Lisa Shevyrkova and Marat Basharov. Marat Basharov brought out a grown-up daughter from his first marriage. Domestic violence or speculation of journalists

In the life of an actor appeared new love- 28-year-old Elizaveta Shevyrkova. “Has Marat found his happiness? What's in store for the couple in the future? - the winner of the show "The Battle of Psychics" on TNT answers questions from readers.

“Marat and Lisa are now experiencing a passionate and stormy romance. Unfortunately, it won't be long. I see that in this couple there is no love on either side. The initiator of the relationship, no doubt, was Lisa. And it's more like a sporting interest. Like famous person, become a star girl sleep and see many. As they say, there will be something to remember later ... The current passion of the actor knows how to present himself, she is not at all afraid of Basharova and the actress Ekaterina Arkharova, nor the presence in the life of Marat of his ex civil wife Elizabeth Krutsko. On the contrary, Shevyrkova preferred to establish relations with her: both Lizas - former and current, Marat and his daughter Amelie even went on vacation together ... The girl tries to please her beloved in everything, extols him as the best man in the world, and this cannot don't flatter. But relationships without love are doomed. The actor and his “new Lisa” will soon get tired of pretending, will begin to annoy each other, quarrel and sort things out. Shevyrkova will want to have a baby, and she has a chance, in principle: Marat is not against it. But he does not burn with special desire, realizing that these relationships are also temporary.

He is destined to meet true love but that will happen much later. Basharov will be under the close supervision of his own for a long time to come. I see that she is very jealous and also possessive. Despite the fact that between her and ex-husband there has been no close relationship for a long time, as the mother of his child, she will always consider Marat her own. The women who appear in his life, she evaluates, tolerates, but will not let them live in peace. He considers his former friend, a person you can always rely on, she will help at any time of the day. But he will never perceive her as his beloved. It is important for Basharov that he be the head of the family, and Krutsko herself is used to leading - she is very Strong woman. At the same time, the ex-spouses are very similar.

In a good way, they initially had to stay together or not start a close relationship at all. Both are great partners, they know how to make money, solve any problems. It is easy for them together, which is why they have been supporting each other for so many years. But one way or another, this long-term relationship prevents the actor from arranging his own happy future. And if it business relationship with Elizabeth Krutsko is unlikely to end, the time when she still has to give it up is approaching. And if Marat meets his true love, he will not allow ex-wife be present in his personal life.

43-year-old actor Marat Basharov and his young wife Elizaveta Shevyrkova got married only in early September. However, in their pair, according to rumors, everything is not as smooth as it seems. So, a family friend of Elizabeth said that Basharov raised his hand to his wife almost immediately, as the couple returned from honeymoon in Dominican Republic. Allegedly between the newlyweds broke out serious quarrel, and Basharov hit Elizabeth.

However, Elizabeth did not write a statement to the police. Despite the fact that the source assures: Basharov behaves extremely aggressively when he drinks. Here's what he told reporters:

Lisa did not write a statement to the police, but complained to her brother. He immediately arrived and dealt with his son-in-law like a man. Lisa, of course, knew that Marat was sometimes inadequate. He also swung at his first wife, and treated the previous girl badly, and only the deaf-blind did not know what passions-faces occurred between him and Katya Arkharova. By the way, she said that Basharov generally becomes strange in a drunken shop: he not only throws a knife, but also talks with chairs.

Marat's theater colleagues allegedly also noticed that last week he came with bruises on his face. “One day, Basharov came all rumpled and with bruises. Our girls immediately rushed with questions. “I got into a fight with my wife!” Marat threw with a smile. Here also try to understand - joked or not. Maybe he tripped and fell. Anything can happen."

Elizabeth, however, has already tried to refute these rumors. "It is not true! It was a common joke, from which they inflated and spread rumors, ”said the actor’s wife in a comment to Starhit. In addition, Shevyrkova admitted that she was outraged by the appearance of such information in the press. According to her, they live together and continue to educate their love in love. one year old son Marseille.

To Shevyrkova, who long time was a fan of the actor, Marat Basharov was with Elizaveta Krutsko for about ten years, the couple had a daughter, Amelie.

After the actor married Ekaterina Arkharova, however, the marriage lasted less than a year: the wife accused the actor of domestic violence. The actor was also credited with novels with figure skater Tatyana Navka and Miss Russia 2010 Alena Krylova.

, Lyubov Aksenova , Aristarchus Venes and Yuri Chursin. Among the star guests was also seen Marat Basharov, who came out with a 14-year-old daughter Amelie from first marriage to Elizabeth Krutsko. The actor is currently married to Elizabeth Shevyrkova, which younger actor for 12 years.

In May 2014, Marat Basharov married Ekaterina Arkharova. And already in November 2014, in the talk show " Let them talk She accused her husband of beatings, attacks of aggression and addiction to alcohol. The news received a great public outcry. Some defended the actor, attributing everything to the fact that Catherine herself brought him to assault, while others supported her, because they are sure that a man cannot beat a woman under any circumstances. The scandal ended with the fact that Basharov and Arkharova divorced. The marriage was officially annulled in March 2015. Marat several times publicly apologized to Catherine, while repeatedly hinting that the true background of the events remained hidden from the public.

In September last year, Basharov married again. This time on your fan Elizabeth Shevyrkova. Six months earlier, on July 28, 2016, their son was born. The boy was named Marcel. By the way, Elizaveta Shevyrkova herself initiated a relationship with the actor. "I was 14 years old when I noticed him in" Siberian barber". And later, in 2012, I went to see him play, and then wrote on Facebook to ask him to invite me on a date. And he invited six months later, ”said the current wife of Marat Basharov.

Marat Basharov and his wife Elizaveta Shevyrkova ( December 2017, Premiere of the film "Move Up"

The film "Beyond Reality", which Marat Basharov decided to show his 14-year-old daughter, started at the Russian box office today. In the center of the plot is the swindler Michael ( Milos Bikovic). Michael is going to rob the casino in a very original way. Main character gathers for a daring crime a team of psychics who, with the help of superpowers, must outwit the guards and anti-hacking technologies. The role of father Michael played Hollywood actor Antonio Banderas, directed by the creator of the series " Survive after" and " Immersion» Alexander Boguslavsky.

Trailer of the film "Beyond Reality"

Elizaveta Shevyrkova traded a fashion designer for an actor-reveler

Elizaveta Shevyrkova traded a fashion designer for an actor-reveler

40-year-old Marat BASHAROV deservedly enjoys the fame of a notorious womanizer. Before the scandal with his beaten wife Katya Arkharova had subsided, the heartthrob embarked on new love adventures. First, his choice fell on the married figure skater Maria ORLOVA, with whom he rested at the Sochi ski resort, and the actor spent the May holidays with a bank employee, 28-year-old Elizaveta SHEVYRKOVA.

On the May holidays Marat Basharov traveled to Prague and Italy. However, not at all in the company of a skater Maria Orlova, the novel with which turned out to be “finished” easily and quickly. The windy actor is already dating a bank employee Elizabeth Shevyrkova. Lisa is a longtime fan of Basharov and writing messages to social network started it back in 2012. But since Marat at that time met with a fitness trainer Anna Sozonova, and then in 2014 he married Katerina Arkharova(divorced in April 2015. - N. M. ), Elizabeth had to wait.

How Marat manages to combine relationships with several ladies at once, I don’t know, ”said Sozonova. - They told me in secret that Marat had slept with Shevyrkova during our relationship with him. He could have several young ladies in parallel. It's hard for me to understand these guys. But maybe they really love? Anna laughs. - I wish them pure feelings, and Lisa will not be in my place, or in the place of Katya Arkharova. Everything is fine with me now: even if she didn’t get married, she is not deprived of male attention.

Three years later, Marat finally responded to a message from Shevyrkova on a social network, in which a girl in short shorts invited him on a date, writing: “Lizan, where are you? You are very beautiful on the bike! Your mountain skier.” By this time, the actor’s relationship with the married figure skater Maria Orlova had ended. Judging by the voice on the phone, Masha is tired of the label "one of Basharov's mistresses." - His life does not concern me.

Saves on a mistress

In his free time from hunting girls, Basharov goes on another hunt - with a gun. Beats the flight of ducks, knocks down a boar on occasion. What, however, does not like to spread, fearing to lose part of the audience. He does not take his girls with him into the forest - he leads along well-known love paths. Elizabeth was lucky to visit Prague and the Italian town of Cecina, where he took his wife last year. Moreover, in Tuscany, the actor did not stay in the usual five-star hotel, but in the three-star Tornese Cecina, a night in which costs from 3 thousand to 6 thousand rubles. Well, with a sweet paradise and in a hut.

Shevyrkova decided to hide her close relationship with Marat to the last and began to actively post photographs on the Web with captions that she was allegedly on vacation with her mother and girlfriend. But it is easy to notice that not at all female legs stick out from the next sunbed. Yes, and a bucket with a bottle of sparkling speaks more about romantic trip, and not about a girl's vacation ... The couple was also encrypted upon arrival: at Sheremetyevo Airport, Elizabeth, putting on sunglasses, left through the exit from the VIP-hall and immediately hurried to Basharov's car. After kissing the driver Yuri, Liza got into the jeep, and Marat loaded two suitcases into the trunk. From the airport, the couple drove off to the actor’s Moscow house in the Solntsevo district, from where ex-wife Katya Arkharova fled six months ago with a broken nose.

Elizabeth refused to comment on her relationship with Basharov.

Common interests

As we managed to find out, before meeting Basharov, Elizaveta Shevyrkova had an affair with a fashionable Moscow designer Vyacheslav Maslov.

We met for a year and a half, - said Maslov. - Sweetest, wonderful young lady! At the time of our acquaintance, she worked in a bank. We broke up in March of this year. By mutual agreement, and not because of Basharov. Lisa is a decent person: there was no such thing that she left me for Marat, and I for another. We remained friends. I wish her happiness and, of course, I worry about her.

As one of the mutual acquaintances of Lisa and Vyacheslav said, the couple's relationship deteriorated due to the girl's pernicious passion for alcohol. Indeed, in numerous photographs, the girl poses with a glass. Marat, as you know, is also a big drinker. Because of Basharov's libations, directors had to postpone shooting more than once. So, in 2009, Marat got drunk in zyuzyu at a friend's birthday and could not crawl to the final shooting " ice age". The situation had to be saved. Roman Kostomarov, who went on the ice instead of Marat paired with Tatyana Navka.

Online new girlfriend the artist likes to post personal racy photos. Photo: