The best time to travel to Morocco. When is the best time to go to Morocco for a beach holiday: reviews, photos. Morocco: when is the best time to go on vacation in the Atlas Mountains

An amazing vacation for 12 months a year awaits a tourist on the shores of the Atlantic in the tropical climate of Morocco. This region of Africa is characterized by favorable weather conditions in summer, and relatively cool winters with a lot of precipitation. Regardless of the season, the resorts of Agadir, Marrakesh, Casablanca and others warmly welcome those who wish to relax along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Weather in Morocco for the months of the year will help you choose the best time for activities to your liking: whether it's swimming, fishing, sightseeing or shopping.

Resort features

Holidays in Morocco involve a wide variety of entertainment, because there is everything here - the gentle ocean, fantastic nature, high mountains. Coastal cities have a developed entertainment infrastructure:

  • hobby sports clubs;
  • chic restaurants, nightclubs, casinos;
  • historical museums;
  • zoos;
  • extensive sandy beaches;
  • hammam (oriental bath);
  • numerous excursions, including to the Sahara desert.

The weather from May to October is most suitable for beach holidays, swimming in the ocean and water activities.

From October to March inclusive, the rainy season begins in Morocco, which, however, does not prevent tourists from skiing, sightseeing, participating in numerous holidays and festivals.

The monthly weather in the resorts of the kingdom is divided into 2 seasons:

  • dry with high air temperature;
  • rainy with excessive humidity, frequent precipitation and fog.

Spring is the opening of the season

March characterized by infrequent rainfall, which still keeps Morocco cool nights and morning mist. High humidity still does not allow you to enjoy the spring sun. In the south of Morocco (Agadir and Marrakesh), the air heats up to + 20 ... + 22 C during the day, in the northern regions (Fes, Casablanca) it is cooler + 17 ... + 18 C. The water of the Atlantic is still cool +17C.

April characterized by sharp temperature changes day and night. In the resorts of Agadir and Marrakesh, it is comfortable + 22 ... + 23С during the day, at night the temperature drops significantly + 11С. Coolness is brought by a cold current along the coast of Morocco, so here the water temperature rises slightly - only + 18C. April is the time for excursions, boat trips, sports activities on the continent.

May rest will bring unforgettable impressions. The weather pleases with warmth, the water warms up to +19C. The daytime temperature is +25…26С, in the southern resorts of Agadir and Marrakech it sometimes warms up to +30С. Infrequent thunderstorms bring variety to the rest and refresh nature. May marks the beginning of the beach season. The ocean is still cool, but for swimmers there is always an alternative - pools with heated sea water. In addition, the high waves of the Atlantic constantly keep swimmers in suspense. But for fans of surfing here expanse.

May opens the magnificent Feast of the Roses, when the streets of El-Kelaa-M'Guna are covered with a layer of flower petals.

Summer - all to the beach

June meets a large influx of tourists. Water becomes comfortable for bathing +22…+23С. The weather is predictable - every day the bright sun and the gentle ocean, the air temperature is about + 25C. There are practically no precipitations. The dry season is in full swing. June is the perfect time for beach activities.

July- the height of the dry season. The days are hot, the weather on the coast is somewhat cooler than in cities far from the ocean. The average daytime temperature in the resort of Agadir is + 36C, in the resort of Casablanca it is cooler + 25 ... + 26C. Beach holidays at this time are the most popular - lovers of water sports come here. The ocean is very warm +22…+24С.

August- a sultry time when there is no precipitation at all. Despite the heat below +36C (Marrakech and Agadir), the beaches are full of vacationers. In the north of Morocco, it is a little cooler + 28C. Sea water is pleasantly refreshing - the average temperature is +24C. Holidays on the coast bring maximum pleasure.

Autumn is the velvet season

September b in Morocco is as hot and dry as August. The weather for vacationers near the ocean is very comfortable, sea water becomes cooler - + 22C. The air temperature drops slightly, which brings relief after the sweltering heat. In the resort of Agadir the air is +29…+32С, in the Casablanca region it is slightly cooler +25…+27С. The norm of precipitation is no more than 2 days. Summer holidays are in full swing. September in the Kingdom of Morocco is characterized by the beginning of the windy season, which surfers have been waiting for all summer.

October- time for excursions and entertainment on the continent. This is the right period to get to know the original culture of the people of Morocco, wander through the narrow streets of ancient eastern cities, climb mountains, admire the ocean waves.

The weather during the day is comfortable for walking around the city and its environs + 24 ... + 25C, at night it becomes quite cool + 17 ... + 19C (Agadir). In the west of the night it is even colder +13…+15C. In October, you can still swim, the water temperature is + 20C, but because of the waves and wind in the open sea it is not comfortable. October is quite dry with very little rain.

November welcomes the rainy season in Morocco. The rainfall is getting bigger. Rest near the ocean is limited due to winds and high waves. Water temperature +16…+17С. The air in the south warms up to + 23C during the day, drops to + 17C at night. In the north, the weather at night is even cooler + 13C.

Winter is the rainy season

December characterized by high humidity, frequent fogs and precipitation. The weather for relaxing on the beach is absolutely not suitable. Ocean water is invigorating. The air temperature does not fall below +15 degrees. The south is quite warm, but extremely humid. The resorts of Casablanca, Marrakesh and Agadir welcome tourists from Europe to celebrate the New Year under the canopy of palm trees.

January gives odds to all months in terms of low temperatures. High humidity on the coast, frequent precipitation with cold winds cause relaxation in the calm atmosphere of cities, excursions, walks around the city, shopping and sightseeing. At this time, tourists come to the resorts of Morocco to go skiing. The temperature of the south is +20С (Agadir and Marrakesh), in the Casablanca area +15…+17С.

AT february the weather becomes a little more accommodating: the air warms up to + 20C in the north, the amount of precipitation decreases. Sea water warms up to +17C. In the resort of Agadir, the February weather resembles May in central Russia with high humidity.

The weather in the resorts of Morocco for the months of the year reflects in general terms the climate and conditions for recreation. The weather conditions of the kingdom are significantly affected by the Atlantic Ocean and the proximity of the desert. On the northern coast, the weather for months is characterized by high humidity and coolness (Casablanca), in the south it is much warmer (Agadir, Marrakech). In cities located far from the coast, the climate is drier.

Thanks to the developed tourism industry, Morocco deservedly occupies one of the leading places in terms of popularity among African states. The long coastline with access to the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea made the destination popular among beach tourists. A real desert guarantees a lot of unforgettable experiences for adventurers. And the mountains add power and grandeur to the Moroccan landscape. North Africa enchants with traditional oriental color, luxurious beaches, ancient ruins and modern shopping centers. There are no bad travel seasons here. It's just that each type of recreation has its own time.


Morocco is characterized by a hot and sunny climate almost all year round. During the peak summer months, the temperatures are off the charts, making sightseeing trips impossible. Tangier, Rabat and Essaouira are attractive even in summer, as the cool ocean breeze is refreshing and reduces the effects of heat. Despite the heat, summer in Morocco is considered the high season. The explanation for this phenomenon is simple - the period of holidays and vacations in European countries.

Winters here are usually mild. At the same time, the thermometer in the mountains sometimes drops to -3 °C. Along the coast, the climate is humid and relatively warm, while in the south it is dry and cold.

How to know the perfect time to travel

When is the best time to go to Moroccodepends on your plans. If sightseeing and visiting ancient cities such as Marrakech or Fez are a priority, then the best time to travel will be the autumn or spring months, with the exception of March and December.

mountain trips

You can lay and conquer routes in the Atlas Mountains all year round, but it is especially comfortable to do this in late spring or mid-autumn. Summer weather in the highlands is hot during the day and cold at night. Thunderstorms happen quite often. Unpredictability is a characteristic feature of Atlas weather conditions.

Relax on the beach

In summer, on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, the average daily temperature is comfortable +27 °C. In contrast to the interior of the country, where this time of year is real hell. The only disadvantage of the summer months is the high tourist activity. As a result, prices for accommodation in hotels rise, and the best rooms are occupied. If your vacation is scheduled for July or August, be sure to book in advance.

For surfers, the ideal time to travel is during the autumn or winter months when the waves of the Atlantic are at their best. The attention of surfers is focused around the beaches of Agadir. The water temperature in December here is about +18 °C.

Adventures in the Sahara

Oriental flavor, luxurious beaches and the opportunity to visit the largest desert in the world - these are the main motives for traveling to Morocco. The best time to travel to the Sahara is autumn or early spring. Otherwise, scorching summer temperatures or frosty winter nights cannot be avoided.

Festivals and holidays

Interesting events are held for spectators, that is, when there are a lot of them - in May and June. Among the significant events, an important place is occupied by the World Festival of Sacred Music in Fez and the Festival of Folk Arts in Marrakesh.

When is the best time to relax in Morocco: a brief reminder to the tourist

  • The most popular time for hiking in the Atlas Mountains is from March to November. In December, January and February the days are quite sunny, but the nights are cold. Are you ready for the heat? Feel free to plan your vacation for July or August.
  • If beach relaxation is the only purpose of your vacation, then you should take into account that the Atlantic in the winter months may well “surprise” with unexpected rain. Especially damp in the vicinity of Casablanca. The farther south, the naturally warmer and more comfortable.
  • Sandstorms in the Sahara occur, as a rule, from December to April. Unbearably hot in the desert from June to September. Therefore, we recommend going on a trip in the spring: in April or May. Do not forget that the difference between day and night temperatures in the Sahara sometimes reaches 20°C. That is, warm clothes and sleeping bags for a comfortable overnight stay in the open air will be very useful.
  • Many tourists are skeptical about traveling during Ramadan. This is objectively not the best time to visit Morocco: many shops and restaurants are closed. However, in most tourist places, most establishments remain open, and in the evenings life flows at a normal pace.
  • Majorelle Gardens in Marrakech is a favorite attraction among visitors to Morocco. It is always open to visitors, but during peak periods it is crowded and uncomfortable. To avoid crowds of tourists, go to admire the local beauties in the early morning or late evening.
  • The ski season in the African state, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, lasts from mid-January to mid-February. The snow cover becomes stable, which contributes to a comfortable safe skiing.

We have tried to answer the question together with you,When is the best time to go to Morocco. It remains to plan a vacation according to your personal preferences and go on a trip to this fabulous country.

Morocco is one of the most exotic countries in North Africa. The combination of traditional Arabic flavor with the clear influence of Spain, the closest European country, synthesized a very special atmosphere of Moorish culture. If you are going to visit this amazing land, you should decide how exactly you want to spend your vacation. The choice of season for holidays in Morocco depends on the preferred forms of leisure.

Morocco is located in the subtropical zone and is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea on the western side and the Atlantic Ocean on the northern coast, these factors determine the country's climate - hot summers and warm but rainy winters. In summer the air temperature is 25-35⁰С, in winter 15-20. Despite the heat, the water in the ocean throughout the summer does not heat up above 20⁰С, which should be taken into account by a visitor on the Atlantic coast of the country. The further south towards the mainland, the more continental the climate becomes and the more noticeable the seasonal temperature difference.

When does the tourist season start in Morocco?

Traditionally, tourists go to Morocco primarily for beach holidays and active entertainment: diving, fishing, and so on. The beach and swimming season in Morocco begins in May and lasts until about October. However, it should be remembered that the Atlantic Ocean will not particularly please you with warm water, so if you plan to go swimming with children, it is better to choose the summer months for these purposes, for example, July-August, or give preference to the Mediterranean resorts of Morocco, such as Tangier and Saidia . The so-called velvet season in Morocco falls, as on the northern shores of the Black Sea, in the first months of autumn - September and part of October.

A pleasant contrast and an excellent change of impressions in Morocco will be a visit to the Atlas Mountains. The ski season here lasts from December to March, in other months lovers of mountain landscapes will be able to please themselves with hiking and climbing.

The best holiday season in Morocco for excursions

If you are going to Morocco for spectacles and impressions, the best holiday season for this purpose, of course, will be the winter, which is the rainy season. During the day, the air temperature does not exceed 25⁰С, which creates favorable conditions for numerous excursions and trips. As for rains, real tropical showers occur in the northern regions of the country, and closer to the south their frequency and intensity significantly decrease.

The best time to travel to Morocco, you can choose directly from your travel requirements. After all, Morocco is not only a beach season, but also the richest opportunities for excursions, as well as ski resorts and excellent cuisine.

If from May to October there comes a period when it is better to relax in Morocco on the ocean coast, then in winter you have a unique opportunity to go skiing in the Atlas Mountains. And, perhaps, it is winter - the time when it is worth flying to Morocco for the sake of sightseeing without the sweltering summer heat. But, perhaps, there is not a single time period when it is not worth going to Morocco.

The high season in Morocco runs from April to October, when the water of the Atlantic Ocean warms up enough for swimming. It is at this time that the largest flow of tourists is observed here. The second outbreak of the tourist peak falls on the Christmas and New Year holidays. The low season in Morocco is from November to March.

Spring in Morocco is good for sightseeing, as temperatures rarely reach even +25°C. You can comfortably wander the streets of the medina or enjoy the local cuisine. The weather in Morocco in the spring is already quite dry and sunny, although the wind can be very strong, and rain sometimes covers Moroccan cities. It is too early to swim, but in the spring you will see Morocco in the prime of its beauty. Especially in May, when orange orchards are in bloom.

The weather in summer in Morocco is dry and hot. This is the best time for swimming on the Atlantic coast. And also for surfing and other types of water activities. The Atlantic is even more suitable for this, because the water here is quite cool, and the water here warms up to the fullest only by August. The air temperature fluctuates by city and month from + 23°C to + 36°C during the summer.


Morocco is located in northwestern Africa. This is not even a country, but a kingdom where millions of tourists arrive every year for vacation. They know when is the best time to go to Morocco for a beach holiday, so they spend the best days of their lives here. If you are planning a trip to Morocco, then find out when the best time is in the country for swimming in the sea and for a gorgeous tan.

Morocco has changeable weather. It can be very hot here, but it can also be cold, down to minus temperatures. Yes, what is there to hide, in Morocco there is a ski resort, which other African countries cannot boast of.

Modern Morocco is magnificent palaces, chic mosques, tens of thousands of tourists on the beaches and in cities. Life here is in full swing every day and every month of the year. But we are most interested in the warm months when you can swim and sunbathe.

High beach season in Morocco
With the beginning of May, the beach season officially opens in the resorts of Morocco. No, tourists have been resting here before, but the temperature of the air and water in the ocean did not allow swimming in the ocean. And the coast of the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the waters of which are not so warm.
In May there is about +25 during the day. The sun shines brightly all day. There are no fallouts. The evenings are cool, not higher than +19 degrees. In such weather, walking along the ocean is cool, so you need to take warm clothes with you on vacation. The water in the ocean is about +19 degrees.

The beginning of summer is marked by an increase in temperature. It rises by several degrees and on average stays at +28 and a little higher. The nights become warm, not lower than +22 degrees. The water in the ocean is still cool, but tourists do not miss the chance to plunge into it. Near the coast, it is a little warmer up to +22, but on average not higher than 20 degrees Celsius.
In July and August, the temperature in Morocco reaches its maximum. During the day, the sun warms the air up to +30 degrees. And on some days even up to +37. Evenings are also hot, tourists arrange discos right on the ocean. At night the air temperature is about +24 degrees. As for the water in the ocean, it is still cool, about +23 degrees.

Strictly speaking, the water in the Atlantic Ocean is never warm. This ocean is cold, and you can’t swim in it for a long time. At the peak of the heat, tourists spend 2-3 hours in the ocean every day. Most of the time they sunbathe, play games and enjoy relaxing on the beach.

Velvet season in Morocco.
With the advent of autumn, the velvet season begins in the resorts of the country. Daylight is rapidly decreasing, the air temperature drops to +25 degrees. In September and up to +20 in October. The water in the ocean does not cool so rapidly, but as the air temperature drops, it becomes more and more difficult to swim in the ocean. Tourists will be in the resorts until October, and then they will begin to leave the country en masse. After all, at the end of October the air will be cool, sometimes not higher than +15 degrees. by this time the water in the ocean will have cooled down to +17 degrees, and it will be very cold even to wet your feet in it.

In the velvet season, many hotels offer tourists excellent discounts. And tourists use them. The sun shines quite brightly, you can sunbathe, and it's cool to swim now, in summer. But it's nice to get a discount, especially in the last months of the beach season.

Small conclusion.
Now we can conclude that the best time to relax on the beaches of Morocco is May, June, July and August. September and October are also suitable for beach holidays, but swimming is no longer very fun, due to the low temperature of the ocean. So if you want to relax in Morocco and enjoy the ocean, then choose any summer month.