Massage for men name. Types of massage and their description - what are there for men and women, types and classification. In combination with the main method of treatment, medical massage enhances the effect of drugs and stimulates the process of tissue restoration

A quick guide to the most popular types of massage therapy to help you figure out which style of massage therapy is right for you.

Here's a quick guide to the most popular types of massage therapy to help you figure out which style of massage therapy is right for you.

Swedish massage

This is the most common type of massage therapy in the world. It is also known as Swedish massage or simply massage.

Massage therapists use long, smooth instruments to knead and apply circular motions to the superficial layers of muscle using a massage lotion or oil.

Swedish massage can be very gentle and relaxing. If you have never been to a massage therapist and have not had a massage before, then it is better for you to try this type of massage first.


Aromatherapy is massage therapy with the addition of one or more scented plant oils, called essential oils, to meet specific needs.

A massage therapist can choose oils that relax, activate, relieve stress, balance blood flow, etc. One of the most common essential oils used in aromatherapy is lavender.

Aromatherapy is especially suitable for people associated with stressful conditions or conditions with an emotional component.

Hot stone massage

Heated, smooth stones are placed on specific points on the body so that the heat releases muscle tension and energy balance centers in the body.

The massage therapist can also massage with the stones themselves and apply gentle pressure with them. Hot stone massage is good for people who have constant muscle tension but prefer a light massage.

Deep penetrating

Deep tissue massage to get into the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. The massage therapist uses slow strokes or friction.

Deep tissue massage is used for chronically tight or painful muscles, muscles with repetitive strains, posture problems, or recovery from injury. People often feel pain for one to two days after a deep tissue massage.


Shiatsu is a form of Japanese massage that uses localized finger pressure in a rhythmic sequence on acupuncture meridians.

Each point is massaged for two to eight seconds to improve energy flow, which helps the body regain balance.

People are usually pleasantly surprised when they try shiatsu for the first time. These are relaxation pressures, and as a rule, there is no pain after the massage.

Thai massage

Like shiatsu, Thai massage aligns the body's energy by using gentle pressure on specific points. Thai massage also includes compression and stretching.

You don't just lie there - the therapist moves and stretches you through a sequence of poses. It's like yoga, you just don't have to do any work. Thai massage is more energizing than other types of massage. It also reduces stress and increases flexibility and range of motion.

Massage during pregnancy

Maternity massage is becoming increasingly popular among pregnant women. Massage therapists who are certified to provide massage during pregnancy know the correct position and how to support the female body during a massage.

Massage during pregnancy is used to relieve stress, reduce swelling, relieve pain, and reduce anxiety and depression. The massage is tailored to the individual needs of the woman.


Although reflexologists sometimes call it a foot massage, it is more than a simple foot massage. Reflexology involves applying pressure to certain points on the foot, corresponding organs and body systems. Reflexology is very relaxing, especially for people who stand on their feet all day or simply have tired feet.

Sports massage

Sports massage is specially designed for people who are involved in physical activity. But you don't have to be a professional athlete to get this type of massage - this type of massage is also used by people who are simply active. The emphasis is not on relaxation, but on preventing and treating injuries and enhancing athletic performance.

A combination of methods is used.

Back massage

Some massage clinics and spas offer 30-minute back massages. If back massages are not directly advertised, you can simply book a 30- or 40-minute massage and ask the massage therapist to focus on your back. Massage for neck and back pain.

These are just 10 of the most popular types of massage - decide which one suits you best.

Home page » SPA procedures » Massage » 17 effective types of massage and the correct use of creams and oils

Massage is a procedure that is beneficial for the human body, which allows you to get rid of a number of diseases through reflex and physical effects. There are several techniques and each of them is good in its own way.

Certain types of massage, such as honey massage, can be performed in a bathhouse. But there are also techniques that it is better to avoid during water procedures.

  • 8 Application of creams and oils
  • 9 Indications
  • 10 Contraindications

Indications for use

Existing varieties of this type of procedure allow you to relax after a hard day at work and gain vitality and energy for the coming one. Classic massage is one of the most important stages of treatment.

In the process of performing it, the specialist spends time on certain areas of the body and nerve endings responsible for the health of the entire body.

Any type of massage can prevent various diseases and tidy up muscles and joints. The procedure itself has a pleasant relaxing and warming effect. During this process, the happiness hormone – endorphin – is produced. This is what explains the feeling of calm and renewal in most patients.

Important! Experienced doctors advise periodically contacting massage therapists.

Just one session helps restore strength after a long workout and increase tissue elasticity. As a result of muscle toning, every cell of the body is saturated with oxygen. This improves blood circulation and reduces blood pressure. The skin acquires extraordinary softness and elasticity.

Regularly carrying out such a procedure allows you to remove toxins and waste from the human body, as well as improve the functioning of the nervous and lymphatic systems. Massage promotes weight loss and reduces swelling.

Classic or traditional massage techniques

Traditional massage techniques mean working out the muscle mass of the whole body in a certain sequence.

The following types of classical massage are distinguished:

  • hygienic, performed for preventive purposes;
  • a therapeutic technique that helps cope with swelling, fat deposits, and wrinkles;
  • plastic corrective technique is indicated for sagging and withering of the skin, the presence of folds on the skin.

Using these techniques, they influence:

  • face;
  • back;
  • limbs;
  • neck area;
  • body.

Any type of massage and its significance for the body are important. The methods give the following effect:

  1. the facial contour is corrected, a healthy skin tone is restored;
  2. strengthens muscle tissue in the neck area;
  3. the functions of the sebaceous and sweat glands are normalized;
  4. swelling of the face and limbs goes away;
  5. wrinkles are smoothed out;
  6. the skin receives the necessary nutrition with oxygen;
  7. smoothes out the bumpiness of the skin caused by cellulite;
  8. the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits decreases;
  9. age-related processes that cause aging slow down.

After a course of classical massage, general well-being is normalized, which has a positive effect not only on physical, but also on mental health.

Forms of massage

There are several forms of the procedure:

  • Self-massage. This type is carried out by a person independently and in conditions convenient for him - in nature, at home, in a bathhouse, shower or before a competition. To carry out the procedure, special devices are used - massage devices, massagers;
  • Full or general massage. During one session, the specialist massages every part of the body. The duration of the procedure is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient (age, gender, general and muscle mass). During a massage, the specialist spends most of the time on large and very tired muscles;
  • Local, local or zonal massage. The procedure is performed on individual parts of the body. This could be the scalp, abdomen, arms or legs. The duration of one session does not exceed 30 minutes. The benefits of such a massage are especially noticeable if it is performed during the treatment of any disease.

Baby massage options for newborns and up to one year

There are various types of baby massage, prescribed only by a doctor, depending on the identified pathology.

The procedures can be prescribed even to newborns. The prescribed procedures are carried out until the child reaches one year of age.

List of traditional types of massage for children:

  • medicinal. The procedure is usually prescribed by specialists such as an orthopedist, surgeon or neurologist. To eliminate identified pathologies, sessions are prescribed for newborns from 2 months. But, for some diseases, the implementation of the technique is indicated at 4 weeks of the baby’s life;
  • prophylactic The children's version of the technique is considered a wonderful tool for general strengthening of the body. Parents can perform sessions for prevention purposes on their own;
  • corrective massage sessions are usually performed to consolidate the effect of the treatment technique and prevent the development of pathology. Only a pediatric doctor can prescribe and carry out the procedure.

A special, therapeutic option is prescribed for children with the following pathologies:

  • increased muscle tone;
  • rickets;
  • congenital torticollis;
  • valgus deformity of the knee joints, in which the legs take on the shape of the letter X or O;
  • pathologies caused by complications after acute colds;
  • bronchitis;
  • hernia in the navel area;
  • clubfoot;
  • flat feet; incorrect posture.

If you do the procedure at the initial stage of development of the pathology, you can get rid of the problem without medications.

Regardless of the type of baby massage, the sessions should bring pleasure to the baby.

To treat various childhood pathologies, an osteopathic method alternative to medication is often used. Osteopathic and all types of massages for children, if necessary, are used from the first weeks of life. Osteopathic techniques are often combined with other therapeutic procedures, forming part of complex therapy. The technique is based on a special palpation technique, which effectively affects the internal organs. The course of procedures is aimed at self-healing and restructuring of the body.

Osteopathic massage for newborns and older children is prescribed in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • injuries received during childbirth;
  • strabismus;
  • moodiness without reason;
  • delay in infant development;
  • violation of digestive functions;
  • allergic reactions;
  • torticollis;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • flat feet;
  • after surgery;
  • overexcited nervous system.

Children are often prescribed speech therapy to correct the pronunciation of certain letters and eliminate existing speech problems. Types of speech therapy massage:

  • classical. Used to strengthen muscle tissue that is involved in articulation;
  • hardware the method is based on the use of special devices in the form of vibration attachments and the formation of a vacuum;
  • spot the option affects active zones, providing a relaxing effect;
  • probe. During the procedure, special probes are used to massage the palate, tongue, and lips. The technique effectively eliminates problems with speech and motor skills;
  • self-massage. Children themselves massage their tongue with their teeth and do special exercises with their hands;
  • massage according to Dyakova. The technique combats speech disorders.

The speech therapy version of the technique is successfully combined with other techniques that correct speech and pronunciation.


Depending on the purpose of the procedure, the following types of general massage are distinguished:

  1. Medicinal. This type of procedure is prescribed by an experienced specialist to restore the body after injury or in the presence of any disease. This type of procedure is divided into classic, acupressure, reflex, hardware and connective tissue massage;
  2. Sports. This type of massage is divided into training, restorative and preliminary. The first option is carried out if it is necessary to prepare the muscles for significant physical activity. It is recommended to do it before competitions. Preliminary massage is carried out before the start of training to prepare the muscles. Restorative procedures are required to normalize the state of the nervous system and muscles after exercise;
  3. Hygienic. This option is an effective means for maintaining the normal functioning of the human body and preventing various types of diseases. In most cases, hygienic massage is carried out independently. It uses techniques such as rubbing, squeezing, vibration and stroking;
  4. Cosmetic. This type of procedure allows you to maintain the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. Promotes skin elasticity. It is recommended to carry out a cosmetic massage after visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool or significant physical activity.

Types and techniques of sports massage

The sports version of the technique can be local or general. Sessions usually alternate and are held every other day.

The following types of sports massage are distinguished:

  • The preparatory version of the technique is performed before performances or training. The type of technique is divided into options for warming up, before the start, for warming up;
  • This type of training technique allows you to eliminate muscle tissue fatigue that occurs during periods of increased stress. The session is usually held after a certain period of time, after training sessions;
  • The restorative type of procedure is aimed at fully restoring body functions after competitions.

In addition to the listed types of sports massage, there are techniques aimed at restoring strength after injuries. The technique gives the following effect:

  • has a preventive effect, preventing muscle tissue atrophy;
  • relieves pain;
  • strengthens muscle tissue;
  • eliminates swelling, hematomas;
  • normalizes and increases blood flow.

The sports type of the technique helps professional athletes conserve strength for successful performance and restore lost functions after competitions.

Procedure methods

There are several techniques that professionals use to achieve better results.

  • Manual massage method considered the most common. The procedure is carried out using the hands of an experienced specialist. A massage therapist can use various techniques and combine them, change the speed, frequency and force of pressure on a certain part of the body. The disadvantage of this type of procedure is that the specialist is very tired, especially if the procedure is carried out vigorously.
  • Combined method. This type combines hardware and manual massage. Due to this, the time of the procedure is significantly reduced and the physical impact on the human body is enhanced. The procedure begins with massaging with your hands, which makes it possible to prepare the muscles for intense exposure using the device.
  • Foot method. This procedure is performed with one or two legs using the entire body weight. This type of massage is especially common in oriental medicine. The procedure is called Turkish massage.
  • Hardware method. The procedure is based on the use of instruments, devices and devices of various physiological effects and design used in massage. The positive aspect of this procedure is that it saves time and makes the specialist’s work easier. The only disadvantage can be considered the inability to feel changes in the condition of the muscles after several procedures.

Exotic, unusual types of massage techniques

In addition to the usual, traditional massage techniques, there are unusual types of massage that have a relaxing, soothing, and healing effect on the body. Many exotic techniques belong to oriental types of massage that came from countries such as Thailand, India, and China. Ancient techniques improve blood flow, strengthen muscle tissue, eliminate overstrain of muscle tone, and slow down aging.

Among the most popular exotic types of massage, the following techniques stand out:

  • massage with singing bowls. Exotic technology has an impact on the physical and energetic levels. The effect is achieved due to vibrations emitted by special sound bowls;
  • massage using Philippine shells borrowed from Polynesia. For the procedure, sea shells of a certain breed are selected. These are rapana or cowrie shells. With the help of shells, vibrations are created that have a relaxing effect, eliminating stressful conditions;
  • stone massage. To perform the procedure, natural stones of a certain size and shape are selected. Massage movements are performed with heated or cold stones. The technique is aimed at eliminating cellulite and relieving muscle tension;
  • golf ball massage. The general strengthening procedure is performed by moving balls over the body with varying intensities and has a relaxing or tonic effect;
  • the next unusual type from the list of body massages performed by snails or snakes. Snails, gliding along the body or face, secrete a valuable substance used in the production of cosmetic products. An unusual procedure technique can not only smooth out wrinkles, but also restore the skin after burns or various inflammatory processes. Massaging with snakes is perhaps the most exotic type of massage technique. If the patient can overcome disgust and fear of reptiles, then unusual therapy will eliminate depressive and stressful conditions, relieve chronic fatigue, and prevent the development of neuroses;
  • Chinese technology massaging with knives helps remove harmful substances from the body and normalize blood flow;
  • massage with ivory sticks performed on the face. A course of procedures smooths out wrinkles, increases the tone of muscle tissue, and normalizes metabolic processes.

By choosing a type of massage classified as an unusual massage, the client will receive a sea of ​​unforgettable impressions combined with health improvement.

Classification by body parts

Massage of the scalp is carried out to strengthen the follicles and eliminate headaches. Experts recommend the procedure for those who suffer from hypertension.

Neck massage increases the outflow of venous blood from the skull. Due to this, hemodynamics improves. The procedure is performed in a sitting or lying position.

A back massage is performed to relax muscles and improve tone. The technique and duration of the procedure are determined by a specialist, based on the patient’s condition and individual characteristics.

Massage of the upper and lower extremities is carried out after injury, before competitions or after training. Various techniques are used - stroking, rubbing, kneading.

Classical technique

All types of classical effects are based on one principle: mechanical treatment of the deep subcutaneous layers. This group includes European and some medical procedures.

Italian method

Autolifting or Italian massage is a simple and effective procedure for improving skin condition. Performed from a sitting position, it involves gentle and even pressure with your palms on your face. The forehead is worked on first, then the eye area, nose, cheeks, and chin. The session ends with synchronous pressure on the forehead and back of the head. This effect activates the lymph glands and improves the removal of toxins.

Finnish method

Finnish massage is based on a combination of Russian and Swedish systems, and it is recommended to carry it out after a bath, sauna or a hot, long shower. Sessions are recommended for frequent back pain, increased muscle tension, injuries and sprains. Finnish massage consists of three main techniques. The first is stroking: longitudinal and transverse. The second is squeezing. The third technique is kneading. Performed using the pads of the thumbs.

Types and descriptions

There are a huge number of types of procedures, here are the main types of massage and their descriptions:


This option is ideal for after a sauna, when the muscles are sufficiently warmed up. The benefits from it are enormous. The procedure has a rejuvenating, healing and tonic effect.

Massage sessions help strengthen the immune system, relieve joint problems, and improve skin condition. It is one of the types of therapeutic massage.

Attention! The procedure has contraindications. You should not do it if you are allergic to honey.


Even in European countries, Russian massage is considered one of the most effective ways to eliminate joint diseases. This procedure is used for tendon and muscle injuries. Classic Russian massage not only has a healing effect, but also helps prevent a huge number of diseases.


This option is great for those who want to correct their figure. After a modeling massage, the body becomes slender and toned, and metabolic processes throughout the body are activated.

A visible effect is observed after one procedure. Indications for performing such a massage may include swelling, excess weight, stretch marks or cellulite.


This is a unique procedure. During its implementation, the specialist influences different parts of the body with the help of legs, arms and even philosophy. Oriental massage, due to its effect on the meridians, can correct cosmetic defects and cure various types of diseases.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in cases of circulatory and digestive disorders, chronic diseases of the joints and spine, as well as to restore the proper functioning of the body’s endocrine system. Oriental massage is recommended for those who want to rejuvenate their skin and improve their complexion.


The main feature of Hawaiian massage is that the master uses various techniques during the execution process. The procedure begins with prayer, then the body is treated with salt. The duration of the first session must be at least three hours. Only in this case can you count on the desired result.

Hawaiian massage is especially indicated for people in difficult life situations, as well as those who suffer from depression and lack of attention. At the end of the procedure, the patient will feel a surge of strength and be charged with positive energy.


This is a unique procedure technology. The massage is performed using a special scraper.
In this case, reflex irritation of the skin occurs, resulting in a positive effect on the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Guasha is not recommended for people suffering from allergies, various skin lesions and kidney problems. This procedure should be carried out if there is swelling on the body, the functioning of internal organs is reduced, or there are inflammatory processes in the body.


Brazilian massage helps strengthen muscles, restore vitality, remove toxins from the body, and reduce volume. The effectiveness of this method is noticeable after the first procedure. This is one of the most useful types of massage for women.

Peculiarity! During the procedure, the specialist uses bamboo sticks. He massages the patient's body with them.

Indications for massage with bamboo sticks are:

  • loose skin;
  • tendency to edema;
  • overweight;
  • decreased muscle tone.


In this case, it is supposed to influence biologically active points of the human body. In Eastern medicine, Asian massage is used to get rid of a number of diseases.

For example, such as circulatory and digestive disorders. The procedure is recommended for those who want to restore vitality and energy..

Asian massage is in great demand among both women and men.


This variety is very relevant at the present time. The mucus secreted by snails contains many vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the skin. For example, collagen or elastin.

Snail massage is ideal for people with cracked or dry skin, as well as those who want to smooth out wrinkles and slow down the aging process.


This is a relaxing massage, the essence of which is a complex effect on the nervous system of the body. After the first session, the patient feels a surge of energy, gets a “second wind” and improves his mood.

This procedure is designed to solve the problems of chronic fatigue, prolonged nervous tension and sleep disturbances.

Massage is contraindicated for people with infectious diseases, recent bone fractures, inflammation of the lymph nodes or HIV.


During the procedure, the master acts on different parts of the body, affecting the muscles and skin. Thanks to this approach, blood circulation improves, muscle tone increases, and metabolic processes accelerate.

This type of massage involves the use of aromatic oils. As a result of the procedure, the patient relaxes as much as possible and receives extremely positive emotions.


The fundamental feature of this technique is that a person is considered as a single whole - the unity of spirit, body and mind. Adherents of Eastern medicine believe that health is possible only with harmony of the individual and different parts of the body.

It is imbalance that is the main cause of disease development. As a result of a complex targeted action on the human body, the following effects are achieved:

  • detoxification of the body;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • healing of joints;
  • relieving muscle pain;
  • production of the hormone of happiness;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Yoga massage

This technique involves deep massage and stretching of various parts of the body. As a result, a person becomes flexible and resilient. The body quickly relaxes.

This massage helps eliminate toxins and speed up metabolism.

The procedure is recommended for people suffering from neck and back pain, muscle and tendon strains. Contraindications to massage may include elevated body temperature, respiratory diseases, or the presence of benign and malignant tumors.

Lifting massage

An ideal option for those who want to maintain youthful skin on the face and body, improve blood supply to the body and stimulate muscle function. The procedure is completely painless and brings a lot of positive emotions. It can be carried out in specialized salons or independently.

Massage is recommended for those who want to correct the oval of the face, change skin color, remove bags and bruises under the eyes. Lifting massage is one of the main types of facial massage.


This is one of the types of reflex massage. This option has several distinctive features. This massage is aimed at restoring the balance of human energy. The specialist works on a subtle energy level. During the procedure, it affects many active points, which allows you to achieve the best effect.

Korean massage is indicated for diseases:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous system;
  • respiratory organs (asthma, pneumonia).

Stones or stone therapy

A fairly common procedure. It promotes physical relaxation of the patient and improves mood. If the technique and material are chosen correctly, the procedure can have a healing effect.

When choosing stones, it is worth considering their size, structure and composition. It is believed that the material can retain positive energy and read the patient’s mood. Stone massage helps cleanse the chakras and open them. After the first procedure, a person feels deep muscle relaxation, strengthened immunity and relief from headaches.

Herbal bags

This is an unusual technique that includes several areas - yoga, acupuncture, aromatherapy and effects on biologically active points of the body. When performing the procedure, the massage therapist does not use fingers or wrists.

Important! The pouch is used for one person only. This is due to the fact that particles of epidermis and fatty deposits remain on the tissue.

Instead, he uses bags made of natural materials and filled with aromatic medicinal herbs. This massage has a relaxing effect on the body, helps eliminate stress, and relieves some diseases.

Types of therapeutic techniques and effects on the body

The purpose of all types of therapeutic massage is the treatment of certain diseases, a general, strengthening effect on the body. The medical procedure is indicated for injuries of various types, pathologies of internal organs, joint diseases, problems with blood vessels, and to eliminate headaches.

There are the following types of medical massage:

  • segmental reflex technique;
  • local. During sessions, individual parts of the body are treated, such as the abdomen, limbs, joints, neck area;
  • urological technology aimed at eliminating pathologies of the urethra, including stimulation of the prostate in men;
  • gynecological. The technique is used for treatment and prevention, used during the rehabilitation period after surgery, and to restore women's health after childbirth. The procedure normalizes blood flow in the pelvic area, thereby restoring uterine tone;
  • dermatological variety massage is used to relieve manifestations of eczema, dermatitis, by restoring lymph outflow and eliminating toxic substances;
  • corrective speech therapy. The technique combats speech disorders in children and adults, restoring the tone of the masticatory muscles for articulation;
  • ophthalmic technology aimed at restoring and maintaining the tone of the eye muscles;
  • manual healing technique affects internal organs;
  • dental manual or hardware option is performed in the jaw area;
  • otorhinolaryngological option is used as a prevention and treatment of ears, nose and throat.

When performing all types of therapeutic massages, basic general techniques are used. The session begins and ends with stroking movements. In the middle of the procedure, the skin and mucous membranes are affected by rubbing, squeezing, kneading, vibration, and impact movements.

Application of creams and oils

According to statistics, more than 95% of specialists use massage oils during a session.

The use of cosmetics is supported by good gliding and warming of muscles, the presence of a pleasant aroma, and the ability to apply to wet skin, which is especially important for those who carry out procedures in a bathhouse or sauna.

Massage cream and ointments are used when it is necessary to obtain an analgesic effect. They also have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. It is advisable to use these products for injuries or after physical exertion.

Relaxation and beauty techniques

Brazilian facial massage

The second name is sculptural technique. This variety is aimed at kneading deep-lying muscle tissue. The impact method is aimed at activating metabolic processes at the intercellular level, improving blood circulation, and increasing tissue elasticity. Sessions can be carried out manually or using a special device. Before the procedure, natural oil or base cream is applied to the skin.

Relaxation method

The deep relaxation technique relieves tension, has a relaxing effect, and helps to achieve harmony of soul and body. It is used for chronic fatigue, overwork, stress, depression and a number of diseases. A relaxing session includes the following types of treatment: diaphragm massage, stroking, intense and deep kneading, rubbing, vibration. The movement of the master's hands during the session is smooth, slow, and the strength is negotiated with the client.

Tonic method

A tonic massage is a relaxing, therapeutic, and sports massage. It involves various techniques and its effectiveness depends on the time and duration of the session. A tonic massage is indicated for apathy, drowsiness, decreased performance and concentration.

If you do a tonic massage in the morning, it will help you wake up and give strength, dilate blood vessels and activate metabolism, saturate the blood with oxygen. After the nerve receptors start working, hormones that improve mood are released into the blood. The back muscles begin to be worked, then the sacrum area, hips, legs, chest and arms. A toning massage is performed with vigorous movements with moderate force. Session duration is up to 30 minutes.

If a tonic massage is performed in the evening, the session should last at least an hour. This will allow you to get the opposite effect - relaxation, relief of tension and fatigue.


  • headaches that are a consequence of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • radicular syndrome;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum (not in a state of exacerbation of the disease);
  • arthrosis, arthritis and other joint damage;
  • injuries to ligaments, muscles, bones;
  • tendon sprains;
  • fractures of the upper and lower extremities at different stages of healing;
  • neuritis and neuralgia;
  • hypotension, hypertension, angina pectoris (but not during an exacerbation of the disease);
  • pneumonia, bronchitis or diseases of the ENT organs;
  • paralysis;
  • radiculitis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pathology of the genitourinary system.

Peculiarity! Before visiting a massage therapist, you should definitely consult with an experienced doctor who will determine the feasibility of the session.

Sports equipment


Warming massage is used for hypothermia, before training and during breaks in competitions, for quick recovery and for minor sprains and bruises. The procedure includes stroking and kneading, which are carried out only in the direction of blood flow. After the procedure, blood flow increases, metabolic processes are activated at the cellular level, and the tone and elasticity of muscle tissue improves. Warming massage also has contraindications: injuries and diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, skin disorders in the area of ​​treatment.


The youngest sports equipment. To perform this, you need kinesiology tapes - special adhesive tapes that work as applicators. The tapes have a relaxing effect, improve blood flow and metabolic processes, promote the restoration of damaged tissues and reduce pain. Each of the tapes can be worn from 3 to 14 days: the breathable material does not create unpleasant sensations, does not cause allergies and is waterproof. The greatest effect is observed in the first week.

Indications for the use of kinesio taping:

  • Sprains and bruises;
  • Pain in the shoulders, knee joints, elbows, cervical spine;
  • Heel spur;
  • Headaches, dizziness, migraines;
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Therapy is also recommended for pregnant women with swelling, lack of sleep and lower back pain.


Procedures should be avoided if the following diseases and symptoms are present:

  • angiitis;
  • acute myocardial ischemia;
  • severe sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • scurvy;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • pulmonary heart failure;
  • intestinal dysfunction (constipation, diarrhea, loose stools);
  • gangrene;
  • purulent processes, regardless of location;
  • allergies manifested by skin rashes;
  • mental disorders characterized by severe agitation;
  • chronic osteomyelitis;
  • blood or heart diseases;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • tuberculosis.

This is not a complete list of contraindications.

Carrying out massage sessions will bring maximum benefit only if the technique and variety are chosen correctly. Therefore, it is necessary to spend time searching for an experienced specialist and consultation.

Massage is a unique procedure that has a magical healing effect on the human body. It helps prevent and cure a huge number of diseases, helps preserve youth and beauty.

Body massage options

There are various techniques and types of body massages used for losing weight, eliminating cellulite, and restoring the skin.

Types of body massage:

  • traditional. It is considered the most popular technique, which helps eliminate pain, swelling, treat joint pathologies and various chronic diseases;
  • healing technique fights various inflammatory processes, eliminates pathologies of internal organs and diseases caused by mental disorders;
  • relaxing massage technique performed on the entire surface of the body, as well as in individual areas.

There are types of massage in Thailand, which are performed at certain active points:

  • classic, in which all muscle tissue is worked out;
  • types of body massage performed in the collar area of ​​the neck, which have a pronounced healing and relaxing effect;
  • foot massage performed manually or with special sticks;
  • a procedure aimed at losing weight simultaneously eliminates cellulite bumpiness of the skin.

The Thai technique includes techniques and types of oil massage. All movements during the sessions are aimed at complete relaxation, therefore only stroking and kneading manipulations are used. Aromatic oils, which are generously lubricated on the treated areas, help achieve maximum relaxing effect. Interestingly, the patient himself chooses the oil he likes before the session.

From the list of all types of Thai massage, the technique with herbal bags is popular. Various herbs that have a medicinal effect are placed in linen bags. Before the procedure, the herbs are heated, placed in bags, and massage movements are performed with them.

  • vacuum technique is carried out using special manipulators that treat problem areas. This is one of the most popular types of anti-cellulite massage, during which problem areas under the influence of vacuum are massaged with rollers;
  • hydromassage refers to complex procedures where certain areas of the body are treated with high-pressure water;
  • massage using vibrating massagers allows you to influence the deep layers of the epidermis.

Hardware massage techniques have a double result: they eliminate pathologies of internal organs, while simultaneously strengthening muscle mass. The hardware technique effectively eliminates fat deposits and evens out the skin with cellulite.

Toning massage

As a rule, patients resort to this type of massage in order to awaken their body, free it from the networks of despondency and apathy, and awaken within them a desire for movement and a feeling of vigor. This type is also very often performed as part of a general type of body massage, especially the cervical region of the human body.

During the procedure, deep smoothing, intensive massaging of the body area, kneading and manual intermittent vibration are used. All methods are performed actively, with the deepest study of body tissues. Vibration stands out among the most effective tonics, which is why this type of massage is often performed together with various electrical devices.

Tonic practice is significantly shorter in time, unlike relaxing practice. It does not take more than an hour of time; all points of the body are massaged for about ten to fifteen seconds. Otherwise, the stage of inhibition in muscles and tissues is activated again, and the procedure has the opposite effect.

It is recommended to undergo a tonic massage during the daytime, and best of all, immediately after lunch. The practice is especially suitable for those people who, after the first half of the day, already feel tired, apathetic and incapable of further productive activity.

Massage technique using Su Jok

To use the ring, put it on each finger in turn and roll it with force, until the skin turns red. You can also move a finger with a massager on it over active points on the palm.

There is also an option to put the spring on your fingers and remove it 20 times. Particular attention should be paid to areas where the skin is particularly sore. Under no circumstances should such a device be left on the hand after the massage is completed - this can lead to pinching of blood vessels and swelling.

To massage active points on the palms and fingers, a ball-shaped massager;

  • pick up and roll in palms clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • roll between fingertips;
  • thrown and caught;
  • squeeze tightly in your hand several times.

To work out the reflexogenic zones on the feet, place the ball on the floor and roll it back and forth with your feet.

By working the Su Jok ball on the feet, you can improve the condition of most organs and their systems.

Video: exercises with Su Jok massagers

Massage with additional equipment, hardware massage

Depending on the equipment used, the following types of massage are distinguished:

  • can, vacuum;
  • honey;
  • vibration;
  • vibrovacuum;
  • spoons;
  • cryomassage;
  • pneumomassage;
  • hydromassage (underwater shower, underwater whirlpool, Charcot shower, circulation shower);
  • baromassage;
  • ultrasonic.

Massage – benefit or harm?

Of course, this therapy should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. At its core, massage has a therapeutic effect on a person. The main feature of massage is its systematicity, which is why you should trust the procedure only to a professional or medical specialists. Massage involves the use of special practices to calm or, conversely, restore muscle particles. This type of healing technique is usually implemented to restore stress resistance or to improve blood circulation in the human body. Massage is used as part of complex therapy for many diseases, and in sanatorium-resort treatment establishments the procedure is prescribed to all vacationers for general strengthening purposes.

There are different types and techniques of massage that have both a positive effect on a person and are completely contraindicated for a certain patient. Therefore, before starting a course of procedures, you should clarify many points about your health status with your doctor. Otherwise, this ancient practice will quite possibly only harm your body and lead to dire consequences. Types of massage (massage classification) are described in more detail below.

Beauty and health in one session?

Carrying out a general body massage improves mental and physical condition. After the session you will feel a surge of strength and a sense of calm. The general massage procedure prevents the occurrence of many diseases, tightens the skin, normalizes the functioning of internal organs and restores strength after a hard day. It is better to entrust it to a massage therapist. However, before doing this, you should definitely consult a doctor so that he can examine you for any contraindications to its implementation. When self-massaging, use medicated gels, candles, relaxing music and aromatic products. Every person needs a body massage. Maintain your health naturally!

Features of Thai massage

The history of Thai massage is interconnected with the culture of old India and China. Today's Thai massage techniques were developed after long practice, carried out for more than one century, long-term observations of the natural healing of the human body and the transformation of its condition after massage procedures.

Obviously, there were misconceptions in the evolution of Thai practices, but as a result, the current level of development of the procedure is significant in all countries. The direction in the world is valued, probably, more than all other methods of non-standard medicine.

If you decide to master the art of massage, we recommend using the following tips.

  1. At the beginning of the massage, use talc while stroking movements.
  2. When you move on to warming movements, rub the oil with the addition of essential oils into the client's skin. This way the procedure will be more pleasant for the person being massaged.
  3. Study the lines of lymph flow well.
  4. Constantly ask how the client feels.
  5. Lying on his stomach, the patient's arms should be extended along the body, and his head should be asked to turn every 15 minutes.
  6. Be sure to follow the pattern of stroking - rubbing - kneading - squeezing - vibration - shock techniques - stroking.

Hardware - description

As you can already understand from the name, this type of massage is carried out using special devices.

Moreover, it can be completely hardware-based, and also include elements of manual influence.

This type of procedure will be called combined.

Main types:

  1. Hydromassage. Special baths are used for it, in which manipulations are carried out with directed jets of water of varying intensity and diameter, performing a massage of the whole body.
  2. Vacuum effect. Such devices operate on the pneumatic principle, creating a pressure difference in the treated area.
  3. Vibration effects. Suitable for general and local effects.
  4. Lymphatic drainage. This procedure is an extremely popular service in many beauty salons. There is a manual and hardware method of execution. During the procedure, harmful substances are released from the subcutaneous layers, blood circulation and lymph outflow improves.

In addition to the devices described above, there are many types of hand massagers, as well as vacuum jars. They are designed for more serious muscle work, as well as to enhance the impact of a certain direction.

On video: hardware and vacuum massage

Combination of massage with other physiotherapy methods

Simultaneously or in parallel with massage sessions, the patient can undergo other types of treatment, in particular:

  • kinesitherapy;
  • manual therapy;
  • hardware physiotherapy;
  • psychotherapy.

One day Can carry out massage with the following procedures:

  • electrotherapy (galvanization, electrophoresis, electrosleep, diadynamic currents, amplipulse therapy, franklinization, darsonvalization, ultratonotherapy);
  • high-frequency electromagnetic fields (inductothermy, ultra-high-frequency electric field, decimeter, centimeter therapy);
  • magnetic fields (low-frequency magnetic therapy, constant magnetic field, VIMT);
  • mechanical vibrations (ultrasound, ultraphonophoresis, vibration therapy);
  • phototherapy (infrared and ultraviolet irradiation in a non-erythemal dose, laser therapy);
  • balneotherapy (showers, baths: pine, iodine-bromine, pearl, oxygen);
  • halotherapy;
  • hypoxic therapy;
  • inhalation therapy;
  • heat treatment (paraffin and ozokerite).
  • four-chamber galvanic bath;
  • ultraviolet irradiation in an erythemal dose;
  • carbon dioxide, radon, hydrogen sulfide baths;
  • underwater shower-massage, underwater spinal traction;
  • mud applications due to the high biological activity of peloids.

When prescribing electrotherapy and massage on the same day, you must first visit a massage therapist, then carry out electrical procedures. Currents can irritate the skin, and damaged skin should not be rubbed.

When prescribing heat therapy and massage on the same day, it is advisable to first do the heat procedure and then the massage. The heat warms the tissues, preparing them for massage, which increases the effectiveness of the treatment.


Types of massage and their descriptions, perhaps, we should start with the most famous - therapeutic. Basically, a person who is under day-time inpatient observation by a doctor is sent for just this type of massage - therapeutic. These procedures are necessary to normalize the condition of the body of a sick person, therefore healing massage is carried out in medical practice for various ailments.

In fact, we can call any type of massage practice health-improving, but specifically healing massage, unlike wellness, sets itself the task of healing from any diagnosis or preventing diseases and improving the condition of the body as a whole. Therefore, healing massage must be performed by specialists and under the close attention of the attending physician.

When is massage contraindicated?

There are cases when massage procedures are absolutely contraindicated. The course of therapy is prohibited:

  • immediately after eating, drinking alcohol or taking drugs (it is best to perform the procedure on an empty stomach);
  • for diseases associated with the cardiac system (massage is possible only when a course of prevention is developed by a medical specialist);
  • with varicose veins;
  • people with a history of cancer;
  • for infections and any acute diseases.

A little about massage

Massage is a procedure during which the body is healed due to physical and reflex effects on the body.

At first glance, it may seem that the massage therapist’s movements are very simple and primitive. In fact, the art of massage is not so easy to master.

There are many varieties of this manual procedure. Some countries have their own techniques and methods.

If you really want, you can try each type of massage for yourself. But in order not to harm your body, we recommend that you consult a doctor and be sure to trust your body only to qualified specialists.

Beauty in real life requires regular exercise and avoiding sugary buns every day. But maintaining a normal weight is not so easy: with age, adipose tissue thickens. And “losing weight” is useless.

Age-related fat is difficult to lose, and the skin most often ends up resembling a deflated balloon. Yes, and we recover differently. In a pear-shaped figure, fat accumulates in the buttocks and hips, and in those with an apple-shaped figure, kilograms accumulate in the waist area, destroying femininity and lightness, and move to the abdominal area, visually adding a couple of sizes and several years of age.

Massage for women

Due to a sedentary lifestyle, many women have problems with their reproductive system due to various types of congestion. Gynecological massage improves blood circulation, eliminates congestion, and in some cases normalizes ovarian function.

This massage is prescribed for women with diseases of the genitourinary system. It is carried out on a gynecological chair or on a couch. In this case, the woman should take a knee-elbow position.

This is an internal procedure that lasts no more than 5 minutes.

Massage in pediatrics

The baby's skin is very delicate and sensitive, so the massage is carried out with extreme caution.
When prescribing and performing massage for children, it is necessary to take into account a number of features.

  • The massage is done in a warm room, 30-40 minutes after eating.
  • The specialist’s hands should be warm, oils or creams should not be applied to the skin of the little patient, but to the hands of the massage therapist.
  • All movements are performed gently, since the baby’s skin is thin and very sensitive. When performing baby massage, special techniques are used. As a rule, massage is combined with gymnastic exercises. The intensity of the procedure and the complexity of the exercises are increased gradually, taking into account the child’s condition, his physical characteristics and capabilities.
  • It is very important that the little patient receives only positive emotions during the session so that he enjoys the sessions. The success of treatment largely depends on this.
  • Before starting the massage, it is necessary to establish contact with the child so that the little patient is not afraid and can relax.
  • Massage is carried out already from the first weeks after the birth of a child using a very delicate technique for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Indications for children's massage

The main indications for baby massage are:

  • torticollis;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • general development;
  • congenital hip dislocation;
  • clubfoot;
  • rickets;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • congenital pathologies of the spine;
  • malnutrition;
  • consequences of birth injuries;
  • acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pleurisy;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • consequences of musculoskeletal injuries;
  • scoliosis, flat feet.

Massage for men and women

If there are no contraindications or restrictions, then women can have any massage. Cosmetic and anti-cellulite, relaxing and exotic types are popular. Specific methods are only gynecological and for bust enlargement.

Gynecological massage is therapeutic and is recommended for abnormal position of the uterus, bleeding, chronic inflammatory processes and insufficient muscle tissue activity. Procedures are prescribed only after the diagnosis has been made and confirmed.

To enlarge the bust, there are water, corrective, vacuum and acupressure massages. Each technique has its own characteristics and contraindications. The main danger of any type is stretching of the skin and microtrauma from careless impact.

Exercises with a Su Jok massager for children's speech development

The eminent teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky once said a phrase that expresses the subtle connection between fine motor skills and the development of children’s speech: “The child’s mind is at the tips of his fingers.” Indeed, children who are able to perform painstaking tasks with their fingers speak much better than their peers who cannot do this. But, like any skill, fine motor skills require development through frequent training. Such exercises are best performed with the help of a Su Jok massager in the form of a ball with elastic rings.

My godfather's boy at the age of 3 spoke a maximum of 15 words, and very distorted. The poor child was sent to psychologists, neurologists and even taken for an MRI. The only thing they could identify was hypoxia that occurred during childbirth (a friend gave birth to her son for about 24 hours). Despite the prescribed medications, which were supposed to relieve the effects of lack of oxygen, his speech did not improve, although the boy began to sleep better and increased nervousness disappeared. Then one of the speech therapists involved in the treatment advised using a Su Jok ball. Of course, the baby did not become very talkative after this, but after a month of use, his vocabulary began to expand much more actively.

The use of a Su Jok massager by children with developmental problems gives excellent results

The device can be used by completely healthy children, as well as those with health problems and levels of age and development. The device will help:

  • normalize muscle tone, which is very important for cerebral palsy, minor brain dysfunction and various movement disorders;
  • make the work of both hemispheres synchronized, activate their relationship;
  • improve the functioning of speech centers in the cerebral cortex;
  • stimulate the development of tactile sensitivity and much more.

Video: how to use a Su Jok ball

To implement all these tasks, use the following exercises:

  1. The ball is placed between the palms, closing the fingers together, and rolling it back and forth.
  2. In the same position with fingers pressed, the massager is rolled in a circle between the palms.
  3. The ball is taken with the fingertips and made rotational movements, as if screwing a cork into a bottle;
  4. In the position indicated in the previous exercise, press the massager 4-6 times with force on the fingertips;
  5. The device, held in place by the pads, is rotated counterclockwise, as if opening a lid.
  6. The ball is thrown with both hands 20–30 cm and then caught.
  7. The fingers are clasped together in a “lock”, having previously held the massager in the palms (elbows are placed to the sides), after which the ball is squeezed 4–6 times.
  8. The spiked ball is transferred from the left hand to the right, gradually increasing the speed of movements.

All exercises with a Su Jok ball can be done while reading funny nursery rhymes, so that the child not only benefits, but also enjoys the exercise.

Classification of massage depending on the area of ​​the body being massaged

The whole body, as well as its individual parts, can be massaged. For example, after a broken arm or leg, a massage of these limbs is required.

Depending on which part of the body is being massaged, this procedure is classified as follows.

Hand massage Many people experience pain in the shoulder girdle due to the need to lift heavy objects. Thanks to the massage of the arms, shoulders and collar area, discomfort and pain disappear. In cases where massage is prescribed as a method of rehabilitation, it contributes to the speedy recovery of the body.
Foot massage Recommended for people whose work involves heavy physical activity. It eliminates swelling, normalizes blood circulation and lymph flow, relieves fatigue, prevents cramps, and promotes rapid recovery from injuries.
Foot massage There are a lot of reflex points on the feet. That is why foot massage has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. It is recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems, mental disorders, patients with acute respiratory infections, patients with severe headaches and nausea.
Abdominal massage It is very effective in treating any problems related to the intestines, improves the functioning of the stomach, liver and even prostate. In addition, it destroys cellulite and promotes weight loss.

Reduce tension, improve mood, improve quality of life, cure illness - this is just a small list of what the right massage can do. In this article you will learn what types of massage there are.

  • Manual method

Manual (manual) is the traditional, most ancient and popular method. Massage movements are performed with hands.

  • Hardware

To save the massage therapist’s time and effort, as well as for home self-massage, special devices are used.

Hardware massage is divided into:

  • vibration massage;
  • vacuum;
  • hydromassage;
  • pneumomassage.
  • Combined – a combination of different massage methods.
  • Foot.

Performed with legs. Common in Turkish and Oriental methods.


Includes techniques and movements of the classical school. The most common type.


  • You should start with light stroking, gradually increasing the pace.
  • Rubbing is a stronger effect on the epidermis by displacing it. Particular attention should be paid to the cervical spine.
  • Kneading – grabbing small areas of skin, squeezing them and lightly massaging them.
  • Patting - light springy strokes with a relaxed hand or fingertips.
  • The procedure is completed by stroking.
  • headaches;
  • migraines;
  • pain in the back, lower back, neck;
  • poor appetite;
  • sleep problems;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • cellulite;
  • poor metabolism.


  • skin diseases;
  • heart problems;
  • hypertension;
  • fungal diseases.


Relaxing procedures help calm muscles and joints, put the mind in order, and discard unnecessary worries and worries.

  • Heated lotion or oil is applied to the hands.
  • Gently, with slow and smooth movements, it is rubbed into the client’s body.
  • First comes the stroking. Start from the back, smoothly move to the legs and feet. After that - arms and hands. Shoulders, neck and head last.
  • Gradually increasing the intensity, proceed to rubbing and kneading.
  • You need to finish with soft strokes.

Intended for:

  • normalization of sleep;
  • relieving fatigue;
  • treatment of stress, neurosis, apathy;
  • increasing immunity;
  • treatment of psychosomatic diseases;
  • mood enhancement;
  • treatment of headaches, migraines.

List of contraindications:

  • initial stage of pregnancy;
  • skin disorders;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • high chance of blood clots;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental problems;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • infections;
  • allergic reaction to oils, aromatic candles, incense;
  • bleeding disorders.


Necessary for detecting cellulite and its prevention, overweight. A painful procedure aimed at working out subcutaneous fat.


  • oncology;
  • infectious diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • ulcer;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • period;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fungus;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.


Since ancient times, water has been used as a means for skin care, rejuvenation, and renewal.

Hydromassage is a salon procedure performed using water. Directed jets of water and air affect specific areas of the body. Blood flow and skin condition improve, pores are cleansed. Hydromassage helps in the fight against cellulite, stretch marks, and excess weight. Normalizes blood pressure, relieves pain and muscle tension. Heals and strengthens the body.


  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • viruses and infections;
  • oncology;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 15 years.


  • varicose veins;
  • swelling;
  • psychological stress, depression, insomnia;
  • excess weight;
  • advanced cellulite;
  • menopause;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • long-term smoking.

Types of hydromassage

  • Underwater massage.

The client is in a special container with water, and the specialist uses a hose with water to influence certain areas of the body. This is the simplest and most common type of hydromassage.

The patient stands near the wall and water is directed at him from a hose under high pressure. The water temperature changes periodically. Due to the temperature contrast and high pressure, increased stimulation of the body occurs. The procedure is most effective in the fight against cellulite and excess weight.

  • Jacuzzi.

Refers to spa treatments. Suitable for general health improvement of the body, has no contraindications for age.

Hydromassage can be performed at home using a special shower head.

Cryomassage is a combined effect of cold and massage techniques on the skin. The technique has gained popularity due to its quick results, safety, and ease of execution.

Under the influence of low temperatures, vessels, pores, capillaries are constantly compressed and unclenched. This leads to a rush of blood and lymph to the upper layers of the epidermis, improving, renewing and nourishing it. One of the best types of massage for women.


  • herpes;
  • allergic reaction to cold;
  • damage to the epidermis;
  • epilepsy (cold can provoke a seizure);
  • severe headaches;
  • cold season;
  • thin, “luminous” skin;
  • purulent rashes.


  • wrinkles;
  • swelling;
  • oily skin;
  • decreased elasticity of the epidermis;
  • receding hairline;
  • acne;
  • changes in skin color;
  • cellulite.

After the procedure, avoid direct sunlight.

There are several types of cryomassage.

  1. Using ice

Massage using ice cubes is easy to use at home. As a base for ice, you can use water, chamomile infusion, cucumber juice, citrus juices, parsley infusion, calendula, nettle and other medicinal herbs.

  • The procedure is performed in the morning.
  • Take an ice cube. If you have sensitive skin, then wrap it in a napkin.
  • Using light, smooth movements, wipe the skin of the face, neck, and chest, avoiding the area around the eyes and nipples.
  • Lightly blot any remaining water with a napkin.
  1. Cryomassage with nitrogen.

Cryomassage using liquid nitrogen is a salon procedure. Performed only by a specialist who has undergone special training. Trying to do the procedure yourself or at home can lead to irreparable damage to the skin.

  • First you need to cleanse the skin of impurities.
  • The procedure for exposing the skin to nitrogen is carried out using an applicator or a special device. Nitrogen should not come into contact with the surface of the skin.
  • After the session, you need to apply a nourishing cream or mask.

To achieve the desired result, you should complete a course of 12-15 sessions.

Hot stones (stone therapy, stone massage)

Hot stone massage is a good way to relieve muscle pain, fatigue and tension. Recognized as one of the most effective for detoxifying the human body. It has been used for more than 3,500 thousand years.

Smooth, polished basalt stones are used to carry out the hot massage procedure. They are able to retain heat for a long time.

The effect appears after 5 procedures.

  • First you need to cleanse the body and stones of contamination.
  • While the stones are heating up, a special massage oil is applied to the body.
  • Lay out the stones, starting from the feet, slowly rising higher.
  • After the procedure, fluid levels in the body should be replenished.


  • acne;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • high risk of blood clots;
  • infectious diseases;
  • spinal column injuries;
  • exacerbation of asthma.


  • standard for massage;
  • painful sensations in the joints;
  • hormone imbalance;
  • mood swings;
  • pain and tension in various muscles.

Hot stones at home.

  • The stones are heated in a microwave oven with heated water.
  • At home, you should perform light stroking with hot stones, starting from the lower part of the body.
  • Be sure to drink a glass of water before and after using the stones.


  • Stones treat diseases of the genitourinary system.

This is a dangerous myth, since these diseases are a serious contraindication for massage. Warming up inflamed tissues and organs leads to deterioration of health.

  • Hot stones treat joint inflammation.

Stones should be used only for non-inflammatory pain. For joint inflammation, use cold compresses.

  • Hot stones should be used for colds.

This is a myth because using them will only lead to sinusitis.

Lymphatic drainage

Aimed at cleansing the lymph nodes, vessels and ducts, which leads to increased immunity and improved functioning of all body systems.


  • mild to moderate form of cellulite;
  • the presence of excess adipose tissue;
  • swelling;
  • dark circles - “bruises” under the eyes;
  • sagging skin;
  • decreased immunity;
  • wrinkles.


  • heart problems;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • fungus;
  • heat.

Types of lymphatic drainage body massage:

  • Manual – weak, soft pressure and stroking along the path of lymph flow.

Divided by:

  • superficial – enhances metabolic processes and cell nutrition;
  • deep – affects lymphatic vessels;
  • internal – works with lymph nodes.
  • hardware - performed with special equipment.
  • Vacuum – deep impact procedure. Special flasks create special pressure, which improves lymph flow.
  • Microcurrent is a massage that uses electric current. Impact on the upper layers of the skin with electrodes through which current passes.
  • Pressotherapy is a method using compressed air. Effectively fights varicose veins, obesity, cellulite.
  • Canned.

This is a vacuum body massage using special cups. Improves lymph flow, blood flow, nutrition and tissue renewal. Successfully fights mild to moderate cellulite and is an excellent preventive measure. During the session, the cups move throughout the body in various directions.


  • infections;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • tumors;
  • elevated temperature;
  • varicose veins;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • lactation.


  • muscle tension and spasms;
  • NS disorders;
  • cellulite.

Execution technique

Preparatory stage:

  • Before the procedure, you must take a shower.
  • The session begins with a classic or relaxing massage. It is important to use a cream, oil or lotion.

Types of techniques:

  • Standard.
  • Take a cotton pad, dip it in alcohol, and then set it on fire.
  • The fire is transferred to a special jar, which is placed on the body.
  • On the skin, the jar moves in a circle, in zigzags, back and forth, left and right.
  • Duration no more than 17 minutes.
  • Chinese.

A candle is placed on the body, and the jar is placed on top of the candle.

  • Massage with plastic jars.

The jar is squeezed around the edges with your fingers, applied to the skin, and your fingers unclench.

How to choose banks?

The main material for making cans is:

  • Glass is the most fragile material. Glass jars are rarely used. The advantages include easy care and storage, they do not absorb odors.
  • Silicone jars are popular due to their low price, quality and ease of handling.
  • Rubber. Such jars are considered the easiest to handle, but have a very limited shelf life, easily absorb odors, and are almost impossible to wash.
  • Latex cans are the most expensive. They have increased strength and retain their own smell and color well. They have a long service life.

During the procedure, due to the strong vacuum effect, weak capillaries burst, forming bruises. They are absolutely harmless.

Sports massage

Designed specifically for athletes, helps in preparation for training camps and competitions.

Classification of massage techniques for athletes:

  • Preliminary.

Use shortly before physical activity. It is divided into warm-up, pre-start and warm-up parts.

  • Training.

Designed to protect muscles from overstrain during serious sports activities. Used a short time after physical exercise.

  • Restorative massage is necessary to improve and develop an athlete's abilities. Used immediately after the competition.

Eastern techniques

Types of oriental massage and their description for women:

  • Point (shiatsu). It affects certain biological points that interact with organs and systems of the body. An important feature is an individual approach to each person, lack of haste, leisurelyness and an integrated approach to solving problems.

There are more than 600 biological points in the human body. Each has its own purpose, organ, system, vessel. Remember, there are points that can help you, and there are those that can harm or even kill you.


  • pregnancy;
  • period;
  • infections;
  • severe heart disease.
  • Meridian massage.

It is performed in the direction of the meridian lines (a set of points) along which the energy of life flows.

  • Thai (yoga massage).

A massage in which the presence of clothing on the body is mandatory, and the fabric must be natural. It is understood that 72 thousand energy lines pass through the human body. The master interacts with them, correcting disturbances in the flow of energy. It is able to normalize the functioning of the immune, nervous, digestive and other systems of the body. Helps to open the mind, find harmony and peace in the soul. During the massage, the arms and legs are used.


  • serious heart disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • recovery after operations.
  • Tibetan (Ku Nye) massage.

One of the oldest techniques, based on the unique interaction of essential oils and an individually selected massage system.

Popular types:

  • Rejuvenating when substances containing beneficial components and vitamins are rubbed into the skin. Indicated for people prone to worry and despondency, prone to stress and lack of sleep.
  • Massage using bamboo sticks: pressing with sticks on specific points in the body.
  • Herbal. Special bags are used that contain herbs that stimulate the immune system.
  • Massage with sound bowls. The client lies on the floor, mat, couch, and bowls of various sizes are placed on it. Ultrasound extracted from the bowls affects the body, diseased organs and systems.


  • heat;
  • blood related problems;
  • period;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Chiromassage.

A unique massage technique that includes chiropractic and kinesiology.


  • violation of the integrity of the skin, wounds, bruises, abrasions;
  • hernia;
  • ulcer;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • tumors;
  • problems related to veins.

It is characterized by the impact on the body and its systems with the warmth and energy of the master.


Therapeutic massage is a procedure that is used to quickly restore the functioning of tissues, organs and systems of the human body in case of injury or disease. It is carried out only after consultation and prescription of the attending physician.


  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the body.

Duration of massage is up to 35 minutes.


Cosmetic massage is a preventive procedure aimed at preventing skin aging and treating some of its diseases.


  • Hygienic massage.

Aimed at maintaining good condition of the skin, it is a preventative against wrinkles.

  • Plastic.

Characterized by strong, viscous movements. Recommended for oily and combination skin. Allows you to reduce the number of wrinkles and reduce pigmentation.

  • Plucked. Reduces acne and acne.

  • Classic massage accompanied by slow relaxing music using a variety of oils. Duration 60-70 minutes.
  • Soapy is a unique technique that combines massage and cleansing. The duration of the procedure is about 50-60 minutes. The procedure improves blood and lymph flow, rejuvenates, exfoliates dead skin, removes waste and toxins from the body. First, to open the pores and warm up the body, it is necessary to take a steam bath, after which the person is doused with water and they begin to rub every millimeter of the skin with a special washcloth. The procedure is carried out using a large amount of olive oil foam.
  • With your feet. Belongs to the national Turkish school of massage. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 40 minutes.
  • First, the body warms up well in the hammam (bath).
  • The client lies on the floor, mats or a special low couch.
  • A sheet or towel is placed over the body.
  • The master grabs the holders, and the main stage of the massage begins.
  • The massage is accompanied by relaxing music, scented candles and twilight.
  • Cleopatra.

This is a type of massage in which algae is used: they contain a huge amount of beneficial substances and vitamins necessary for the skin. Helps restore and nourish the epidermis. It prevents cellulite, stretch marks and varicose veins.

  • The hamam warms up the body, cleanses and opens the pores.
  • The master slowly rubs the algae mixture into the skin, starting from the back.

Procedure using special oil. An important attribute is weak, diffused light, fragrant candles, gentle, relaxing music.

Honey is a substance that has rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory and skin softening properties.

  • You need to take a hot shower.
  • Lubricate the body with liquid honey.
  • Make patting movements: at this moment, impurities and toxins will come out through the pores.
  • Take a shower.
  • Apply your favorite lotion, cream or spray to your skin.

Duration up to 20 minutes. Course 10-15 sessions.

Contraindications to honey procedures:

  • allergic reaction to honey;
  • serious diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • dermatological disorders;
  • predisposition to thrombosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • relapse of chronic illnesses;
  • phlebeurysm.

Baby massage

Features of children's procedures:

  • It is carried out 40-50 minutes after eating.
  • The master should not have cold hands.
  • The oil, cream or lotion is applied to the hands, not to the child's skin.
  • Movements should be soft, smooth and gentle.
  • It is necessary to combine massage with gymnastics.

There are two main massage systems: European and Asian. The Eastern school is based on the technique of stimulating energy channels through active reflex points on the body. European works with the body using mechanical force. In addition to the classic and well-known species, there are also exotic ones involving snails or snakes, hot stones and even buckwheat. The forms of massage differ in the method of influence, zones and contraindications.

All techniques are divided into several groups. The classification is conditional, since preventive massage can be medical, while sports massage can be performed manually or using hardware.

The list of types of body massages according to classification looks like this:

  • Sports, medical and cosmetology - are separated into a separate group according to the scope of application;
  • Preventive and therapeutic techniques;
  • Group by method of execution (independent or paired);
  • Hardware or manual;
  • Group by area of ​​influence.

According to the method of exposure, types are divided into deep, medium and low. Depending on the effect of massage on the functional state of the body, trophic, tonic, calming, energy-topic and normalizing body functions types of procedures are distinguished.

The type of massage does not affect the effectiveness: they are all aimed at activating metabolic reactions, regulating the functioning of vital systems and organs, improving the well-being and condition of the patient.

Classical technique

All types of classical effects are based on one principle: mechanical treatment of the deep subcutaneous layers. This group includes European and some medical procedures.

Italian method

Auto-lifting or Italian massage is a simple and effective procedure for improving skin condition. Performed from a sitting position, it involves gentle and even pressure with your palms on your face. The forehead is worked on first, then the eye area, nose, cheeks, and chin. The session ends with synchronous pressure on the forehead and back of the head. This effect activates the lymph glands and improves the removal of toxins.

Finnish method

Finnish massage is based on a combination of Russian and Swedish systems, and it is recommended to carry it out after a bath, sauna or a hot, long shower. Sessions are recommended for frequent back pain, increased muscle tension, injuries and sprains. Finnish massage consists of three main techniques. The first is stroking: longitudinal and transverse. The second is squeezing. The third technique is kneading. Performed using the pads of the thumbs.

Exotic species

Exotic massage is performed using plants and animals, reptiles and mollusks, fire and stones, singing bowls and even bird droppings. It is difficult to calculate how many types of massage there are.

Almost every country has many exotic traditional techniques.

Snail method

The effectiveness of unusual procedures with snails is explained by the beneficial properties of mucus. It contains active components that promote rapid tissue regeneration, antibacterial and antioxidant substances. Before the session, a rubber cap is put on the hair, and the skin of the treated area is lubricated with fresh milk or cream. The mollusks are placed on the body for 15-20 minutes. The mucus remaining after them is evenly distributed over the body and after 20 minutes is washed off with cool water.

Snake method

The effect of the procedure is deep relaxation, elimination of phobias, getting rid of negative energies, headaches. Snake massage normalizes blood pressure, relieves muscle blocks and spasms. The area to be worked on is the back, arms and legs. Snakes are placed on the human body for 20-180 minutes, and the type of reptiles depends on the goals. Snakes and other small non-venomous snakes are used for relaxation, and pythons and snakes are used for treatment.

Brazilian method with bamboo sticks

Special bamboo sticks are used to work out the body. After an unusual procedure, the following is observed:

  • A surge of vitality and energy;
  • Reduces cellulite and fat deposits;
  • Removal of toxins;
  • Normalization of blood flow;
  • Improving metabolic processes.

Brazilian massage is used to sculpt the shape of the hips, buttocks, lower legs and waist.

Buckwheat method

In England, buckwheat is used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes. Buckwheat is a good natural adsorbent that removes toxins and waste substances from the body. Buckwheat massage is recommended for smokers, people who abuse alcohol, during recovery from illness and for deep cleansing of the skin. Buckwheat massage is also indicated for diseases of internal organs, chronic fatigue, and insomnia.

Cereals for procedures are poured into special bags, which are placed along the energy points and meridians of the body. Warm buckwheat is used to treat problems with blood circulation and skin, and the aroma of the finished cereal is used to normalize the mental state.


A safer and gentler method than acupuncture, but also more effective. The procedure is carried out using sharp knives. They are placed on acupuncture points on the body and face, which leads to changes in energy flows in the body. Taiwanese massage allows you to relax, calm emotions and thoughts, and normalize the psycho-emotional background.

This type of massage has a minimum of contraindications, and the first result is noticeable after just a few procedures.

Massage with a ball with spikes

Two types of spiked balls are used for sessions:

  • Large gymnastic, which is called fitball;
  • Small smooth.

Massage with tennis balls

Simple and convenient equipment for home use. Massage with tennis balls helps to get rid of pain in the neck and back, legs, and abdominal muscles. It can relieve fatigue, tension, and headaches. The balls are placed in a cotton sock or pressed between the foot and the floor; the work can last from 10 to 40 minutes.

Massage with tennis balls has no side effects and does not require special skills. It is equally useful for both adults and children.

Treatment methods

Warming method

Warm-up sessions are prescribed to work out joints and bone tissue, correct defects, and stretch muscles. This type of massage should only be performed in a clinic or rehabilitation center: incorrect movements by the therapist can lead to injury. The session consists of twisting, stretching, circular movements and vigorous stroking.

Differentiated method

When massaging, techniques are used to relax and stimulate muscle activity. Differentiated massage is used to identify muscle strain and hypertonic muscles. The sessions have an invigorating effect, activate the cardiac system, and improve metabolism.

Connective tissue method

The appearance of this form of massage is the beginning of the 20th century. Connective tissue massage is used to treat diseases of internal organs and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Connective tissue massage is performed after palpation and examination by a doctor. If compactions, tissue enlargements, increased tension or blocks are detected, massage is carried out by displacing the skin.

A connective tissue massage is performed along the muscle fibers, tendon bases and attachment lines of muscles and joints. All work is done with the ring and index fingers. Begin connective tissue massage from a healthy area, gradually moving to the problem area. The master’s movements during the session are soft and smooth.

Connective tissue massage is a rehabilitation and therapeutic massage, and therefore cannot be performed at home. The depth, strength, intensity and frequency of treatment must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Local method

Local massage is the impact of a session on a specific area of ​​the body. It could be an arm, leg, joint or muscle, ligaments. When carrying out a local procedure, the maximum therapeutic and health-improving result is achieved: the entire treatment time is devoted to only a small area. Local massage differs in that it is always carried out from top to bottom.

Local massage is prescribed individually depending on the disease, its stage and degree of development, contraindications and limitations.

Preventive method

They perform preventive massage to prevent diseases, stress, increased physical and emotional stress. It is done using classical techniques: stroking, kneading, rubbing. Sessions can be for the whole body or local. The main rule of elaboration is to move from top to bottom and from the central lines to the periphery.

Rehabilitation method

Rehabilitation massage is used for diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system and as a restorative massage for rehabilitation after operations and injuries. The intensity of the course, its duration and depth depend on the testimony of doctors and preliminary examination.

Rehabilitation massage consists of basic techniques: stroking, kneading, rubbing, vibration patting. Improvement is noted after just a few procedures if performed correctly.

Hardware types


Air or compression massage is aimed at eliminating stagnant lymph. Pressotherapy involves working areas of the body one by one using compressed air supplied to special cuffs. The effect is the removal of excess fluid from the body, cleansing tissues, activating metabolic processes and improving the condition of the skin.

Compression massage reduces swelling and is indicated for weight loss and as an anti-cellulite remedy. Regular sessions restore skin elasticity and smoothness. Compression massage has a number of contraindications:

  • Oncology;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Pacemaker;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Skin disorders;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Hypertension.

Air massage of the body leads to a large loss of fluid, so it is recommended to drink at least a glass of water before and after the session.

Vertebral technique

To conduct a vertebral or spinal session, a special device is required - a chair with built-in rollers. Depending on the configuration, the chair is equipped with air-compression, roller or vibration programs. With the help of procedures, a therapeutic and relaxing effect is achieved, cellulite is eliminated, and a beautiful body contour is formed.

The speed of movement of the rollers, their location and vibration intensity are controlled by the remote control.

Sports equipment


Warming massage is used for hypothermia, before training and during breaks in competitions, for quick recovery and for minor sprains and bruises. The procedure includes stroking and kneading, which are carried out only in the direction of blood flow. After the procedure, blood flow increases, metabolic processes are activated at the cellular level, and the tone and elasticity of muscle tissue improves. Warming massage also has contraindications: injuries and diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, skin disorders in the area of ​​treatment.


The youngest sports equipment. To perform this, you need kinesiology tapes - special adhesive tapes that work as applicators. The tapes have a relaxing effect, improve blood flow and metabolic processes, promote the restoration of damaged tissues and reduce pain. Each of the tapes can be worn from 3 to 14 days: the breathable material does not create unpleasant sensations, does not cause allergies and is waterproof. The greatest effect is observed in the first week.

Indications for the use of kinesio taping:

  • Sprains and bruises;
  • Pain in the shoulders, knee joints, elbows, cervical spine;
  • Heel spur;
  • Headaches, dizziness, migraines;
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Therapy is also recommended for pregnant women with swelling, lack of sleep and lower back pain.

Relaxation and beauty techniques

The second name is sculptural technique. This variety is aimed at kneading deep-lying muscle tissue. The impact method is aimed at activating metabolic processes at the intercellular level, improving blood circulation, and increasing tissue elasticity. Sessions can be carried out manually or using a special device. Before the procedure, natural oil or base cream is applied to the skin.

Relaxation method

The deep relaxation technique relieves tension, has a relaxing effect, and helps to achieve harmony of soul and body. It is used for chronic fatigue, overwork, stress, depression and a number of diseases. A relaxing session includes the following types of treatment: diaphragm massage, stroking, intense and deep kneading, rubbing, vibration. The movement of the master’s hands during the session is smooth, slow, and the strength is negotiated with the client.

Tonic method

A tonic massage is a relaxing, therapeutic, and sports massage. It involves various techniques and its effectiveness depends on the time and duration of the session. A tonic massage is indicated for apathy, drowsiness, decreased performance and concentration.

If you do a tonic massage in the morning, it will help you wake up and give strength, dilate blood vessels and activate metabolism, saturate the blood with oxygen. After the nerve receptors start working, hormones that improve mood are released into the blood. The back muscles begin to be worked, then the sacrum, hips, legs, chest and arms. A toning massage is performed with vigorous movements with moderate force. Session duration is up to 30 minutes.

If a tonic massage is performed in the evening, the session should last at least an hour. This will allow you to get the opposite effect - relaxation, relief of tension and fatigue.

Massage for men and women

If there are no contraindications or restrictions, then women can have any massage. Cosmetic and anti-cellulite, relaxing and exotic types are popular. Specific methods are only gynecological and for bust enlargement.

Gynecological massage is therapeutic and is recommended for abnormal position of the uterus, bleeding, chronic inflammatory processes and insufficient muscle tissue activity. Procedures are prescribed only after the diagnosis has been made and confirmed.

To enlarge the bust, there are water, corrective, vacuum and acupressure massages. Each technique has its own characteristics and contraindications. The main danger of any type is stretching of the skin and microtrauma from careless impact.

Types of massage for men

A urological massage has been developed especially for men, aimed at improving the functioning of the prostate gland. The course consists of 15 sessions. The effect of the procedure is an increase in the level of potency, a decrease in the likelihood of prostate cancer, and a decrease in the risk of developing a cyst.

Another massage for men is Taoist. A special technique of influencing points located on the penis has a relaxing effect, increases potency, and improves the functioning of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Japanese, Thai massage, and Shiatsu are also popular among the stronger sex. Each of these techniques uses aromatherapy, natural oils and classic techniques: deep and intense stroking and vibration tapping, kneading and rolling, pinpointing with thumbs or index fingers, power kneading.

Before attending any of the procedures, it is better to consult a doctor.

Even relaxing sessions have contraindications: high blood pressure, skin diseases and infectious diseases. It is also worth following the recommendations of a doctor or cosmetologist: sessions should be carried out according to a set schedule with intervals for rest and recovery. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect: stretching of the skin, poor circulation, microtrauma, bruising and hypertonicity of muscle tissue.

The positive effects of visiting the procedures are improved mood and a surge of vitality, relaxation, improved functioning of internal organs and activation of natural tissue regeneration, increased elasticity of muscle tissue and improved skin condition. Cosmetology sessions help eliminate facial wrinkles and reduce the appearance of age-related skin changes. Rehabilitation and treatment sessions help restore flexibility and mobility of joints, oxygen saturation of muscle tissue. Energy techniques help restore balance between the subtle body, energy flows and physical organs of a person.

Thanks to massage you can get rid of many health problems. However, many people underestimate its benefits. A massage performed by an experienced specialist will help you get rid of headaches, fatigue, muscle spasms or cellulite. After the first session, positive changes can be observed. Thanks to our article, you can find out what types of massages there are.

general information

Massage has a therapeutic effect. When using this type of therapy, systematicity is important. Massage involves the use of special techniques to activate or relax muscles. This type of therapy is usually used to relieve stress or improve blood circulation. There are various ones that have both indications for use and contraindications. Before resorting to this type of therapy, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. Otherwise, massage may not bring benefit, but harm and worsen the condition. The doctor will select the most suitable type and method of massage therapy for you. It is also important that the massage therapist you turn to for help has experience and good reviews.

There are the following types of therapeutic massage:

  • Balinese;
  • Swedish;
  • Thai;
  • health;
  • can;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • self-massage;
  • sports;
  • point;
  • tantric and others.

Each of them can help get rid of a particular problem. Consultation with the attending physician is extremely important, since the final result depends on the correct therapy.

In some situations, you cannot visit massage parlors. This type of therapy is contraindicated:

  • immediately after consuming food, alcohol or drugs;
  • after recent surgery (an exception can only be if there is a referral from a doctor);
  • if you have heart disease (in this case, massage can only be performed as prescribed by a doctor);
  • people who have cancer;
  • in the presence of infections;
  • with venous dilatation of veins.

Massage is often used to treat a particular disease. The types and techniques described in our article will help you understand which therapy is right for you.

The following massage techniques are known:

  • sliding;
  • kneading;
  • vibration;
  • stroking;
  • squeezing

Each technique is suitable for getting rid of a particular problem.


The most common types of classical massage. One of them is reflexology. After the course, your well-being improves significantly.

Reflexology is used by some people as an alternative to medical treatment. Patients believe that it is more effective than taking medications. Reflexology involves applying pressure to certain so-called biological points on the hands and feet. It is carried out without the use of oil or lotion. This type of therapy, unlike some others, does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Reflexology is based on ancient Chinese teachings. According to him, blood flows through the body and circulates through special channels. There are points on them that interact with all internal organs. They are all interconnected. By influencing them, you can significantly improve the general condition of the body and get rid of some health problems. It is known that reflexology can relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

The concept of reflexology is largely based on the belief that a lack of qi can prevent or slow down the healing process. By influencing certain biological points, you can activate it. In some countries, reflexology may be prescribed by a doctor. Types of therapeutic massage, which are based on ancient Chinese teachings, are no less popular in Russia.

This system is quite complex. Experts draw up a diagram that can clearly show which parts of the arms and legs need to be given special attention during massage in order to improve the condition of a particular internal organ.

However, there is no scientific evidence that these theories are completely accurate and effective in treating specific diseases.

Swedish massage

Not everyone knows what massages are. That is why not all of their types are in demand. Swedish is considered the most gentle. It is often recommended for those who have never visited a massage parlor before. This species is considered medicinal. The Swedish variety of manual therapy can only be performed by a qualified professional, like almost any other medical massage. Training can be completed in specialized courses.

It is the basis for other types of Western massage, including sports and aromatherapy. Most people undergo 50 or 60 minute therapy. However, to get results as quickly as possible, it is recommended to give preference to sessions that last more than an hour.

A Swedish massage can be slow and gentle or energetic and invigorating - it all depends on the massage therapist's personal style and what exactly they are trying to achieve. During this type of treatment, the specialist uses a special oil and uses various techniques. Thanks to them, it warms up the muscle tissue and relieves the patient of tension. Swedish massage promotes relaxation.

Before performing the procedure, the specialist should ask the patient about the presence of any physical injuries or illnesses. During a Swedish massage, the patient usually needs to be naked under a towel. The specialist reveals only the necessary part of the body. If nudity bothers the patient, he can leave his underwear on.

When selecting a specialist, you need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the office. It is important to find out in advance whether this person has a medical book and whether he has completed courses as a massage therapist. A good specialist is the key to the effectiveness of the therapy.

A Swedish massage usually begins with a back treatment. The first stage of the procedure lasts at least 10 minutes. The specialist uses various massage techniques, which include kneading, friction and squeezing.

When the process of warming up the back muscles is completed, the specialist moves to the back of each leg. Some massage therapists work in a different order, and they all have their own style and use different techniques.

Lymphatic massage

Not everyone knows what types of massages there are, and therefore they believe that many of the problems cannot be solved with the help of such procedures. This opinion is wrong. Any type of massage has a therapeutic effect. Each of them allows you to get rid of a specific health problem.

Lymphatic massage is one of those types that are designed to promote healthy lymph flow. Proponents of this type of treatment believe that it helps remove toxins from the body. This type of massage is usually very gentle. It has contraindications because it affects the state of the lymphatic system and can significantly worsen a person’s well-being. It is important to consult with your doctor before choosing this type of therapy.

Lymphatic massage reduces swelling and cleanses the lymphatic system. It also stimulates the flow of other interstitial fluids.

Some experts recommend using this type of massage before surgery to ensure that the lymphatic system is clear. It may also be used after surgery to reduce swelling.

People suffering from inflammatory and infectious diseases should not use lymphatic massage. It can contribute to the spread of the disease. It is also contraindicated for people with blood clotting problems and heart disease.

This type of massage has been practiced since the last century. Clients should always report any pain they experience during the procedure. They should also be aware that swollen lymph nodes may be a sign of a serious condition that requires medical attention.

When looking for a specialist, do not forget to ask where he studied. A reputable massage therapist will be happy to provide such data. He must have a medical record. There must also be a diploma, which indicates that the specialist has completed courses as a massage therapist.

Anticellulite massage

Cellulite is a problem that many women face. It is quite difficult to get rid of it. There are many procedures that make the skin elastic. One of them is a general anti-cellulite massage.

The procedure allows you to even out the most problematic areas of the skin. After the course, they become elastic and resilient, blood circulation in the treated area improves.

May weaken the tissue that connects fat cells. There are several types of such therapy. Anti-cellulite massage can be performed either manually or using special devices.

Treatment of cellulite with massage consists of several intensive sessions. So deep and energetic. Some claim that it may be painful at first, but over time the patient gets used to it and relaxes during the procedure.

Acupressure in the treatment of cough in a child

Acupressure for children who complain of a severe cough is an excellent way to get rid of the disorder without the use of medications. It is especially popular in the cold season.

Many parents will be surprised to realize how effective acupressure is in treating coughs. Thanks to him, the child recovers in the shortest possible time. His health also improves significantly.

Acupressure involves using only your hands and completely eliminating medications. It is economical, safe and effective. When it is carried out, special oils are used. It is important that the massage takes place in a warm room without drafts.

With acupressure, a specialist or parents work on important areas that are located on the face, hands and chest area. This type of therapy originated in China. It has been used there for many years and is considered one of the most effective.

Spinal massage using massage cups

Cupping massage of the spine is effective due to the reflex mechanisms of the human body. The idea is that cupping causes minor hemorrhages, and the breakdown products of blood and tissue irritate nerve receptors in the skin. This improves blood circulation and reduces swelling and inflammation.

Medical cups are used for massage. You can buy them at any pharmacy. The painful area on the back is lubricated with Vaseline or warm vegetable oil and the jars are heated for a few seconds, and then quickly applied to the skin. After this, the massage therapist begins to move the device along the spine.

The duration of the cupping procedure is 5-7 minutes. After a high-quality massage, there should be no bruises on the body.

Cupping massage is effective not only in the treatment of osteochondrosis, but also in getting rid of muscle pain, neuritis, asthma, chronic bronchitis and other diseases. The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. It is not recommended for people who have different types of tumors. Cupping massage is contraindicated in the acute stage of osteoarthritis, as the procedure causes overexcitation, increased swelling and inflammation in the nerve roots. In most cases, it is recommended for chronic osteochondrosis. Sometimes cupping massage is used in the first hours after the onset of painful sensations. In this case, the pathological process is interrupted, and the patient recovers literally after the first session.

Carrying out massage at home

Some people, despite having various health problems, do not have the opportunity to visit massage parlors. Most often this is due to a lack of free time or money. You can also do a massage at home. However, to do this you will need to study its basic techniques and types so as not to harm yourself or a loved one who needs help.

It is important that the massage is carried out only in a warm room, the air temperature in which is at least 21 degrees Celsius. It is necessary that there is enough light in it. Everyone knows that a massage is performed on a patient on a couch. However, if the house does not have such a device, you can use any hard surface. The person who will do the massage needs to learn to save his energy and not make unnecessary movements. Otherwise, the hands of an inexperienced massage therapist will get tired.

Professional massage and self-massage have a lot of differences. Of course, any therapy performed by a qualified specialist will be more effective. However, not everyone is ready to go for a massage from a stranger. In this case, you can help yourself or ask a loved one about it.

When performing a massage, you can use special creams, oils and lotions. As a rule, they have a warming effect. Often, girls give themselves an anti-cellulite massage at home. In this case, the most effective procedure is the one using special cups. It's important not to overdo it. Otherwise, cupping massage at home will be painful, and at the end of it, bruises will remain on the body.

Is special training required for home massage?

A massage performed at home will not be effective if the person performing it is not familiar with general information about a particular type of therapy. Relaxing procedures can be carried out at home without any special skills. Medical massage requires more serious preparation. In this case, training is essential. This is due to the fact that a person, without special knowledge, may not only fail to help himself and his loved ones get rid of any disease, but will also aggravate the situation.

Let's sum it up

Massage has a lot of positive qualities. Thanks to it, you can get rid of any problem in the body, relax after a hard day at work and recover from an illness. Many people do not find massage therapy effective. This opinion is wrong. You found out what types of massages are in our article. Before choosing one, consult your doctor to make sure it will not harm your health.