Favorite men of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Lyudmila gurchenko and the main men of her life Husbands and men of lyudmila gurchenko

On the eve of the 80th anniversary of Lyudmila Markovna, Sergei Senin told Gordon Boulevard about why he turned an apartment in the center of Moscow into a museum, and he decided to wander around rented apartments. And also - how he blessed Yulia Peresild for the role of Gurchenko in the biopic, how he divided the property with the daughter of the actress Masha, about cars, expensive jewelry, Lyudmila Markovna's love for gay men and why Irina Bilyk refused to participate in the anniversary concert.

Photo: Felix Rosenstein / Gordon Boulevard

- Sergei Mikhailovich, in November Lyudmila Markovna would have turned 80 years old. How will you celebrate your birthday?

- I don't know yet. I wouldn't want it to turn into food and drink. There are many options: from very modest to serious and large-scale ... Probably, we will gather our closest friends and sit down. I would like music to sound this evening, Lucy's songs. There was an idea to organize an exhibition in Moscow, but so far it has not been possible. Today, everything depends on finances, and these are unrealistic amounts.

- I know that a month before your birthday you are organizing a big anniversary concert dedicated to Lyudmila Markovna in the Kremlin Palace in Moscow. In this regard, due to the tense political situation in Kyiv, a big scandal has recently erupted related to Irina Bilyk, who is on your list of invited artists. Will Irina take part in this concert?

- We are very well acquainted with Ira, I really invited her. I really wanted her to perform the romance "Roshi fell on the mowing" from the film "Roman and Francesca". She liked the idea, but, as I understood it, there were some problems. I really don’t know what, I only heard rumors that she would not be able to participate. It is unfortunate that the time has come when politics interferes in everything. I really wanted this concert to have some kind of Ukrainian piece, because Lyudmila Markovna had a lot to do with Ukraine.

- Are you interested in what is happening now?

- Well, of course! What a desperate and tragic situation. I myself am from Odessa, but I cannot come to Odessa - not because I am afraid. The mood is gone. I'm not looking for the guilty and the right. In such situations, everyone is always to blame. And here it is impossible to say who is more, who is less. We must believe that this will pass and everything will be fine. But what is happening is unrealistic. I remember when Lyusya and I went together for the first time in 1993 to Kharkov, she burst into tears at the border when she was asked to fill out a customs declaration. How is it - she is going to her homeland, and here it is ... Tears stood in her eyes. I imagine what would happen to her now if she saw that her two favorite countries were in such a terrible situation ...

The creative things that I have planned to carry out distract me from sad thoughts. We have been doing this concert for half a year now, and I feel the presence of Lucy: her songs, her voice… In fact, she is the director and author of this evening

Lyudmila Gurchenko on the set of the film "Carnival Night". Photo: svalka24.beon.ru

- I wanted to ask you about the upcoming concert. What is being prepared? It is not easy to pull such a large project financially without sponsors ...

- All these creative things that I have now decided to carry out distract me from sad thoughts. We have been doing this concert for half a year already, and I feel the presence of Lucy: her songs, her voice… In fact, she is the director and author of this evening. I didn’t invent anything - I just sat down, thought, remembered how it was with her ... I knew her concerts well, she didn’t have random songs, everything was built from the first word to the final note. I was guided by this principle even now, realizing that she would have done this number like this. Perhaps somewhere I am mistaken, but on the whole I am sure that I definitely followed her prompts.

No one helped us financially, there is a partner who supported and proposed the idea of ​​this project. These are our common friends with Lucy, associates. I wrote the script, invited a good director, choreographer. The main thing I was guided by was that I wanted to perform songs that Lyudmila Markovna herself composed, and those that are associated with her, but she is not their author, such as "Carnival Night".

The vast majority of the artists I invited worked with her on stage, in films. These are those whom she treated with great respect and warmth, or, like Zemfira, with undisguised delight. But the evening will not turn into "Song of the Year" when the artists took the stage, sang and fled. There is a dramatic basis. Despite the fact that this is a concert in memory of Luce, she will be present on stage and in the hall. Maxim Averin will be the host, and Lucy will become his co-host. Everything is built in such a way that they will complement each other. A very good actress (until I open all the cards), she will not be disguised as Lucy, but she will play her in those places that seemed very important to us, where we did not find the necessary material and through this actress we restored how it could be, be here yourself Lucy. In general, it should turn out interesting, if only there was enough time to implement everything the way we want.

Lyudmila Markovna charged everyone with her indefatigable energy.

- Was the choice of songs by the artists unexpected for you?

- Yes, it was not easy. When inviting artists, I understood that many of them would agree to perform, but it was important for me to offer them the number that would be combined, in my opinion, with them, but, unfortunately, it did not always work out that way. As a result, we faced such a problem: Lucy had a large repertoire built for her, a huge acting component, and where it seemed to us that this or that performer would perform this song, it suddenly turned out that the artists themselves said that they could not do it. to do ... But we discussed everything in a friendly way, invented it. These will be new interpretations with new arrangements. Before that, no one had performed Lucy's songs like that. For example, Zemfira will not rehash anything - she will sing her hit "Do you want?", Because it has long been associated with Lyudmila Markovna, who performed this song in different versions - both on stage, and for television programs, and in the film, so that's all happened by itself.

- Did it happen that one of the artists asked for a fee for participation? As they say, friendship is friendship, but you always want to eat ...

- No, otherwise this concert would not have been possible at all. Everyone was very respectful, understanding, no talk about fees even came close.

The things that we have in our house have been studied by specialists from the Stroganov Academy. About forty people took part in this. A collective doctoral or candidate's dissertation has definitely already been written there. I think Lucy would be surprised to hear about this.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Sergei Sein in their Moscow apartment. Photo: newsliga.ru

- They say that you want to open a memorial museum in the apartment where you lived with Lyudmila Markovna for many years. How do you imagine this idea in reality?

- I don't want to call it a museum, a museum is something frozen. It will be a workshop museum. The whole apartment is allocated for this, because of this I was forced to rent a house for myself, because if you do this, it is unrealistic to live there. So now I live outside the city - the air is fresh here, and the dogs are happy.

This business is interesting to me, otherwise everything would lie dead weight and be quietly eaten by moths. After Lucy, a colossal man-made heritage remained: costumes, accessories, jewelry, handbags, belts. There are more than 800 costumes alone. Exhibitions have already been held in Moscow, which lasted about a year, in the Sheremetev Palace in St. Petersburg, and recently an exhibition was held in Rostov. This happens all the time, and not because I'm trying to organize it: museums themselves turn to me.

So many things - and how to store it? Restoration is a big deal. Therefore, such an idea was born - to open a museum. Five years have passed since Lucy passed away, but until now we find some incredible things that even I could not notice, and now people who understand this are discovering some deep meaning of these things. Therefore, I and my new friends, and among them - scientists, professors, academicians, felt that there is interest in this. If these things die, it will be a pity. Such dresses that Lucy herself made and invented, no one makes today.

- And how quickly did you decide to go through all her things?

- In the first months after her departure, I was in a state of complete dullness. And suddenly I got a call from a Moscow gallery and museum, and it all started with that. The head of the costume shop came to my house and did a dry cleaning of each item, each now has its own trunk, everything is numbered, hanging on hangers. Everything in the house has been photographed and studied. Specialists from the Stroganov Academy worked from different areas: some were engaged in the decoration of costumes, others - paraphernalia and accessories, others - Gzhel and ceramics. About forty people took part in this. A collective doctoral or candidate's dissertation has definitely already been written there. I think Lucy would be surprised to hear about it.

I myself began to understand this. And so you look - a chanterelle and a chanterelle hangs, but it turns out that there is no price for it - not in the sense that it costs a lot of money: there is already historical value there. History - it also goes away. We also want to make an exhibition of black and white photographs, there are hundreds of thousands of them. For twenty years I have not been able to sort it out and now I continue, but not alone, thank God.

Lyudmila Markovna has repeatedly received the title of the most stylish actress. Photo from the personal archive of Lyudmila Gurchenko

- Does this mean that your living space will become a museum on a permanent basis?

- No, the apartment has a museum for the time being, because renting a room is fabulous money, but I am a stubborn and stubborn person, so my friends and I are promoting this, but for now everything will be in the apartment. Why a workshop museum? Professionals and non-professionals will come here, people who want to learn something. For example, good craftsmen will show some kind of accessory that Lyudmila Markovna had and tell you how to make something that is valuable today with your own hands. And then life will show whether it will take place or not. But I really hope everything works out. Over time, perhaps, the city authorities will show interest in having a room where a full-fledged gallery could be made.

Entrance will be free, because it is designed primarily for those who are really interested. There are already those who are ready to help, everything needs to be maintained and restored. We can say that these will be donations "from their own".

From October 1 to October 15, an exhibition of dolls and angels, which Lyudmila Markovna has been collecting all her life, will be held in Moscow.

And on November 9, on the house where we lived for the last twenty years, I will open a memorial plaque.

I was approached by more than twenty production centers who wanted to make a film about Luce. I have seen TV series about Tolkunova, Pugacheva, I generally keep quiet about Zykina. And I understood that if I behave categorically, it will end the same. So I met with everyone.

The ring on the right hand made of white gold with sapphire, donated by Lyudmila Markovna, Sergei Senin still does not take off. Photo: Felix Rosenstein/Gordon Boulevard

- Your whole life still revolves around Lyudmila Markovna. What are you doing for a living now?

- I gave three years to the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, now I work as an assistant to the artistic director of the theater. E. Vakhtangov Rimas Tuminas. This work is different, but it is also very difficult, it takes a lot of time. Rimas is my old friend, with whom we have gone through a lot in work and in life. And I'm happy to work with him. This theater is number one today. There are many interesting things there. True, this work is tearing me to pieces in connection with the upcoming concert and exhibition, but all people are sympathetic to my situation, so I think everything will be in order.

- Recently, many biopics about our contemporaries have been filmed. I know that director Sergei Aldonin has recently started filming a 16-episode film "Lyusya Gurchenko". Were you asked for permission?

- A year and a half or two years ago, I was bombarded with an endless stream of calls from various film companies and production centers that wanted to make a film about Lucy. In total, more than twenty applied. I understood that this is a very sensitive topic and that you can’t just say no over the phone. We are witnesses to how unscrupulous people act: they take history, change one letter in the surname, two in the name, and do what they want. I saw this in the series about Val Tolkunova, about Pugacheva, about Zykina, in general, I am silent. And I understood that if I behave categorically, it will end the same. Therefore, he chose a different tactic: he decided that he needed to know everything from the inside, so he met with everyone and asked two questions: who plays Lyudmila Markovna and who plays her father. Because without Lucy's dad, Mark Gavrilovich, it is impossible to create any story about Lucy. There was an incredible connection between them, and without him her whole life would be incomprehensible. As a result, what I heard from incoming directors horrified me, but I did not show it. Sometimes I managed to disappear, someone still had to refuse sharply, some even began to scare me, they said, they say, if you refuse, we will do like everyone else: we will change the names - and there will be a story about Luce, but you cannot legally show us no complaints.

Julia Peresild will play Lyudmila Markovna in Sergei Aldonin's film. Photo: videozal.su

Seryozha Aldonin (Lyusya knew him; a good theater director, by the way) came to the meeting with a young producer. Both eyes are burning, and I realized that they want to do a big, important thing. They named good actors: Yulia Peresild, whom I like as an actress, will play Lyudmila Markovna, Nikolai Dobrynin will play the father, the type is well chosen, and Nadya Mikhalkova will play Lucy's mother in her youth. Great company.

But I had a condition that the book "My adult childhood" should become the basis of the film. This is war, Kharkov, the corpses that Lucy saw. It was at that time that such a phenomenon as Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko was born.

In general, the guys took it seriously and after a while they sent the script. I did not like him. We met again, discussed everything, and they took a timeout for six months. Aldonin himself rewrote the script. The second version was already a good, serious work. In any case, I hope that the film will not be based on the yellow press. Moreover, we agreed that the period they will talk about will begin with her birth and end in 1983-1985. Then the restructuring began. This time is closer to us - why shoot it when everything is on the Internet, the chronicle and gossip.

As for the rest, I am glad that the film fell into the hands of decent comrades, and I believe that it will be a clean work, but no one can say how talented it will be, we'll see. I've only been on set once.

- By the way, is it true that in Kharkov they will still call the street after Lyudmila Markovna?

- I think it would be right. Kharkov should be proud that Lucy was born there. But there are laws according to which a street can be named only after ten years. In any case, no one contacted me. I remember the story with the monument that they wanted to erect to Luce in Kharkov, but then they never did. This situation exhausted her greatly. She didn’t know anything about it, but at that time some strife began, everything fell on her poor head, and she didn’t know what monument and why.

about the abundance of jewels, everything was modest. I gave her antique rings with precious stones, she was always fond of very expensive jewelry, but these are not simple knick-knacks. It happens that good jewelry is more expensive than jewelry.

Two stars - two bright stories. Barbara Brylska and Lyudmila Gurchenko. Photo: Alexander Lazarenko/ "Gordon Boulevard"

- Not so long ago lawyer Yuliy Kaygorodov, who helped you resolve conflicts over the division of property with Gurchenko's daughter Masha, admitted that Lyudmila Markovna had almost no expensive jewelry - everything she wore was mostlygood jewelry. How could this be?

- Lucy never had an abundance of jewelry, everything was very modest. She loved vintage jewelry. I gave her earrings and rings with precious and semi-precious stones. Dima Gordon once presented very beautiful earrings with emeralds...

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Dmitry Gordon really had a long-term friendship. Photo: Felix Rosenstein / "Gordon Boulevard"

Lucy was also fond of very expensive jewelry, but these are not simple knick-knacks. It happens that good jewelry is more expensive than jewelry. There was such costume jewelry that you will not find in the daytime with fire. But she also added a lot to it herself, then it is generally unreal, a fantastic thing, but for those who understand, the rest do not care.

Lyudmila Gurchenko's daughter Maria reconciled with Sergei Senin almost five years after her mother's death. Photo: labs.exalead.com

And with Masha, we settled all the cases, there were no court cases. Through no fault of my own, we resolved them five years later, and resolved the way I suggested at the very beginning. Quiet, calm, everyone is happy. Masha will be at the anniversary concert. Last year, we were together in St. Petersburg at the birthday party of Lyudmila Markovna, so everything is fine. We didn’t have any struggle for the apartment either. Masha had a dacha, I had an apartment. I paid her a decent amount as compensation for having Lucy's things left for me to take care of the museum. Because if we started sharing the things that were left, we would go crazy. Our grandchildren would still finish these things. Masha understands that I am doing this purposefully. In addition, she has her own problems, children, grandchildren. But the fact that I am alive is a guarantee that these things will last for at least some of the coming decades, and then I don’t know how it will be. I don't think about any story in the future - I just would be terribly sorry if it all disappeared. I know that the Hermitage is also interested in Lucy's handmade costumes, there are extraordinary things there!

Lusya always performed with pleasure in gay clubs, and she had many friends from this circle. Everyone had a normal relationship. She considered these people the most grateful audience

Lyudmila Markovna at a performance in a Kiev gay club. Alexei Panin threw himself at the feet of the actress. Photo: e-motion.tochka.net

- I still remember one of the last unofficial visits of Lyudmila Markovna to Kyiv: she came to the opening of a gay club on Khreshchatyk. A small basement, there were so many people that she hardly made her way to the stage, there was not enough air. And then I thought that such stress at her age could really be decided only for the sake of money. Has she needed them in recent years?

- Lucy always performed with pleasure in such institutions, and she had many friends from this circle. Everyone had a normal relationship. She considered these people the most grateful audience. Starting from "Motley Twilight", she had some premonition of something ... A man lived his best years with downtime in work, but now it seemed like he wanted to make up for everything. I tried to stop this process, to streamline, but I realized that it was pointless.

The last two years - 2010 and 2011 - have been a real madness for her. But such is the life of an actor. If our actors of Soviet cinema were paid in accordance with their talent and contribution, then one "Carnival Night" in America would cost her what! Take off - and live happily ever after. But we didn’t have that, so when it became possible to earn money, the forces weren’t the same and the demand wasn’t the same, but she always had to overcome something in order to be at the top.

- Could you save some money or did everyone live right there and invest in their needs?

- I can't say that we were making crazy money - rather, they were normal. This allowed us not to deny ourselves anything, but also not to live in luxury. There was no waste, because there was nothing to waste. We lived modestly, without frills, but we could safely travel abroad, changing cars of good brands every two years. The apartment was in the center of Moscow, in the best area, but more than modest - 120 meters. And also a very modest cottage. All this was quite enough for a happy life and work.

I remember when tough times came, in 1998, we made the first original musical "Bureau of Happiness", the composition was more than a hundred people ... Suddenly a default struck. I had to get my hard-earned money and invest in this business, otherwise it would not work. With "Colorful Twilight" in 2008 there was a similar situation. We start filming, the state allocates 1 million rubles for the film, and this is at best a quarter for a modest film. A crisis comes, the ruble falls - and we again sell something of our own, take it out of our bosom and invest in the project.

Lucy's grave has a watch every weekend. I am calm, because I myself have begun to visit less often, there is not enough time due to being so busy as it is now, but I know that there are reliable and devoted people. Many call them fans - probably this is so, because they have been on duty for five years

The grave of Lyudmila Gurchenko at the Novodevichy Cemetery is cleaned every weekend by fans in turn. Photo: kpmedia.ru

- When Lyudmila Markovna passed away, a Russian tabloid published a photo of her in a coffin. What was your reaction?

- I saw this magazine! Someone slipped it under my apartment door. Everything went cold for me, but not because this photo was published. I just once again saw Lyusya lifeless. And so - I do not care about them. Journalists have brought so much trouble to us in life, I despise so many of them, they are just nonhumans! How much dirt was poured on Lucy even after death! But I myself do not read anything on purpose, unless it catches my eye without my desire. Many books have been written about her, most of them mediocre. The best was written by journalist Valery Kichin, the book is simply amazing!

There are guys from Lyusya's VKontakte group who help me take care of her grave and the grave of her parents buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery, her grandson Mark is also there, they also take care of his grave. And at Novodevichy every weekend there is duty. I am calm, because I myself have begun to visit less often, there is not enough time due to being so busy as it is now, but I know that there are reliable and devoted people. Many call them fans, and in a sense they are really fans, because for five years now they have been keeping a kind of watch, cleaning, wiping the monument, throwing away wilted flowers. They could do their own thing, but they come there, it is important for them. I thought - well, probably, some time will pass, as it usually happens: at first everything is nearby, and at the end there are two people left. But no, they still come every weekend and bring their children, I scold them for this, but I can’t do anything, thanks anyway for having them, it would be completely sad without them.

- Do you dream about Lyudmila Markovna, do you feel her presence?

Yes, I see her very often. The last time I dreamed yesterday, but this is connected with the concert, when the balls for the rollers are already calling. I check everything through Lucy all the time, I consult with her. For the first six months, it’s not like I didn’t see dreams with her at all - I couldn’t restore her face in my memory. Such a strange bang in my head happened. And then I had a dream, but I didn’t see her in a dream, I only knew that it was Lucy standing on the bridge, but there was no one there. Some kind of dream.

How do you consult with her?

- I sit down and imagine how she would say in this situation. Lucy has always made wise decisions. Sometimes I categorically disagreed, and then after a while I realized how insightful, fair and wise she was, how accurately she assessed people, deeds, actions. There was some wisdom in her. And it helps today. It happens that I can’t find an answer, a hopeless situation, then I consult with her again.

- They say that married people will be together in the next world. You had an official marriage, but you did not get married. Do you regret it now?

- These are such complicated things… I was recently tormented that I erected a monument on the grave, but there is no cross there.

In general, of course, I regret a lot ... I behaved incorrectly, made me nervous, suffered, was rude. When you live and work together, you don't notice many things. If I could return that time, I would be more attentive, would forbid her to do some work in order to save strength and health, but this is all in the past.

- Do you wear a wedding ring? In general, are there things donated by Lyudmila Markovna that you do not part with?

- I took mine off, now our two rings are at home together. And I wear a white gold ring with a sapphire. It is always with me. Lucy gave it to me in 1995 when we were in New York. It's not expensive, bought in a very good store on Fifth Avenue. And a pectoral cross of the 19th century, which she bought me at the Izmailovsky opening day in Moscow in 1993.

If I'm alone, then I'll be alone, not alone, so not alone. All the same, my attitude, memory and the twenty years that we lived with Lucy will not disappear from this. It's definitely forever!

"I took off my engagement ring, our two rings are now at home together." Photo: donbass.ua

- But you admit that sooner or later you will arrange your life again?

- Why guess? Probably ... I can’t say no, everything, never. Life goes on in such a way that you make plans, and then bam - and everything turned upside down. As it will be, so it will be. If I'm alone, then I'll be alone, not alone, so not alone. I think it's ok. All the same, my attitude, memory and the twenty years that we lived with Lucy will not disappear from this. It's definitely forever! And everything else is life that requires something. It is very difficult for one to deal with, for example, everyday life, housekeeping and solving some primitive issues. Although I have a housekeeper who worked with us even under Luce. Now she began to come less, because there is less work outside the city. But she is with me, helping, cleaning. And my friends don't leave me either.


The apartment in the center of Moscow, in which Lyudmila Gurchenko and Sergei Senin have lived for the last 10 years, was broken into at the request of the daughter of the actress. Lyudmila Markovna's husband was at home at that moment. All this was filmed on camera by TV people.

On Wednesday at about nine in the evening I was returning home from the birthday of a close friend. Masha called (daughter from the marriage of an actress with screenwriter Boris Andronikashvili. - Ed.) with the question: “I am standing under your door, where do you go ?!”

I was surprised, because in the three years that have passed since Lucy left, I have repeatedly contacted Masha - I called, sent official letters with a proposal to meet. Masha kept a strange pause ... "I'll be back in an hour," I answered Masha. I go into the entrance, on the site I see not only Masha, but also a group of people I do not know with a television camera. I said hello and went to the apartment. The doorbell started ringing. I tried to explain to Masha that I was ready to open it, but I ask the film crew to leave the entrance. I did not give permission to shoot in the apartment where I have been living for the last ten years. In response, the phrase followed: "Then we will now take the grinder and cut out the lock." I managed to call a lawyer. She contacted Masha by phone and explained that we were ready for a constructive conversation. But Masha hung up. A few minutes later, the door began to break down. All he had time to do was call the police. People with microphones from one of the TV channels, known for their passion for crime chronicles, broke into the apartment at about a quarter to eleven, began to walk around the rooms and take off Lyudmila Markovna's personal belongings. In their company there was a man in a police uniform who behaved unceremoniously - with a triumphant look he touched things with his hands, spoke phrases that provoked an even greater scandal. Luckily, I didn't succumb to it. But when a journalist at some point put a mobile phone with a working video camera to my face, I could not stand it and tried to remove the phone. Just then, a policeman intervened. I stepped back. They acted like landlords. In this company there was an individual with a suitcase of tools, ready to repair the door or insert a new lock in case of emergency. The man was very worried that he would not be filmed. All this was like a theater of the absurd.

- Have you tried to talk to Masha?

- “Masha, come to your senses, what are you doing? I understand that you have not talked to your mother for 15 years and have never been in this apartment. Come on, I'll show you everything you want to see. But I ask again - let the journalists leave the premises, ”I asked Masha. At this time, the employee of the TV channel continued to freely walk around the apartment, periodically pointing the camera in the face. “I would like to take this cup, these saucers ... - said Masha, examining the dishes on the table. - Do you have a newspaper? I need to wrap it up ... ”In extreme amazement, I asked:“ And for the sake of this shooting was started? Take the cup and whatever you want, but only then the mother's museum will not work.

A year ago, Sergey Mikhailovich turned to me with a request to get in touch with Masha, but Maria Borisovna didn’t want to agree on anything specific at that moment, says lawyer Yulia Kaygorodova.

Our last conversation ended with my proposal: “Masha, let's not count forks and spoons. Now about thirty people work in the apartment - scientists from the Stroganov School, specialists in costume, jewelry, porcelain, and furniture. They catalog everything from concert and casual dresses to glasses and vases. The nominal price of these things is far from exorbitant. But from the point of view of the future museum and memory, they are priceless. When closer to the summer the specialists finish their work and we find an opportunity to organize a museum, I propose to arrange all the exhibits in half. And let this memory remain for our descendants,” says Sergei Senin. Masha didn't mind.


- Sergei Mikhailovich, what about real estate?

With real estate, everything is transparent and notarized. Masha owns 1/4 of a three-room Moscow apartment and half of a dacha in the Moscow region. But it has not yet been determined how these shares will be used. Because on the part of Masha, objectively inflated financial requirements are still sounding. Two cars - a seven-year-old Audi 4 and a new Volvo, my gift to Lucy for her last anniversary - Masha and I sold and divided the money as required by law. Six months ago, after completing the exhibition at the Museum of Moscow, I gave Masha a service of her famous grandfather Boris Pilnyak, a trophy mirror that Lyusin's dad brought (Masha's second grandfather Mark Gavrilovich Gurchenko) in 1945 from Germany, albums with her childhood photographs - because that he considered not entitled to even discuss my claim to these things. Before the New Year, he gave Masha several Lucy's fur coats ...

The only way to solve the problem is either to agree, - says lawyer Yulia Kaigorodova, - or go to a civil court, which will determine the procedure for using real estate. But this situation is not the basis for breaking the door. When I arrived at the call of Sergei Mikhailovich, people from the television group tried not to let me into the apartment. The police, who arrived at the scene, could not do anything. Representatives of the media have the right to rent in the apartment only with the consent of both owners. But the solution of this issue is not the competence of the police. I tried several times to explain this to the head of the film crew, but he did not react to my words, but only repeated in front of the cameras: “Maria Borisovna, take your things!”

Then I turned to Masha:

Maria Borisovna, do you have evidence of what kind of things belong to you personally? This apartment contains the personal belongings of Sergei Senin and Lyudmila Gurchenko, which is not surprising - they lived together for nineteen years and bought this apartment ten years ago. This is the only housing of Sergei Mikhailovich. He has no other place to live. You and your husband live in a different apartment. You must divide Lyudmila Markovna's things in half by a peace treaty, and not by capture. Not every person is ready to let journalists into his house without warning. For what purpose did the door break under the cells? Exclusively for the purpose of scandal. This is a provocation.


In the process of shooting, Maria approached me with the words: “I am ready to meet for a conversation,” Yulia Kaigorodova continues. She tried to explain herself, to justify herself. But the head of the film crew immediately pulled back: “Maria, do not make contact. I won't let this woman fool you!" As a result, Masha took a cup, saucers, jars of perfume, and wrapped everything in a newspaper in a revealing way. After that, Sergei Mikhailovich led Masha through the rooms, showed her everything. The police representative smiled, “Give me your business card, please. I'm a third-year law student, maybe someday your advice will be needed ... ”Masha looked lost. I think she herself did not fully understand what the sensation hunters provoked her to.

I don't feel the need to defend myself, but strange things are happening, says Sergei Senin. - In the 21st century, people can come to the center of Moscow, break the door and, triumphantly, go into the bedroom with a camera. What to do? The only person who could tell today is Lucy. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to consult ... When they were about to leave, the lawyer and I suggested that Masha stay. But they didn't give her. I hope that in the near future Masha will negotiate with us in a more civilized way. The door is open for her.

The guest of the new edition of Boris Korchevnikov's program is producer Sergei Senin, the sixth and last husband of the famous actress Lyudmila Gurchenko. Sergei spent 18 years of his life with her. She was dying in his arms. Since then, he has spoken very little about their relationship, almost never gave interviews and never told what it was like to live in the shadow of a great actress.

Sergei Senin remembered that their first meeting took place in 1990. Then he, together with his friend, opened an independent film company, and director Elena Nikolaeva suggested that he make a film based on Nabokov. The main role was taken by Lyudmila Gurchenko. The result of their work was the painting "Sex Tale". Gurchenko and Senin often met on the set, but at that time there was no talk of any relationship - the actress was married, and he was married.

But fate brought them together again and again. Later, Sergei divorced his first wife Galina, and she and her daughter moved to Israel. Somehow she called him and offered to hold a tour of "Sekskazka" there, so that Lyudmila Gurchenko would perform. "I was delighted because there was a reason to dial Lucy's phone number," recalls Senin. The actress was given a small fee, so Sergey was sure that she would refuse. But, to his surprise, Gurchenko agreed - at that time she was going through a difficult divorce from her husband, so she went to work ...

As a result, it turned out that Sergei's first wife pushed him to get closer to Lyudmila. Although Senin himself is sure that it all started much earlier, because it was thanks to Galina that he generally went to work in cinema: “If I hadn’t married Galya, maybe today I would have taught some kind of hydromechanics or something like that.”

After the tour to Israel, the paths of Sergei and Lyudmila diverged for a while, but then somehow there was a telephone conversation between them and Gurchenko shared with him that she had an idea for a musical picture. The actress invited Senin to meet if he was interested in taking part in this. Sergey recalled that at that moment he thought: "I will do everything. I will sell everything in the world to do this."

Later, when they had already begun to live together, they just didn’t write about Sergei Senin - they called him a gigolo, a swindler. After all, he is a quarter of a century younger than the actress. He himself comments on the difference in age: “Believe me, I didn’t feel it at all. Gurchenko was out of age, out of time, an absolutely modern person. It’s very easy with her. I was the eldest in our family with her.”

Problems with Gurchenko's daughter, Maria, also became a difficult page in their relationship. She refused to communicate with her mother, and after her death she began to share the inheritance with Senin. But, as Sergey said, now they communicate well, and the situation has settled down. It’s just that Maria is a very gullible person, and next to her were not very smart and well-mannered people (whose names Senin did not name), who brought everything to a quarrel. "What a blessing that Lucy did not see all this. This is madness!" Sergei commented.

Odessa relatives of Sergei Senin emigrated to Israel

Express Gazeta turned out to be the only publication that Sergei SENIN, the widower of Lyudmila GURCHENKO, allowed to film at her wake. Only the closest people gathered in one of the restaurants in the center of Moscow. If at the farewell ceremony Senin ordered the microphone to be removed from the stage of the House of Writers in order to avoid loud statements at the coffin of his wife, then those who came to the memorial meal still allowed to make speeches for the repose of the great actress. Sergei Mikhailovich himself was seated at the central table. Few people know that, having met Gurchenko 20 years ago, Senin from Odessa left the family, leaving his wife and little daughter in his hometown.

Gurchenko casually told that her affair with Senin spun on the set of the film "Sex Tale".

It was exactly 20 years ago in Vilnius, - shared the actress Alena Lisovskaya debuted in this picture. - It turned out that Lyudmila Markovna and I were traveling to the Lithuanian capital from Moscow in the same compartment. At ten o'clock in the evening, Gurchenko offered to have dinner. I replied that I did not eat at night. “Well, in vain,” he says, “but I always eat! I had a hungry childhood." She laid out mouth-watering supplies on the table: smoked sausage, cucumbers, fresh bread ... In the morning, Sergei Senin met us on the platform, gallantly kissed our hands. Then he was not Gurchenko's husband yet, but simply a tape producer. Their romantic relationship unfolded before my eyes. I remember that Sergey was very upset when Gurchenko refused to come to the banquet on the occasion of the start of filming. He walked along the corridor of the hotel past the door of her room and was indignant. Say, how is it: she has the main role, and the team ignores.

But, according to Lisovskaya, in a critical situation, Lyudmila Markovna behaved very collectedly. It was then that unrest began in the Baltic states and tanks took to the streets. All train and flights have been cancelled. The film crew could not return to Moscow. And Gurchenko, who instantly reincarnated from a movie star hovering in the clouds into a business woman, helped Senin quickly solve this problem.

“I think it was then that Sergei fell in love with her completely,” recalls Lisovskaya. - After all, incredible energy came from Lyudmila Markovna. At the premiere, the producer was already gently holding the actress by the hand. “Sergei Mikhailovich,” we joked, “you used to say that your heart is adamant.” “I think I was wrong,” he shook his head with a good-natured smile.

Metamorphoses of love

Sergey Senin is from Odessa. There he graduated from high school and the Civil Engineering Institute, and after that he remained to work at the alma mater in the laboratory at the Department of Hydraulic Engineering. Colleagues remembered him as a cheerful and cheerful person who even approached serious scientific issues creatively. It is not surprising that after a few years Senin abruptly changed his field of activity and got a job at a film studio.

“I knew Serezha before Gurchenko,” his colleague said. Elena Zimina. - Previously, we often met at film markets in Moscow, where he represented the Odessa studio. I also talked with his younger brother Alexander until he left for Canada. Once Sashka called me and began to tell me with excitement that grief had happened in their family. Like, Seryozha left his wife and little daughter and left them for Gurchenko! With the then wife of Senin, I was familiar with a hat. It seems that she is also Lyudmila. Only much younger and, in my opinion, more attractive than the actress.

Eyewitnesses spoke about the incident, which put an end to the relationship between Senin and his Odessa wife. At first, Sergei was in no hurry to divorce her and lived with Gurchenko in Moscow as a lover. The couple continued to make films together. Their next work was the painting "Listen, Fellini!". Sergey and Lyudmila also came to Odessa to present it to the public. In the midst of the presentation, Senin's legal wife and daughter entered the cinema hall. Seeing with her own eyes her husband with a star cohabitant, she turned around and silently left with her head held high. She filed for divorce on the same day. “Having acquired the status of the legal husband of Lyudmila Markovna, Senin has changed a lot,” Zimina is sure. - From a tall, stately blond, he began to turn into a gloomy brunette with a beard. Alas, Seryozha began to age rapidly. It's scary to look at him now. He must have trimmed himself to the age of his new wife. In recent years, no one could even guess that Senin is almost 20 years younger than Gurchenko. Metamorphoses of love! By the way, the ex-wife and daughter of Serezha have been living in Israel for more than ten years. I hope the woman found her true happiness there. After all, Serezha was a loving man from his youth. There were rumors that, while still living in Odessa, he met with many ladies, not worrying much that the other half would find out about this.

Speaking about Lyudmila Gurchenko, a woman with a bright biography, many do not remember the roles she played, but the details of her personal life, numerous husbands, “family wars” with her daughter. 7 years have passed since the death of the star, and the fate of her inheritance still attracts attention.

Biography and career

The future star was born in Kharkov on November 12, 1935, survived 2 years of occupation. After graduating from a general education and music school, she entered VGIK on the first attempt. Popular with the opposite sex, Lyudmila Gurchenko enjoyed from her youth, and at the dawn of her acting biography, she had already begun to collect a collection of husbands.

By the time she received her first role, she managed to be married and divorced.

After the success of Carnival Night in 1956, Gurchenko did not soon manage to go beyond the role of a vaudeville actress. She began to receive invitations to dramatic roles only after her 40th birthday.

Actress in the film "Carnival Night"

On the account of Lyudmila Markovna:

  • one and a half hundred images embodied in the cinema;
  • two dozen roles played in 6 theaters;
  • 17 music albums and 16 videos, including those shot with the participation of other stars;
  • participation in numerous TV programs and non-fiction projects.

Also, the actress and singer tried her hand as a director, composer, wrote 3 autobiographical books.

Personal life

Lyudmila Gurchenko had not only a creative biography, but also a personal life, the “fatal woman” changed 6 husbands, but gave birth to only one daughter. The first husband of an 18-year-old student was the 30-year-old director Vasily Ordynsky. Rumor has it that Lucy married the director, counting on roles in his films, but the calculation did not materialize, and a year later the couple divorced.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and her first husband Vasily Ordynsky

In Boris Andronikashvili, who studied at VGIK as a screenwriter, Gurchenko fell in love at first sight. In 1958, the aspiring actress received a diploma, got married a second time, and a year later she became a mother. Marriage for love was not much stronger and longer than the first, concluded by calculation. Shortly after the birth of his daughter, Boris cooled off towards his wife, rumors began to spread about his betrayals, and the family that had existed for 2 years broke up.

Gurchenko, focusing on her career, shifted the upbringing of her daughter to her mother.

2 years after the divorce, she met the adopted son of the writer Alexander Fadeev. Alexander Alexandrovich at the time of their meeting was playing in the theater, he had not yet acted in films. By his standards, Lyudmila Gurchenko was a celebrity, and just a very attractive woman, and Fadeev tried to win her over. The hasty third marriage lasted only 2 years, the actors did not really get to know each other before the wedding, and family life turned into a series of disappointments.

Joseph Kobzon became the third legal husband of Lyudmila

Immediately began an affair with another fan, then a rising pop star Joseph Kobzon. Gurchenko met her future fourth husband at a difficult stage in her biography. The actress complained that all the directors she approached in search of work perceived her as an easily accessible woman and responded with unequivocal offers. Kobzon in those years was not so famous as to contribute to the career of his beloved, but his moral support turned out to be very valuable.

It is interesting that the “two stars” got married 3 years after the start of the novel, and only due to the fact that during Kobzon’s New Year’s tour, they refused to put them in the same hotel room with Gurchenko (the Soviet “moral appearance!”).

Fortunately, the head of the Samara registry office turned out to be a fan of the talent of both, and urgently painted them, despite the day off. Newly made spouses were able to take one number legally.

Legal marriage lasted about as long as a premarital affair. Two bright creative personalities with complex characters could not start a family and broke up in 1970. According to rumors, Kobzon did not officially divorce Lyudmila Gurchenko at the time of her marriage to Ninel Drizina, who gave birth to two children to the singer. After breaking up another relationship, the 35-year-old actress vowed to get married again. But soon the pianist Konstantin Cooperweiss appeared in her life. The singer began an affair with a young accompanist, the 14-year age difference did not bother them.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Konstantin Cooperweiss

"Attempt number 5" was more successful. Gurchenko and Cooperweiss did not register their relationship, but they lived in a civil marriage for 18 years. Konstantin guessed desires and fulfilled the whims of the star wife, and she was sure that she had finally found her female happiness. The news that the civil husband had a second family turned out to be a blow for Lyudmila Markovna, in 1991 they broke up.

At the same time, Gurchenko, the leading lady in the film Sex Tale, met 30-year-old producer Sergei Senin. At first, the actress did not even think about a serious relationship with a man who was 2 years younger than her daughter. The situation was complicated by the presence of Senin's wife and child. But at 93, he became the sixth husband of Gurchenko, and this marriage lasted until the death of the star in 2011. According to some reports, in 2010 she exchanged her husband for a young roommate, a handsome photo artist Aslan Akhmadov. Rumors were fueled by a thematic photo session of Aslan and Lyudmila, built on the myth of Oedipus.

Lyudmila Gurchenko and Aslan Akhmadov

In the fall of 2010, 75-year-old Gurchenko announced her love in the show "Let them talk." Around the same time, she was credited with an affair with shooting partner Maxim Averin ("Capercaillie").

Conflict with daughter

The story about Lyudmila Gurchenko, her biography, personal life, husbands can be illustrated with numerous photos, where the star is captured in various stage images, in the company of colleagues in the creative workshop and beloved men. But her joint photos with her daughter are rare, Maria from birth was deprived of the attention of her mother-actress.

The girl did not go to her mother either with beauty or talent, and even against her, she tried to dress tastelessly, in every possible way emphasized her own unattractiveness. Because of the star mother-in-law, the marriage of Maria Borisovna with Alexander Korolev broke up, although over time they got back together.

Actress daughter

The actress, disappointed in her daughter, who became a grandmother at the age of 46, had high hopes for her grandson and granddaughter. But the grandson died at the age of 16 from a drug overdose, and Lyudmila Markovna blamed her daughter for this, exacerbating the existing conflict.

Mother and daughter stopped communicating 5 years before the tragic death of Mark Korolev. After the next marriage of the star daughter, her mother signed off an apartment in the capital to her only granddaughter. Elena Alexandrovna lived for another 6 years, but she announced her will during her lifetime, driving another wedge between Lyudmila and Maria. Lyudmila Gurchenko was indignant, saying that the apartment was bought with her money, and tried to challenge the will in court.

The granddaughter of the actress is very similar to the star grandmother

Because of this conflict, Mary appeared in her mother's house only after her death, claiming her share of the inheritance.

Death and legacy

After suffering a hip fracture in February 2011 and a major operation, Lyudmila Markovna did not have time to recover. On March 30, she died of heart failure due to thromboembolism.

According to Alexander Shirvindt, the eternally young star simply could not come to terms with the onset of old age and preferred death to her. Posthumous make-up was created by Aslan Akhmadov, who during his lifetime was the personal make-up artist of the actress.

Lyudmila Markovna loved spectacular and feminine images

On April 2, she was taken on her last journey. Contrary to her own wishes, the actress was buried not on Vagankovsky, next to her parents and grandson, but on Novodevichy, next to other stars.

The heirs, a widower and a daughter, shared the property for 4 long years. Sergei wanted to keep them and Gurchenko in a common apartment on the Patriarchs, planning to create a museum there. Maria was not delighted with such a decision and demanded 25% due to her by law. As a result of the agreement reached, she received in return a dacha in Novoglagolev and a solid monetary compensation, as well as valuable things from her mother.

Sergey Senin and Gurchenko

By the way, the only real treasure in Gurchenko's legacy was diamond earrings, Baskov's gift for his 70th birthday. Other jewelry - high-quality jewelry.

Wealth did not bring happiness to Maria Borisovna, in November 2017 she died of acute heart failure in the entrance of her own house, before she could reach the hospital. In 2018, the share of the inheritance of Lyudmila Gurchenko, won back by her daughter (about 20 million rubles), went to the granddaughter and great-granddaughter of the actress. And the museum-workshop, opened by a widower on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of her birth, will best tell about the creative heritage of the People's Artist.