Boys born under the sign of Capricorn. Attention - Capricorn! Children's horoscope advises .... What does a Capricorn child need?

The first years of the life of children born under the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn sometimes pass under the sign of at least minor, but frequent illnesses. As Capricorn ages, he becomes a healthier and healthier child, ultimately enjoying the longest life of any member of the entire Zodiac.

Maybe that's why, being still kids, these children are in no hurry and surprise the environment with their innate wisdom. After all, the stars assign them a unique role in society.

As the horoscope warns, the Capricorn Child loves loneliness already in childhood. He lives in his own little world, he likes to mess with blocks and charades, he does not seek at any cost to get into the company of other children. It happens to be very attached to grandparents, parents, but it turns out to be very restrained in expressing feelings for them. A Capricorn boy or girl is an ideal older brother or sister - just like Scorpio: he knows how, even in exceptional circumstances, to look after younger family members with all responsibility.

Capricorn-child is patient and calm, but somewhere deep down this kid is very afraid of defeat. It is a great misfortune for him when he does not look well in the eyes of adults. He takes his daily duties in all seriousness, does not like changes, noisy crowds and the same environment. Therefore, for example, putting him on a stool to recite a rhyme in front of the guests and forcing him to participate in a crowded home celebration is a mockery.

Horoscope for the zodiac sign Capricorn-child: characteristics of the school period

Little Capricorn takes school very seriously. He has a small circle of friends, and he does not communicate with everyone: some, like noisy Sagittarius and frivolous Gemini, he generally tries to bypass away, because he considers their behavior childish. He loves to read, but he is even more interested in technology and the exact sciences. Capricorn child-boy and even Capricorn child-girl do not like to stand out in appearance, but frankly suffer when the results of their work and study do not deserve good marks from teachers.

How does a child of the zodiac sign Capricorn learn? Systematically, he tries to study his favorite subjects more widely than is provided for by the school curriculum. Reaches for teachers, especially those who are demanding and fair.

The horoscope of the Capricorn child is such that his talents and intellect flourish only in special conditions. For him to be successful, he needs silence, concentration and a large number of repetitions of actions, constant exercises.

Little Capricorns love to compete with others, participate in school competitions and competitions, but sometimes they do not have the courage to put forward their candidacy. Therefore, it is worth pushing them a little (only diplomatically) in this direction.

If not for the legendary stubbornness, little Capricorn would be the perfect child for workaholic parents and perfectionists. Attentive, hardworking and very ambitious Capricorn cleans up toys (both a girl and a boy), shows frugality, already in kindergarten he knows that you can’t spoil clothes, because they are expensive.

Instead of a nimble and mischievous baby, you have a little old man or old woman, to whom the family treats very respectfully and seriously. And this is a big mistake. Like any child, it is useful for him from time to time to break his knees and put “treasures” found on the street under his pillow. Parents should teach him to enjoy the little things, because their child is prone to melancholy.

Capricorn is different from others even in appearance. Capricorn boy is a child in whom extraordinary adulthood is felt from childhood.

If your child is a boy according to the horoscope Capricorn

They often look a little older than their peers. A Capricorn child likes to spend time only with benefit, therefore, if there is an opportunity to learn something new and interesting, he is unlikely to just go outside to play with the guys.

They are smart and prudent, but sometimes uncertainty and timidity prevent them from showing their virtues. Capricorn boys prefer the company of adults, because their peers seem to be unreasonable children for them. Inborn tendencies include order and discipline.

One of the strongest qualities of January children is purposefulness. It is practically impossible to distract such a child from what was planned - they set a clear goal and will certainly achieve it. You will only be able to slow down the implementation of the plan, which is important to him, but in no case interfere with the fulfillment of the goal.

What Parents of a Capricorn Boy Need to Know

There are also many qualities that can repel others from Capricorn:

  • inflexibility,
  • jealousy,
  • love of power
  • prudence.

All these traits prevent Capricorns from easily building relationships with people. In addition, because of their suspicion, melancholy and conservatism, it is difficult for them to get along with the opposite sex, but those who are lucky enough to become the chosen one of Capricorn can be sure that these are the most reliable and faithful family men.

In general, people born under this sign are very sensitive natures. Their love and affection persists throughout life. All the care and affection given by their parents, they will return with interest in old age, when necessary.

Capricorn child development

As a ward of the elements Earth, the Capricorn boy in particular seeks to streamline his life. They are naturally inherent in the ability to plan and an irresistible desire to bring all the work started to the end.

From early childhood, Capricorn boys are distinguished by accuracy and discipline. Toys always lie in their places and parents will have to face a vehement protest if they suddenly want to change this order.

Purposefulness, constancy, responsibility, caution are the qualities that provide the ability to overcome any difficulties. Also, the advantages of the Capricorn boy include the innate ability to both lead and obey, not forgetting to follow their goals and dreams.

Back in childhood Capricorn baby begins to appreciate the time spent with benefit. He begins to show a serious approach to life early, so he is less likely to be carefree and mischievous. Often he demands to be treated as an equal. This is an earth sign, so Capricorn often easily converges with people born under the auspices of Virgo or Taurus. These people know how to subordinate life to a strict schedule, planning is easy for them, and they will go slowly but persistently towards the goal. Unlike many, Capricorns are distinguished by patience, reliability, often they have to take on a lot of responsibility and proudly bear it.

Like any sign, Capricorn is inherent in fears, he is afraid to show his weakness and vulnerability, therefore he restrains himself in order to impress others with complete self-control and icy calm. Capricorn child rarely shows his emotions, gradually cultivating iron willpower. Parents need to help the kid to be more open, to convince him that there are people who should be trusted with their fears and experiences.

Children's horoscope Capricorn says that these signs set themselves serious goals, in order to achieve them, they make a lot of efforts. No matter how long it takes, this sign will have enough perseverance. The desire for respect and recognition is also important, Capricorn wants to be taken seriously and is ready to make every effort to do this.

Capricorn boys

Often boys born under this sign want to look older than their peers. They do not advertise their goals and their own abilities.

Capricorn child will stubbornly pursue what he wants without undue hype. Often, he prefers an adult company to a society of peers, it is more in line with his interests and inclinations. Capricorn cannot be called a good boy, but he rarely gets involved in outdoor games or fights.

This sign has a very developed ability to plan life, it is an innate tendency to self-discipline and order, it is important for children to know what should happen and how. In subsequent years, these qualities will greatly help the adult Capricorn. Trust in people is formed in childhood, if in his younger years Capricorn had enough communication, then in subsequent years he will be able to open up even more. If in childhood and youth he was pursued by complexes of closeness and shyness, then he will spend his whole life compensating for this shortcoming, erecting reliable walls and barriers in which he will find himself alone.

Capricorn boys cannot be denied logic and prudence; shyness can become an obstacle to the manifestation of these qualities. Often Capricorn baby waiting to be asked a question rather than just sharing ideas and opinions.

Capricorn girls

Capricorns are in awe of such qualities as independence, fortitude and self-control. Girls born under this sign know from childhood what they want, but they don’t want others to consider them pampered and incapable of anything. Capricorn child tries to find her place, often girls try to put themselves on equal terms with men. They are distinguished by courage, purposefulness and endurance.

Capricorn girls want to be recognized and useful, you should entrust this child with some special work - and she will be proud that she could be useful. The girl will not forget to wipe the dust or feed the cat. Everyday affairs are not at all boring for them: they love to learn, acquire new skills and abilities. At the same time, Capricorns show excellent results.

Despite the fact that Capricorn baby seems self-possessed and self-confident, inside he is timid. This is the reason for the increased demands on themselves, they think that they can always put in more effort or show better results. They expect understanding and support from their parents. They should explain to the child that it is not at all important to spend so much effort to earn approval.

Capricorns and school rules

Studying is a natural environment for Capricorns, they feel like a fish in water. Capricorn loves precise routines and rules, in addition, he is not alien to the spirit of competition, this is a great chance to prove himself and show his abilities. The highest mark in the exam, a gold medal - these are the specific achievements that Capricorns need.

Capricorns are alien to militancy, malicious violation of the rules - this statement does not apply to them. They have respect for those who have power and rarely go beyond what is permitted. The main thing is that even in childhood, parents help him direct his energy towards achieving goals and work. Capricorn child strives for leadership, he may well become the best student, since he does not take responsibility and seriousness.

Children's horoscope Capricorn speaks of the practicality of this sign, it keeps all the information received in memory for a long time. To understand the essence of the matter, the child needs time. He will approach matters responsibly, Capricorn is not the kind of child who will write an essay at the last minute or solve a problem at a break before the lesson. Even if the subject is difficult, the kid will persevere and achieve his goal.

Capricorns have fun

There is an opinion that Capricorns do not like games, this is not so. It's just one of those signs that don't like to spend time aimlessly. Dreams of adventure or new fantasies - this does not apply to this sign, because he lives in the real world. He is easily carried away by cases where you need to apply practical skills - paint a wall or help replant flowers.

In childhood and youth, Capricorns are reserved. If a child was brought up in love in a family, then in later life he will open up faster. In childhood, a child is often worried about the opinion of adults about his actions. Often he is too picky about himself, trying to behave "correctly". Such children are too conscious, so impulsiveness and spontaneity are not their lot. Parents of a child born under the sign of Capricorn need to be sensitive, do not forget that your baby is timid and subconsciously wants to please and please.

Little Capricorns often surprise their parents with completely unchildish behavior and unchildish interests. They can sit next to you to listen to economic news, they know exactly who is the president in our country and what global warming is. Being a Capricorn parent isn't easy... but it's fun!

Sign element: Earth

Planets patrons: Saturn and Uranus

Colors: black, brown, gray

Talisman stones: obsidian, onyx, chalcedony

Main character trait: purposefulness

Positive features: seriousness, perseverance, responsibility, patience

Negative Traits: secrecy, sullenness, isolation, conservatism

general characteristics

A typical Capricorn child is a calm and obedient kid, with a sense of responsibility developed beyond his years. Capricorn children are not very prone to pampering and the usual childish whims, they do not like to upset their parents, so they try to behave approximately.

At school, Capricorn children are exemplary students, due to the fact that they are very diligent and diligent. Little Capricorn can sit out doing difficult homework for the whole evening, and will get up from the table only when he understands everything and does everything perfectly.

Character features

The Capricorn child tends to hide his feelings and emotions from others, and therefore from the outside it may seem that he is “impenetrable”. But this is a very misleading impression! Capricorn children are quite sensitive and impressionable, often suffering from painful shyness and timidity. They just prefer to keep their feelings to themselves and not show others.

In relations with other children, Capricorn children are rarely leaders and ringleaders. Usually, little Capricorn does not refuse to take part in children's games, he is happy to be friends and play with other guys, but at the same time he has few close friends - only one or two. But the Capricorn child is very attached to his few friends and cherishes them. The most important thing for a Capricorn child in friendship is reliability.

Little Capricorns are very devoted friends, and they expect just that from others. Most of all, they are attracted as friends by quiet, serious guys - the same as themselves.

But, despite their quiet disposition, Capricorn children have a rather strong character, and therefore they can give a strong rebuff to those who try to command them. Little Capricorns almost never themselves act as instigators of conflicts, but they don’t give offense to other children, they always know how to stand up for themselves and put the offender in his place.

Capricorns are extremely hardworking and very early become mother's and father's helpers. In general, I must say, these children grow up quite quickly, often overtaking their peers in this. Therefore, little Capricorns do not cause much trouble to their parents: they will readily do everything that their mother asks - they will clean the apartment, go to the grocery store, and look after their younger brothers and sisters.


Studying is given to Capricorns without much difficulty, but not to say that it is very easy. The fact is that the little Capricorn needs a certain amount of time to understand the information received and learn it well. Therefore, Capricorn children are not very good at tasks that require ingenuity and speed. But if the Capricorn child is not rushed and given the opportunity to think carefully about the task, then for sure he will do an excellent job with it! It is precisely because of their slowness that the children of Capricorns are most often not excellent students, but solid good students.

Best of all, Capricorn children are given exact and natural sciences - mathematics, physics, chemistry. Many Capricorn children master these subjects so well that they even take first place in these subjects at school olympiads. Small Capricorns teach humanitarian subjects less willingly, although they are very responsible for their studies. Foreign languages ​​are not given to Capricorns very easily, therefore, in order not to lag behind in these subjects, they should be given more time to study.


The range of interests of a typical Capricorn child is not very wide, but his interest is very thorough and deep. So, if a toy that he liked falls into the hands of a little Capricorn, he can play with it for hours. And the best toys for a little Capricorn are a designer or plasticine. Capricorn children love to build or sculpt something with their own hands, and if they have made some kind of craft, their parents should definitely praise them. Capricorn children never beg for praise and may even show indifference, but they secretly love her very much, as she will raise their self-esteem and help them believe in themselves.

Capricorn parents should know that their children feel alone with themselves no worse than in the company of other children. Little Capricorns are sociable, friendly children, but sometimes they like to be alone - read an interesting book, watch an exciting movie. And with pleasure they read not only children's books, but also serious literature - classics, poetry.

Capricorn children are very hardworking, they do not like to waste their free time without use, and they are happy to attend various circles where they can acquire useful knowledge and skills. A Capricorn boy can be enrolled in a young technician's circle, and a girl in a sewing or knitting circle.


A typical Capricorn child is in good health and gets sick relatively rarely. Moreover, the older Capricorn becomes, the higher the body's resistance. But if the Capricorn child is already sick, it needs to be treated as soon as possible, since in Capricorns the acute stage of the disease can quickly turn into a chronic one. In early childhood, many Capricorn children suffer from tonsillitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, but gradually their immunity grows stronger and their health improves.

Most of all, in Capricorn children, the musculoskeletal system is vulnerable. Poor posture can lead to severe back pain. The negligence of Capricorn children is often the cause of bruises and bone fractures. For little Capricorn, in order not to get problems with teeth, it is advisable not to eat a lot of sweets and carefully care for the oral cavity. In adolescence, Capricorn children are often worried about youthful acne, which should be fought with the help of hygiene and proper nutrition.

Capricorns born in December

Capricorn children born in December are under the influence of Jupiter; they have developed ambition, they are very ambitious. These little Capricorns are very fond of being praised, and they try their best to be among the first students. In friendship, they are very picky, they like to be friends with older guys.

Capricorns born in the first decade of January

Capricorn children, born in the first decade of January, are under the influence of Mars, love sports and are distinguished by a quick-tempered and stubborn character. These are very energetic and determined little Capricorns who know how to stand up for themselves and protect those who are weaker.

Capricorns born in the second decade of January

Capricorn children born in the second decade of January are influenced by the Sun. These children are distinguished by great self-confidence, optimism, good health and are very often endowed with some abilities and talents. Their biggest flaw is inflated self-esteem.

Serious and ambitious - that's what they are, our little beloved Capricorns!

To illustrate the article, a drawing by Yutaka Kagaya was used.

Element - earth
Ruler planet - Saturn
Color - green, dark brown
Stone - ruby, onyx, malachite
The main character trait is forward and higher with small steps in the chosen direction.
Positive character: purposeful, cautious, hardworking, responsible, systematically overcoming difficulties, equally good at obeying and commanding, constant, thorough.
Negative character: tedious, conservative, inflexible, limited, adamant, suspicious, jealous, calculating, prone to loneliness, melancholy, power-hungry.

Your child is shy and timid in front of strangers, but among his own becomes a lively manager. Capricorn babies are fun and interesting to watch - they are seriously and systematically mastering the outside world. They look like little adults. In fact, they are. They may even take life too seriously. They are difficult to make laugh, they lack a sense of humor. They are tense all the time and cannot relax. Infancy and early childhood in Capricorns is a very responsible and rather dangerous period. Parents can do a lot for their child. The most important thing is to teach them to relax, laugh, create a warm and cheerful atmosphere for them. More lightness, love and laughter. A serious attitude from parents is required only in one case - when it comes to diseases. In infancy, the diseases in these children are not at all harmless; any ailment can quickly take a dangerous form. As a consolation to parents, we can say that this will not always be the case. With age, the vitality of Capricorns increases, and in an adult it is very high. Therefore, the task of parents is to carefully and carefully treat a child up to 14-15 years old, to help him go through a dangerous childhood with the least losses. There is another danger - these children are in danger of accidents. Stairs are dangerous for them. Quite often, diseases - especially stomach ones - occur on a nervous basis. In such cases, parents should find out the reason why the child is nervous.

These kids love being alone. They do not like noisy big companies. One or two friends is enough for them. Don't force them to host or visit if they don't feel like it. Sometimes these children develop more slowly than others. Parents may fear that their children will lag behind in development. In vain! Capricorns move through life in small but methodical steps, and sooner or later they come to success. They even eat in small pieces, bite off a few pieces and do not want to eat anymore.

But you will never have problems with discipline. These children are born with a sense of responsibility. Most of all they love to be talked to like adults. The biggest punishment for them is to promise that they will be treated like little children. Your child will never make as much noise as children born under the sign of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. He loves quiet games. Don't rush him. He needs a lot of time to complete any task. He cannot act quickly and catch everything on the fly.

If a child does not do well in school, the reason for this is not laziness. This means that he missed something and now does not understand. You can understand the subject yourself and help him. Just never compare him with others, do not say that someone is better than him, do not demonstrate to him the virtues and merits of his peers and peers. Your child is hardworking, diligent and ambitious. He will be upset when he hears this, the result will be a neurosis or an inferiority complex. He needs help, not lectures.

Sometimes depression can happen. Understand the reasons and try to cheer him up. Do not let the baby cry for a long time, it is harmful for him, he can catch a cold and become seriously ill.

Visit museums and exhibitions with your daughter or son. This will give him pleasure and benefit. There will be contact between you, and you will not have much trouble with your Capricorn when he becomes a teenager and at the time of his youth.

We have already talked a little about diseases. At the slightest sign of illness, consult your doctor. Your child may have problems with teeth and knees. Visit the dentist regularly. Rheumatism, convulsions, hysteria, gastric disorders are also possible, which are most often caused by nerves. Protect your child from accidents, stairs are especially dangerous.

What is contraindicated for a Capricorn child

Your child is shy, do not insist that he attend noisy gatherings if he does not feel like it. Do not scold him if he does not get along with his studies. The reason "is not laziness. He needs help. If you cannot help him yourself, invite a tutor. Never compare him with others. Do not show him the success of his peers, he will be upset and may get a neurosis or an inferiority complex. He masters the art of living in small but planned steps.Don't rush it.

What does a Capricorn child need?

Treat him like an adult - he loves responsibility. Teach to relax, have fun, treat life with humor - your child is too serious. If your child develops more slowly than other children, do not be nervous about it, he has his own pace. Take illness seriously. Protect from accidents.