Marat Basharov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Marat Basharov brought out a grown-up daughter from his first marriage. They wrote that you were from acting circles ...

September 18, 2017

Amelie teaches lessons with her dad.

Marat Basharov has two children. Daughter Amelie (from her first marriage to Elizaveta Krutsko) recently turned 13 years old, son Marcel (from her third marriage to Elizaveta Shevyrkova) is a year old.

Marat Basharov and his first wife managed to maintain friendly relations, moreover, ex-wife star still works as its director. Of course, parents together decide all issues related to the upbringing of Amelie's first child. Elizabeth, like Marat, is now happily married - she is married to cameraman Sergei Shultz, the couple has a son and a daughter.

Amelie has always been daddy's daughter And now she lives in her father's house. new wife Marata Basharova made friends with a girl. The actor calls his wife (the wedding took place on September 9, 2017) Lisa Jr., and his first wife - Lisa Sr., believing that they have become like brother and sister. Amelie consults with her mother or Lisa about her girlish affairs, lives in her father's house, but often visits her mother. Dad teaches lessons with his daughter when in Moscow, and not on the set.

Now the Basharov family is finally a complete idyll. By the way, Liza Basharova is Orthodox, but she went with Marat Muslim rite weddings - nikah.

Interestingly, the winner of the last "Battle of Psychics" Swami Dasha walked at the couple's wedding. Recall that Marat Basharov is the host of this TV project.

, Lyubov Aksenova , Aristarkh Venes and Yuri Chursin . Among the star guests was also seen Marat Basharov, who came out with a 14-year-old daughter Amelie from first marriage to Elizabeth Krutsko. The actor is currently married to Elizabeth Shevyrkova, which younger actor for 12 years.

In May 2014, Marat Basharov married Ekaterina Arkharova. And already in November 2014, in the talk show “Let them talk”, she accused her husband of beatings, attacks of aggression and addiction to alcohol. The news received a great public outcry. Some defended the actor, attributing everything to the fact that Catherine herself brought him to assault, while others supported her, because they are sure that a man cannot beat a woman under any circumstances. The scandal ended with the fact that Basharov and Arkharova divorced. The marriage was officially annulled in March 2015. Marat several times publicly apologized to Catherine, while repeatedly hinting that the true background of the events remained hidden from the public.

In September last year, Basharov married again. This time on your fan Elizabeth Shevyrkova. Six months earlier, on July 28, 2016, their son was born. The boy was named Marcel. By the way, Elizaveta Shevyrkova herself initiated a relationship with the actor. “I was 14 years old when I noticed him in The Barber of Siberia. And later, in 2012, I went to see him play, and then wrote on Facebook to ask him to invite me on a date. And he invited six months later, ”said the current wife of Marat Basharov.

Marat Basharov and his wife Elizaveta Shevyrkova ( December 2017, Premiere of the film "Move Up"

The film "Beyond Reality", which Marat Basharov decided to show his 14-year-old daughter, started at the Russian box office today. In the center of the plot is the swindler Michael ( Milos Bikovic). Michael is going to rob the casino in a very original way. Main character gathers for a daring crime a team of psychics who, with the help of superpowers, must outwit the guards and anti-hacking technologies. The role of father Michael played Hollywood actor Antonio Banderas, directed by the creator of the TV series "Survive After" and "Immersion" Alexander Boguslavsky.

Trailer of the film "Beyond Reality"

Basharov Marat Alimzhanovich is a famous actor and TV presenter, skeptic and handsome. Real legends want about him, and also, terrible rumors are associated with him regarding the abuse of former spouses.

Marat is a man Blue eyes who leaves few people indifferent, he impresses everyone with his sincere smile, but is a real dark horse in the world of cinema and television.

They say that one girl at school called him a freak and a bully, so all his life a young and charismatic guy proves that this is not so, so Basharov was known as a real womanizer.

It is worth noting that many women want to clarify what the height, weight, and age of a young handsome man are. How old is Marat Basharov - we specify by the date of birth of the man.

Marat was born in 1974, so he reached the age of forty-three. According to his zodiac sign - Leo - the guy is endowed with ambition, creativity, sensuality, passion, gullibility.

The eastern horoscope gave Basharov the sign of the Tiger, which makes a person a rebel, a bully, a bully, but also a charismatic womanizer and leader.

Marat Basharov: a photo in his youth and now is the same handsome, athletic and well-groomed guy, whose only hairstyle changes from year to year. Basharov's height is set at a meter and eighty-four centimeters, and he weighs only eighty kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Marat Basharov

The biography and personal life of Marat Basharov are sometimes simply shocking in their absurdity and randomness, since a boy from a poor Tatar family could become so famous that every child in Russia and the world knows him. All Marat's relatives live in the Nizhny Novgorod region, and the guy often visits them.

Father - Alimzhan-Vafa Yunisov - worked as the most ordinary locksmith and plumber in the local housing department, he left the family when his son was still small. By the way, he had children in his first marriage, so the boy had two half-brothers, one of them, Milihat Yunisov, was a compiler of encyclopedias and a theater critic, so he opened the world of theatrical stage for young Marat.

Mother - Rauza (Rosa) Basharova - also had nothing to do with the world of art, she was an excellent cook, so she worked as an ordinary cook of the sixth category in the system Catering died suddenly in 2012.

While his parents controlled little Marat, he was a real angel, however, when he went to first grade, he became the first hooligan in Moscow. He studied well, but was almost expelled for terrible behavior. One way or another, but school friends have been going through life with Marat for many decades.

Relatives could not calm down the little tomboy and sent him to figure skating, and then the guy moved to the hockey, football sections and began to engage in freestyle wrestling.

In the early nineties, Marat managed to enter the law faculty of the Moscow state university, at the same time got into the Sovremennik Theater, where for a couple of seasons he went on stage in the production of The Canterville Ghost". This was the starting point for changes in Basharov's life, since he left Moscow State University and became a student of Sliver.

The personal life of Marat Basharov is very stormy, since he had a huge number of novels and only one registered marriage. After the film "Border. Taiga Romance" talked about the love of Marat and Olga Budina, which ended very quickly. When the guy was still married, he was noticed with Maria Butyrskaya, but the skater was with him for only a couple of months.

The next major romance was a relationship with Tatyana Navka, which destroyed both families and led to the acquaintance of the figure skater with her parents. However, Navka could not bear the fact that Basharov too often paid attention to beautiful women and tried to take care of them.

After Tanya, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Anna Sazonova and Alisa Krylova appeared in Marat's life, who claimed that they were just friends with Basharov.

Filmography: films starring Marat Basharov

Since 1994, he made his debut in an episode of the film "Burnt by the Sun", his last name was not even in the credits. The guy left thoughts about cinema and played in the troupes of Sovremennik, Theater Association 814, Modern Enterprise Theater.

Filmography young man began to replenish with new works since 1998, he played in full meters and in the series "The Barber of Siberia", "Voroshilov Shooter", "Border. Taiga Novel”, “Death of an Empire”, “Turkish Gambit”, “Playing the Victim”, “Cliffs. Lifelong song”, “Leningrad”, “Yulenka”, “Battalion”.

Family and children of Marat Basharov

The family and children of Marat Basharov are a source of his pride, since the guy was brought up in strict traditions. He does not hide the fact that he is a Tatar by nationality, and a Muslim by religion. At the same time, Marat and all his relatives profess such a branch of faith as Sunniism.

The young man always considered a member of his family not only his parents and half-brothers, but also the “movie dad” Nikita Mikhalkov, who gave him a start in a big movie.

Marat has few children, he has different women two babies were born, with whom he constantly sees. He tries to devote every free minute to the kids and tells them Russian folk tales who has been studying for a long time and wants to star in film adaptations for free.

The son of Marat Basharov - Marcel Basharov

The son of Marat Basharov - Marcel Basharov - younger son from a fan and civil spouse Elizaveta Shevyrkova, he was born in the summer of 2016. The baby was born healthy and strong, as the happy father wanted. He was very happy that he had an heir who could continue his family and surname.

Shortly after Marcel was born, his lucky dad posted it in social networks photo where the baby sleeps on his chest. This caused a storm of emotions among fans, some of whom noticed the similarity between father and son.

Now the blond baby is already a little more than a year, he is not a timid guy, very artistic and sociable.

Daughter of Marat Basharov - Amelie Basharova

The daughter of Marat Basharov - Amelie Basharova - was born in 2004, and Elizaveta Krutsko became her mother. Baby got beautiful name in honor of the heroine of the French film of the same name.

The girl goes to school, she loves to swim, draw and attends a music school. She roller skates and bikes, loves to play snowballs and ride downhill. With pleasure visits the water park and amusement park.

Amelie moved to live with Marat and his new wife, as her mother had a third baby. She dearly adores her little brother, and she also communicates well with Elizaveta Shevyrkova. By the way, recently the girl got a gentleman Andrei, who gives her completely non-childish signs of attention.

Former common-law wife of Marat Basharov - Elizaveta Krutsko

The former civil wife of Marat Basharov - Elizaveta Krutsko - appeared in the life of an actor in 2003. The girl at that time worked as a personal agent of actor Andrei Krasko and at the same time in the TriTe studio.

In order to get married, Lisa was ready for anything, so she converted to Islam. The couple never entered into a legal marriage, but their relationship was sealed by reading nikah.

The couple lived in love and understanding for ten years, breaking up due to Marat's romance with figure skater Tatyana Navka. Elizabeth got married and gave birth to two more children, but she kept with her ex civil husband great friendships.

The ex-wife of Marat Basharov - Ekaterina Arkharova

The ex-wife of Marat Basharov - Ekaterina Arkharova - appeared in his life in 2013, she was Vitorgan's niece and a sought-after actress.

The wedding took place in 2014 and was truly gorgeous, while the marriage lasted only six months. After that, there were reports in the press that a drunken Marat Basharov had beaten his own wife, she was hospitalized with a concussion and a broken nose.

After Ekaterina reported the beating to her brother Fyodor, he beat Basharov himself. After that, in 2015, the marriage was officially annulled, and Arkharova performed on all shows for a long time, talking about how her famous husband severely beat her.

Marat Basharov's wife - Elizaveta Shevyrkova

Marat Basharov's wife - Elizaveta Shevyrkova - is a member of the fan club famous actor and a TV presenter, she asked to meet with her, but Marat sent her tickets to his performance.

The bank employee was thirteen years younger than her chosen one, she claims that she fell in love with Basharov as soon as she was fourteen. Young people first met in 2011, when Katerina was not yet in the project, but things did not go beyond an affair.

A year after the birth of their son, Liza and Marat got married, and now they live in new apartment friendly and fun. By the way, Shevyrkova has an excellent relationship with civil wife Marat, they rest together and often call up.

Instagram and Wikipedia Marat Basharov

Instagram and Wikipedia Marat Basharov are available, but not all of them are official. The Wikipedia article, which is dedicated to Marat, contains information about childhood, parents, spouses and loved ones, as well as filmography and participation in television projects.

There are a lot of Instagram pages that are maintained on behalf of the actor and TV presenter, but many of them are fake. That is why Marat asks not to take all the information posted on them as a constant, especially regarding the personal reception of psychics from the “Battle of Psychics” program.

Hi all! I wonder if many married ladies wear engagement/wedding rings?
I wore, probably, the first month. I can't stand it - some kind of yellow, wide. And for me, all these attributes do not mean anything.
Moreover, I can’t remember if my friends, acquaintances wear these attributes. Never paid attention.



It's about mother-in-law and sister-in-law. I was very tired of annoying visits to our dacha without an invitation and living there for a month or two. It would be nice if we had common points of contact, there was something to talk about, or at least some family relations but everything is silent.

The mother-in-law comes as if to her home, hangs up her towels, plants and digs trees at her own discretion, brings some odorous fertilizers, in general, everything is "as I like it." You can’t leave a child with her, there is no trust, since she is “wonderful” - she can leave a five-year-old child alone at home, and go away on business herself, I haven’t heard about hygiene: hands with nails are always black, she doesn’t wash her hands after the toilet, all the dishes after her in greasy and sticky spots. It's so nasty girls!

According to the first, I tried to build a respectful relationship: I invited me to the house, set the table, gave expensive wine to drink, but in a conversation I heard that the cutlets were a little dry and I myself was still that bitch! And I decided that we should not sit at the same table with her. It can be seen that I cannot save my family, no matter how much I would like to. I'm not ready for such impudent visits to my country house.

We live in the city in my apartment: me, husband, 5-year-old daughter. The husband built the house. I want to hear opinions on what I can do in this situation so that I no longer get upset. I can’t sleep for two nights. He doesn’t call and doesn’t even pick up the phone when his husband calls him).

I am not interested in being a poor relative, especially since I have a good position and I earn normally. I can theoretically rent a dacha in the suburbs myself, but it's so insulting that I generally do everything myself. And I myself take the child to the sea, because he is sorry for the money - there is a village, And now they have occupied it.

On the next week the sister-in-law sends her children to us .. So that they live there for another month .. I will tell you that the house is not made of rubber, and all of us will not fit there even if I step over my disgust to the carelessness of my mother-in-law ...


To live well!

Our city is just now hosting an annual trade show, which is easier to call just a fair. By the way. the most cozy and familiar Russian fair has German roots and comes from Jahr-year and Markt-market, bazaar.
I invite you to walk around the German province in the rain, where are we without it

This announcement in the children's pavilion made my day_ "Please. Don't forget to pick up the kids!"


Fairy just Fairy

Many letters.
Sasha and Dasha met as students, were friends for 4 years, got married. She said that you shouldn’t get married right away, so who would listen ((
The problem was Dasha. More precisely, not a problem, a person just had to be allowed to live independently, and only then build his family. Her mother has big, big bells and whistles, she crushed Dasha when Sasha introduced us to her, the first impression is a thin, thin sprout that is just emerging from the ground. She would have to live at least a year without her mother, just one, but love is carrots, they ran to the registry office.
After the wedding, they combined the premarital, bought a three-ruble note in a new building, got pregnant, that's like live and be happy. After the birth, a paragraph began ((((Sasha from a family with the model "dad is a breadwinner, mom is a keeper of the hearth", and mom's Dasha, who transferred her own cockroaches to family life daughters, instead of helping a daily lecture that a good wife has her husband's dirty socks washed on the same day and for the husband there should always be the first, second and compote. Sasha's brain was inserted, he began to actively help Dasha, and the mother-in-law began to come only in his presence, but it was already too late,
It ended sadly. When Andryushka was 9 months old, Dasha had a breakdown. At the next scandal, she jumped out of the house in one dressing gown at 3 o'clock in the morning and left. Thanks to her friend, she took her away, but I had to call an ambulance, emergency hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Dasha stayed in the PND for almost half a year, was discharged, and never returned to her family. She moved to a metropolis, got a job, after 2 years she got married a second time, gave birth to a daughter. She was widowed during pregnancy, inherited her husband's business, now everything is in order with her. She began to communicate with her son as soon as she was discharged from the hospital.
Sasha also got married. Nadia is a little older, her first marriage broke up due to her infertility, she was purposefully looking for a man with children. She accepted Andryushka as her own, adopted a common one.
When Sasha filed for a divorce, she said that determine the place of residence of the child with you, but again, who would listen ((
Andryushka is happy with everything, he calls both mothers. He is almost 7 and is going to school this year. There is mother Nadia, who is always with him, father and adored younger brother, father and mother promise to buy a sister. And mother-holiday Dasha, who takes her to her place for the weekend and on all sorts of trips to the seas and oceans, plus her beloved little sister too.
The problem is - Dasha decided that Andryushka should be taken away. Sasha and her family live in a small town, she is in the regional center, she wants to donate to good school. Sasha, of course, categorically does not want to give up his son.
Sane people, while everything is quiet and peaceful, but the scandal is brewing.
The question is what is best for the child? Leave dad in the family or give it to mom, where will there be more opportunities for education?


Maria Sukhova

Girls, talkative topic)

I have a friend, in December she underwent a complex paid operation, she was on sick leave for a long time. She went to work in April, and after 1.5 months they were sent on unpaid leave. She found new job from 1.07. But apparently it is difficult to live financially, although she does not complain and does not ask.

Her parents did not offer her financial assistance, although they have such an opportunity. She has both a grandmother and a grandfather, and a sister, and aunts and uncles and their children (cousins). Everyone lives normally. Although if a friend asked, she would be helped. I offered her help, she thanked and said that she would probably apply in July, because. The first salary will be in August.

Moreover, yesterday she met ex-husband and he also offered her himself, knowing about her difficulties (they have normal relations). She did not take it, she also left it as a last resort. We chatted with a friend about this topic. But this just a pretty good example of this It's not about a friend and her family.

Do your relatives offer help without your request? Do you yourself offer help to your relatives without their request? In what situations?


The famous actor Marat Basharov intends to take care of two Syrian children from among the refugees - the boy Ahmad, who is five years old, and the seven-year-old Asma. So, says Basharov, he will fulfill his civic and religious duty. Recall that Marat professes Islam.

According to the Mufti of Moscow, Ildar Alyautdinov, "guardianship consists in Basharov's monthly material support for Syrian children." The children of Syrian refugees, according to Sharia law, are considered orphans, because they grow up without fathers, now they are in Lebanon, in a camp for internally displaced persons. At the same time, the boy has six brothers and sisters, and the girl has five. The guardianship will be formalized at the end of this month, when representatives of the Russian side will meet with the Syrians to sign the relevant documents. From now on, Basharov will be able to transfer money for Ahmad and Asmu so that the children have everything they need - food, clothes, a roof over their heads.

“I am well aware of the condition of the refugees and their difficult situation. And I will do my best to make the life of Syrian children a little better. I get scared when I hear that children live in tents, sleep on mattresses or even on the ground and are simply malnourished,” said Marat Basharov.

Marat Basharov already has two biological children - 13-year-old daughter Amelie from an actual marriage with Elizabeth Krutsko and son Marcel from current spouse Elizabeth Shevyrkina. The boy will be two years old in the summer of 2018. The actor was also married to actress Ekaterina Arkharova, but there were no children in this marriage. But there were major scandals and even fights. So, Catherine once went to the hospital with a broken nose and a concussion of the head, she announced Marat's attacks of cruelty, his addiction to alcohol. The public sharply condemned the actor for beating his wife, Basharov's reputation was damaged, Marat apologized more than once for what he had done.

At the same time, the actor is known as a very reverent father. He communicates a lot with his daughter and adores the heir, tells how happy he is to be the father of a boy, how he nurses him, how he dreams that the baby will grow up quickly.

Marat Basharov goes to desperate measures in raising a son

Basharov, who, as he admits, had a happy childhood, now wants to actively help disadvantaged children: “I would very much like the children of Syria, Lebanon, and other countries to have exactly the same thing as Soviet schoolchildren: a peaceful sky over their heads , confidence in tomorrow, friends, living and healthy parents, ”the actor said in a conversation with RIA Novosti.