correctly. There should be enough greenery on the bush, cut off the sprouts and stepchildren.
  • Browned tomatoes should be plucked from the bush and left to ripen elsewhere. Thus, the bush will begin to give nutrients to unripe fruits, and they will turn red faster.
  • If rot occurs, treat the bushes with a salt solution. It will not only cure tomatoes, but also speed up their ripening.
  • Pasynkovanie and pruning shoots helps to accelerate maturation.
  • Cut the stem ten centimeters from the ground. Pin the incision with a clothespin. The nutrition of the stem is suspended, and the tomatoes will ripen faster.
  • Place the green tomatoes along with the red ones. Ripe tomatoes release a special substance that makes other fruits ripen faster.
  • The greenhouse must be constantly ventilated, because tomatoes need air.

Why do tomatoes crack in the greenhouse during ripening

  1. Too abundant watering in the heat. It is better to water once every four days, making root watering.
  2. Very high temperature in the greenhouse. It must be ventilated as often as possible.
  3. Excess and lack of fertilizers lead to cracking of tomatoes.
  4. Wrongly selected variety, which is not suitable for greenhouse conditions.
  5. Pinching bushes and removing leaves.

Watering tomatoes during ripening

  • Water once every five to seven days.
  • The water temperature is 22 degrees.
  • Water without touching the leaves.
  • During ripening, it is good to water the tomatoes with a bucket or using drip irrigation.

How long do tomatoes grow before ripening in open ground

In the open field, about 140 days pass from sowing to the ripening of tomatoes. It all depends on the variety and care of the fruit.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in the open field, secrets and tips

  • Poke with a toothpick near the stem. You need to pierce in several places, not deep, about half the size of a toothpick or a little less.
  • Spray the plants with a solution of iodine (15 drops of iodine per five liters of water).
  • In low-growing plants, turn the branches towards the sun with spacers.
  • Remove leaves over low-growing fruits and point tomatoes towards the sun.
  • Protect fruits from August dew with metal arches and foil.
  • On small and medium bushes, leave no more than five brushes, then the ripening of the fruit will be faster.

How to water tomatoes for quick ripening

  • Potassium humate must be watered once every ten days.
  • During the flowering period, the plant must be sprayed with a 0.5% extract of superphosphate.
  • For half a month before harvesting, the formed fruits are sprayed once with a growth stimulator called Hydrel.
  • The bush is fed with boric acid after watering, if the plant has begun to lose flowers or ovaries.
  • Spraying with iodine (6 drops per 2 liters of water). Fruits, leaves and stem are sprayed.

Folk remedies to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in the greenhouse

  1. Remove leaves and flower stalks. Leaves are removed from below. Inflorescences should be removed from mid-August.
  2. Fruit punctures at the stem.
  3. Cover bushes with foil, hiding from dew.
  4. On a bunch of unripe tomatoes, put a bag with one ripe fruit, tied to the stem. After 2 days, the green fruits will turn pink.
  5. Vodka is injected into the tomato. Alcohol stimulation is effective, but you should not get carried away so as not to harm your health.

Do I need to water tomatoes during ripening?

Watering should be rare, but plentiful. Water twice a week if the soil is loose and can absorb enough moisture. The main orientation to the soil - if it is dry at a depth of 3 centimeters, then water it, otherwise it is better to wait. Wet the dry earth a little with water, allowing the water to soften the earth. After that, water more abundantly. In the heat should be watered in the morning or shortly before sunset.

Does spraying tomatoes with iodine help for quick ripening, how to use

Helps. For spraying, a solution should be prepared: 10 drops of iodine per 2 liters of water and 500 ml of milk. Spray should be in the morning and evening. It is not necessary to spray too much.

It's best to wait for the fruits to ripen naturally, but if you're looking for a delicious tomato salad, here are some quick ripening tips. We recommend choosing safe products that will not harm your health.