The magic of how to repay debts. Money magic: strong conspiracies to repay a debt

Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about how to quickly repay debts from a debtor with a magical conspiracy. It seems that many are familiar with the situation when you help out a person, lend money, and then the return of their own money becomes a real problem. In practical magic, there are such rituals for a quick return of debts, and they work very effectively. In the Black Book, you can choose ways to repay a debt that work gently, affecting that part that we call conscience. There are also harsh rituals that terrify the debtor and force him to return what he took.

In runic magic, there are also very interesting and full-fledged rituals of influencing an object in order to repay a debt. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, consider it expedient to combine black book techniques and the path of the Runes. The result is very inspiring. This material presents several effective conspiracies to get a person to repay a debt.

How conspiracies work to force the debtor to repay the debt quickly

To begin with, we will make a detailed analysis of the situation related to the return of debts. There are two parties: the creditor and the debtor. Consider the case from the position of the creditor in a magical way, of course. From the point of view of witchcraft, lending is a thankless and punishable thing. Money does not come to a person so that he gives it to others. If he does this, then he does not need money. Choosing the path of "give away", a person chooses not to have money. The living energy of money is released, as if sprayed into space.

From the position of the debtor, the same situation looks completely different. The phenomenon of the connection between the debtor and the creditor is that the debtor, under the influence of monetary energy, falls into an altered state of consciousness, meeting with the temptation not to repay the debt. This stems from the need to give one's own money, although one took someone else's. Therefore, debtors, as a rule, do not return their debts.

This means that in order to return what was given to another, one should turn to the practice of money magic, but it is not enough read strong money back spells, thereby affecting only the debtor, i.e. on one side of the conflict. It is necessary, affecting both aspects - the lender and the debtor.
The actions of the magician in relation to the one who gave the money should be aimed at increasing material well-being. Ceremonies should be held to attract and fill the cash flow. Turning to the second side of the conflict - the debtor, the magician inclines him to a painless parting with money, or, turning to strong conspiracies so that a person repays the debt, he harshly forces him to this through instilling feelings of guilt, fear, or by launching a snake of events leading to a situation, when the debtor is forced to repay his debt.

When you do it yourself - read conspiracies to return money from an organization or from a private individual, consider this point. It does not matter whether the debtor is a legal entity or an individual, the algorithm of actions will be the same. The work must be done comprehensively. For example, the management of a debtor company can be instilled with the idea that parting with money and returning it to the creditor is not forced, but mutually beneficial. You can influence by gently awakening the conscience of the debtor, but if necessary, more aggressive and effective actions are possible to knock out borrowed money.

If you read a conspiracy of white magic to repay a debt, turn to black or Runes, that's not the point, because the work will be built exactly according to the described scheme. Of course, each egregor works in its own way, but the essence remains the same. In witchcraft, the result is important, and only he.

How to read white magic conspiracies for a refund

If, to solve the problem, you turn to the Forces of the Christian egregor, then before independently reading the spell to return the money, a prayer appeal to the representatives of the Forces that patronize merchants and are associated with the financial aspect. For example, pray to St. John the Merciful to improve your financial situation. You need to read this prayer daily at dawn or during sunset.

Then you can perform a ceremony to force the debtor to return the money.

And here is a simple magic rite to force quickly repay the debt. For a magical ritual, you need a piece of black bread and salt. Salt the bread heavily, and say over it: “I salt your life, servant of God (name), add salt”. Take the bread to the threshold of the debtor, leave it there and read the words of the spell 3 times to quickly repay the debt:

“How salty this bread is, so will the food of my debtor, God's servant (name). You can’t drink water, don’t forget about debt, return everything that you took from me. You don’t sleep at night, you don’t daylight during the day, that’s how it is. Amen".

An independent conspiracy to return money - to repay a debt in a swamp

This black conspiracy to repay money debt should be read after midnight. You can at home, but you will achieve a greater effect if you perform a magical rite at a forest crossroads, or near a swamp. For self-sorcery you need:

  • wax candle
  • photo of the debtor

A photograph is taken to facilitate visualization, but you can work without it, with a mental image of an object.

Light a candle, and read the most powerful conspiracy to return a large amount of money three times:

“I will get up without crossing myself, I will go without blessing, from door to door, from gate to gate. I will go along the road, turn off the road onto the path, along that path I will go into the dense forest, I will find a shifting swamp in the forest, on that swamp lies a bone slab. I’ll go up to the bone slab, I’ll call three sisters of demons: torment, longing, severe misfortune. Three sisters of demons will come out from under the bone slab: torment, melancholy, fierce misfortune, they will begin to ask: “Who called us, who raised us?”. I will come closer to them, bow lower, tearfully ask all three: “You, three sisters of demons: torment, longing, cruel misfortune, do not be angry with me. I called you, I raised you, I listened to my grief. Listen to my grief too. Go you, three sisters, three demons: torment, melancholy, fierce misfortune, to my debtor (name). Find him, pounce on him, pounce on him, flood him, my debtor. Twist him, bend him, beat, trample, tear him with teeth, horns, claws, tear him, instruct him, force him, return the debt to me, give me mine or he will not see peace. You are my debtor, what I owe, I know, and what I know, I take from you. Three sisters of demons: torment, melancholy, a terrible misfortune, break, twist my debtor, so that he roared with a roar, whined, squealed, yelled and squeaked, he did not know peace until he repaid his debt to me, until he paid all my debts, until will not repay his debts to me. Three sisters of demons: torment, melancholy, severe misfortune, crush my debtor. The word is the key, the deed is the lock, three demonic sisters to my debtor on the threshold, and to him in each side. Do not finish, do not redo, do not fix, do not debug, no one can ever cope with my business until the debtor gives me what he owes, and I know that debt, and I take that debt, the three devil sisters help me with that . I put the lock under the bone slab, I throw the keys into the unsteady swamp, my work is strong, strong and irrevocable. Amen".

I recommend reading the conspiracy for 3 nights, after the last reading at the crossroads of farming. The money rite has positive reviews from practicing magicians. The effect is really good, and for someone, perhaps this is the most powerful conspiracy to repay money debt. I repeat, there are many methods for solving this problem.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

A strong conspiracy to return money - how to force yourself to repay a debt

A powerful rite on the debtor to repay the debt severely affects the person. For work you need to prepare:

  • fresh bull heart
  • new knife
  • piece of natural tissue

Put a heart on the fabric in front of you and, sticking a knife into it up to the handle, read the following words of the conspiracy so that the person repays the debt:

“I stop the life and blood and breath of my debtor (name). Until he returns my money, let the body of my debtor rot. The key is heaven, the castle is earth. Truly said."

Without removing the knife from your heart, wrap it in linen and throw it at the cemetery gates or at the crossroads. If you have a serious problem with the return, the debtor rests, and does not return the money taken from you, try a strong ritual of black magic. Perhaps he will turn out to be the most powerful conspiracy to return money to the debtor. Each person needs to choose his own effective conspiracy in order to. This has already become commonplace, since this fact is known to every practicing magician. Independent conspiracies to make a person repay a debt– as well as medicines: one is suitable for someone, others for others. You need to find exactly the one that will be effective specifically in your case.

And I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, remind you that rituals should be performed on others only after you have installed magical shields for yourself. Bloodlines and family members should also be taken care of, since there is always a risk of getting a rollback after an aggressive impact.

An effective home conspiracy to pay off debts soon

If you are lost and don't know what read a conspiracy to repay a debt try this one with red threads. To independently conduct a witchcraft rite, you need to have:

  • a new spool of red thread
  • debtor's handkerchief (or any thing as a binding to an object)
  • a rock

A witchcraft ritual is performed at noon on the shore of a reservoir. Find a medium-sized stone, tie a thing to it with threads, and throw a stone with a binding into the water. When the stone sinks to the bottom, look at the place where the water closed.

And read 4 times a plot to make a person repay a debt:

“How heavy the stone pulls to the bottom, so that the soul of my debtor (name) aches, moans, does not give him rest either on a clear day or on a dark night, until mine is returned to me. To be according to this, according to my word.

To the Black Moon, read conspiracies on the debtor to repay the debt

  • On the Black Moon (before the new moon), light a candle at sunrise. Stand at the east window, and read an independent conspiracy to return money three times:

    “I send to my debtor (name) an account. Let this nachette burn and bake him, drive him around the corners, break his bones. Let my debtor (name) not eat, sleep, drink until the debt is returned to me. Let it be so"

  • With the advent of the Black Moon, and 3 evenings in a row, burn aspen torches, whispering into the smoke:

    “As a torch burns, so you, my debtor, (name) will smolder and burn. You won't fill it with water until you repay the debt to me. Exactly"

  • To perform a home ritual, take a photo of the debtor and a black candle. Light a candle, put the photo on the table and, holding, say a strong conspiracy 9 times to quickly repay the debt:

    “A house of fire stands on the sea-ocean. It does not wash off with water, it does not blow out with the wind. An invisible man sits in it, he has no arms, no legs, no strength. So I drink strength from the debtor (name), release blood from him, take out my heart, close my eyes. Until you repay me. And if you do not give it back, you will betray your body to the grave. My words cannot be washed away with water, as it is said, so be it. Amen"


    An effective conspiracy so that people do not ask for a loan

    Learn to refuse when you are asked for a loan, so that later you don’t have to run after the debtor, and not be punished twice: by your debtor who does not return the money, and by the Forces who decide that the money, since you distribute it, . To hide yourself from those who ask for a loan, use the hassle, which works in such a way that you will not be considered as a lender. And here is an example of such a magical cape.

    Wait for the night of the full moon. Take a black flaming candle in your left hand, raise it above your head, and then slowly lower it down, while turning clockwise, as if drawing a spiral around you, and at the same time read the plot so that you don’t ask for a loan:

    “I look, but I’m invisible, I speak, but I don’t hear. Whoever comes to me with a request will not find me. Truly."

In this article:

Perhaps, every person meets with the fact that he has not been repaid a debt for too long.

Sometimes it is not so easy to get the debtor to return the money, especially if it is a person close to you or an old acquaintance. In such a situation, one does not want to resort to litigation and even more so threats. A conspiracy to repay a debt is an excellent tool that will help you get out of even such a difficult situation.

Today, everyone is trying to say that they do not believe in magic and various occult sciences, however, when a difficult period begins in life, even pragmatists are ready to seek help from the forces whose existence they so stubbornly denied. This is not surprising, as you know, there are no atheists in the war.

What are these conspiracies

Rituals designed to help in the return of debts are practically no different from other magical rituals. They also direct the energy of the performer in the right direction and affect the subconscious of the debtor.

The simplest rituals can cause fear, remorse and longing in the borrower, he can remember the good that you did to him and return the money in the near future.

Heavier plots literally force the target to repay all the debt, and if he does not do this as soon as possible, then he will start to get very sick. Some black rites can even lead to the death of the debtor, however, it is not recommended to use such magic, because after the death of the borrower it will be much more difficult to return your money.

Ritual with an old chair

To carry out the ritual, you need to break the leg from the old chair, you need to do this with your bare hands, without using any tools. Put a chair without a leg outside the threshold of the house (or on the landing of the apartment).

An interesting rite that works on the personal strength of the performer

From the leg you need to break off a few chips with a knife or pull them out with wire cutters. Now you can go directly to reading the conspiracy to return the money. Words:

“If anyone asks, the devil brings him back. I gave the money, and the borrower took over. If he doesn’t return the money on time, let the devil take it for himself, and bring me money for him. Let it be so. Amen".

To enhance the effect, you can read this conspiracy twice, and the second time you need to read the words backwards. After that, the chair should be thrown away, and the chips should be taken to the crossroads of three roads and scattered.

An old conspiracy to repay a debt

For this ceremony you will need:

  • three gypsy needles;
  • three tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • three feathers of any bird (it is better to collect on the street yourself);
  • three pieces of wool from different cats (or cats);
  • three pieces of wool from different dogs;
  • a small square of dark fabric.

Tufts of wool can be carefully cut off with animal scissors.
When all the ingredients are collected, put the fabric on a flat surface (table or altar), write the name of the debtor on the fabric with soap, then put all the assembled components there, mix them counterclockwise with the tip of a knife with a black handle. After that, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“You hear me, if you are a debtor, whisper and roar, gnaw him and wait for a hot fire. Start in the morning and then all day. All evening and night all dark. From now on, God's servant (the name of the goal) will not find a minute of rest until he returns everything that he owes me. To suffer him, to moan, neither to eat, nor drink, nor sleep, not to see the white light, not to know life, not to experience goodness. As said. So it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A strong conspiracy with an icon to repay the debt

To conduct this magical rite, you will need the nominal icon of your debtor. Such icons are sold in all churches and church shops.

Christian egregor will surely make your debtor repay the debt

Now you need to cover the table with a black tablecloth or a black scarf. A mirror is placed on top, face down, on the mirror - an icon.

You need to lay your hands on the icon as if you are warming them on an open fire, and read the text of the conspiracy forty times. Words:

“Let the servant of God (name) return to me everything that he took from me, and if he does not return, so that he loses a hundred times more, so that he loses his health, so that he does not know peace, so that he becomes poor and unhappy forever. Let it be so. Amen".

An effective conspiracy to repay a debt

First you need to buy one simple wax candle without haggling. It is also not recommended to take change from the seller. Light a candle immediately after sunset and recite the words on it 13 times:

“It is not the candle that is melting, it is the servant of God (name of the debtor) that is melting, it is he who does not return the debt to me. If you don’t repay the debt to me, you will completely melt. Return the debt to me as soon as possible and don't hide it anymore. My word is true, the word is verified. I sealed (name) with fire, in the evening, and not during the day. Like I said, it will work out. Amen".

The next day, in the afternoon, you need to go to church (best on foot) and put the rest of the candle for the health of your debtor. In the church you need to say:

“I forgive you for today and for yesterday, for now and for tomorrow. God is my witness. And he (the name of the debtor) is your judge from now on. I no longer judge you, I ask God for help, I am (name) a servant of God, faithful, baptized and honest. Let it be so. Amen".

New moon conspiracy to repay a debt

At sunrise, you need to light a new wax candle, go with it to the window (it is better if it is located in the east) and read the conspiracy three times as you exhale:

“I am sending to the servant of God (full name of the debtor) nachet. Now let my debtor's father crush and burn, bake and beat, break his bones and take the life out of him. Now (name of the debtor) will not be able to sleep, will not be able to eat, and will not be able to drink until the debt returns me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strong rite with eggs

You need to take two raw eggs, make small holes in them on both sides with a needle and put them in boiling water. Now close the front door of the house with a lock, throw a needle to the boiled eggs and read the words:

“I say my slander, I will sentence my debtor (name of the debtor). Boil you like eggs, you swarm in boiling water. Return the debt, or your life will be short. Tear his chips, pain, itching, if, and all morning, and day, and evening, and all night. And you won’t have a quiet moment, everything will hurt, and the heart, and the stomach, and the skin, and the teeth, and the liver. Not a single sore will leave you, nothing will go away and will not heal. You will not be saved not by a healer, not by a healer, not by a sorcerer, not by a pagan, not by a whisperer. You will now get sick, rot alive, weaken and wither. You don’t eat or sleep, just moan and suffer. As it is said, so it will come true. Key. Lock. Language".

After pronouncing the words, wait until the eggs are cooked, hide one of them at home, the other - not far from the debtor's house.

The strongest conspiracy

If none of the rites listed above gave results, you can try one of the strongest magical rites to repay a debt. The plot is read on candles 40 times:

“Salt, Pain, Bread, Blood, Amen. On Friday I'll get up, I'll go without crossing myself from the yard, I'll go without praying to God. I will sing the funeral service in the morning, I will eat kutya mass, in the evening I will lower the coffin, from this day and forever and ever. Amen. On the sea-ocean, there is a house of fire, the water will not wash it away, the wind will not blow it out. An unseen person sits in that house - without arms, without legs, without strength. So I take the strength from the servant of God (name of the debtor), squeeze the blood out of him, beat the soul out of him, drink his heart, close his eyes forever. I sing you, servant of God (name of the target), I sing, I sing. If you are my enemy, if you do not repay my debt, you will betray your body to the earth, and you will give your soul to hell. I sing you, servant of God (name of the target), I sing, I sing. From this day until the end of time. No one can remove this conspiracy, neither chastise in the church, nor bring down the sorcerer, nor wash it off with holy water. As I swore, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

While reading the words of the conspiracy, you need to contact the debtor and concentrate on all the negative emotions that he causes in you.

If the debt is repaid, you will need to light a candle in the evening and calmly say that the debt has been repaid and you forgive the debtor and remove all charges from him. This is necessary so that the negative energy does not cause him too much harm.

How often do situations happen in life when we lend a large amount to someone we know, and when we ourselves find ourselves in a difficult financial situation, we can’t get our money back. If debt reminders have no effect, try using a debt repayment plot - this is an old and very powerful tool that awakens conscience in the debtor. We suggest that you use both white magic, which will not cause any harm to a person, and black magic - when using it, a person will not be able to live in peace until he repays his debts.

Debts from the point of view of esotericism

Esotericists believe that borrowing and lending money are completely different phenomena. When we borrow a certain amount of money from someone, we thereby accumulate a negative energy potential: it turns out that we receive what we have not actually earned, and use someone else's. But lending someone a large amount, on the contrary, is considered a good deed and has a positive effect on energy, because in fact we are helping a person.

You have probably noticed that very often those who constantly lend money and do not demand a return do not experience financial difficulties? And the one who constantly collects more and more debts, very soon finds himself in a vicious circle, when his own money becomes less and less, and debts grow like a snowball? This happens because, from the point of view of esotericism, money should be given free of charge, without requiring their return.

If you voluntarily donate finances without expecting that they will return to you in a triple amount, the money egregore thanks you by sending new sources of income. And if you constantly walk “with an outstretched hand”, then on the contrary, you cut off the connection with the Higher Forces, because you don’t know how to reasonably use what they sent you, roughly speaking, you don’t know how to live within your means.

An excellent example of the work of this esoteric law: on the one hand, these are charitable organizations and foundations that make large donations for the treatment of sick children, animal shelters - mind you, they never find themselves without funds, more and more voluntary contributions come to them. The reverse side of the coin is rich people who do not know how to live within their means and want to get more and more, so they scatter money right and left, and then get a bunch of loans, believing that with their income they will easily pay them off. It turns out that such people were initially given a lot, but not knowing how to use their own considerable finances wisely, they preferred to accumulate debts and, if you count, now they give back much more.

Of course, if you want to use a debt repayment plot, we will not stop you - this is your personal decision. But still, we remind you that esotericists advise: when you lend money to someone, mentally say goodbye to them - only then the Universe will find a way to compensate for your losses.

Are there any consequences to the use of debt conspiracies?

If you use white magic in debt repayment conspiracies, there will be no consequences from their use. In this case, you do not seek to break the life of another person, but simply try to return your own, so nothing terrible should happen. A “kickback” can only be obtained when you use black magic and want not to get your debt back, but to punish a person who has not fulfilled these promises. It is also important to do such rituals on the growing moon - if you perform a magical action on the waning one, then you will not see your money back.

simple affirmations for money back

The easiest way to get your finances back without going through complex rituals is to read certain words aloud. We called them affirmations for a reason, because they are not supported by ritual actions, but are simply read out regularly - in this way we send a message to the Universe. Read the conspiracies below to repay the debt, biting your tongue - this is important! You can choose one of two options:

“As I rejoice and rejoice at the thought that the debt will return to me, so the servant of God (the name of the person) would rejoice and rejoice at his return to me. May there be strength in my words. Amen"

“Those who owe money to me (name or names), may they have the health to earn them. Let money always be found in their house. My words are hard as stone! Amen!"

If you owe wages, you can, when meeting with your superiors or those responsible for financial transactions, mentally say:

“Our company is making good money all the time. Our directors are always kind and generous to their subordinates. Accountants are happy to give us our salary on time! I always receive my salary on time. Let it be so!"

White magic conspiracies to return finances

First, let's go the easiest and least energy-intensive way - let's try to get our finances back with simple rituals of white magic.

Fish pie

This money back plot does no harm to the debtor. You need to bake a delicious fish pie, and then treat them to a person who does not return the loan. It is important to be in a good mood during the ritual, mentally wish the person well. After you have kneaded the dough, roll it out with a rolling pin, and then draw on it with a knife the amount that you should be returned. Spreading the filling on top of the dough, say the following words:

“Fish, fish, look. Fish, fish, return the debt. I don’t need someone else’s, but I won’t give my own. From now on and forever. Care will recede, trouble will recede. Amen."

Ritual with red thread

Find a red woolen thread in the house. Lay out from it a number indicating the amount of debt. Take an ordinary or church candle, light it, and then pass it over the thread, drawing the same number in the air, first from right to left, and then from left to right:

“As the thread is red, so the debt is red in payment, it was given, let it be good, let it return, let it return with good. Let it be so! Amen."

Ritual with a coin

This conspiracy to repay a debt is usually used when the debtor is a loved one or friend whom we do not want to harm. You will need a shiny coin, which you need to bury early in the morning in a forest or park under any coniferous tree, reading out loud the words:

“I will bury a coin so that the debt will return to me, in order to force the servant of God / the servant of God (the name of the person) to give everything. As everything returns to me, I will dig it out and forget all the insults!

During the ritual, mentally wish the person that the Universe would send him opportunities to return the borrowed amount. It is also important to remember the place where you buried the money: when the debt is returned, you need to go there again and dig it out of the ground.

two candles

To perform this ceremony, you will need a new white candle. When you are alone, light it, and then carefully cut it in half with a knife so that the wick does not go out. Then set fire to the second half from the first, let the candles burn for a few minutes, and then hold the first over the flame of the second so that the wax or paraffin melts a little. Now connect the two halves again, press them firmly against each other and say the words:

“Just as the disconnected returned to the whole, so my money will return to me”

According to the village ritual, with a burning candle, you need to go to the debtor's house and extinguish it at his doorstep. In urban conditions, this is unrealistic, so you can extinguish the candle at home, and then hide it in the debtor's home, but so that he does not find it.

Black magic conspiracies to return money

If white magic does not help, you can use the "heavy artillery" - conspiracies to repay the debt from the arsenal of black magic. In this case, the debtor will be tormented by strong remorse, as well as pursue various troubles that will immediately stop as soon as he fulfills his promise and repays the loan.

Ritual with an old chair

You need to find an old chair, break off its leg with your hands, put the rest of the piece of furniture over the threshold - onto the street or stairwell, and pull out a few chips from the torn off leg (with wire cutters or hands), then say the words to these chips:

“If anyone asks, the devil brings him back. I gave the money, and the borrower took over. If he doesn’t return the money on time, let the devil take him for himself, and bring me money for him. Let it be so. Amen!"

Ritual with matches

To perform this magical rite, you will need a new matchbox, a small saucer and a church candle. Late in the evening, alone, you need to light a candle, put a saucer and a box in front of you, and then take out one match and set them on fire from the candle flame, saying:

“Fire-light, help with your heat to make you return the favor! To be glad of God / God's servant (name of the debtor), sad thoughts and torments tortured, so that his hands would give me everything to the penny! Make sure that I get a return soon!

You need to read a conspiracy to return a debt on matches many times until the entire box is used up. Throw burning matches on a saucer, trying to burn them out completely. Collect the resulting ashes and store until the debt is returned. After returning the money, develop it in the wind.

Ancient magical rite

This conspiracy will have a strong impact on the debtor. But to carry out such an operation, you will have to try - the necessary items are not among those who can be easily obtained.

So you need:

  • Three gypsy needles (thick, long needles for sewing coarse fabrics)
  • Three tablespoons of coarse salt
  • Three feathers of any bird (you can pick them up on the street)
  • Three pieces of wool from different cats (they can be carefully cut off from pets)
  • Three pieces of wool from different dogs (similar)
  • A piece of dark (preferably black fabric) square shape
  • Knife with black handle, preferably new
  • bar of soap

How to perform the ritual:

  1. Spread a dark cloth on the table at night on the growing moon
  2. Take a bar of soap and trace the name of the person who owes you
  3. Place all the necessary components on the fabric (needles, feathers, wool)
  4. Take a knife in your hands and with its tip mix everything that is collected counterclockwise, reading out the magic words: “You hear me, if you are a debtor, whisper and roar, gnaw it and burn it with hot fire. Start in the morning, and then all day, all evening and all dark night. From now on, God's servant / God's servant (name of the debtor) will not find a minute of rest until everything that he owes / owes me is returned. Suffer him / her, moan, do not eat, do not drink, do not sleep, do not see the white light, do not know life, do not experience goodness. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen"
  5. Carefully wrap things in cloth and store in an inaccessible place until the debt is returned. After that, they will need to be burned.

Rite with eggs

Finally, we offer you another conspiracy to repay the debt. The set of components necessary for the ceremony is very simple - two chicken eggs, a thick needle. You need to take the eggs, pierce them with a needle and put them in boiling water, then close the front door with all the locks, throw the needle into the water to the eggs and read the magic words over the brew:

“I say my slander, I will sentence my debtor (name of the person). Boil you like eggs, you swarm in boiling water. Return the debt, or your life will be short. Tear his chips, pain, itching, if, and all morning, and day, and evening, and all night. And you won’t have a quiet moment, everything will hurt, and your heart, and your stomach, and your skin, and your teeth, and your liver. Not a single sore will leave you, nothing will go away and will not heal. You will not be saved either by a healer, or by a healer, or by a sorcerer, or by a pagan, or by a whisperer. You will now get sick, rot alive, weaken and wither. You can't eat or sleep, only moan and suffer. As it is said, so it will come true. Key. Lock. Language."

After the ritual, one egg should be kept in your apartment, away from prying eyes, and the second should be hidden at the debtor's house, or if there is no way to enter his home, you can simply bury it somewhere nearby.

The most important thing when using folk magic is to understand why you need it and be aware of the consequences that your actions may entail. Only by taking full responsibility for what is happening and believing in a positive result, you can really achieve what you want.

Many have found themselves in a situation where someone borrowed a certain amount of money from you or borrowed a thing, but is in no hurry to return it. Persuasion and threats do not help, the debtor only shrugs or avoids you. Even if everything has already been tried, there are several magical ways to get yours. The most effective are conspiracies to repay a debt.

Choose what you are interested in:

How do these conspiracies work?

In such rituals, the main force is some pressure on the conscience and subconscious of the debtor. If there is at least a drop of this feeling in it, then, undoubtedly, even a mild conspiracy will bring success. In the opposite situation, when you are sure that he has no conscience, then choose a more effective method. A conspiracy to repay a debt will cause in a person a fear of punishment and a desire to return your money.

Many people have a question: do such manipulations belong to white magic? The answer is yes. The fact is that you are not trying to harm, but only want to force a person to return what is rightfully yours.

If the debtor is a friend or family member

Often in life there are situations when the borrower is a relative or close friend. It is difficult to refuse in this case, but it will be much more difficult when he does not want to return the money debt. The thought of judicial recovery from a loved one is frightening, the method of threats disappears by itself. How to make a person return what he took, while maintaining a good relationship with him?

Many people are afraid of the power of magic, in such cases, you can use milder rituals. Although such readings for a refund are more of a domestic nature and , despite their power, they are harmless.

  • Order a prayer service for the health of the one who offended you, mentally imagining how he repays your debt.
  • Sit on the full moon in a circle of lit candles purchased in a church shop, there should be an odd number of them. Place a vessel of water in front of each candle and read the following prayer:

    “The Lord Almighty, You take care of Your servants here on earth, so give the slave (the name of the one who owes) the opportunity to have a house full of wealth, like vessels full of water. Lord, you light the way for us, so help Your servant (name) find his way to me and repay his debt in the near future, decorate his path with bright light.

  • Light a candle for health in the church and pray that the well-being of the one who forgot to return your dog to you will increase.

To quickly repay the debt

There are many rituals dedicated to this topic, but none, even the strongest, will be effective if it is not supported by faith.

Rite with the thing of the debtor

In order for the debtor to return the borrowed amount to your family, you should take his thing, sprinkle it with holy water, and dry it. And also banknotes, preferably large, put in a red, new purse, wrap everything in an envelope in a little thing and hide it in the southeastern part of your house, while saying:

“As this purse is rich, so my debtor will be rich. And as it is fulfilled, let it not be slow to repay the debt. My words have great power!

Rite with ordinary brooms

For this purpose, you should buy one small broom, sprinkle it with holy water and speak:

“I endow you with magical powers so that money returns to my house. My words are strong! The second will be shabby and used.

Bought, a new "tool" at an early dawn should be swept in the direction of the entrance in front of the borrower's threshold, saying:

“I sweep with a broom, I return my money from you.”

Pull out a couple of twigs from a decrepit broom and throw them quietly under the door:

“I am damaging your sleep with an old broom, I am instructing your conscience. So that she torments you until you return my debt to the last ruble. Let other people's money go from this yard to the yard of the one who borrowed it from you. My words are hard as a stone.

The most powerful conspiracy for the new moon

The slander is pronounced on the waning moon. In the last days of the month, you need, looking at the departing moon over your left shoulder, say the following words:

“The white moon leaves and returns back to the sky. Let mine (name the amount of money, or the thing that was taken from you) come back to me.

Repeat three times, then immediately go to bed. After the thin sickle of the growing moon (new moon) appears, you need to do the second part of the ritual. Again, looking over your left shoulder, say these words:

“A glorious month has already returned, which means (the name of the debtor) will definitely return the money to me.”

Conspiracy on a photo card and a green candle

To return your property, you need to buy a scarf, an aluminum cross and a rope in the church shop. You will also need large bills, a green candle, which symbolizes prosperity. Take a picture of the one who borrowed, light a candle. In the photo, he should be in a great mood. Put the photo under the moonlight falling through the window, after laying a scarf under it. Put the cross on the bill, carefully place the bill across the picture, the cross will be straight.

“As the new moon grows, so would the servant of God (name), grow rich from day to day. Let riches flow to him, like moonlight through my window, from all sides. So that he does not have more debts to me, but he would return everything within the next time. As she said, so be it forever!

Oral conspiracy to return money

Without any attributes, personal items or photographs, you can simply read the next plot by biting your tongue.

“As I rejoice and rejoice at the thought that the debt will return to me, so the servant of God (name) would rejoice and rejoice at his return to me. May there be strength in my words. Amen".

“Those who owe money to me (names), may they have the health to earn them. Let money always be found in their house. My words are hard as stone! Amen!".

Here is a positive affirmation directed at your employers in case. Mentally read to yourself looking at the manual or those who issue it.

“Our company is making good money all the time. Our directors are always kind and generous to their subordinates. The accountants are happy to give us our salary on time! I always receive my salary on time. Let it be so". You can make a conspiracy with a photograph of the director.

Any oral conspiracy is read several times a day, on the road, at work. It is also recommended to do this at home with a lit green candle. In general, it is advised to always have it at home and use magical power more often.

If you want to quickly repay the debt, you need to believe as much as possible in what you are doing. Surrender to the ritual with all your heart. But it should be remembered that the one who borrows can repay the loan with a negative mood or, even worse, with wishes. It is necessary to take it carefully, mentally repeating the following words:

“I love you with all my heart. You are dear to me and you can always rely on me! You are kind, you are good, you are rich, you have done a good deed. You easily part with money, because you have a lot of them! You only want the best for me."

After leaving, wash your face with water and walk around the perimeter of the apartment with a candle, "burning out" all the negative energy.

Consequences of debt conspiracies

The rituals given here will have no consequences for you and the one who borrowed from you (except that he will have to give back what he took). After all, you take your own, you only want good and prosperity for the borrower, how else can he return the money? There is another ritual that is performed with the help of a black wax doll and, but it should only be used by professionals, as it can greatly harm both parties. If you think that you yourself will not be able to correctly and accurately carry out the rituals described above, you should contact the specialists.

In conclusion about the consequences

Often people do not know: on which moon to read conspiracies to repay a debt. All rituals are best done on a growing or full moon, it marks a profit. Descending, it takes away funds, even money given in debt, you may not get what you want back.

Money lent without a receipt can be difficult to return, but perhaps the main thing is to believe in the power of your words. You can refer to this method as often as required. The rites given here will not have bad consequences, since they belong to white magic. If it seems to you that you are doing something bad, wish more good to the one who offended you, and then only positive energy will return to you.

Often, out of the kindness of our souls, we help out our loved ones and acquaintances by lending them money. But, unfortunately, it often happens that the repayment of the debt by the debtor is delayed for months, or even for years. If this is just your case, I suggest you use the help of white magic and apply one of the many debt repayment conspiracies.

Conspiracies, the purpose of which is to force the debtor to return the borrowed money, belong to household magic. This magic has been formed over the centuries, and throughout its long history, certain features of the performance of such rituals have been established. So, having decided to independently apply a conspiracy to repay a debt, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • the plot will be successful if carried out to the waxing moon;
  • don't make rash decisions. If the debtor is in no hurry to repay the debt, then it is possible that this is not due to his dishonesty, but to a banal lack of finances. Better remind him of his debt 2-4 times a month, and if in return you receive a negative e or every time he will feed you indistinct “breakfasts”, only then refer to the ritual;
  • a rite or conspiracy to repay the debt on which you chose, must be from the arsenal of white magic. I highly do not recommend dealing with black rituals, even if the debtor categorically refuses to return the borrowed money. Due to black conspiracies, the person against whom the rite is directed can become very ill or even die, and disposing of someone else's life will negatively affect the performer himself;
  • if the plot worked and you managed to get your debt back, mentally thank the debtor for this. It will be helpful to pray for him in church. So you let go of all the negativity that you have accumulated in the address of the debtor, which will only benefit both of you.

Debt repayment plots are relatively simple to execute. And carrying out the ritual in full compliance with the recommendations guarantees a quick return of the borrowed amount of money.

Conspiracy to repay a debt (without ritual)

The plot is read as soon as your dissatisfaction with the debtor's forgetfulness or dishonesty reaches a peak, and patience is already on the verge. The words are as follows:

“By the power of blind fire and longing, I conjure you: return my debt! May you not find peace every day, may you obsessively bring your debt in full. As soon as you start spending money, you will immediately feel a strong tremor. What you took, quickly give it back and never borrow again! Amen (3 times) !”

After applying the plot, wait 13 days. If you do not receive your money during this period, repeat the plot again.

Watch another rite of passage for the return of debt in the video:

White magic conspiracy to repay a debt (on a coin)

One of the safe rituals. You can apply if the debtor is your friend or relative, and you do not want to spoil your relationship with him.

Look in your wallet and find a shiny white coin among the change. In the morning, bury the money under a coniferous tree (pine or spruce) and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I will bury a coin so that the debt returns to me, to force the servant of God (servant of God) (name of debtor) give everything. As everything returns to me, I will dig it out and forget all the insults!”

Sincerely wish the debtor that he has the means to return the borrowed amount. Remember the place where the coin was buried: when the debt is returned to you (and this should happen soon), be sure to dig it out, as promised in the conspiracy.

A conspiracy to repay a debt with matches

It will help if you have lent money to a stranger and have lost all hope of returning the loan. The conspiracy used appeals to the conscience of the debtor. Prepare for the ritual a thin candle from the church, a full box of matches, a saucer or a small plate, white handkerchief.

Late in the evening, be alone, turn off all light sources, sit at the table. Place a saucer on the table in front of you, place a candle next to it and light it. Open a box of matches, take one match at a time, set it on fire from a burning candle and throw it to burn out on a saucer. In the process of burning matches, repeat the magic words - as many times as needed:

“Fire-fire, help make the debt repay! So that the sorrowful thoughts and torments of the servant of God (servant of God) (name of debtor) tortured until he (a) gives me everything! So that I can get a return soon!”

Wait for the candle and all the matches to burn out. Collect the remains of the candle and the ashes from matches, wrap them in a white scarf, put them in your bag (in the money department) or in another place where you keep money. Keep it until you get back what you borrowed. And then bury it or throw it away.

Strong ritual with debtor name icon

Helps pay off debt debtor name icon, which can be purchased at any church shop. Prepare also tablecloth or handkerchief(in extreme cases, a piece of cloth) black color and small mirror.

Lay a tablecloth (shawl, patch) on the table, put a mirror on top (so that the front side is down), and put an icon on the mirror. Lay your palms over the resulting composition - as if you are warming them over a fire. Then read the plot 40 times:

“Let the servant of God (name of the debtor), will return everything that he took from me. And if he doesn’t return, let him lose 100 times more, lose his health, know no rest, become unhappy and impoverished forever! So be it! Amen!"

Attention! The rite is very strong and can lead to negative consequences (work as damage). Use it only as a last resort, if other rituals have proven useless!

Prayer-gratitude after the return of the debt

“I forgive you for yesterday and for today, for now and for tomorrow. The Lord is my witness. And you, (name of the debtor), since then he has been a judge. And I no longer judge you, I ask the Lord for help. I, (my name), am a servant of God (servant of God), faithful, baptized and honest. So be it! Amen!"