Luca Dotty. How was the life of the youngest son of Audrey Hepburn? The Last Years of Audrey Hepburn's Life Biography of Audrey Hepburn - the years of the German occupation

Celebrity biographies


04.05.14 12:00

Audrey Hepburn fell ill during one of her many humanitarian missions while in Africa. But I decided to ignore the pain. As it turned out - in vain. Hungry youth in Nazi-occupied Holland caught up with her - in the form of colon cancer, from which the brightest Hollywood star of the 1950s and 60s went out at 63.

Biography of Audrey Hepburn

Daughter of an aristocrat

Probably, Audrey Hepburn inherited a proud posture from her aristocratic mother, although this may be the result of long and exhausting ballet classes. But what is true is true, the mother of the future actress came from a very noble Dutch family, which she could be proud of. Baroness Ella van Heemstra gave birth to a daughter in 1929, from the Irishman Joseph Hepburn-Ruston. Before that, there was a short-term marriage, the fruit of which were two sons. So the youngest in the family was Audrey Hepburn, whose biography turned out to be (compared to other relatives) difficult, but bright.

Spouses Ruston settled in the capital of Belgium. It was Brussels that became the birthplace of our heroine. Her parents cannot be called an ideal couple, quarrels and high-profile scandals “with breaking dishes” were not uncommon in their house. Their marriage lasted 9 years. The last straw was the scene that the proud and jealous Ella threw. Still: she caught her husband under very piquant circumstances, along with a nanny who lived in the house. Hepburn-Ruston packed his things and disappeared from the life of his wife and children. Although Audrey was only 6 years old by that time, she was very attached to her father. It was in honor of him that she took her surname-artistic pseudonym Hepburn (in the birth certificate there is a different name: Audrey Kathleen Ruston). Already being famous, she will find an aged dad and support him financially.

The terrible years of the war

To forget about the failed marriage, Ella decided to return to her homeland. It was there that the Second World War found the family. In the small town of Arnhem, Audrey had a chance to endure all the horrors and hardships of the terrible wartime. Especially went to the inhabitants of the town at the end of the war. It seems that the Great Victory was already close, the long-awaited allies arrived to help. But it was at that time that the Dutch experienced for themselves what it was like for Russians in besieged Leningrad. People were freezing in their houses and on the streets, and there was absolutely nothing to eat.

Audrey Hepburn's life has become hell. Many relatives died: someone was shot, and my brother languished in a concentration camp. The girl herself endured adversity, but her health was undermined by hunger. Humanitarian aid from UNICEF has become a real salvation. The gratitude of the actress was boundless. At first, she spoke on the radio on behalf of her saviors, later she began to participate in trips and missions, being the guardian angel of many disadvantaged people.

New Hollywood Star

Studying at the conservatory, then - classical dance lessons led Audrey to the acting path (the girl turned out to be too big for ballet). External data and talent allowed her to quickly advance in theatrical projects, and in 1952 she was entrusted with a big film role. It was the picture "Secret People".

And after a couple of years, the whole world recognized the young Dutchwoman. "Roman Holiday" brought her an Oscar and fame. A number of no less brilliant works followed, they were staged by eminent directors, and Hepburn's partners were Hollywood idols: Bogart, Grant, Astaire, Connery. The Age of Audrey has begun. They tried to imitate her - in the manner of holding, ways of styling her hair, they copied the styles of the dazzling outfits of her heroines and the makeup of the charming actress Audrey Hepburn. Many of the costumes for her films were made by the legendary couturier Givenchy. The artist was his friend and regular client almost until the end of his days.

In the history of Hollywood, another, namesake of actress Audrey Hepburn, four-time (!) Oscar-winning Katharine Hepburn (she was more than 20 years older, and her star of fame rose earlier) left an equally noticeable mark. So the producers often began to persuade Audrey to change her last name so that she would not be confused with Katherine. But she was unshakable: the memory of her father remained sacred for the artist.

Audrey Hepburn's personal life

She wasn't very lucky with love.

Audrey Hepburn's personal life was not so easy. It was rumored that during the filming of "Roman Holiday" Gregory Peck and Hepburn became lovers, but the couple denied this, but maintained a good relationship until the death of the actress. One of the most touching epitaphs over the coffin of a star belonged to Peck.

William Holden, with whom Audrey starred in Sabrina, fell head over heels in love with her. Hepburn herself ended the stormy romance: a handsome man was barren due to an operation, and the girl dreamed of children.

Long-awaited children of Audrey Hepburn

In 1954, Mel Ferrer, who played with her in the production of Ondine, became the husband of the actress. Handsome has already been married three times and had five offspring, but this did not stop Audrey. After 6 years, she gave birth to a son, Sean. And the marriage with Ferrer lasted until the end of the 1960s.

The second marriage (with the Italian doctor Andrea Dotti) was fleeting, but gave the couple a son. Luke got the star very hard, there was a threat of miscarriage, and she spent a lot of time in bed. It is unlikely that anyone would have recognized Audrey Hepburn in this tired woman. The personal life of the legendary actress, it would seem, froze forever.

The last love of the star was the Dutch actor Robert Wolders. Audrey Hepburn's children, Sean and Lucas, were also mother's favorites - until the very last days.

Peace Ambassador

Then, in the early 1970s, something broke in the career of an actress. An attempt to return to the screen in the film "Robin and Marian" (the story of the already middle-aged Robin Hood, which starred Sean Connery) was unsuccessful. As well as several other films that did not return her to her former glory.

All the strength and energy of Audrey Hepburn, whose biography has now become the biography of the "ambassador of peace", sent to work at UNICEF. Visiting the slums, helping starving children, numerous performances required iron health and nerves. But the years of occupation backfired, and the actress's body could not withstand the overload. A trip to Somalia in 1992 was Hepburn's last good deed in a string of others.

She died on January 20, 1993. The John Hersholt Award - the second "Oscar" was received for the mother in the same year by her son.

Celebrity kids often follow in their parents' footsteps, it's common knowledge, but what about grandchildren?

Our selection includes the grandchildren of Elvis Presley, Audrey Hepburn, Alain Delon and other cult personalities of the 20th century.

Emma Ferrer (granddaughter of Audrey Hepburn), 23

Emma Ferrer was born a year and a half after the death of her legendary grandmother, Audrey Hepburn. The girl cannot be called an exact copy of the great actress, but there is definitely some similarity, especially in the wave of long eyelashes and a charming smile. According to Sean, Emma's father and Audrey Hepburn's eldest son, his daughter is much more confident than her modest and emotional grandmother. However, the two relatives have a lot in common: they both studied ballet and have a wonderful comedic talent. However, Emma is in no hurry to become an actress. She studies painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and also tries herself as a model.

Tuki Brando (grandson of Marlon Brando), 27

Tuki was born under very tragic circumstances. His mother Cheinney, one of Marlon Brando's daughters, was a drug addict and schizophrenic, she took drugs during pregnancy, and shortly after the birth of her son she was placed in a psychiatric hospital. When the child was five years old, she committed suicide. Tuki never saw his father at all - he was shot dead a month before the birth of his son during a family quarrel. The killer was Brando's eldest son, Christian.

From birth, Tuki was brought up by his grandmother, Tarita, a Tahitian. At the age of 17, he made his debut in the modeling business, becoming the face of the Versace Fall brand. Now Tuki is studying medicine in France and continues to conquer the catwalks. He does not even think about acting career:

“Even if I wanted to become an actor, it would be too difficult for me. People would keep saying that I'm not as good as my grandfather. That's why I prefer to do something else"

Riley Keough (Elvis Presley's granddaughter), 28

Riley Keough is the eldest daughter of Lisa Marie Presley and her first husband Danny Keough. Riley did not want to follow in the footsteps of her famous grandfather and make music. She chose to become an actress and model. Now she has about 20 film roles to her credit. The most famous films with her participation: “Mad Max. Fury Road" and "Call Girl".

Alison Le Borge (granddaughter of Alain Delon), 31

Alison Le Borge is the daughter of actor Anthony Delon (son of Alain Delon) and dancer Marie Helene Le Borge. Even before the birth of her daughter, her parents broke up, and the girl was raised by her mother. Alison first saw her famous grandfather at the age of 11:

“When we first met, we were struck by our similarity ... When I look in the mirror, I think about him ...”

From Alain Delon, Alison inherited a striking appearance that helped her become a successful lingerie model.

Camille Gottlieb (Grace Kelly's granddaughter), 19

Princess Grace Kelly of Monaco has 6 stunningly beautiful granddaughters, but 19-year-old Camille Gottlieb, the youngest daughter of Princess Stephanie, most resembles the famous grandmother. Now Camilla is studying at one of the universities of Monaco, travels a lot and is fond of photography.

Tony Castro (grandson of Fidel Castro), 20

Tony Castro is still widely known only in his homeland, Cuba, where he has already posed for several eminent photographers as a model. Looking at his photographs, there is no doubt that the world fame for the young man is guaranteed in the near future!

Nico (22) and Skip (21) Marley (grandchildren of Bob Marley)

Bob Marley had 11 children from different women, and it is rather difficult to name the exact number of his grandchildren, although many of them have achieved significant success. For example, Skip, the son of one of Bob's daughters, followed in his grandfather's footsteps and is also involved in music, he even recorded a joint song with Katy Perry. Marley's other grandson, Nico, became an American football player.

Naomi Wilding (granddaughter of Elizabeth Taylor), 41

One of Elizabeth Taylor's granddaughters is named Naomi Wilding. She is the owner of an art gallery. In her youth, Naomi often visited her grandmother at her home in Los Angeles. The star showed her granddaughter her jewelry and outfits, and also instilled in her a sense of style:

“Other grandmothers would not even let me leave the house in those outfits that I borrowed from Elizabeth - some of them, for example, showed a bra. And my grandma used to say, "Just take it off!"

Tatiana Schlossberg (granddaughter of John and Jacqueline Kennedy), 27

Tatiana Schlossberg is the youngest granddaughter of John and Jacqueline Kennedy. The girl owes her unusual name to her father, Edwin Schlossberg, a Jewish immigrant from Ukraine. Like her famous grandmother, Tatyana decided to connect her life with journalism. Her last job was The New York Times, where a young woman covered environmental issues. In September of this year, Tatyana married George Maran, a medical student.

Audrey Hepburn is often called the most beautiful woman of the 20th century and a style icon. Aristocratic appearance and elegance, along with charm and acting skills, provided Audrey with a dizzying career. Audrey Hepburn was the dream of millions of men, but this beauty's personal life was not at all fabulous.

Audrey was awarded the first Oscar for the role of Princess Anne in the film "Roman Holiday", she was admired by the whole world when she finally fell in love with no memory herself. He was an actor, an alcoholic and had a reputation as a notorious Don Juan. Also, he was married...

Audrey's first love

Audrey met her first love on the set of Sabrina. Her partners in the film were famous actors Humphrey Bogart and William Holden. The first lover of young actresses known throughout Hollywood, Audrey simply did not notice, because at first sight she fell in love with the second. Audrey Hepburn and Bill Holden were so attracted to each other that they did not notice anything around. Audrey had to come to terms with the fact that her chosen one constantly falls into depression, scandals and jams with liters of whiskey. She resigned herself to the fact that he has a wife and two children, and that she has to spend the weekend alone, as her beloved is with her family. The only thing that Audrey could not accept was that, due to the surgery, William Holden could no longer have children.

On the night of this confession, Audrey sobbed like never before in her life. And in the morning she left William, saying that it was all over. A year later, Audrey Hepburn married her shooting partner, Mel Ferrer, but continued to love Bill. Mel had a lot of virtues, but the main thing is that he wanted and could have children. The couple rehearsed the play "Ondine" together, and after the successful premiere they signed quietly and modestly.

First pregnancy

Audrey's first long-awaited pregnancy ended tragically - the child was born dead. The first joint work with her husband in the film "War and Peace" ended in complete failure. And the first year of marriage brought continuous disappointment, and the subsequent years of marriage were also far from perfect. Audrey was worried about the lack of children, and Mel was only interested in his own career, which did not work out. The actress did her best to help her husband and agreed to the roles only if Mel was also taken to star. Films increasingly failed, and Mel became more and more despotic and angrier. He tried to control and manage Audrey, it got to the point that he began to write interviews for her. Speaking in other words, Audrey seemed stupid, unnatural and arrogant to reporters. “Well, let it be,” she thought, “but he will be with me, and I will give birth to a child from him.”

Audrey Hepburn with son Sean

good try

A few years later, Audrey finally managed to get pregnant again, but due to an accident, again it was not possible to save the child. On the set of Unforgiven, Audrey fell off her horse and lay motionless in bed for almost a month. But the determination and desire to work helped the actress return to work, albeit in an orthopedic corset, besides, Audrey got on a horse again ... Audrey tried to escape from depression in Switzerland, she could not force herself to eat and smoked two packs of cigarettes a day. She refused the role of Cleopatra (this role was played by Elizabeth Taylor for a fee of a million dollars), from the role of Mary in West Side Story (Natalie Wood became Mary) ... But the movie was not important, Audrey asked God: “I will be an obedient girl, I will be fine behave and I will not act in films, just make sure that we have a child. A miracle happened, in 1960, Audrey, who was already thirty years old, gave birth to a son, calling him Sean (which means "gift of God"). “I have always dreamed of only one thing - to have my own children. It always boils down to the fact that we don't just need love. We need to give love to others,” said Audrey. The suffering child weighed more than four and a half kilograms, while Audrey herself weighed less than fifty, but she assured everyone that it was "not painful at all."

However, the problems with the birth of a baby have not gone away. Now Audrey Hepburn had a son, but there was no love left in the marriage. Audrey still broke her promises to God, playing with brilliance in Breakfast at Tiffany's, My Fair Lady and How to Steal a Million. And Mel could not come to terms with the success of his wife.

“My childhood ended the day my father left home,” she would write many years later, “my mother did not allow me to cry and miss him. And I was so afraid for Sean that I vowed not to leave Mel. After five years of exhausting marriage and three miscarriages, Audrey realized that there was essentially nothing more to save.

In search of happiness

Audrey's second husband, compared to previous chosen ones, was like a hero from a modern novel. Andrea Dotti was handsome, ten years younger than Audrey and had a reputation as a good psychoanalyst, an expert on female neuroses. He was an Italian, a psychiatrist, an aristocrat and a merry fellow. And most importantly, he was a fan of Audrey since the days of "Roman Holiday". When this film was being shot in Rome, Andrea happened to be in a crowd of onlookers, and Audrey seemed perfect to him.

Audrey Hepburn with her son Luca

At the time of the second marriage, Audrey was 39, Andrea - 30. This marriage had every chance of being successful. The young family constantly spent time together, son Sean fell in love with Andrea. It turned out that family life can be interesting and exciting, Audrey again decides to end the movie, completely switching to her husband and son. Audrey was extremely happy when, on February 8, 1970, her second son was born. - Luka. The boy was named Luke. But the fate of Audrey again seemed to laugh at her, with the advent of the child, Andrea ceased to be interested in his wife. Journalists now and then printed gossip about seeing a young husband in the company of other ladies. Audrey turned a blind eye to her husband's adventures for a long time. But after the candid pictures got into the press, where it was clearly visible that Andrea was cheating, Audrey realized that saving such a marriage no longer makes sense.

The actress continued to act in films and got married for the third time at the age of 50! Robert Walders was also an actor, but he turned out to be the only and reliable man. Audrey continued to act in films, lead a social life, shining at receptions in outfits from her favorite designer Givenchy. Audrey began to engage in charitable activities.

With sons Sean and Luca

The last major film role for Audrey was the role of an angel in Steven Spielberg's "Always", which was very symbolic for the actress. After this film, the actress was appointed as a UNICEF ambassador. Because she could speak French, English, Spanish, Italian and Dutch, her work was greatly facilitated. In 1992, when Hepburn returned from Somalia, doctors diagnosed her with bowel cancer. Audrey Hepburn died at age 64 on January 20, 1993, in a small Swiss town near Lausanne.

When Audrey Hepburn died, all the men who loved her were next to her - both sons, Robbie Walders, Mel Ferrera, Andrea Dotti and Hubert de Givenchy.

Audrey Hepburn beauty secrets:

1. To make lips seductive, speak kind words.

2. To make your eyes beautiful, radiate goodness.

3. To make the figure slim, share food with the hungry.

4. To keep your hair beautiful, let your child run his fingers through it once a day.

5. To be sure, walk with the knowledge that you are not alone.

6. People need restoration, encouragement, forgiveness, etc. more than things. Never throw anyone away.

7. If you need a helping hand, it is always with you - your own.

8. The beauty of a woman is not in clothes, figure or hairstyle. She is in the sparkle of her eyes. After all, the eyes are the gateway to the heart where love lives.

9. The beauty of a woman is not in appearance, true beauty is reflected in her soul. This is the care that she gives with love; the passion she shows.

10. The beauty of a woman increases with her years!

Prepared by: Madame Red

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We all know and love such legends as Audrey Hepburn, Charlie Chaplin, Elvis Presley, Ernest Hemingway and others. We know almost everything about them, but few people know how their grandchildren and granddaughters live, who they are and what they do. Have they achieved the same fame? Or even surpassed the great relatives? Today we will tell you about stellar grandchildren and granddaughters who are trying to become as famous as their ancestors.

Emma Ferrer (21) - granddaughter of Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993)

Do not try to see in a 21-year-old model and a Florentine student Art Academy Emme Ferrer familiar facial features: outwardly, the girl is not very similar to her star grandmother Audrey Hepburn. But, like her Oscar-winning relative, the girl is actively collaborating with UNICEF. And as a model, the beauty made her debut in 2014, when she appeared on the cover of an American magazine Harper's Bazaar.

Dakota Johnson (25) - granddaughter of Tippi Hedren (85)

Starring in a BDSM adventure called "50 shades of grey" only a very brave girl can do it. And this is Dakota’s family: her maternal grandmother is a “Hitchcock blonde” Tippi Hedren, possessed no less courage and looseness in an exemplary thriller "Birds".

Oona Chaplin (29) - granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977)

Granddaughter of the great comedian Charlie Chaplin more successful in the dramatic field. She has already starred in more than 34 films. Now most viewers know the girl for the role Talis Meigir, spouses Robb Stark from the series "Game of Thrones". Special attentive people could also notice her in one episode of the series. "Sherlock", where Una played one of Watson's girls.

Konstantin Kryukov (30) - grandson of Sergei Bondarchuk (1920-1994)

Grandson of a famous Soviet film director Sergei Bondarchuk Konstantin Kryukov inherited many important qualities from his relatives. He, like his grandfather, draws well. From grandma Irina Skobtseva(87) he was given a love of beauty in all its manifestations, and from his mother - an actress Alena Bondarchuk(1962-2009) - selfless work on the image. He is best known for his roles in films. "9 Rota", "Heat", "The swallow nest", "9 months" and "On hook!".

Alison Le Borge (28) - granddaughter of Alain Delon (79)

Granddaughter of a recognized heartthrob Alain Delon does not yet seek to make a career as a film actress, but is already quite popular in the modeling business and shamelessly posing in underwear. Although her track record so far has two roles - a tiny one in a television movie "Blue Island" and one more serious, in the tape Neon Angel.

Alexandra Vertinskaya (46) - granddaughter of Lydia Vertinskaya (1923-2013)

Granddaughter of the legendary singer and poet Alexander Vertinsky(1889-1957) and actresses Lydia Vertinskaya, known for the role of the insidious Anidag from the movie "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", Alexandra did not follow in the footsteps of stellar relatives, but devoted her life to the fine arts. In addition, from 2004 to 2007 she hosted on the TV channel STS program "Take it off immediately!" together with Tasha Strict (40).

Riley Keough (26) - granddaughter of Elvis Presley (1935-1977)

Music king Elvis Presley I'm sure I'd be proud of my granddaughter. At the age of 14, the girl appeared on the podium, and at 20 she already made her debut on the big screen in a biographical drama. Runaways and posed for the cover of the Russian Tatler. The girl is married to an Australian Ben Smith-Peterson whom I met on the set "Mad Max".

Charlotte Casiraghi (28) - granddaughter of Grace Kelly (1929-1982)

Charlotte Casiraghi lucky if only because she was born a princess. Her grandmother, a chiseled blonde Grace Kelly(who came, by the way, from the family of a wealthy American industrialist), left the set and Hollywood to marry the prince Monaco Rainier. By the way, Grace's native cinema in its own way attracts her granddaughter: in December 2013, she gave birth to a son from an actor Gada Elmaleha(44).

(34) - grandson of Edita Piekha (77)

Grandson of the legendary singer Edita Piekha Stas over the years managed to take his place on the stage. Now few people remember that the singer began his career with a popular TV project "Star Factory". In addition to good looks, beautiful voice and the image of a romantic macho, Stas Piekha he also possesses real professionalism: over the years of his work, he managed to travel around dozens of cities, communicate with the audience and gain an army of fans. A duet with Grigory Leps(52) added even more popularity to him.

Tuki Brando (24) - grandson of Marlon Brando (1924-2004)

Unlike his grandfather, who was not only a brilliant actor, but also an avid political activist, his grandson Tuki is not going to follow in the footsteps of a star ancestor. But he successfully acts as a model and is the face of a fashion house. Versace.

Dree Hemingway (27) – great granddaughter of Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)

Dree Hemingway- not just the bearer of a surname known to every schoolchild. Great granddaughter at 27 Ernest Hemingway known more as a model and an aspiring actress. By the way, in the modeling field, Dree is doing quite well. The girl collaborates with such major fashion houses as Chanel, Gucci, Valentino, Givenchy, Calvin Klein and others.

Jack Huston (32) - grandson of John Huston (1906-1987)

Of all the current young and promising actors, one of the most interesting - Jack Huston. First, thanks to his star family. His grandfather was an Oscar-winning director John Huston and he is also a nephew Anjelica Huston(63) (known to us from the film "Adams family » ) and Danny Huston(53). The young man is known to a wide audience for his paintings "Night train to Lisbon"(2013) and "American Hustle"(2013). The actor has a daughter from a model Shannan Click (31) – Sage Lavinia Houston (2).

Only after hearing the name Audrey Hepburn, people immediately imagine a gentle and charming woman with huge and clear eyes. The favorite actress of millions is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful women in the history of cinema. However, in addition to her famous roles and excellent acting data, she was a wonderful mother of two sons and an equally wonderful person with a big heart. At the end of her film career, Audrey until the end of her days was a UNICEF ambassador, helping children from the poorest and underdeveloped countries. You can describe the life of this truly amazing woman for a long time, but in today's article I would like to pay special attention to her youngest son, Luca Dotti.

Audrey's acquaintance with Luca's father

After a divorce from her first husband, Mell Ferror, with whom the actress lived for 14 long years and gave birth to her eldest son, Sean, Audrey Hepburn fell into depression. At that time, namely in 1968, she really had a very difficult time. Friends and colleagues were very worried about Audrey and did their best to support her and cheer her up.

Therefore, in the same year, her good friends invited her on a cruise. There, at the behest of fate, one of the invitees was the psychiatrist Andrea Dotti. As it turned out later, he had long been fascinated by the beautiful Audrey, knowing her as an actress. A spark immediately flared up between them, and a romance began. Dottie supported Hepburn in her difficult situation and helped her get through the divorce. Very soon, Andrea made her an offer, to which the actress happily agreed.

Later life and the birth of Luke

It seemed that life had finally turned its happy side to her. After all, what Audrey dreamed of throughout her life came true - she became a mother and now a wife. Hepburn immediately abandoned her career, completely plunging into a quiet family life. Very soon, a joyful event happened in their family. On February 8, 1970, the second son of Audrey Hepburn, Luca Dotti, was born.

Audrey adored both sons and actually melted into them. What could not be said about her husband. Pretty quickly, Andrea got bored with such a life, and he was increasingly noticed at parties with young girls. Audrey, on the other hand, turned a blind eye to everything, preferring to deal more with children. The family was also affected by the fact that in Italy, due to the threat of terrorism, it became completely unsafe to stay. And Audrey with two children returned home to Switzerland. Andrea, on the other hand, remained in Rome, thus further moving away from his wife and son.

Growing up Luca

When it was Audrey's turn to return to the screen, a nanny was hired to help raise her sons, Sean Ferrer and Luca Dottie. The boys got along quite well with each other, not feeling jealous for their mother's attention. The nanny went for frequent walks with the brothers and did her best to educate them. According to Luka, he had no idea that his mother was so famous. He says that for him and his brother, she was just a mother, filling their house with comfort, delicious food and an atmosphere of happiness.

At that time, Luca's father, Andrea, visited his wife and son only on weekends. In 1982, Audrey and Dottie ended their relationship officially.

After the death of the mother

In 1993, the legendary Audrey died. This sad event like lightning from a clear sky struck all over the world. Luca Dotti recalls that Audrey really wanted to see her grandchildren, but, unfortunately, she did not wait for their birth. The eldest granddaughter was born a year after the death of the famous grandmother.

As for the biography of Luca Dottie, Hepburn's youngest son, very little is known about her, because he is not a public person. It is only known that Luka works as a graphic designer, and has also recently released several books with memories and rare photos of his mother. Below you can see a photo of Luca Dotti with her mother.

Audrey Hepburn's sons share inheritance

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the death of the great actress. However, some financial issues regarding her personal property still remain unresolved. According to Audrey's will, Luca and Sean are the sole heirs of all the property and accounts of the film actress. But since Hepburn forgot to mention some expensive items, such as her collection of costumes, jewelry, film scripts, and many personal photos, a dispute broke out between the brothers over how to divide this part of the inheritance.

And now, after many years, namely at the beginning of last year, all the personal belongings of the actress were finally divided. And it seems that it was time to finish the case, the issue was resolved. And Luca Dotti was even about to start auctioning his mother's things, but Audrey's charitable foundation intervened. It was created in 1994 by her sons and last lover. Representatives of the foundation said they were forced to file a lawsuit against Luca for further litigation, saying that the decision of the brothers to divide Hepburn's belongings is directly opposite to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating the foundation. The institution often organized exhibitions of Audrey's wardrobe items, and all the proceeds from them were donated to needy children. And if the entire collection is sold out, then the Audrey Hepburn Foundation will have nothing to exist.