magic numbers

Among the secrets, a special place is occupied by the secrets of numbers, their occurrence and influence on people. We are faced with numbers at every step, they accompany us from birth to the last days. We cannot imagine our life without them. What role do they play in our destiny?

Superstitions associated with numbers are perhaps one of the most enduring and widespread. A person who does not believe in any signs will still knock three times on the table, “so as not to jinx it,” or spit three times over his shoulder. Many people have “their”, that is, a favorite number, and they almost seriously believe that it brings them good luck. Our current superstitions are echoes of ancient ideas about the mystical power of numbers. In tribes where counting was limited to two or three, everything that was connected with the number of objects that exceeded two or three was tantamount to the concept of "many" or "darkness." That which could not be counted was, as it were, outside the mind, and was mysterious, endowed with supernatural properties, and was considered sacred. A special science of numbers was even invented - numerology. Numerology has its roots in ancient times - even primitive tribes used numbers. Consciously or unconsciously, people obey her: an odd number of flowers in a bouquet, a service for six or twelve people, repeat three times. Numerical magic is reflected in superstitions: in many countries there are no planes with tail number 13, no floor with the number "13", no 13th room in hotels, etc.

Numerology was part of the secret knowledge of the most educated and enlightened elite of the ancient states: Egyptian priests, Assyrian magicians, Indian Brahmins. The priests of ancient Memphis claimed: "The science of numbers and the art of will - these are the two keys of magic, they open all the doors of the universe." Numbers in ancient Greece were surrounded by special reverence.

Provisions of Pythagoras

The main provisions of the current version of Western numerology were developed in the VI century BC. e. the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who combined the mathematical systems of the Arabs, Druids, Phoenicians and Egyptians with the sciences of human nature. Pythagoras was born around 580 BC. e., traveled a lot in Egypt, Chaldea and other countries and, returning, founded a special philosophical society in southern Italy. In this society, or the Pythagorean school, the sciences, especially arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy, were studied, and the most important discoveries were made.

"Numbers rule the world," said Pythagoras. The Pythagoreans believed in the mystical life of numbers, they believed that behind every object there is always a certain number. Numbers, like spirits, bring good and evil, happiness and unhappiness to people. You just need to know which ones are good and which are evil. Pythagoras, expounding this mysterious science to his students, said that from how much a person is familiar with the magical properties of numbers, how much he knows how to use them, so he dominates his destiny. Above others, the Pythagoreans put a unit. The whole world allegedly went from her, she is the beginning of everything, the universe, the gods themselves. Two brings with it love, marriage, at the same time it is a symbol of the impermanent. Perfection was identified with the three. It seemed unusual because it consisted of the sum of the previous numbers. The number six was considered amazing, since it was obtained by adding or multiplying all the numbers that are divisible by 6. After all, the six is ​​divisible by 1, 2, 3, and if you add or multiply these numbers, you get 6 again. No one has this property. one other number.

Pythagorean theory

Pythagoras, his students and followers reduced all numbers to numbers from 1 to 9 inclusive, since they are the initial numbers from which all others can be obtained (this in itself no longer inspires confidence, since in the binary number system, for example, such there is only one digit, in hexadecimal, on the contrary, fifteen). Various systems have been developed to reduce large numbers to elementary ones. The simplest and most popular method of obtaining these digits from numbers is to add all the digits of this number, then, if 10 or more is formed, add these digits as well. This process is continued until an elementary number from 1 to 9 is obtained (in some variants of numerological calculations, the two-digit numbers 11 and 22, also called the dominant ones, are not reduced to single digits). Any numbers can be subjected to such an “analysis”: date of birth, phone number, apartment number, and so on.

Numerological analysis of words

Numerological analysis of words, for example, a name, is also possible. The fact that a name distinguishes a person from other people is the basis for believing that it contains the individuality of a person. If the name is subjected to analysis, according to traditional rules, then it will reveal character and destiny. For this, tables are compiled, where each letter of the name and birthday corresponds to a certain number. The sum obtained as a result of adding these numbers is translated into a single-digit number from 1 to 9, which is considered the essence of the name. That is, some properties of character “correspond” to it, and the fate of a person is determined by it.

Of course, neither horoscopes, nor the secrets of a birthday and a name, nor the unfortunate numbers three, seven, and others can influence the fate, character, and activities of a person who believes in his abilities. But these and similar factors in a superstitious person create additional emotions, which in one case add energy and strength to him, give him greater confidence in achieving the goal, bring some joy, but in the other they suppress the will, cause a feeling of fear, fear, uncertainty and the futility of dealing with life's adversities.

Examples of numerological description of numbers
0 - nothing
1 - unit - the basis of the account
2 - bilateral symmetry of organisms, dichotomy of many nomenclatures
3 - three-dimensionality of the material world, 3 points of support for stable balance, three-component theory of color vision
4 - 4 elements of the Ancient World (Mediterranean, Greece), 4 temperaments, 4 tastes
5 - closely connected with 5 fingers on the hand - eastern pentatonic, as well as in the civilizations of the Ancient East - 5 tastes, 5 colors, 5 elements; pentagram
6 - six faces of a honeycomb six-petal flowers, a hexagram of two triangles
7 - 7 metals of antiquity, 7 "planets" of antiquity (observable with the naked eye, including the Sun and Moon), 7 notes, 7 colors of Newton's rainbow
8 - infinity sign (∞) rotated 90°
10 - the base of the decimal number system
11 - in numerology - a symmetrical and individual deuce
12 - dozen - the first number with many divisors (2,3,4,6), 12 months in a year, 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 hours on the dial, 12 parts of the temple of Solomon, 12 * 5: the basis of the 60-decimal number system
13 - damn dozen - close to a dozen, but not completely divisible
21 - Point (game)

Number values
In fairy tales and myths of many nations, the numbers 3, 7, 12 are widely used.

number three

The superstitions that have arisen around the number three date back to the time when our ancestors counted no more than three. In many religions, this number is considered sacred.

In the ancient world, we are faced with a three-faced or three hypostases of female mythological characters (three graces, mountains, gorgons, Erinyes). In Buddhism, the understanding of knowledge is perceived as trikaya (“threeness”). In addition, there is a symbol of three jewels (tritarna) and three signs of Buddhism - trilakshna.

On this basis, in the Christian religion, the concept of the Holy Trinity is built - the one God, acting in three persons (hypostases): God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and almost all church rites and rituals are performed: three-finger addition of the fingers of the right hands at the sign of the cross, three times immersion at the sacrament of baptism, three times kissing at meetings and partings. On the third day after death, the soul leaves the body. The number three is a symbol of the three Christian virtues: faith, hope and love. To protect the deceased from evil spirits, three candles are lit at his head.

There are many similar examples in other religious teachings. And not only in them. The number three is one of the most popular in folklore. Remember: a man has three sons or a king has three daughters, three tasks for fairy-tale heroes, a snake has three heads, three heroes are sent to a distant kingdom far away.

The people say: “God loves the Trinity”, “Without the Trinity, the house is not built”, “The Trinity of the fingers lays the cross.” And "cursed" is called a person, as if damned by all earthly and heavenly forces. A good worker works for three, a mighty tree with three girths, in three pines you can get lost, but lie with three boxes; misfortune or illness can bend into three deaths, and from fear in the eyes it triples.

The magic of the number seven

Since ancient times, the number seven has been endowed with magical properties. Why? But because the ancients saw in it, as it were, a reflection of many phenomena of the world. In ancient Babylon, people observed in the sky seven moving planets that allegedly revolved around the Earth: these are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The Babylonians deified them and believed that the seven gods who settled on the planets controlled the destinies of people and nations. With the number of these celestial bodies, apparently, the origin of the seven-day week of the lunar month is connected. Since the Moon is visible in the sky for 28 days, this period was divided into four phases of seven days each. For Arabs, Assyrians, Jews, this number was an oath. "Strong as seven" - the oath of the French. The number seven is often found in the Bible (seven days of creation, seven sacraments, seven deadly sins). In alchemy, only seven metals were recognized for a long time. Seven wonders of the world were known on earth.

This figure occupies a large place in the mythology of the ancient world. Atlas, who supported the firmament with his shoulders, had seven daughters - the pleiades, whom Zeus turned into constellations; Odysseus was held captive by the nymph Calypso for 7 years. The underground river Styx flows around hell seven times, divided in turn into seven regions. The Babylonians have a kingdom surrounded by seven walls. According to Islam, there are seven heavens above us, and all those who are pleasing to God fall into the seventh heaven of bliss, and the earth rests on seven oxen. From the Hindus came the custom of giving seven elephants for happiness. Great Lent lasts for Christians for seven weeks. The Bible tells of seven lamps of fire, seven bowls of God's wrath, seven angels, seven seals, seven years of abundance and seven years of famine. Setting sail during the global flood, Noah took seven pairs of clean and two pairs of unclean animals into his ark ... In the Middle Ages, there was a “devil seven” in playing cards that beat all other cards. The saying "evil witch seven" meant a grumpy wife.

The "septenary" of the world was manifested, as they thought, in seven ages of human life: infancy - up to 7x1 = 7 years; adolescence - up to 7x2 = 14 years; youth - 7x 3 \u003d 21 years; young man - up to 7x4 = 28 years; man - up to 7x7 = 49 years; an elderly man - up to 7x 8 \u003d 56 years.

Echoes of the veneration of the seven have reached our time. Recall, for example, seven notes, seven colors of the rainbow. Remember the proverbs and sayings with the number seven ... (“seven do not expect one”, “seven troubles one answer”, “seven spans in the forehead”, etc.) In addition to the well-known ones, one can also recall the following: “And the righteous falls seven times a day ”, an experienced person “ate from seven ovens”, “who is what, the people see through seven walls”, “a fox will lead seven wolves”, “than sending seven it is better to visit yourself”, “with seven roads eight streets”. The Kazakhs have a saying: "Buried in the seventh depth of the earth", used when it comes to too secret, inaccessible (in the sense that you can't get to the bottom).

The question involuntarily arises: how to explain such a long-standing and widespread veneration of this number? The most convincing explanation was given by psychologist D. Miller. The researchers conducted various experiments. A blindfolded person, for example, was asked to determine by ear how high the sound he heard from the speaker. When a person heard two or three different sounds, he never confused them. When the subjects were asked to evaluate four sounds of different tones, they were already sometimes mistaken. And at five and six, mistakes became frequent. Repeated experiments have shown that a person is able to distinguish no more than seven different tones.

Another experiment. The person was shown a piece of paper with dots on them. If there are no more than seven dots on the paper, he immediately, without counting, called the correct number. When there were more points, errors began. The number seven psychologists called the "object of attention." Behind him, instant grasping no longer occurs. “Apparently,” Miller believes, “our body has some kind of limit that limits our abilities and ... due to the very structure of our nervous system.”

It turns out that long before the ancients deified the number seven, this number was well known to people. It reflected the property of their brain, its "capacity".

So, what does the ancient science of numerology say about the meaning of the number 7

7 - symbolizes mystery, as well as the study of the unknown and invisible. Astrologers represent the seven as a perfect number. According to popular belief, the seventh son of the seventh son is endowed with incredible magical powers. Seven unites the integrity of 1 with the ideality of 6 and forms its own symmetry, making it a truly psychic number.

Seven is the number of luck, the most magical and sacred number, personifying wisdom, holiness and secret knowledge. The line of this inconsistency can be continued. Here are such personality traits as diligence and a poetic soul, a penchant for analytical thinking and strong intuition, a rich imagination, a lively, vivid imagination. 7 is a sign of nature's interest in human development. With this number, composers and musicians, writers and poets, philosophers and recluses, thinkers and hermits are born and brought up. Their inspiration requires solitude and solitude. This is their need and their element. With the number 7, they become bright personalities, people with a worldwide reputation. 7 conceals the ability to direct talent into the field of science, into the world of art or philosophy, into religious activity. But the success of their activities largely depends on a deep analysis of the results already achieved and on the real planning of their future. 7 is a symbol of everything mysterious and magical, this is the most interesting and most mysterious number. Holders of 7 are talented, emotional and inquisitive, have a good sense of humor and a penchant for invention.

Baker's dozen

In English, 13 is often called "the baker's dozen". The origin of this name is due to the fact that in the Middle Ages, bakers, fearing the harsh penalties for deceiving customers (up to cutting off their hands), used to add an extra bun to every dozen, so as not to accidentally make a mistake.

In many European cities there are no houses, floors, apartments at number 13. This figure is skipped when numbering seats on airplanes and buses, in auditoriums and train cars. You will not see this terrible number above the door of the hospital room ... And why?

Yes, because everyone knows: according to ancient folk belief, the number 13 has long been called the devil's dozen and they believe that it brings misfortune. And if it falls on Friday - then certainly expect trouble! If Monday is a “hard day”, then Friday is far from being the most favorite day of the week for all peoples. Unknown forces are capable of bringing people a lot of trouble on this fateful day, because all the worst that is individually on Friday and the number 13 doubles when combined. This date is called the "day of Satan" because of its ominous unpredictability. The fear of Friday the 13th is called the hard-to-pronounce word paraskavedekatriaphobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia.

This is not a joke and not an empty superstition. For example, in such a reputable publication as the British Medical Journal, it has been noted more than once that on Fridays, and especially on the 13th, surgeons try not to prescribe elective operations, because they know that the risk of failure on this day doubles! This unique phenomenon is practically not studied by official medicine, but it exists.

By the way, the opinion that only people of simple origin believe in such prejudices is not entirely true. Even geniuses often feared this day. Goethe, for example, tried to spend that day in bed. Napoleon fought no battles, and Bismarck signed no documents. The writer Gabriele D "Annunzio in 1913 dated all his letters 1912 + 1. And the composer Schoenberg, himself born on the 13th, on Friday, spent the whole day of July 13, 1951, shaking with fear. Fifteen minutes before midnight, his wife said he didn't have much left to be afraid of, but it ended even earlier: Schoenberg raised his head with difficulty, squeezed out the word "harmony" and died. Time of death - 23.47, 13 minutes to midnight.

The number of such examples is inexhaustible. Many today believe in an unlucky day and back up this belief with irrefutable facts. The German Automobile Club recently published its own data from a long-term record of traffic accidents. You can explain it with anything and question it, but according to the German "traffic cops", on every "Black Friday" the number of traffic accidents increases by almost 60%!

If you ask the opinion of police officers from other departments, they will definitely say that on Fridays there are more thefts, robberies and murders than on other days of the week, and on Black Fridays the number of criminal acts increases even more. The number of suicides and air crashes is also increasing significantly.

Moreover, the irrational fear of Friday and the number 13 is international. Muslims consider Friday the most unsuitable day to start any journey. To this day, this golden rule is followed by most Western travel companies: they never send tourists on trips and cruises on Fridays, and even more so on the 13th.

But not everyone without exception trembles before the onset of a "rainy day". The Soviet poet Mark Lisyansky, for example, wrote this wonderful poem:

As for whom, but for me thirteen
A lucky and generous number.
I don't believe in omens, but I confess
I've always been lucky with the number thirteen.
I'll start with the fact that I became a man,
According to my calendar
In the thirteenth year
At the turn of the century, January 13th.
At the age of thirteen I fell in love for the first time
To my first teacher.
I was lucky in this difficult world
He slept on the grass, drank water from the rivers.
As a child, I lived in the thirteenth apartment,
I went to the thirteenth school.
From a settled sunny paradise
I have climbed into pitch hell more than once.
I died on the twelfth of May
On the thirteenth of May I was resurrected.
My friends are wearing a happy shirt,
Lucky number come soon!
Too bad I only have one daughter
And you would need thirteen daughters.
And life is one. And you need to be friends with her,
And after spring, celebrate spring.
And it would be nice to have thirteen lives,
Thank you for one!

There are those who protest against this sign. The ship was called "Friday" because, contrary to all superstitions, it was laid down on the same day. The captain of this vessel was appointed a man named Pyatnitser. All this the British Admiralty did for the sole purpose of demonstrating the absurdity and absurdity of the superstition firmly rooted in the Royal Navy, according to which Friday is an unlucky day for a sailor. On Friday, Pyatnitsa went on a test voyage and disappeared without a trace, along with Pyatnitser and the entire crew. Like sinking into the water.

At the end of the century before last, the "Club 13" was organized in London, whose members decided to fight stupid superstitions. On January 13, 1894, they gathered at 13 tables of 13 people each in a large restaurant, in room number 13. For complete happiness, one person was still not enough - the 13th at one table. A note of apology was soon delivered: "At the last moment my courage left me," wrote Mr. George R. Sims. So the first attempt to overcome the "black" number failed.

Today, daredevils are still trying to challenge Black Fridays and other symbols of misfortune. In the state of Philadelphia, several very wealthy people were determined to show that they were far from prejudice and superstition. They united in a club, which they ironically called "Friday the 13th." Every 13th day of the month, thirteen people gather in the 13th room of a local hotel, tempting fate and challenging it. These days, magnificent dinners are arranged, and then everyone enthusiastically commits various recklessness - they smash mirrors to smithereens, open umbrellas in the rooms (this is considered a bad omen), sprinkle handfuls of salt, release black cats from cages and commit similar follies.

By the way, many nations have a belief - "thirteen at one table do not gather", because one of them in this case will leave this mortal world before the end of the year. In the Russian version, this is reflected in the proverb: "The thirteenth guest under the table." There was even a profession of the “fourteenth guest”, who was invited to a meeting specifically to avoid an unlucky number.

Where did the belief in the fatality of Friday and the number 13 come from?

There is an opinion that "discrimination" is rooted in the Holy Scriptures. One popular explanation is the Last Supper, the thirteenth member of which was the traitor Judas. Many Christians claim that Christ was crucified on the 13th. Some Bible scholars believe that Eve tempted Adam to eat the forbidden fruit on Friday. Finally, Cain is believed to have killed Abel on Friday the 13th. In ancient Rome, sorceresses gathered in groups of 12 people. It was believed that the 13th is the devil. Another version comes from the Middle Ages: allegedly 12 witches, together with Satan, organized covens. Until now, modern scientists are looking for an explanation for this phenomenon. Thomas Fensler, a mathematician at the University of Delaware, came to the conclusion that the negative reputation of the number 13 is due to its position after 12. The fact is that numerologists consider 12 to be a truly perfect number. There are 12 months in a year, there are 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 gods on Olympus, 12 exploits of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel and 12 disciples of Christ… The number 13 violates this perfection. The scientist also believes that the fear of the 13th comes from the Scandinavian myth about 12 gods who feasted on Valhalla. They were joined by the 13th uninvited guest - the malicious Loki. Once at the feast, he made the blind god of darkness Hoder kill the god of joy, Balder the Handsome, with an arrow. Balder died, and it became dark over the whole earth.

However, there is no such exact historical date that would be officially identified as the origin of superstition. There are many versions about the origin of this concept. For example, like this. Friday, October 13, 1066 was the last day of the reign of the Saxon king Harold ΙΙ. On that day, William offered to give up the crown to Harold, but Harold turned down the offer. The Battle of Hastings took place the next day. Harold was killed and William took control of England.

Or such a version, voiced, for example, in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. King Philip IV the Handsome is said to have arrested and executed most of the Knights Templar. Their arrest was organized on the same day, and this day was Friday, October 13, 1307. This event gave rise to the legend of unlucky Friday the 13th.

Some independent experts involved in the study of anomalous phenomena believe that humanity has been afraid of certain days of the week for a reason. The fact is that calendars in their deepest essence reflect not only the countdown of time, but also carry certain information about the cyclical nature of the so-called “peak tensions” of invisible forces in the universe, which are inextricably linked with the noosphere of the Earth. Even the legendary fortuneteller Spurinna urged Caesar to be wary of certain days. Perhaps if he had obeyed and had not appeared in the Senate then, the tension would have subsided, and the conspiracy against him would have crumbled by itself, since the peak of the tension of negative energy would have passed.

Fear of the "damn dozen" is a fairly common phenomenon. It is even included in the classification of neuroses called triskadekaphobia (fear of the number 13). According to some estimates, in the US alone, on one such day, the economy suffers damage of 800-900 million dollars - due to canceled flights and imperfect transactions. Friday the 13th phobia affects between 17 and 21 million people in the United States. The symptoms of the disease range from moderate anxiety to large-scale panic, causing people to sometimes completely change their business decision, schedule, or stop working that day altogether. The practical cure for fear of the 13th is very simple - focus on the pleasant things that sometimes happen on this day and not dwell on the failures. The folklore of different nations suggests other cures: climb to the top of a mountain or a skyscraper and burn all your holey socks there. Or, standing on your head, eat a piece of cartilage. How to do you - choose for yourself.

Competition: "Numbers in literature and art"

Think of works of art, movies, and cartoons that have numbers in their titles (we will limit ourselves to numbers from 1 to 13). The competition can be held in the form of an auction - the winner is the one who names the work last.
“An old man-year-old”, “How one man fed two generals” (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin), “Two maples”, “Two brothers” (I. Schwartz), “Two frosts”, “Two lizards” (Bazhov), "Two Frogs" (L. Panteleev), "Two Captains" (V. Kaverin). “Three Little Pigs”, “Three Bears” (L. Tolstoy), “The Secret of the Third Captive”, “Around the World in Three Hours” (Kir Bulychev), “Three Fat Men” (Yu. Olesha), “Three Musketeers” (A. Dumas), "Three Nuts for Cinderella", the painting "Three Heroes" (Vasnetsov), "Five from One Pod" (Andersen), "The Seven-Year-Old Girl", "Seven Semenov - Seven Simeons", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and Seven Heroes”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Semi-Flower” (V. Kataev), “Seven Underground Kings” (A Volkov). American film The Magnificent Seven. The film "Seven Nannies" (R. Bykov), "Twelve Months" (S. Marshak), "The Twelve Labors of Hercules" (A. Kun), "The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules" (F. Iskander).

1. Zero option
a) the visibility of the solution. b) an unreasonable exit. c) a staged retreat. d) an ill-conceived course of action.

2. First glove
a) graduate. b) the best boxer. c) high quality. d) bully.

3. Two Ajaxes
a) two sides of the coin. b) cause and effect. c) twins. d) friends.

4. Third eye
a) television. b) monocle. c) surveillance camera. d) telepathy.

5. Fourth Estate
a) the press. b) rumors. c) law enforcement agencies. d) army.

6. Fifth column
a) architectural redundancy. b) enemy agents. c) rear convoy. d) marauders.

7. A book with seven seals
a) a great secret. b) very rare. c) a state secret d) a priceless treasure.

8. The eighth wonder of the world
a) Cheops pyramid. b) something amazing built in our time. c) the Great Wall of China.

Game: "How do they talk about it?"

The game is based on the knowledge of proverbs and sayings. The host addresses each player with a question in which a free retelling of a stable phraseological phrase is given. The player must guess which proverb or saying is being discussed. The one who gives the most correct answers wins. (The clue is the number seven.)

What do they say about someone who changes his mind often? (He has seven Fridays a week).

How do they say about someone who experiences the highest degree of joy, bliss, happiness? (He is in seventh heaven).

What do they say about someone who works hard? (He works up a sweat).

What do they say about very distant relatives? (Seventh water on jelly).

How do they talk about a child left unattended with an abundance of adults? (Seven nannies have a child without an eye).

As they say about a delinquent person who accumulates trouble, hoping to solve the problem in one fell swoop? (Seven troubles one answer).

As they say about a very cautious person who wants to calculate all possible options in advance? (Measure seven times, cut one).

What do they say about a very smart person? (Seven spans in the forehead).

How do they talk about a large family in which there is only one breadwinner? (Seven with a spoon, and one with a bipod).

How do they say that it is difficult to reach a certain height, and how easy it is to break from it? (Seven are dragged up the mountain, and one will push it down the mountain).

How do they say about someone who went on a long journey for a dubious result? (For seven miles, jelly went to slurp).


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