M butovskaya. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Rans. International scientific projects at present

Marina Lvovna Butovskaya(born June 27, Cherkasy, Ukraine) - Russian anthropologist, doctor of historical sciences, professor.

In 1982 she graduated from the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University. In 1985, she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Ethological mechanisms of some forms of group behavior in primates as a prerequisite for anthroposociogenesis." In 1994 she defended her doctoral thesis on the topic "Universal principles of organization of social systems in primates, including humans."

Member of the Association of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia, European Anthropological Association (Eng. European Anthropological Association ), the European Primatological Society (eng. European Primatological Society ), American Association of Physical Anthropologists American Association of Physical Anthropologists ), Society for the Study of Human Behavior and Evolution (Eng. Human Behavior and Evolution Society ), International Society for the Study of Aggression (Eng. International Society for Research on Aggression ), International Society for Human Ethology (Eng. International Society for Human Ethology ) and the International Primatological Society.

Research interests: primatology, ethology of humans and primates, evolutionary anthropology (including the evolutionary prerequisites for homosexuality), gender anthropology, conflictology, cultural studies, cross-cultural communication, hunter-gatherers of East Africa. Conducted several seasons of field research among Hadza hunter-gatherers in Tanzania.

Major Publications

  • Butovskaya M. L., Fainberg L. A. Ethology of primates (textbook). Moscow: MGU Publishing House, 1992. 190 p.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Sexual dimorphism in the social behavior of brown macaques (in connection with the evolution of the behavior of hominids) // Woman in the aspect of physical anthropology. M., 1994. S. 102-109.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Plyusnin Yu. M. Principles of organization of spatial behavior in humans and higher primates (comparative analysis) // Modern anthropology and genetics and the problem of races in humans / Ed. THEM. Zolotareva, G.A. Aksyanov. M.: IEA RAN, 1995. S. 91-143.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Biology of sex, culture and gender role stereotypes of behavior in children / Family, gender, culture. M., 1996.
  • Butovskaya ML Formation of gender stereotypes in children: sociocultural and sociobiological paradigm - dialogue or new confrontation? // Ethnographic review. 1997. No. 4. S. 104-122.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Artemova O. Yu., Arsenina O. I. Gender-role stereotypes in children of Central Russia in modern conditions // Ethnographic Review. 1998. No. 1. S. 104-120.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Aggression and reconciliation as a manifestation of sociality among primates and humans // Social sciences and modernity. 1998. No. 6. S. 149-160.
  • Butovskaya M.L. The evolution of man and his social structure // Priroda. 1998. No. 9. S. 87-99.
  • Butovskaya M. L. The Evolution of Human Behavior: The Relationship Between the Biological and the Social // Anthropology. 2000. V. 38. No. 2.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Korotayev A. V. , Kazankov A. A. Variabilité des relations sociales chez les primates humains et non humains: à la recherche d "un paradigme général // Primatologie. 2000. V. 3. P. 319–363.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Guchinova E. Men and Women in Contemporary Kalmykia: Traditional Gender Stereotypes and Reality // Inner Asia, 2001, N.3 p. 61-71.
  • Butovskaya M. L., Boyko E. Y., Selverova N. B., Ermakova I. V. The hormonal basis of reconciliation in humans // J. Physiol. Anthropol. Appl. human. Sci., 2005, 24 (4), p. 333-337. (summary)
  • M. L. Butovskaya, A. Mabulla. Hadza in the context of intercultural interaction: features of the social behavior of children and adolescents studying at the school of the village of Endomaga // Interracial and interethnic relations in modern Tanzania: Proceedings of the Russian Complex Expedition in the United Republic of Tanzania (season 2005) / Ed. ed. A.V. Korotaev, E.B. Demintseva. Moscow: Institute for African Studies RAS, 2007, pp. 138-167.


  • Butovskaya M. L., Fainberg L. A. At the origins of human society / RAS. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. Miklouho-Maclay. M.: Nauka, 1993. 255 p.
  • Butovskaya M. L. Body language. Nature and culture (evolutionary and cross-cultural foundations of human non-verbal communication). M.: Scientific world, 2004. 437 p.

In 1982 she graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University (Department of Anthropology).

From 1982 to 1984 she studied at the graduate school of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology (IEA) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Research Fellow (1985–1992); Senior Researcher (1992-1995); Leading Researcher (1995–2002), IEA RAS.

From 2002 to the present, head. Center for Evolutionary Anthropology, c. n. with. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS.

From 1998 to present - professor at the Center for Social Anthropology of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, dissertation defended at IEA RAS (1994).

Member of international organizations - European Anthropological Association, American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Society for the Study of Human Behavior and Evolution, International Society for the Study of Aggression, International Society for Human Ethology, International Primatological Society.

Scientific interests: human evolution; ethology of humans and primates (the study of the structure of social relations in different types of primates, social relations in children's groups, the reconstruction of the early stages of the development of human society, the evolution of laughter and smiles in humans) urban anthropology (studies of the behavior of citizens in conditions of anonymous interaction on the streets of the city, structuring behavior in different cultures, studying the structure of the urban population of the poor and the relationship of the poor with the townspeople), gender studies (studies of the criteria for choosing a permanent partner in modern conditions, satisfaction with marriage among men and women, the processes of formation of gender stereotypes in children and adolescents) conflictology and methods of peaceful resolution conflicts (the study of the ethological and physiological mechanisms of aggression and its settlement in children and adolescents, aggression and reconciliation in various types of primates, theoretical studies in the field of the evolution of the mechanisms of aggression and reconciliation in humans eka, studying the role of stress in post-conflict behavior) cross-cultural research in the field of altruism (analysis of the formation of friendly relations among children in different cultures).

Reads courses of lectures: Human Ethology and Methods of Collecting Ethological Material; Fundamentals of physical anthropology; Specialist. course in evolutionary anthropology; Theory and practice of intercultural communication.

Research experience: Field observations on the study of the social behavior of primates in the Sukhumi Primatological Center (1979–1991) and in the Russian Primatological Center, Adler (1992 - to the present), research in the Primatological Center of the University of Kassel, Germany (1992–1993) and at the Primatological Center of the University of Strasbourg (1999–2001); expedition work to study gender stereotypes in Kalmykia (1993–1995). Study of the ethological and hormonal bases of the regulation of aggression in children and adolescents (Moscow Elista, Yerevan) (1997 - present); studying the problems of urban beggars in Eastern Europe (1998 - present); ethological studies of pedestrian behavior in urban environments (1999 - present).

Organization and holding of two international summer schools on human ethology (Zvenigorod, June 19-26, 2001 and Pushchino, June 30 - July 7, 2002).

Grants and awards: research grant from the German Academy of Sciences (1992–1993); research grant from Soros "cultural initiative" (1993-1994); research grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (1996–1998, no. 96-06-80405; 1997–1999, no. 97-06-80272; 1999–2001, no. 00032; 1998, no. 98-01-00176); research grant from the French Academy of Sciences (1999–2000); research grant from the Open Society, Research Support Scheme, (1999–2001, no. 138/99). Grants for attending scientific conferences with reports from Soros (1994, 1996, 1997, 1998), from the International Society for the Study of Aggression (2000), from the Colloquium on the Study of the Brain and the Problems of Aggression (2000), from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (2000), from the Russian Humanitarian Foundation ( 2002, 2003). Grant award from the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the program "Outstanding scientists, young doctors and candidates" 2001.

Marina Lvovna Butovskaya (June 27, 1959, Cherkasy, Ukraine) is a Russian ethologist, anthropologist, doctor of historical sciences, professor.

In 1982 she graduated from the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University in the Department of Anthropology. In 1985 she defended her Ph.D. thesis "Ethological mechanisms of some forms of group behavior in primates as a prerequisite for anthroposociogenesis". In 1994 she defended her doctoral thesis "Universal principles of organization of social systems in primates, including humans."

From 1995 to 2002 - Leading Researcher at the IEA RAS, from 2002 to 2008 - Head of the Center for Evolutionary Anthropology of the Institute, since 2008 - Head of the Sector of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Human Ethology. Professor of the Educational and Scientific Center for Social Anthropology of the Russian State Humanitarian University, where since 1997 she has been giving author's courses of lectures (in 1998-2000 she was deputy director of the Institute of Cultural Anthropology (InCA) of the Russian State Humanitarian University).

Member of the Association of Ethnographers and Anthropologists of Russia, European Anthropological Association (English) Russian, European Primatological Society (English) Russian, American Association of Physical Anthropologists (English) Russian, Society for the Study of Human Behavior and Evolution (English) Russian ., International Society for the Study of Aggression (English) Russian, International Society for the Ethology of Man (English) Russian. and the International Primatological Society.

Research interests: primatology, ethology of humans and primates, evolutionary anthropology (including the evolutionary prerequisites for homosexuality), gender anthropology, conflictology, cultural studies, cross-cultural communication, hunter-gatherers of East Africa. Since 2006, he has been conducting several seasons of field research each year with Hadza hunter-gatherers, Datoga pastoralists and other groups in Tanzania.

Books (6)

Anthropology of sex

in the formation of modern species of animals and humans.

Sex and gender in human society are presented as a complex biosocial phenomenon. Differences between the male and female bodies, features of physiology and genetics, mental activity and strategies of sexual and parental behavior are considered.

The book shows the specifics of male and female behavior in traditional societies, demonstrates the relationship of reproductive success with social status and economic well-being.

The reasons for the stability of a number of gender stereotypes in modern society are discussed. It is told in detail about the universal and culturally specific ideals of beauty and methods of their research.

Power, gender and reproductive success

The book "Power, gender and reproductive success" introduces the reader to modern ideas about the evolution of human sexual behavior.

The book offers a reconstruction of sexual relationships at different stages of human evolution and substantiates the relationship between the formation of stable pairs between the sexes and the lengthening of infancy and childhood. The issue of the relationship between sex and reproduction in modern society is discussed.

Ethnography of field life: memoirs of IEA RAS staff

The book contains memoirs of employees of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. N.N. Miklukho-Maclay of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The main attention is paid to the expeditionary work carried out by the Institute staff in different regions of the world.

Language of the body. Nature and culture

In "Body Language. Nature and Culture” for the first time and most fully in the domestic scientific literature, an overview of the evolutionary foundations of human non-verbal communication is given.

The most modern theories of evolutionary psychology are presented and the materials obtained in recent years by domestic and foreign specialists, including the author of the book personally, are presented.

It is based on the materials of the lecture courses on "Human Ethology" and "Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication", read by the author for social anthropologists, culturologists and linguists at the Russian State University for the Humanities.

About a dead cat and live kittens

All people are born and die - and in every nation amazing customs and rituals are associated with birth and death. What is initiation?

What are "male" and "female" houses? Why is the birth of a boy or a girl treated differently? How do different nations bury the dead?

You will learn about this and much more from the book by Marina Butovskaya - a story about the friendship of Russian and Papuan girls and what they learned just by caring for orphaned kittens.

M. L. Butovskaya

Anthropology of sex

Fryazino, 2013

UDC 572 BBK 28.7 B 93

The work was carried out at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The publication was supported by Dmitry Zimin's Dynasty Foundation for Non-Commercial Programs.

Butovskaya M.L.

Anthropology of sex. Fryazino: Vek2. 2013. - 256 p., color. ill.

ISBN 978-5-85099-191-3

Photo by M.L. Butovskaya: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.7, 1.8, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 4.3, 7.1, 7.2,

7.3, 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 11.2, 11.7, 11.12

On the cover: female figurine - Chokwe tribe, Angola

Male figurine - Bena Lulua tribe, Congo

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CHAPTER VI Exploring Utopia: Paul Goodman's Visionary Sociology A middle-aged novelist and social critic watches children play "down the river" on a busy city street. His gaze now and then adoringly rests on a seventeen-year-old boy,

From the book Anthropology of Sex author Butovskaya Marina Lvovna

4.6. The secret chemical weapon of the stronger sex and the Red Queen Competition of spermatozoa from different males in the genital tract of the female is one of the options for "mating efforts" (mating efforts), providing a potential reproductive gain for a more successful male. One of

From the book Power, Gender and Reproductive Success author Butovskaya Marina Lvovna

9.3. Competition within sex Studies in several countries have shown that in humans, competition for a sexual partner is associated with the operational sex ratio in the population (Fig. 9.2). Knowing the operational sex ratio in a particular human

From the book Court of Russian Emperors in its past and present author Volkov Nikolai Egorovich

Butovskaya ML Power, gender and reproductive success UDC 39 LBC 63.5 B 93 Butovskaya ML Power, gender and reproductive success. - Fryazino: "Century 2", 2005. - 64 p. - (Science Today).ISBN 5-85099-152-2On the cover: Francesco Hayes "The New Pet".ISBN 5-85099-152-2© "Century 2".