Love for a Billion: The Women Roman Abramovich Left. Three main women in the life of Roman Abramovich Abramovich's new love

The oligarch was repeatedly seen in the company of Obolentseva. But just recently, the girl divorced businessman Airat Iskhakov. They lived together for three years, for Nadezhda it was the second marriage. Previously, she was married to businessman Denis Mikhailov, but the relationship did not last long. Nadezhda Obolentseva is a friend of Svetlana Bondarchuk, known as the founder of the closed intellectual club "418", according to "TV program".


Star lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky said that no high-profile trial is expected: the former spouses have long signed all the documents. "The crowd will not receive discussion, because there will be no process. People disperse peacefully. Look at Abramovich's condition before meeting with Daria Zhukova. His condition was more or less similar to today," the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the lawyer.

He knows who initiated the divorce, but he doesn’t want to divulge the secret: “This is someone else’s life. Why rinse their names? They are decent people. They do a lot of good for other people. Let them live their good, kind life, do more and bring joy to people. Look what Dasha and Roman Arkadyevich have done for art, for sports! Let these people live."

Recall that Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova met in 2005 at a football match in Barcelona. According to rumors, businessman Alexander Zhukov introduced his daughter to her future husband. According to the official version, Roman and Daria liked each other at a party dedicated to the victory of the English club Chelsea, owned by Abramovich, over the Spanish Barcelona.

For a long time after the divorce in 2007, Irina hid from the public and journalists. Only a couple of years ago, a woman started an Instagram page, daring to make her private life public. However, she could not stand close attention to her own person and again went into the shadows. Like most of her children from the oligarch. However, some pictures have already been saved.

“I grew up without a father, so it was especially important to me that my children never need anything. Roman always promised me that it would be so. And even now, after the divorce, he keeps his promise, ”said the ex-wife in an interview. Irina really does not have to complain about poverty: Roman left her at least 250-300 million dollars. Some sources call simply a fabulous amount - almost 6 billion pounds, which is half of the businessman's entire fortune. In addition, Abramovich gave the mother of his children estates and apartments in England, a castle in France, and also allowed the use of a yacht and a private jet.

In addition, the man also took over the expenses of five children. Therefore, the 18th birthday of daughter Sophia a couple of years ago was held at a nightclub located on Stamford Bridge. The girl was paid for the performance of a fashionable musical group, and a cake from a leading confectioner, and other whims in the amount of 45 thousand dollars. New Year's children Ilya, Anna, Arina, Sophia and Arkady, led by their mother, are happy to celebrate in the Maldives, in the five-star One And Only Reethi Rah Maldives hotel. Their house even has a name plate, and the Beckham couple and the eminent culinary specialist, restaurateur and presenter Gordon Ramsay are resting next door. How much do these vacations cost? A little less than 300 thousand dollars. Of course, the heirs of the oligarch not only "hang out", but also receive a decent education. The older girls were taken to the private school Godolphin and Latymer every morning by helicopter, and to the subsequent educational institution, Royal Holloway College, “only” in a bulletproof Range Rover.

After the divorce, Irina lived in four countries, living in the UK, France, Switzerland and Russia. But she especially liked the estate in Hampshire, where the woman spends most of her time. Previously, the estate belonged to the King of Jordan and it is furnished really in a royal way: in addition to a luxurious house, there is a lake, a swimming pool, a tennis court, and polo grounds on the territory. Abramovich willingly does housework, creates comfort and takes care of pets. Not only cats and dogs live in the villa, but also horses. The stable, designed, by the way, for 100 horses, is not just entertainment for the rich. The couple's two daughters, Anna and Sofia, are professionally involved in equestrian sports and even win prizes in competitions. Such pleasure costs the family about half a million dollars a year, not to mention the purchase of new horses, each of which costs about 400 thousand dollars.

During her life together with the oligarch, the woman loved shopping. The limousine took the wife of the rich man to Sloane Street, where she strolled through the boutiques of world brands. The woman still has a passion for beautiful things: she dresses concisely, but still - in branded outfits. For example, in a woman’s wardrobe there are Rochas shoes embroidered with rhinestones (about $ 780), a Birkin bag (about 20,000 euros), light shoes from Valentino (280 euros), a Missoni cape (about 800 euros) and so on. Further.

Being married to the richest man in the country, Irina had to hide, move around surrounded by a crowd of guards and often change phone numbers. Now Abramovich can indulge in the pleasure of quietly going out into the world, even without a companion. So, a woman likes to go with the company to the Royal Opera, celebrates the birthday of her friends and their children on yachts, and several times a year she relaxes in the world's best resorts, for example, in Saint-Tropez.

The other day, Roman Abramovich, one of Russia's most famous and richest businessmen - today his fortune is $ 9.2 billion - again became a free man. The businessman and his wife, designer, entrepreneur (and just a beauty) Daria Zhukova announced a divorce:

“After 10 years of living together, we made the difficult decision to leave, but we remain close friends, parents of two wonderful children and partners in projects that we started and developed together.

We intend to raise our children together and continue to work as co-founders of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and the cultural center on New Holland Island in St. Petersburg. We ask everyone to respect our privacy during this difficult time."

Who are they: former Abramovich? We recall interesting facts about women who were loved by one of the wealthiest men of our time.

Victoria Zaborovskaya

Victoria is Roman's first love, which, no matter how trite, did not wait for him from the army. Young people met when Roman was a first-year student at the Ukhta Industrial Institute (1983), Victoria was a year older.

The student romance ended when Abramovich was expelled from the institute and sent to serve. At this time, his beloved began a new relationship. Roman found out about this only after returning from service in Ukhta. The betrayal ended in a breakup. Years later, Victoria refuses to comment on the youthful affair with the oligarch in the media, who then, of course, was not an oligarch. “This is a personal life, I don’t want to be like Monica Lewinsky,” the woman comments.

Olga Lysova

Parting with his first love Roman experienced hard, but in 1987 he decided on an official marriage. Olga Lysova became his wife - two years older than Roman, at the time of their acquaintance she was raising her two-year-old daughter Nastya.

Roman adopted a girl, and married Olga for three years. At first, the young couple traded together in the market, but then things went uphill: Roman launched his first business selling rubber toys. Perhaps not without the support of his wife:

“They started a business together with Roma. And Olya showed even brighter entrepreneurial qualities than Abramovich. After the divorce, she started her own business, and quite successfully, ”says Olga’s current husband Stepan Stefanovich in an interview.

Nevertheless, after the divorce, Roman had nothing to share. Olga was left with the apartment in which she lived before meeting the businessman.

Olga was very upset by the divorce from Abramovich - he left her for another woman. Another reason for the divorce is that Olga could no longer have children, and Roman wanted a big family. Today, Abramovich's first wife refuses to comment on the media free of charge. It is known that Olga has a house in Minsk, her daughter Anastasia also lives here.

Irina Abramovich

From Olga, Roman Abramovich left for Irina Malandina - at that time, the spectacular blonde worked as a flight attendant. The couple lived together for 16 years: during this time, Irina gave birth to a businessman of 5 children.

But in 2005, at a football match, Abramovich met Daria Zhukova - and, despite the fact that both Roman and Daria were not free, an affair began.

For more than a year, Irina did not comment on her husband's betrayal in any way and did not file for divorce, until photos of a couple in love on vacation appeared in the press. There were no scandals and no high-profile divorce proceedings: after the divorce, Irina received about 5.5 billion pounds. And four more businessman's villas in the UK, an estate in West Sussex, two apartments in a good area of ​​London, as well as a castle in France, Chateau de la Croe.

Daria Zhukova

In 2005, Dasha Zhukova ended up in Barcelona, ​​just like Roman, after a football match where they met, and their 12-year relationship began.

Since Roman was married, and Daria met with tennis player Marat Safin, the lovers hid their relationship for a long time. The wedding was also played in secret - in 2008.

Who is Dasha Zhukova?

For the majority: a media person, one of the modern style icons - a girl with impeccable taste. But Daria claims other regalia: an art historian, gallery owner, designer and entrepreneur. Today she is the founder of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow, co-owner of the clothing brand Kova & T. Before meeting Roman, Dasha Zhukova studied in America, then in London. But she didn’t go into medicine in her specialty, she took up what she was interested in: design, art.

By the way, Daria's father, Alexander Zhukov, is a co-owner of the oil and gas company JKX Oil & Gas, terminals in the port of Ust-Luga and the Iceberry group of companies, an ice cream manufacturer.

Ivanka Trump and Daria Zhukova

Throughout the relationship between Abramovich and Zhukova, he was credited with novels with various women ... For example, with the prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater and the American Ballet Theater Diana Vishneva.

And with the scandalous journalist Anna Subbotina, who devoted a chapter to Roman in her memoirs:

However, the rumors were not confirmed, and the couple lived together for more than 10 years: Daria gave birth to two children to Roman - son Aaron and daughter Leia.

- There will be no trial - neither in Chukotka, nor in London, nor in Moscow, - comments the well-known lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky. - The couple signed a carefully designed marriage contract - and this is the most reliable guarantee of a truly peaceful separation. That's how you heard that they will remain good friends, good partners and caring parents, so you won't know any more details. And I never tire of repeating that a good marriage contract is the key to a long and happy marriage.

August 8, 2017, 07:04

He flew away...

You have goods, we have a merchant, as they say))) Roman Arkadevich we now have a free guy, I advise you to study the biography. Well, maybe it will come in handy))

Who is Roman Abramovich? a bit of history

Roman Arkadyevich was born in 1966, on October 26, in the city of Saratov. His parents left him early - his mother died a year after the birth of his son, and three years later, his father also died at a construction site. Roman was brought up in the family of his uncle Leib Romanovich, in the city of Ukhta. From childhood, Roman Abramovich was not distinguished by high academic abilities, but he had very noticeable organizational skills.

After graduating from school, in 1983, Roman entered the Ukhta Industrial Institute at the forestry department, which he could not finish. Although, rather, he did not want to, because the wind of change, so clearly felt at the decline of the empire, was the feat of our hero to do something unthinkable for a Soviet person - entrepreneurial activity.

Young Roman took his first steps towards prosperity of the caliber of an oligarch while still serving in the Soviet army. Today it is difficult to say how exactly he succeeded, but the novice businessman managed to sell plots of forest and land to the local peasantry.

First wife

Returning from the army, Roman found out that the girl, as often happens, did not wait for him, and indulges in "breaking bad".

At that time, the future oligarch drinks a lot, leads a wild life, until he finally meets his first wife Olga Yurievna Lysova.

Together with her, they trade in the market until Roman met Vladimir Tyurin. A friendship immediately struck up between them, and the young cooperators set up a business selling rubber toys.

Things were going great for the guys and very soon Roman and Vladimir had already rented a whole workshop for the production of toys. Their cooperative "Uyut" will soon become the basis for the future team of the oligarch. Despite the fact that the trade was quite successful, the commercial genius of Roman Arkadyevich becomes cramped in such a small business, and he turns his eyes to a truly wide field - the oil trade. And for good reason. Abramovich was lucky to enter the chosen circle of a no less significant figure, which he himself will become, a powerful oligarch of the nineties - Boris Berezovsky , with whom he begins to do business in oil. Popular rumor ascribes a lot to this tandem, such as the dilution of oil and even the outright theft of entire trains, not without the support of his uncle Roman, who at that time occupied a high, and most importantly, necessary post.

The second wife of Abramovich Irina

The second wife was billionaire Irina Abramovich. She was born into a family of waiters of the most modest means. The girl's father died when she was 2 years old. Irina's mother tried her best to provide for the family.

Abramovich met Irina Malandina in 1990 when she was a flight attendant and he was a budding businessman. Having met Irina, Abramovich left his first wife Olga Lysova, with whom he lived for several years. Roman sincerely loved both Olga and her daughter Nastya from her first marriage, whom he even adopted. But, unfortunately for Olga, she could no longer have children. Abramovich, who survived the early death of his parents, really wanted to start a large family. He eventually realized this dream of his in his second marriage.
There is a version that Abramovich created his first toy cooperative thanks to Olga's parents. But that didn't make him rich. A decade and a half ago, Abramovich had nothing to share with Olga - he left her only a one-room apartment. After the divorce, Roman preferred not to remember the first family.

Marriage Irina Vyacheslavovna and Romana was surprisingly durable. Irina bore him five children: Anna, Arkady, Sophia, Arina and Ilya

Roman and Irina have been together for 16 years. But nothing lasts forever

In 2005, Abramovich met a new love - clever and beautiful Daria Zhukova, who is 15 years younger than the businessman.

Rumors very quickly reached the ears of the then wife of Abramovich Irina, but she flatly refused to believe them. Despite the fact that numerous "well-wishers" regularly informed her that her missus was met here and there with a young representative of the "golden youth". Irina, who married Abramovich in 1991 and lived with him for 16 years, dismissed the rumors for almost a year, and only photos of the couple in the press convinced her.

The announcement of the divorce of the Russian tycoon and Irina "has been accelerated by the publication of photographs of Abramovich and Daria taken in Paris." Information about their relationship became public when it received confirmation from Abramovich's official representative, John Mann, although rumors about the novel had been around for a long time, but Irina did not believe them. After the appearance of these pictures, a conversation took place, after which Irina filed for divorce.

It is worth noting that the press in Russia also did not believe in this divorce until the last. It seemed that a long-standing marriage and five children were reliable protection against parting. But then Roman Abramovich nevertheless decided - he officially filed for a divorce, pledging to support his family in full prosperity and abundance, and began to openly meet with Dasha Zhukova.

However, it is worth noting that even after many years, when the couple decided to end their relationship, the greedy public did not wait for any loud scandals about the division of property. Former spouses still maintain warm, friendly relations.

Roman's career continued its meteoric rise. In 1998, Abramovich was introduced to the general public as the treasurer of Yeltsin's inner circle, and already in the 99th he became the owner of a fortune of 14 billion dollars. The ascent to the political arena was not in vain, and in 2000 Roman Abramovich became the governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. At the same time, Roman continues to develop his business, acquires all the attributes appropriate for big capital, up to the purchase of his own Chelsea football club in 2003, which he acquired for crazy £ 140 million. In 2005, in October, Roman sells his part of Sibneft shares in favor of Gazprom for $13.1 billion and repeatedly makes attempts to leave the governor's post, but each time after personal conversations with V.V. Putin, changes the decision. In 2008, at the request of the deputies of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Abramovich became a deputy of the Chukotka Duma, gaining up to 96.99% of the vote.

Today, Roman Abramovich is a textbook example of a Russian oligarch, from the basics of accumulating seed capital to luxury yachts, of which Roman Arkadyevich has three, jokingly called the “Abramovich Fleet”, two private planes, three helicopters serving these yachts. The fleet is beyond exact calculation, but a couple of armored limousines, masterpieces of Maserati, Ferrari, Porsche, Mercedes Benz, Bugatti Veyron, Rolls Royce and a Ducati motorcycle are known for certain. Of course, all copies are exclusive and accordingly produced by order.

Well, finally, the third wife, but not the last. Daria Zhukova

The other day Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova announced their separation. The billionaire and the gallery owner have been together for a little over 10 years. The gossip section Page Six of the New York Post was the first to report this on Monday, then Abramovich and Zhukova confirmed this in a joint statement.

Roman and Daria said that the decision to leave was not easy for them, that they would remain friends and business partners, as co-founders of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and the cultural center on New Holland Island in St. Petersburg. And, of course, loving parents of their two wonderful children - 8-year-old Aaron and 4-year-old Leah. The spouses decided not to devote anyone to the material nuances of their separation, which aroused remarkable curiosity. After all, their love was like a high-budget beautiful movie - it can't end in nothing?!

Page Six recalled that journalists did not know for a long time whether Abramovich and Zhukova were officially married, until WSJ Magazine confirmed in 2014 that they met in 2005 and got married in 2008.

Today, according to Forbes, Roman Abramovich is the 12th richest person in Russia. But his father-in-law, entrepreneur Alexander Zhukov, is also not a blunder, although it is much more difficult to calculate his exact fortune (Forbes suggests that it is still less than that of his son-in-law - about 7.6 billion rubles).

Alexander Zhukov with his daughter Daria

Her father Alexander Zhukov is a co-owner of the oil and gas company JKX Oil & Gas, terminals in the port of Ust-Luga and the Iceberry group of companies, an ice cream manufacturer.

Daria is the daughter of businessman Zhukov from his first marriage and is already an adult girl (36 years old), a mother of two children and has been positioning herself as a business woman since 2007, when she founded Garage in Moscow with Roman Abramovich. Until that moment, Dasha was listed as a socialite and appeared at iconic social events, including football matches, where she was with her father, and “near-football” parties.

Roman and Daria are raising two kids, son Aaron and daughter Leia.

The little daughter is growing up, very similar to her dad.

Spouses could often be seen at the most fashionable resorts in the world, where they demonstrated their well-being on their own yachts. They flashed in the photo of the paparazzi, together with the world stars of show business, politics and business.

Alas, there is no reliable information when they met for sure. According to one version, at a New Year's party on the eve of 2005, hosted by Dasha's father, businessman Alexander Zhukov. Another version says that the fateful meeting took place at an after-party after a football match in Barcelona in 2005. Then, allegedly, a spark slipped between at that time 24-year-old Dasha and 38-year-old Roman

At the time of his acquaintance with Zhukova, the billionaire was in his second official marriage with Irina Abramovich

Dasha was also not free. She met with the famous handsome tennis player Marat Safin

Fans hoped that Zhukova and Safin would get married

Rumors began to circulate in the Western media that Abramovich lost his head from Zhukova.

Information quickly flew to Irina Abramovich. Allegedly, she gave her husband a classic ultimatum “either I or she,” and he made a strong-willed decision and left for his new passion, leaving his ex-wife more than a generous compensation. In addition to a huge amount of money, she became the owner of four luxurious mansions in different parts of the world.

Before meeting Roman, Dasha Zhukova, who moved to California with her mother as a child, studied in America, and then graduated from the London Institute of Naturopathy. However, she did not go into medicine and, together with her friend Christina Tang, decided to go into the fashion business, founding the Kova & T brand.

Daria, together with her friend, has successfully developed the Kova & T brand over the years, which many Western celebrities have fallen in love with.

Now Zhukova is not just the founder of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, but also a welcome guest on the red carpet of various social events. However, it appears there, frankly, infrequently. But, if it already appears, then you can often see her communicating, for example, with Ivanka Trump

After the birth of the second child, the first waves went through the surface of the relationship between Roman and Dasha.

In the party, they started talking about Abramovich's passion for the prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Diana Vishneva ....

Abramovich's official representative even had to make the rarest exception to the rule and comment on the businessman's personal life - they say that there was and is no romance with the ballerina.

The businessman's press secretary did not confirm this information; Vishneva's relatives also refused to comment. The basis for assuming a romantic context in the relationship between Abramovich and Vishneva was at first a closed dinner of the Context International Festival of Contemporary Choreography, organized by a ballerina, where the businessman came alone. And then Abramovich undertook to sponsor Vishneva's new project.

Dasha at the same time, without hesitation, hugged in New York with Leonardo DiCaprio.

The conversations quickly faded away: there was no evidence of Roman's connection with the ballerina, and DiCaprio would hardly have laid eyes on the girl of an influential friend.

In addition to Ivanka and Leonardo, other interesting meetings began to appear in the media.

So, in March 2017, the British tabloid The Daily Mail reported that Zhukova had dinner with Joshua Kushner. The latter is one of the most eligible suitors in America. His last name is well known - he is the younger brother of Jared Kushner, son-in-law of US President Donald Trump.

By the way, the model Karlie Kloss, with whom Joshua has been credited for a five-year affair, is Zhukova's friend, who even came to the opening of the Garage in Moscow.

According to the tabloid, supported by pictures received from American paparazzi, Zhukov and Joshua Kushner met at a sushi bar in New York's Soho (a district in Manhattan).

However, they arrived separately. Kushner, 31, asked for a far table in the corner of the establishment, and Zhukova arrived later. "The couple spent the evening whispering and chuckling," wrote The Daily Mail. After the meal, Kushner walked Zhukova to the end of the street, where a car was waiting for her, and hugged her goodbye.

In February 2017, the Italian tabloid Chi published pictures in which, as expected , captured by Zhukova with New York art dealer Vito Schnabel.

For some time he was in a relationship with the star of the film "Fifty Shades of Grey" Dakota Johnson, but after that, in 2014, he began dating the famous German model Heidi Klum. According to Chi, based on the images obtained, there was an affair between Schnabel and Zhukova, but representatives of Abramovich said that the photos were fake.

Other news of a similar nature stirred up the British tabloid The Sun in December last year. Then a photo appeared on Instagram of New York journalist Derek Blasberg, in which he is depicted in red pajamas with polka dots and golfs. Next to him is Daria Zhukova in a red top, black skirt and striped stockings.

By the way, then a lot of comments appeared under the picture, in which Internet users wondered if Abramovich was jealous of his wife?

However, Zhukova's friendship with Blasberg is not a secret. Like Kloss, for example, he was among those invited to the opening of the Garage.

They were repeatedly bred, attributing to each of them novels with world stars of politics, art and show business.

But every time after such messages, they appeared together. And here is the official statement from Roman Abramovich's advisor John Mann.

John Mann, adviser to Roman Abramovich: “After 10 years of marriage, we made the difficult decision to leave, but we remain close friends, parents of two wonderful children and partners in projects that we started and developed together. We intend to raise our children together and continue our work as co-founders of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and the cultural center on New Holland Island in St. Petersburg.”

The separation of the couple was commented on by family friend and lawyer Alexander Karabanov.

Alexander Karabanov: “It is difficult to comment on this here, because after all, personal life is a secret, no one can be fully dedicated there. I'm just sure that every relationship has its beginning, there is a completion stage. And, of course, here I personally even look at the examples of my friends who have recently divorced. For a man, of course, the material side is very important. In terms of what is happening now with business, with the crisis. It is likely that this worked a little as a catalyst, including in personal relationships.

The main issue is jointly acquired property. At one time, Abramovich's second wife, Irina Malandina, received 6 billion pounds in a divorce by mutual agreement of the parties, more than half of her husband's fortune. She also received four villas in the UK, including an estate worth 18 million pounds, two London apartments worth 20 million, and a castle in France. This time, apparently, everything is also carefully thought out and stipulated.

Alexander Dobrovinsky, lawyer: “Many people knew that their union was coming to an end. As far as I know, at the very beginning, when they started living together, they entered into a marriage contract. Something was happening, for close people, for people of some circle, it was definitely known. This could be observed from the outside, for example, how often Roman appears on football alone. Or at parties they saw Abramovich without Daria and her without him. Everything was pretty clear."

Now Roman Abramovich's fortune is estimated at 9 billion dollars, he occupies the 12th line in the Russian Forbes list. According to the Daly Mail, he and Zhukova have homes in London, Moscow, Colorado, the Caribbean, and southern France. There is also a mansion in New York. In 2014, the 50-year-old businessman is said to have spent about $70 million buying three townhouses and rebuilding them into one five-story mansion. Abramovich also owns one of the largest yachts in the world - Eclipse.

But the main thing is Abramovich's collection, which is estimated at a billion dollars. Its pearl is a collection of 40 works by the artist Ilya Kabakov, worth approximately $60 million. Plus, don't forget Chelsea, who, according to Forbes, are worth about $1.5 billion. It is known that Abramovich bought his wife a Giacometti figurine worth $14 million, paintings by Francis Bacon for $86 million or Lucian Freud for $33 million.

- There will be no trial - neither in Chukotka, nor in London, nor in Moscow, - lawyer Alexander DOBROVINSKY reassures us. - The couple signed a carefully designed marriage contract - and this is the most reliable guarantee of a truly peaceful separation. That's how you heard that they will remain good friends, good partners and caring parents, so you won't hear any more details. Personally, I really hope that the golf club will remain with Roman Arkadyevich.

And I never tire of repeating that a good marriage contract is the key to a long and happy marriage.

According to Roman Abramovich himself, the couple divorced back in May, and now information has simply surfaced that the ex-spouses allegedly tried not to advertise so as not to make dirty linen from their elite "hut". And no wonder - after all, such squabbles often go to the detriment of business. And someone who, and Roman Abramovich - a man whose capital is estimated at $ 9.1 billion, occupies 139th position in the Forbes list of billionaires, the owner of the legendary Chelsea football club - understands this like nothing else.

A year has passed since the unexpected divorce of Abramovich and Daria Zhukova. The marriage of the oligarch and the gallery owner lasted almost ten years. In this union, two children appeared - the son Aaron-Alexander and the daughter Leah. The reason for the collapse of the family was, as always, another woman. But until today, neither her name nor her age is known to the general public. The tabloids attributed to the oligarch an affair with the ballerina Diana Vishneva, actress Yulia Peresild and even Olga Buzova. But none of these rumors have been confirmed. Who is the enviable groom Roman Abramovich dating now?

Roman Abramovich and his new girlfriend: the latest news of 2018

Although the former spouses have maintained quite warm and friendly relations, each of them lives his own life. Daria is credited with an affair with the Greek billionaire Stavros Niarchos, who broke up with his bride for her sake. The couple is often seen together at social events.

As for her ex-husband, he does not seem to be in a hurry to get married again and enjoys freedom. Last year, many media claimed that the oligarch was courting it-girl Nadezhda Obolentseva. She is the founder of the club of intellectuals "418". Not so long ago, Nadezhda divorced her second husband, the top manager of Neftegazindustriya Airat Iskhakov. Many were waiting for Obolentseva to move to Abramovich after his official divorce. But so far this has not happened. Yes, and there is no supporting data about the novel between Nadezhda and the oligarch.

As for Yulia Peresild, she was seen many times in company with Abramovich at exhibition openings, premieres, and sporting events. Although the actress is married and has two children, this does not prevent her from spending time in the company of the famous oligarch. Whether this is a romance or just friendship, no one knows. Julia herself spoke rather ironically on this subject on Instagram, listing all the alleged lovers whom the press attributed to her. Roman Abramovich was also on this list. But, judging by the playful tone of Peresild, he is not the hero of her novel.

The novel of Buzova and Abramovich is a figment of the imagination of Olga's fans and herself. Trying to stir up interest in herself, the TV presenter and for some time now the singer began to hint at her possible romance with the oligarch. But in fact, all these rumors turned out to be only rumors and dreams of the former member of House-2 herself. Photos where Olga is captured with Abramovich are just photoshop and not of the highest quality.

But who is she - the new fourth wife of the oligarch Abramovich? Perhaps the enviable groom himself is already tired of trying to create an ideal family and decided to enjoy a single life without a stamp in his passport? The personal life of the famous bachelor remains under seven seals.

Wives and children of Roman Abramovich

The first wife of the oligarch was Olga Lysova. The union did not last long and was childless. Abramovich entered into a second marriage with stewardess Irina Milandina. The couple managed to make five children together - three daughters and two sons. But in March 2007, this union also broke up.

The third wife of Roman Arkadyevich was Daria Zhukova. In this marriage, the couple had two children. The Union ordered to live long on August 7, 2017. In all cases, divorces took place quietly, without unnecessary fuss and scandals. As it became known, Roman Arkadyevich preferred to enter into marriage contracts in order to secure his fortune. According to these papers, the wife could only receive the amount prescribed in it.

Divorce from his first wife was the simplest and fastest, since there were no children in this marriage, and he also did not have a special state at that time. But the oligarch gave his second wife almost half of his fortune (about 6 billion pounds), houses and yachts. The amount of compensation was a record in the entire history of divorce proceedings. It was Irina who became the wife who inspired Abramovich to great achievements. Thanks to her, he earned his fortune, which was reflected in their agreement after the divorce. The couple remained on good terms, and Roman Arkadievich takes an active part in the life of his five children.

What went to Daria Zhukova after parting with the oligarch - one can only guess. The spouses have many joint projects that they continue to lead as business partners. Abramovich's fortune for 2018 is estimated at almost $11 billion.