Mestizos are beautiful people. Metis: why do they have brilliant children? Mestizo actress

Every nation of the world is beautiful in its own way, and if at first glance it seems to us that representatives of a certain race are ugly, it is only because our perception refuses to evaluate the appearance of another nation objectively. We are accustomed to the fact that white-faced people with wide eyes usually walk around us, many of whom we can call attractive. But besides the Slavs, Russia is home to many other nationalities distinguished by their stunning appearance and beauty. In continuation of the article, you will find photographs of the most beautiful representatives of the various peoples of Russia.

As reported, the place of birth was not taken into account when determining belonging to Russia; only citizenship/permanent residence was taken into account.

The 35th place in terms of population in Russia is occupied by the Kyrgyz (103.4 thousand)

The most beautiful Kyrgyz woman in Russia, according to voting results on the website, is a model from Moscow Begimai (Maya) Abibova. Height 175 cm, weight 51 kg, body measurements 86-61-88.

34th place – Nogais (103.6 thousand)

The most beautiful Nogay in Russia - Dinara Elgaitarova (born March 25, 1985, Aktau, Kazakhstan) - model, participant in the 3rd season of the reality show “Top Model in Russian”.

33rd place – Balkars (112.9 thousand)

The most beautiful Balkar woman is singer Liliya Shaulukhova

32nd place – Adygeis (124.8 thousand)

The most beautiful Adyghe woman is singer Fatima Dzibova (born September 18, 1991, Adygeisk, Adygea)

31st place – Tabasarans (146.3 thousand)

The most beautiful Tabasaran woman is track and field athlete Elena Isinbaeva (born June 3, 1982, Volgograd). Elena’s father is Tabasaran by nationality, and her mother is Russian

30th place – Koreans (153.1 thousand)

The most beautiful Korean woman in Russia is TV presenter Marina Kim. Her father is Korean, her mother is Russian

29th place – Moldovans (156.4 thousand)

The most beautiful Moldovan woman in Russia is Russian actress Lyanka Gryu (born November 22, 1987, Moscow).

28th place – Jews (156.8 thousand)

The most beautiful Jewish woman in Russia is Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR Elina Bystritskaya.

27th place – Georgians (157.8 thousand)

The most beautiful Georgian in Russia is Russian journalist and TV presenter Tina (Tinatin) Kandelaki (born November 10, 1975, Tbilisi).

26th place – Kalmyks (183.3 thousand)

The most beautiful Kalmyk woman - Irina Tumanova - is a representative of Kalmykia at the Miss Russia 2013 competition, where she became Second Vice-Miss and won in the People's Choice nomination.

25th place – Tajiks (200.3 thousand)

The most beautiful Tajik woman is Russian actress Sayora Safari (born March 21, 1991, Dushanbe, Tajikistan). Her real name is Safarova.

24th place – Roma (204.9 thousand)

The most beautiful gypsy in Russia - Lyalya (Olga) Zhemchuzhnaya (born May 31, 1969) - Russian actress and singer, Honored Artist of Russia

23rd place – Karachais (218.4 thousand)

The most beautiful Karachay woman is singer Alika Bogatyreva (born December 18, 1989, Cherkessk, Karachay-Cherkessia)

22nd place - Crimean Tatars (about 250 thousand)

The most beautiful Crimean Tatar of Russia – Elzara Zakiryaeva (born June 21, 1995) – finalist of the “Crimean Beauty 2013” ​​competition

21st place – Tuvans (263.9 thousand)

The most beautiful Tuvan - Aldynai Oorzhak - representative of Tyva at the Miss Asia Moscow 2013 competition (took third place).

20th place – Uzbeks (289.8 thousand)

The most beautiful Uzbek woman in Russia, according to the results of voting on the website, is Irina Sharipova (born February 7, 1992) - Miss Tatarstan 2010, First Vice-Miss Russia 2010, representative of Russia at the international beauty contest "Miss World 2010".

19th place – Germans (394.1 thousand)

The most beautiful German women in Russia are Russian actresses Tatyana and Olga Arntgolts (born March 18, 1982). They are twin sisters and German on their father's side.

18th place – Ingush (444.8 thousand)

The most beautiful Ingush woman is actress and singer Tamara Yandieva (born July 23, 1955, Karaganda, Kazakhstan). People's Artist of Ingushetia

17th place – Buryats (461.3 thousand)

The most beautiful Buryat woman is model Maria Shantanova. After graduating from school in Ulan-Ude, she went to study in China, where she became the face of Nesсafe Gold in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau.

16th place – Lezgins (473.7 thousand)

The most beautiful Lezgin woman in Russia is model Svetlana Saidova.

15th place – Yakuts (478 thousand)

The most beautiful Yakut woman - Polina Protodyakonova - Miss Virtual Yakutia 2006, the most successful Yakut model, in demand in Russia and abroad. Height 178 cm, parameters 89-58-90

14th place – Kumyks (503 thousand)

The most beautiful Kumyk woman - Zoya Gasanova - is the author and host of the “Wedding Season” program on Dagestan TV.

13th place – Kabardians (516.8 thousand)

The most beautiful Kabardian woman in Russia is the singer Sati (Sataney) Casanova (born October 2, 1982, Verkhniy Kurkuzhin, Kabardino-Balkaria).

12th place – Belarusians (521.4 thousand)

The most beautiful Belarusian woman in Russia is Russian actress Alesa Kacher (born May 9, 1987, Minsk).

11th place – Ossetians (528.5 thousand)

The most beautiful Ossetian – model Anna Gurieva

10th place – Azerbaijanis (603 thousand)

The most beautiful Azerbaijani woman in Russia - Leyla Aliyeva (born July 3, 1986, Moscow) - editor-in-chief of the Moscow magazine "Baku", eldest daughter of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

9th place – Kazakhs (647.7 thousand)

The most beautiful Kazakh woman in Russia, according to voting results on the website, is Russian actress Bibigul Suyunshalina (born July 4, 1991)

8th place – Mordovians (744.2 thousand).

The most beautiful Mordvin-Erzyan woman in Russia - Olga Kaniskina (born January 19, 1985, Saransk) - track and field athlete, 2008 Olympic champion

Quite often in everyday life we ​​come across such a concept as “mestizo”, which comes from the French word misticius, that is, “mixed”.

Metis is a child born in an interethnic marriage, which implies not only a mixture of representatives of different races, but also a very contradictory interest on the part of society, in which many opinions and statements are seething. What is the phenomenon of mestizos?

How did the mestizos appear?
For reference: there are three races: Negroid, inhabiting Africa, Mongoloid, America and Asia, and Caucasoid, inhabiting Europe. So, historically, the process of mixing races (“mixed race”) arose due to the slave trade, as well as the resettlement of people from one continent and country to another.

Today, any mixed type of appearance is called mestizo, whose parents are representatives of different nationalities and peoples, as well as making up the majority of the population in the countries of South America, Central Asia and the Western Hemisphere.

Is mixed blood a plus for intelligence?

Previously, it was assumed that mixing blood would not lead to anything good due to the high probability of all kinds of dangerous mutations, in which the child could be born defective and with a number of diseases. After much research, scientists came to the conclusion that such fears were in vain, because in nothing, except for pronounced external indicators, these people do not differ from ordinary purebred races.

Formula for success

Moreover, time has shown that mestizos are more resilient and physically strong. They achieve great success in radically different areas of activity, thanks to their innate qualities and external data that nature has endowed them with.

And at the genetic level, this leads to healthier and stronger offspring, as a result of which talented and even brilliant children are born. The more diverse traits a child combines, the higher the chance that the strongest, best (dominant) traits will prevail over the weak (recessive), giving the child enormous potential.

Verbal portrait

What is so special about these people who attract our eyes with their extraordinary appearance? Without a doubt, this is their pronounced extraordinary appearance, thanks to which they are always and everywhere noticeable. As a result of the “mixing of blood”, children of extraordinary beauty are born who stand out from other people with their individual features: expressive facial features, almond-shaped blue eyes, full lips, dark skin color and magnificent, thick, dark hair.

Shakira and company

This appearance definitely has its own charm, which is not inherent to everyone, so mestizos are considered one of the most beautiful segments of the world population, and this statement will not surprise anyone. After all, among them there are so many famous and influential, creatively gifted, athletic and unusually smart, successful people: Inka Garcilaso de la Vega, Gaston Gerville-Reache, Calib Starnes, Barack Obama and others.

On this video you can see how people reacted to the news and what nationality they belong to:

Métis and mestizo are people who were born from mixed, interracial unions. The word itself is of Latin origin and means “to mix, mixed.” Sometimes this term is used to describe a mixture of breeds of some animals. But in this article we will talk about people. There are quite a lot of mestizos in all countries of the world. You have seen many of them on TV or in glossy magazines. These are, of course, celebrities. In many of them, different races and nationalities are mixed. So let's begin.

First on our list of celebrities are the girls. Beautiful mestizos are universally considered the standards of female attractiveness. For example, the famous model Adriana Lima. She has Portuguese, Caribbean and French blood. This combination benefited the girl’s beauty.

Angelina Jolie has also been considered a beauty icon for many years. Her mother was a resident of Greece, and her father was English. The girl also has Czech and French-Canadian blood. But Milla Jovovich has Russian roots on her mother’s side. Her father is a Serb. By the way, many argue about the origin of Mila (full name - Militsa) - they say it has nothing to do with interracial. Mixed race or not, the actress is very attractive, and you can’t argue with that.

But Nicole Scherzinger can be called a real mestizo. The famous one was born in Honolulu, and among the girl’s ancestors were Filipinos, Hawaiians and even Russians. The same applies to singer Beyoncé. Born of a Creole mother and an African American father, she is a typical mixed race. This is not surprising, because in Beyonce’s family, in addition to bright representatives of different races - her parents - there are French and Native Americans.

Cameron Diaz is another girl from a mixed marriage. On her mother's side, she has German-English roots, and Cameron's father, although born in the USA, was actually Cuban. In addition, she had Indians in her family. This is what can be said about the origin of this bright and beautiful mestizo, the photo of which you see in the article.

There are mestizos among the star men. Take, for example, the famous actor Vin Diesel. Disputes about his origin still continue: according to rumors, his family included Italians, African Americans, Germans, Irish, and Dominicans. The man himself has repeatedly declared his involvement in different nationalities and cultures, although he did not say exactly which ones.

Women's favorite Orlando Bloom, originally from Canterbury, can also be called mixed race. His mother was British, his father South African. And handsome Ian Somerhalder is of English-French descent on his father and Indo-Irish on his mother.

The famous actor, star of the movie “Taxi” Sami Naseri: his mother was French, and his father was born in Algeria. And if we talk about our compatriots, a striking example is the singer and actor Anton Makarsky. His blood mixed the features of Russian, Gypsy, Belarusian, German, and Georgian nationalities.

In the past, when "purebred" was a sign of the aristocracy, mestizos were considered something of a second-class citizen. Today everything has changed. Many people believe, and, I must say, rightfully so, that mestizo or mestizo are truly beautiful and there are not so many of them on our planet.

In the light of social, political and ethnic problems, the question often arises of who is the one whose blood has Indian and European “roots”, or who belongs to the countries of hot Africa? There are two answers to this question, and each of them will be revealed in the article. It is worth noting that, despite the strictness that modern politicians like to adhere to, over one fifth of the Earth's population today are not “pure” representatives of a certain race. So, let's begin the explanations and try to understand who a mestizo is.

A person born from and representative is called "mestizo". These are the majority of typical Mexicans, residents of the Antilles, the Dominican Republic and representatives of this are also found in the USA (California), as well as in some southern regions of the country. The blood of these people has Spanish and Indian roots, therefore, it gives its owners dark skin, expressive eyes, and dark hair. These are the main characteristics that characterize a typical mestizo.

A person born from parents belonging to different racial groups is also considered mestizo these days. Examples of such marriages include the union of an Asian and a Caucasian, a Negro and an Indian, a Caucasian and an Indian, and so on. Based on this, it turns out that “mestizo” refers to all people in whose veins the blood of different races flows. Of course, a child from a marriage between an Englishman and a Frenchwoman does not fall into this category. In this case, their baby is simply an interethnic subject of society, but not a mestizo. A person of mixed blood, as a rule, has a pronounced appearance, which combines the features of both parents.

However, it also happens that it is impossible to identify the presence of foreign blood by appearance. We are accustomed to the fact that the vast majority of mestizos live in Russia, but we forget about the marriages of Europeans and Asians. Children of such parents may have a completely inconspicuous appearance with only a slight “hint of the east.” Or it may be the other way around - the child will inherit the black narrow eyes of one of the parents, thick straight hair, and facial expressions.

Most often, the features of such incest appear in the early years. Mixed-breed children (photos are given in the article) have a very bright, expressive appearance. The little face combines mainly all the features that are characteristic of both mom and dad. Over the years, a person “nailed” to one of the sides.

The brightest and most beautiful mestizos are the majority of modern film and stage stars. Among them are Adriana Lima, a Brazilian model, Candice Swanepoel, a model from South Africa, and Natalie Portman, an actress with Middle Eastern and American blood flowing in her veins. Among the stars who are hard to imagine playing mixed race is Cameron Diaz. European and Indian blood flows in her veins, despite her blue eyes and blond hair. But Leonardo DiCaprio can be considered our compatriot - his grandfather was Russian, and his parents, therefore, were of Slavic-Indian origin.

"Mestizos are beautiful people!" This statement has long been settled in modern culture. They won’t surprise anyone, and many of today’s stars openly talk about which nations’ blood gave them something as beautiful as theirs. But this was not always the case.

In order to understand who people of what nationality can be considered as such, you need to introduce the concept of race. So, this is a set of gene pools of people, collected according to certain biological characteristics and general characteristics. There are three of them - Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasoid. In their pure form, they were previously distributed across the continents - Africa was inhabited by Europe - Caucasoids, Asia and the American continent - by the Mongoloid race. However, population migrations and general globalization gradually led to the fact that races began to mix with each other. This is how mestizos turned out - people in whose blood the genes of several races are mixed.

Initially, in many cultures, mestizos were persona non grata. Until the 20th century, there was social inequality between races, including mestizos. In general, initially this term denoted only one variation of Metis - people of exactly this type, descendants of Europeans and indigenous inhabitants of America, Indians. That is, a mixture of Mongoloid and Caucasian races. Representatives of the mixed type of Negroids and Caucasians were previously called mulattoes, and the descendants of the Mongoloid and Negroid races were called Sambos. At the moment, all these options are called by one term.

Previously, it was believed that mestizos were people resulting from various mutations. It was assumed that marriages between representatives of different races are not capable of producing healthy offspring, and that among such children there is a high percentage of mutants, defectives or people suffering from certain diseases. In fact, research by ethnographers, geneticists, and sociologists has put everything in its place. With the exception of purely external factors, mestizos are no different from representatives of purebred races. Moreover, due to the fact that the migration of peoples has become the norm not only within the continent, but throughout the entire planet for several hundred years, there is no need to talk about the purity of races at all. All current people are mestizo in some generation.

If we talk about prevalence, then entire nations are mestizos. The same Arabs, Lebanese, Algerians, representatives of most nationalities of Central and South America are also them.

Well, what can we say about the beauty of mestizos? First of all, it is caused by unusual combinations of facial features, figures, skin color, eyes, and hair among representatives of mixed marriages. For example, blue-eyed people with dark skin look more unusual, and often more beautiful, than ordinary Europeans or African Americans. The same goes for the beauty of Latin women - the combination of fair skin and Negroid curly hair and dark eyes cannot fail to attract attention. Well, to clearly see what makes mestizos stand out, people whose photos appear on the pages of glossy magazines, look at these pictures. Take a look at photos of Shakira, Beyoncé, Salma Hayek, Vanessa May and other celebrities. All of them are descendants of mixed marriages and have a very expressive appearance.